.day Vorembcr 3, 1926. FASHION-CRAFT STYLES or MEN rB jl tArr Model b iia This 829 e tt dence. 244 Fifth Avenue West 50 TWEED SUIT is such extraordinary quality and value that it will a keeptheheartv2jraorlh&:; store that sold it to you." Single and double-breasted modelsin afloqkof patterns worth flocking to see. TAILORED BY Bryant & Greer, Limited THE CLOTHES shop von MILS' ItUKUBUKV COATS JAEGER WOOLLEN GOODS Steamship and Train Service from PRINCE RUPERT I t VANCOUVIR. VICTORIA, 8I.ATTLE, THURSDAY and SUNDAY, 11.00 p.m. ; ANYOX-WIDNESDAY .100 P'm" ' 'I STEWART SATURDAY 10.00 p.m. S.8. PRINCE JOHN Tur VANCOUVER vl QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS nlghMf, PAttENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dH.V eml niif 11 m f- DIM Kcuiif IDMONTDN. WINNIPCQ, 111 iuiiu tssirra "1, tnlim Btatei, Aosnej ll Oesan Stsmhlp Llntt. t' Canadian National Etprei. for Minc-ir "f" f'or-"t" '''. " 'r your next shipment. Oltf Tlek.t Ofllct, B2S Third A.s., Print. Rups't. Fhon 80- p. 0. Box 247 ANGER, The Tailor I'iue Imported Serge and B. i.tih fr A AA Tweed Suits marie to order in 0,,r 1 1 shop in Prince Huperl as low astjlV I. ANGER, Cutter . Sixth Street Prince Rupert, B. C. Local and Personal Arthur' Tut. Phone 678. B.C. Undertaken. Phuns 41, Try Foothill Btove Coal, 613.00 per ton. No toot Phtlpott. Evltt & Co.. Ltd. a Accounu totaUlng 83,674 up to October 20 were pawed for payment by the city council last night. 8t Andrew' Society will hold an Old Country Dance at LODZ. Hall on Friday. November B. 259 Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Daczett and sou aalled thla afternoon cn- the Princess Mary lor Vancouver. Prime Ituprrt Hoys' llanil Concert, amlsted by loeal art Ma, at Saltation Army Citadel at ' cliM-k tonight. .Come and help the Hand. W Z BaUlIt. chief engineer of the steamer Prince Rupert, who haa been supervising repairs to CXiM.il. freight er Canadian Importer at the local dry dock. wlU sail tomorrow night for Vancouver. Tor a good time and eats, ronie to the Cathode llauur and Social toniciit and tomorrow. -Mr. Ponder' orcliotrs with a lite entertainment eoiiimlttee will nee that jou enjoy the fun. A recommendation from the finance committee that settlement be made jwltb J. M. McLean. who was knockeo down and Injured several months ago I by a city truck. In the sum of 8400 was accepted by the city councU last irJght. A report from John Exley. city haU Janitor, prenented to the councU last eight, showed that a total of 840 gal? loos of oil had been consumed In the City HaU heating system during the i month of October or an average of 21 jgaUons per day. Anton Martlnuseu. owner and skipper (of the halibut vessel Livingstone II-left Tuesday afternoon on the Cardena rnroule to his home In Norway. tU will traveLaU the way.fry water, visit- : irg the principal .ports of the Pacific including San Francisco and Los Angeles, the Panama Canal, West Indies 'points. New York and the British Isles. A report from the fire chief for the month of September. staUng that there were four alarms during the month with damage of 821 66 to the Prince Rupert Club, fully covered by Insurance, was presented to the city council last night. The total expenses cf the department for the month amounted to 81230 of which 61217 consisted of The annual Catholic Bazaar wUl open Wednesday afternoon at 3.30 pin. In the Parish IlsU. It wlU continue until Tbursdsy evening when the awarding of prizes to admission ticket holderc wlU take place. Twelve admission tickets wlU be drswn on Wednesday evening from those holding odd numbers. Mrs. Ponder orchestra will be In attendance each evening. 258 i Rev G. O. Hacker, pastor of the First ! United Church. wlU leave Sunday night for Vancouver to attend a conference. 'Other psitors from the district who wUl attend will Include Rev. Victor 'sansum of Klsplox, who left for the south Isst night: Rev WlU Ism AUen of Terrace and Rev. R. C. Scott of Queen Charlotte City Rev Evan Baker, pastor of the Rupert East church here, also expects to attend. ANNOUNCEMENTS ' i Presbyterian Uadles' Aid Bazaar. No-'vember 10. . i Bt Peter. Seal Cove. Bale of Wor i November 11. Moose Baraar November 16 and 17. Rupert East United Church Bazaar. November 18. 23. Anglican Church baitaar, November Baptist Ladles' Aid Bazaar. Novem ber 25. Lutheran Women" Aid Sale of Work, December 1, United Church Bazaar. December 2 Established 1923 DELAYS are COSTLY El w f at I emir d to regular- I) )on ran have your teeth for further jeurii of er lee. DrFP Rennx DENTIST Exchange Blook Prions 109 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Mr. T. Brochu and Infant child re turned on the Prince deorge this after noon from a trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Capt. C. B. Brown, superintendent of the Empire Shipping Co, returned this afternoon on the Prince Oeorge from Vancouver. - The charge against Mar LI, Chinese, of keeping liquor for sale. waa. dls-mlssed In the city police court yesterday afternoon. Whist- Drive and dance by Loyal Orange Lodge November 14, In 'Metro-pole Hall. Mrs. Ponder' orchestra. Admission 75c and SOc. J. Field Strang, district manager for the Oaane-MUlerd Packing Co.. returned to the city on the Prince George this afternoon from Vancouver. Inspector J. H. Johnson of the Liquor Control Board was an arrival In the city this afternoon aboard the steamer Prince Oeorge from the south. Miss Catherine Jones, who has been holidaying for the past couple of months In the south, returned to the city on the Prince George this afternoon. TONIGHT Oo to the Rupert East Oymnaslum Church for an evening's fun and laughter. Stunt night and Minstrel Show at 8 o'clock. Admission SOc. More than 24 hours late, having been delayed by fog over northern waters, CPJt. steamer Princess Mary, Capt. Arthur Slater. Is due In port from Alaska about 8 o'clock tonight. H. F. Kergln, MXJV for AUln con stituency, is a passenger on the Prince Oeorge today returning to his home in Alice Arm after a brief trip to Victoria cn business in connection with his riding. Just arrived. A small shipment of beautiful dresses to be sold Friday and Saturday before returning. Open after noons only to give the public an op portunity for bargains. Mrs. Ooldbloom Third Avenue. 259 While no official returns are available for the elections In Alaska, word was received by radio that Dan Sutherland was leading. In the Btate of Washington Senator Jones, father of the Jones BUI. was defeated. Capt. Harry Ormlston, master of the lighthouse tender Newington, returned this afternoon on the Prince George from Victoria where he attended the funeral of his father, the late Captain Charles Ormlston, who died hut Friday W. F. RoweU. formerly of this city and now residing In Edmonton where he is identified with a coal mining concern, arrived on the' Prince George this afternoon from Vancouver and will remain here for a day or so before proceeding East. Union freighter ChUkoot. Cspt. 3. L Williams, after loading 100 tons of fer-Ullster at the plant of the Rupert Marine Products In Tucks Inlet, sallea 1st 11:30 this morning from Vancouver via the Dlgby Island Marine Station where she Is unloading coal. Passengers sailing last evening on the Cardena for Vancouver Included, "Rev. F. W CassUis Kennedy. D. 8. Cameron Mrs. Talbot. Rev. Victor Sansum. A. Davis. Mrs. Penny. Mrs. F. W. Fagan. Mrs. J. R. Tannock. Mrs. A. L. Hill C. B. Freeman and Anton Martlntn Market Prices hARD Pure 28c Compound 25c tuns B.C. fresh, pullet 80c BC. fresh, firsts 65c B.C. fresh, extras 60c Local new laid 65c and 70c Alberta fresh, second ............. 40c FISH Halibut, lb ,. 25c Salmon, red spring, lb. 25c Salmon, white spring 12 c Smoked kippers, lb 15c Kippered salmon, lb 25c 6moked black cod, lb '22lic Finnan haddles, lb 20c Salt mackerel, lb 25c Eastern salt herring, 3 tor 25c Salt codfish fillets, lb SOc Boneless salt cod bricks, lb. 25c MEATS Fowl, No. 1 lb. 35c to 40c Roasting chicken, lb 45c to SOc Ham, sliced, first grade , 60c Ham. whole, flnt grade ........... SOc Ham, picnic, lb 35c Cottage rolls, lb ....;;... 40c Bacon, back, sliced ....A..' 55o Bacon, side 50c to 65c Pork, dry salt Si,,....,. 35o Ayrshire bacon, lb 45c Veal, shoulder 25c Veal, loin i 40c Veal, leg .' 40o Pork, shoulder 30c Pork, loin 45c Pork, leg 42c Beefi pot roost 12ic to ISO Beef, boiling 10c to lao Beef, steak 25o to 40c Beef .roast, prime rib ............ 30c Lamb, chop ...,...... 60c Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, leg ', 40c Lamb, leg 48o Mutton, chops . ........ 40o Mutton shoulder 30o llt'TTER Brookfleld, Shamrock and Woodland. 2 lb , 44 .4 85o E.OD, 2 lbs. ...........(...,... 65o Tin of 4 cubes. 15c Tin of 10, 30c Capital, 2nd grade, lb 40c Fraser Valley, lb 45c CHEESE Ontario solids 30c 3tilton. lb 35c Kraft '. 45c Norwegian Ooat 65c Kapoleon Llmberger 70c Roquefort .i. . 75c Swifts' Buttercup, lb. 45c Oorgonzola, lb. 75c McLaren's Cream, jars .... 45c and 85c Oruyere 60c Golden Leaf, lb 45c VEGETABLES New beets, bunch 6c Beets, 6 lbs 25c 100 lbs .. 82.75 New carrots, bunch ............... 5c B.C. Carrots, lb. . 3e 100 lb 62J5 Rutebagas. 6 lbs 25c 100 lbs 82.75 Radishes, bunch Sc New potatoes, 10 lbs 25c Potatoes, 100 lbs 82.00 Fancy B.C. tomatoes, per lb 10c Tomatoes, per basket 1 40c Watercress, bunch 10c Oreen peppers. 2 lbs. 25c Cucumbers, each 10c and 15c araley. bunch 6c Hint, bunch .).. 5c ecks, 2 bunches 16c Cauliflower. B.C.. head ........ 25c-35c Corn on the cob. dozen 40c Oreen onions, dozen 25c Terrace cabbage, lb. 6c D C. head lettuce 10c OarUc. imported, per lb. 40c B.C. Cooking onions. 6 lbs. 25c Rhubarb, outdoor. 3 lbs. 25c Wax and green bean. 3 lb. 25r vegetable marrow, lb 6c Celery, 2 bunches 25c Hubbard squash, lb. 7c Citron. Ib 7 Pumpkin, lb : . . . . 7c Sweet Potatoes. 2 lbs 25c Egg plant, 2 lbs 85c Pickling cucumber, lb 16c Pickling onions, 3 lbs. 25 FRIIT Oranges, Valencia, dozen . . 26c to 75( Lemons, Sunkist. doz. .... 25c and 35c CalUornla grape fruit. 2 for 25. Bananas, 2 lbs. for 35c Candled honey 25c Extracted honey, lb. .... 25c and 35c Apples. Mcintosh Reds .......... 63.25 Apples, Weal tales 82.85 Apples, Gravenstelna ........... 62.50 Cookllng apples 61.95 Canteloupea, each .'. 16c Peaches, case ...... 81.45 Italian prunes, crate B5c Cocoanuts. each 20c and 26c Honey Dew .melons, each 45c Casaba melons, lb 10c Pears, Bartlett. case 6325 ItKIEI) FKUTS Dates, bulk. 3 lbs 35c Dates, Dromedary 25c Raisins, bulk, ib. 20c Raisins, package, lb 25c Cluster raisins, lb. 25c Lemon and orange peel 30c Citron peel s 50c Black cooktng figs ........ 20c and 26c White figs, lb 15r Table figs, lb 25c Currants 22C Prunes 15c-25c Apples 25c Peaches, peeled . 36c Apricots, lb 40c NUTS Almonds, shelled Valenclas 75c Brazils and fUberts 36c Walnuts, broken shelled 60c Walnuts, shelled halves 66c PRINCE RUPERT TIDES'. UEItNKMiAY, OCTOBER 3 High 12:13 pia. 20.3 " 6:02 Jn. 7.0 " Low 18:34 pju. 6.9 " TIII RMIAV.'OCTOIIEK 4 High 0:35 am. 19.3 ft. 12:42 pm. 21.0 - Low 6:36 am. 7.0 I Us 19:08 pm 5.1 ' iMONDS SAWS BECAUSE guaranteed to cut 10 more timber in same time, with less labor than any other saw. SIMOND3 CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MONTREAL VANCOUVER. ST. JOHN. N-S-. TORONTO I Putting in the BEEF When you add "OXO" to Soups, Stews' and MeatPies, you put in Concentrated Beef," thus making them more nourishing and tasty, with the rich nutriment and flavour of prime lean beef. " OXO " is the Housewife's Great Economy. 0X0 LIMITED, 356 St, Antoine St-, Montreal The Cook's "Best Friend" Clean Sweep Sale Remnant Day THURSDAY MORNING, 9 A.M. ALL REMNANTS HALF PRICE Dress Goods, Silks, Crepes, Cottons Chas. E. Rand, the "Markdown Man" in charge ALL LADIES' SILK LINGERIE 10 Per Cent Off CHILDREN'S WOOL CHILDREN'S WOOL MITTS GLOVES Per pair Per pair :Vf and oOf Mrs. FRIZZELL Ladies and Children's Ready-to-Wear Come in and See! Some excellent values in KYNOCII'S CELEBRATED SCOTCH Overcoats Also ENGLISH HEAVER CLOTHS, ETC $2..(0 and up Wolsey Underwear, Socks etc, Carss Mackinaws and Pants. Third Avenue. Steve King Phone Green 83 GREETING : CARDS Our Christ m as Ureet ing Card. are mvv uu display. We have a wide selection of artistic cards in a variety of styles yiid greeting's, that will enable you to express exactly your wishes and gladden the hearts of yoir frieitds to whom they are sent They are priced from-Ttc to $1.00 each and we would recommend licit you make your choice now as a number of our customers, last year, left making their selec-.lion ' until it was too lute. , BE WISE AND BUY EARLY Ve also have Personal Greeting Cards and a book of sample cards' may be examined in the store or we will, on request, send it book for yon to examine the samples at v home. ? Ormes Ltd. ,,The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggists f ' Phones 82 and 200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from Prlnee Rupert.' I'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Hwansou Huy and Alert llayetr, Tuesday, 3 p.m.' .For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay and Swauon Hay, etc, Saturday 9 a.m. lor FORT SIMPSON", AN VOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART and aas SUvefi Canneries. Sunday, 8 pan. , ., ,, 1S3 2nd Avenue. R. M. SMITH. Agent. Prlnee Rupert. M.C O