PAGE TWC You Cannot Surpass "SALADA" PREEN TEA Its luscious freshness & rich strength tnake it finer than any Gunpowder, Japan or Young Hyson. Sold everywhere. Ask for SALADA to-day. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Aenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year . $6.00 To all other countries, in advance per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .'. .$1.40 p;r inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Pa ye '....$2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion. .... . , 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c por word uc6' i'"us, cncn mspruon loc per agate Hn Contract Rales on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 98 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Orfice before 4pm on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Jlareh 3. 1920. Taking This Port More Seriously. ' Prim e Rupert is being taken mure seriously of late. l'eople in Vancouver and Edmonton and. at other places now realize fully Ihul we are a port and a port with a future. They see in thi place all orts of prospects and are willing to recognize our ngnt to a place in the mih. in Miite 4,f all ihu w trial! lm-A to fight every inch of the ground and must not expect too much an i uuie. - . Gorernment ; Has . Been Patient With Opposition. Tl... I. . ... . . X ununion government lias apparently had it within us power (o slop Ihe debate ou the address by moving the closure. This is a nil her dra-iic in earn ire and one that governments do not like to resort to. If it is done too eorlv in the debale the Government is likely UVhe open In the aviation of Dying to shut off criticism. This lime, however, they seem In nave delayed too long. They should .have applied the closure long ago. There is a limit to ofotruclive tactics and they houl. not be vncoi.raged in parly. Liberals any have been gi,j(v of similar tarli.s in pa-J years but usually have not been given the latitude allowed the opposition u this House. Meighen and hi cohorts have made a record. Circulation Audit And How It Is Done. The Audit Bureau of Circulations, whose man an audit or the Daily Sen cimilajflm j.ooks yeslerday, i very thorough i it, methods. The auditor cheeks up the records of all subscribers and examines the receipt tf,,s Ue thecks t.are. fully the street sales, the wast6 papers, the fcales , 0f.Pnlli. Then he examines (he iuvoires .newsprint and the daily press run and can tell almost exactly bow many, papers should be printed from i roll of paper. The-daily record is swum to and investigation is made into anvlhlhff lli.-.l. mi.ri,i i,...i in... , ' T c. C" Hive iiftM ... culat.o.ii which is not allowed. Jt would lake a clever peron to bill il mop nnu ..r II... i:i . i . . . A , ... , w, uiimiuii-" a ue nas tiad experience with linn who try to pad, "their cirenlation... Any newspaper that has padded its circulation figures does not ifk fiirn audit. .To do so would he fhinl Get Together Without Opposition. The advice of. Mayor Taylor that the pacific ports should gel together fur their mutual benefit without oppo-ilio.i to ench oilier, is the kind of advice wt- should follow. We have to gain hy slanding shouldeittolioijlder o light fr our r.gllls. v biye K.,. gradually 'getting heller treatment in re- .u iu .reigni rates jut there is still jnore to get before have euiial treatment J;l now the grain is going-out by Eastern United States Pour hot milk over SHREDDED WHEAT a warm, satisfying meal 'READING ROOM ! FUTURE POLICY Recommendation That It be Combined With Library and Housed In Same COMMITTEE NOT EFFECTIVE Only Three Members Present at Only Meeting of Year Alderman Stephens Says That I lie reading mum be I placed under the management oi'j me iinrary Hoard and Ilia? step; he taken in I tie near fill ure to' hoiisp the reading room ami li-! lira ry fn Hie same Iiuildiiijj was! the recommendation made lnt : uiglil by the reading room rom-i inittee to the city council ami adopted by them. Also il vvas'de-' cideil to continue all Hip magazines and iapers for the rending room the same as last year and to add two new ones, the Manito-, la Free Pres and the Ti.rmito Saturday A' it'll t. i Discussion Over Papers The list of magazines and paiters recommended bv the committee omitted the Daily Herald, of London, England, organ of the labor parly there and also the Socialist Heview. Aid- erniau Larseji asked that these he retained. They hud been put ' On the lit by special request.' The Socialist Heview bad on its taff high class writers and was educational in nature. i Alderman Sleohens said if: I hey went into the Ht they would see there were three nther bor papers and that oui:hf to he enou?h iVr any one class. No Labor Paper Left Alderman .arsen unred thai if these were taken off there Wii' not a labor oaner left. Alderman Stephen said com plaint had boeii nw.le that there, were not enough Ctiiiadian i papers. Labor wis represented J oh the committee and there had' been no objection to the ehanpe. iMderman Larsen said labor! people here tifk a jrreat interest Jit labor affairs in the Old iTonn-irj" hnd be thoosrlit the ritv could well afford to purchase these paper. He- moM that tliey be ;Jlowed to remain. Ald erman Hrown seconded and it was carried, after Arlins Mavor Caey had urged it adoption. Amalgamation Alderman Casey then drew ai- I en Hon to the proposal to amal- atnale the leading room with Ihe library. The readinu roin was taken advantage ef by men who had no homes. It ni a sort of club room where Uiey read and discussed and made ceneral use of it. The wort nr Ihe library was uuile different In fake the readinjr mom away w-ould inconvenience a lot of patrons. Alderman Stephen said the reading room committee was a loke a it met only once vear The library committee met once a jnoiltb and was funclirmini; I'liey should pass Ihe readinc room out of the joke slaae and put II under a committee thai functioned. The band in hand, be looked flee hv the name librarian and laiilln and Ihe healing plant shmild ! me Mrnc sooner or la er Ihev 'iwpjijd require in bouse bolh in a Il .1,1: m. ... miliums. ine nnrary huiidlng was small and I hey did not know- now 1011,2 they would be allowed io use u. Alderman flreer said consid. erable money would have to be "pent as the bulldlrtig was in bad Minpe. Alderman Drown nl,t n.nv we . ' wouiu ne loam to see the men lose their' club room. There were always men there. ' The report, which was carried ioiiows; The 'Report Your reading room comniittee met on the 2th instant for the consideration of the business of II.. . I..A. r . in' j:ar ini'o. 'l'ho.e in alteiolance were Aid. M. M. Stephens, fhairnmu; l'red Lanza, and 3. J. iillis. The following reconuiienda-lions are respectfully submitted for your consideration': all l.nv- Ing been unanimously passed by me committee: That in the interest of efficiency the council be asked (0 consider Uie'eombininp or the duties of Hie reading room committee With Ihixe (,f 11, n iii.. i v "'" uaj i-uiii- I mil iee whose duties are similar: iliai the reading room and library be permanently boused in the same building under the same management as soon as 11 ,t)AU;Y NRW3 " Public subscription is invited for a new issue of cn properly be done; That the attention of the council he cafle.l to the newunity of early repairs to botJi the rend inn room building: and the furniture in it; That all magazines xtrehasei for the read ins ronni be turned owr Ut Prince Itupert (ienerat Ilosftital as oon n Ihe new one are received to replace Ihein in (be readinjr ronm; That the attached list of mBjr-azinen and pajiers be onlereil for the year for the readinjr room. M. M. STI'PHHNS. For the r.omiiriillee. THE MAN IN THE MOON aya: TIIM wmld l'es a loyer. boosts l hitoler. quils a tpjltler and kiek a kicker. a woman has to pet p. divoij-jl rbi. at&hfowfitl'fiiiwt thai her jtidjrnient wus poor. MOS'P of the people who objeci to nr.7. and liidiiieil hair . are chronii idijectors. They don't like anything or anytiody niucb. IT'S too hiid Io s-e a small low n a row uii because so mam iiitnir(aiil eili.uw Jose status. SO.VIi: peoide are wishlncr foV r.eai in eiril vAim others wish j "'urn inn nip ever. J here In a conflict between Jester desire and the i.e f fiw oekelfmok. I'l'l'l-V 1ote ituAii ift n-Mrtir 1 1 . me, say-4 Jake. I e oturhl. In kiiow. lie married younir. THIS mule, he i- a iretille beal. And so is man. fife's tatisllPii to m the least. And Sf is mnn Like mnn. he itt.iv lie lnntl.l Some dicks, . ' lie does hi, work from tn f. The node, w hen he jreU mad h) ku-ks. And o does man. ne to wave it liiecat jacel Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert $45,000,000 Dominion pf Canada Refunding Loan 1926 Twenty-Year Bonds Dated February 1st, 192C Denomination: $100, ?500, $1,000. irood bye. MANY of the pielure you see, ii imtple' lHHe'K are buns tte- they could Mot find tbei artist. 1 JAKi: ay lie sow an electrical' pi-arahis yesterday wliieb hell him ttniilin-r. Int il wmderfu' ial elerlHHty M dot A'KDIMXU Hells How Ibey jinsle. Inrrbil men all W'anl tn te winule. iinerle men are Wanting to wed Mut he all eraity .Oueer in the head. It loks n if Alice Arm will iie one of the buietl minim.' aiiK iu (he north this summer. The Dnlly Vnrden Mine. is i'liitinc m a railroad and a mill fit the mine, construction will bortly be started" on a hotel ami everal other stores arc likely in open uji shortly . I I I il tt'ftwl.l'n I .. I...! j iii.rni iirariiuie """'jump has leen ninde ,v I. lent " " 1 . id. 1.. M. Mailland of the Jioya! Air j-oree who Jumred 10.00(1 fepl from n balloon oyer Juidon. The tolls' Maoeball Club niel last nieiii tinl the following officers were elected: Pre !,!.. I Jnmes MeAteenan: secret urv treasurer, Wallace An.tirn directors. Arthur Mnnson. Harvey rraier iinn juck llatehfnrd. In The Letter Box NOT FrTED OUBORD ivnnor Pally Xewsr. Termed 11 f 1 IicanaoianT islrale Kenny, was round not charge. Hir, would like io know who I yotir enrepnndent for the Trrraee new. Hernnse Mr. ttnn- xales has never been in Terrace as my solieitor, and furthermore 1 haVe never been arcued of centner liauor. This is mi error 'he part or your correspond ent, and I hope you will lake Ihe mailer up with your aiienl al once. Will also sav slnee I lie Ul nt May, ltSS, (here (hin never been HI. ... - iij iiieuai seiiina of Iiiiuor it. M. I ..... .. J .in- iiiue il nil US IONS' ill Kre,l iiuiioni is miinairer of the Tour. Il Holel, ),e publie of I'eFraee ran have eery confidence that Mie law sluill he slricllv oh. semrd. Trusllntr Hist I will kee lln IMler in Ihe flrsl Issue of 1he Hews. i'HKD nunonn. IN mmnnmTw l th uprm court 6f Brltlnh Columbia. "iit,Ul",r "r 1lM Afl"Oil..lrlhm Art; 1,1 ll"irf,i,,",r " "" Ki- "f "hn ti.n TiVS ''-'L'',l n-ret-ad, lnl.l.t. ti.T. "' MiTi:K Hint .y iipilrp f, r. rarn. iinin. Oh rtiv nr til . li.1"'-..-"' . ' I'lH'llllSfl Ailili1filtril.r lif the fHltto nf tn.n. I here ai.pears in your ,.- i 1 iM't S& .&!&?i'MJ l-ebruary ;'f., a notice in the Ter-1 "mV Jt ".'T'" '" i'firi- flinni r.,,... . 1 "-"'" 'Oil' Jl. I on "Li Li .""''.l.1, A"' " t'Rrllrt. A ","'l .(irtIIIPi).N iFXT has some- ii. o,.,r.n.. o... .. . 'V ui art. rMiiiirwi k. i.v i"...Kl alls hra.n wave nd4T ..,t, J " 1. !' "r ' tZ ! ,",! """ ",0r TU: U"hr was accused of se, tor hand, it on to tne and aikg'ing Uquur and tried before Mag- KOIM.N A, WATT I'rilire llliprrt, B.C i.ii .. .V1'-!! Artiiiinlnlralor, mS! M,U dy ' i"-u',y. A O. Due February 1st, 10 10 .1 tho 'All bonds may be registered as to principal only, and bonds in denomination of J500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 and $100,000 may be fully registered. These bonds are authorized under Acts of the Dominion of Canada, and both principal and interest are a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. They- are st-cumi by;: the full credit and taxing power of Uie Dominion of Canada. ' Tiiis ofTerinfr is made subject to prior sale and advance in price, and tho right is reserved to allot a less amount of bonds than applied for. These bonds are offered for delivery in Interim form, when, as and it issued and delivered to us. Price: 97 and interest, yielding 4.73 Orders may be telephoned or telegrafhei (collect) io any of the undersigned, " or may be submitted through your usual bond dealer, stock txchange broker, or through any bank in Coauiu. - Bank of Montreal Royal Bank of Canada Canadian Bank of Commerce Wood, Gundy & Company Limited Dominion Securities Corporation, United A. E. Ames & Company, limited The National City Company, Limit Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert tm trranu. tu-tou. jinuo, sucvit r-k- ui.2u.tMi f ttucot'Ttx. rmotu u saim tin, tn tm m m Si. rtlMISS tWltt ft But4tl, totntM l B,m mint. Oittm ll. , Campbll mi, n Vimfvtt ftrf . 11 m, lf all tUunthl UMk firtl Intormtll! to Cnr f Oi trt t inu, erlnc Hnpr, 0. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C. uTD. fttiiinc fron Trior Kupcrt, f VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, .a . 4 AUri Ut,, Twt, I f ft VAMCOUVCK. VICTORIA, Alrt Etf. n4 . MurMl, 1 tt ANY OX. eONT limtON Nui Mlttr Cdintflti, thmtttn .. fT rl"I 'O. NT0X. ALICE ARM. STEWART. (, I ." IW tiMl ihi. 4, -tomtlav. Atl. rrto- Tfie defendant Kiliy of tin- Fair Isle Sweaters For Men and Boy Knitted from r v yarns showins' n - '' color and d - - 1 ir sprlnp. All sif-' from$2.95 ACME Importers Third Avenue Fur Coats & Jacquettes An lixqulsile Stock of For TiimuilttKA at low prices- B. C. FUR Co. Nat Q.W.V.. Thld '