PAGE FOUR You Save Money! In order lo make, room for .two carloads of Fertilizer jind Keed Orain arriving early in March, wo of for for ONE WEEK only, our slock of GRAIN ami FEED at greatly reduced prices. We Retail Feed In Any Quantity Wheat, Xn. 5, per ino lbs $2.80 Graekeil Corn, I On lbs. . . . , $3.05 Scratch Food, 100 lbs. ,. $3.10 Laying .Mash, 100 lit? $3.35 All Other Feed Prices Reduced. We advise pulling In a slock of feed at these price .4, as we firmly believe tliat price on all wain and feed will go higher. Over forly-five years' experience in the feed business. The Brackman-Ker Milling Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. A Word About Watches There are as many kinds nf watches as there arc styles of millinery mid as many prices, loo. Hulger's Jewellery Store is recognised as reliable i and sells its merchandise as j low as possible. . We sell he reliable makes : ni wairiies anil wo will meet ; for our customers, prices 1 set forth by other concerns in the regular business way. John Bulger Ltd. Jewellers Sausag es ! pure ,Pork Sausage, per lb. 30o Heef and Pork Sausage, per lb. 2Sc Tomato Sausage, per lb. ..-),,'. ... .... 25c Fresh llonie-made, Head Cheese, per lb. .. ... 26c . Heef Dripping, .per lb'.,; 10c Sealy & Doodson Sixth Street Phone ,455. We deliver Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson, Block, Prince Rupert, B.O. Office .Hours 9 to 6. X-Ray Servlos Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Thursday . Jiyenings Saturdays 0 to 12 noon LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone ft. "'irtane, Warehousing. nd Distributing! Team or Motor Service. Ooal, Band and Gravel Wt 'Speciality In Piano antf Furniture Bovlnfl. M weiL-t 6UEa iLl NEAJii 1 ill CONE eCK HERE- 1 OJT 4' 0OH THE CC Ml WHERE. OO YOO ( T D,NT(, OPtg?: . Ifl THINK SU i THOUGHT NELLIE McCLUNG IN LEGISLATURE Takes Own Audience With Her When She Makes Speech In Alberta House Xellie MeClung, l'dmonlon's Moman member, is the Sphinx of the session, says W. A. lie Craves in the I'dmnnlon Hiilletin. Xo one known from Ihe lady member's demeanor or her utler- mces whether she is contem plating entering Ihe lists again next election. Mrs. MeClung i grain westward. A pari of the now resilient In Calgary, andjm"cy they lose In shipping east-political forecasters believe that, ward goes lo pay dividend on she may be found taking the U.S. railways and wages lo U.S. slump as an Independent on a Prohibitionist ticket in that city, fni I (h cio is nothing to indicate that thl a correct forecast. Mrs. McCluner has another hid for fame. She is the only legislator who brings her own audi ence willi her, and when "Our, Xellie" finishes speaking the; exodus from the public galleries is very marked. On Wednesday Joe Dechene, of Iteuter lliver, threw a monkey wrench into the. machinery when he spoko for the entire afternoon, while Mrs. Mc-Clung's gallery wailed vainly for their champion to enter the arena. Hut on Thursday it was a different tale, ami the Kdmou-lon woman member was not caught napping. Hefore Sam Iirown, of High Itiver, was in his chair, she was on her feel with "Mr. Speaker." and as she c.iugbt Mr. Speaker's eye her faithful! gallery, in attendance for the second lime in two days, settled down for the expected onslaught on Ihe beer parlors. They may! have been satisfied, litrt Ihe general gallery impression was that "Our Xellie" has made far more vigorous and Idling speeches than the one made Thursday. However, Ihe gallery stayed to the hitler end. SAVE MONEY ANT PATRONIZE -CANADIAN POTTS BY SHIPPING GRAIN TO VANCOUVER OR RUPERT. (Continued from Page ")ne). and cut down lie proportion of Canada's export grain crop that is diverted lo United Stales routes from two-thirds of the lo IhI lo .about .half? The develop mejl of Ihe westward route is the factor that made the difference. The yenr Unit saw Ihe heavy slump i'h our shipments via Uni ted Slates channels was the first year in which Vancouver came inlo action as a great grain ship ping port. Anil last year, when less grain went to the Pacific, a larger proportion of the Cana dian crop went through Ihe Uni led Stales Iban in the previous year. Those who fancy that Ihe in crease of grain shipments west ward means less business for Canadian routes and ports in eastern Canada are laboring under a delusion. Vancouver does not lake grain away from east ern Canadian ports. It takes grain nway from United States porls. The year when Vancouver handled Ihe most grain thai has yet gone thai way. Montreal ship ped more Canadian grain than it had ever shipped in a year be fpre. And last year,, when Van rouver shipped less grain lhan Ihe year before, Montreal Alibi ped less grain also, though still more than in any other previous year. Draws From U.S. It is from United Slales pnrls dial the westward jnule draws Canadian grain. For Ihe last lliree years Ihere has been a steady and rapid shrinkage In Ihe amount of Canadian grain going through the republic; from U59 million bushels to 126 mil lion bushel. The argument thai Canadian grain should bo kepi in Canadian channels is hhiihI. II is also a sound reason why Al-hcrtu strain should he shipped lo Vancouver or Prince lliipcrt, for I he development of the westward movement j accompanied Iy a correspond inir shrinkage in the overflow of the Canadian crop which finds ils way In (he world markets through Ihe trade routes wf the United Stales. It is also lo lie considered that' ie farmers of Alberta lose mil-! lions of dollar annually hyi shipping their grain eastward. i nnd add just that many million In their net incomes by shipping labor. Lvery dollar they snve by shipping westward adds a dollar lo Canada's purchasing power. STEWART There was quite a celebration here last week when Ihe firl shipment of ore wa made frorn the Hunwell mine. Three tons of Dunwell ore are now passing through Stewart daily and 300 Ions of ore is sacked at the mine ready for shipment. There arv thirty men on the Itunwell payroll. It. White hn Arrived from Vancouver to lake over Ihe sup- erinlendeney of the Portland Canal Klerlrie Laundrv. A son was horji on February 2i nt Ihe Stewnrt Oei:eral Hos pital to Mr. and Mrs. John Ilaahli. Eighteen canines have been entered in the dog popularity conlesl which is .being held iej-e for Hie benefit ' .jf..lhe Slewar' Hospital. A new compressor and a large nilnnliU' ..T a fin. II. n II I. Silver mine was unloaded here last week from the freighter Oriffro. TERRACE NOTES I. Morse Hall left on Monday night on a business trip Smilhers. M.a. J. P. Kggleshaw made a I rip lo Prince ItuperL on Monday ii'lurning Ihe same nkihl. . Mrs. W. Ih' AIcDouaid .fpfl.mi Monday 'morning' for PrTnce llu- licrl. g George K. Keith relumed home on .Monday niglil afler having pent several ilays in Prince Hu- perl. It. L. Mclulosh of Prinj-e Hu- ert arrived in Terrace on. Monday nigh! and will spend a few days at his Milliliter home "Tho Crossings" al Kitsumkaliim. Mrs. T. J. Marsh lefl on Wed nesday morning' train for Prince Itupert where she will spend the remainder of ihe week visiling. 0. II. Sawle, llnzelton, was In I own on Monday. Mrs. Helen "Grandma" 'Little had the misfortune to fall Ihe olher tay and break her hip-bone and Is confined to her died as n result. I The ll.f). Ilridge Club met at Ihe home of Mrs. George Oovej' on Tuesday nighl. Or. Large of Hazellnn was In town on Monday of Ibis week. W. Hlris, Vancouver, was business visitor on Tuesday. 01926 ar Intx Feature Smvicc. Imc Cmi ftrtuiik nchta innaa AUCTION BRIDGE RULES REVISED New York Clubs Make Sweeping Change In Honor Counts XKW YOltK, March 3. Itepre- fculathcs of , Ihe Whist Club of New York, the Amehean V.'JiUt League, (he Knickerbocker Whir-l Club and 11m New York llridge Whist Club have agree,! upon a revision of the rules of unction bridge. The change in the manner of scoring relalas only In honors. It was decided to equalize all uits as lo honors, clubs counting as much ns spades, hearts or diamonds, according to the following rule: "Honors are scored in Ihe honor seorenr the side to which they are dealt: their value is nol changed by doubling or redoub ling. All honors held by each are scored according to the following Inble: "0 in one hand, 3 in the olher, count 30 points. "i in one blind. 2 in Ihe other, count 30 points. "1 in one hHnd, .1 in Ihe olher, count 10 points. "2 in one hand, 2 in the olher, count 10 points. "2 in one hand, 3 in the other, ciunl SO points. "0 in one hand. 1' In Ihe oilier, rnunl 80, points. "1 in one haitil. I In Ihe olher, count 90 points. "0 in one hand. 5 in Ihe olher. count 00 points. "Xo eliaiige is suggested In honors at no trump." SPORT. CHAT The rea-ons' for (lie failure of the Xew York professional hoe- key team may be sentimental ai d menial, says the Xew York Time in it' . sport edijorial in wiiirh the newspaer altempts lo account for the failure of the domain Xallonal Hoekey League club in scale the hockey heights. The newspaper says: "This Xew Yo-k hockey team was transports! here en mase over night and net down in the midsl of the coun try's greatest sporting metro polis. There wii no bond, of civic pride iconneeliiiB the team and its llonle. IIfpp(lhujinK and loun.i uriinmiiiiK latnli-H Uieiu high -in iiublic' nsilthaliou "There ivi tiui ini-piring! foc.-il sympathy such ns that which keys up the Senators lo play Iheir heads off for dear old Ot- Jiiwa or Ihe Maroons lo give Iheir last gap of effort for equally dear old Montreal. Then is no sentiment, evidently, among the A'ew York players to do and die for the dear ld Garden or dear "Id Ilrnadwny. Xol at all. Lven Hoston and Pillshurg, Hi" other United Stales clubs in Ihe league, have a lot of local pride behind them even if most of the players have been irn ported. These cities have never lost their hockey, while Xew orker. went without it for years, finding expression for their urge for Indoor sporls ir more trivial jiasl fines. So per- hi") it wasn't to be expecleil Dial Ihe Xew York hockey learn would burn up Ihe league and IhmI Canada at its own aioe on the Garden ice pond Ihe very first year out. Those who didn't expeel it, cmiseuiicntly, are about jibe only ones who are naliafieil 'fl Willi Xew York's present nom- nauihiilislie siesta In Ihe cellar.' AT THE CINEMA. Cinema Pest 'reading titles aialoud Ah, me. what shall I do now? a voiceShut up. MOW OU A.O.T2 c;oih TOHICHT - IT'S r WOH06C AND UsieH TO .blNO ONCE N -rr; For Wanted Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per wordlin'advance. WANT WANTFO. Due reliuble man in er town, tneri'lianl prefer red, to take orders for bel eiisloiu-made clothes in Caii-ada. II ig best CoimniHion Ilex Tailoring Co., I.ldt, To-nuilo. 2. I- WAXTKO. Plain drs.maknt .nl sewing; remodelling, re pairing, knitting, ele. Phone Green, 701. M.UFKHATS wanted In buy for breeding purpose., Slnle prices to Wm. II. Tunnah, Maiseit. U.C. , FOR SALE FOIl HALF. TwHve econdhand bel, complete wllh prina ami mallress, from 8.00 Ih ?80.00. Also five second-hand ranges from 15.00 to 3.0n, nil in jrooil condition. Mnl be cleared this week lo niekn room for new stock. A. Mac-kemie, Furnitiir. Phone 75. FOR SALK. New and iiswl machinery, I Mia Is and engines, pieinn rings and propeller Northern Kxchnuge. St3Seon't Avenue.. Phone 23. If KITGIIKX IIAXGK for sale- in - collenl eo nd I lion: alo kMeh' lalrf. Phone 2.1H. 52 KMll SALE. Iluby earriaff ir. exwllenl cwhIiIIoh. l'hor.e 712. S3 FOll SALK. Ivory baby carriage Phone Green 2t3. 5 PIAXO FOll SALK. -Phone Illaek 132. TO RENT FOll RF.XT. Modern four room ed flat wllh Monarch range, Ciapp lllock. Weslenhaver Hros. if FOll IlKXT. Pianos, nlayer pianos, phonographs anil sew-In? machines. Walker's Music Slore. W FOll IIFXT. Tailor-shop; two 1usiness rooms below, Iw living - rooms, above. Veslcn- haver Urns. tf FOll IIF.XT. Iloom witli fir wllh- out board; ncar; elevator. Phohe Ited 157. If FOll IlKXT. Furnished suite Mussallern Apartments. PhonJ 18. It MODKIIN FLAT for IlcnL Applv Max lleilbroner i BOARD HOAHI) The Inlander. S30 Seond Avenue. Phono 137 1I0AIII).- 125 Third Third Ave Phone Hed 33(1. KEEL BEING LAID FOR NEW YESSEL Work Is Now Proceeding on Motorshlp Being Built Hero for Okanagan Lake 8ervlce The first keel plale has been laid for the power vessel that is being built at Hie local dry dnek for service on Okanagan Lake work is lo be rushed oh Ihe vessel which is to lie ready for service Ibis season. A new liner Is nrriving nl llio plant today to be installed on the propeller shaft of the Prinee George which is undergoing an - iiual overhaul " , Advertise in the Dally tyewa. TO tv.C - ,n NOW tN;-aN THE THE DAILY NEW3 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManUs ilk.:-:- , .N . , NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. No?Advertiiement takenfor leu than 50c DRY WOOD. Spill In any length in blocks, per load S6.00. . SALT IIKIIIUXG. A. ISAACSON, Seal Cove. Phone lllack 101 4 AUCTIONEER. T1IK PnsTPoXI'.D Sale of Fur nilure, raiix'. healer mil effects will rake place on Thur. day at 2 p ni. next In Geo. It. Tile's fiirnilnre slnre. on Third Avenue. Private sab dally. Phonograph Herod exchange!. G. F. Urine, Auc tioneer. 209 Second Street Phone 774. DANCINQ. HAXCLNO, Hays' Itloek. Uesm.K any hour' by apitoinlruenl Specials CliHrlenlon, elr. Tuesdays and Thursday s. Mr. Hnwanl FriiHI n4lin. Phone 5(1 mornings. Mrs. II. O. Cn-we. ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving Hsggagn and Kip res s SlancLLIllle's Xews Stand, Phon 352. lies. Phone Green TAXI Phone C7 Tax (Call (ieorBC. Paul or Oust) Six- and seven -naenner Rlnde Kakers al y.-ur disposal anytime 60c Service ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from I'.mpre Hotel TRAPPERSI I NF.KI) 10.000 MIXK SKIN'S. Ilcl prices paid. Sec me before yon sell your furs. If Us furs I'lr buy thorn. W. G0LDBL00M, Second Ave. The llon"l Fur Man. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baoaaoe, Furniture Moving. If you want anything icnl for or delivered, phone us. P O Mat S0Q PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE. 303 Third Avenue siole agents for Columbia lleenrds We repair Phonographs, Hieyeles, lliigglep, Itacqiiels and Musical In-lniii.oiii nf nil kind. FURNITURE. Xew and Secondhand Furniture Store. Wc lluy, Sell and Kx change Xew and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULOS Third Ave. I'hnne fitf PRINCE RUPERT TIDES High Low High Low High Low Wednesday, March 3 3:30 a.m. 20.0 ft. 15:51 p.m. 19.2 ' 9:10 a.m. 5.8 " 21:58 p.m. 5.0 " Thursday, March 4 1:0H a.m. 1 9.7 ft. 10:31 p.m. IK.O " 10:25 n.m. 0.1 22:51 p.m. 7.H " Friday, March 5 :3 n.m, 19.3 fl 17:17 p.m. 10.8 II :09 n.m. 0.1 23:11 p.m. 7.8 " i Articlt, Lottand round, 4c TIMBER SALE, X7M3. SiW Trmtrr. UUUNr rf L4K.I IhM imhiii .41 in. l. fur Ibr lun I" ml V51,nu t, . IISlMNi (ml i hhi 'lil Biirr, i, ,, , hani . ixw.t I. 1 llrw i rr- rrawival f imtfwr Furlhw wniriii . Vlr,if. 1 vSJt J"t?li J? " WSTIR N0TICL UIC AND ITOSUL Tut JUTI i,.i .. BhMk. ? llMliimr . . H. ... M M) ' i Ml ttw t mlii- r ltlli l.tmX. l- I ; ( i:rv. f h i. i i Hirer it.i rh.a. (tnin. Mil" i nMlti "Uiti of o. ! I I" IUIII Til Sll.ltMil In"- V I Ik- eili,Hl til l' ii,r lit. mill II .i p.. t. . . I. Hatir, al hi.l .f W . fit I.. i tt a- r I (kr 11 MM! ' t I JpariK 111 I'' I f ' B. Is.U'i am r i Lair ii lw-4.1 Caswrot inn . , v IT.I rtt. jrr ttitir, - Mlrltt, Irr tmftnii Samral kr, tb-HI i nwIH ii Wants a'. f- T um :r. k . . TisTs a- T. Tk viai am i,. ft Mroam al a t-ini ' W MlikKa rr 4a llv . I.M t. niim t f br MM f..r fi,ri , p"ra Ufin ilir l,iui it. HMfai i. ,.a lii.Ki ' tfcnw1 tnmiuia I'-' r4 an IW uat. t i . . H t ksnrni', ihwii', 11 t. Iliatr i Till: sT'iiunr i i. i,-l In ai ra r-i ox ad rlibl li. ukr ii.i 1TII tml It f "!" ' r rnaMtiiwuii i ii- In I IS trf tr 1 1. lh rlaSI in ukr an i tttHI tat brrrlo Till tiTir . m law ll dt nt i.i Of IMS nnllrr anil " Hrln will Is. fil"t ' Wttrr Hmmlrf al ' Mfflh. In It li aillh lb MM lim-i-nV lJW at Wiler lOtm-htr. Vlrlorti, R i alter ho ItMl !.( ii i in a btral nrMui- nrl ntUlnllMi i.f ii try 17111, ilte. H jnrii ' . t WATE NOTtCt. USE AND STOSAOI TUK Millil llui : ' t Prtolwit Ci4iimii r ii. Mrr. I i1m r BMr.. Vtnnmtrr B ri-rtni. ' alirimili. - llmirr lu Uki ali i lr MtMMl, ami ' arre fvl nf In Inrh rinwa wrtilhi ' MMivl mirl, atwuit fnsn liiirklojr Bijr 1 l;n !; I kM-alrd ai Ihr .nl!' ' ' a ltlM lhiw M' -1 l IrrmlliMl allr aiirvi c-rnHIJr nt Ihe rr r almut 7S tlmiiuinl i rkmil aliMII l.aim . lfr will Im ilivrii. i ' al a iwn alfont ou 1'irar 'Ion. iianwi lakr, ami will Im ('' ' ilii'lrlal ir)Mii" ( at Liil Mil, tftrrn ' hat Irlrl. Thla nnll'i J VhiiiiHl on I tic 1 8 til 1J' ' A ropy of lhl null" i 1 J liiiPMianl ihrraln anil ' J Itll." will I niil in l' . Wairr livrorilrr al ' Tli dale .f the flr i I.f is .ir.Mi-s i vrt r.oMi'k' tif r. H': WATfR NOTICI. Oltaralon ana U ,, ,4 TKK XOTII.i: that r ' J..'. ' ilafr I. M. Olttfr h " Irrraro. It.C. mil applv ' rirrlii- atrraiin pun P'' LT ,.h I; aalliiin lllvpr irrnin lt I apimiilmalrly I ml"'- "k, (nt .iiilhrrly ami drain ';! 'tlfr atiiiiil Do inllaa 'al ';I ... tiv1 The river to t nam for ' nr mhrlM- mnvrvinf P " A, ,i w I ii.aa ami all forri P ,:. kis r'Hiairurilun "f Isminina; '. 'tli i troiniila al the Innnili Mri lrlire. TliK iHiiif dai ' ll,f n.iin.t on the Alll f in appl rallim Pi,ll"l,! ,r,n itf 'Walr'r Ai l" till! Of ''Vrta nf Ilia Water ItororoVr ' "",,, n ' n.C. fthjrrlkma lo Um P '"pj Jf lie lllt ft I'd Ihe wllh OmiiirolliT Ihf Mil ' "lv, ',, t Parliament lliillilms. " "r'i In ihiriy (Imi after th 'l-t oiirT.rfitVK.?''''' tie, fru.rr tihMfafo