PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Now is the lime TO DO IT We have just received a fresh shipment of Dried Fruits, Mixed Peel and Fresh Nuts of all kinds. OUK PRICES FOR THIS WEEK ONLY Cleaned Currants, 7 lbs. $1.00 Cleaned Sultana Ilaisins, 7 lbs $1.00 Cleaned Seeded Ilaisins, 7 lbs $1.00 Prunes, 7 lbs $1.00 Bleached Raisins, 3 lbs. 65c Layer Figs, per lb 25c 5 lbs. for $1.00 SHELLED WALNUTS THE PRICE IS GOOD Fancy White, halves, per lb. 55c Shelled Walnuts, halves, per lb 50c Shelled Walnuts, quarters, per lb 45c Shelled Walnuts, broken, per lb 40c 2 lb. for 75c Sweet Shelled Almonds, per lb 70c 2 lb. for $1.35 Orange and Lemon Peel, 3 lbs $1.00 Citron Peel, per lb 55c 2 lb. for $1.00 Ground Almonds, Almond Paste, Preserving Ginger, Crystalized Ginger, Glazed Cherries and Crystalized Cherries, all at reduced prices. Get Your Requirements Here and Save Money Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 417-423 5th Avenue E. Phones 18 and 84 NOW YOU CAN BUY FOR THE o 3 PRICE OF Z PD & Co. Tooth Paste PD & Co. Vanishing Cream PD & Co. Shaving Cream PD & Co. Almond Cream PD & Co. Tar Shampoo For a hmded lime only we will give you free uny one of the above items providing you purchase two of lhem. You get SI.30 value for M.OO. Don't miss this.' Rupert Pharmacy Prevnptiun Specialists We deliver. Phone 94 If your head at-lies, or reading or work strains your eyes, or if you are the least bit doubtful about the erfiriency of your eyes then consult us! Glasses ure intended to iniike up for the deficieiicy iu your eyesight. Our large patronage shows that we kiimv how to produce such glasses. 1 1 ilve your eyes examined! A. E. Ireland UKAIil ATE OPTO.MtTltlST 27 Years Practice 319 Third Avenue. Opp. (I.U.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load ?G.60 Per half load '. 3.50 Per sack .50 Firelighters, 48 ror $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 138 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. ANNUAL BAZAAR OPENED TODAY CATHOLIC LAMES START TWO KAY AH 'A IK IN I'AKISH HALL THIS AfTLKNOOX In the elaborately decorated rarl&h Mall, the annual bazaar ot the ladles ol the Catholic Church will be opened at 3.30 this afternoon by Rev. Father P. J. McOrath, O Mi. There Is a wide variety of articles for aale and many attractions, the event giving promise of being as successful as any of Its klnJ In the past. In charge of various departments arc: Country Store Mrs. C. P. Balagno, Tea Room Mrs. Oiler Besner. Home Cooking Mrs. J. L. Blaln. Hot Dogs Mrs. C. P. Rlel. Handkerchiefs Mrs. James McNulty. Fancy Sewing Mrs. A. Levecque. Fortune telling Mrs. John Brcmncr. Candy Mrs. F. W. Lee per. TOO MUCH DIET IS ROUNDLY CONDEMNED DIETETIC MTEKVIMIR AT PKATT IX- STITITE SAYS MANY IIIKLS AND MEN A HE STAKVINI! THEMSELVES ATLANTIC CITY. KJ.. Nov. 3 Thousands of young girls in schools. $7.00 a mon th Just a Few Cents a Day j Gives you immediate nos- j session of a splendid build- j ing lot . Isn't this the best and big- gest chance for building ; your own home tfiat ever j ' came your? way This is a remarkable ! money-making, money-sav- ing opportunity I now offer you. You get your LOT at the very bottom of real estate values in Frince Rupert And $7.00 is all you need to get started, to OWN YOUR OWN HOME Is there any other way in the world you can use 57.00 bo profitably? Let me help you, as I have helped others, to own their own home. I still have several choice lots for you to choose from on these terms. G. C. Walker Cor. 2nd Ave. and 4th Consignment : Sale Winter Coats i All One Price $19.50 Hep. value to 3!t.rU. Untold garments ni'isl be returned early next week. A small deposit will secure you one or these wonderful bargains. H. S. WALLACE Co., Ltd. Phone 9 3rd Ave. and Fulton. New : Supplies of Men's Clothing arriving regularly. For Price and Quality Don't Forget Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. II. Miller Proprietor. There's a Treat for you and your children in the Peppermint sugar jacket and another in the Fcpper mint-flavored gum inside. -4BMIKS- 3P Utmost value in Ions l-a-s-t-i-n-g delight. I'M HERE TELL YOU THEY'RE GOOD WRIGLEVS aids digestion and makes the next dear taste better. Try It. CC35 JLJmi riZX EVZR TtiEAL colleges and offices are not dieting as they fondly believe but are starriu? themselves and are reducing their resistance making themselves liable to every dlcease that is In the air. said Miss mma P. Holloway. supervisor of Institutional and dietetic courses at Pratt Institute here reecnUy. " -"'Democratic National Committee, and a luncheon at all. another tiny snack for . , . dinner is proving disastrous to tfce'p y a woman-Mrs. Anna Thomp-modern-Ttrl wHo is so afraid of beln. republican tn the Fourth Tenncs- overweight that she Is not willing even to be normal weight," said Miss Hollo-way. "Men. too: are at fault- in their eat ing habits with their customary coSce 1 ixd pie luncheons. They are reducing their vitality and making themselves liable to cold and pneumonia." Mrs. C. R. Blggart returned to the city .this afternoon from a holiday trip to Vancouver and other points in the a south. WATER NOTICE. Dlt.rson and Us TAkE !nr.l that SHMiiervllle Cannery 04iiiU). Ltd.. wlKe address I Ourr .Uenue Wharr. Vancouver. U.C.. will siil , fur a llrenre to take sikI um- 10 aalkm per minute f water out of small ttresm. l-t known a Holt I Stream, whteh flow nwiltea! and drain? inu J-0a IUrbr atMut 4ft feel imrtnmwt. of ioutheal turner of Tr Mimnr Claim. Tu aler will lie diverted from the stream at s pu4nt akwul WW feet oulhrtt of MHilb li-at cottier at Turn Miumt- claim, and will 'be tud fur Industrial purpoM- upuo thr llaud described as II. arre nrtlM-at of Tojro Mlntnt Claim. Tbi not in- was IJII 'mi the around uu tnr th da of epteni-'ber, tOxs. A H' or Oil notlre slid s !sMUrstkn pur-Mianl iherwlo slid lu the Water .er will be filed In the office of i the Waler Heiurdr at I'rtivv Itiipert. H.C. itbJrrtHiin tu Um- i'iln ation ins) be ritrd with the said Waler Net-order or Willi the Comptroller of Waler flight-, ; Parliament tiulldmirs. Victoria. B .. wnb .In thirty ds) after the rirst appearsnr 'or this notlre in a local newspaper- The : dale of the flrrt publication of this no lice u "cmner a. ivxo. SUMtnVILLt CA.V1EHY CO LTl Applicant. Bv Fred twBrlav yallnr. Arent WATER NOTICE. Divtrson and Uss TAKE VtTlCE thai Sutnerville Cannery . :niany. I.ld tHie sddre l Core Avenue Wharf. Vanruuver, B.C.. will appli i for a llrenre to lake and use Co gallon x r minute of water nut f small Iream. mi vi kuuwn a Mill Stream, whlrb flow nortlM-at and (tram mUi Jedway Harbor ; about lUd yard inrltiel of Killieal -urner of Toao Mlninr Claim. Tbe water will be diverted troin tlie stream at a l-.itit alMHit sou feet from Its mouth in a soutliwetilcrly dlreetloa. and will be used for induMrlal pnrp(Me nin tlie .and dpurilied at II. aero nurtlieatt or T.iif" uining Claim. This notire was ikkumi . n tiw stouiki uti me tn day or septrm Ixt. wit'. A ropy of this notice snd an application purtuant I lie re to and to the Waler Art- will be filed In Ine orrice of tin Water Herorder at I'rtnee IUert, I; i iibjrrtloiH to I lie application may be filed with tlie said Water Iiecorrter or with I In ninptroller of Water Hllil I'arlifiinent Bulldinr. Victoria. B.C.. within thirty da arier the first sppearan-e of ttii rwitli-e in a loral newper. Tlie natc or 1 1 rust publication of Ibis no lice i ortotier s mti SIIMKIIVILI.E i ANMEUT CO.. LTD.. Applicant. By Fred l-Bi ia,v Malbert. AaenL 3 Way Special EXTRAORDINARY VALUE PICK OUT THREE OF THE FOLLOWING FOR $2.00 Any A lb. tin Pure Jam, Malkin'a Rest, Empress or Nabob. Any 4 lb, tin Pure Orange Mar malade. 1 lb. of 'Malkiii'ii Rest or Fuller' Tea. 1 lb. of JIalkin's Best or Fuller's Coffee. 2 lbs. of our Fancy Sweet Biscuits, value $1.00. 1 S lb. tin Pure Lard, value 83c. Pick out any three of the above articles for $2.00. lou Save from Ten to Twenty ot. Andrews. D. Macdonaid (cap-Percent on thin deal. V Ult' Fred.Pyle. Percy Tinker. , M. Get three different kinds'to raake dchlan. Bert Morgan and B. Dar- up the bargain" ton' We have W. C Little's Quality A mllug ot cp,, p,,. Milk arrivingdaily. Let have . us tectUfw rorbldt tn. wt 0, for auto. a .It - .l i? your Btanuing oroer ior oeii very. Per Quart, 20c B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phoned 45 and 574 DEMOCRATS MAKE GAINS IN VS. ELECTIONS REDUCING .MAJORITIES OF UEPUHLI-CANS DOTH HOUSES (continued from page one) They denounced what was denominated as "Varelsm and accused the oppoul- i uon party witn comenancing ira av bauchery of the electorate. MOMCX IN IXtCTlOX Nineteen women sought to join the i three holding seats in the House and thaw three asked for another term, and still another woman desired a place in the Senate. ' This array of women candidates for congressional place In yesterday's elections was the largest In the history of the country and is but additional evidence that women are going In more and more for political honors. Women candidates were nestle red through twelve atate. including those in the East which long resisted the movement from the West for universal suffrage. The three women seeking to succeed themselvea were Mrs. Florence P. Kahn, of California; Mrs. Edith Nourse Rogers. In Massachusetts, both elected to succeed their husbands who died in office, and Mrs. Mary T. Norton. Democrat, New Jersey. Mrs. John W. Langley. Republican, of Kentucky, aspired to the seat from of which her husband resigned after his conviction and sentence to the federal penitentiary at AUanta for violation of the prohibition law. Cordell Mull, former chairman of the In see District. New York had five women candidates, all running on the Socialist ticket, and Illinois had three, all Progressives. of an Keatucy. Pennsylvania. New Jersey R. and MaasachusetU had two women candidates each, while one eacti waa listed In Iowa, Washington. Idaho. California and Tennessee. In Wisconsin the one woman seeking Senate place. Mr. Ella Sanford, ran m the Prohibition ticket THROUGH SLEEPING" or CARSTOSHirS SIDE The Canadian NaUonal Railway have made arrangements to operate tourist and standard sleeping cars through from the Pacific Coast to the ahlp'r tide at Montreal and Halifax in connection with Old Country sailings dur ing November and December, lor full information regarding rate. reservation, passport etc.. call at City Ticket Office Canadian National Railways. 828 Third Avenue Phone 260. SCHEDULE IN MEN'SWHIST The schedule for the first halt of the season in the men's section of the Fra ternal Whist League is announced at follows: NOVEMBER 4 Native Bona . of Canada r. Bt George's Society. Bt. Andrews v. I.OOF. Knlcht of Pythias v. Elk. 11 Knights of Pythlaa v. Native Bon ot Canada. Moose v. Et. George' Society. Elks v. Bt. Andrew. 18 Bt. And sews v. Moose. Elks v. Native Bona of Canada. I.O.OJP. v. Bt. George' Society. 25 St. Andrew v. Native Bon of Can ada. Knlhgts of Pythias v. Bt. Oeorges Society. Moose v. LOOT. DECEMBER 8 Knight of Pythlaa r. IjO OT. Moose v. Native Sons of Canada. Bt. Oeorge's Society v. Elks. BILLIARD SCHEDULE 8 Bt. Andrews vs. Grand Terminals. B Moose vs. Orros. 12--Orotto v. Qrand Terminal, 18 Oyroa vs, Bt Andrews. 19 Moose vs. Orotto. 23 O rand Terminals vs. Oyroa. 26 Bt. Andrews vs. Moose. 29 Orotto vs. Ottos. HKCi:Miti:it 3 Moose vs. Orand Terminals. 7 8t. Andrews v. Orotto. 10 Orand Terminals vs. Moose. 1 Grand Terminal v.t. Andrews. PLAYKKH Moose Don Brown (captain). Jack I Judge. Joe Brown, . J. UUlman, II. Parr nd J. May. Orotto George "VVaugh (captain). B. Jeucn v norew. or. j. a. west, joe Beesley and J. Hamilton. Orand Terminals Charlie Balagno (captain). P. ODonnell, Prank Zleman, H. Corbett. D. Howe and J. McLean. Oyros W.H. Long (captain). W. J. Nelson. Ben Self. Prank Aldrldge, Angu MaDonald and Alexander Harvey. (mobile. Tut color mut be reserved for tlie municipal fire engines. A large block of sandstone discovered at Delfsnaven, Holland. I believed from half-effaced inscription to be a memorial of the sailing of the Pilgrim Fathers from that port on July 22, 162tf. Coughed So Hard Could Not Sleep Mrs. Daniel PitVey, Lvn, Ont, writes: "Last January I had a very severe cold anil roughed so batd t could not sleep night. I Iried every thity;, including doctor's nieiUelnc, but nothing j;ave me relief until I trid Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup whirh waa recommended to me j a neighbor. I will never b without It In the iwwiw again." Ton. don't experiment when too buy "Ir. Wood's" as it ha,l-n a ho-koM remedy for the t SS years. Price 35c. a bottle; large family site COc; nut ap,onJy by Tie T. itilburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. li:itllr. The coast of southern Oreenland Is receding from Scotland at the rate of 100 feet a year. But surely the skirling the bagpipes cant be heard lu Greenland. London Opinion. SAME OI.I tlllUlt KIMI "Anything seem homelike In BumlaT" "Only the brakeman calling station Russian. Louisville Courier-Journal LAND ACT. NOTICE Or INTKNTION TO APPLV TO In Oona River Land Recording District Print Rupert. B C, and situate on island in Oona River approximately opposite Block One and Two of Lot 3IM. S. Coaat District i mostly tide flat surrounding small island l. take MJTICE that John Bemnan. of Oona River. B C . ooeusation fuberman. mteaa to apply lor a iea.e of the rol-'l towing aescnoea tanas commencinc at a post olanted Sou feet north ot north wr at corner post of Lot aiM: thenee 1.000 feet wulhcU. thence 200 feet weeurty. thence IJOO fret northwest, thence 100 feet to Dost planted, and containing ten acres, mart leas. JOHN BEROUAN. Applicant Dated October 30. law. PULP TIMIIEK SALE X8I10. Sealed Tenders marked. "Tender on XS40." wUI be received by the llanour-sble. the Minister ot Lands, at Victoria. B.C.. up to twelve o'clock noon on the 4th .day ol January. 127. lor the pur- timber situated on Oraham Island ! Cnieen, Charlotte Islands District j Thirty years will be allowed for the! removal of the timber I All tenders must comply with Sec- I tion 19 of the "Porest Ad " I Th highest or any tender not necee sartiv accepted Pun her partu-ulars may be had from the Chief Forester Vic Mia D C Cash and Carry Prices Upstair Store, Wth Street. The prices littted below nrt? regular priced but are utrictly non-ervice. No phon nor C.O.D. ortiern in this department. 30 boxe Terrace Apples, wrapped Wealthies. ter box SI .25 St. Charles. Pacific or Carnation .Milk. 9 tins for fl.00 Cah and Carry Meat Special Hound Steak, 2 lbs. for .Vc Dolling Beef. 3 lb. for 23c Leg Lamb, fier lb 3,c Shoulder Roast Pork, icr lb. 23c Cambridge Sausage, ier lb. . . 15c T-Iione Roat. ikt lb 2,c I-ard in bulk, 2 lbs. for 35c TURKEYS for THANKSGIVING We have a limited number arriving from the Interior. We will pell them alive or drettsed. Rupert Table Supply Co Just Arrived j Flannel and Balbriggan DRESSES in 4t!l llic new styles uud colors "Demers" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 CUPS AND Wednesday Norlmt,er ? Over 100 Different Designs and Decorations New Arrivals of Dinner Sets In liiMinlifiil drritnitioi!- ill our littM-iih' olar prices. (a line ami pit k 'iil 'uir iim- 4iif. ,,. IliiniiT Set uud ve will liii! if fur uni. Max Heilbroner 527-520 VsHHBBHil1iVsslHBXsBssLBLM9BHELKCBiB 9wsBsK3BygHp WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY and THU1WDAY. 7 and 9 p.ra. "The Rainmaker" A rorflancc of the rare track William Collier, Jr., Georgia Hale, Ernest Torrence and others CHH1STIE COMEDY "A COOKY f.Olt, AKSOrS VUM FAHLES AdmUition Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating (i.T.P. 20.000 Ton Moating Do lhx Engineertt, MnchlnUtH. lloilrrmnLent, lllarkomithH, l't:- makrrn, t'oundern, Woodworkers Etc. CLECTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELDIM. Our plant in equipped to handle all kind MAHINE AND CO.MMEItCIAL WOUK. I'llONES 43 and SMS SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDIIY WORK Including three dintiiirt nenlcen for Family W fc'OIT FINISH, THHIF-T-SEKVICE and WCT W ASH at most reanonablv price-. DRY CLEANING, FKESSIM! AND KEI'AIH1M Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners I'hone 118 and we will do the rest Fishermen: SAUCERS Third Avenue 3Sc and I Or Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, DOPES, TWINES FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUHIIER CLOTHING, fiKOt!i:KlBfc Compare Our Trices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and Mcllride St.