jv eh. t 1-Ulv.in J h OH" Heli mayor fur ui e.ir, wk vrien haiiee lo r tr niaytir mt Mrs. Hertlia Ijiii-Ji n if llf -lly roonril. y a Vide r I r iIp i'ieiial pionnrhM ye-ii- role or Mr. 1 -atoll's K mid for Hi-own St.7t'7.' i- Kennedy mo defeated .it inn Wlll'll III' liolll'll ' . i tin three oilier ean- fur li'liirtil. WANTED CHANCE LEARN TRADE Pr'eontr A$ked that Sentence be Incrtaxd that he Wight Earn Honest Living V M: W I SJ .M INS ITIl. ili. i m:..i m1j MIiit Ixhik. - "I UKV. to eighteen Mkiillu for lliefl of H . Iii'i'mii. I-.. i I !ti.ii In1 r. i 'way iimii i.-i,' .i "I 'If iiiii.i'lf rhaiu'cil lie iW'i yenri in Hie lei'-" lliui In- liHKhl p't a urn iuw lo "enrii V H'JJ DAMAGES FOR DRYDOCK CRASH Brll'ih Canadian Steamship Company Must Pay Government $1,375 for Esqulmalt Accident v" I'dllA. I eh. '.M. The Uril 1 i itl'un Sleunislilp tloin-""st imv I.37S and not n- i lait I hy the Unna-j i" i nnieiii for dainmiCi ' ld ipiiinalt nixink' ,: xvii. ii Mn nirniuer (Jlly of i i aini i ii in ii on June 1 Mi- Jiinlii'c (irenory d f j ,i In- Siiiirenie lloilrl. REPLAYED GAMES IN" ENGLISHCUP SERIES '"NliON. Kelt. i. The re-rrih round cup ties today l,!,,il as folloxvN: A I'lini - i.i Villi, o - t,ii.ii , in.. ... er I nil ed 2. Sinnler 1 BONO FLOTATION QUICKLY DISPOSED ' OF NEW YORK CITY NI W VullK. ii-li. :t I lo- llan i'lian ' MT'Ooi'i'l lurlx iiiiIIiioi ilnlUr Ihmi.I Itiwilalion via- MiloKTlb'l -liorlly Hfler it wa offer-wl tieri" Mi' mriiHs. It U ail of a h'att lo re-p !' noidi wiiicli are full-in j due The remainder in tiring lluuti-d in I'.nimdn. JOHN SWEENEY DIED lll'llX MM in pe ri'i-iiflitei' 4 1 AT GENERALHOSPITAL lA Fort Years of Age, Native or Ireland and Served in Great War Jiilin swrenev. lUH'd iO. miner ami imlixr of Irelantl. died in Hi Prinee lluperl Heioral llo-ilnl t 'to ilii. tuiirittnt:. I . il lit- ! ilerlakern - . . . I .......llul t.f kiinwii ol iieci-asi'i; s w-i !-"" lairs Hpnit from the iiiel Dial -cxril ioi'ii'a duritia lite Ureal War with ! l.nnauian ro-oi i."-jjineers. He n'ded in a shack 'Hecii Second and Thlwl Ae-noe- near Kwhlli SIreel and was admitted to Hie ho.pllal a lew dy Hiro. H.oedl fullering The remain iheumalisHi. f .inn are in Hie haiidn of lhe H.U. L'"- sm-ciiil Irani OIK N.ll lilMII -erxiees nn- he uii:iiitted liv I lie tiiaonin liitilxvavs from prairie ..... ..ml irili" i i.oiumio.i nci'lion xvilh l In Kuehnrifc' nfeietue which is lo he held i.i. ziun I'omiiieneina .nno .o 1 - .. . 1...1 ,.i.il iranis xx ni o" on-m eenlres lo xxeslem from various Chicago for Hie K-ainertn. n 11 i ..Vlll'l' I'll Will I"' ' ' . . . .. I. I.I...U luiu.-sl exer hel.l m ine his... , .....i...i! ..riiiii-. in of Itoinau uaioiiiiv - Vi.Hh America. II i t'M ' " - .. ... ii.i-nl uei'Mins xxill ;o ,,:,. lo parlieipale ... the miii felt lice. Chilkool, Capl ti sniiili. on her way north ;:H, p,.r. fixoi. 3.3i.-;iH-5;;;: elock ysicn.a) ...I ..nl.iiiUeil a. tue ' ..our .-8 casus of dynamite for .iver and lhe pleasure tasol .., -..lifer V" .tlx armed in the w, n :.,.ir f l.ii.setl etly l.i join 1 " I Tunnel 600 Feet Lon? to Driven "nto Newly Discovered Vein QUIET WEDDING AT COMP WHINS Til - love ar hl I'Ji .fppni. g i -h i. Hiey rv itil devote 1 to e m b mhe Hie -l.i ! l.iiz'ii Me Ph ! rs- (if 1KWAUT. Ih. t. AnotHcr find which in e..u.trrei -ly !h.' Maiiacftnrio - of rfm-Mleralih-mprUiaer, has i,.mii made on Hie lujr .MIpoMHiri. iicorilins ! I' T. tiijritf, Wloi i-ii-U llic inM,r- Ir-Httn wi'i-k ami l.iiii)i'il doxxi ure saiHBH' irom a ifw !llip near Uie norlll end of llo Krooo ami about a mile (rom fl - mam eamp. Tim ore i- altoos' solid niir: oral aMii Aery complex m char aeUr. tdMiwing galena, eomwr jrinf and iron pynlif. A-say vat uei are ttiwkrsloiid lo lie aboiii IHi iter ion. irtHy in told. The irin shows on lhe surfae jImoiI five feel wide, and lh- none manai'meio is -inurniu i iinpreioird Willi IL appearance l4 lei a SoO-fon! tiiimel eoiilrael. which ha ncn underiaken hy a pari of Hie ciexv hitherto em-plyei in Ho- ma:n xxorkiliss The loi-otfraiiny .r Hie uioiind i ue1i IhaT Hn. innio'l ran lo ilnxen n mm lhe xeiii. wlnrli is .i di-tinc; H'Ka '.iye. BONDS ISSUED FOR REFUNDING Of One Hundred and Five Mil lions, amy-livo aro rayuuio in Canada OTTAWA. l"'h. 2. II""- J- . Itolih. minisier of finance, announced lhe Ismic of ?IOo,- (MiU.OHo liomiuion of l-inad,i iiinls o iirovide for lhe refund- ills of n.aluiiiiK loans. I If the new issue n5,o(M),H0) will he payable in Canada and the balance in New York. The nexv liomls xxill bear inter el at I vi per cenl . LUTHERAN PARSONAGE Miss Emma Werner Becomes Bride or John Schlld of This City There xvas a ipiiel wedding lasl evenlim til .lhe l.ulheran Parsonage, 21U Fifth Ave. NV when .Miss l.nmia Werner o Ihls cily boeiime lhe bride i John Sehibl also of Prince llu-pert. The wilncsses if Hie event were John Cnrrle ami Mrs. Joste Corral. Mr. nod Mrs. Pchihl will live in I (ho ell.y. JUrs. Hester Barber Was Well Known In Alaska and This District l 7. u last uiBht Mrs. Hester V. Itarber, wife of A. II. Barber, .xho I- at present In lhe ily, a-seil peacefully way al Hie ioiih' or her datishter. Mrs. Peter lllark. in the (VntrHl Hotel. For the iasl year, lhe laic Mr. Itarber had I in failing health niiil since Christmas she had been iMilriilden. Her death. Iliooch sudden, xvns not allo-pelher unexpected by relatives although Mrs. Itarber xvas apparently not aware thai the end xvus so near. She xvas bripht and cheerful riirht up to the last and only yesterday had been talking: of rein mini lo her litlle onie in Itivmerlou, Washint- lon. on lier recovery. l he lale Mrs. Harber, who was seventy years of ase ami a native .if the state of lowa.was one of Hi. first white women lo reside in "enlrstl Alaska. In ll0.' she went o Circle Cily. and there made ier home for fifteen years, i.om- ing south a pa in iti tVlu, she ami Mr. Itarber look up their rosi- leiice In Terrace. . iroln- south from there seven years ago to Hretuerlon. Wa-lilnut on. where! he had since resided. A fre quent visitor with her datkshler In Prince Hiiert, Mrs. Harber xvas we I known In Ibis cily. II xvas just .before Christmas that she lasl arrived bete from the south. Shortly after, Mr. Harber was called to the cily on account of her serious illness. Beside lhe widower and her one daiiKhler. Mrs. Dlack. lo whom widespread sympathy is accorded, lhe lale Mr. Harber i survived by three sons John Ouiucr or Itiehlaml, Washington: Henry Ouiner, id Chicago; and Wlilliaui Ouiner of Madison. Wisconsin. All were children by a previous marriage; Funeral nrraiife'cmenls. which are in lhe hands of the H.C. lTn-deiiakers. had not been dc Tin -delv made Hos me-i ttlng TAXI Boston Grill W and;: faJ Ambulance Large tpsla.r Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing loor for hire. Anywhere at Anytime. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, Hotel, 3rd Ave. Royal SUnd latest and best for the and 6th St. V- PRINCE RUPERT The Phone.457. least. WATT VIDECK. Prop. 'itt Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper y H XVI no, u. IMIINUK Hl'PKIVr. B.C., WBUNKHIjAY. I'KBHl HY SI. 1020. YtklrnJjy - UrtuUu n. I Hi $iriet Stiff. S7 PRICK FIVE CKNTS. IAN MACKENZIE IS SLATED FOR CABINET BRITISH GOVERNMENT IS INQUIRING INTO SHELLING OF SCHOONER SENECA lan Mackenzie Likely Take Cabinet Position Strong rumor that he will get appointment in in Oliver Government and Premier does not deny it WC.Ol Villi. Feb. 2t.--Per-i.tcnl minors here, which are f. i . i-diled, suv thai Capl.un Inn Mackenzie will be taken . lltlfK't Wlllllll it ICW ll.l)i. p . mice Oliver when asked if it Inn, refused to con-1 i the rumor. "There ho telling what tin foUir tr declared. .. ) wli il pu-ilmn 111 Hit cabinet woiilil be giN. n to .M ar-'i. premier r-lrlpil "Any change- will Ik announced WOMAN LEADS IN PRIMARIES SEATTLE MAYOR Kr. Btrtha Landes Gels Higher here VoU Than Mayor Brown In Selection Contest 1 in lln' ii-iiiil way. ' Mr. .MM4k'tirir in srrxtnji hi second Irrin in the House, lie llHMIM lieetl fe-elrcllit Hi lhe Ial proiiuriar tieueral election. : Hi hit been cuk of tin moot ac- live j'llvulf member in lite i House and hn particularly looked after IIh- intercut of IIm returned men. Ill appointment lo the mlmicl wiuilil be popular BBBsBHaBHBr jf' A iBbV bbbmbbbbmkBSPiwv jKSK3v"JvBH "BBHBjpBBBBP f '" BBBbH BbBhBBrBuK tHsiBjBBB IVSKPVII fur i 1 1 1 . BLK i. i li -The i 2 ol .'e FREE GOLD AND British Ambassador to Inquire i I.ONIlON, Feb. i. Sir Ksnie lluwartl. Hriti.li i. WaIi ilk ft nit nill l.i i-k.-il lo make Homines of ;!:.. ii.im iiiiiii'iil iinil reiKirl mi ine aiieeeo 0' ll'IM HI 1 1 l PIIRF Al FNA Lnto Alleged bombardment of a Canadian bchoontr by u.j. boat ;inilaniJor (he United tiombanlmeut of In. Ij.iiiIk.ii sell. Mner ii-twiiod by the coastguard cotter Seii- Jersey U.-T week. Aonooio enielit th ca o(f the .uii-ol i v 1...1 ..i.-i a:i, ru.iilc loiiav bv Austin Cliamberliiin. secretary of ,laic fo- foreign aliao-.-. l.dlowuig re pie. en tul ions which were. made to lindon bx C.ui.idiao anlhonlii s. MOTHER OF MRS. CRASHED INTO BLACK PASSES JAP STEAMSHIP AT VANCOUVER Ugh Wind In Vancouver Harbor Causes Accident to Meiyo Maru at Dock Halibut Sales at First Auction Proved Remunerative Today When Large Quantity Sold The halibut -im-uii opened well this morning when ;;',I.5IHI pounds changed hand, m the firM an. Hon. the prices proving xtiy ii-ionoi u lhe u-hei nitn. Only two oi he larger loaU gur le. than -.ix-eeri cents mid ten. th.-e being the Majestic v.iid llaiuier which Hild at l.".S0e and He. Aiiputu and Hruthers were Kiid the lughesl prire. their catches realizing iO.UUc and In. prices that will pay them well Tor lhe trip. Only three of the .-"mailer boats were Canadian and lhe price paid them wa- little different from the American catches. iMails.of lhe ! follow: American Majpstir. 21.000, lo I'old !ior- nze al t5.N0r and 'Jc Itainier. 10,000. to Pacific Ki-lwrie at li.HOc and le. llrothers, y.oiui. In I loyal Fish, Go. at 100e and c. j - . . . - Alliance 1 y.ooo. Ii Cold lor-iHon. Randolph R. Bruce Will be (:e at lC.Kilc aiol loo. Onali. 3,500, lo Itoyal iish Co. at lCHfle and 10c. Augusta, li.noo. lo Cold stor age al lii.unc ami or. Claeier, .500. to Itoyal Fish Ci. al IG.tmc and toe. F.ureka. G.nnn. lo Mouth ai lO.Hiie and 10c. Yelbe.vslojie, 1 H,ft0v- to Allin v Fisheries at "i..ilc and 10c Canadlan K Jtinf!lsoler.3.iHo.ti Jtinglder. 3.iH.ti ;vUjacrfh- al ir.:tflr"mf 1 I erie ies Helm. I.joo. (o Cold a I tOr and lt'r Swins. .000, i Cold Storage It Itic and I e. LD. CASEY WILL BE ACTING MAYOR Mayor Newton Leaves This Week to Attend Conference to be He d 'tn Vancouver Next Week Mil. lieore H. Caey will be act in? mayor during Hie absence if Mavor .xewton who leavos on YA.Uilhll, ieb. 21. w.iic Friday morning for Yaiwuver shifting from one dock " 'o attend lhe eonference of wesi- anolher the mail steamer All- , nuivors vviiieh will h held on Winnipeg Lads Get Penitentiary Term and Twenty Lashes for Burglary WI.NMPI'.H. Feb. 2 1. ttisorgs Forsyilie and Henry Sorensen, " - . k . I ralicii Hus iiiorning erasueil lull) hlarch t. 2 and 3, The resolu- :he Japanese steamer Meiyo .1. itw.f VVns oasseil bv . ... . ..i. ... ... .?..:t I ... .xilliu xxincji xvas noi.cii i ci'ii.ilR e,v etull,cil la.t IliShl on Ier'. etevttlor. .loin? ilaiuaiae ti m,,i .,, r Aid .Perrv. secombit the upper works. The ..urvoyor bv j jjiown. are noxv iiiMijiii. The aci'iden: was caused by i hi?h xviiid v i 1 1 1 t made -leerim difficult. LASH ORDERED TO BAD YOUTHS FORMER MAYOR OF PORT MOODY DEAD VANCIIIYI H. F.-b. P. H. Hoe. connected with the lunrtier- itiK industry in t lie province for 8 years and mayor of Port Moodv for nine terms, is dead :ere aCil li:i. lulled Stales Consul li. A Wakefield, win has been in Jun au lor Hie past ten days on or f-iciat business, relumed lo the city yesterday and S. Hlohin two voutlis, were sentenced m ine Vancouver consulate, who tins rive years in the penitentiary and been here relieving ifuriut' Id are to receive twout.v lasbe foll hsence. returned south on the low ins their cotivietioif of si ser ies of burglaries and highway robberies. Magistrate Macdonald insisted that il was" necessary To ptolee citizens attains! desperate ciim inals. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheal H.C. Silver Duuxxell (lladloue I.. & L. Lucky' Jim . Marmol .. Premier Porter Idaho. Silxei Crest Sur' Ii'"l Hiil. Asked 1.3GU 1.75 2.2ft 1.H1 .aiiii .:ih4 .ICJ. .17 ICV5 .07 ,J.t0 2.13 17 II .11 11 .12't OS's .0'Ji amosuti lasl nr-lil 25 YEARS FOR ROBBING MAIL Conv'cted Man Remarks "I'll Say Crime Don't Pay" When Judgment Given LOS ANHI-XKS. Feb. 21. Oco. A. Davidson, confessed mail rob- her, was today sentenced to 2M year at McNeil Island Peuitcu-I liary. . GOVERNOR SWORN IN AT OTTAWA Accompanied to B.C. by His Niece YlCTlHHA, Feb. -i Hon. Itan-dolpli It. I truce, who was recently appuiuled Lieut.-Ooxernor of Iirili.li Columbia, is to be sworn In at Ottawa tistay and will leave Friday for llritisb Columbia. Lieut.-CovcrHor Xichol will x'aeale Covernmenl House Tues day. From priwiterailyices it IfMrite.l that Lieuteiianl-Coxer- Uorageinor Irnr' will be accompanied to llritisb Columbia hy his niece, xvho will share with him lhe social duties- of Oovernmeiit House. CANADIAN-BUYS ISLAND PLANTS Total Hotdlnos of the Canadian Flshlnn Company Is Now Fourteen Canneries YAXCOl VKIt. Feb. 2 4. The J Canadian Fishing Company, l.ld.,t has addeil lo it. holding in Xor- thern Brilish UJunilna ami. on Yanemiver lslan'di.v pondia-e of the Nunaimu Cannerii and Packer Limited and the trails Fish Co. Limited plants, it Is learned." The amount involved m the transactions is report cm! to , be more than 30.0nQ. Tliis brin'r'' the lo'al number of canneries operaiett iiy the company at four teen. REFUSED ENTRY Aged Man Disappears After Be ing Questioned by Police at Victoria YICTOHIA. Feb. 21. William Klme'r. 80 year of age, wliocanit; lo Victoria last xvijek to seek admission lo Seattle where it is. said his son resides, aTler Hit' necessary permission lo enter I In t nitetl Stales hail been refused Iiy Hie immigration aulliorili jut Vancouver, disiippeareu. It wa teamen mai Miner ua.i been taken inlo custody and questioned by Hie police here mid then released. The aged man bus not lieeo seen since. EDMONTON GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM DEFEATS VICTORIAS Havidsoti, who with six othetl YICTOHIA, -'eb. 21. . Var- iiieu robbed a mail truck of inoro! scoha gill baskeHiall team of than 95(10.000 last October. r-j Kdmoiilou detenled the Fideli marked after lhe sentence: "l lliieaui Here last i;m"I by a score -rty ei -line doesn'i pay." of 27 In 22.