PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS French Velvets The newest novelty Velvets for Dresses Kimouas or Coats, in over thirty shades and patterns, etc. A special purchase enables us to sell these values $1 a yard for $1.50 pirn yard WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phono 753 AUDITORIUM Dances EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING Beginning at 9 o'clock Floor in the Finest Shape MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies -'5c Gentlemen 50c The Hall is now equipped to lake cure of Dances, Concerts and Meetings of any kind. The building is 50x100 feet, maple flobr, newly plastered. Clear title tp properly. IT'S FOIl SALE Phone Black 449 L. J. MARREN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM Take Home a Box of Rochon's Chocolates or ALMOND CRISP $1:00 A 'POUND Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. GLEARANGESALE Ladies' Nightgowns, prices to $1.75 for 75o Ladies' Silk Vests, reg. SI. 00 for .,, S1-00 Ladies' Cotton Vests, rag. 25c, 2 for 25o Ladies' Silk Hose, reg. !.25 for 75c Ladies' Silk Hloomers, Lus- ca S1.75 Imdies' Silk Hloonicrs, Moo- ilics SI .25 Ginghams, in all patterns, stripes and shades, yard 20c Crepe, in four shades, per yard 25c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 417-423 Dth Avenue East Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgarson Block, Prince Rupert, B.O. Office Hours 9 to o. X-Ray 8ervlos Phone 686.. Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Saturdays 0 to 12 noon GYROS WON IN BATTING 'ORGY In a loose game of Senior League baseball last night tho, (yros look the ' Li rami Terminals! into camp to the tune of 18 runs to 5. Tho severe defeat of IhV Terminals was, in a measure, du,e to Ihe facl Uiat they were unable! to field a very strong team and, I in addition to that, the Gyros were! in tip-top batting form. The terminals did, however, tighten up in! the- Jailer part of tho game, but the lead of the Gyros was then beyond them. 1 ; ... In the first inning the Gyros scored seven runs, ten 'in the sec ond inning, and one later. The reminds got three runs in the first inning and two In tho third. Loose fieldiing ami unlucky breaks in the field marred the play of Hie! : , i . . ' leriuuiais uirouguoui me game. Hatleries Grand Terminals: Gordon and Astoria Gyros: Schenklcr and McKeown. l'ele LaPorls umpired balls and strikes and Dave Halfour took care of the bases. RESULTS OF GRADE XILEXAMINATIONS Results of Grade ,'H. examina tions in the local High School were as follows : Passed Grade XII. Perry K. Haisler Nctla Clark, Lilian Cross, Margaret Herein (S.), Robert Matheson. Three granted partial stand ing. C.G.M.M, freighter Canadian Prospector, arrived in port at t o'clock this mor.iing from Van couver and proceeded direct to the dry dock to undergo repairs to hull, cleaning and painting. The work on the boat will take some seven or eight, days t t'ompieic. iv.ipiain Duncan Mac kenzie piloted the vessel up the coast. Li. G McGeer, K.C., .counsel fut Hrilish Coluiribia in the fuigli' rates rase, who attenfied '. oession of Hie Railway Conuni.-sion yesterday, lefi for tne ok in this morning s Uiv.n en ro". 't Vacouvet. CANADIAN SERVICE FROM MONTREAL TO PLVMOUTH-CHERBOURO-LOKDON. A u mliU Mir. ' Almmta . . Aug-. 13 TO LIVERPOOL Aurania Aur. i. Sept. i. net. it TO BELFAST AND GLASOOW Atliewa . . tir. l.ettn.i . . Aur. :i FROM NEW YORK TO QUEEN8TOWN AND LIVERPOOL Samarta .... nr. 7 srythla A nr. It TO CHERBOURQ AND SOUTHAMPTON IteretiKana ... Aur. II. Sept. I. Sent. 1i Maurrtanla ... Aur. in. sept. . sepi. v Aq'HIinla ... Aur. it. Sept. 15. nrl. 6. 17 TO LOnDUnDtKKT AHU uutuuw CaiiMTonu. . Mir. 14 Trans) tvaiua Aur zl PLYMOUTH-HAVKE-LONDON ariimi'.a ... Mir. 7 Tii-aina .. Aur. 14 TO PLVMOUTH-CHERBOURO-HAMBURQ Andanta Sent. . orL 7, or. II FROM BOSTON TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL amarla . . . Aur. 8 Larmila . . . Aur- 21' oil at Plymouth, Latbnuni. Art Tor Tourl srd HUM Literature and fee Lilt of Special Toun oneir order, drafts and traveller" heoiiea al Invent ralen. Full Information rrom InralArenM nrCinipatiy Offre, 68s4 llaflnr St. w.. Vancouver, b.u. rnne ev .14 OPENING DAY SIXTH STREET CASH & CARRY GROCERY Sealy & Doodson Stand liest Hulk Hlack Tea. per lh. 58o Fresh Ground Coffee, per lh. 48c Matches, large boxes 13c Mirnmilatcd Sugar, 5 His. lor o Htce. good quality, per lh. ... 8oi Hulk Creamery Hutter, per lb. 42o Fresh Kggs, per dozen 35c 3 dozen for i.oa Ontario Cheese, per lh 29o Kxlra Value Prunes, per lh. 10c While Navy Heans, I lbs. for 25o Canned Tomatoes, Varjie 16c Small, 2 for 25o ew Potatoes, V His. for 2oo Seedless Ilalslns, per lb. .... 15o Stiukixt (XranKes. per tloz. . . 20o Classic Laundry Soap, per bar Boi Toilet Rolls, each- . 5c I Good Dry Onions, per II). ... Bot Sliced Pineapple, largo tin .. 15oj Peanut Duller, one lb. tin .. 20o( Campbell's Tomato Soup, tin 12o; COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR STOCK AND 8AVE MONEY liny decriLrd landv ' Cumniinrlnr at a MM "T 1 OGDENS 15 PER PACKET Waterfront Whiffs continued from page (he. was only five minutes to five a.m. Auw supposing any unsus pecting person had run into Doc ii that vivid suit of pyjamas, why it might have scared them o death. Halibut arrivals at this port during the past week (Saturday to Friday inclusive' amounted to a total of 867,100 pound-. Of CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE IS IIEIIEIIY GIVEN that tho rf eerie exUlinr uver Lot 4607, Casilar Dia Ini't, I tanrellcd. pepuiy .Milliner oi unui. G. It. KADE.N, Land Department, Victoria, li. C, mih June, ib: LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttnllon to Apply to Laaia Lane In rrinre Ituprrt Land Iieeordinr Dt- Urlrt or I'rlnre Ituprrt, and situate ' ruelt, B.C. imkI planted at tlie IKiMhea.l corner of Hlnrk 10. .Maetl T(inlle; thenre eaulerly ISO Teet; Iheiirp milherly 1,000 feel; Ihenre wm-terly 150 reft; thenre northerly 1.000 feet lu point of mimnpiKeiiwni, and con-(aiDlnt S arrci. nitre or lea. IUUENE II. SIMI'!0. Applicant. Iialed June S. im CmDUHACIFlC J TO EUKOPIiX f MAKR BKSF.KVATIONS NOw"n FROM MONTREAL To Llvtrpool Aur. 6, Sent. 3 Nmitrlare Aur. i. Sept. 17 Munlrone Aur. (7, Seit. l Monlraliii To Chrbourg-outhmpton- Antwarp Aur, II. sept. 8 NeliU Aur. 5. Sept. Mliiliedona To Btlfaat-Olaagow .ur. If. Sent. 9 MeUrmia I FROM QUEBEC To Llvtrpool ?epl. 10. Orl. M.intrnjal To Charbourg-Southanipton-Hamburg Awr. IS. . . tmpri'MS if srntlaiid Sepl, I. Sept. tl .K.mprvM of Ktaiire To Chrbouro-outhampton Kept, It, nrl. it . . F.iiiprens of Scotland To Balfaat-ataagow Aur. So. Sept. 1 Moiilnalrii to Atntt ererywhera Of FUKsr&K, ucn. All., K. Station. VancouTtr, Talcphona Seymour 2010, tan, rac K7., Tiaffie Aicau. CUT PLUG - and in J2 Ib.tins Save the"Poker Hand" insert cards TAkK MiTlCE that Kurene ll. simp- Mill of Metl. occupation rainier, intend le mm to to apply apply ror for a a tease of Ihe follow- M I this quantity the Americans) lion. lauded UD3,IUU pounds and lm Canadians 213.7UU pounds. j The landings at litis port fur lite season to dale total 1 0-.5 i0t- 000 pounds IUj8'J,100 pounds rroiti American. vessels and i,- )50,yoo pounds" from Canadian vesecls. Hoals landing their catchos tere during the week havo been as follows: American rtesolute, 50,000; Ivanhoe, 2y,000; Kagle, 58,000; Wizard, 5(,00(); Nuidie, 21,000: v'alorous, I'J.oqo; Flattery, U,-N)0; I! i anus, 1 7,000; Lumen, 15,-iilO; Madeline ;., 11,000; Ithona. ;3,0U0; Westfjurtl, 10,000; Radio, jO.OOO; Attu, 30,000; Majeilia 0,000; Anna J., 15,000; Daly J 1,000; Western, 13,000; Hetty, i 1,500; Antler, 7,500; Argo, II,- 100; Democrat, 10,500; Consti ulion, 15,000; and Lincoln, I5, J00. Canadian P. Dorreen, llnoO; lken, I2.00O: Yule, 3,500; Nau- llu!. 10,000; linpereufc, 0,000 Jelnia, 10,500; Scru'j, 10,000 .'rosperily A.. 21,000; S.A., 2,- i00; Minjiio V , 5,500; K. Lipsett, .i.000; 11. It.. -7,1)00; Atli, 10,- 000; Kaien, 12,000; Pair of Jacks, 5,500: Mali, 1,000; Cap' Spencer, 7,000; R.W., 8,500; Iltilh, .1,000; Afines H., 3,200: Lnome, 0,000: Ca' Spear, 17,- ")00, Cape Swain, 10,000; While Lily, 5.000: and Gibson. 3,000 LARGE INCREASE IN VALUE OF FISHERIES Landings for Whole of Canada During June of This Year" Greater Than Same Month 1925 ... OTTAWA, July 3 1 -The of seafisii landed in Can ada ilnriiug June last on . Im'n Alladlic and Pacific coasts to tallcdeloO,3HO,'il)0 pounds valued at 83.fi88.iC8 as compared wiirt 00,238,100 pounds valued ftt 3,207.8I2 in June or last year. RAILWAY BOARD HEAD SPEAKER '.i, (continued front page ono) od. There aiis nothing that oilier nation's had done which might nut ho done here. Southern cities grew arid ripened uMro quickly, bill Ihe norlhern nations would always hold Ihe balance of power, He found that t e people of this t 3 speaking of cities, the orator remarke.1 that Vancouver was u great city .and that Prince Rupert j would he a great city too. It was devotion to duly mat put uny cuy or country ahead. This, com bined with unflagging industry pell succe-S. They had that day heard the need of the Hoard of Trade undented in rttganl to transportation matters. These would receive the clocl atten tion. Vancouver had entered into her kingdom al an early uge and nothing could slop her progress The more progress she made thr hotter pleased every Canadian would be. Peace River Outlet Very -soon the Peace Itlvercoun try would he seeking n natural nutlet here. This western gale way would carry the agricultural products overseas. As far as thq consumption of foodstuffs was concerned Ihcy could look for no new markets in Hurope, hut the innumerable millions of the Orient were turning from rice to wheal for food and If this continued the demand for terminal faeililifs for shipping to the Orient through a port such as Prince llupert wus assured. On one side pf the ocean were the rnitsumrrs and on the oilier the producers. He wished he could vision the position which this port would occupy 25 years from now He looketl forward to an era of reat prosperity for Prince It n perl so that in looking hack pco pie would say the present was a step of a child compared with tho manhood of that time. After the address Mrs. Mcdeer ang uwist pleasingly two sougs liy special request of Hie club. LAND ACT. Nolle of Inlantlon to Apply to Laa Land. In Mlkliir lilvitlnii, i.aolar, Laud lie 'oMnir Diatrltt of fjannlar. and alluale al Orand llapliK. mi the SUklne lover and lo mi' imi or nnrvpirii I (i .x,. 470. TAhU MlTK'K that I, Walter S01II Hnup n, of TelerraPh creek, It, c, iMTuiialioii. Ilaiiitier, nitriiiN lo apply fur I lrae of Hie riill'jwliir ileH'rllied IjihI. rmiiliiHH'lnir al a pnat planteil im ihr NiirltmeM rrnner of l.ol lilt, lln-uee Hoiiin III rliallli: thelier Weill 10 llulna: lluiirr North 411 ilmln; ttienrx Kt 10 rhaliK. ana ninuininr roriv acre, more or ten, VVAl.TEIl SCOTT SIMPSON, M'Pllinnt LAND ACT Notle of Inttnllon to Apply to Laaat Land In Trliire lluperl Land fternrdliir lilt- trlei of lianre. 4. Cnal Land IHMrlrt, and nltuate on I'a'nare Itland. TAKE .notice that J. R, Francla, of I'onnka, Allien, orriipallon Mlnl.ler, in Hilda in ai.piy for a leae of the followlnr urwi-riiM-ii luilil.' C.i.fnmenrlnr at a nnftt riUni ,i, North Went end of I'aMar liland. near Conn Trlanriilatlon ia, tttti Ihenre weslcm country were impressed .AST ffiZV ,nd with the importance of the posi.Jui, uti'gjj' "'"T'"A,,!D rctuli ..fcl Saturday, July 31 J928 HANDBAGS The latest designs, a large assortment, at moderate prceL SU.TGASES AND CLUB BAGS In our basement storo at basement prices. UMBRELLAS A flno range of all colors at all prices for men women and children. Max Heilbroner 527-529 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 The Spectacular Super-Production t "The Iron HoYse" A photoplay depicting Ihe tda'iug of Hie trail of riviliiatioii. A complete WetMt vizunlizitlioti of Hi iug of (lie first Iranst'oiilitieulal railroad. A v taiuing u nimaiilio tttiry wilh tnqny stjrring tceuc ini idcitls. A production winch look three years to Kvery ono should see llii- histuriral, rdurational a men!. Many spectacular scenes hi which will he regiment (if U. H. Inmp, .'1,000 railway workmen Chuice labtirers. 00Hitnix. Pawner. Chi) runt) ) I' Indians li.non hnrcs. 1. 2oo lmffalors and 1.00 T steers. Huge cnt of prturipals. George OBrlen, Madge Bellamy, Cyril Chadwlck, J. Fami MacDonald, Charles Edward Bull, Gladys Hulette, Frances Tcague and many others. Eleven Big Reels AESOP'S FILM FABLE8 50c and :ic DEMAND "Rupert Brand" -Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." 8moked Dally by Canadian psh & Cold Storage Co., W Prince Rupert, B.C. Fishermen s Supplies FI8H LINE8, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, ,.' OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde St.