PAQB TWO, p:fi vqdPictfe Recipe Murtard Rcklrt Chow-chow India rickles Sour Picklet Dutch Picklei-Rfliihft and Catsup. Our Recipe Boole give eplendid recipes for making all of them, Wrllt for m cvpymailtd Tret. Colm.n-Ket o (Canada) Lltulud. Dcpt 82 Amhrf .t St, Mootrtal IWsMustoid aids X JL digestion. The Daily News PKIiNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Aflernobn, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PUI.LEN, Managing Editor. Your Summer IVeat oic . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .......... $1.00 By mail to all parts or the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year ffl.OO To all other countries, in advance, per year , . $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone ... 86 AH advertising should bejn The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. amber of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITIOI T'lrsil.TT, August 10, 1926. . Boost your town and the town will boost you. Knock' your town and you'll get the knocks back. Judging By Acts, Not By Words. In the political campaign now going on, it is well Jo di-count words when nol barked up Jby actions Premier Mi'ight-n bclaledly says' in general terms to the people of the prairie and the west that he is in favor of equality of freight rales. Yet when he was in power he did not lake any action lo remove the inequalities under which Hriti-h Columbia groaHed. Mackenzie King did not talk about the matter much but he ordered the Railway Commission to base its rates on equality fo'r east and west. The commission ordered the railways to file an export grain tariff giving B. (1 mile for mile the name rates as the grain going1 to the head of the JaTies. That action of the Mackenzie King U o ve mm en f speaks louder man UI the words of a pre-election campaign. Under these eiiciimlances, seeing that railway rates mean everything lo Jhe west, there is but one thing lo do and that is vote for the SHREDDED WHEAT with Ripe,Red Berries 1 Liberal candidate. Doubtless voters in iJkeena constituency will remember this on election day. Hopeless Job For Western Conservatives. One of Hie Vancouver newspapers remarks that -Vancouver Conservatives who think Ihey enri convert their party to a western program are up against the same hopeless job as a woman marrying in the hope that she will convert a hopeless drunkard. Conservatism faces inevitably and eternally eastward. Vancouver to Get Fine New Hotel. Vancouver is to get a fine new Canadian Nalional Railway hotel. That is quite right and proper. A Canadian National Railway hotel is needed in that city. Prince Rupert people will take. no offense to it. The. next tep will be to get a railway hotel for Ibis city. We need it more than does Vancouver. We have the elevator and soon it will be in operation. Possibly if Premier Meighen were lo be as Prompt in authorizinir a IuiIpI for this -;il) as he was for Vancouver there might be a chanc of electing his supporter "here. We throw this out as a sug gestion, w e ao not want a promise. That meanwiolhing. The thing lo do, would be to order the work: to proceed, as was done in t iiiiimni'r. Getting Together To 8ecure Majority. uue or the encouraging aspects of the present election is lh nllifmlfi f.f lliu I il. n..,. i i.i " ' Kii'viai, i ni(,icviu- unu i.anor Kronps in gelling together more than ever they have before. Thev stand ior preu much the same thing and there is no good reason why hicv MHHiiji oi untie on one candidate and make it a straight fight between the Conservative and Liberals. Ther very, few Liberals and Progressive opposing each other and in . n.iiunioerTOi consiiineiicies the l.altor group is holding back in order to give the Liberal a chance lo win, as is shown in Vancouver Centre. This should' result in the' Cibcrals getting n much larger number of victories lo Iheir credit and being able to carry on with a strong government in the next Parliament. Alberta to Operate E. D. A B. C. Railway. The afivernmetit of Alberta has semi-offieiallv announced that it will operate the R. I). & H. C. llailwav after the cxnirv of the lease lo Hie C. P. R. at the end of October. That is, o course, if they do not get what they eonsider a reasonable ofrer from oither of Jhe railway. They have " satisfied so larwitn ine; oners maiie. We do not think il h good thing foe the province to operate the railway, but yet they must do so if they cannot get mi offer mat protects me people to some extent for the monev Ihey have case somewhat parallel to J&ycjfjc focal Ba4-ern, except thai the production along the Alberla line is much greater than the 11. il FARMERS AND GRAIN MARKET Are Urged to Get In Touch With ,JNan.agerftof Elevator for Information IS BUMPER CROP (From Inlerior Xews) Willi wheat crops jn Dulklv Valley eoniiny on in an eiicmir- dpiim way fr a bumper harvest, farmers throughout Hie dislriet are nianiiesitnK liuero.l in lid procedure for markelttig tin' rop. Many such enquiries haxe reached Uie Inlerior .News aiul public organizations in Sinither In 'relation to the Operation o? Hie government elevator recently constructed at Prince Rupert. In this connection the oidy situation (bat can be accepted it Ihat in actual existence and not what inipht be brought about liy the ultimate detrlopment of Hit grain business in this section of the country. Undoubtedly Hi-" future will see a full quota of rair dealers and brokers action n what might be termed tha gambling end, but at present th only ready market is the eleva tor for uny surplus the district may have after supplying home needs in the cheaper grades of wheat for feeding purposes, tin to the present, however, no pri vate enterprise has been started for buying grain for the Princfi Kupert elevator. Membership 'Easy s The new elevator at I'rinc Hupcrt is ;ndef a two-year lease lo the Canadian Co-operative Wheat Producer-, Ltd.. of Calgary, commonly referred to a Ihe Wheat Pool. The new manager of the elevator it. Leonard Ureen, and farmer of this di- Irict should ?et into- immediate correspondence with Mr. direct. in regard to marketing their 1926 crop. rrom information received P would appear to be one of the essential that, inasmuch as the whea'. pool is organized fo .-yslematic marketing; of llu crops of its msinber. farmer of Ibis district wishing to dis pose of their wheat through this organization must first become members. Tho mpnibirsli)n for Ihis, it is understtHHl, (I.OO; nnd the e ran cither accon pany the application or will be deducted from the first paymol for the wheit shipped lo Princn Rupert- Gradual Payment Farmers shipping wheat will no'. receive full payment unon de livery. Aiout per bushel it . .viu te .itfvar.cra . nrst najr- 'i.ent and further advances wHl iie made as the crop of the whea' pool is moved out to markat. One uf thfl big objects of th Aheat pool is to stahilue Ih prirtf by reulaling the supply to the market so as lo avoid a glut' and while the banks will finance the pool for the first payment eil subsequent advances are madij as the crap is marketed. All grain shipped In Prince llupert will be Inspected nni graded by an official of the Do. minion government at Prim Kupert. farmers may ship fr; sacks or in hulk as desired, and rarmers may combine in bulk shipments upon mutual agree- metit to accept average grades! or different grades or different grains may be handled In lb? same car ly bulkheading. As few farmers am at present equipped for bulk shipments. however, it is likely that mol shipping from this district will be in saicks, in which case it will be simple to arrange a mixei shipment of grain or grades. Get In Touch Farmers having grain to market this year and who are depending on the Prince Ruperl elevator as an outlet should lose no lime In getting In louch wilh the manager of the elevator at Prince Hupert. or by writing to i tie .MDcria Wheat Pool, Oa! gary. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert W. C. C, Jleham general u-PX'rJnlcndent of the, O.T.P., , who has beeti In .Winnipeg 0n official bti.Vinexg isr expecjed l,aok today', H. S. Stevens; M.P., arrived from the south yesterday morn-Itw. He went on by train, ai-compaoied by Hon. William Manson, to hold a meeting at Terrace. J. T. iPbelan, of Vancouver, superintendent of the Dominlni Covernment Teletrranhs in Hrlt- ish Columbia, Is in Ihe city for a tew uays. Hrady, t LIMERICK CONTEST ' l i BAitU uii tLLUlUN Prizes of ;FIe olars and Three For Best and Second Best Verses Submitted - The lkailv eu lms decided io put im' aif elcciuin liun-nrk coi; I I ulld nrri.f nntHi (If llV'l . ...... .- v.,.1.-, t.. iIdIIjii-h anil linM resliecl ivt!IV - - - . PRI for firl and second best timer-y ii-k sihinilt.l The verse shnilldl - 1 - - - - . . deal wilh some phan of lliSJ present tiectioi) campaign audi should not be objectionably per II lwiiilil .Itfiil wilh iilMll of tlie candidates or the policies or leader'- of the' resneclHr paKies. Here are two evainplesil Uiertj once was, a member named Siork - Three thousand miles from .W . ori-, ) He was greally respected And aL'.iiii u-.if. eleeled. And itrady whs enl bark to Cork. have heard of the candidate. W'Un nfucd lo dd anythiu:. shady; $ exjiectn fto be member I.fMig before net i Xinember. And to Otlawa'igo wlliiihis 'lady Rules iof -Contest The ruie- of ttie contest fol low: i Khc verse should be wriltei. on a separate piece of paper amj siuned tiv "Hie autlior. not for publication but a a guarantee ot gooa faiui. uniy uie namn of the winners will be published. ' The verses must, as far as. poibb be perfect limerick- Xo other class of verse Is aJ " milted. Many of the verses will he published but not necessarily all. Verses should be mailed In Contest Kditor." Daily New of lo be left at the office. THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: It is reitorled around towij that the Conservative caiiilidate made a wonderful impression nl Stewart and the utiiiost entbusi-asm was nhown. Jake ?ayi. he re. members .xome .ottier Candida A model wife Is one who can find nothing at home for he-husband lo do, when die gels a day off. t This tarvia may be a good thing for the hoots but it'n a. de batable question whether it's iood for the hands, riV.arpets. I. el S CO. n llin mnnVdv anlil when ne juinpedovVrlho prccl- I'lCV, The man who rive vmun ciflra rannot always be rated as friend. ' n Cranbrook. ltut.tncn H brook always wan a Ihe heavy muff. If the yapping of a small dag 'em so they can't get back. BOAT ARRIVAL V -irainiiage wiini uiu mo nurfc tiri liriti ntnnv llial enrti.1 . . aj . , Jing oi a ponce ikmio didale got. 1 :.. Tread lightly these days or tlie J, hat gay youth you meet. Keep clear of the tar Wiipfpv! .vmi ara ' I (r your mother with broomstick! lour return home win greet. You can frenerally lell the rea( Canadian at a picnic because In alway carrie a can-opener, ait J by the same argument you can alwav4; Jell ia; iseptsnujC . by the1 rorksw. ; ! U Fornlerly Ihe jtou'ri-t;a,e ttoin a lin.-biu, i . now he ridcfin ...... one. soi Ainong the. things lbat keep liielW'pre! i1bVerul'TA, a bald bead. It's funny how the grass never seems to grow on a lawn until you are alxent on a vacation. ' Wlmf IliA vnnlli if I ..I a t n-anla .. .w in. iu... if. ,w.i. In motor car Is Jen aeceleralori and no brakes. , Did you bear of lie man who was trying lo fill his founlnin pen Willi tarvia on -Sunday? Hues his nationality. pr Real Enjoyment Smoke 15 piling iu rirnri ituii riiiiinw inr people there lo a pilch of rwfL...i,. n i;.i,i. hot enthusiasm but is not outlet. ........ A giKtd cure for iiald-ln',nel . ..-1, .... i- i " ru sa.t .... ur m-aip ir n.lll ..n ...... ...1.1. !.. -nl.Tl : jiiiiiu wiieo uw nm 01 me 11 ing pin at the . door and . demamll,. . mt &u l0 Mnl Ue knol evacuation of boots and socks!- ... ... n.. ..... . ..... ..k Tread lightly sweet maiden When crossiiwr the street. Tread lightly no mailer O.X.Il. slearjier Prince Charl", Capl. Neil Mar Lean, docket a. .I0 p.m. yesterday from Vai:-rouver en route to Anyox, Stewart and Queen Charlotte Island points for which points she sail- eu at 1 1 p.m. Passengers debarking here included A. U. M. Olelland, M. Peterson, Mrs. Flewln. .Mijs i: Craig, .Miss I), (iilllmgs, I.. Farley, J. L. Waruda, Mr. and Mrs. J. ?. Hoddy and ohild. Mr. I'.nop. rr, Mis Mrfiill, Mr. and Mrs. Van Wyrk, Mrs. L. M. CampbeP. M. Pederson, W. K. Ilie.i, .. flfack, .1. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Naison, C. A. Prorunier, Mis M Jackson. WATIR NOTICE Dlxrdon tni U '. TAkE NOTICE lhl Sunwrvlllw rnneri Compiny l.luiiiril. mltwr 0Ir- i or A-iiue Wbirf. Vnruiivr. II :.. mm n. I Ay fur UrmM. to lake tad tiw t ri pr mlitiilr nf iirr nut of tin tunort ftinin, hrti rioa nnrlhfrlv tnl driln. Inui irruii ny. Mdu-t iht, m I clam ! ur .X. W. miner lot u. Ourni C.harliille l.lind W.lrlci. The mf Mill Illk-.M. ....... .1.. .u - . - Foiiit rlmtx In mulh vnterly dlrM-tlnn roin !. v. n.rnr .f l oi U7i. o, c. Int tiul will h uwd tor laduiirlil mil i..m.' lr (inrpooe iuln Ihe Unrt de rllK-d Blork A. I.OI U?l. Oiiwn CtMrMle Urn. 1 til . I u .t I P. U . . ru.l.ul ..n . . .r-,.-. .in .im Kri.U.lll nn trie I on my .f July, lt. A fm.y of .in. iromr auu niliclinn Dl Iflltll Mrti Iihl in the "Waler Art" mill ! I I'rliw-e lluiert, II. i;. objertlon tn iim rtitiii'siTiiMi rtiBiv iia riiawi n. . ... Wtirr ltprordr fr wilh Ih c:rmipirnuir f .'Affi IliMhta, t.kli.. ..a .. t,W:T " s.'. ail iianinii MllllUlnfeT KlorU. B. C. wiiMn ilnri) iiv trier m in', ait--aiaiii r. im im iHiure in a loil t.e.r. Tls (late of Ihe flrt piibllfa " lion or Ih iKiIKe U July to, o, U A .1 1' I. I -I I .. . . . ' . . r?.. nr.n il. I. r. ' .Vlll.HT COMI'.W. I.TO.. - - .. Appll eT r. n. hthfiis. a llrari! Ann i. "OOViaWMCWT UQljlOU ACT" Notlc lotlc of 'Appllationfr',0ntW to to Trantfar Baar tlefna. OTIrl.' 14 'llf.1tl.-l. v r..tfL-M ,t. .. fath .lav ir aun.t n.i i.u . . ... . , v. ....r.,. . . iiiiwr.r,riieii nlenrl lo anply to the Uaiu.r r, ..,.,,.! Il"arl Tor nuiwnl to Iraiufer ot Beer I i. reiiee nmiiLerea it a ami l..n..i i. pf lrrnile, tielnr part of a li.ill'un. r known a l.,rt r.lep.enia llnlel. Vnrt r . menu, a r.. mM,n ilJaiirta rtewrllHMt , Lot 7, Blork t7. In SiiMUIalun of lit 7l". fiieeii Uiarlntte llanila. I'rlnre Ituiveri te!?.i"P'i,r,r ''. " h l'r'i"Tnr Hrlllab i:olmifla, rrom rrank lllrka in ift!; ileruerMlaninlon. Tl.ewlore MiimoiiI ami ami J. i. Elephants recently ran amncJc .inn.- "nri. unpen, in the frov- Inorn lown for fie ""7.Ut ."""h, Ihe tranfereea I.VTM, al Prlnre Unpen, B. C.",",,. Vui Hr-lOIFHT IHMfTOX. THKOiionr. Mt'nco.vL i, cir.roNE. Applicant arid Tranifertei TI Tins tsr r sOf1i154i LD CHUM xc Per Packet IT n SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -: . ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY W0I1K Including three (lislmrt -icrvtrr for Family V SOFT FINI8H, THRIF-T-SERVICC and WET WASH nt ftiol reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSINQ AND REPAIRINQ Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 -and we will do Ihe rest DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.M Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & old Swage C?- Prince Rupert, B.C. WICHMANN OIL ENGINES Wa Supply WICHMANN In Sliaa from 7 to SO M.P. To aaaura arl ordar your WtOHM ANN now, Olatriljiiiori for II. C. ENGINEERING CORPORATION LTD. OflANVILH ISLANO n.rme I'fpaiuiient Mil. O. TPI.l-tlsr.. ..... . o. VANCOOVI".