5 TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere nt Anytime MATT VI DECK. Prop. . . .ru t x oe.o UL X M( S - "II you will 4c- I wUi at it is placed f oif nunenA llqu r atotta will be new liquor eon-- d fremMr fMrm in au rtutK-loo wrd of Trad c rocated Um tnulatun ulird affrfeai grown u. ; r whkcli at pfeaant market cm ad ruckle of ttte live of m betmt. mis POM I ArtMED FOR LEADER VANCOUVER. Nov 3. Leon Ladncr. a Clf flnltawlV kltrtmittMI OlaM lht waasaMas,.V twmj -" 3UId be In the contest for th P - against W. j. Bowser at the con-r" "on November 23. Dr. Tolmle and Pooley have declined to permit P usme to go before the convention. 0 CITY MANAGER CITY OF SEATTLE aKATTLE Nov. 3. The votera yesUr-rojeuted the new charter which P'uia have given the municipality a ' manager t'l.NtlltAI. t iiiimrr iiii vt i Montreal, Nov. i.-Th- sonoim. fIM Is aiinounriut it A t rtv am "ifrsl freight K'onal Rallw.y. with, orae at Mono, f N B- Til DDOintmeit la effectlvo fuW October 33. 1.1. Tb count in the Houm at noon today with fifty district mlaslug showed a net Democralle tain of nine seat. Ttass Is not dangeroua in Itself but Is likely to glee the Western Republican insurgents the balance of power should it be much Increased. Until the doubtful seats are cleaned tip it is unpoMlble to say .with certainty wbetber or not the Republicans retain tbeir majority In the Senate. m:r moki: iii:aii.v Tbe WeU and Dry hat not announced th rcault of the referendum a tant state owing to incooiplel returns. wtUi tb exception of ew York where tb vow was three to one for medtfstaUon of the Volstead Act. Illinois voter apparently endorsed a aim-li prrpatal and a aubHantlal major- ttyfn(Wioonalnfarored a pttltlou- for two and three quarters per cent beer.. California) and Montana, alao Toted to At one o'clock today the aununary of election return was at follaws: MAATi: Republlana 17 Democrat II Doubtful 7 Total candidate 38 On election deferrnt iioim; iir 10 riti.M:.NTAini:s RepubUcans 303 DemocrsU 180 SoelalUta 1 FermtrLabor I Doubtful 44 Total TIIH KAI.I.MMI tKV YORK. November 3. A squall that rocked the Repub-. nniZfl flAlirpnAI g veitcrdaj washed away moat of the party's majority i n 1 1 1 V S I (IN I III II ae and reduced Its margin in the House, and is still giving ' J vUllllJU . .. . ,.r n. iu.. - ...i . . I S -! .1 . r tl !.!.. r. lf . . i' Uailaworth of N'rw York via lmrit.fi timtor n ltmUl:l, kt ! smc: Al Smith back to Albany by a plurality of a quarter!" amjk in ivw ok w in ction i of a million. or takiii likely i m;aic h - ( VF.R I RbFS MAKING CIDER Lm; iij: norii; want al- iit iiitiH juci; or f- ru III.AI.illl I I. At mill 433 Ised a Democratic extravagance during and immediately after th war. While President Coolldge himself took no active part In the campaign, every member of hla cabinet went Into th field ui the fight the Republlcana have made to retain their working majorities in both the House aud Senate. Big guns of the Democratic party also were ursllmbered to support the work of their campalgu committees, which furnished an almost daily grltt of atate- Hments characterlalng Coolldge prosper ity aa a myth and Republican economy a a day dream. With laud voice the Democrat demanded tax reduction at this session of Congress, charging openly that It w the deliberate purpose of the President and the leaders of hi party to defer tax reduction for political effect In the 1938 presidential campaign despite a large surplus now In the treasury. TAKiri' .HKVIMOjN Tariff revision downward was another demand and this at on time Jrd to a persoual verbal tilt between Chairman Butler, of the Republican National Committee, who la seeking re-election to the Senate from Massachusetts, and Chairman Oldfleld. of the Democrats Congressional Campaign Committee. Stress also was laid by th Democrat on the failure of the Republican Con. to enact farm relief legislation. while th Coolldge administration bo-came a target on th ground that It had fostered monopolies. Revelation before the Senate cam-Damn fund committee of hug expen- " . v . . nl.m4r last thla year in were (continued ou pag U) Tt lit: WASHINGTON, Not. 3. While the wet have shown strength in certain Isles the dry will continue to hold a majority In both' Houses aa a res ul. cf Tuesday'a votltrg. Tart If reduction are apparently out cf the question until 19M. unless Republican. Insurgent from the agricultural atate combine wttb the Democrats In such movementa. NEW ARCHBISHOP OF ONTARIO IS CHOSEN TORONTO. Nov. S - M3st Rev. Bishop David Williams of London. Ontario, who Is Bishop of Huron, diocese was chosen )etterday aa Archbishop cf Huron and metropolitan of the Anglican Church for P41 ,D UU ,1tuor en,prcmrot but w have the poatHon . aucceedlng Rrehblrhcp Thernlee of ;t majority of the people , . , , iSauIt 8 to. Marl who recently resigned. r for tlx sale of liquor ; j 1 eminent store and tb sale v irj. :e git Here u Okaoagsn ! elected to ute iiu irora n.entucay inf, uadreds of ton of apples vs rated by her husband when (s, .tlMI.: Alrnil.H'o tac The wsitu this year)" U penitentiary fejT con- ll nT NTAMi TKIAI. large U thrr any reason tllrcy to vtoUl Ute National Problbl- .., should not be made into altto" Uw 1 .ji w likely to be th brtwertr ' K IN WAV iv iiisii 11 ni MEDAL WINNER KiHii.it ii:aiios. mo 1 111 it or U HAN -Klto.N. M.M.. lll 1: AT MIlliaKAlUt larsou. aged about 70 'lie oldest wild moat re-i ve reaidenU of Metlakatla. hi btr hem in th village The late Mr. Pearaon. predeceased soma year ago by ' any u aurvlved by two MfT Reuben Letghton and L'-: Powell, both of MetlakaU. Dan Ptttson. was klUed while v during th Great War but '-tt his bravery waa rewardto is award of the Military Medal, unerul will tak plseo in Metis-" rViday aftemoon. Archdeacon II 2 officiating 'i: j (c).vriuArv iiiauiii; LO8 ANOELES. Nov. 3-Almee Mcrheraon. btr mother Mrs. Kennedy, and Mrs. Lorraine Wiseman Slelalf. chief accuser of the evangelist, all were bound over to stand trial on charges of criminal conspiracy. FLEECED OF SAVINGS VANCOUVER IS STORY REOlNA, Nor 3. A story thst he had been fleeced of $10,400 aavlngs in Van- Coolldge and prosperity formed the!oouver after 36 years In the mining rallying cry Of the Republican political j fields of tbe Yukon 1 told here by organlraUon. with the campaign com-, j tank Kallfeisze. aged 62. to th police, mil lees firing occasional broadside at j - th opposition on what was character- MINIMUM WAGE FOR ALL WORKERS ASKED VANCOUVER, Nov. 3. A legal minimum wage through British Columbia for all classes of workers will be urged by the Labor party It waa decided at last nlght'a meeting of the Trade it Labor Council. , joi: HANKEV iii'.ki: Bringing with him Joe Sankey. who will face trial at the Supreme Court Assize here next week on a charge of murdering Miss Loretta Chlsholm at Port Esslngton on May 33 last, and Lee F0011, Chinese, charged with attempte.1 murder, William Splller. inspector of the local division of the protlnclal police, returned on the atcamef Prince Oeorgn this afternoon from Vancouver VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked. Wheat 1.441, B.C. Silver 1.77 1.83 Consolidated ....... 330.00 Dunwell .1 IrTB 1.10 Olacler ........... .OS .08 Gladstone . .v. ..... Mt J30 Howe Sound ....... 41.00 43.00 Independence, .07, , .08 Indian ..,. ...... .03 .08 L. tc U&vJ. ...... Mi .08 Marmot IVia-v .08 .0014 Premier 1S9 3.01 :Porfer Idaho .08", .09t j Richmond 08i -0U Advertls In Th Dally New uiire uiv me ncn ui iiamaru. nnmif HATtnnnlt P I Massachusetts Senator Rutler. Republican National chair- Kl 1 1 H Hill r V A --yr That the marine' station will j b moved Xrcm Dlfby Island to the cltjr ar-d the, wire'.: aUUon from It presentsite on Dlgby Uland to where;. the marine sta- -tlon 1 now located t the la- teres ting rumor that, la heard in waterfront circles It is stated I that definite announcement to cabinet, were returned by acclamation storage. yrsierasy in various constituencies . throughout Canada. Grain Board at Ottawa, w hlch read' as follows: "Please furnish us wtth a copy of th application of the Terminal drain Company for Increased terminal rales. W further request that the hearing do not take place until thirty days after said application Is received." The matter was brought before the council of the board by President Han son who aald he considered tt a very nrlovis matter aud one on which action should be taken promptly. A telegram had been received from J. D. O. Mother-sill, counsel for th Government of Alberta, which read as follows ; Al lll ltf A l i:l. Ml HAM "We are opposing application of Vancouver' Terminal Company tor Increased terminal charges. A yet we have no copy of th application and are unable to state the amount of Increase, but It Is substantial. It now appear that If th Increase 1 granted, the same will be made effective at Vancouver aud Prince Rupert and result In a uniform tariff at all ports east and west. W contend charge should be fixed In ac cordance with conditions existing In each' port and believe a uniform tariff wilt Ih'some degree neutralize the natur al advantages of Rupert. "The grain board will be at Edmon-ton November 13. We have demanded adjournment for 30 day from date we receive copy of application and If your board would demand a similar adjourn ment It would give .us time to ascertain the facts and It possible agree on a common course of action." . U.KV.U OK ( II Aliens . OM.Y G. W. Nlckersou (aid he thought the uniform tariff mcnUaued referred outy PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRIN'CE RUPERT, U.C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1D26. (AIM( I UDIItAI. OITHIALS COM 4, IM1 lll ltl; I OK OI-EMNO or j LOCAL tlsilt.KIE.H LrUil- j MENTAL IU KU.IL ' '.V1UI ceremonies which will be of more cr lets, informal uature, the Bio- this effect will be made on the j.,, Botr,, ,,, experimental , occasion of the ristt to thu ,tatton ou tbe eoycTUS1.t htti w. " T be opened on Saturday aftrrnooa of -.luvuUc urj,ui, un.ier tb wctk by j j Cow,e jt, of marine, and a party of other ,h. B1,.)tli r,, mhn . offlclals. here from Ottawa on Friday af lemaoaVi uln FoUowUig the opening cf th? tttttttttt station, there will be a meetlnz of ths WALL STREET NOTWORRIEDi i ranges. Several, atandard Industrials! drilling lower while a number of I specialties and investment rails showed decided strength. FIFTEEN MEMBERS. GOVERNMENTELECTED I OTTAWA, Nov. -Fifteen members 4. 'Pactflo aub-executlve commute of tht board consisting of Dr. A. H. Hutchln-Ison of the fsculty of the University of British Columbia and John Dybhavn of this city. Dr. W. A. Clemens, director of the 'Vsncouvir Island, and J. McHugh. resi- tiEW YORK. Not. 4. Wall Strtet. : dent engineer for the fisheries de-whlch has a habit of registering IU re- pertinent. Vancouver, arrived today by action to political detelopmrata fated !the eleamer Prince George from the to ahow any outward manlfea-atlons j south to be here In connection w ith the either of approval or disapproval at . opening cf the station. yesterday' elections., price fluctuations! are being -canflned t within narrow ) ataa...jit4tf t4 (INAI)ltS IIOATS nr.T II Kill I'KKts Tw Canadian boats. E. aud -Ingred H.. struck tn jnarket at ' a 1lgh "phar todaj"' and received. 23 aud 10c from tbe Canadian FTsh & Cold Storage Co. for catches of 13.000 and 850 pounds respectively. cf the Liberal government who went Another Canadian boat Nauti- tack to their constituencies for re-elec-1 lus. received 18.le and 10c for ltlon followuig their elevation to the, 1,000 pounds from the Cold Attempt to Place Prince Rupert on Level with Vancouver in Port Charges Feared by Board of Trade It seems as if an attempt is to be made to place Prince Rupert on the same level as all other ports in Canada in the matter of terminal charges. At any rate thatis the interpretation nut on it by Olof Hanson. President of the Board of Trade. Yesterday a meeting of the council of the Hoard of Trade was called at short notice to consider a telegram from the Government of Alberta in which it was suggested that a uniform tarifi was to be instituted at all grain ports of Canada and under which Prince Rupert would be likely to lose her natural advantages. After the matter had been considered tel- ..... gram was sent to the chairman of the to elevator charges and had nothing to do with port charges as the grain board had no Jurisdiction over port charges. President Hanson had a different op.n-Icn and feared an attempt was being made to place this port in the aame category as Vancouver. It was decided that the ouly action the port could take Just now was to ask for a copy of the proposed changes and to request thirty daya time after the filing of the application la order to give time to act. This was done, a committee consisting of Q. W. Nlckerson, D. Thomson and H. P. Pullen being appointed to draft a telegram to the grain board expressing the views set forth. IMPORTER IS OFFDRYDOCK WILL SAIL THIS .IITCKMKIV .new wi:sr.MiNTt:it wutiti: mik WILL I.OAII COM EMKATKS AMI Ll'MHEK Circulation 1618 .Sales 503 mcr'.y of this city and now a resident of Vancouver, were In attendance. WAV! AMJ .MEAN "The purpose- of - the ' meeting," Aid. Casey explained, was to devise ways and means wheteby the provincial government might be approached with a view to having the construction of a roaa from Prince Rupert to. Terrace undertaken. It now appeared that the,gov- ernment did not Intend to build uch a road aa It was not mentioned In a three year program that was being lildj down to complete all highway in the, province, which program was to be presented to the legislature at Its forthcoming ses&lon. Olof Hanson briefly Introduced the delegation from the Board of Trade. M. P. .MrCAMERV .M. r. Mrfaffery. the first spejker. expressed gratitude that the counill tuvd seen fit to consult with the Board of Trade and citizen on this project which he considered was something thct Prince Rupert needed perhaps worse than anything else at this time. He had given some thought to the matter and bad found that the building of the road from Prince Rupert to the Interior had been originally Intended by th government. No reconnaissance he had found, however, had been made and It was only guesswork when It was sala that the bu tiding of the road would Involve a great deal more money than waa warranted or the people of the north could expect. He would like to see the matter dealt with. Intelligently. Something that was warranted, perhaps not the road to Terrace Immediately, should be pushed to completion. A session of the legislature was approaching aud Mr. McCalfery suggested that, first, a reconnaissance of the roao from Prince Rupert to Terrace should be Insisted upon and. second, a larger annual road appropriation than those of the past ahould be demanded so that the road might b continued -a far as possible. It the road ever reached the caunertea. Mr. McCaffery predicted, it would eventually get to Terrace. S. E. PA It KE It S. E. Parker thought that Prince Rupert had waited long enough for ths I project (.1 uinwif 10 we interior vj ) be embarked upon. It had been said in the past that there were more lm-I portant roads needed to be built In the province and such explanations up to I the preesn had been, accepted. Prince . ' . . . u , 1 . 1. . . nuri 1 unu imu eium sua irru uiv Pacific Highway paved, the Cariboo road completed, the' Burn Lake-Endako link finished and tbe Terrace bridge built. It was now time that the rlty Aher an extensive repair Job In th pressed for iu own, road. He ventured local dry dock following her stranding to y that It was the only town of Its during the summer In the St. Lawrence 'alsee In Canada without a road. It a River. COMM. freighter Canadian Im-j campaign of publicity waa embarked porter, went oft the pontoon this morn upon and the assistance of other coming., the work completed, The vessel will munltle In the district given he felt sail ,thls afternoon for New Westminster . that the government could be forced where she will losd concentrates and. no t longer to overlook Prince Rupert lumber for London and Belgium. Capt.jiut to build the road from Prince Ru-Duncan Mackenzie. C.G M.M, pilot, ar- ert to Terrace within a few year. Th-, rlf ed thl afternoon from Vancouver to f climate that such a road would cost assist Cspt. McCultough In taking th tilions of dollars. Mr. Parker at Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall,-with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. I'fiee Kive Cents FMOCJtATS CAM IN US F1 FCTinm - ' - M tW Vi JLJLJ. 1 11 I V KS 1 sfff ifff V JL JL VI I V -. P- . .. --. .... " ' "''' "" 1 " r 1 , , ,. .... AlWAlliN PUR ROAD TO TERRACE UNDER WAY fifAU Y 111 m at i w t i euiuLiuib mum uuins in u.o. Elections Reducing Majorities of Republicans in Both Houses r::z jopen station MIKLIJXH HT.tTION HltKt TO ISC MdVtlt f ' ON SATURDAY Committee Vill Urge Building Trunk Road to Terrace Very Soon . As a result of deliberations last night between t"he city council and Hoard of Trade representatives as well as other citizens, it was decided that a committee consisting of delegates from the city council. Board of Trade, Trades & Labor Council, Rotary Club and Gyro Club and other public and semi-public organizations in the city should be formed to go fully into the question of Prince Rupert's roadway to the' interior and ask the provincial government to investigate the different routes, place therrf on the maps and, at the next session of the Legislature, put appropriations in the estimates to finance annual worx oa the project. . - The commutes will seek the co-opera- j vnwTT nnmiinnn aon cf various Bocrd of Trade uxl NEW WTWkV other organizations throughout the IlllilljUU xtortb In its demand on the govern-. racnt The resolution to this elect was formed after considerable discussion on motion of M. P. McCaffery. seconded by Olof Hanson, and was carried unanimously. Answering the caU of tlu councU last week to go Into the matter of the Prince Rupert-Terrace highway. Olof Hansen, president. M. P. UcCaffery and 3. E. Parker, representing the Board IN McPHERSON CASE IS FOUND LOS ANGELES. Nov. 3-A hew who ays she talked with the mys- of Trade; D. McCorklndale. J. A. Curtis, j tery woman at Car'mel with Kenneth J. c. Brady. MP.. T. J. Davidson of i Or0""10"0- today entered the Mcpherson Shandllla. and George W. Morrow, for-1 when. District Attorney R.eyes re- ceived a letter tram Alice Ammerer of Oakland saying she expected to provide pivotal evidence. that Ormlstbns tompanlOnTir tJte cir-mel cottage was a "religious woman" and she enclosed a book .gtveji her by the woman. Keyes ordered Investigator to proceed to Oakland Immediately to Interview the new witness. They took with them photographs of the evengelist. CONVICTSSHOT IN HONDURAS LEAIIEll Kl KKEMIEUEU TO VJk CON-ML AMI LATEK COMMITTED M1CIIIE NEW ORLEANS, Nor. 3 Ten of two hundred escaped convicts who were captured were shot In the public square at Celba, Honduras, and their leader committed suicide at the United States consulate where he surrendered when orders were received from Washington to deliver him to the Honduras authorities, members of the fruit ship Ampla. said, on arrival here. When any of the fugitive, who were In possession ot three machine guns, were captured they -'-wer Immediately executed, the seamen said. Th leader surrendered to the American consulate, one member said, and pleaded for a Just trial by higher authorities. The consul wired to Washington and received an answer directing him to turn the convict over to the Honduran authorities. When tbe wire came the convict, who was in the consul's room. glanced over the type casually, then reached over the consul's desk", picked up the revolver lying there and hot himself. SURVEY MADE TERRACE-ROAD It, llllTTMIlCKCll WIKl I KO.H TEKKACE KEOAKHIMl VYOKK ON KIVEK SI1IE Ot TRACK In connection with th road to Ter race.' appropriation for which are being asked, it Is pointed out . that construction to Haysport or Skeena City would be comparatively easy: In connection with the section beyond that the Board of Trade yesterday received a. telegram from P B. Chettleburgh at Terrace which said that au approximate survey of the road from Skeena City to Terrace on the river aid of the track ahowed that there would be required 35 mile ot causeway or rock tUI, 38 mUe of .clos cutting for grading and planking and about 30 mile within fifty feet of track, ,. It Is pointed out that the road, doe not necessarily have to be constructed on river grade like th railway but may climb the mounialu M whsr found desirable.