AH."'" I-J. There is No Substitute For SALADA - . TEA 1 TB It is the best tea value sold. The Daily News , PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince-Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLKN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: "City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month . . $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United 8tates", in advance, per year ... ....... frt.00 To al other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. 40 per. inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page ,..,,$2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion . 2Tc per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line Contract Rales on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 98 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office before p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subjeci to -approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. imii.v cnmon. Vote On Bylaw Thursday Next. 'Monday, April 2rt, I92C. It is pretty sure that there wijl'be little opposition to the tlx um n-t rtl 1... I... I l.r.l. !.. . ' 1- . ... . w cAcminum niu which is .u) voieo on next Thursday scarcely any people express themselves as opposed to it. It would seent as if it might be good policy to try to make it nl -a"'1"1 " r w?ow the Wheal--Pool nangej ina we wain lliem Here to do business through our port. We have. 'waited lone 4a$ ifome3f If nyoite vptes agraitis(slhc present bvliri it will "Viilii 'J.-l UJJ II till." mil lUIL WtlllL IIIK I11IHIIIP '. .'. S. . . TIlR I?lll-PII ' ' - ' ' MW O . meiiLhas aoii all in ilsmiwer tu induce fhe Piol In Pl.ii.lisd ih.i business and Prince Rupert will do its bit, considering the city is the one that benefits most. ' . The elevator is not iis-ed at present and it does not pay any taxes. As long- as the government retajns control 11 will no pay taxes, so we have nothing to gain . by stopping the lease go--ing through. From a civic point of view we shall be in Hie same position we were, before the deal was made. North Vancouver did hol take' long to vote privileges to the same concern when it suggested building mi elevator there. Prince Rupert will do the same, we feel sure. ; . " '. Large Business Of Co-Operative Company. 'Hie Canadian Co-operalive Wheat Producers Limited do a big grain business. On March 1 1 .(hey mailed ltiO.ooo checks Jo members of the pool aggregating 37,nOO.noo. This was only one of three payments' made to the farmers on their wheat crop. This indicates what a big concern it is and how import-anlit is that it should be operating through this 'port. While nothing is certain in this resect, a is understood that the pool may yet ship ome grain through the elevator this year if the bylaw i passed. At any rate it will' be fully equipped for business next year, at the opening' of the season. All TheiTruth Not In Bible. 4 Back easl (hey are having a controversy over prohibition Vl'lW'fy are quoting the Bible .for and against it. One man If.!1 ret l0 e,Joi prohibition because, there is nothing in the "rilfiIifflPllllv i-ilh ninmi.AAr.1. r It. -i ll..-. -i . ' .! rvi'ic i iiui mey exp'ri lo una ii ,i i . .i .r all the trth there is in the Bible. Jf. Cod wrote the Bible 1 Or in-qured its wriliuir. it does not mean Lo sav ilmi n... n;i.i. '''WfiiPioi'- I here lire other things, supposedly. vhlch Fniplify truth besides the doctrines, precepts, poetry proverbs, history and mythology of that wonderful book. To If 'II 11 limit Inr criiiilnii-a mi u.-u... ..... . :l.l ..i : . i " ' c '"' JW?1IMC SllllJfCl S HOC reasonable. A lot of thing-, jjave happened sjnee those pages were written and iWl is slill expressing himself through the WTiliiigsinl speeches of great nieji, through nature and in the UKliiiHluiiis and tendencies of the best .people. Afler all the L in' 1,nl 'a collectio" f writings gathered by nien who felt that Ihey were the best expression of fhe. age. It;nuist aNn Jie remembered that lhe Bible has been carefully edited more than once and thai books which were once part of the collection have been thrown aside as not authentic or not necessary or Wird Off that Sluggish Feeling SHREDDED WHEAT keeps you fit- eveiy day WEEK AT THEATRES Monday and Tuesday Korina Shearer in "Iiudy of tliei Nijihl." "The Covered Flagon." International News. Wednesday and Thursday "The Pare thai Thrill." Comedy "Dynamite Iok- Kie." Aesop's 1'il m Failles. Friday and Saturday Holly Bron'son in "A Kiss for Cinderella. ' Gotueijy l as; Company." Hal lie lleview. MIDWEEK PICTURE IS t t. 't LADY OF THE NIGHT SEEN AT WESTHOLME Play Sriows Contrast of Lives of Two Plrls One at the Highest and the Other at Lowest Level .No matter in what station oi life one Jives, emotion remain roily, much the same, according to' the thesis of "Lady of th Night," -which is to ho seon h ch illis:, evonins. Monla Hc.ll, director for Melro-ioldwyn-Mayer, lias brought to he screen a powerful story of oeioly at. its hhiliosl and lowosi levels. lit has filmed the lives of two Kill one at the' top, the other al the bottom of the social I.tI- ler who fall in love with the tamo man. That it is Jove of" the. deepest kind is shown when the spirit of, sacrifice moves both of Hiosq girls when 'in tlje climax they have lo choose between what Ihey repanl as their hajipines anI their duty. " , Both elect to sacrifice their bapjiinoss. - Brilliant social fjalls, recep lions and country club dance et with tho lavisji hand of wealth arc contrasted ayalnst the squalid home life of the slums and its only outlet of pleasure the Bowery dance hall. And Norma Shearer playing the dual role of .Mi illy, daughter of a convict, and Florence, dauyhter of the Jmlsre who senl her father to orison, is said to give one of the finest performances of her 1areer. Slie is sup ported by an exceptronal cast. including Malcolm MeOrogor, a a young invonlor; fieorge K. Ar thur, Fred Kstnellon, Dale Fuller and Bettj llorrissey. Miss .Shearer' is double pari hIIs for something more than m usual in dual rotes, lor on thhitr she lias to look entirely illtTerent. for there is little of facial resemhlance in the two girl. The picture is made from an original story by Adela Hoger St. John, adapted for the screen hy Alice I). O. Miller. THE PACE THAT THRILLS Gripping Story In Which tho Hero Fights Pugilists and Races Autos - ; Lovers of cloan. wholesome fun combined with stirring action iid a pretty love story will find an evening or an afternoon of real enlrrtainiiient in "The Pace that Thrills" First National's latest feature picture which H herein for the mid-week. Hen Lyon and Man Alor, as the featured players, head an ad mirahle cast which contains Tul-iy Marshall, Fritzi Brunette, lhomas Holding, Warner Rich loom!, Charles Beyer, Kvclyn Walsh Hall, Wheeler Oakman and 'filhers. The picture w$ greeted hy Webster Campbell puder the supervision of Karl Hudson, the man who made the 'Lost World." Contrary lo many motion pictures, "The Pace that Thrills contains a gripping slory which is never lost night of from start Ii finish. U is the slory of al movie hero who has acquired rhueli undesirable publicity ho-Cuiise he refuses to take chances, demanding a double for the mnsi trivial. damper. Fven the girl Irj lhe case finally lose faith in her hern.' But in the end all is cjeared up happily. Ben in the role of the movie hVro is admirably cast. He in-ejdenlally proves to his fans that !u y a comedian as well as a porlraer of serious roles. 1K has never been sen better than in this picture. He fights burly pugilists, si ulfed and live bulls, and fairly takes your breath away MMM'" ..... , fritS DAILY KKWO f; -everywhere in Canada .... "i"""' Leads in sales because it leads in value Canadian buyers arc careful and conservative. Hence, such overwhelming success can mean only one thing: superior comfort and value. Investigate now the bedspring that is breaking sales records throughout the Dominion the Slumber King. It is thefinest steel fabric spring built in Canada. Its four rows of coil ties allow the 26 ribbon steel strips to shape to your body. You never get cramped down in the centre. Extra wide border s some automobile raring that of Cinderella, thereby iiftsip the is sensational. 'rbarncler out nf the nake-leticv - - - into the real. KISS FOR CINDERELLA iJZX'- CTADC DCTTV DDftWCnW .. - ,..i i.v,i.. n.. Barrle Story Translated Into Pic ture Is Full of Heart Tugs and Humor The imavinalixe whimsy of James M. Harrie, the directorial artistry of Herbert Brenon and Hie piquant personality or Belly H run suit- I lie three factors tha: werciitb'iefly reiuinsilile for lhe spectacular, success 'f; "Peter Parr'-j-fliiiibitie to make "A Kis-for ' Ciiideriiila'' one" of th" screen's uoiabte achievements. LnJIke "Prtc'it l'.m'.'v 1 however, "A r.)F nih.leltA" is no entirely mire fancy; It Is, as a matter of fact, a vivid, appealing, modern-day romance 'iald again the very realistic background of I lie. I.ondon slums, with a lovable in ue neroine in ine person of a lonely, half-starved waif, and a sympathetic policeman as the hero. The slory of this little Cinder ella slavey, who dreams of the day when she will be invited to a marvellous pall where a band some Prince will pick her out a his Princess, is one that only Harrie couM have written altogether deliifhlful, filled with tears and lausr'h and Jiearl-lugs, .-"inn uiakps a lowly fairy god- nolher, and Henry Mhrat, Dor-thy r.iiioimiw. Flora Fiim-Ii am' t score or omre of et)ually well rtiwn jiliMirs round out a dis-iiiauislied mipiiori mg casi. strips and cables prevent sagging jttlges. Nothing can catch and tear the bedclothes. It is easiest to keep clean. Only huge production could make its price $12, surprisingly little, especially when yoursieep and health are at stake. Seeitatanyfurniturestorctolay. While there, complete your comfort with the Osterntoor, for more than 30 years Canada's finest white cbttoij felt mattress, regardlessof price. An unrivalled value at $25. Ijook for the Osterntoor label. IMMON BED SPRING s by and enlivened by all ihpse whim steal touches that are- part and parcel or every Harrie tale. Superior Craftsman And only Herbert Hrenon, dreamer, realist and craflsman that be is, could have translated H to the silver sheet In terms of poignant, human drama and Inimitable comedy without des troyiiig its esneiitial fantasy. Betty Bronson, who showed in "Holer Pan" that she possesses thai wistful, elusive quality so necessary for the successful por trayal of a Harrie heroine, fiives as finished and compelling performance as any yet seen on the ccreen. She lives the roU CANNERY AT CAPTAIN'S COVE IS INCORPORATED i.C. Gazette Announces Forma tion of New Concern With Capitalization of $60,-000 The BjC. Oazelle this week an-iiouiu'e the incorporation of the Kaplaiu -mo Cam) ins t'.o. Ltd. villi a capitalization of 150,000. I bis is Hie company which, organized by F. T. Foley of Van comer, Is establishing a iie cannery at Captain s Cove down he coast from here. "SS HOTEL ARRIVALS. T. '.on, Prince Rupert .J. Stephens, Arthur J. Cur (1. P. Fisher, 0. .1. IIojv- lotham, .1. (I. Millichamp, J. B. Stephenson, .. .1. Lewis, A. Hell- ti-vintr, W. W. Millville, 11. C. Thompson, S. O. Ilavis and F. I. N'ealon, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Culler and mtimily, Anyot; II. I). Mdntyre,. cily; .John A. Clarke, Capt. Dryboroiifth and II. P. Muhtinifnle, Claxtnn Cannery; A. W. liowlell, Smilliers;, (! Money and K. H. Wadsworih, Montreal; Mrs. A. II. Perkins and Mrs. W. Davis, Port 'Ksslnttloti; Mrs. Alder and daughter and Mrs. Hull and daiinhlcr, Usk: Mrs. L. L. Howe, Hilchie; Henry Whlllaker. Victoria; Denny .fackson, Premier. Central W. O. Murray, city; ft. Sliefskfy and T. Fnrlin, O.N. It. Advertise in the Dally News. Steamship and Train Service SVH' I PKiNr.r nmpor tA Mmrr ruitin am u.. rmsCI ti VSNCOUVIR. VICTOHIS. SfATTLI. tivt llftlir1lt IHi SI0't' MONOATS l S 00 (.m. ' . ..r STCWART ilul ANVOX. WfDNCSOAVS. SATUNDSVS. 10 OS ii. riuNCK johh f..rimhiiy for vANCouwjH i guns eHmnj IILAIlDS. CANADIAN VPACiriC FAssthatn trains liavi prinm nuetar EDMONTON, WINNIPCO, Sit If.InU t.t'lfffi ., t'MJ4 AOINCY AIL OCCAM STIAMIHIP Tl(kt Olllc. B2S Thlrs At, rrlnc eprU Canadian Pacific Railway1 B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert r incniuN, wnAxmi, jinuo. shout fM vnNtotiTtt, viaotu ui surru S 5 FIIN(7 EuTIht . .iliaMtilJl fr HutMl. In.fl (. Cil B.H B.ll. Oct Psltt, Nt, ' C4mpbi nif, snc vncof ry 9tvtti n s-m. AfRr for til SUmM LIam. Suit lf"S0 W. O. ORCHARD fl.rtl AfSSU 0rnr f 4th Slrl n SrS Ai.nu, Prlnoa Rwstfl. S C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btinniri from frincs Rvprrt. or VANCOUVER, VIOTORIA, Iwtnton Bf, tn AUrt 9t , "TMSKtf. r VANCOUVER, VIOTORIA, Al.rt Bi, ni Swsntos m1, SWf. ' tor ANYOX. PORT SIMPSON ni Nm( Rlf Canntrlt. JhvrtUl " r m-irmvn, nniux, HLll.1 MM, STEWART, BUflfaft P-"- . " US fnS Avail i1. 4. Bar(Uf, Asl. fflAaa ' Show Your Belief in the Salvation Army by a little SELF.DENIAL and a big Donation Be Kind to the Collectors