OLD i ... in ITiDil i in roif in ill ip'- an- made by bending u '-(, of gold nml joining ' .1 ntlil. , , t p pll the seamles M"'M Iiiiiniiiereii irom otinMnlifl ii- of rohl. These, nri m nml hard ami will wear nui' li lunger. 'i itT from .50 to 115.00. TOHNfiUliiER? A Jewellers fiaTnE STORE WITH THE CLOCK N cw W-l 1 WW A Vll A1UIU anc Dresses Full Line Thread ILK HOSIERY $1.50 "Demers" We aim to plcato iiwiis r w w 327 ULEEY Market 311 Third Avenue, tieorge Kerr by J. Preece resh meats rrlvlna Twice Weekly from the BulMey Valley Phone 1 78 Hi A lnvnrinr L'l . fllCAailUCI Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone IS. Cirltge, Warehouilng, and uUtrlbultnir, Team or Motor 8erloe. oal, Band and Gravel w Speelallie In Plan PumHuc Having. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite 8took df Fut , Trimmings' at low prices 1 B. C. FUR .Co, "t Q.W.V.A. Third Ave. PREMIER MEIGHEN SPEAKS. AT TWO MEETINOS SATURBAY NIGHT BEFOREBIQ iMWfi OF PRINCE RUPERT hobi ri (continued from page two) rlly administered. Mackenzie King had allowed Hip most vital lli'bal'tllicrit (if ilio iiivvrninxiit lt Some wAibling rings ftrp Canada tnrfall Itilii a tale (if made by inclllngk the k(I chaos. 'o n mould. . These nrci 'Dissolution a ;.' to have bubbles atnl he Tlion Mr. Kin nail 'flown from fuimewhat soil.. - (IIm lloue nml hud Ininiiiiereil n llidciiu Hall. ) id not tiki (In jury ami watifpij it ifixclittrK'-d. I'Acryboily ri Canada -knew l and Hip ex-Prime. .Ministrr knew ll liniicir. Mr. Kln'K had mil an ordcr-in-council In front of HU l-.xculiPijey ihe (Sovcrnn ueneral and had asked Jilm lo sign it. If the Covernor-Uencral had fettled il the moment h.1 lift, l . : mini nit pen ironi ihe paper llie lloue was no more. If Mac kPiuiryhliiir had iHn granted dissolution it would have been the ame dissolution a llie Conservative goxernmcnt got a little later. King had asked for dissolution hut said he had been wrongfully refused dissolution b; llie (iovernor-ilpneral and that Iip would resign. Hi F.xcppiiry nml asked Mm speaker lo form an ailmir:ilratlon. . What nad open In jhe Mip;iker ) duly? Hi Kvrellency's course w right and those who attributed that rourxe to him (Mr. Meighen' did In in honor overmuch. Upon l.eing asked to form an admin- stratum he (Mr. Meighen; had aarppd lo do o. TIip only other alternative the speaker haJ wan ! advise F.xcelleney bi call back Mr. King and ask htm Jo rpform hi niinulry. Mr. Kins had resigned, he 'Mr. McMien) wa the leader of III Majesty' opposition of ublanlially in large! parly in parliament, could lie time refused lo accept that i-eIionihilityf He (Mr. .Meighen) I. ad been sworn in with salary a Prime Minister ami llie privy councillor had been worn In without Kulaiy. Tl.ey had fareJ parliament next day and had gone on with II. II. Steven' am-mi'iidiiietit on the rulom report whirh wa carried with a majr ily of len, and In pile'bf thai fuel Mr. King had challenged the country In find the word ceifure in Ihe motion. Mr. Meighen ald uue did' not have t iiixl ihe word cenun to pa vote of -enure. Mr. King, 1 1 In own peech, hint decrlhed It a a toot Ion of pen lire and had jdenounred it a a motion o jeenure. Now he Mr. King ald the ifoverntnent wa "nevrr ireiuured six I thai that wax not ithe reaon he aked for dio- CANCILLATION Of RtaiRVI JIOTICE IS lltnTBrCIVK-N !ht lb re-MTV tixior birr Lul 4 to J, cir Untrue, l rtocellml. .... IwpulT MltilHr of Ud4. 0. H. ,ADO, lAIKlt PrptrimtOI, Vli lori, U. i. ftib Juiw. ttt. W ATI NOTICE MimlH tn4 llU , TAiC MMItt Umi r.mer lite Cinmrr Omitin) Uiiillrd. tuM( tJr t 0r Amine Vlirt. ViirjtrTj H. ... will iipti rr lirtnv i m Iml um to ll.n i-r (iiiulr t4 vtlrr vtil of uh-UAiurd Irraiu, liii h flumi norOirlr nil lmn tnio rr-iimi lUv. Inlrl, .atatut ) tln ri friHii S, V. cbrwr Lnt l?1, 0. C. lunrirt, Tlw witfp will b divril Xnta It trm I I twiat llxiul pluint.rnuii iimiuO) ut Mrram anil lll It uril'f"r indutinil iml iiiirviir mi uti the lau.t ilrMfilwd a Hlixk A. U1 ISII. ijfn i harl'illc Uulrirl. twit Ire wttttl ,m tlx Rnunl tn th 14lb day i.f July, ISM A mfj Of thia IKillen ami ail (vU-raihai imroiiaiil ihrrclu aixt lu lie "Wali f rf JII bf riled ID .lh jAtttn r tb iir Hfnirrtcr at rnw nurri, ohjorll'MH to the iplinritloa liny tie fllfd itli trip mi Waifr Mirortlcr or with iih niHiinmllr r W'iir Ulrhii, Parlla-nirnt Kulldinaa, Victoria, H. C, within thlrtr najr arier w urn atuwaraiirr ,u this iM.tlpf In a hval iriptr. Tn dl i.f tlw rirl nubllralhin Hit litis noiln it mir to. Il. . ,..- , comasy, r.Ti:f Apiillrant. Bt P. P. VATIItn. Aicnt. 00V(RNMtNT LIQUOR ACT" Notka ef Aaalltallon for Conaant ' la TranaVar Baar Lie. NtlTirn I HtJIKnv -OIYK.N flint Wlh th liy ur Auvual lil lh umlrrNnK-il lUMirrt fur ninwiit m lranfrr or BM-r LI- rnre minilHTMl I7U ami uru n mmi kmtwli a furl t:b-iiiit llolel. Prt CI-uiriila. n. C. lilHtit III laml ilwrllwil at Lot 7, ttlork 17. in SiiMUWon ttt Lot IKj. fjm-pn i.nariinie imi', irm-r l and ItrriMry Klulrlrt, tn the Prnvinra or a.-, ...a. J'-.t I. la fr-olla t-Mil at lltrBA til .; V. . h.inH iniMrt In 111 Pmv- 1 lies niiii v i ' ""i" " ' inra nr HrltKh Clnmli. th ranirrrrra V.iiin .1 frin,-. iinnrrt. II . C 'Ibialjut ,Ujr r mVAr HAMPTON AppllranM and Tranaftrra. LAND MOT, ! Netlc 61 Intamlonto'apply ta Laa Land. In Land fliriiMlnit nilrlrt or Prlnrj HniM-rt, and alluate n north ahore or in t li umwl HV on Simtli WMI lal "J i i i.land. a x.ut one mile ral rnmi Blutr f"'L , i . TAkr. .VinilT. inai r., ihhiiw.. . Inlrt rnivlnra or llrlimh Cnliinibla. oeru-Suon. Pit wry Mnirrr. -2 " ,?r a orihi. rollowmir drrlb. d laihHi Ci.n,inan.l.i at -a n..l Phl"' ' . m i.bu...a t.a r An lhf iOll I fl -'t -.! i'J I'1!' .'Tu?' : tMat IHUIl' I'tlllHI INt-H' ....... inn trmy mama, !" ,; ;:," W.t-rVM.rl.i thrnrP ru.h.w.nr h's'' amt n.iilaltiiiia rlal.ty rrr. morr or Ut. ii.mii July ioiu. let. wMUi Applicaat. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbI A VERY GOOD MILK I 'many lellerK. m It JT 1'afiffp Milk haft won ihdtheld ihe friend it tin hv it nnfail-liitf -yooil ijuality. It i tin primarily that hring in no 'vyomeu ami elier who Took with it gel xiiclt good reuli "Hmt lliey are In write in and (ell u how, well they like It for eooktrifr; . PACIFIC MILK Mead Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and AbboUford, B.C. niiiiin. if .Mr. King hail an amendment to the report lo bs carried why did he noi move if iiiAlead of an amendment which wa defeated? aked the eppaket. The reaon diolution a re-quelled hy Mr. Kina wa in or der lo avoid the vole, of cenxure. ".Vow we are told we inuxt lirinq the l.iheral government hark to ave Ihe Urilii Oontjtution. I the Movcrnnn'iil lo have Ihe righl lo kill n parliament in order to keep the parliament from killing it?' xaid Mr. Meighen. Defends 'Governor The peaker aid that never would Karon liyng move it .lep to impair rppouiblc government in thi Dominion. Hepon- xilile government wa the holding of a giiverttment repnnihle lo the reprexenlalive of Ihe people. Itrilioh lntitution 'were haei on retponihle government which meant the holding of a government re.ponible lo par- Fliameni. "The main point which I -wi lo drive home lo you i that no government at all, at any time, ha Ihe rkght (n dU-ove a parliament while a motion of censure i hanging over it head in the IIntie," alj Mr. Meighen. The Houe of Com mon wa a tribunal to decide upon quexlion of.tHtlicy and ad- minitrallon. O'he head of the Justice Derjrlnlenl had certifiwl iuer hi i. ij nature that Ihe Gon-enative party' acdon had heen legal In every way, that the government had been legally con-tilUted and In accord with precedence. There wa no vote of cetuurc pending again! the Conervaiive.i, aid Mr. ilftighep. and they got dilution. A a matter nf fart, llie speaker atd, tie did not know very many who were thinking very criouly about Ihe cinlitution buine. The Liberal government had been -driven out in disgrace and were now aking th people to ave t Ito conlilutioi; by hrineing them back. The People of Canada were iutereteJ in the hone.l and efficient handling of puMic affair. Wa uch a .govsrnmenl a the Mac kenzie Klntf governmenl going to lie nonerated by the Canadian people becnue they (the people! were afraid of the security of the cor.jilltulion? "I do not tiMially make elft-Hon prophexie, hut I do ny this and I .ay it in all sincerity, that in all the Dominion clco-' have never seen llie.nnh' lie .feeling o ilctermined and eonfWnl. and felt more a-ured that Ihe people will vin TINIIER SALE X8109. Thrr Will U nrrxrmt fur ula at Pnl.llf AuitH.ii. at ihmki -on thn lnl tlay or Aur-ut, l, in tlx urric or ih- Olstrict toirlrr, i'rinre HUxTI. U. C. tl Urrnc XI I mv, lo cut l.Jo,00 rrt or Sprucr, llnnlork ami crnlar, on an arra MtuatrU 00 Lofati Inlet, (.lunn (harlolle Itland. two (; yrara will bn allowrnl ror re-DKival Of timber, I'l-Mvlded, tim any nti tinalil to attond thn aurlliiii in lnmn tny auhinlt a n ah-d IrmltT to t oiwiird at th hour or auction and Irralisl aHH bid. Fiirllicr particulars 0r the Chirr Fore-lr, Vlrtorfa, ll. t:., nr 'lustrlri Korrler, I'rlnpe Ituprrt. D. C. TIMBER. SALE XS108. Thrr will bf orrrrrd (nr te at Public Aurtion, at J p.m. on llw flrtl djy or Sip-IMiilM-r, MIS, In th nrrirr or th MMrlrt I'orrurr, Prinr Iiuorrl, II. C, thn l.lrrnr XSIOS, to out l8.Htl.iimi rwt or Sprurr, lliiiilii. il ami t'.tar, on an arra Mluatrd on srlwjti Inlet and adjolnlnr Lot JI& and s, T. I. olli, unrm r.hrlotli ItlaiuN. Thrre (3! ytara will be allowed rnr rr-Dioval or the llintirr. Provided that any nnn unablo to altrnrt Ihr aurilon In tirriMin may Hinill a acaled IriidiT to bo oi nod arvhi- hour or aunlnn and trnONt a nnr bid. runnrr iartirular or llia Ch(r Fnrrs- lar, Virt.iria, it. c. or Klilrlrt oreler, Iflpry' nntM-rt,' ll. 'c. TIMBER SALE X8148 Hrah-d I.Mi,ler will b rorrlrril by the Mlnlatrr or laud t Virion not Imrr than iiooimm ) it r, Hi day or Aiuriiat, lv. rnr-tlw nu?rhacior Llrrnrp XSIIS, to rut .,i B)nii, nr. imi an arw ittraira on iH.rll.ui or Lot tsni- and 43fl near LiiiM-liliiiit camidian .National Hallway, lunar 8, Coat Kistrlrt. Thrwi (S yrara will b atlowrd ttt rrmoval or Umber. niriner pariirulara or the Chler For CT1 -E3IE7 STHWS " 'PAOWrltTVC dicate the "God-given blessing ofj! ciean ann nonei arminiirarinn.i I am appealing to you as a citizen wneh I say that if ever Ja Canadian goverlnent come be fore you with It hands stalnel; a the King government i slain- ed, reriKured bythe whole of CHiuida, I .aky6u, do not havoJi lit aro over Jlte world that a gov- erumenl which tand indicted and convicted of connivance atuli i collision in office, do not hav4 jit tio over the whop world lhat jit'i jul the kirn! of governmentt I me L-apaoiau pcopie want, a:il i.Mr. rilplglieii.in ;-.cIomg hi ad-t drp. r: w Leont Ladner : In the coufVe of U addreS Leon J. Ladner spoke upon the development of Canada and the larirf qiieklion. He had 'beenl t ., S niii.ir.i-fi iii-yiiuu onoprstannmga when he had picked up a lillle. paper here called The Daily News ...I. 1 -t i ! . 1 9 wiiicn uau given umi ine nwj that hi friend Mr.'Slork had naidJ the only way lo reduce or terminate smuggling was through free trade and the ret of the article had staled (hat what Canada wan I c. I was free rrnde and that smuggling could only be slopped that way. The speaker could not hPlipve that Mr. tork had been seriott. If there wa one thing which would aid the destruction of the people of Canada, and particularly in weslern Ikinada, it was free trade. I'rince Iluperl, like every other city, must look upon its revelniimenl from commerce and shipping and they mul have protection. markets for Canadian farm prol' or through mil being able to se Cure a position or job in this country. The States were proving a magnet because they offered higher wagp in that country. There must he some fundamental reason for thee condition. For Ihe pal hundred years the United 'States bad enforced a tariff nearly three times der almost similar circumstances to thoe already 'estaliUshed. (Boots and Shoes The opeaker Tited the'-instahce of the boot and shoe trade. Ca nada had imported from the "Unit BRITISH COLUMBIA 3TheMineral Province of Western Canada 'TO THE N OFOECCIBR, 1825. IIas; produced Iinerals as follows; Placer fiold, 77,fl03,0i5; Lode Oold, $t22.808,-.5U;8ilvi?r,-'74l'li,l3U7; Lead, 480,2 18;07; Copper, $107;042,0 47; zinc, $3;92.T,047; Miscllnriieous Minerals, sjl,5!4,:t87r Coal and Coke, 273,0 18,05:1; lliilldiitg Stone. Uriel, Cetneit, etc., $i 1,005,880; making Its Mineral Production to the end of 1025 Miow an Aggregate Value of $920,919,628 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1925, $61,492,242 The "Mining Law of tb& Province are more libernhnnd the fees lower than 1hoe of ony oilier Province In the Dominion, or any colony In the British Kmpire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. 'Absolute Titles are obtained by developing sucti properties,-the security of which i. 'guaranteed by Crown Grants. Full information, together with Mining Heports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HON. THE MN1STER OF MINES ' 'Victoria, British Columbia. S.ll. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, H.C.. Reports covering each of the six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. Reports of the fieo'Iogical Survey of Carir nda, AVinch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable purees of sold to them. The speaker said Ihat the protective system would likely fnrreae the cost of articles Until internal competition kpjd the prices down. In Ihe United Stales prices of articles were less but the wajes were holier -.i .. . , i i The policy of the 0)nervaliveia,.," , , s . . . Igm on which they could pnjoy parly wa not -in doubt and was life. PlMr .lofinil'nnH .H,in M..I' Voic': W OU in thej quelion. Hieir pdicy had been in ex i.lence since 187. The prottw United States?" I Mr. Ladner replied by saying) " he 'was a native on nf It. C. andj wanted lo stay iiere and assist to'. , live system, particularly In the rn.t nr. obtain a government which would V.ll,..f MUM p.l,Cfl IH- to industry and preserved the benefit the entire country. i : Fish Traps .luce. The VinPrAaliv tirnlo.. "I" " 'I""'""' , , fih traps, Mr. Ladner aid he ii.. lion i-.irf tariff wa a policy - of a rea- . . . !. , . . .r had spent three or four days slu- , , , ' onahle tariff and not in the . . . ,. . . r m ,-v -,.;. ,.;,. W" bi question. It appeared er. I" higher, . ', hut , , , o protect the that fish traps had been put in p IZ Z"i T T ?h "'"""'approval of Mr. Stork and on the trie. and thereby make t this na- , ',, , ,., ,, . . , , . strength of that the Canadian, tion more elf-conlainei to de- , . , . ' . .. . , , . l-ihinsc Company r. had made a very ; ' ,,1Br a l 7o 1. T investment to enrrt.le them r r !.'r, , , 'ficotnpele will, the Unite,! States! Ull Ihat nearly 800.00 -.,,, jn)luM who ,)SJ(, ,f ... ... .....r ..u.. rn-an, ...r ."n-1 , herf,. AccoHinglv the company i erican bonier duntux the pa four hfl( , inves(mPn, and ear hecaue they eoul. not find!, con.f ,.Paljon of lra ia) employment here. I hat was tl.r .jJ fl J ylr slorV lue ttnlay a in 1925. , cl (i ,lf M am sai Fotura at suke niey nol operate the fish What wa the fulure of HritUh i tru. .Tnf weaker said that the Columbia? The province bad vast Canadian Fihing Co. had not pot natural resource in several rcs-ju,,. ,rap jjcene throttgh the )n-pecl. agriculture, forestry, flh- ,ervative parly, and that on Mon-, lug. manufacture, mining and ,iay morning the traps would be! hipping and emnmerce. We had nulled 1n. The condition had been a miniature nation within the con- brought about hecause business- fine of Britiih Columbia. How, like nielhod "had not been uel were we igolng to develop it ir we:an,i n,p game had nof been played had diverified interests? The jn this conneclion. way lo develop Ihe province wa The speaker read a telegram lo adopl a statesmanlike course , aildresed to lion. P. J. A. Cardin, which vwtild seek lo develop these ;ottawa, from Mr. Stork in which Industrie, extend our shipping, the latter had said that under the extend anir trade and extend our! circumstances described in a tre- indiislries and thus invite our viou wire from the minister he! voting men and women lo stay inj (Mr. Slork was willing that thej the country-. What wa the ecu- lenses be issued on the condi- nornic pnliry which would brinCl about thee results? The speaker compared condition In the Dominion of Canada with condi- linns outlined. Voice: "Wltat conditions?" Brady Speaks .1 C Ttraitv nnnapvnlivp atnn.J- lions'itithri Inited Jates. , Vty dardbeai-er for the district, open-wir il trial with Ihejsame Urillshle.t his remarks hv stallmir that it stock.juiil colMtpejitalitfHJk in Cttwas not his avtrblic nadabtf-in tbf Uinllj; States fvy thaUbevwOHld.address meetlnp and! Ihe people. day wrt finly liad a population of;of 1'nnce Uupert at a meeting) 8,50n.ooo people ami the United later when every aspect of the Slates had UHl.flnO.nnO people?! great questions before Ihe elec-V3iv wa it that the sons and i nr AvntiM lu I limwittrtitv unit ed "Slates something tike 200,- and had not been "illsoussed as It (nio.mro more, goods man -wo had shorild have been. He hud alteml- ja protective tariff I bey conserved 'their surplus products. Canada I PREVENT FOREST FIRES i you cm I B.C. FOREST SERVICE - . "i Loggers! 710 Second Avenue daughter of Canada were leaving! honestly discused. The speaker i-.for ",p lshermen which would their homes, relatives and friends .JaM that if any man or woman'atrnnl t,IPir 1)0il,!' lwlpcl'on ln and goimr tn a foreign country to w-as bound tirenslaved by a party onny iwcather. earn a livinsf II was merelv ho-, ii.t.-m rtAinjr f.fnn inination Y Mr. Brady told of his recent cause they could earn more wages to llie people and the future of vis" ,0 Portland Canal. At no this irreat conslilnlion. Mr irmlv Tla had he found any opposi- sai.l that the day of partrpolitk-s until his last meeting at An-had e had spoken for an hour cone and that if any rrutn or i- woman placed the parly before."1'' throe fpiarlers there without the irood of the country ami the youth of the country they Avere not doing right. It had been said that he "was -nut tiecause of something "offered 'hv Ihe Cnnaervntive interruption and then Wwlter Shaw had demanded the right to speaTv. Tlti had been given him and Waller had made personal attacks on him. For this he party, but he could MI the au-,Wimp,l Dawson who higher than In 'Canada, the resultjdience he was -out for the arood!i!ii,p,l tl,al place and be claimrd of which had been that capitaliof Prince Hunert and the pood of!""1' concocted the little scheme." had fell safe in Hie Uniteii statesj (hp country that those children' and manufacturers knew perfectlyibonron Canadian soil might growi FREIGHTER. ARRIVES well Hint IIipv wpre pninnelinir nii.l .tn si.i tivn Ui.,nn.l ., ai (, rnnnn.i i a aaiv niuuiaM lo proaway. He was no petty po-J ) tLtAK tUolUInu had iiucian, ne was otu or wnai -'nu W1V 7TA ICI Akin woiild nvakctho dry ol Prince UH WAI IX) lOLrUlU HupeM ia big city. The s-peaker said that the fish trap licene busine. was rotten The -'S.tTiVron. freighter Alaska, Capt. l'eter 'OmniuniUen, -arriviMl in port -at in o'clock this morning from ()aka, Japanjaml anchored exported to that country, thus by j ed a big meetlng-of fishermen and 'mil in the harlwr. The vessel, was suffering with instability of government which had brought on the present election. Oamoia also Intitnnlnit fni tivvt'ia n rtln..1l..ul SnSl,i:B;" 0D'Mr', ForM,n' product from America than wc had WTillen an editorial in "He-! which 'is regitered 1n HauveSnrtd, sources" tn which he had fonght Norwtty, and-tarries 'n citav of for Ihe people's rlights. What- 85 men, called into port to clear ever injustice had 4een done won Id be right ed . W r,' h rrwty sipoke of the conditions at Cow Hay and advocated the building of a float miarantine aiid custonCs prior to saitlnsr for Oueen 'Charlotte City lo load 1,500,000 feet of lumber for Atlantic-ports. Loggers! We have the only complete stock of Gilchrist Jacks and parts in the North. We handle Logging Gable, Axes, Peavies, Saws, and general Camp Equipment. It will pay you to see us when. outfitting. Stork's Hardware limited SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load S6.S0 Per batf load ........ 3.50 Per sack .50 Burn Wood and Keep Cool I HydeTransfer 1 SO 'Second AvoniM Phone 450 Night or Dai WK BUY BOTTLES. I LK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK "AND WHIP-PrRG CREAM We specially 'recommend our Table Cream at 15o for Half Pint. 0uattty anl Service Special loel Delivery Service Vderitin Dairy Phone M7