PAGE SIX AUDITORIUM Dances EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINQ Heginning at 9 o'clock Floor in the Finest Shape MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies 25c Gentlemen 50c The Hull Is now equipped to take care of Daiices, Concerts and Meetings of any kind. The building is 50x100 feet, maple floor, newly plaslnrcd. Clear title to property. IT'S FOIl SALE Phone Black 449 L. J. WARREN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM pure )rugs PROMPT SERVICE RIGHT PRICES fou will always fhtd the highest quality at (hi si ore together with prompt, efficient and colirteous service PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Carefully and Accurately We fill prescriptions just as your physician wants them filled. LET US S Ell YE VOL" Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Correct Glasses and Comfort To fit glasses correctly requires experience and the most painstaking care on the part of the Optometrist. You cannot secure anywhere more expert or reliable service I ban we furnish. You get the benefit of 27 years practical experience when you come here for glasses. PROMPT SERVICE ON OPTICAL REPAIRS ft. E; IRE LAN D Optometrist 319 3rd Ave., opp. G.W.V.A. Phone Red 442 Meat Department Mutton Chops, per lb. .. 30o Yea) Chops, per lb 25c Shoulder Jteef Steak, lb. 15o Slewing Yeal, 2 lbs. . . . 25c Hoiling He of, per lb 8o Corned Heef, per lb 6c Sausae, ur own make. 2 )bs. for 35c Heef Dripping, 3 lbs. for 25c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 417-423 5th Avenue East George rorie Chartered Accountant and Auditor Receiver, Liquidator, Trustee, kc. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West PIUNCE RUPERT WHO WILL BE PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES? Coolldge Renomlnation Discussed With Other Possible Repub- lican Candidates. WASHINGTON. 1). O, Aur. 10. Hy Canadian Press The flood! of anli-Coolidge sentiment which ) is spreading over the-west, as in-' ,;.. I... i I... ......... I .l. ..I........... I .. ;.. I the. Ies Moines agricultural conference has receive! a check with the endorsement of the President by Iowa Jlepublicans at their state convention. The convention, which Jiad been' expected to con demn Mr. Coolidsc and the ua-! tional administration for their re- pated attitude toward congres sional relief for agriculture,; wound up with commendation for1 Ihe president and merely asked I for the carrying into effect of the) "Republican policy of economic1 equality of agriculture with other industries." Symptoms of Revolt There lias becij no end of speculation and talk concerning the presidential situuliuu in 1928 as it relates to the Republican party a' Hie capital. There are still strong symptom that the president will find some of I he agricultural states .opposing bis re-nomination. In case his renoni-ination is forced, as it is likely lo be. the question will arise whether there will lie such a revolt among agricultural republicans as to bring about election of a demo crat. At present, it seems whether the president in the next Iwenly monUis can make peace wilh the mass of 4be middle western and northwestern voters. On the other hand, he may be able lo line up 'he southern and extern delegate to the next Republican national convention1. Some M. McArthur Monster Creditors' Compulsion SALE of Men's Shoes, Ladles' Shoes, Children's Shoes. NOW! NOWI NOWI NOWI I Lead Others Follow The Home of Trunks and Suitcases. Pioneer's Friend Hudson's Hay Hlankcls. Piere Paris Loggers' Hoots. Hig Horn Hrand Clothing. Original Diamond Sweaters, (engine Fur Seal Coats, guaranteed. Hire's Dyes. Tents. Hlankets, Hags. Pat Phillipson Second Avenue Genuine Indian Made Curios SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Pec load $6.50 Per half load 3.50 Per sack , 50 Burn Wood and Keep Cool I HydeTransfer 138 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. government oj Canada guarantees us Age 9 YEARS OLD 41 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Roard or by the Government of Driiish Columbia. of the best advied politicians in Waxliinaloit look on the president as an arlive candidate for another term and think he will secure re-noininatinu. Active Aspirants Lowilei?, Iviwes and Hoover are now tunned as the most active as- doubtful t,iranls other than President Cool- idge. Lowilen has slrong agricul tural support. Senators ltorah. Watson. Willis and tapper, as well as Wadsworth, are also possible candidate for' nomination. Senator Horah has planned a series of speeclies on the World Court, 4o which he is opposed, on prohibition, which he favors, and other iuei, and the prevailing I view is that these'speeches are i really fur the purpose of inilial-ii. hi campaign. Activities of Speaker Long-worth of the House of lepre en-laliws arc commanding attention in many quarters. He is said to have lined up C Hascom Slemp, I former secretary lo Ihe president, I in his support, for the purpose jof having Slemp get the southern delegates. Slemp is from Virginia and is part and parcel of the sou thern Republican machine. On the other fiand, certain politicians predict Slemp will be found in the long run lininjr up for Hoover if (4iolidge does not run. The Hoover lieutenant! are hoping to get the adrninislration support if f'ooliilge should drop out. Provincial Police Inspector Sptller left on last night's train for Prince (leorge on a depart mental business trip. NOTICE IX THE VATTIlt oTan apnllratloii for lie iur of i rrovltloiial certificate of Title for Lot elrht Illixk thirtyflte . eertlon fire (5. city of I'ritwe Itu- pl'l 1. M!l iJ. Satisfactory proof 'uT llii- lo of tin? '.ertlflrate of Title nivrrtnr the above land hating Ixfti proflurt-il to ine. It I my hi-IriitK't to Imii trier ttw etpiratlon of kw rnnnth fri'lU ttte flnt Dnbllratkm hrmif. a fruvlMonal Ortirirale of Title to I tie 'and in the name of HKI F.. ADAMS. Tlw . iniial Ortirirale or Title It dated tlie litli f ortuber, ttr., nd la numbered iff.. II. r. M ATI I.OIi. Iieiri.trar of Tltlea '.and hriKlrv Ofrire. enure HnjieiM It ( 7th Aiikii-i uy. CASH & CARRY GROCERY SIXTH STREET 40c Buys One Pound of Creamery Butter Fresh Fggs. 3 iloz. for .... 51.00 Fresh Orotind 4..offee, per lb. 48 o Hest Hulk Tea, per lb 58o F.xtra Yulue Prunes, per lb. 100 Canned Tomatoes, large ... 15o Small. 2 for 25c 7 t uiH K. O. Saf dines . 95o 1..... it..J.t..t ...... 5 lb, flood Hice J linn Singapore l'ineaiude (! lb. sack llolled Oat THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, Aug, 10, t026 GOLFERS AT JASPER ! TO PLAYJJOR TOTEM Handicap Match Against Parover And Other Events at Tour- ' nament. One of the most interesting uml ambitious golf tournaments of Ihe western Canada season is tha" arranged by the Canadian National Railways Ui be played over the Jasper Park Lodge course during the week of Srplemlwr 11 lo IB. A handicap match against par- over 18 holes and au interprovinre and state competition oer 18 holes, together with ikiy for the unique Jasper Park Lodge silver totem pole trophy are the mam cu'nts on a program that has ul- j ready attracled many well known .amateurs from various parts of Canada and the Pacific Coast states. Something New The totem jole trophy is something entirely new in golfing awards. it is a replica of the pole displayed in the window of the company's office at 505 Fifth Avenue, New York, and it stands Iwo feel h'yh on. a square base. On all of the upper frur corners of the base there is a siher bear, modeled after thoe frequently seen in the vicinity of the lodge. This trophy; biid and will be sent Jo the clubor Ihe winner for a period of one year. Any golfer winning this : trophy any three years will earn its permanent possessions The winner eaeb year receives a replica for his personal ownership. Five days will be occupied in the play for this trophy at the qualif uir' round of IK holes ruiimenrin t Tuesday, September 1 1. WONDERFUL CROPS SEEN ON PRAIRIES Situation Not As Bad As Some Reports Seemed to Indicate. WINNIPKO, Aug. 10. "I have been in this country ocr 10 years and have never hl as much faith In it as I have today," said A. Wilcox, general superintendent of transportation On western lines of Hie Canadian National Rail way?, who had just returned from a lour of inspection between Winnipeg and western points in;0'; think the crops were as bad (is some reoorl wiittlii imlir.ile. Sutnmerfallow is ver fair, al-3"; tuoiigli some of' the late crops and stubble are poor, but recent rains should help these to some extent. "I saw more breaking and stirit-nterfallow," be -slatetl, "than I have eter seen in. any previous year ami I believe there's a very marked improvement in the progress being made In the country generally. Farmers arc improving their place by planting trees and I noticed considerable build- iiw going on. South of Prince Albert I saw numeN wonderful crops and not a weed to be seen among them." ROMAN CATHOLIC ANNEXES SEALED IN MEXICO YESTERDAY M FX ICO CITY, Aug. lit. All Uoiuan Catholic annexes containing church valuables, except actual .place of worship have iteen placed iiinler government seal throtiighout Mexico until the present controversy between the government and the Catholic episcopate have been settled, it was announced by the department of the interior yesterday. heveral persons arrested for plotting against the life of Presir dent Calle have been discharged for lack of evidence. TOUCHED ON ISLAND NEIGHBORHOOD DUNDAS The Hteainer l'rineo Ilupert tutiohed on llollldiy Inland off DiiiidiiH loland yesterday on tier v'ay here from Ketchikan. Au exaniiuatlun wa made tin her ur- iurt i,uKltt. Laumlry boan 35o. rival and it win fniitul thai while i Holla Toiliipei; j . 35o I'aniphell'a Toinn'ta tir J'fa .Soup, per tin 120 iranulated Huar, 5 lbs. for 35o plate were denied she wa not leakirw, .ho nhc proceeded i(Ulh. It in poimible the lioat will go lulu drydock before relurniiw and 40o Mill viay delay her slightly. tMie .95o'could not dock 'bvre an the Can- 40o Fresh Fruit and Green Vegetables at Garden Prices. ail I a it Profpeclor. is toons. on the iion- Mrs. P. f. Palmervlll all for the joutlt on Hid, Gardenn tlih afternoon. r- " In effect to Septcmbei 18 Return Limit October 31 MOUND TRIP TO DKNVKR. OMAHA KANSAS CITY IKSMOINKS. ST. LOUIS CHICAGO. DKTROIT CINCINNATI CLEVELAND TORONTO ATLANTA PITTSHURO . WASHINGTON rillLADELPIIIA NEW YORK BOSTON IIIIII inn MM IMS 13160 IMJO isr.91 is I MM IMOS IMJ 17104 ItlU LIBERAL STOPOVER PRIVILEGES cnble you to vilit ZION NATIONAL PARK YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK DLax Train i Superior Strvkm Sctnie Routt UNION PACIFIC FOR INFORMATION AMD RISER VA lion CAU ON OR WRITE UNION STATION, SEATTLE, 1405 Fourth Ave. WEATHER REPORT Terrrir: Wear, calm, temp. 01. Anyot: Clear, calm, temp 05. Slewart: Clenr. culm. temp. IK. Ilaieltun: Clear, calm. temp. 58 Telegraph Creek: Clear, calm. lenip. CO. j Smilhers: Clear, calm, letup. Saskatchewan. uiirn i.ane: i.iear. caim. innp Commenting on the crop silua-j8 , tlon. Mr. Wilcox said he did notl "niwiioree. Mrar.mim.iemp. Dawson: Cloudy, calm, temp. Adverll'e In the Daily News. lurlher hr ter. V I'rtnee TIMBER SALE X8143 Sealed Irnder- will be rereued v ! Mlnlaler of l.atBl- at ti.iurn not lalet tlHU imoiU on Ihe tclli da at Anr'it. ti'. for tlie pnriluw of Lireiire Xaita. I., rut 31.UOU Ja'kptne Tit n in are. I. -a led hi portlHi "f Ij.U ttm and iiu n ar kiinrktHilt. t.autdian Alltoiial llailma), Itante 1. lirnl .Hllirl. Three art -tll tm tlhmed for rental a! if tlii.Ler. pirlber partinttar of tlie i.itief r ele Vtrlorla. M. I... ur llratrlrt lorealrr. rl we ltuM-rl. B. c. TIMBER SALE XSIS3 Sealed lender kill lie rereiint t. ih. Minuter itf Lamia at Vleluria not Uier lluu tHo on tlie riftti ilitj) day of Au l, Itf H, for II Mirrliae ur l.lcente XHU3. h rut l,ftl.iM0 feel f Spruce, lleiuliDk, rtUr and Hlui no an are unaled mi ttw Xnrth ahorr of kildila Arm, nature I, Ma-1 lilatrlrt. Ttiree i teafa will I allowed for re tifiral of tnntier. Furllier nartleutara of the riiur r.. ler, iriona. H. c I'rlur ItuiierC U. C. nr Plitrtrt I'ornter. DEPARTMENT Or LANDS Tlmbar tala X26S3 Healed tendera win be rerelted by the Minuter of l.anda at Virion not later Ikan iKxrfi on ttie fih day or July, im for Die tmnliaw of l.lience Xtj. to ruf S.ft,ono feet of sprure, lloi.Hk and redar n an Irea attualed mi ttie Went end i.f Tiimio Hland, near Mwenljy iti(1 (jueen cbarlntle liland DlitrlcL Three jst jean will m, allowed for li ii iiriiHr. nariirtiUf of tJv Chlf rorii ''lt2pVrt.HB. r "",rkl ,0fMl"' LAND ACT. Cajalar jnd Dlalrlet. Und Iteeordlnt fiKtrtrl of l-rlnre Itufierl and altuaied on Taku Arm. atioot t ml et aoutliweii of tit mmiih of MHnto Itiver. TAkK .Mjlli;K that FTanrli nifhard liunlop of Allm. H.i: oerupailon mill nianarer. intenrtj U ap(l; for ' pennlanloo foll6ln Und'-rr defril)ed c omnienrlnr, it a pni planted on trie aouth abtirr of Taku Arm about I roll iiiilhet from Dm mouth of Amnio Itlver ami running them-e fi rhalna wet-ttietiee fO rhalm aoutli; thenre 10 chalni mm; and ihenre o main north to fKilnt tf romiiienrenient, ronlalnlnr Id " aerea, more or leat. rnNns niuiAiiti imxutr. nt. Atlln. M.y 10. mi .W'f"- t !-T ' -r- , LAND AOT,, ,v Notlca of Int.ntlon lo ppr to Laait Land In rrllire lluiMri I .and tii.i. .... i.h,.. nr i..i,u i .....v. '.' jtiV.eit. n.i" , u,Tr" ,,,u,, It - . ... . U.atJII I aiiiiicr. in. end 10 anply for )eaM f llii) folio Inr described land:- cominrnrlnt at a poi nlanteil at the nortlieii.t rorner of 'ni.lrk . MaaaVn Timnalle: thenre e lerljr ISO ?!!' Ihenie aoullierlr 1.000 feel; thenre "f, 1 f-'t: thenre' nirlh??",' $00 feet to fwunt of rommeni ement, and 4an-lalninir S arr. mare or e. tuor..E 11. siMrsox, PP"nt. Dated Juu I. tote. Our Optical Parlor is now in charge of an Expert Graduate Optician Mr. F. M. Duchemln, lato of Blrki, Winnipeg and Vn couver will give you personal and courteous attentio" when you consult us about your eyes. 0,1 With the latest optical Instruments and a perfectly an. pointed examination room linked with the preciilon i! talned by continual successful Optical Practice in the 8ra. centres, there will be no guess work about the glatseiyY you receive. A satisfactory fit is guaranteed with our service. USE Max Heilbroner 527-S20 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North TIN WARE ENAMEL WARE COPPER WARE ALUMINUM WARE ITI WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 8 HOOT GIBSON "THE PHANTOM BULLET' I lout is a likable dttlult bell wbu turned mil ( riding, rruijiuig, lire eiilmg bin-karoo. , a, . -wbu vvimg the iii,iiuei fi in tven -imiti - IhI r).i(, wltii Iiiii u dii'y hobby for idiulngi . f ImmIv who solved and iiiiiierNl one of (he iv iiml djiuenm mv-ti'iir. ,ii Ihe vvesl. Hi i , break-ueek li(ii-eiiinii-bt). K'"noii rugged. u tanghs giilnre anil iiuuual i-hiirai'tent. Strung Hoot Gibson, Eileen Percy, Allan Forest, Robert Mlluh, John "Pee Wee" Holmes, Rosemary Cooper and othea Comedyt "MIXED BRIDES" INTERNATIONAL NEWS 35C and 10c Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd, Phone 101 255 3rd Ati. Fishermen s Supplies FI8H LINES, HOOKS, R0PE8, TWIN C 8, FISH NETTING. AND TROLLINQ GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. 8econd Avenue and McBrlde SL Everything for the Builder LUMBER- -We hove the ino-.l comi.Iele stuck of t i : 1 dimensions, shiplnp, Tir finish, flooring, V joml veneers, etc., in Norlliern Il.d We can supply everything In a building from the to the last piece of finish. Heforu buying inspect our Stock. It will pay you. pr.res urc right. Our Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 , Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL' HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. v lflfl 1B Phone 34 P.O. Box Siminon's Steel lleils, Springs, and Oslermoor Ml tresses in every room. &2 lloorns, Hot and Cold Wnler, llallis mid 8li'Nvf' Steam llenled, KIcctric Light. Corner of Third Ave and Sixth 8t. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.