fj y Aognsl 10, 1050. ill Known I e- e- or". tr frk New V WW Man li, v i in Prince import. ii a li'Mo older. it' hi reading lafp T iey Had never been i 1 1 i imToi'Mililo. ' Tliey bad been Die bet he. V examined hi pye. ih needed dhtnhce glac ' reading glnc. ;. w a t "d leading glasses ' niv. , , 1lr wem !o Vancouver. Id amc back wIMi distance ! .. li. wear them all the timet w liit rending giase Mijit' 0 nriviiired now. ' I : a (final life! iSaTnt STOKE WITH THE CUXIS e Hats and Dresses Full Line Thread ILK HOSIERY $1.50 "Demers" We aim to pleae I1LKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, : Deen taken over from (ieorge Kerr by J. Preece !tte wHh Scaly and I)oodon Fresh Meats rrMng Twice Weekly from the Bulkley Valley Phone 178 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 875 DENTIST TUGBOATS Dy Phones 423, 539, Green 238, Black 735. Night Phones 687,. 635, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. Q. BU8HBY, Man. Dir. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone M. 'triage, Warehoustnt, and litrlbming, Team or Motor Bervloe. ol, Hand and flrarel w SpeoUtUe In .lUno ad unlture Ktovlnii. TERRACE MAN IS MISSING Is) Hat and Can of Fred Nelson Found on Bank of Skeena and Suicide Suspected. ln rtenrrtbe I lnd!- . ... cnniiiienriiiir ii .i':":'"": r TLWlACi:, w. ill. Snicfdn by drowning i believed In have been ti( fate of Fred Nelson, ait lltjl I (tltfie ' Jlf llltii .li.,l.i,l i.-l... a ualive of Sweden, but hail been in I hi district ince 1908 when he took up a pre-emption in the LakeUe Valley, which he Mill' owned. DiMtanl relative are n- poei to he living in PICINIC tion, in the'field of Wm. Goodwin, al KiWumkalunu. A good WATER HOTICI OI?rtii ne Um t.kK OTi t mat .Huntrrtill Cannery .4upnr I inilinL bw aldre I Urr Vtriiiin Wharf. Varmwter, b. . .. will IN-lr a HreitM" in lake ami ue o IImi -r luiuut ! vaier mil or un tiariiMl lrram. hi.a rb'tt iMrlbcrtT 1 Oram. Into Or-rufni Bat. Mat'ei fulel. about so etiaint nr.1 lni V. V. xwt ju MIX, O. C lu.uin Tbr matrr will I ilivertnl rrin tlir nrrain al a uml lxl s rl" rrrnn lifiuth ..I atrrani atxl lll l uw) fur nilii.lrtal ami d.iwilr putrnwe upun Um-lanl ilex rib. d at MMM-k A, Lot 1171. Vlieen luihittr tiimriel. I .. n4lre ajttl . llr rrun4 m Uie tub itay of July, lf A -IT) ut thu rxillrr ami an r-pli-ralKMi iwrMitnl llirrrla and lu Uie "Water Kit mill U flint in Uie iifllre or the Waler IU''rder al Tim Ituperi, H. C oIijm tlim t" IIm atllrailin niay U. tiled HUD the nld Water lieinrdrr or with the i .Jiiptrnller or Water Hlrbli. I'arlia-im-nl r.dlldiott. Vletoria. H. C. wllliln thirty da itier the rirM appearaiM-e or llil notice In a lral tiew,per. 1le dale if ilw flrl putlh allrti of tint nollre l July io. It(4. jovrnvtttr r.A?tx.f oiMi-A.w. i.Tt., Annhranl. Br r, ti. NVTiir.n, Ar-ut. LAND ftOT. Nollct at Intjfltlon la Apalf la Laat Land. In lAni hernrdlnr tUMMrl of ITInre llntwrt. ami mule nn iKrih ahure or an I niMJiMNl luv SnutleWeai :ruit nf fill lUixl, about one mile eal troin lllutf I' .int. TAkT oTlt T. that E. Itoneau, or lie Inlet, CMtlure uf lirlloh OJumuia. ieru-nalton. tannery vlnaaer, Intendu t anily Lir leafe of the rullow in drteiilird UliiK: i:.iiinM-lirlii -1 a pol planliil on the of an ilmiatnrd bay on I lie ouih weal rt or 1111 Mand, almnl one mile f Hltirr I'nint: llienee mrtli twenty :!ialn. thenre eal twenly rlialna; llienre nnlti twenty rlialtia. iihitii nr leoa, to lllafi Water Maik: llienre follow tnr liltli water mark wetterly In lunl of rimnnenrenient, and eniiiamm etality arre. nmre or eM. July loin. I'.. r. iini'r.u, pplleant. LAND ACT. raitiar Land ntmiri. land fternrdini Dllrlrt nf I'rinre lluperl. and Htuale on A 1 1 1 n I ake about Ik nil lea aoulh v r tlln Tiiwntite. ! T kkK .MITtCE Ihill Mwln Jnlea Fta-eri, lit Allm. in the rrovlnee or HrllKh Colum- Wk. oenipilion operallnr Imirm launrh, 'iniemK lo apply for pertiilMion to pur-! chae the rollnwlnt derrlted lands: , ronnnenrln at a jpol planted at the anmheaal rorner of Olarier Bay, In Allln I ake intuited i atiove; Ihenre followinr hlie liire line went 10 rhln! thenre iHiiith SO rlialnai Ihenre eal l rhalnai "thenre north 10 rhaln, lo point of ,ttmn7nm JULES .EflOpT.' ppiirant. . , rmmi m.t in !. LAND ACT. Nolita of Inlanilen to Apply I Luaa Land I in rnnre lluperl iJinrt Reeorillna lia trlcl nf CiilM lunre J. and Uliute on Smith naihnel llam). . . . TAKK MITICK mat Atrred Swanwn. nf Prince lluperl, oi-rupatlon Manner, in-end. to, ii.pty for a leae of the follow- For Colic And Cramps Pains In The Stomach THERE'S NOTHING TO EQUAL u;rt ii.O,o, r mm. a. (,.; K ltT ituatcion what in known lb; NJand road, early 'Saturday morning anil ha not been seen ,fnce. Mm. OImdii wa absent from home hut lier son Stanley became alarmed at hi long absence from Ihe house and notified Constable Service. A search re-veitled hi hat ainl ran on Dip hank of llii' river not fur from Hip 0on home and the belief is Hint he drowned hiniself. Despondency ner ill lipallh in It Iim beerein use for the past f l&ntj promptly. lie lure that you get "Dr. FowlerV when you ak-for it. . 'Put up only by The T.llilbura Co.. Limited, Toronto. Oat. crowd turned out and all entered into tne spirit of the affair with port and eontet for both obi and y oft lip; mule and female, wa put on ftnd tiki were well ertiilest-A Imnkel lonrli wiim parluken nndonhled ly the cauxe of the Ira-prvN, ,(). , nn,,,,,, i.(Milon. . . . T ' Jur' o"M Ttie eommittoe in eharKe wih the knee in falling over a lok in , thank.all liioe who,.ed to tlifl wood at (Iwizey A l.iUle . ,(ak(. (,f(y a UfW. by mill la.t wtnler and ha pent a '.,, lvt ,rttlMI,r,alion and 'in ren- good part of the lime inre m ,(.riog olher anlai hospital. He had relumed from , . . . I .1... II.. I f I mi- iiui-iMiii iiij4iui juri a wppk fpnnirr CflllHAV before anI wa Maying at thej ItKKAtt DUNlJAl iionie of .Mr. Olon. He wa able CPUflfll rAMDIMH' t . move about diffieully. even! uonuub Lnmi I11U wiiii hii- iii- hi 41 ruiir. He wn4 7 0 year of age and wa Boys Left onday for Lakelse, Where They Will upend a Week. TliltllAtHL Aug. On Motu TERRACE NOTES (i. A. Woodland of the Imper ial mi ito., rriin unpen, wa a bllilie VKtlnr a! Hie week en.l.i C V. Harrison, in;.ertor of halrheriea, in at Jakele Lake on an officia! visit to (tie hatchery there. Hev. V. F. Harfont went to llniellon on Saturday to eon-' duet service In the Anglican church Ifiprft. while Mr. It.miel nnrth ind of Sniuri nidiaer Inlands thence around the Inland at hitlt water mark, jaVrntl the' h.ah .nark, and contain.,., M,n,ft and tonta.nlnk, .0 acre... innr, ortena. M-fllKP SV AX ? n.ierf rfll ! Applicant. ttaied nrll tT. lana LAND ACT Nallea ofilntanllon to Apply to Laaaa Land in Prince nunerl l and Rf'OMlnf .pi- "'niuir niiriii or iaur, ...IS ' ....... Tr.i i anV l.trlcl. anil Pranrl HaiiUta. nn the Stlklm if "l " .v..:-.- i.i.,i v .- th '.! of Surveyed lot TAKE NOTI'l" IhVl Ji nr Fr.nct.. of I TAkK N JTICK that I. W; tend. "o it'pi.r for a lee of the followln itieruen iaoci Cnmniencliia at a final pianien i North Weal end of rewe ;' Coant Trlannilallnn u. Vl'Ji 1V.S around the; I.Imi.I al hlali water mark and rontilnlnr tnoo tcrea. tnnre or leM. JOSFI'll BniTLAMP FHANCIS. ;uae tub. tM. Applicknt. THH DATC7 STOWS ' and will, make; the triangular trip llerore returning home. Mis filady rKehncy spent the week end with "friend in L'sk. r4- ! Mi fclhel Ghririie of Prince Jtnpcrt arrived on Saturday o pend a two week vacation al the home, of Iter parent, Mr. tand Mr. noberLCIirtstie. .Mr. ai.d Mr I'rank Clapp of Prince Rupert wee holiday visitor in town iyerT;4he wce end. '). T. Suni.latft on Saturday' for Vnr.couvr v-' Mi Duriiamiiif 'own cn aiiinia '9. ' Mr. and Mrs. P. daugliLi'r Dorothy, l'k wa in Mr. Mnyle, iwlio ha benn pennnjr a holTd.ty at the home ciitluniamn. A full1 nroxrnm ori' ,r- an'' Mr "il, left on Monday morning for tne I.akele hoMprinw wherehe will spend a week or two. Mi Leah itleeker who ha been fiting at tin- borne of Mr. M. A, Greig, left for her home in Queen Charlotte Citron Monday. Mr. and Mr. Stuart Kidd of .Nor1e7.7, Alia., spent a Hay hem at the end of the week in the jroiiMe of a holiday dip through fH.C. by the triangular roule. BURNS LAKE John L. Ciirite and I) iewnri oi crinec ituperi were buiue!i caller .Iiere la.t week day tnormnjt ffe bo of the loenl ; Rev. Father Valliere. O.M.I. Mimiay 0liooi leu for iikic.t,f fJniilher. ami aitar bov Lake where they will ,pnnl the,rranci Sealon,ind Frank Moore following week. The party u m were viitor ijy Uie Lake di rinirgp or itev. ami .mm. vv m. Awiru-t llil week linn Mr A I!. I'oulpr mw1 Miia AT TERRACE FRIDAY!" m Men, .of Saskatoon, who is here Affair Was Held Under Auspices of -Canadian Legion, Who Provided Tea. TF.HHAr,!'., Aug. 10. The community pu nir held under the au-pire of the ikinadian legion, after lieinK l-wiee polponed owln to min. wa held on Friday afternoon under ideal weather condi visiting Mr. ItarfiMit, Mr. luniels, of llaielton and A. 4'.. Fowler ac-cumpanteii the campeM to the lake to help put up tent nud nTeary eamp ftxture.. All wenl off in h It'll piHt. looking forward to a very plennnt week' outing. H. J. MaCdonald and Fred Hagen of Uie 'Sflyer IIand Min- in Ltd., ejiept a few day? here Iafrweek. . H. S. Steele and C. J. Camp bell of anderhobf were visitor here over the week end. Mrs. Gordon-15. Ilohh ha on a '.rtp lo the coast. lef! K. M. Iiolnon 'and (ieorge Culp reevnily et out fry motor boat for a month' propeeling triv in Hie hlil miih of the lake The crop of wild fruit Mrs. Itedmon.i Hamilton o',M'"-u'"' i " Vancouver t a vimlor a: IV home of Mr. C. H. tiilbcrt. hav-itiR arrived, via Luivrne, on Pujh day. is very people from town jtnd district are busily entrngeal in picking and preserving. Haspberrie are very plentiful and local-picker are re- . . , , . .1,1. . luriiuij.' nonie caou uay wuii an thev can carry. Harney Mulvaney a few days in town. i spenditisr V II. Cnt-annul. who hn i.p..J Mr- . C. MaeKay, her daugh- .endinir a short time in the 'r Mi,f lM MacKay, and son Kalttm Ijik. ,li.t..rl rtiirod in J- MaeKay ot Prince Huper. town nn i.meKA.Ie.1 ; the guest of Major 11. .Lowe In hi tin run in limine! ! i i. 1 1 .... 1 . .. t : - t is spending a few days here. V. Talloii, and have returnei; vtho hn heen rllevln? IIpv Mr I from their auto trip 4o Vernon Proclnr in Ihn llnrellnn r.hi'irh : After leaving. , PriilC-J had charge of the e;vicft in the church thero on Sunday morning. , Mrs, Alrd and daughter of l'acJfc wer hopper liere between tr.iin on Palunlay. Wm. Vandcrllp left for Vancouver on alurday. Mr. and Mrs. W. left nn Saturday f- C. ipnrkf v V.meouvei' CANCCLLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE I HtnFllYOIVF.N thai the re-erve eilllnr uvtr Lut 4C07, tas.Har liil-trlcl, la cancelled. , licpuly Minuter nf Landi, . . . 0. It. .NAIIK.N. Landi Department, Victoria. U. i tuih June, Q6. LAND ACT. Natlc of Intantlon to Apply to Laaa Lane In rrlnce lii'perl Ijnd necordiiw Pt-trlrt of cnmi lunre 6, and situate on North llaihael Inland. TAKE NOTICE that Alfred Swanson, ot Prince nuperl. nrrupallon Mariner, In-letidt to apply for a h-a of Ihe follow Inv deiicrllied land: Ciilnliieni-tni alia mil nl.mled at the the oulh end of .North llacliael Inland; thence LAND AOT, Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Laaae Land. In Stlklne tilrialon, Caanlar, Land He- ami annate at liner and in No. 470. alter scoti Simp- It. C. . orpliiMlliiri llanclier. ilitoml in apply for a lease of Ilie rollow Inar ilevrlhed ianiN;- - Ciiiiiineiirlna at a posl planted on Ihe NnrthWeM corner or Lot 1711. tlicnre South 10 rhaln.j thence Went to rlmlin; thence Norm in rhaiii.; ilicnce t:l 10 rhln, and rontalnina I'oriv acre, more or teaa. WALTtH SCOTT SIMpSON, Appttcaat. lieorge, going soutn, they 'report the roatl in pood condilion. ' .- ; Mis Lindsay, rt.i oTltegin.i Sask.i ;ha nwepfed pition a! Ihe Diirn jidSe HoSpilal for Ihree mrmlh tlurinjr wliloh time 'lis llainen wdl fake a wall earned vacation, visiting friend.t in eal'rn i.anai'ii PORTUGUESE MEN OF WAR of July 29 is a story about the visit or the true Nautilus to Northern H.C. waters. In the last paragrnph of the account it says Ihe two-Inch sail creatures were skippins and- .flitting around like an endless, myriad of sand fleas. From that 'sentence I am led to presume that w'hal Ihe mariners saw were PSiysalla, of the genus llydrozaa or genu Acalephs, sub-order Rlphono- phorael but in the lexicon' of sen listed a "Portuguese On Juno' 3 of til yenr, while maKiing the irtangutnr run from Hope island aeros Queen Char lolle Sound lo Calvert Island abnatd Ihe fi.n.F.P.G. Olvenohy, we passed million of Ihe "Por tuguese men-of-war,"' and In two BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province tf Western Canada TO THE CND OF DECEMBER, 1925. Ha produced Mhterfll a follows: Plaeer- fluid, 77,03,0iS;' Lode flold, $122,80.-ATM; Silver, 7-MH,37, Lead, $89,2180 tapper, I07,C.2,0.7; zinp; $30,025,047; ".Miueeilaneoits IMinernl, .5I,50i,3K7; Coal and Coke, 273,0i8,053; Ittiilding Stone. Urii-k, Cement, -etc., 4,1)05,880; making it Mineral Production totheend;of 1025 hhow an Aggregate Value of $920,919;628 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1925, $61,492,242 The Mining Laws of lliis Province ore more liberal and the fees lower than those of any oilier Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations arc granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which is guaranteed by Crown Grants. Full information, together -with Mining Heporls and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. X.H. Practically all Ilritish Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Heporls of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining inveslnwnls should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mine, Victoria, B.C. Reports covering each of the six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. Heporls of the fieologieal Survey of Canada, Winch Huilding, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of places they were massed so thic. thai tliey made livid, grass-green patches on the water, this being the more noticeable because the colon of the individuals an whlto and purple. Mass Formation On June . we found many dead men-of-war" off the Pearls and Virpin. in Oueen CharloM .Sound, and picked up several "nails'' that had no base. Can- lain A. M. He.iderson of the yiveachy picked up what appear ed to be a chrysalis, off the Vir . gin. It resembled a bunch of crocus. In Oueen uhartoltfc :?ound the following day we passed ihe "men-of-war" ma.sed in a group from ten to thirty feet wide and'a quauer of a mile in length. That same afternoon. In Fltkhugh Sound, Captain Lain of the Malaspina informed u that Ihe "men-of-war" were all ulonc ihe northern coast of Hrll ish Columbia. When we lef uiver miei tor Vancouver on June 50 we. saw very few of the 'men-oi-war and there wer none whateve encounlercd aftirr we reached Hope Island. r.nquiry among lishermen in Ilivers Inlet elicited the Infor mation that in other years occa sinnally a few 'men-of-war," half u dozen or so, had drifted into Sea Otter Cove, north end of Vancouver Island, but Timer before had they been as numerous as nn year. i;. I'eticraen. of an .Insef dlay, reported that at Cape Scott dead "men-of-war"' were piled a fool dee and three or four feet wide on the shore, and the stench therefrom wa terrific. Japanese Current In reporting to the department of marine and fisheries nr. uie sunjeci, n ncing such an unusual occurrence, Captain Henderson employed the phras "spherical current" in referring to trfe reporter', eastward .trend of he Japanese Current as perhaps lieiis responsible for the strany visilors to llrkish Columbia waters. I preserved Iwo specimens, o of which is in the possession of a Unive.ity of ltritr.h Columbii student, and the other I have at home. WliiIc some 'of 'he. Phy Valla were almost foil" tnches in length the majority were nearer iwo inches the one I have i abou three inches long. Are Tropical Visitors As the "men-of-war" are trop ical and s di-tropical grow.hs, it is rati:er t puzzle how thry enmo lo bo s-j tiunierot's in the far- from-lropieal waters of Queo: Charlotte Sound, the temperature Writer Tells of Visit of Nautllusof w,licl1 :hiot Engineer Hanks, to British Columbia Waters l(,f tl,p "Kencliy, ascertained was Recently William K. Maiden of the (ii-venchy writing to the. Vancouver Province says: N In ihe issue of The' Province 52 degree nbovr. xero a I the time we enc'inl;red the "men of-war." It is :ii lo tiie scientists t) fiiul nut what t lie. '.incn-.of-war" are dniiiar .ilonc t ho coast o? PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP B.C. FOREST SERVICE Visitor Do you like lo recite, dear? Child No, but mummy always ak hie. because it makes people po. nunch. 0$ TIMBER SALE X8109. There will be orrered for ale at Public; Aurliuu. at noun oil the iSnl day or Auk ; Mil. lu the ortlre or Ihe District Forester, l-rlnre lluperl. B. C. Ihe Ureure: XBtutl, to cut 3,3u,N0 feel or spruce. Ilrmhick and Cedar, on an area situated ou Luiran Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. I Two it years, will he alkmeil for re-1 iiuival nr limber. Provided lhal any one unable lo attend the auruou In ier,on may submit a sealed tender to he opened at the hour of auction ami treated aa one bid. Further particular or the Chler Forea-lt-r, Victoria, B. C, or Putrlci Forester. I'liiice Itupert, B. C TIMBER SALE X8161 There will be btrered ror sale at Public AuMion, at i u.m.. on WedneUy, Auitusl th. tv'.. in the orrire or um iHstnci Forester, Prince lluperl, 11, C, the Ucense X8I6I, to cut I.77II.O00 feel or Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar, un an area situated on the east aide of Selwln Inlet. Louise Ijlanil, oueen i.uarlotte Islands District. Two () years H Ibe allowed tor re tuoval or timber. Provided that anyone unable to attend the auction In pern niay submit a sealed lender to be opened at the hour of auctluu ami treated as one bid. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. U. C. or IHstrtcl Foresler, Prince lluperl, B. C. The Purrhanir Airent, Victoria. H.C. TIMBER SALE X8108. There will be orrered lor sale at runiic Ilritish 'Jo niiihi.t anil thev miclit1 uriiisii wti.iuiiuiu, ami no y mifciu, AllttKini & p , un lV 9Jrd ,iy 0f Sep- also lell in if thev nre llm true.' imhIht. te. in the nrrlce or the District ' ''"sler. Prince ntnierl. B. f... th; Lleenns Vnji'llna for Micv .Mui.iius, mr tie ne are en-liinlv caiaiuiyi xsios, to ri ie.s4i,ooo feet of spru-e. not tho pearly Nautilus. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert John Flewin, Port Simpson; Mrs. A. I.nnioureux, Fort Sas katchewan; S. W. ticorge, Prince Oeorge; O. It. Utlcrstmm, KU-wanga; C. A. Procunier, Mr. and Mr. F. A. Tnker, K. Wnwreckn, J. Pillireir, Louis F.arley, Mr. anil Mr. It. II. Pane, M. P. Follows, T. Shenwood, Vancouver: J. Marshall, 'Winnipeg: It. Connelly, Hole in Wall. Central V, C. .Freemnn, W. F. Taylor. City; D. McPhee, Vuncouver; Frank Duggan, C.N.R. llcnilmk and Cnlar. on an area situated on seiwyn inlet ami anjoininx- loi ata anu a. T. i.. oiKip. yueen i;narintie isiamis, Three (Si year will be allowed fur re lonval nf lhi limber. Provlit.'il that any one unable to attend the atirtion .In jersnn may sobnill a sealed : ifinicr Hi ne oMneii ai me urinu "and treated as one bid. ' ' ' ' "Furtber parlicuiars or tne cnier tores-ler, Victoria. B. i:.. or Iilslrlel Forester, prince Kiipert. H. C. TIMBER SALETC8159 There will be orrered for sal tiy I'nbllc Auction al the ofrire of Ihe putrid Fores, ler. Prince Ituperi, R. C at t t.m., on the till day or An irul, H, License Xl to cut Id.ono feet board measure of Spruce, Hemlock and cedar on an area altmteit on tllo wuith slMire of TauiHi Island. Hlchard-sun Inlet" (. C, t. Provided anyone unable to attend ihe auction In person may submit a sealed tender In be opened at the hour of .auction and treated as one bid. .Two years will be allowed fur removal nf timber. Further particular of the Chief Forester, victoria, and Diitrlcl Forester, Prloc Rupert. SteveKing Third Avenue Great Overstocked SALE Now In Full Swing SAVEI SAVED ON MFNS SUITS AND OVFIICOATS M I L K From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream at 15b for Half Pint. Quality and Service Special Ice Delivery Servtoe Valentin Dairy Phone 657 Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Kxquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave.