PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS PERFUMES liy the ounce. A Tow odors by (ho leading perfumers. Coty's L'Ortgan - Paris Knieraude. per oz. $4.00 Caron's Mack Narcissus, per ot $7.00 lladianl, per ox. ... $3.50 Guerlaln's --L'lleure Hlcuc, per oz $5.00 Jicky. per oz $2.50 Roger and Gallet's Jadc-VrraViolrlta. per oz. $1.50 Flours d'Amour, per oz. $4.00 And many olliers. All new fresh slock RupertPharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Wo have all sizes In slock In Navy Serge Gymnasium Bloomers from $3.25 to $3.75 H. S.Wallace Co. Id. Phono 9. 3rd Ave. and Fulton. CLEABAMCE SALE Higgest Dargains ever offered. Underwear, 100 per cent pure wool, rcg. S 1.(10 suits, lo 'clear for $3.00 Men's Working Sox, reg. 50c per pair, lo clear at 2 pairs for 75c Ladies' jllose, reg. 1.0' value. ,'J'o- clear at 75c Toques, leg. from l.i!3 to 50c. To clear at 85c and 40c Slock limited. Come early and pick up the best. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 FASHION'S I LATEST Rayon Crepes A popular fabric for Spring and Summer Wash I tresses. Comes in a beautiful range, figured, stripes, checks, 32 inches. s Per Yard 65c WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenuo Phone 753 , English Knitted Jumpers From $5.50 English Knitted Suits From $20.50 Just lo hand. See our windows "Doners" We aim to plcaso Phono 27. P.O. Box 327 PRISON YOUTHS LEARN CRIMES! Warns Others Against L'te Selfishness as he goes to Gallows WIXMP1XI, Man., Mar. 3. flJy Canadian Press) "Within prison walls many future crimes are planned ami youths, most of them first offenders, are (aught i by oliler and hardened criminal that they will succeed the next lime." This was the charge of John Stanton liaker, convicted murderer of 70-yoar-old John Penny of Winnipeg, in his last message written while. awaiting execution of his death sentence which was carried opt here. The contents of the mesoage are made nublir bv llev. 1'eoii.r A. Woodside, who acted a! spiritual adviser to the con demned man. "I want to warn others,' Stan ton wrote, "lest tliey follow ir. my footsteps. All I ever did wai without the desire to do wrong, hut rattier lo serve my own sel fish purposes. Setf-pruservalinr. was the onjy law knew. I didifl know the difference between riiahl and wrong. I was follow-mg the path of least resistance..'" First Conviction Stanton .-poke of his first con viction and freedom. Hp had sought to go straight and looked for employment. lien he had answered truthfully iiestiini put lo turn, he was told that jail-birds" were not wanted. When he lied ami got work, he was found out and discharged. Wherever lie woni, the stigma of MARCH Will be oui Manner Motiili and yours for Saving Money on Uroceries First Come, First Served Phone 45 o tins Quaker Peas, .No. o. . . 35c 0 tins Corn or Tomatoes, iar&c 95c 8 tins Tomatoes, i's 95c I tins Libby's Asparagus .Tips v 95c 1 tins JJcImontc Spinach, 21 'a 95c 0 tins Lombard Plums .. .. 95c 0 tins Singapore Pineapple.. 95c! i tins Delmonte l'eaches, 2's 95c tins Heinz Pork and Kuans 95c 3 bottles Heinz Catsup, large 95c tins Campbell's Tomato Soup ... 95s lo tins h'nider's Tomato Soup 95c ti tins King Oscar Sardines 95c 15 tins Uruuswick Sardines 95c 3 tins Pure Honey, 2Vi's 95c 1 tin Pure Honey, .Vs 95c bricks Pure Honey Comb 95s 10 tins Sally Ann Cleanser 95c (Contains same amount as Did Dutch Clenscr) ll' bars Palmolive Soap ... 95c t cartons Sunlight Soap ... 95c i big bars Castile Soup .... 95c pkgs. Princess Flakes .... 95c 10 bars While Swan Soap .. 95c i bottles Sterling Catsup . . 95c a lb. Ontario Cheese 95c ' doz. Kxtra Fresh F.ggs . . . 95c .' lbs. Hest Creamery Hotter, hulk 9So t doz. Sunkist Dranges .... 95c 1 doz. Suukisl I.einoliH .... 95c Pure Marmalade, i Hi. tin .. 55c (iheradella's Chocolate, 3 lb. tin $1.35 Malkin's llesl Coffee, 2 lb. for $1.25 Pure Lard Price. 3 lb. for 75c: 5 lb. for $1.25; in lb. . . $2.45 MeCormiek's Sweet Hiseuils. rec B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance Dry Cedar Full load $0.50 Half Load $3.50 Largo sacks ... ..... 6O0 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. h i at SIM Mm Of jf I j F flavor of fresh I mint gives a new I thrill to every bite. II I I Wrigley's is good J ' and good for you. crime pursued him. "II seemed," he said. "Us if every door was shut agaiusl me except the door of vice ami crime." "What would I do if I got 013 freedom again? I believe I would live a Christian life and try and help those down and out lo see the error or their way as I never -aw it until now." In assailing capital punishment .Mr. Woodside maintained It wan a "Idol on the escutcheon of our civilization," ami the .ouner abolished, the better. "II is a thousand-fold more horrible, however, when we look at the causes of which it is'the consequence," Mr. Woodside xaid "If we are to remove it effectively, we must strain our sinews as h Christian nation to abolish the cause. 'J'here is only one cure for crime. The human heart must e regenerated."' 1 Mr. Woodside blamed the parent for the delinquency anions children. The mother and fathers, In- thought, should train their children in the diffcrencr 1 between right ami wrong; they xhould take greater interest in them, he companions lo them anil watch their amusements. "Don'l wail until you are eon-'ronl'"( with 11 lerriiii'' enlamilv before Vm:i give Miogli! to the rtl. r ililplol'eil WEEK-END SPECIALS Oi.r rusionicr-. confidence i our btgiicsi asset. tood salesmanship never lets enthusiasm run away from truth. Swift's Cottage Itolls, average 5 lbs. each, per lb 29o Krcsh Chicken Halibut, average i lbs. each, per lb 12'zC Fresh Herring, 3 lbs 25c (try Salt Cod. 2 lbs. for .... 29c Kaslern Finnan Haddie, per lb. .' ..... 19c Itib Itoast Hepf, per lb 18c Pol Itoast Her i. per lb 10c Slewing Heef, 2 lbs 25c Campbell' Tomato Soup, per tin 13c sterling Tomato Catsup, hot 19c Smyrna (looking Figs, per lb. 11c Duality Jtraml Com, per lin 13c Narl Oranges, medium size, per doz 29c Malkin's Hest Pure Hoifey, strained, i lb. pail . . . . 79c Pure Olive-Oil, Wj piuls ... 35c Pure Olive Oil, pints 65c Pure Olive Oil, per quart .. $1.15 50c value. 3 lb. for ... $1.00 Johnson'n Fluid Heef. lC o. We Sell the Best. We Sell foe Less llipe Olives, per tin . , . , Saanieli Clams, per tjn . Iteckill's Hlue Christie' Sodas, per tin Hulk Cocohuiit, per lb. . H.C. Lima Heans, li lbs, , Sago and Tapioca, 2 lbs. bot tle 99c Lea & Perrinn' Sauce, per pi. 65o 17c 17o 5o 45c 19c 25o 15o (iraham Flour, -Id lb. sacks 55c Whule Wheat Flour, 1(1 b, sack 65c llidgwuy'ri Old Country Tea, per lb 83o Iliiligwny's fSnld Lalel Pekoe Tea per lb 99c's Fruit Sails '. ... 89o tSipiirrel Hrand Pcanul Huller, 1 2a lb. pails 55c '(iinuer Snaps, per lb 19c I Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211, 212. CHURCH PASTOR BIDS FAREWELL Rev. P. E. Bolster Presided at His Last Meeting of St. Paul's Council PRESENTATION MADE New Pastor Will Arrive Next Week and Organlzor Loaves Soon Afterwards The council of St. Paul s Lutheran Church held its regu- llar monthly meeting last eveu- nig at the residence of K.. I'.. jllallberg and at the cloe of the meeting, the last at which the I organizer of the congregation. IJev. P.M:. llalsler. will preside. Hie secretary, John Dybhavn! Prince lltiperl in about two weeks from now. He will be here lo' meet Itev. T. 1 1. the Hrst regular paslot,or the ooutrrega-tion. who is expected null week and will induct him the following Sunday. New Building Plans for the new church building are mA in the hand of the contractor' mid bids are being received. NOT HIS DOING. 1 "Does yo take tin woman for they lawfully wedded wire?" asked I lie Negro parson, iclanriug a' 'lie diminutive watery-eyed, how-legged bridegroom. vUio kIihm? beside 2I0 pound of feminine assurance. "Ah lake nnlliin'," gloomily responded Uie hcidii-groom. "Ah liein" looked." Arkansas Thomas (bit. Winnie- Did you ever take! your motor-eyrle lo piece to see how it worked? Arthur--Will, not exactly. I have taken it to pieces to see how it didn'l work. form r. Noll, of Application for Ctrtiflcatt of lmpromnt( "Slant" CUlm SllilJle 111 tlw frill)-? IIU(wrl MlHlhir IHH.kxi of Uic Skt-rfU liulrlil. VVhrrr Px-.lfil: fr I Ik- Ik-cJ i,f klUvaiktlUin iJkr. Lawful lHklrr: swan Halm. Mum-her or'r-. frcr Mlnr' Ortirtoaln. TAkl MlTII Out I ln ImIIii Tirr MIiht'ii Orliriralf .Nil nanulc. iniMxl ai tlx- rnl nf ultly day. frnii Oh late Iwrwir. l aijtl Hi tin- Mintnir Hw4.ritr fur a l ertlfliali' nf lintirinHHWil!. for Ihe luiMi.r or rfitaiiiiiiii 1 i:mn Oram nf uic lm.c claim. ,u,i furllwr lake uuilrc llMt aili. 11. uiulrr M-llirii 9 nf IIM- Mliieral Ail. mii.t Im -mihiiim'mI Im-. turr tUr iMuaior of aucli OrllfleaU- iif iiiilini.riiwiiii. Dalril llii :inl day i.f ViUutry, tf.. SWAN PAI.l.t, OHiHr. 11 f K T. kniny. Aamt SHERIFF'S' SALE. 4 11 I lie li,iuil I'Miil "f I'rliii'y IIiuim-i Imlilni at I'rlur lli-rl. Stewart aal nuutry, tailllirr. Tirfll roliir anil I.m Vlrk. rarrvlnir uli liiiliwp it I'riiwj- ImiTl iintarry, dtt- fi-luljMl. In tlrtiie nf a warrant if ttiwnllwi. ip.ned in lliu ii'iiui, ami um- (IIim-UhI. I tiati -iic1 f ilii vinmU of lav ilifin- iliult tlM' fiildmliiir: oih- Kuril ilclHerj-car. II. I.iivim- ii. fl-SfO for 41m nra- m.i 1 of IHi'i. ami will mII all rlalit. IiIIp anil iulere.t or ill,' alivc ili-rrmlanu lliervln. at an Uw i.rlff nf a Urn atalmt ut rr. pin. ri-rlalil rarairr ilMrrr. All of Mtili-li I lull offer fur ulr tiv IMililir aui-tlwi ron. Ml Molii. tlw Hid tlai of Marrh. !. ai kaii-n iar am-. Tlilnl Avi-iiw Writ, in tlw filly of I'rinrr IuiwtI. JOHN SIMIIIKV. SjM-rlfr of I Ik Urtinly of frlltrp llii-rl. Vft frert i. Varklawl. Irmljr hlxflff. :. r. lirliM-. Iiailiff anil AurlloiMvr. halril at I'l-inrp .liuoert,, Varrh -j. til. SI SHERIFF SALE. Ill llie OmhiIv lit ITIIir.. IIMwrl: Slewail anil Volilry l.lmllril. filalllllffa: Tom ton ami le Vlrk. i-arriliiF on lniliii-- umli-r tlir iinini' ot Crfiu-e llu lit (iroi-erle-, drrnitlanta: ll ilrln ,.r 1. u ...aiil t.r j.t.iill,.n 1.. 1 iMM-ii in IM. anion. I liavr UI of the WlodlilM: Soda. H lbs. for .. 25c routl. t lli (trfriiifjiil 111IJ llm fulluwlnir I '"'-al l" k "if Kimerlr. ti4uK--na, IP.: Sinn VI-iLi.x ttia fni. 9K Miap i laht'S. ma. for . . ., Z60 ,,. i,,r . rnniUlilnif. lr ., all nf wbli-li I hall offer for aalf liy I'liMlr AiM-tlon for on I'rldav. I lie flflli day of Maiili, lliiit at J o'llmk In llie af ternoon al at I Tlilnl AreiiHe Went. Ifl UM" fil ot I'rmrn IOIieM, JOHN Slllllt.KV. Slwrlff Vn trl ti. UarkUnd, feHily Plierlff II. r nnin. 'iietMicer and Ilallirr ' Dated al I' nr iweert, II ' Itliruar, .D. ! S Do Your Bowels Ever Become' Constipated? A frf motion of th bowuli, rtrj day, ahould be th ftim of evuy on who apiri to perfect health, for 'once the bowela Ucomo f lowed op 11 the olhfr orRn of tho body get drDerd, and ill kind of dlaftafa and iliaorden are liable to attack the yatem. If you take our advice aad um Milburn's ron will find that thfy will rfKuUt and krrp your bowela and Uver in proper ahape. and ho thia i( done there is not much chance of you ever being alrk Thia valuable rtmdy hai been oa the market for the tout 32 ycani put up qnlr br The T. AUlbmn Co, spoke appreciatixely of the tilde j Liaiiuj, Toronto, OnU ami thorough work ilotie ny ttie pastor, in laying the foundation pf SI. Paul's coiHiriwation. Many obstacles had to ! overcome but the growing fruit fulness of the work would be some reward lor the sacrifices made, lie personally thought thai all the members of the council had benefited by their association with Mr. Haisler and the work of the council. As a small token of appreciation he pie-tented the retiring pastor. with a leather portfolio on behalf of the council. Feeling Response Mr. Haisler feelingly respond ed. He .said Dial one of the most difficult things in his work was to break away from the pood friend made in Prince ltuHrl. lie had slated oiiUide as well an hem thai the council of SI. Paul' churrJi wn one of the ivl Jie had worked with in the organization of mission eongregation. He predicted one of the very heal of missions in Hie Pacific synod which would dewhtp into a self-supporting cougregal ion in the not far distant future. Mr. Haisler Mill be Ittaviikg BOBBING MORE HEADS TODAY Hairdressers See No Slackening In Present Styles or Tendency to Revert MAJORITY MIDDLE AGED Thoso Who Used to Scoff Havr Come Into Modern Fashion: Girls Unanimous niHON'ltt. Mareh 3. - The boi will remain. No edict, of liainlreer or wkg-maker ort transformer ran kill it, and no mere rumors ot wars or scare headline., about "The llattle llie I lob can weaken Us hold on HiV world of women. Wliether it is that couturiers of Pari are designing for tl)e hoblieil waiunt ; or the coiffeurs are eonsiileruig ' .'the needs of the ftMrlwJlllllll., lite fact remains that the trunk; comfort -of the spring fashion, will travel hand-iu-huiid with Hi. freedom and lightness of the sltiusle. Tolay elothes and Hie Imb make the woman. Shorn Heads' Increasing In Hpile of prediction-, nf ;i battle al the i-nunni.' eonveniior. of liairdrefer 111 New York on Mareh H and i. ioi-al expei-ln see no cause for anxiety among tin bobbed. "We me botthtllg more heads now than we ever liobbed before," wa Hie sueeiurl statement of a prominent Yooye si. hairdreer. "Within the la' ten jJ "i 'wo weeks we hae 'eul more heatl- than we cut in the previous four or five month. There is absolutely no sign of a falling off of inter! in shot-' hair. The majority of patrons seem to he middle-aged, and even elderly women. All the younger girls have becu trimmed utis lougt, timti, ami now even the women who used to i-nff ur-. coming into the fashion. Shingling Again lot of women who wen hack to long hair for a while are coming for a Miingle again ll.ev'll have no more o loir: hair and hairpins, they say. Im-went oir, "and probably. In view of approach iu v spring, Ihev don't mind Iomiu the evlra warmth." So. the general odnion is tlm' the hob will be the reigning idea for spring. A tweed coat, a ehie little fell or Itankok hat. ami a trim bob -these are lb requisite of a smart spring ensemble. There will lee no riulieul change in the style, neetirdiiig lo local opinion, llie hob will i-oiilimie permaiicutlv ruled Willi wavits, worn au natural in the day time and tmpplcuicnlcd byi curled postiohes or coioneM nraiils tor tormal evening wear. Boyish Bob a Freak As for the boyish bob, its iay are numbered. "It's a freak, say the experts, upeakiug an with authority. "Il a case of lakmu a perfectly nu'e, iensihtt style and going loo far with il.. A neat, close shingle is one thing, but a flat, brillaiitined boy's rut is decidedly another. In my own busiuoos, I don't think I huvo ever had a repeal for a boyish bob. The girls try it out once. ami I lien realize that ,il is too masculine and let 4heir hair Ki'ow until il can be properly eu' I have Mime 7fi or HO girls al together in my hcIiooI ami shops, and, though every last one or them is bobbed, only Iwo have the boyish linn, and they are sorry for il. Thai's ,n.ny wood eriterion of hair rashions. t should say " Xdv' i'i ae 11 'In Dadv Now Wednesday Mu China Chi Cup & Saucer SPECIAL K tit For Ono Week In our Dafctnent Store Special nire . noal Money Savers. COunlt OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Our modem opioid diparltiieni ,t- .,, liianx salisfied iilotuer. o gue--wmiv optn uili who Im- had over I weuly-sevi 11 u .., No neeil for ou to go fiirtlier we can g,. service here as yon gel in any large guanuilceil. MAX HEILBRONER 527-520 Third Avenue WESTHOLME THEATRE THURSDAY ONLY, 7 and 0 P.M. Betty Bronson & Ricardo Cortez "NOT SOLONG AGO" A riuii.iiilie 1 oipedv lirama oi 1 1 1 1 1 -when (iriMMliiiii u- . girl. A 1 .iptiMtnig -flapH ties da when New York a jm-i way a rwpalli, when girl wore curl anl ami went jiiidio on bnyicv vni - Ion. egg Were Hlle. i: , ent .1 dug! I' nut Mir in. ii't.''(he Uitdein dike made a I .if hit. Sr.- !! Looking hark al IS.Mi with Hie eye of IttV' . laugh". Stnoig east. Detty Bronson, Ricardo Cortez, Edwards Davit, Lun ance Wheat, Dan Crimmlnj, Julia Swavne Cordon other. COMEOY PATHE REVIEW 35c. and 10c. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND . SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pall"1 makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WCLDINO. Our plant is eipnpped to handle al kind cf MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S5 Steamship and Train Service s t raiNcc auetar m tav raiacc auecar cci- VIOTOniA, SISTTLC ami iiileBH-iHalr ul Milt rRIDSV at t a.- S t. PRIMCC vvioniio i '" Rueiar u stkwart awl anvox, s.s. eairicc ton ri initial) t. vancouvfr ia ouna CMAt'", ISLANDS. rAISLNOIR TRAINS LCAVC rRINCC RUftRI , SVIRY MONOAV, WEDNESDAY a let SATURDAY At S pin I rHlfCI OiO"1" EDMONTON, WINNIflO, all -ttl talrn Oanaila. ' AQENOY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cllr Tklal Offka, B2S Third At, Prlnta Rvparl, fliaal Perfect Foot Contest Winners Ut Prlzo Stanley Dorocn, 05 per cent. 2nd Prlzo Miss IW. Astoria, 00 por cent. A PERFECT FOOT. is I Im l which performs il fuiictioii-. wtUumi pain, in wliieh the miie are not disiUii'ed. Hp perferll) loinu'il. and the exleninl siirfnee irei-cnlloiisc"., Imiiioiis, protruding; or prominent t" (, Ho not keeji tin sutfeniirT with your left !.' ou gt"! relief as we have helped others. Jabour Bros.. Ltd