Iff II. II r lons. 5 TAXI '"I. "n Ambulance Servlc Anywhere at Anytime. land Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. MATT VIDECK. Prop. l A, hi 20. Allnrney M ntnled lixlay mmnllately lay all iidlnu (he arret! of Cjiplutn lloh-i Hie 'raw!ia ' wa govemineitt in - ure hii (wnlon. ' lint (JJiaun will 'f infMfinatton to ; -lii) un-' i niliirl Mie leh til lit lrn-wliere nhe had en-ih r la ae Amrriran LAST KILLS AN AGED MAN in Honwood of Chllllwack Stepped Out From Shelter too Soon and Was Struck flUU.IW M.K. April 21. - John :il, aged U7, was inxlauHy wiiile eitKiiUcd in clioppinn l.) a l.lillliwark .Mountain Ji lay Ho took coer behind H while the road unne wa i: a ami iinoll lrnlll nhel- . arly was struck Iy u fly- ie r of Stump. !ED DAVEY OF VICTORIA DIES IY! Tt,ltl A Anril 20. l fed Ivy V'J years of axe, who had d hero sliico 1875 and for I' ai ly 50 years va grand sre- y uf Iho tinier of Oddfellow, (a d lo.lay lie was Tor 28 year. i n at Iho navy yard and rcprn- Inle.i Victoria in lh legislature Inn 11)07 tu 1015. IDANACS BASKETBALL TEAM DEFEATED BY TOILERS OF WINNIPEG WINNII'i:tl, ApHI 20- Tho New M'Kliniiisler Adatiai' lol Hiclr velorn basketball playofr E- Hio Winnipeg Toiler. Saturday on. i no wcovo nointr ;l in i favor of the prairie chnm- 'Hi iiu ('iii fiivai year. irnnrmnu CAnimcc LUUUlllUn I rtVILIIILJ FOR THE D0UK0B0RS Three New Schools to be Built In Addition to Seven Last Year YICTOHIA. April JO. The liouKlioliorx will build I litre new rtAhootft till year at ltrillianl. (irand Krk ami lilade. Inl year liiey erected een new rliixil Iniildinu". The firm action of the Hrilih i dluinliirt KerniHcnl in lnil-iiiK lliul Hip children be .-enl tu .(ImioI ha hrou&hl rault. Kn-lollmenti' of rliildrejt in Hie innlli "f March exceeded all Hrevinu rcconl. There were in alien. lance 21 1 hoy and 116 UirW from Ihc Uiiukliobor orlho- ilov I'linimuiiity ai)l aiMiuon there were 220 from thoxe inde-l.endenl of the communal CHILDREN INJURED BY INTONATORS IN NEW WESTMINSTER Lad Tried to Open Tin and They Exploded In Basement or His Homo NT.W YITMINSTi:H, April 211.- Alice Copeland, ix years of ' .1... II r l.. line, may "e ' l,e resun "i i-jurie reveled when a tin of dynamite inlonator.i w;incu Herman Knlnlit. uf''! h'li, found in n vacant lot and Irled lo open in tho baement of lit home here Saturday and which exploded. Herman was severely injured a was alfo his sister Ida, aged four. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE f- iv H H. C. Silver iiunwell (Hadslonc llaiellon I. . 1 Howe Sound '. Indian Marmot rremii'i .. Porter Idaho SilvntTrest- Surf Inlet Terminus Hid. Asked 155.00 1 .85 I .'.5 1.70 1.72 .33 .35 Vj ' . .0l.l MYi -15 32.50 35.00 MYt .10 H .07 V .09 . 2.25 2.30 . .00 V4 .11 .IOVj .11 .08 .08 .50 AUTO PLUNGED Company, INTO THE SEA Two Were Drowned at Vaahon Island Sunday When Seven Thrown Into Sound TACUMA, April 20. John William, I year or a'e. Cliff Heanmolit, 27. were drowned on Vahou Uland Sunday when an auto coutainiiiR ieeu pereutii tluii2ed uver I he wharf into the Sound. HALIBUT PRICES AT GOOD JJEVEL TODAY American Fish Received as High as 1S.5o and Canadian up to 16.4c Halibut price al the l'ish Kx-oli.mpe Hp moriiiu? were much Improved. American Yalchc re-eeiviiiK bitl of from 10.3c nn.l 7c tp IH.5c an. I lc. Uanadian rih brpt;rlit from 15.1c and He o- Ifi.fb and lie. A lolal oi 13,500; pound win landed. 1 18,500 pound from ijiln iiH5ricaii bollom and 25.000 pound from four (Jana.lian. The arrival were a follows: American Hnk, 23,000 pound, and Onah, 0,000 pound, lo Ihe Pacific Fisheries. Ilalnier. 30,000 pound, lo Ihe Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Zenith, 33,00(1 pounn. ai I0.3o and 7c. Irt the Hoyal VM Co. Vansee, 32.000 pound, at 10.0c and C, lo the Hooth Fish eries. Kuroka, 11,000 pound; Wave, 5,000 pound, anil Itainler, 3,500 pound lo the Allin rishenos Canadian llrAfillc. 7,000 pounds, to Inn Allin Fisheries. Cutui fnear. 7.000 pound, lo the Hoolli Fisheries Cauatliaii Co. Pair of .lark, O.OOO pound and Cape Spepeerj 5,000 pounds lo Ihe Canadian Fish & Col Storage Co. JAMES SCALLION OF MANITOBA IS DEAD WINNII'IUI, April 20. Junius Scalllou, HI year of use, for many year an outstanding fiff-uro in, the. fanner movement of western Canada, J dead al his home al Yirduti, Manitoba. NIAV YOHK, April 20. Major league ImU swiii with a veil-aranre Simdar, lift Si. Loui Hrown corin? five liome run in their ronlet with Cb-velaml. Ken William -ecu red two audi McMauu. Mice and Znrhary one each. Manager Speaker ulo hit homer. Holon defealei Yhiii?lou by heay hitting, Iloseulhal of IIikIoii making a homer in Ihe seventh and lied Sox scored four run in Ihe tenth to heal the bainpion. A sipieeze play in I be eighth by Chicago defealed l'illsbur. SATURDAY'S GAMES National League SI. I.otii y, Pillbur 3. New York I. Hrooklyu 2. Pliil.i)lelphia 8. Hoiou 7. Cineinn.'iti-Chii-ac'o poslponed. American League Hetroit t, t:ieeiand I. Washington I, Philadelphia lloslon I, New York 9. Cliicajro 7, St. l.oui t. SUNDAY GAMES. ' American League Philadelphia 2. New York' 7. Hoslon 8. Washinulon 0. Cleveland 5, St.. l.oui II. Chicago t. hetroit 2. National League St. l.oui 0, Cincinnli I. I'ittsliui'K 3. t'.liicaso t. New York 0, Hruoklyn 8. MEMORIAL TABLET TO MEMBERS OF CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913 OTTAWA, April 20.-- A me morial tablet ha been placed in Ihe Dominion archives building here a a tribute lo the memory of 10 niemlier of the Canadian Arctic expedition ID 13 to 1018, who perished during Ihe expedi tion in widely separated sections of Iho Arctic SHIPMENTS BY WESTERN ROUTE VANCOFVF.II, April 20. The total .grain shipment through this port for Ihe season so far i 10,000,000 bushels and I hero is about four and a quarter million bushel in the elevators hero. The total shipments for the year will go well over the fifty million mark nnd may perhaps eqlial Iho urevloiift record of 51,000,000 for 1023-2 1. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper imunci: nui'tiHT. i.a, Monday, apiiil so, 11120. Saturday's Circulation, IIS7 Btrrrt SalM, IS Snv'nijf, Ihmifrh niMiiis their lille as world lia-ketliall I'huntpiou Ihe fanuiu Kdmoiit'iti (Irnds team phm ngruphed hefore halllc with l.akeides. Toronto, for Ihe Canadian title. which they won. SUNDAY PROVED Premier Makes Record During BATTING DAY! Month of March and Branching Five Home Runs by St. Louis Against Cleveland Yesterday Afternoon Out in District says Dale Pitt Producing nn average tif 100 ton per da. Ihe famous Premier nunc In the PurHand Canal district durtutr the mouth f March exceeded all previous output record hj mining iWiOOU (on of ore ai cnrdiug tu llale L. Pill, mauajrer6f the mini; who lmIiicfe vilurJU-iliiitVjpf. the lotal protluctiiui for Ihe month, 12,000 lulls wli seiil uiit over" Hie Iruiiiliiie- for smeller Irealinenl and 7.000 ton went through the conceii-Iralor which recently had ils capacity doubled. iMiriiig Ihe tnoiilh. (he tramline wn LEMIEUX f OR WASHINGTON Ottawa Paper Says Speaker of Commons Will be Appointed Ambassador OTTAWA, April 26. The Journal of this city says It learns on reliable authority that Hon. Rodolphe Lemteux, speaker of the House of Commons, has been offered the position of Canadian Ambassador at Washington and the paper states that It believes he will enter upon his new duties at the close of the present session of parliament. O. A. Clothier, resident mining engineer will leave al the end of Hie week on bis annual trip of mining inspection to the Queen Charlotte Island. He will way ahnul a fortnight. in operation UlS jer cetil of Ihe time both Hay ami niaiit. w lilt Die new- concentrating- unit now in full operatjon. Hie March output will probably be exceeded in April state Mr. Pitt. Mr. Pitt states thai, while op eration continue on a steady bais at Premier, the company is branching 'out into the district. Iteeenlly it acquired the Canlu and France groups of claim on the Alaska side of Salmon Hiver. Asked regarding the Indian Mine, in connection with which there ha been a wood f'Nil of rumor lately, Olr. Pitt said that uch rumor was not unfounded and that there might be an interesting: announcement lo make in the near future. Mr. Pitt arrived tfrom Premier on the Prince Charles this mornitwr and will continue to Vancouver on Ihe Cardena to morrow afternoon BIRTH. A son was born to Mr.- and be Mrs. Arthur Nelson, 209. Seventh I Ave. Weslf April 22. Ice Still Holding at Dawson But It Will Move in Few Days; Part of River is Already Clear II look a if the ice at I)uw.on will move in three or four days, according to reports received by Ihc (ioveninietit Tele graph in coitneelion -with their daily wealher report al X o'clock this morning. The Klondike flivcr ire moved last night and all jammed al Ihe month vyherft it How into Ihe Yukon. The ice on I,akc I.ebarge is unsafe for (ravelling and is going to pieces f:ist. t The Yukon Hiver i elQa from I.ebarge lo some distance norlh of Ihe Hig balmoii Hiver, I also clear at Carmack Laud- iiiig, at rive 1-iiKgers, and is thought to be clear from Mlnlo In Selkirk. A jam half a mide wide north or Selkirk I holding at Coffee Creek. '-J There i some open water al Stewart Hiver but Ice 1 holding at Ogilvin although it isgoltlng very rotlen. . . -i High temperatures- prevail everywhere, Iho reading this morning being a follow : : V $ llaiellon Part cloudy, calm; temperature. 00. 1!; Telegraph Creek J Cloudy, mini: temperature. 15. 'Of Smitliers Part cloudy, calm; temperature, 5i. Hum Lake Cloudy, calm temperature, 50. Terrace Cloudy, calm; lem poralure, 17. AnyoS; Clear, calm; tempera ture. 52. " v Stewurt-iioudy, calm; torn peralure, 18. Whilehorse f- South wihd clear; temperature, 15 K Selkirk 'Cloudy, south iwlnd temperature, 50. k w. .i Oawson GloudyiealmX.tem rlilure. 00. perfl Average for the Yukon 45. Boston Grill Large Upslalr Dining Hall, with' newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for Hie least. Phone 457. PRICE FIVE CKNTS. HURCHL. DELIVERS HIS MIDGET SPEECH tn. iin . nn m nn n ii'fl'fliiiim iiiiiiiai iiil' 111 iiiibii una l ifi m a hlmilix iTiinc nuuuu iuxuku dnirmciiid uuiumi ihmui Mid uall nil I IT! F I . f (l a. mmw,mj u wiflI (Ul Deadweight Debt is Immense says Chancellor of Exchequer in Budget ich will beg'n repaying war debt this year; I 1 1 j r j.r ra mm m m mum mm mm m m m mm ut mj m m w which should have been surplus nVIWI niil ' 1 111 III Iilliltrpi .ItTli in lUt niun iiT ..a.... ir.nin linn iti.imi a .. 1 1 .iiniHiiiii .,r a 1. ..a ... It.u mi el... ...I r NO PARmlN I M , M MY ML M. I mi Li I illli Itiiii - " ' - t ven am u half billion khiiiN. ..Mig internal dchl wns reduced during (he jssl jear 1 .. vi i.'rtii.if 111111 int. i'liiti iiujiv linn iiiriw.fi fi 1 1 n iini I. 1 ' .. !p(i.lle MirplU Of 5,000,000 in. to a .Iff ifil of CI l.OOii.llOO. How-per. In1 deolareil Hie nation was richer tlian It was a year ago. m -v 1 limn nm 'it-riii iruue iniurut iiik uui Y f 2lllll allllj 1 "ai,ic "MiUMne wure ueprrs- View to Aetlon iiir l.uuri-Wor announced that - . I - .LI.BI ' I . . .1 1 . 1 . 1 1 III IuhtIII I.UI'Iftl. 1 1 II 11.. nn with nn.a d-il lo llrilatn during the r NO WORD RECEIVED FROM CAPT. WILKINS SEARCH PLANE READY l-'. III HANKS. April 20. - No. wnril liu-t Uci'ii re-rciri) from Captain fit'oriif Wilkinx. who left for 1'oiitt llarnm' elrven ilay ui'o ainl preparation! arc now completed for Hie earch (ilane tu ilciMil, the North American News AlhaiiiT staled liiiiuy. ARRIVES FOR DRYDOCKING Olvenchy Which Stripped Propeller Blades at Massett Here In Tow of Malas- plna Mataspiuu, having in tow her smaller sister ship, Olvenchy. wli;cb was stripped of iter propeller blades after striking an obstruction in Massett Inlet near Walun Hiver cannery iast Mouday morning, arrived in port al 0 o'clock last evening'. J'he (iivenchy will be taken in dry dock here for repairs and Ihe MalasDiua will rclurn lo the Queen Charlotte bland., ' The trip across Hecate Slraits lo lhi port was made,, urujer aupiciou weather condition and took only eleven' hour,lhe two vessels having:, left, Watbn Hiver at 7 .qclock yesterday afternoon. The official parly on board the iiventhy consisting of Customs Inspector Miller, Mason and Pollard; Post Office, Inspec tor llayne?, and I)ilrict Kngin- eer Fqrde, wlio.-spenl the week at Walun on the disabled ves- sel-which was lyiing aLjinclior' af ter the accident, proceeded south on the Prince Charles this morn ing. The (iivenchy was taken tip lo the dry dock early this afler-nooti and will remain there until new propeller arrive from Vancouver about the end of the month. OIL STATION FOR SKIDEGATE Negotiations For Site Proceed ing and Imperial Oil Will Establish Supply Centra In order to supply the fishing boat in that vicinity and also lo cater U the residents' on the Queen Charlotte Islands; the Imperial Oil Company i planning In establish an oil station at or near Sdidegale. Oeorge Wood land, manager of the, company here. slated this morning that they were negotiating for a site but so far had "not closed. Un til they had sacured a suitable sile they were not in, a position to state what their plans would be. The Skideale correspondent of the Oaily News mentions a dock 170 feet long and tanks with a capacity of 100,000 STOCKS WEAKER ON JXCHANGE NT AN" YOHK. April 20.--Price caied otT on Ihc slock markcl today when bear selling depressed the motor issues as much a five and a half points, with corresponding: declines in dome in dustrial. BETTING TAX IN BRITAIN LONDON, ApiH 20. Chancellor of the exchequer Winston Churchill announced to day that a new tax 'of -five per tent on al! legalized ty'llujir would be liu-Vjetl. The beer lax I to bv relained.