Company on July 23, was com mitted for trial by Magistrate McLeod In the city police court this morning. Accused 'will elecl for trial either in the county court.or Ht the next Assise le-fore Judge Young. L."V. Pat more, counsel for the defence,' reserved evidence. Yesterday's Evidence The preliminary hearing wa continued in the city police court yesterday, afternoon. T. II. Johnson, general manager of Jlie Cold Storage plant. Provincial Constable Fred Markland, Shelford Darton, iiccnuntant at the Cold .Storage, and nob4. Hlance. marine superintendent, gave'evidence. Milton (lOnzaied, appeared for the prosecution and I W". Palmore defended, .fne first witness called was T. H. Johnson, general manager of the Canadian Fish &. Coll Storage Company who stated that he had been present during a conversat.'o'n between J. V. N'icholls, comptroller of the company, and the accused. Cap!, llensen. . In reply to a question by prosecuting counsel, witness staled thai accused had no rihl to use any money given him by the company for any other purpose than for buying fish. Dur ing tiie conversation alluded Capt. Hansen had given an Intel, ligenl story of the robbery, and he (witness had been present on the evening of July 23 when Provincial Sergeant Hannah had had a conversation over the telephone when accused was n lhr' extension. Constable's Evidence Constable Fred Markland stated that, acting upon instructions, lie had gone to the Cold Storage on the aflernon of July 21 to make - some investigations with regard to the robbery from the Chief Zibassa, Upon arriving at the plant he had met Capt. Hansen and they had gone into the captain's stateroom on the boat where they ha.Ljj talk. The first part of the conversation had been between them Pelves but later in the preenr3 of certain members of the crevr. Capt. Hansen's story was that ht (accused) lliou?! he had ?t,-000 which, he had taken down to the boat with him the morninz before. Accused had checked it over and found it to be 5 short. Vfhich lef the total amount at $3,995.00. This money he. had put into the cash box. Accord ing to witness' memory, accused had said that the cash box locked but could not be definite on that point. The cash hot had been put into a drawer and the door locked with a hasp and lock on it. Accused said he came out of the cabin, locked his stateroom door and went honu- to get the $5 short. Cap? Hansen had iieen absent about three-quarters of an hour. Up on his return to the boat he found that the drawer had "been "Jimmied open and the box was gone.- Wilnes had asked accused, in what . denominations of currency' the amount of money lost had been made up. Capt. Hansen had not beef excited during the conversation A piece of 'wood taken from the forced door of the cabin con taining the hasp and lock hu been given to witness by th captain, also two screwdrivers from the boat, which had been in the constable's possessio; since the robbery. Questioned by Mr. Patntore, witness said that neither of the .screwdrivers aboard the boat ha been used to take off the hasp L. W. Palmore: "You do not think the screwdrivers had bee used for forcing the hasp off!' Witness: "a is hard to say a Certain marks on the wood might correspond with one of them.1' 1,. YV. Patmoro: "Is there not some two-billed tool which migll' have made the impression seen on the piece of wood"?" Witness answered the question by demon strating how be thought the liapvlmd,., been loosened, Accused.; badjold .witness thaj Jir locked the door belore he came out , Accountant's Evidence Shelford. Darton, accountant at the Canadian Fish & Cold SJor age plant, waft the next witness culled, ife staled he had been accountant, for the Cold Slorag,! Company for some nine year and had known the necused for a little over, two years. During that time the accused had been I BRINGING UP FATHER - '-frrf HANSEN GOES By George McManns i . . ' . . ,. " ' ' ' II V 11 ii i t .-i ,' m I I " -U. J UP FOR TRIAL! "VZL. ME MS CAMC'A MKIMTWFMncp.TAl MOT PVEM A MO. ill f X A 1 s C3T1I il Committed This Morning by v ' nmm v ' " j rm z uima. Magistrate McLeod and Defence Evidence Reserved Haghert Hansen, charged with the theft of $1,000 from the Canadian Fish & 'Cold Storage buying fish fur tho wiiness uieniifiei! a company check for $ ,000 which had been given to the accused on April 20 last for the purpose of pur chasing fish, and explained lio.v the financing of the fish buyers was done. ir. iiarton i.lcnlinc.l certain checks paid to accused by the company for f:lt brough into the plant during the pre sent treason. Jle nad ueea m charge of the keys, and cast oxes furnished to the boats aud outside the key1 he ' had therr were only two keys and two ca.h boxes out jn July 23, one t.. Capt. Hanscu- and one to T. Moorehouse, storekeeper on tin Chief Zibassa. by prosecuting counsel, witness1 slated his lunch hour was between i and 2 p.m. Since Cap!. Hansen had been with the company he had been going lo lunch at I o'clock. He had seen accused in the general office al the Cold Storage plant on Jul 23 when he iCajil. lfansen, had come up with F. Cameron, second engineer, on the Chief Zi-basa, concerning some workmen's compensation paper in connection with an accident which had occurred to Cameron. !AYfiies. had then told Cap I. ansen that he could return the money right away as lie coul I heck the money over at any time, (o which the accused had replied "all right." That had been bout It a.m. Mr. Darton sait would take about two minute o reach "the Chief Zibassa from he office. After the conversa tion Capt. Hansen went out of ic office and he (witness) had not seen him again that day Miring the hours of 9 a.m. and p.m. on July 23 the accused ould have turned in the money I any time to witness. On July 23 when accused nad said he was short ?5 he had ap proximately half a month's wages due to him amounting lo 2.50. On the afternoon of the rob bery accused had pone into hi office and said "you had bette telephone the police, I have been robbed," Accused tht-n went on nj explain that he had brough lie money down wilh him thai morning and alter counting w over found il $5 short. As 1, sail no money wilh him he went back to the house, fi. the .5. II (accused) had put all the mono he had into the. cash box, locked il and put U into the. drawer which he also locked. When 5 came back for the money lc found the door open and vhat t. lock on Ihe drawer had been forced open. Witness had tele phoned to Mr. Johnson and to Mr. Nieholls. and that Mr NiehollB came Into the offico while he was telephoning and be 'witness immediately reported the robbery to Mr. Nieholls. who then took the maMer ,iver. Wit ness staled hal accused hart IDTonight 111 t ten n4 itrtitfthtn tne erctn f 4ittin n HmlniOon, Imprev pptit, ste sick h4chf, relieve bil-leaeneee. eerrect contlltion. They act aremptly, leaeantlv, mllajy, yet thereu(hly. Tomorrow Alright Get a 18c. Un Mai mtfB& JPi tli wltf J&L J&- ' O IMS lNri Fnf Scwc; Uc (ifJ5' . CMtrMrtiwiwa 8 c "Tiir company., earnc.i some f'JO this year commissions. j I.. V. Palmore: "What do you; pay the commission for?" j Witness: Tho commission is paid on a bxsls of fiOc per thousand pounds for tisir brought td the plant in good rondijion." ' I.. . Palmore: litd yon know; that Hansen received a:y tips gratuities, in connection wmj his work?" Wiiness: -'.No." Some urgument between de- f fence counsel and witness occur red when the former asked h quelion as Jo whether Cap?. Hansen had ever turned In Ie money thai he owed the com- When the cash box nad been pany. vVifness slated Capt. recovered from the bottom oflHansen had not owed the com- Ihe harbor by the diver, wilnes-Jpany anything, had counted the contents whicti amounted to $ 107.00. After, counting the money he had handed the cash box ana contents lo the provincial police. In reply to questions put lo him forage the day before the rob- ery. He (witness) had receiv"; miruciioii i rum jir. .iciicn-1 1 lo have the store in charge o Moorehouse taken from the flit it that he did not think he Hansen then admitted that al: he captains had been careless with Jhe money and said that o; )ne occasion, owing to the con fusion of changing from lit. Chief Zibassa, after she ha V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c ORGANIZATION OFNEW CLUB Athletic Association In Connection With Naval Reserve Took Place Last Night. The first general meeting of the newly formed Hoynl ilanadian N"- L. W. Palmore: "It 'was ve.'jlval Volunteer Hi-fre Athletic easy to gel a key to open ItKMAssOtiiatiOn was ln-ld last night at cash box." Illielieadnuarters of the unit wlien Witness: "e.s.' tjic following were elect- The cash box contained aled '.ommor iock the Key of which on. President - UeuL II. P. would open eight boxes. Poader. commandinK H.r....V.n. i.api. Hansen lia.l turned tfi Chairman T. A. Camm several refeipis in ine compaH nenerfil Manajrrr-JMiief petty or pre sions purcnasea ior in offfepr C J -J.iutw 4 1 ' I " " - 1...U. i,i . I"?' iiiiui. uiiinrr, murine superin tendent for the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Company, was th" next wilnesft called. In his evi- lence he staled that he was in liaru, tt I'm Lov. tt lltu tr-l. Kxecqtive Commit lee Lieut. Walt. Hum. It. '-. X. Y. It., T. A. ICanini, W. Murray. V. lhj ami ieo. J. Hawes. The objects of the association when' ...J"! o ftnwurai:e the spirit of ous boats tied ui at an.i il.i r.a.,1 ii.n-n nKiiiiiness and good, sportsman , .... .... ...... . a key In the pilot house and l"v Parprl slateroom on the Chief ZIbasa. w,e,,ur U1 Uutside of Cant. Hansen no mem- ne yeung people oi rrmre her of the crew had a kev either "l"rl ln Kneral to (lie nilol house or the stale- T sports vyiU incliide foot room. A ky similar to the oneMWM- twimming. indoor basketball used by Capt. Hansen fur loekim? r,,l' "'"Wling an.t Ixixiik: he Dilot house on the boat A coiisHIiiihui lias I n ilftiwii produced and identifier5 by wit- up and rules formed. ness. Witr.eag had feen the ac cused on the wharf at the Cold SPORT CHAT There i a very annoying tree n'jnttto 'iiipjUk IliM luiiiPii I Chief Zibassa. He had met Capi ,. n. ti. ,.n i Hansen and told him of this and 4,lHalH al,ou, baU way ilween asked him accused if be had ,ak9, (ne ail(ng , a,, lhe lurne.1 in nis money. The cap- ,. pm. , ho nt ., tain had said he had not lurnedU..,.,,.,.. ,.., ,,n i.n. in the money so witness lold him day ,nan gavfi nnwclf a sevr! o hrinsr it lown and turn it in. I"his was between 1.30 and bump on the head, narrowly is J very V. . . j , 4 ISM IJ-SIJ JU p ni. on July 22 f!ibsequenl uA . o run , ,,, jf " '" vision is distracted for a mv ome oown ,o me piani ana na.i ir. T,,u , mentioned asKea wnress -now. nc .'-apt. ,,0 ia, f meo.H Hansen, s oo. with the com- , gft nVf!iiry ahoril ,.n.,y. nimr - mu ashrU mm lni, rein(,ve the fhllen Iree from wimi ne meani, in wi icu ,.api ?rolTU(jng over -tlio; walk. naiiii .nil. rrviii-ii .HiW nil ll : . . , . . i . . . iil . . ! , . ' ianu ior keeping 'ne jo unin ! tlii.Ttmallcr '.Is. cirrefl up?" Witness had said that even if he (accused) had not taken the money he had been so careless The fiyros als are W fo,nlrolrte1r, 3lash in a Serior League baseball ?ame tonight, ami Judging from he lightening tip in the field n rr tf tliM lutttiw Infi m nnrl I list , tt rm al" ' ' 't llllirt lllllll i I va sev on... reia.n n.s pn . htrenuoi.s hilling abilities of th- iyros i! lifuld jirovn a drawin ard lo has.'hall fans. It Is u ihe cards that the Orand Ter oiinnls will turn the tables the slick hatter in thf game 'ut Ihen the (Jytos aro walch broken down, to the "rier Star- , , ett, he Pad left noma of tbc Only five men have ever nc Tomollsl cd t ho hngliSii iwiannel , ... . missing until he got lo Trip! , I . .. . ' ,m Is n. the n... list: , , . , . ,. , iiwim. Following Ll3"?' verr Llll .S n. he lr, Cap,. MMthew Webb, 2, running plentinilly bought b; would hav.i Aufficien money wiiii him anil did not r. 'urn' to get it. Witness had ban no conversuion with accuse.' .bout boiToylng money. ABSOLUTELY. At a leeture'lhe speaker oraled fprvenUy; "He-drove straight lol his goal. He looked neither to the rfght nor to the left, but -. . . . . . presse.i 'rnnwaru, moved by ,i definite purpose. Neither friend unr foe could delay him, nor turn him from his course. All who nrossed his path did so at Mieir own peril. What would you call such a man?" "A truck driver!" shouted voice from the audience. lourj 15 minutes; 1 C 1 1 , T. lurgess. 22 hour", 15 minutes, 923, II. I". Sullivan, 27 hours 2 ninnies: tO'.'.t. Knrmue Tiraho. i, Id boms 35 minules: i:' rarles T "i Irt hours 10 mil H It Takes a H H Joint of Beef I H to Make I I A Bottle of I BOVRIL J utns, WANTED. I custom-made clothes in Canada. Highest commission?. Itei Tailorinst Co. I.UI. Toronto (2 201 WANTKM .New location for shoe shine staml down town. If you have one, or know of one available now, plene phone S3. Archie lloblnon. WA.TF.I Secondhand child wieker go-earl. Phone HlaeH IK0. -, MAID Wanled. Mrs. F. Mell. Younsr. Fourth Avenue Ilal. MAN wanted for hotel work. Apply Hotel Central. IK? WAITItlviS Vnled.- ton Cafe. FOR SALE. -Apply Ilos- KYKX-HOOMK!) IIOl'SK In Se.-- tion F.ighl for sale. AH modem conenience. (!oid iiro-position. For further tnfor-atton write Hox .117, Dally New Offke. 1ST Ht SALK. Pletisure latineh "fJwen," In good eondltion: powereil wilh four horsepower Kaslhope engind. Apjdy. Pii-len. Iiailv .V,w. t Oil SALK. Hotel Masselt. A good bargain. Ill health raus for selllrw. Apply Willlani Hudson. Massett. H.C. OR SALK. Scow, good as ntrv with three room cabin. Nlea living house. Price 275.on Phohe nine 5R.'. I8' OR SALK Saxophone, C me! ndy, iu good condition. Cok. Itell. satin finish. Phone Mack 138. (S fKNT FOR SALK. New this year and used only one week Price 20. Pollen. Dnily New. KOR' SALK Dining room suit.' in good condition. Phone mack 730. tf TO RENT OR RK.VT. Larscn building ai .171 Third Avenue Kast; six room modern flat with bathroom and workshop premise on street Ifoor. Apply yd Transfer, 139 Second Avenue KOR RK.NT. Two first cla. modern flats; Monarch ranges, water paid; one furnished Weslenhaver Bros. ''OR RK.NTFive-roomed mod ern house on Sixth Avenue West. Phone Oreen 130. tl IOUSKS for Renl. Some am furnished. 120 and up. App.y 215 I nurtli Avenue Fast. OR RKNT. Pianos, phono graphs nn.l sewing machines Walker's. Music Sloro. FOR RKNT.- Four room sule( hot water heated. Apply Smltl & Mallet. 'OR RKNT Five room Seventh Avenue West. 730. hntj Plinn t MODKR.Y HorSE for rent Fin rooms nnd lmllu Monro Hro., LOST. '.iT ,t St. Andrew's picnic many island, Sunday, bov" brown sweater. Finle pens nnono nine 120. Miss Oertrude IMnrle, of New ork, accomplished ihe swltj last Friday In It hour's 31 rntif. dies, thereby creating a rccotd ior mis distance. Articles Lost and Found, &c BOARD AND ROOM. WANTF.lK One reliable man in UOAM. The ! every town, merchant prefer-1 Pecond Avenue ... . . i. . i i .. . . ' Inlander, 83.1 Phone 137. SUMMER RESORTS. LAKKI.SK LntMiK, near Terrace. Visit Lakelse Iithla Ho. Springs. Litlun is one of th finest r mineral waters Vnowt. for rheumatism, (lood fl fishing for rainbow (rout It. Lakelse lake and river. Motors meet all trains giving through connection with Lodge. Telephone connected to Terrace J. Uruce Johnston, manager. Why he without oarf $350 make the first "payment on a New Improved CHKVIlOLKT. the balance in tweUe suceessive eay Instalment, Let u demonstrate! KAIEN OARAQE Dealer in all General Motor foducts. Itrake lining by mi llinery. I'yli'idcr r.'Krndin and relioring F-rd overhauling at Nat rale pm-es Wrecking Service day and nlghL Th.' i.ilt'iwmji ;-i ;i-e are now elfeeXue. i- iKlt l-rim-K Ituper'., ! Ooveranieni taxes inoludcl: I Itnnalvout 38f.00 , Sport Roadster CHO.Od Touring COt.OO 1 Coupe - 751.0(1 ! Tudor Sedan "Ofl.OO Fordor Sedan 83J.0C Light Delivery 59100 Lt. Delivery Van nttt.QO ftimmerelal Cliassis t88.0w Iruek Chassis Sir 581.00 Self starter included on all models. High Low High Iligh Low !,!. Low CHEVROLET Term payments arranged If if desired. 3. E. PARKER, LTD. Dealers. 219 Second Avenue. FRANCOIS LAKE LODQE teanllfully situated near Ferry . Landing Alliltida 2(15 feel. Campinfl and Flihlng Trlp ' arranged ' FIRST CUJ. TAIILK with produce FRj:SH FROM TUB FARM. Take a Trip to the Lake Country this year. For reservations, write Mrs. Henkel. Francois Lnke. H.C. TAXI Phone 67 Txl (Call Oeorge, Paul or Oust) Six nnd Seven Passenaer Sludo bakers at your disposal nny time ROS3 BROS. POOL ROOIW Meeker Block. Across from F.mnresn Hotel. PRINCE RUPFBT Tinri Monday, August 9 .It n.m. 20.3 ft. 1121 p.m. Itl.O ft. I'll I. ,.. T1 l Tuesday, August 10 2.00 a.m. 20. 1 ft. 1 1 .5 1 p.m. 1 0.2 , ft. HAT, a.m. 3. 1 ft. 20T.0 p.m. fl.ft f, Wednesday, August 11 2. a.m. 20.1 ft. 15.21 p.m. 10.3 fl .n a.m. 3.7 fl 21.20 p.m. 0.7- ft,l Thursday, August 12 ........ 3.20 n.m. 1 0.5 fU p.m. iwji ft, 0.3 n.m. 4.n ft. . 22.03 p.m. 0.7 It. WATtH NOTICt llceiiM to Kir ami , . 5 tr "' ' T Mrlltnw 1 rwfc SI , ni ura.u 111 u. i, 4 tuik iv-nti ( Pmn- uk lhr lrr Mill m trvm ai a puint ,t t Hie SoulU InrC (rnrn iu ,;. iMHt fur luim.if .nr. i'U-rr Kr irf m ,.4In. tilt litre (. Ifw titli .) . -f A Bow uf 1W u.. in, , Mreuaitl ttwn-ii. aii.i i iM Isr fikW ai r. f , ..."tiectWii u it ,, IM with the ma vv. illti itw intriiivr itiKiiirtti Buiidmr v Mrtf U atlrr Ih, r III ntrftxr IB l.i ,-, The dalr itt tu. fir- olM-e l July 11 v STtMHO VIMs rutrmtM thrrlu tl I II" mill bo riled a wiir nrrorty-T n Tel. tvJeeimej U ihe t . iiitq mini ine mi wi lie- UaHiplfvHrr .r Wttr MteMt HaiMtei.. Vil lltnir dn alter the -line nultre in a hti ii a Tbe ale of Ihe (irl nolire H in(r ' STiMlMl lint a "y I, LAND ACT lime Si Wit WATtH NOTICI Olfertlee 4 Uh. TakC "lniKK .Mi , MftiMv. uttMMe 1lr. .. VlMI. Vanrnatrr. B Hrenr In Uke t.i'l r dtr tif wan , rnrk. xl VrtUlliM re- k rli aikt drain. ibI, ,:ci nb mile nerth ..1 1 . , TW aler Ul Ik treaiu ai a tmtnl TMUS Xidlh rk tr am r la liwd fbr nriauir im Mitre tf ' a ik lh day J A Wf "t ttn ixitli-e f. r Hit MITlLl: ttur .. 1 t-arirtif i.iunr 1 in i.tmi(M'ii.( at a p rlkeatl rami .,( I : ' Irt tw 4le nurk lhr J m 1 Ik -I t n ' n - , k ' at (I : II 1 Nellca ef leleetla la Aelf la Ima IS I'llOie UuiMtt Lal, Li irci wr rrwe ha rrlwi of trt . a I It Mi 014 1 It - w K4irertK to MUIB4 Ibw ' - LS10IM finnr- ' 1 Per C II, mtwl ...he , 1f. ' kia, iris MlftCJUL ACT, ctftTtriCATC or i"esoinTi Hit Canyon a f Mtw tl la ate la iim Atlin Himnt . ' f ur OtttrKL Whew l aiwe (Vulran .k avf? and suvihaetl i.f Hit lefioa Mineral Cta'ra 1 1 mjL. tke viiirE mat 1. I ; rree Mtnera ceriirii-aio t " -. tend, aittv dart frm ie tiu to apply In the Mln nt i: 1 erlirtrtie of imrr.''-iin b mm nf 4juuiini a 1 And run her tkke ! -e '-LJ3 pixtrf aerimn 17 mud b "TJ tietnre Ihe lue of l- B fited mi tit drMf MINIMAL ACT, cinnricATt or i"eAovi'VJ , a . .A f,.kil.a Ilka imi luiinv " " ft . 13 S Ihe Atlin fcinlnr lnli 1 ' ' Iflrl. Where hM-ale.1 'H "V Canyon canyon nirnnon mio .. on. takc MOTtr.r. that t. 1 rM Ulnar's f-jtrlirirlte N - S.-M lend, llltf dy frm w apply t" h Vinin nt Certirirate nf lmtuiiiirtf ' . i poe nf nhttlnil.f ;. And further lake nnitre MLjis rtMer Sertluo J. mot W rft nerore ine iniiue di li.iiwi ihi. Aii nt Jim '!.., MINIMAL ACT. MnifieiTf 'or7Me(0",T, mark Smith Mlnertl im the Atlin Mlnm lttiin ' ir.rl Whrre liieairfl . ' fc-if i.i Dr Jilf . r a trihuury of ls'r'i iilfiininf the flkrry M "" r iu wiiiierly lde , no TAkK .MiTfrp thit I. F,r,.t, Tree Miner r.erliri.aie tend.. .Ir ? X 'l" "J rerliflrate of linpr..r m. su ' rf i fHi nf ..hulntna 1 ' mImiv rlilni. . I A. fll. .1.3 ft f,riMIftTkAltkl A .n fl it nprtiycineni, bated una IM tay . (f , frsVfr LANO ACT. ef frlnre ntmert ,n'' , !i ..iinit. 0' i nar. Ma. ei- inlet, rhrn ''5(1rrt " T.UF XOTirr that r ran Plyrr Pri. re tliuwrt. II. C hr;-W'"'t man. Inlenda tn APflr .r' ' lij j purrlia-e the fnllowtna d'Vl '"Sj Ortitmenrint at 17;;, P'!?, :Mj" W. eorner nf Lei l'J , 1 h If rJ Klamll nilrrl Ihrnre WI Ihenre we.l to -l',n ' n.rrM Jj? Ilith Water varki nrn,'7l f V.iu'H'; Illtrli Water Mark in i lytnl ,n nirnl, imt rnntiintny m ,rr Dtltd .una lltu, !