... " r THREE FLOWERS JL rreparauons For Exquisite Care of thhe Skin Cleansing Cir.nn, skin fi-uc Hinidci. .ml ,nii-!iiiiK Crcnni .. 50c each For the Face Far Powder m white, natural nd brunette 75o ami $1.00 in (lark, iiifiliiini. ami light liudc 50c l KHirow Pencil., each 35C n ..Miiiif, Tul'imi Powder, Soup ami Perfume. With each 51.00 box of Three Flower Face Powder giving ii iik itff" containing ix tri.it -uv Three Flowers Preparations Free. - booklet 'in Hi.. -my Tal-lc ri- i may ll.iV lur Ihr ;i-kmg. Ormes Limited Tint' Mia. ill Avenue and 0th Street. PliMM't-r IlltiKK'-l' Phone 82 and 200 Specials! Specials! Bedroom Furniture lrr-rr ami Bench, Jong mitre mirror .mil i"fj mirror- $43.30 I injr T ' i 'In.. .-. i 'i i.i'T' am! Ih'imIi . . 528.00 ' i tlfT Tahle, our minor IH2t. ;iUl liflM'tl $24.40' I' -iug Table. Ihree l.excllcd mirror mid ben. h $18.75 Canadian Pacific Railway CANADIANj n r Pr, .Services S Sailings from Prince Rupert f UNCUUVll YICTOM . SflTTlI F.f 1lk. Zftk. Mi-cl I2lk mm ..I urftf atirL-lrC Buttdsls, S.n..n B.,, E.tt S.lls BM., 0 fslls. ". : for til Sl.sin.hln LI... full mlermstlftn trom- W. C. ORCMARO aint'si ' -D Ctrntr ( 4th Itrcit n SfS Ansnut. Pnncs Rur", UNION STEAMSHIP COMl'ANY OF B.C., LTD. SiiiniAs tr"iii rnu'e niirert 'or . Tl.. S P .SI. ,!! ";co"VER, VIOTORIA. S.n.n Si,. SK Al.rl B.,. VANCOUVER, l-r"' ,0 " VIOTORIA, AI.M A.,. tZ V0X' P0"T 8IIRP80N .o N..s Rl.sr C.nn.rl... Thur.ssr P.m. A rpjiftrt from the fhiam-e cnimillee rvromiiipndinc that r-ni .if tl ir month nx front 1 liruary I tit I!kl iiy the c!t :r lavid Lyons was adopted by the mrjri.-ii last niphL Oi rmnunindaliuii f lite H..ard uf N irk. lUe eity rouneil 'l-i-.ilt iai( Ilis1i(-U rail for I en i.'r fnf tip jwar PU1fpk " f uMtta sjM rithr hardwarr for lli" i i.l-nr work department. W k t "ertolduwfSsw , FajtEasy-CuHW SIMOND SAWS 1'j.ms anuijivcatTB. MONTRCAL TONOHTO VANOOUVTH sr.ohs. n.I J .. JtJ .rntd and J. K. ii ial li.nitt, ireit.r of be Skei na ll.uHi4M.r-ft: lno(i iMKral.-r the Uawrntlft at ' Fok, after having -! ttt teral tay vinitrnit at I i and in the oily, will re'um ' Miiiik axli leaving here oi. !ni$bTif Train ,Jtvm the JkvaH of nr"ToinMiriraiig 'that th iiialt.-f .Tf n ae" idnl lo Jolih M. Mrl.pau. when he wa rrwntly i it lo ii ami injured hy a city ir. In- pUr.nl in the ban.li of iv 'inaiiee ei.mtuitler ami cllj I'l.riior with power to art wan .rvepttnj y llie eity rouneil lat i:ilii. Tli'1 ai-cnltjnt occurred iii-iir the roitur of Sixth .nut Ilax Cine Aveutle. I.i-eal imprvesi:ent mitialixe bi.:vi. protidir.a for the buihl-us; of a Mi4f.valR on Fifth Ae l'.-leen MiiKgrave Place and Taylor Street and for the mat- tre irradiny of Seveiith Avenue Wej.1 lo'twi'.-n Fulluu ami 1uuh iniiir SlrceN ami I'utiMiiuir SI. .elwen Sivtli ;i!ii Seventh Avenue were afiv.Mi final readinirs til lapl liiaHil'. eotmril meeling. Hie htuldha if the Fifth Avenue iiievalk will pi-oreml in advance r I lie paave of the cou-Onio Imn liylaw. a pel ii inn friiiiC llie prop.'i-ly iiiicm inii.i l,i HihI tl' -1 haviiic lu'eii ri'i-ftxed. ANNOUNCEMENTS IIkIi Srliool Dance, Klks' Home, Fehruury 20. West holme Theatre, March 2 and 3, Prince Ilupert Players CI uh prretil. a new juyou rnim-dy "Wedditiff Hell." Ililn-sl. prices fioliJbloom'S. for furs ai lun-n your hui'lian.l admirv red hairf IVi cure htm. take him to nee "Wedding Hells." MiMie uhl-l drive and dance ednPMlay, Fdirflaty 21, at HJ30 prompt in Metroiole Hall. 4 ti Ihe I,adi Aid Of the 1'ivsliy-lerutn Church will liold a lea and ale of home rflokuiz in the Cliurrh Hall a March 17. Mas ). Ililchejl n.iher of Mr-. 1 upper and Mi Hikhey, who hat been viitin2 4n the eily, re turned to Viineo liver oil the CatuoKun lal nizttt. Application for 4li-oiitiuuaiuM) of tile (MiMolidaU'd KxiH.rt-' appeal avainl th- convielion ami rin of fl.Vm in the police court recently i 1kiiik file.1 in the County Court Uil afternoon. An offer from tleorge II. Ar nold for lol I, hlocA 21 A. erlion 1, was rejerlPil by the city coun cil lat nifhl. on rpfommendation of Ute fiuaoce conHuiUee. Tiire i ? 4 .t50 in taxes tanlin aaiiit the lot in ttle-t.on. J a nie I., le. manager uf the Atltti l'llir rturned to the cily frn Vanean vcr on Ike i'riiicwHuert Jfiji afternoon followinir a llirre monlb's trip lv SciHaml in the course uf wMf Mr. I vi-Hel bis forter home in Fraserburpl far AIerdteH. MP. and Mrs. W. J. Coulier at-1 tMty. who have bren rrsidins al Anyox where Mr. Outlier ha been ui official of the (Sranbyi Co.. were iiass'engers v'oin south' on the UaiiHisun y?lenlay afler HMm bourn! for tVew Mexico wkire Mr. Coulter will be fij future kMuletl. - Filnar Phiuney. charsc.1 with w ou ml in v Albert Saudslrtuii in a rrepnl affray tit l.ockeiort. Jtiniu appeared for pirliniinary trial in t provtnolal uoliet court this fatternooii and was remanded for ri?ht days. h wiiiimbsl man, who is slill in hopilal, i- not yet able to apeur in court. Wallace C. Orchard, C.P.ll. iipneral agent here, leaves tn- uiirhl alxiard Hp I'riiMje lluerl for Slewnrl on company business, lis will be away the better part of a week and. during his ab- senc, the Im-al offic will be ir t-uarye of Arthur ttravrs, purser of the Princess Beatrice. Hclimates of the public Ifbrnry for the year l2d latfllliiifr 3,- 8MU.H0 vvotv submitted to the ctly ... it a a . . oum-ii iai niiii wiiii llie ro- luest thai they be passed in ful' ll was pointed out that the es- limales wer hi?her Ibis, yea because a larpe amount of re- bindiiiir is necessary, some 300 or 100 books reuuiritl? all.wilioP. I'he eslitnales. which were ac- 'ompnnied by Ihtj library hoard' annual report for lt23, were r fi'rred to the finance committee. A teller froili H, i. Hoale Irawing attrtntion lo an unfinish ed ditch al the corner of Uonnld Street and Seventh Aenup which is causing a pool of slagnan water that i dangerous and m-jtiriou to surrouudins nroneriv was received by the city council' las' niahl. .Mr. Benin Hlso in-, quired if anylhinp wa Itrbc do.te In ennrtertion with llie gradinc of Seventh Avenue in Seoliou 7, work which 1 was understood by the residents would bo under taken this year. The communication was referred to the Board if Works, ASSEMBLY DOCK brightness. AT VICTORIA Work at Oqden Point Making Progress Where Car Slip Being Put In. YICTOItlA. Feb, 23. Work i proreiny rapidly on t)ie lumber aembly plant to be established at (he OkiI'TI Point pier. Piles are driven for the erectior of a pier IHM feet in length ami fifty feel wide, which will be provided with an apron slip fo-Hie ear ferry. The barges will be loaded witii (umber at the Point f-3lir ter minal and ferried across lh- harbor to pier three of the Oa- d' li Poinl dock?, where they will be unloaded by a leu-Ion moving crane, which will be able lo de (losil the lumber at any part of (lie ocean piers for loading. ltailway tracks will be rearranged .so that I he lumber can In-taken lo pier two or lored in tie warehouse on pier three. Thi w ill enable more than I wo linci lo load lumber al lit ocean piers at one time. The. Pacific Knjrineers, I. Id., o Vancouver, secured the con liar1' for the work ami exi-rl to complete llie two slip, one at Odcn Point ami one al Point Kllice within llie nevl month and a half Following rompleliiin of these !wo ipi and the arrival of I he moviris crane tip-Island lumbermen' vrill be abb- l assemble Iheir prihlocl al llie ocean piers for exiorl to v arums parts of the world. In the ia-i losing eamp and small null liave heen liaiidicapMtl in hippinc their lumiM-i. The eslablishiii'-ul of (In- --cinlily pianl follows a l.ig es!fii!nii uf the Canadian Na-liotial Hallway- ii'.ms wicha'i l.ai- and jtii.. i ;.'W'i-lia'i Hay. DRESS COLORS FOR ! WOMEN THIS YEARS Ten Shades to be Fashionable Mostly of Half-Tone and Pastel Variety I.OMMIX. Feb. 21. . I.eadim: Hntish cobir espi-rts have chose'-' ten sStade whn-li will be fa-h iouablc in women's dress Him' spring. The main Innd.-iicv nf Hie new fashion e-tnim is a i-e aclioti from full colors to half tones ui ias!el sliJes. with ai ver' definite though unobtrusive "Bright mauves." says oiir ex pert, "will give way lo a soft shade which has been named fox- alove. The fashionable bloc wili be Airforce. this being the color of the Iliiyal Airforce uniforms. Full browns, aHer an extraor dinary vogue, will hardly be seen til all. Their place will be taken by more delicate shades, nolaldv Ibe lawny Oakapple and a paler and elTisft. Sahara. "The two principal green will be yellow green, nauirsl Chartreuse, after the famous liijucu", and Palm, recalling the trees o.. the lliviera. Cloud, the mw rey. isjhe color of clouds on . fine spring day. II will 1m? won luring I he later slave of Court mourning Tor Howa'-'er Ouecn Alexandra, but there is every in dication that il aNo will be come a general fashion." "Two of the most darin? and novel shades are liawn and His-kra," I he expert added. "These are delicate shades in pink. Fin ally, there is a beautiful pastt-l red called Hose Marie. The color., have been chosen s0 that th.-v will blend in any combination for uny purpose." A Voice from the Crowd Orator Xo, gentlemen, 1 will tell you thai .if you want a thing done well you must always do it yourself. Voice from the crowd How alHil seltinp your hair cut? Mr. and Mrs. J. Field Strang are visitors in town today from Sunnysi.le Cannery. Advcriise in ihr Daily News. B ft 3 x s sstTfl f bninrv H 1926. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE BARRIE'S Home Furnishings ' ti . C..-I l.nl V w - r )': : 3rd Aieque. . Phone 123 Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NCTTINO AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipselt, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride SU Steamship and Train Service prince rupert v. - pruce rupert u,r Vancouver. VICTORIA, SEATTLE sihI uurriM. .lul. l-"l '' fRRJAV -m- SS. PRINCE RUPERT r..i SUM ART J ARVOX. WEBNCIDAT. 10 pjn . prince ton ruiiuidui) r..r Vancouver queen charlotte ISLANDS. PAttENOER TRAINS IEAVE PRIRCC RUPSR1 vimr ondav. Wednesday sua Saturday h i-r prince ceoroc. EDMONTON, WINNIPEO, All u U.irtu mU, I mlcd Stair. AGENCY ALL OCEAN aTl"""- "-' Tltt.l 0!tk, S Third At. Prints Ruprt. Phon t0 Local and Personal Photic 15. I'M. Coal Co. tf Arthur's Taxi. Phone 078. tf B.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41. Cameron's Phone 177. Dance Orchestra. Two cars at"- your service SheddoiH Tail, Phone 134. If Mimeographing circulars, ele. Miss Johnstone. Phone 387. If T. J. Sheoton, inspector o "''H. w on u trip to Stewart on official duties. Jack Jlulirpr is on a liuslncx ' lii to Stewart, having: goim iinrili Sunday night. I If annual coneral mcftiii or Hi.- Canadian ciuh will he liel-l in t tie Coart Hoiimc on Friday pvniiijc at 8 o'clock. 47 J.iHii-n CitUin. wpII known Alice Arm Hric tor, is a vieilor in the city, having Hivivwl froiu the uortta on I he Caiootun yestei ila fiernoon. ..T(oiit up to February 9 l.-lallintr 7.i:o trul Including ln". lioar.l inlU fur January .Hrid for nuylneiii by th .' rountnl last ni?lil. I I at ( prt tfifat piyhU in JH, thMk 31, iMi'l)Cli 6. Wprv jl;aiif-ir-il hj the eity ouiirt) jla.i niirlit t Frank Vickr in riniiraUiM of llie num on il.!4. raenfr ailin: Ut uiffht :i (lie diiuuun for aiicnuver iin !uod A, Mason. . lulhy. Mmv o. Hiirh), W. JohniMiu. IS. y-K-nir. S. It loll in ami Mi Jean Huk. She Was Troubled With Chronic Constipation Oor your boweU beom eonrtl paled you are id for a lot of trouble, at ronstipation If one of the most crolifle sources of disrasr that lb human rata U-A'ltietel to, therefor a fre motion of the bowels every day should bo the aim of everyone who aspires to perfeet health. Mrs. O. W. Lawrenr, CIoreMale Fjt, N.B., write,: "I wis troubled with thronie constipation, and bam so bad I was almost afraid to at anything. On day I saw your adrertistmeel Mllb urn's WATATiMI'Jiia so I cot three rials, and after taltlnr thera I hare nYer been troubled since with constipation.-" Tut rp only by The T. Uilbnra Co, Lunited, Toronto, Oct. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Timber-. Iiiiiieusioii, KInoUp. Fir Fulfil, Flouring. V Jui ut. Hii-Iii- and Hevel Siding, Cedar and Mr Hoal Lumber. Fir and Gottonvvood Veneer. Moulding, Shingles. Kolored Shingle. Lath, Oak. Hardwood, Sash and Uuors, 'ood Pipe. CEMENTS, Etc. Portland Cement. Keene's Cement, As bestos Cemenl. J lard wall Plaster, Plaster of Paris, Plaster Hoard. Lime, llydrated Lime. Fireclay. BRICKS, Etc. Common Hrick, Fire Hrirk, Pressed Brick. Atrriculliiral Tile. Vitrified 'Pipe, Flue Lining. MISCELLANEOUS Nails. Building Paper. Tar Paper, Bubberoid Roofings, Johns, Muiiville's Asbestos Hoofing. .VphuH. Asphalt Roofing Pape,r., Sand and (J ravel. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Try our Nut Coal lor vour Kitchen Range. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Loggers! Loggers! We have the only complete stock of Gilchrist Jacks and parts in the North. We handle Logging Cable, Axes, Peavies, Saws, and general Camp Kquiptneut. It will pay you lo sec us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue TU G BO ATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBYi Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 g The Savage Washer and Dryer eE?t?M 'e last Quebec Kxlubilioti repent ed its success of Hie previous year, hy Hgi ti winning the Gold M,eIal with dis-tm torn over nil other makers of American and Canadian Washers. Cash Price SI 85.00 Also sold on easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. .3 t n H H : i i t V