,.,ia.v March 3, 1926. HtHLTON LAND DISTRICT. ...(.let af Coaat Rangt ft. . V, inn thai. ')' i) after iioitt lnlihl In annlt' l.. !' li "f 1.'"' f"f firrnr tin ami iroiiiiii .it. of a flilklWe: i j it I )m.m planted ii (h din or Serlmn 31. Tp. 4, ntd milked T,J.H.' nurihi-Ki ,-. wiiilh au ihim, ihenee ,,'jiti thrill- north c rhaiii. IIWIM. In mlli nf rnin- Ath 111. l ....III.. Iltll Itl'IVTV IIILTOH LAND DISTRICT. pliirlct Of tent Range 5. tick out. 'Hi) liny after in-att. niieiui in apply in ,r j.aiun rr a nn-nra r nit a ml jM-iroti-iiiii ... nf land. fill(: ' - it a I"' planted at i'i ner 'if Si'ilMI it. Tp. I. ii i marked T.J.H. f inrliiel milll DO rhaiii, IlKlirp jiv tliiir north an rhain. , HJIii. Hi Itfit of nim- aii io m. tm. IHiMt JtMM HEtTTY. (4AZILT0N land district. Diilrkl of Coaal Rani B. i -.wlP't that. '' '''J' 1 HralO . Intend HAtttTON LAND OlSTRICT. i wol nana . i' i. inai. iiit ni after In eelr ! if l.and for a Hi Mire , t.r ' (Ml ami iirimleiim ( cif land. a Mum: j it a poM planted at th , c.f Si-rUmi . Tp. A, a:at marked TJ.R'e imhai .- i rill U rliallm, hM-e ; tiH'ii'i kmiiii d riMiii. 3 "j luliiv I" mii of i-mii !. j1 .in ath. . viiol.s JVI. tiKlTTV MAI ELTON LAND DISTRICT, Oniric! Of Ceail Ranf . liat. mi day aflrr p. ill). Iiilehd In apl.l) l .1 Land fur a llcene ... rual I ml 11 roleiim - r land, a fidlm. II a imi.i plinlnl at 'iv , ci Tp. t. marled JJ.H.'t Milhpl i. . i ila an chain, ihmr On-ur Mmlli an rhain. Iialll. In pMflt ( nail . III. ISf. iVl! MAULTON lano oiitnict. Dtrlct af Ceatt Nana. ft. llul. lt v illy artrr r. ill InlrmU Ui a-pl)' I i.atMl fr a Ih-mh-h ' r i.ial and ifr,mm 4 land, a (lli . m a I""' lnmi al im w ! trt ?. Tp . marai d TJ.B wnfil'ti Ih an ifiaiiM. Inmni ilirfira Imnll i4l. iiaiii. I" ilnl "f -n till II MVI." f.TTY. HUILTOK LAND DIITRfCT. Dtrkt af Coaat Raf ft. I K thai. li) dan aflrr : U inlrlul U lftt Mi r Land fur a Wrmrt 'al ami ttnnm t land. fidlim al a lt tUntl al in is 4 vIKdi . Tp. I. ins I'd T J.H. ntlhral ..-Hi a il Hiam. Ihrmrr ItirlHV HMIt rluww, iiam ! pidM f nan i nil. itt H JVI" WATTY, MUtLTON LAND DISTRICT. I Onukl af CmiI Raaaa ft. tll !(! dia If If . ill tnlftt U applt t txu tit a lli-w -II and j'lrnlranfl f land. a f.... a !' fdintm at tb if fcrdtim i Tp 4. l jrk. d TJ.H MUlH i ""th fii rBlhl". HirtW ItMitrr hmiIIi a chain nam In rtni ft cm v- lllh. ( M lMI WrTTV. MAttLTOD LANO DISTRICT. D'ttrlct af Coaat Ranaa S. i. inai. uir nan anr H'll't inimd ! apply l .f Un.l fur a ww Mial ami ilfniim f Ian, a Mfc.n: l ii a p"t pUntl al in '.. ,if fiii Tp. 4. i: niirkrd TJ.R.'a notthal H.'ilh an rtiain. lln j: llw-nr m.rih an rhin. f hin. in rfnl f nan Jannarr lllh. It. pr.ATTY- thenri' north rhain. ham, in Niinl nf ni imian lllh, lit. tiimvs nrTTY, HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. B'Hf kl af Coaat Rana S. it' that, mu liv u"Ti',i niirtli an rhain. ilirnr nn- llwnr lumih sn rhain. ' " -hain. In point nf rtan- ' Jinmry I lib. I9I. Tjliitus MMf.s lil-UTV. HILT0N LAND DISTRICT. Seeihin , Tp. WATER RATES COLD STORAGE ..-r aa. Rant mnrr, .h.'uniiint i iwini I f si Him l thi-e eai an 'rhaln. I Pmi nf .-.an- lniwiiini. . H-.,rt i'i'Ri f f s HEATTY HMtlLTON LAND DISTRICT. DUtrlct of Coaat Range . tii xiiru'i: till, amy . DillrlM . 1.1... i T J luillv. lnlml AVK Ni.ini- .,.. ":... T. .1.. vimitiiip nf l.aiiil Mrllli liii.ml in milll in i prAperl f Lands fnr a 7lrnre i.vr mil " Ji hauled two 1 ' al i f iisnmewlna foe ral arm plrnlrn r) '"J. - nf land, a fAllnna: I Mill III f U .S'S'l'i I i ai a imki iitanfed Minted al al ihelMA, llanr . rner ot iT V i "r, ' . lni e ilipnre im .1 . ' l"1'! pliiiuil al ihe.'Hanr llaii a, tm a K Vir r?' .I?4" ...... 1. t i .l,M,, "iiy tiav aurr J UrallT mum. Intend i. In .. annlv .,.iv m In Iirirtn. rV .. i . L ' '""I "d. marked after In apply in fnr a lli'enre rnal and pelniletnn I .nl nh rhiln llieni mhiii, an rVialn. Ilirlira. f haln. IHenr al rhain. m hiu 'Mm. iIimi.m ......I. .a .i..ii.. ' ..iiuiipiimiient. .... e ,j u ru.n. ,.. ,.,, ,,, ...' i.naipd Jinmry fill. ln. ' - ' " Ill .11. JiniiM aih i in .Miims JXMKS nFVTTY. MILTON LAND DISTRICT. bi.l.l.a . 1 - uf ! woaai nanaa a. A. Nmirr ii.., .i..,.. .,i.. a " at. mil i aiavn ai iri w. Bajiy lntn.i tn aprHy In nr I an.i r... 'Pe.'i r.m ..i ..... in . . "iiu a Tti-'enr lietrnhsmi a ffiH.m HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. District of Coaat Range ft. MiTIT that, alUjr TUI Am?, , l T J Heat f V. Intend to apply M V.,'..... ,,i land mr a lnnre "" k.i.'ZLV. fnr dial klld pelMlenni ' - . . .....k .a t i if a MiimiHrni SrV h an W rhain, rharna. thi-mv ... Alll so HU rhalna. riiflHl". V"."' Ihenra " "" ." . ": -';" f a.. :: I J.H.'d na.lltiuaaalt rorllAr I . L . .'I .l V A.t ttll an i.-l'. n"r,n chain. iheiirerineiH'eniiTil, niury a,h 10afti niiMs JMES HmTTY. MLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dill. a ' - ,;;;edi.n;..ry ttiy.rnFXTTY MAttLtON LAND DISTRICT. after TAkl. l I . r. . "..,,--;. ... ,m,ly in date I. I, l. , " ""'1 ...... mi. a lu pin e in MiiiiKiri ., Htrnllllll ff,r a llreneei J l'":"H ;' ." -r nr snd. aa fnllnws:- - i ii T.L. r"r. cnal and peMerim" fler 4 arrea M the in! ."r f"""- !'"irl,ll,Li,r ir tit 'i" II Tp. I A. ""V pi-mtcil' at Hi rihwe.c ernr h t, Aei""? .."t .. .."?.. ," hJSH ".noli o rhain, Ihearf. ... inirineat ninirr. i-nin.-i. i - . .. nAHh an rnain. l rnain.' rhain. .i",r,h .1"" 1,0 rl''. niaina, H",'"' inenrn ""l,rp umr " t Janiiar l.L n... . Ilnt 1 f rnninienreinenl. mninieiieeineni. liienrement iiiriirniirnii "''t .,.h uft. Th"SaV".A- BEiVTTT. I Lr""' ,,inH0iA,3,,JXMl BEATTY. WEDDING BELLS RANG MERRILY E.ceMlve Ch.rfle For Utility at Play at Westholme Last Night That Institution Will be Considered Tin' uljlitfc cnmmiUfc hail ifpi-nil hark In Ihoni lat niRht hy lh cHy roiinpll Mir iiupHtion or rfiliii'lnn Iho wiiler hill fur Mi Canaillan FMi A Mnhl iSlnrano linrnpany, whlrh watt rniiiierei evrcivf. fl havlnu heen ennui. I-ernlily liiiTeaei recently. Alilertnan HleiheiiH m.i j he Ihiuiahl eri(uii eonaiilemlion .i. ....i i i. ..i .1 llirill. Was a Great Success and Will be Repeated To- Th I'rinee Itiipi-H Miiyer Cluli (.enreil another bt jc hit In Hie merry three-act romeily "Weilflinj? Hells'' which wan put on for the firsl lirji lant iiifehl in the WyMJiolnie 'Hieatr ami which will lie repeateil fonihl for th heneril of Mje fSyro duh'x pla.wrounil. Th Mialr was practically rilled ami Mm hi ii. nun in- Riven IIIK reniieni. I III)' nil. enen vn- ..i.t.n.ninliin .hi Slnrase plant wn Mi ht of l,o talnl lif.ay.l Jiy Mi frien.l I'rlnce import ,a.. It varhm. niyinl.pr of Ih cal-iinrl.iirnl I lie fi, .iiiiie,H here. Th play wax slaireil In a MnNheil When The rnl of any ulilily wan manner ami there wax not a iaie in p.c. it meant nude a hump anil they hotili cnnxiiler lu effeel on huinc. here. They were fimielimex accue of not iluiiit! what they eouhl for Iho tfhiug in.liiftiy her. The water in ipietlioii wax UM'il l.-uvely for wahiitt ilown fitliiiw ho.it ami he tlioiiaht (hey xhouhl reie (he hylaw if ft wm Injuring Ui tlh-in (t hu1n. 'ljiy hail fnnml a way to Kive the xawinill a rale for water ami h Ihouphl they phouhl (live the CoM Slorac plant fnlh I real men I. Encourage Industries Actinp M.iyor 0ey aahl h win in hearty arftnnl with w1mt AIiUtivi.iii Mephefix hail xaiil. 11 hitch viihle. ILich one of the iiiiw anialur acJorx hail role which (raw Vellnt npnnluitily for the iliitplay of ahilily ami initial w nii. all who hail any-thin? to ilo with Mi pulliiix on of the performance are worthy of compliment ami coni:ratiilatioji on Hie eicellence of Ih xliow. in every ilclail. A fare in which praelicall) ver' chanicler become in-voh in an affair of I lie heart, "Vliiiig llll" jiivex rie to coiliniou mirth piovoklnp situation prc-M-nlerl in a wny eni-hmlyinK fiiauy novel I urn. The icMilt I that the amlience i kept in xleaily merriment ami. helieveil the iililili cnnimiltw , W,P ri rsn purtain rlnp ilown t.liiHil.1 fonl.ler climely th, afler threi hour or (oli enjoy-ralex of oilier plare. ir Sl-, menl. every on i in a hisli ll ami olhr ports hail lowr4p 0f ftl.'1 ral for that claxa of aervicej . Leading Parts than I'Himn' lluperl Miy hmiMj a(iIKt rol if Ilecinahl tnak Vry effort to nfourafr ih liiliitrle fir. Ahlerman McKechni xplainil Ihi a onil hy AMertnan Perry ami carriwl. MAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. DUtrkt of CmiI Ranaa S. TILL MitKl: llul, ltlt il .a... It! HAaliar lalMul il In ap for tor a a nd i a a rHi afler Tf I" Hurler U takn iy Alex. A. Con non in who lion in Xw York ("fly Ih seen i set. 'I'h motif how Mi JmiMinfilrtri or Mi ralf H. y compri-ei the events cam ahrtiil. II wt liail oil rjlI,fcI1jriMlr ,Urj,tft n rw hours Mi ml In force jn Vanmiver." vITTvious to hit intmlI mar-Ahleniwiii Jo flpeer mol loiriav nrwl coiiepicnt upon th rfr il lPk to Ih commill' iim-vpecliM appeanuice of a for- r r ii . . . i 1 1 . . n ... Mr iiinurr ruiiiiiniiiniii iiimi mr wifp. l'rohahly Mie most n nl nous role in the play, Mr. ".on non hamlles th part with niarketl natural aliility ami ilis-playx talents that wouM ilo credit to any slag'!. The leaillnir l.iilies' roles an- in iniir of tjnut ftrnr; mrei hy Miss Dorothy Hilling; i.ia in ar arrr. of Unit, fMna: - linill ami .Miss l.iaini.'l .Marsil, UK- imi mwi r If II ll, I. ami markd TJ.H.- iih- mwonMy winsome anl much- ihHiVr a. eluliH. iltre amiih an I i'rplXil hriil-lecl anil Ml lal rhain. inr mi w rwin( tf nsmiili nriiimil. iU.s Jir..s REATTY. MAI ELTON LAND DISTRICT. Dfelrltt of Coaat Ranfl ft. TUi: TIH: thai. liy aaa HAItLTON LAND DISTRICT. mi. i. t.i . r caa,.! Ranaa S. after 4ai I. T. J. Pan. lniai in iihst n lit wiMlr .i nipri nf f..i land tar a niai and piriam jiia .,r land, a follow! rwwrtmrina al a .Hanleti at Ih ,-MUM-aO nrnr f Slln la, Tp. P. liana 1, and ard TJ.B. Bihal mnr hr nurth rbiln. lltr r.i an i-aaln. iben Kiaim rhain. Iltmr al liain. In nl of "m- "',Js,'janar!r It. Iain Slh. ""P,;,; ,sw pr.VTTY. HAZKLTON LAND DISTRICT. omrftt Coaat Ranaa S. TIKI; MiTUi: thai. tuy iliya aflr I ,ii. I T. J nallv. inimi M mT fl n Minuter nr l.ann ror a m ilrenr t H all lnl-ml In apHj WiMi pmi"' "w. .1 f,A I l land, fnr a rVnr ..r fiia arr .4 land as '""": . -ial and rlnilfm i,wi.n'il '.. i) .- Tll , t -f lam. a foimm. -mlhMi T-.tr'in a' artnhweM fkd TJ.R. a I and at a ihmi i.uni.1 al lit liana , j a .. a I ... .KBuaa llanlka llonil FN niaifl'. HIHnr c: .l nMrkd TJ.H. a Jv-in.J al haH.. Vr" -"",n.-f I . . . ... ... IL..." u...l an ma n, in piwni m "" 'iiii ,v uaiii, i,w-i,.w i - - - TILL MiTHI lhal, alily ill) riT i itili. I, T. J. Hatl). InleiHl I" PI"y m after, Ui Mint'.' 'i'T..T iTAm tirwpiri IW! i w w r-". " .............. IV. . 1... ,,v l,.ul r,.lini H. IIH. hilmi In apply Ini m f l and f.r a llrenre or M I", .-..al ami itmleum i nniewlii al a l .'"' acr - nf land, as fnllim: lamiin n ili-il twn lull Ih in tirlliel mriier nf IM " i a ikii iiianiisi ai in . i"' ' " .r.ir, n rhn ilirnr :rwr srlU I . TP. 4. ea-l nirtier. Ilienr '"' ? ',',,.nn' Ji? it ill iiurkii t j ii i.jiiiw.i an rnnin. ti"-"" tr as Itosali. Mi ilcmure hut aeheniin? tormer wif. MU otms lailis play lhir parts wild illslinclion anil In a manner leaviiiK notlilnp In he ileslreil. Their ilainl.v anil numerous costumes ar a feature. As a conflrmeil Munich debonair hachelor. wnry of though apparently williiw ror adventures with the gentler sex, W. M. WaUs carris out th rol of Spenivr WVlls in a sophisticated manner, lie is Tjirter's hosom and confidential friend, willing hut sometimes unable to extricate his chum from Ih en-tnntslemenls that arisv. Long-Halred Poet As DoiiBlas Onlwny, hespecla- clil and long-haired poet. r.eo. Mitchell carries nut with marked HAIILTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coail Range 5. TUK MOTIVE Ihil. altlr day pel after ilat I, T. J. hvalir. Inimf Id apply In Ui viinl'ier hi pnipl (if I.ni1 fir fnr rnal and mer 4 arrea nf land, a fnllim: (.i.nuwiirliir al a pn plvhlii al Ih north! miner tif ifik,M6jJUn' . and marked TLtl.'a mihviM enrnr. Ihenr nnrlh o rtiain. ineiire eai ii rhain. ibHire nulh fn rhain. Ihrme and marked TJ.H.' imrth-! M tO rhalns. In mint a lit-eni'e imlenni ni ninmirnrp- tnraled Jinnary Sh. 1t. TIIQM S I MI S HF.ATTY. HAIILTON LAND DISTRICT, ni.trlct nf Caaat Ranaa S. TALK MlllO; lhal. alxiy daya after dal. I, T. J. Heatl), Intend In apply In ih Mlniner nf land fnr a Hrence kn pmnperl fnr rnal and iiel nileiiin nvve HI ft arrea nf land, a Mlou- i:imiiiieiiriiia al a in-1 pliiiml at ihe niithw! ennier nf Seninn IJ, Tp, 4. Ilantr s. and marked T.J.Il." wiiilhwe! rnriier. iliettre north On iiuin, ilienre at CO rhain. Ihenr snulh ini rhain, thcni-e wrfl so i-tialn. In piunt of rum menrenienl. , l.nrliril jinnary nin, TIIOMVS JWK.S HF.ATTY, HAZELTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Range B. TAW I; MiTli'K tint, llv days afier il.il I, T. J. neatly, intend to apply In tin- Mlnioer nf Land for a llrnire pi prrii(rt Tor eoal and islrnlniii over 040 arrea of Mud, a follows: ('.niniiiriirlnr ai a pl planted at ihe north vi et rorncr nr I.nt fftft, liana 5, and marked T.J.H.'a outhea''t rorner, llnnre north So rlialn. ilH-nre iel ini rtiain. Ounce sniith SO rhain. Ihenre eal HO ehiin. In point nf ninuneiiremnit, liraled January Slh, 108ft. Tllilns .AMIS IKtTTY. HAIILTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlrt of Cdaat Ranaa K. Tiki: MITirC Oial llv ,l.v arir il.lt I, T. J, Realty, Intend In 'apply In the .Minister nf Land for a llrenre hi rnert for rnal and is-lrnleiim nver win arri' or lann. aa rnintwa:- lisiilneiKiiia at a ipust planlrd at 40 rhain arnilh nf the annlhue! rnrner Vif teriHiii y i , tp, i A, name s. and marked T.J.B.'a tmrthea! enrner il, ihenre aiiiilh so rhain. thenr urn an rhain thrlire north HO rlialn. thenr p ail i uniii, m point tir roinnienrement, I nralril nil (nlniile after twelve) .mid tilahl. IwlWeiii. Ih f Hi and lh cif inn ' ary. gft. TIIOMtS JAMF RFtTTY Wllneaa to ataklnf. Ous Ber, Bride .inner, i-iKi kiinijn, u.u THE DAILY NEWS ,PAGR:FIVB The Slight Cold Of To-day May Be Serious To-morrow On the irit tppearajife of a conifh 'or cold, do not neglect it, tut get rid of it at onr before it haa a ehanca o grow worae and breouu-i aettled on Hit lanfi, for once it doea Iwrome drp-realed joa are going to have a lot of trouble in getting rid of it, Our ad rice to you ia that on the Ant aign of a cough or cold yon abould procure a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup aa by lt timely us yon may aara, yourself many yeara of Buffering from aome acrioua bruncnial nr lung troolilea. Dr. Wood'a" haa lcn cm the 'market for the part 37 yeara j ao you are not experimenting with some new and untried remedy; pat up only by The T. Milium Co., iJniittd, Toronto, Out. ahilily a rule that if as diffieull as il is I'oniicil. Meek (hough (ffiisiv in naluri ifnd ioctic in appearance as Wi-ll as sentiment, Onlway, Ihroiigti tin initiative of hi own, finally fc-tjiliires the hride while Mm srrtom ia telephoning for a minister. The pari of Mrs. Hunter, the proud and distressed mother of Maicia, is carried oil with dignity hy Miss Winnie, Larsen. Hooper, a sentimental though sclf-pofcC!-'red ladyf.H maid, is portrayed in splciiiiid manner by Mis Florence ,flchison; V. Mack takes the pari of a most loitlerly Ihoneh niuch marrid iMiller, and . J'iBjra apjiears as a Japanese manservniil, the only member or the entire east who does not hecom invn!! matri monially or nearly so in the course ot Ih tilay. llsponsihl to a larg d?ree ror the excellence or Ihe manner in which the play is stgtl and Ihe arrangement nf Hie scoops are J. S. Wilson, under whose direction, it is stayed, and W. II. I. IMeming. stag manager. 'Hie make-ups are in charge or .Mrs .. (). Lnrsen nnl Ih prompting is In Ih hands or Miss tt. Mac- Kay who, as far as Ui audipuc could see last night, hail little to do. ,; II. F. Thompson was cashier and the ulirs wr.th Misss Allies lioiiaMsou, Caroline Mitchell, Frances Cross, Lillian Worsrold. Phyllis Mreishlon and V. Armstrong. 'Hi Westhnlmp Orchestra rdaycil opening and blvn ai selections. 'taae rurnishincs were loaniil by ilenrtre 1. Til A Co. LAKE KATHLYN In Spite or Mild Winter, 11,000 Tons Was Taken Reports Contractor Who Is Visiting City In spite ot the exceptionally mild winter a satisfactory ice liarxest lias been taken this year al hake Kalhlyu slates Charlc Wilson, rye contractor rrom that point, wiio is u isitor ii the city today (in business During the iiidnlh . or ;Fchru- ..i. : ii ..: : . . . - . t ry .Mr. w iison-nail iwviuy-one men ius?(iii''l 'ill i'utiuiK,. 'loriug and shipping the ice with Iho re-Milt that 11,000 Ions was taken 7,000 tons being disposed of to Ihe railway company for slor ape at various points along Mi line between l'rince Hupert and l'rince tieorge and 1,000 . Ions being sloped away in the .llooth Fisheries' three ' hig ice houses nl Lake Kalhlyu. Oving to Ih lateness or the ice in Tormina?, il was not mil this year until February Whereas usually it i taken in January. It was only Ihiiieen inches in thickness in stead of Ihe usual twenty-one inches. Th coldest day or Mi ynr at Lake Kathlyn, which is Mir mil Mils siil or Pmilhers, was In Ootobr when Ih lhrmome-tf dropped In seven ileigrec! above rro, reports .Mr. Wlilson, who arrhd rrom Mi interior on this morning's train and will r-lurn Oir this evening, HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert V. F. Lade, Slewatt: 11. H. Tewsley, .', .1. ninspior and fl K. Hopkinson, Tornnlo: Mrs. W. The Well-Managed Home THE manager of a household is the purchasing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where . to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchasing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements lell you whal is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you in-formation about a thousand and one things lhal are useful and interesting. Every manager of a household every member of the household who shares the responsibility for the family s welfare should make a habit of reading the ads. OBJECTION TAKEN Read the advertisem jnts in order to buy wisely ' TO ADVERTISING IN TELEPHONE DIRECTORY lering them up. Il was unfair both lo suhscrihers and ailvt-r Users lo do otherwise. It Ihetv was riot an adequate, rale without giving anyone th edge on adyr Using they should raise it. He had no objection to Iho firm in question prlntiYis Mi homk It lhev put in Ihe lowest lender Mussel!, Skeena Ciy : Mrs T- ,I ; otherwise it Was asking the suh- MnrMi, Teirac;. fieorge Keep cribr)t to pay, ir on adver and IV Volpe, SmithCr. Advertise in the Dally .News. IImiI, the 'others fell they lutd to ilo so in seirproteclion. Alderman Larsen claimed that in all cities the directories were tug volumes and big ofter were1 1 made Tor the advertising right. Oppose Tenders 1 Alderman Stephens .said thosa, were privately owned. Why wasi matter Will be Further Consld- il not suggested that tenders be; efed at Future Meeting of called and nnd out how much City Council people wen- willing to pay to. lite privilege, llul he would op- That advertising in Ihe cily;P vn that. I..I..i.li.me .lireetnrv wont.t I... an .Moerman nrown sai. iiiei-um- iuiposilion on the people ir al-M", P"1 ,nakinP a 1Pr01I" loyed, was. the opinion Xpreiseit hy Alderman Stepliens at the city council Hireling lal night, vhei. un application rrom Hose, Cowan A I.a,tJ vp.ritjli-. Mie. ill reel; irs five for the right to insert ad vertising, was brought before tho city council. Alderman llrown said the matter might well be given serious (hoikghl. The firm would get oui two hooks a year and the adverlising would not encroach on Ihe directory. In the interests or economy and efficiency should be considered. . Mean Advantage j Alderman Stephens said Ihe matter came up two or three years ago and he opposed it then as he did today. lira municipal telephone service they had no right lo place .subscribers at (he necessity to take advertising. II would be n mean advantage to lake of subscribers, lie holievisl lhal In Jill cities where they hail their own utilities Mies sltouhl pay their own way without elul memlation, they wanted Ihe vttiinc.il lo ileal with il. He fcir- d, ir something was not dons they would have, to rats Mij rates. . Joe firctfr thought the matter might be investigated further hut if anything were done he would ravor calling Tor ttidrs. II was decided lo- lay il on th table ror a week. HAIELTON LAND DISTRICT, Dlatrlct of Coaat Range B. TAkE XOTir.E lhal. tUt dat I. T. J. Neatly, liiletnl iy days trier I to apply In Ih Mlnl-ler nr Land fnr a llrenre fci pmTie for rnal and etmleum uver am arrea or lami. a rnllowa limiiih-iirlnt al a put planli'd at (lie nurthelH rurner of Serliun SI, Tp. i. lunkr , anrl Inai km T.J.H. a iinrtliat rorner, thnr soiuli fin rhain., ttn-iir W 0 rhalns, the nnrlh u rhain. inrnre eai u rnain. lo imini nr ruin- inenn-nieiil. LiH-ateit January lllh. Ivto. THOMAS JkMKS HF.ATTY. I ninnii iirlna al a pom planted al )h HAICLtON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct ot Coaat Ranaa S. TAkt NoTIC.K that, aitlv diva after dale I. T. J. Healty. Intend In apply In III MlnMer nf Mud for a llrenre pi limspeel fnr rnal and lietmleuni over am arrea nf land, a fulluwa: imrinwesi wmr r sertmn s, tp. j, llanir 5, and marked TJ.H.' iuirlhwel nirtier, Ihenre wiiilh SO rhain. Ihenre iat so rham, thenr nnrlh an rhain.' thrnre wel so ihain. lo lnl nf nsn iiirnn'iiinii. Located January lllh. I. TMiVS JMKS RFXTTY. HAIELTON LAND DISTRICT. DUtrlct 'of Cottl Rang B. TAkl: MirirK that, alxiy dava after late I. T. J. Healty, Intend lo apply to tin- Minister nf Land for a lli'enre hi pni-HH't for r l and pelmlenm over in krre nf land, a follow: - i niimiemimr at a pni planleil two mil aouth of Ihe iwirlhweM inriH-r nf Lot , lunae t and marked T.J.ll.'a northwe! corner, thenr uilh 0 rhain. Ilienr eai aw mama, inence north an rhain, tlH-nre wet so rhain, tu polni of mm menrenienl. Lonicd Jiniurj- lib. lore. THONfAS JAMES BEATTY. Gall and see ou? advance models in ONYX Ladies' Shoes and other make?. Just arrived. Prices righL Family Shoe Store Phone 357. Third Avenue. Dr. Alexander 8rnlth Modi Phone 575 DENTIST MILK s From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIP-PiIQ CREAM )'e "peciaUy recommend our Tahle Crearn at 15o for Hair Pint. Quality arid Servloa Valentin Dairy Phone M7