rsdar. Aogu.t 10, 1920. ItfHEREVER THERE ARE FLIES, USE FL.Y?TOX Kill the FLIES You CaritKcepYour Food Under Glass FOR health's sake the food must be kept fresh, clean, pure. Flies-must be killed. They taint everything they touch. Disease germ3 drop Irom the maggoty ooze of the fly's filthy feet. That poisons food. Ueo Fly-Tox. It is stainless, pafe, sure. It costs little half -pints fifty cents and can be bought at groceries and drug stores. U Kit In Vancouver, B,"C. u nYTgx JLffiU FLYTOX KILLS FLIES MOSaUITOES MOTHS. ROACHES. ANTS. FLEAS The New Orthophonic Victrola it eicltlng more comment ind attracting more favor than has any musical Instrument before. s :iily t:: (! " any rpiui have 'f- had- -fMT-ir o iicrwis( of ap-eiiHv -miliar m rnmeni i u' ! Hi" in -I opportunity. :ne i n i ) I Iicht it. You n a' 'innji'.! nl Mie fl-v w Mi which ?ry Dinar urtf. stnglrtg or olher-. i .-)" .iiici'ii for you. - rat GRENADA MODEL Mahogany and Walnut S200 OTHER MODELS $115 5275 $385 Terms Arranged eMaeMvs.Jjd "FLIT" FOR FLIES HF'-STHOVH I'LIKS. MO.syiMTOKS. MOTHS. ANTS, Itr.ll 1IUU8 ami IIOACIIKS. i 8 tz. hollies 50c V ' H ox. tuts - 75c r' -' ojt, tins $1.25 I gallon lint ....... $4.00 i " Onlfil HI uz. tin ami Sprayer $1.25 Tux. Iiolllen 50c, 75c, $1.25 FLY PAPKIt, FLY COILS, INSHCT PpWUBIl St dler- 15c Ormes Ltd. The IIKWI.I. STOHK Tin PIONKKH IHtl liUlSTS 3rd Ave. and 6th Street Phones 82 and 200 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert r DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating . O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock tnglneere, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONE8 43 and 30? Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. tf B.C. Undertakers. Phone it. Crystal Firelighters. 48 to 11.00. Uyde Transfer. Phone 80.-, tf 'Au Mi To f urray was a nasscrigci iboai-dl the Prince Charles las night for Shannon Bay. Harvesters lo tho number of 27 rooked for prairie noinls on the Canadian National Hallways ye ....'t'.t.. i i I AK? Flcwin of i'ori Simp snm.arriveu in me cuy ycsicroa: aboard Ihc steamer Princa Iharfcs from Vancouver. johifVI-'levvIn, returning officer for 1 lie federal elections, arrived in the city yesterday and is m iNtcrcd "at the Prince Huperl Hotel. Pat Fowler was fined 850 a: il costs in tTie city police court 'im morning by Magistrate MeCiy- nont on a occond charge of in dication. s W J. U'nkeflehl nf Kletvnrt. who has been vis Mite in the City for tiic pasl week, sailed on (he Prince .Charles' last night for his home. ' F. L. Buckley and son were liafengers aboard the Prine Charle yesterday en route to Port Clement. Mr. BuekW i reluniinir.froin a biuiness trip to Vancouver. Provincial Comtlabtc Sinclair irenninaiiied 1iv Mr. Sinclair and family.- ailed on ihc Prince lolm today for 0"peti Cliarlolln ;ily where hp will lake over pe - inanciit imlice duly. (kini.labli .Sinclair ha been trannferreil from lied Pas. (icorpe Boulter and S. A:ii- fione, ratings or the local iiTii: of the Hoyal Canadian Naval VqI- unteiT llecrfe. n-lurnH to tlw "ity on tho Prince Charles yesterday afternoon aftr undervi- init annual training al the Hoyai Canadian Nival Barracks, K' uitnalt. At a special meeting of tin iiiyim .iicx, rruujjoimiit', vio-;rpsident. in tli chair, cerlai Iuelioui were drawn U of political nalur. with which tl. Litu-ral and Conservative rand' ilates will b? confronted at arty dale. Mm It lit It Stewart, prineipn! of Seal tkive xehoul here. Iia-i been apiioiuled (o the ctaff of he High Schuol at Knderby, Bx: Slie ha been spending wrl of the holidays attending the um mpr school for teachers at Vic toria and twill enter on her new duties at the beginning of iter, term. Archdeacon ft. A. Hlx, nccoin laiiied by Mrs. Hlx and d.iught Ituth, were pasenger a hour I the Prince Charles la.l night foi Stewart. Anvox and Queen Char lolte Inland point. Areii.leaeon Mix will vii on the i1and and Mr. Hlx and daughter will r turn to the city on the Prince Charles. Mr. (Itr.1 Hay and un Wi.'- liam. arrived in the city on Hie fteanier Prince Cliarle yester day evening from Nebraska ou a visit with her ler anj tirother- ln-law. Mr. and Mr. .1. C. fiavi- nan, Sixth Avenue WcM, Mrs. Hay and son motored from Ne braska to Healtle taking the sleamer al the latter poiut. (ieorge Frizrell. who siient tin week end fishing up the Kcslnll niver aboard tho I.Miirn I'., ac- rompaliied by M. P. MrGaffery, i.eonpe Tile, O. G. Mills, M. M .Mcl.achlan and II. F.. Benon. re. Iiirued to port this morning. Th potty were very enthusiasSc about Ihc Irfp and exreMd themselves a delighted with the Irout fishing in that district. Weather conditions were ideal. onsUbation THE DAILY NEWS PAOB THREI Ikrtwyt at their source, A Oar race Am 1 Ell M :siK BBBBBBBBBBTBBBar7HBBBBBBBBBl HjJLII MGILLETT'S LYEH keeps everything clean and sanitary Mrs. Hose eft ni lit! lasper Park. IlofftiKi;i night s and chili 1 1 am for 4. Milne Jr., was a paeiigc: aboard the Prince Qiarles lasi night for Musijclt. Mr. S. Woodman left on Him morning train for tvikwa on a visit to her sister. Try Foothills Stuvc Coal, 113.00 per ton. No soot. Phil- pott, Fvitt ii Co. Ltd. tf Mrs. Horothydl. Hlue returned to Stewart on llio Prince Char! last niaht afUr visituix in Mio- ueapolie. T. J, ,:SlieyW'6i jinsiftior . o-. mines? t-all on?lli81iifdeiiia 111! afternoon ort a girj of inspection in tho BeJUJMLi dislric. Prize lists for Ibe Fair may. !.e oblainod frofn Ufe Fair Boar I Office. City Hall, or from tne Kire :iiier, Muiiro ' Bnis.. and Hose, Ohvan A , Latin," Ltd. J. Milne, assj-itant district en gineer for the provincial public works department, sailed on tin; Prince John today on a businesi (rip to (Jueen Charlotte City. J. Field Strang, manager rf the Sunnyside cannery, left op the cannery tender yesterday for Shannon Bay on a business visit to the company's holdings at that point. Mrs. H. S. tiill, vyiiQ has been visiting from Yawjouver with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McDonald, Fifth Avenue Kasl,.. for the pasi mouth will return i'tlth on the lenier tianleua UtM afternoon. C.N.H. steamer i'rltice John. Cap!. V.. Mabhs. ,flrrtyed from Vancouver via Uueeri Charlotte Island pOlUls at It o'clock la.-l nij(hl and. sailed on her return to Vancouver at noon All incoming amf, Wulgoing mail will in future bo stamped by Ihe local post office depart ment with a eaiicullipg stamp reading "Prince Ituperl Inhibi tion Sept. II, I'.i.'G' . Tilts iitj will give the local fair a vvfte circle of puhlieily- v t he public Itl.i ury in re ceipt of n gift of a iei of bool irum r.. uiiwiii. iuu.svv ucai. with cathedrals, abbeys and fa mous churches and t In twelve volumes nicely illustrated. It will prove a valuatile acaQlsitiou lo Ihe local instilution ;f. Union sleanier ('ardejia, Capl. J. Findlay, docked iVl. 2 o'clock llils nfleruooii froin jevnrl and Apyox and will sail m her return to Vancouver atX Pas sengers sailing on the steamer fur the south include Mrs. II. A. dill. Mrs. P. I. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Marriott, T. J.'Shcnlon, C. X.arelli, Miss Louis ZaroMi and Master J. Currie. ' Charles arelli ot Yiuloria who has been visiling with his uncle. James Zarelli of tlilHyal Hotel is booked to sail oti'tluv steam-r :t:ardena this afternoon. Mr 'Zarelli will accompany Miss (Louis Xat-elli and Master Jim l Currie who are -going" to spend jji iio'niay wuii mt, jxnn: .Mrs. i. Perry in Victoria. e r j,. PROSPERITY IN WEST APPARENT Dr. Black, of Immigration Department 8aya There Will Be Good Average Crop. EVERYONE OPTIMISTIC Building Programs In All Towns And Settlers DoYng Well on Land. . MONTJIKAL. .ug. 10. "West ern Canada shows every' of a icontiiiuafion of the general spirit 'of optimism which developed with Uhf harvesting of last year's crop and as a result I found business I good, the people cheerful and every one of I he towns ami cities with a building program under way. more amliittous than in any year since before the war, stated Dr. W. J Black, director of the department of colonization, agri-j culture and natural resources of 'he Canadian National Itailways.l on his return today from a tour of the western provinces. As for this year's crop, while some districts of north central Saskatchewan and Alberta have suffered from dry weather, the cron will be a eood average and; will be an economical crop for thej iarmer to narvesi. jsiraw is iair-; ly light, but with promises of good yields. One of the striking things of hi journey. Dr. Black, staled, was the fact that many districts in Alberta, where newly arrived immigrants had been placed un farms by the Canadian National colonization department during Ibe fast two years, bad more new laud broken up this year than at any lime since before the war. the new settler were clearing, their land arh'l breaking il op and many of them preparing to harvest their first crop this year. have splendid prospects. The Ld- moiiton land office. Dr. ltlaik staled, had recorded more filling of homesteads in Hie twelve months ending; July 31 than in jny year since Ihe war. The labor situation- in western .Xanadu has been promising this year also, the Winnipeg office of the company having made three times as many placements -this year a last. Not one experienced farm worker passing through the office of the agricultural and col onizaltou department offices in Winnipeg; had fceen uhplared, and al several iieriod during the season there wore many more jobs available than there were men to fill them. "On the whole, I found the west decidedly optimistic and even those people who were previously ranked among the pessimists, have changed their views and look cheerfully lo the future," Dr. Black slated. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Dead Tree Point Barometer 30.28; temperature Ct. Bull Harbor - - Part cloudy. light southeast wind; barometer 2U.'Ji; temperature 55; light swell; 8 p.m. spoke lug Lome towinc barge Drumrock 25 r.iiies southwest of I'rice Island south- iiound; 8 p.m. spoke" steamer Admiral F.vans bound Ketchikan Tor Soa'tie t70 miles from Seattle. DIgby Island Foggy, calm, barometer 30.22; temperature. 51; sea smooth. Noon Dead Tree Point Barometer 30.28; ieniperaluro 72. Bull Harbor Part cloudy, fresh west wind; barometer 20.-l2; temperature 56; sea choppy; 7.30 a.m. spoke steamer Prince Ituperl abeam Sunny Island southbound; tl a.m. spok.? steamer Camosun at Itiver Inlet southbound. Dishy Island Clear, calm, barometer 30.18; temperature 70; Union steamer Cardcmt due at 2 p.m. southbound. Mrs. J. Borsuk and children of Woodstock have gone to Van couver for a holiday. The case of Thomas Long-, Charged with intoxication, was remanded in the City police court this morning until X for" Oomfor-6 x and Sconomu U4gp canadianJ PACinc mr a mr to. .sight" GRANT'S Best Procurable" (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Gnt d SM liaHMi CJ.IHI. 4 D.lm.CMl DmcZWtm. DH- Service AM This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government nf Our Big Sale! IS IN FULL SWING Everything Going Quickly A REAL CLOSE OUT SALE, CLEAR TO THE BARE WALLS. WEST OF ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 Loggers! Loggers! We have the only compleib stock of Gilchrist Jacks and parts in the North. We handle Logging Cable, Axes, Peavies. Saws, and general Camp Equipment ' II will pay you to see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue Steamship and Train glillnrs trom PRINCE RUPERT Tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, racb MONDAY nd THURSDAY 4.00 p.m SATURDAY. S.OO p.m. For ANVOX. ind ITEW ART MONDAY, FRIDAY, 4.00 p.m. For ALASKA WEDNESDAY, 4 00 p.m. For MAStETT INLET MONDAY, 4.00 p.m. For SKIDESATE INLET nd SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. PASSENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT (lalljr ticrpt Slindtr l M.JO lin. for PRINCE OEORQE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEO, til poinU Etllcrn Canaili, L'nlted SUtcs. Agancf til Octtn SUtmthlp Lint. Use Caiiadltn Kallontt Eiprtss tor Money Orders. Foreign Cheque, etc, tlso tor your next thlpnienL City Tkktt Ortlct, S2S Third Aft., Prlnct RuptrU Phent 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Kttchlktn, Wrtnotll, Junu ind Sktwt Aututl 2, 6, 8, 18, 20, 27, 30. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle August 4, 7, 11, 14, 21, 25. PRINCESS BEATR'CS. Cametell RUtr, and Vancouver ' Saturday 11 a.m. For Butedtlt, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Atari Bay. Agency for all Steamahlp Lines. Full Inlormatlon Irem W. C ORCHARO Beneral Agent. Oerner of 4th Street and Srd Atenut. Prince Rupert. B.O. I UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 1 Sailings trom Prince Rupert, er VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swtneon Bty, end Alert Bey, Tueeday. PJI, for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Alert Bay, and Swtneon Bey, Seturday, 10 aUB For PORT SIMPSON tnd Nttt Riser Cannerlee, Thuredty p.m. For PORT SIMPSON, ANYOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART. Sundty. p.m. IIS tad Ssteive. i. Bamtlty. AtenL Prltee Rupert. B.O. Residence Phone, Black 617 " ANGER, The Tailor Fine 'lnijuirtcd Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made lo order in our shop in l'rince llupcrt as low as 223 Sixth Street I. ANGER, Cutter P. O. Box 247 $50. 00 Prince Rupert, B. C.