25 TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywher at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. MATT VIDCCK, Prop. t)i, XVI,. No, 180, Mr. Bolvln ttevieuoiz the customs in ion in a speech here last I.. Mackenzie - KiiiK. . I .. . .In . fa ....( In t i of customs. Id I ud oeen charped injr wa guilty ui mum. I wonder how Mr. Jte- alioiit that now," he ' Nrver was there a luvairoti act than his. i ad hern on a eomiuit- p. iied unanimoutl). adc barge liAed up- wh:cii had heen onlj" a committer. I tliirtk mi people will have lo lUnv nt on Ibis matter-k .'liallcnge.l Mr, aiale publicly whe- A Ikiai k 14 io lie intuit ways iM'rmaneittly. MANY POINTS Most From Bear Bald on Exchange tV YOHK. Auk. 10. A nd-hi r&nl on high priced in- liroughl about a stfrie. f a lonul declines in lb: aiamet ttKlny, leneral Mo- akina fourteen point 11 Ueen and United Stale- t Pipe eiuhl, while do 1 il'ieis fell hack from two ' ii points. kc increase recently, n 1 loans and the rallinu 1 1 ai'ge part of it was respon 1 1 'nr elllaek. :t I" Ugll ON C. P. R. STOCK AT USUAL RATES "'i.MHKAI., Aug. 10.- At , !'"' i"g of the directors of tl 'iiuihui, pacifin Hallway yesler- 'a!f 'be following dividends wore I'1- rCri'I'll kIiii.I- It... IV.IM ClMll ' he li il r year ending June 30 a toininon slock two and nor cent fur the ijuarlor '""k June .10 lusl from railway ' ''lilies nml (.pedal income. I oi ii dividends are payable on "rlDiu r I on slockholiIerH recor l l io tliri'v p,nit on vplember I '!) -rlbe lo the Dally News. Mar. 3 1 , loins anil excise; II. W. Hreadner. oommissiuner on taxation; and I. S. Itiil. chief inspector of the custom dipartmenl. FISH ARRIVALS ...... .vm 2 I Total of 125,000 Pound Sold on of Mie late Ocorgii . .. . Exchange Here Today Flte American ami five Cin- ndinn boats sold It tola! of 125,-000 pound ol halibut on tbt Ftsli Kxchange tills morning, til (his lnl&: the '.niirlcans landtl 78 000 ound and Oanadiaiit t7,00 pound. American caught fish awraged IGc and 0c and Cn-.a'lian caught fisii 15c and IO.: for first and second class ealcbes respectively. The arriva... were: American. C.lie!ca, .1S.O00, lit .tnn1i.M-Fish Cold Storage Cc. Halite, 18,000, lo Hoolh Flak. cries. the Canadian Legion of lliu llrit ish Fmpire Service League. t . NOTICE TO LIBERALS OF SKEENA RIDINQ The Liberal committee rooms, 303 Third Ave., next to the F.leelric Hakery, will In. nnrn pvery afternoon and evening until day. Anna J., H.non. 0 Utiiadian Fish tkUI SloraSte Co. Oonali. 10.000, and Vcnui. 10,. ooi), o Pacific I Jjdierlcs. Ca'.adlan While Idly, 10,000, Kalcn 13.- 500. nml Oaim Spear IC.000, in Allln Fisheries. ilarualice. 4,000, lo Hoolh I lslicrie.. Man. 1,000. lo Canadian Fish Hold SiontRi" Co. SAWMILL EMPLOYEE KILLED INSTANTLY YICTOHIA. Aug Hi. F. Dono roff. a sawmill employee, was al most inslanlly killed when a Moss lumber carrier Willi ;,700 feet of lumber ran oer hi body at the Canadian Puet Sound .Lumber Company's yards. UNITED VETERANS TO JOIN CANADIAN LEGION KAMI.HOPS. Aug. 10. - Thn tlraud Army of I tilled elerans in Miinual convention decided liisl nkihl ir.animously to enter eleclion HIGHER TARIFF airplane hearing trainer anli helper Is bHug despatched! from Wichita, Kansas, this af-i Irrnon it all endeavor to rou'idj up the two remaining of the tot elipliatil that escaped last Hri-day from Ihe rfells-Floto circus near here. The animal have, taken to Ihe heavily timberec country. II it expected the plane will arrive late tomorrow and whe-t all tin1 animals are capturt'd lhey will be reiurned lo their soutlien. iriii:nng quarters. HOME RUNNING imitn mm t. mntinnl Ruth, Laxarri and Jackson All Do " Effective Work For Respective Teams. XLW YOHK. Ana. io. HulhV tlilrly-sixth homer, aided by an other from Laxarri s Oal, featuml Ihe vlelory of Hie Yankees oer HtflrolUy ester.la) m a heavy hitting conLut, seven pilr4iei- being use.1. Ai Minnioiis' bonier witli one on cnafjtrd Philadelphia lo defeat UiieagO. Hie ftiiant. defealeil Chicago uvtiuly lhntugh the effeetfe bil ling of Jackson, wlm had a homer and two doubles and a single lu hU credit. New York is now lied with Cjiluuo for fourth place. American League Philadelphia Chicago 1. Washington 5, Cleveland 7. New York 1, Detroit 8. Hoston 7, SI. Louis 5. National League . Cincrniiali I-10, Philadelphia 5. Pilifhuivh.O, Hrooklyn 3. St. Iou 0, Hoslon 3. Chicago 3. New York t. SAYS MEIGHEN Would Mako Protection Applica ble to all Products ho Says In Speech Last Night ST. J FAN, Man., Aug. 10. Sneaking hero last night, Premier .Meighen said under- a Conserva live, administration tho people would be assured of honest nr.. stable government and Canadians would find work nt home, lit warmly denied that ho proposo lo amalgamate the Canadian Na tional and C.P.H. sysleni!. "W nionose lo be fair between o'li own system and the C.P.Il. tl give hut It a cloture and lo see to it Unit hnlh of them givu scrvic H lUe..Jppjjjiry forw which thi country extcuiled Its credit so geheroil?yatd " for j wl canliA' siiiii-JlrlM iNciii hich Hhe i now, DlsctusliiR '1116 tariff. Mr Metglien said what tliey wanted wits a shble prolcelivi tariff. The larlff should ha revised on u disHnclly protpctlve basis np jdlcabl to nil product. He aae wnrninur Hint If advantage viu, lakc,n of' the revlseil tariff tofnrce prices up, down would bo. Hie tariff irnd Ibey would Ic left Wlioul peoleclton at all. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PHINCK JU'PKIIT, II. C, Tl KSDAY. AUG I ST 10. IM20. TeMreday't Clrculitlnn, I5U r j I mm m - u Dame llarhe! K. dowdy. !iief of the department, of social tielioii and opium traffic During Ihe war she was iuiio ipal timmaudant of the V. A. I )".. WINb PflAlUltb Larce Space Required for New Westminster Exhibit at . Fair on September 14 Next Dave Thomson, fair board manager, has received notifica tion from Ihe secielary of the New estminsler fair that Ihe prize exhibit, which is being shipped north for the forthcoming fair, will require a space of id feel clear and 10 feel deep, und the necessary space has been reserved in Ihe exhibition building. The space booked will give some ideu or Ihe size of this prize agricultural exhibit, which is lo be staged by experts, and will doubtless proe one of Ihe great attractions of Ihe fair, es pecially lo those interested in agriculture. 1 he .New eslmuister GRAIN TRADE WITH CHINA Will Bo Twenty Per Cent Increase This Year Over Last Says Visitor. WINNIPEG, Aug. 10 Export of Canadian wheat to China this year wul advance at least 20 per cent over last year's trading .according to Chas. Sun, of Tientsin, president of a largo Cnincse milling company, who Is en route to Vancouver, where he will buy a large quantity of wheat. tar. Sun passed through Winnipeg today and while here remarked: "This will be-the biggest year yet In the grain trade In history between Canada and China. BEAUTY SHOPS AT EDMONTON TO CLOSE SAME BARBER SHOPS F.DMOXTON. Aug. 10. Jlcauly parlors in this rilj will hence forth lie licensed as barber shops and will have to conform to the bylaw which orovides that Miry elos nt six o c'ock. prize exhibit will not be tu competition with any exhibit shown from surrounding districts, but is purely being staged as of educational value lo other exhibitor? dt it will sive them an idea of just how agricultural and horticultur al exhibits should he staged, and w ill be a pattern to go by when exhibiting at future fairs. BELLINGHAM GOES ASHORE Struck Dlgby Island When Leav Ing Harbor Earfy This Morning 'Molorship Hellingiiam, Capt nderson, of Ketchikan, ran shoro in a heavy tog at 5 o lock tlii? morning at a point on !igby Isluhd opposite the picnic rounds, no damage resulting ' lie Hellingiiam was returning lo Ketchikan after unloading two carloads of fresh salmon at the Ocean-Dock for trans-shipment lo New York. Hubert Ward, representing the insurance underwriters, accom named by Capt. A. Swauson c 'lie Princ Ituperl Hcathousb. 'nade an inspection of the ve el this morning. The nellin; am floated off on the Itiuh. Ide at noon and proceeded tt, ' re'urn north. PUBLIC MEETING In the Westholme Theatre SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 14 Right Hon. Arthur Meighen Premier of Canada, ami other Speakers. Overflow Meeting In Boston Hall TDK Pl'HLIC IS COHDIALLY 1NYITKD TO A'lTKNI) Street Safes SOi will be treated as such. It is probable that other speakers wiil accompany the Premier, and J. C. Hrady, the Conservative .vtmlidate will also be on hand and will possibly speak briefly. Following the meeting, .Mr. Meighen will proceed south to Vancouver on the Canadian National steamer. THE PUBLICLY EXPRESSED OPINION OF A CONSERVATIVE -'" " " ' "In my ew the whole of this western movement should be directed to the port of Vancouver; and all public monies expended upon the Pacific coast should be expended there. There never was a more pros sly-flagrant instance of expenditure of public monies Tor purely political purposes than the building of (he elevator at Prince Ituperl by the Libpral 'government." HILDREN BURIED UNDER DELUGE OF SAND ON RIVER BANK HIKilNA, Aug. to. -Buried un tier a deluge of sand and gravel, Lena Dyck, 12 years of age. Tina and Peter 3, two sifters and a brother, were suffocated Sunday while playing on Ihe banks of 1 lie Saskatchewan Iliver, lull miles west of here. TOLMIE NOMINATED BY VICTORIA CONSERVATIVES VICTOIUA, Aug. 10.- -Hon. Si mon rraser lotmie, minister oi agriculture in the Meighen ad ministration, was nominated by l"iiwir.'itiif "slpril;iv R. H. GALE ACCEPTS VANCOUVER EXCHANGE B.C. Silver ..- ,. Dunwell ;.J'' Indepeudenee '. ' Indian Marmot Premier Porter Idaho Siher Ores I Surf lnlef ViH. 1.01 1.72 .07 w05. Aitked .o'tr;- ji iu t :.I3 tv .03 ,00; .00 .05 Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, witb newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, .The latent and best for the least. Phone 467. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DCMIUD IC T( VICIT DITDEDT CATlTDnAV ULHIILIY I J IU T1J11 UUILIYI Ot 1 UlYim 1 J UGE EXHIBIT COMING FROM NEW WESTMINSTER FOR FALL FAIR SEPT. 4 a m m m itstoms uepartment to be Organized by Committee Appointed OTTAWA, Aug. fo. Announcement . made of tlic taking' ln- toward u complete reorganization ol the department. ex u and customs. Sir Henry Drayton, acting premier, in I atemeiit says that Clarkson, Cordon and Dilworthy. utroiititatil of Toronto, employed in Hie recent parlia- fv iisiom prune nau ucrn engaged under un uu,r-ni-(o make u rare fill study of Ihe administration of the tu department as a whole, uirliidiitg all the vnrinus bran'-i nd lo make recommendations wild a view lo a complete - reorganization a contemplated INI, CHARGES STEVENS WAS UNCHIVALROUS I by Parliament at the last session. The work Mill he carried on in conjunction with the special nd-visory und consultative conitnitlee whieh will act lu conjunction Willi the accountants. This commit - i tee I compoed of Hon. W. J. lloehe, chairman of ihe xiVll ser- ivicf commission; Oeonges (ion- jOiler. auditor general; Oeorge a ataf i. ... 1 uvijiP tlMfllllk' til 111 1 ft ill iMia AIRPLANE TO GO OUT AFTER 2 ELEPHANTS Animate Have Taken to Tall Timbers In Cranbrook DIs-trlct and Cannot be Found ciianiihook, Aug. io. ah Premier Meighen Will Be Here Saturday and Will Address Meetings W'onl was received by Ihe local Conservative Association ioday thai Hie itinerary of Premier Meighen had heeu changed and that he would arrive here on the train Saturday afternoon. Ai langenients have been made for him to address a mass ing in the Weslholnie Theatre on Saturday evening and an over flow meeting tne same evening ai uosion nan. Premier Meighen has never visiled Prince Htipert hefore 'and most of the people here will wish to hear him speak and lo see what he luok like. As leader of the Lomervauve party but - - - - - 1 he was an imiortant man, as, Premier he is the first cilUen of! i tTrxffV rftpn I1T ina.ia lor the lime bemx andil I VI 311 IH I H X ll VlUWUVllIUU All FIELD LEGION About Equal Number or Nominees of Major Parties Chosen So rar For Election. TOHUXTO, Aug. 10. Four weeks before nomination day about 375 candidates are in the riebl for 215 seats in Ihe House of Commons. "The major parties .n vp almost an equal number of representative pekcled. ltJo.Con-ervnlives bavins been nominated igdin?t 152 Liberals, 15 I'rbgres- -ies. including a numberof Lib eral Progressives, seven Indepen dents and ten Laborites. Hritisli Columbia's 11 seats are being contested by fourteen onservative.", twelve Liberals, 'ive Labor and I wo Indevendents, who are so far nominated by their supporters. 1NERS REJECT A' CHURCH OFFER Vote Taken on Recommendation of Delegate Conference Is Against Settlement LONDON. Aug. IO.T-1'he pro posal of church leaders fbr' a sel- i lenient of the coal, strike has been rejected, it was announced today, following a meeting o. .hs executive officers of Ihe federation called to cohisder the returns from the mining districts voting on the question Tho announcement staled: "The de-.ision reported from the districts was against the recommendations of the last dele gate conference. On July 3.0 the delegates conference decided by a lange majority lo refer Hie proposals to the districts with a recommendation that they be accepted. - 1 x.v nnrninmnnniithn J. K. Armishaw will contest the MUMI HNI hKVHIKh Comox-Aiberni ruling us a tarm er-labor candidate. WAS BEATEN BY THE AUSTRALIAN ELEVEN LIBERAL NOMINATION I n'SS 0.i7T XF.LSON. Aug. 10. Jl H. (.ale, rornier mayor of Vancouver, yesterday afternoon ac -epted Uie Liberal nominauon for Kootenay West at a public meeliag here. feate.l the county of Gloucester here today by nine wickels. Australia in the first innings scored 28 and in the second 39 for one wieke.f. ;!oucestershire i the first innings made til and in the second 178. SCHOONER WRECKED CREW IS MISSING HALIFAX, Aug. 10.- Wireless messages this morning stale that Hie Lunneburg schooner Sylvia Mpshfr. is a total wreck at Sabli Island as a result of laM Saturday's slornil 'rheriKihn. trace