dntsds? November 3, 1926 ...i tl: I I iu iiiiiii m IIU - -w I, s rsctimps iimkn (i big ns.p in a perxou' . ,. appearance. . have -conn' ne - in solid Kul.l n f no , 810.00. One nnv while gulit et willi I ill diamond.. n iinr iair at l.vno ,J gold with pl.-ilimim jtmigs. A; o nii-n gold filled to $1.00. ? A Jewellers Utkc store wint the clock d 17 rvi nn'c USUI Z Indies I"ehdy.to.Vear rei-f nvcil a splendid ne of LADIES' AM) MISSES" Winter Coats latest materials and &nd m fine "election v moon Drpusi-n also Urease (or snort f,i -,e 36 t 41. Price from J. BENT T I Atenur. Phone 631. LUMBER v n i.i.il." i iiiiig A iii'Pt-r.l inni-V '.-4" jfr.mi II 'ilmt .ind - il- llOXe1 Atk Fop Prieet r . i n t i r iii jcdituvuLumucrtu.Liu. PHONE 562 MILK !!. ol In-. i-uU iin .1 (o 6 Quarti fop $1.00 It Pint, fop $1.00 ii. nip NovpiiiIht I. Valentin Dairy Phono 657. Dr. Alexander : i Smith Block Phono 678 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Prion W. 'artage, Warehousing-, and Distributing. Team or Motor 8er)ce. r-oal, Sand and Oravel. w Speclallie In Plan and Furniture Bevlntj. TUGBOATS Dy Phonos 423, 539, Qreen 238, Black 735. N'Oht Phonea 687,. 539, Qreen 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. QE0. ta, BUSHBY, Man. Dip. BRUCE SPEAKS ON DOMINIONS iili.io km r.uii MIOll.lt )t) ki:ltion l paict or K.MPiiti: IT P.tlCT IN ro in:ri;fi: LONDON, fiov 3 -Premier Bruce of Australia in an interview with the press hrr said- "In the last fifteen years we have btn developing new eonceDtion of Dominion statu ami have tfcaniixyrA now for a long time that liisiue th limptre there I the principle established of absolute independence on all eotneatlc questions, wtth tbe right of oonsulutkm on all matters of onramo'i oncern. II there h-.u1 remains anv- . thing in wbleh any ot tbe srtf-govern- i tu parti of the Empire have not ab- I Mlute freedom and independence in I domestic affsirs, it is right that wo should consider what legal and practl- ; n tsse to give that tndepend- rare. A to consultation oa matter j of common concern. I don't arrtctp. the slightest difficulty la ftxtri; up anything that need to be tfmte t lm prove the machinery. IOKI KIN Kt.l.tTIONs "A to the broader q Mutton of our relatione with foreign cotuetrlcs 1 da not think that it la destrtble that sow' question should be ralaed m an Issue, but I ee no objection to our cIUcum-1 lot and defining the poaHeM which we have reached In the proctaa ct evdutm. I am totally, opposed to the! idea that there be to be swim draattt BltrratMn in tbe position of the Kroplrt u foreign countries. I am opposed Uny Idea of Is ring down s written Con-' XituUon lor tbe Empire If there had IIU PI Jro faction from infection This Lifebuoy mother says: "Lifebuoy's antiseptic lather is just what children need to prevent scratches from becoming infected. "Lifebuoy is 1 pleasant, safe soap that excels in removing all of the grime and impurities from hands, face and knees. I find its frequent use keeps the skin in fine condition. " f wr UVT.R BOTHEJlS UMlTtO Twos la ibeen such a thing in the last fifteen i r . rears tbe war would hsve smash) it to . .. .... , . . ...'am try.ue to force tsrlSi on Oreot 'Britain l quite wrong That Is none p butaf" "R'h" 1 hyt ssySof mf "V1 The at point u defence. I "w 18 PinoUon ot Inter-, we stsod for a p4krT of Smplre defence trm3f w rtUI ,ri1 'P"1 in which MCh psrvof U. Empire besrs ot lo "hlu,t U share whloh it to capable ot bear- ' mtiu" cr aolu " 1 "tn " can ling scoorwix to ru msn-power. rr- '0,,, tb PTobWm T eo-operatlon, al- 'soureea and welth. ' toaetber apart from fiscal controversies lTI.K-IMPCHItl. Tit A UK -A. n'-T 'H- mobHIse tbe resource, to IMer.Imprrtal trwdo. I only say at I hsve said before, that txnptn. and developing them on sclenimr 1 wnt M I think the aohauon of tbe bis nrob- lhf of Industry to items of Empire U thnuti osv-opcrsuoa within the Emptrt ThH Idea that 1 "rIU,r .... The thteg Is so frightfully tmporunt IN pkobatc. itbst we, ought to get down to tt and in tmi urRtiaicou!T cr British " prseMcaiiy. and not cloud Columbia it wttk fiscal Issues. It was said when li ib Mtll't ..f iih- UimillrslkiO AM; III lliiOl imlsr t iHste l Ihr rni- ii ! irnnni II hr. .Bid dMih ot inr ssld Nn.rhl. iiibrrwisi. kanwa MINERAL ACT. wUl be allowed for re m.t t Mill 'TlTHt.it T KK M1TICE thai at- Further particulars of the ChlefTor. .inr, ...riimi at must be comtienr1 !nirr victoria. B.C.. or District Fores. i.i r..n the ine r wHi crritrieates of , trr prince Rupert. B.C. i,nu..venwnt , . T tTtll tm ll Q1V Ol srpirniurr. a.u. MINCflAL HVr It! TVERY MAM WITH rCSESlOMT AND VISION dcvwicion' r fi r w v" - Andrew Me. as Andrew ; iilm.tifi WTLIJtM OOXtAlXS. ftoMcilorf, This ssittrr was first published on tlie iciii d "f nuntier. H.. mo. Csrtlfltsts f Imoeotsmsntt werMaake Si. 4. eepsise 1 rrsriiousl sik) Sweepsuks o. Frse-imhisi Mineral i.latrot. sii'iale in lite Ailm Minnie Division of l.ssslar lusirlct. When- incited --tasi sioe 01 isso Ann, W 1 w You don't need u telescope to hoc that Winter la com-inir- The man who looks ahead will fill up hia bin with jrood coal now and keep the cold at a safe distance. We have a battery of men, trucks and tractor and lota of coal ammunition awaiting your call to defend the home njrainst cold. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 GEORGE RORIE C1IAKTKHKD ACCOUNT-ANT AND AUDITOR Plume SBf til heronil Avrnue ttesi, Prince Rupert J was here before that I was trying to turn Britain into a Protectionist coun- In Ibr tlsllrt ..f Uh llsl iT tuafw Mr- , tr- wht Whst in In h..vn heaven rmn can I I rtn do In to turn ram Hmtrrw uiii .,ilieri-- ti.n a Jirtinsloa. BrIUin Into a Protectionist country? I enter sM b vlriiif t nrsr dalail . ,.n- .ntirrlr tor the British J Th1 u urtn 'n"! w me tsnusn astd made tl.. sth dsy ri.rr. Mrn. inuar. i-txn people U decide. HmkM. ilfflilsl MII1RATIOX ."fT V'rZTJL "r- Bruce was able to speak rather tnter ni k.hwi! ii"i l..l" swtr as more freely about emigration, explain- w;".v;,:..,v.-ry Miion ip' ( uw- linrn X smitlN-iv in itf PniHiMV Oommlsslon which he bad Just set u.-i r."r,.2''!.'!..,?".,'; l"!L ?mrLZ. fll he the Job of helping to co tVfVW'&iSi Wen. of migration, he asM. irsr . r the H.rnii. i.ori si lb l of must keep pace with the increase In 1-rlBW Huprn. Pn.Hrr ut Brlu n - Australlas obsorpUon power. .u. within Msmih arier OrM wb- K llrali.m or iMs will''-. Ihtt lite said An-. dw MOsoHii. niberwt ksmwn s AH-j .UIVAM'E slise ubqnrnl H . . JiitHohNi. s Jrew p,,nilAh nrofrsaor it if ever ever Qushlng Pupil An, proiessor, ia. in 4 of nl Ittc. uw said Stephen I ll H.kin- win M-mwi ii swesr st s, ' make a pianist 111 oweii au to you. Music Professor Pardon me. young lady, my terms are quarterly in aa t Mice Answers. TIMBER SALE XIJOJ Rj.s1nI Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria, B.C.. not j'KVnr.Ti thai H'n..d aymes. W "tl-n i,.,fri.irt siid smieltor, of aio West i n- cercber. 0' ;D;,pp5nM of Of AM. to cut O-s") , .r si , v aBfouw. Rrtllak Collin, -ia. . ceuce X4302 f ins US . I Itf ill hit smrrpimr. .-.iiuihr ' "" ; OJJI ui r, ncuuvb. lmimft ...rsn.iii I'ree free Mtn Miners Certificate Mo. situated on Maude l inn ml' ininid, intend, ul ul) days frm tlie 1t'i49o nd 481. Skid ,.. ' i.. to the Mining hi apply charlotte Islands. f. . . . . irrtlfirsU' rrtifirsie; of or injP'"'"- Improvemenls. Orsnn for '", ths oti I C0"'"1 fwo Two 12) (2) . lZZ7Z years years w nnrp..-.- .iirtK-- of ntiiainlns " ' crown timber. optif (rat st tiriDPflismsniB, Minn KmflMinil 0. t. AnVOt Slid 111 ,.ii. tiiiu.ru rlaims. situate in the Allltl Milling tiviKm f Id :alar UlMrirl, StMllll OIH' IIHK VV MIVSHI 41-iiui luc iiuu,.. r Wsnn IHver. .. . TAsr. SOTH tnsi ins tnrmrrr uun Minr Ltd., Inc.. Free Miner's t;ertirirsu-V, J7?U.. intend, sltly days from the ilair hcrwir .in apply to the .Mliuna He-i-i.rdrr for a Ci-rlirirate or lmproeinetiis, for the numtvie of obtaining a Crown I Uranl or trie above claim. I ..... ......M t.h. imiim Ih.l srtlnn tin. Aim iiiiiii.. " ilfr Sertlun SS, niMt be commenced . . before . Hie isiHie or nurd Crriiriraif or Improvf- ""liATED ihl tat day or Srplrmber. A.D. 1Mb. H. MC.N. FRASER, Agent MINERAL ACT vartlflcats of Imprentmtnts. Hrnu-nl Nft. I Miualr In ths Atlin Mil.tnr DlvUInn or I no Caaslsr niMrli t, on th West Arm of Ta-kun Ann. almui ttiree quarter or a mile up stream rmin the iiiMiitlt of Vnn ItUer. TAKE NOTICE that 1, Charles E. Ollniore. Free Miner's trttrusle No. s7t. Intend, sltiv davs rrom the dale hereof, 10 apply to the fcimlwt rtcrontor Mr a Certiruate or Improvements, for the purpose of ob-lalnuiK a crown Grant or the shove claim. And ruiilH'r taken noilre that anion, under serllinr 8S. must be cnmiiiennil be rore Hie lu of such Certificate or Improvements. . . . DATED this lit day of Septemher. A.D ii. mn, riUSF.h". enl. MINERAL CT Certificate of Impronsmtnts. trownie No. i Mineral claim, situate In the Atlin Mlnlna Division nr the Cslar lusirlct, on Wann Hlvrr. aillnmg and to the south rf Brownie No. M.C. TAKE NOTICE ihsl I. James B, Kershaw, Free Miner's Certificate No. 3, Intend, siw iHv from the dale hereof, to apply lo the Mmmit lteeorder for a Cerliruate of iinprnvinenis. for. the purpose of on-lalnlns- a Crown Grant of the almvo claim. Aivl frthrr take notice that anion, under aertinn 5. must be rntiimonoed herore the Issue of sucU Certificate of Improve, merits. . DtTEn this ll 0y oi erpieniuer, n.u man U. llcN. FRASIR, AKt&L THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE U.S. IS CHIEF CUSTOMER FOR THIS COUNTRY TAKES .MOST Ol THE NEWSPRINT MANH-ACTI'KEII IX CANADA 4 ron ex pout Most ot the newsprint manufactured in Canada for export la cent to the United States, the total value of thj product going there for tbe first eight months of the year being se9.225.23? out ot a total export of 173,732.692. The customers for Canadian paper and the amounts taken during the eight months were as. follows: Countries. Value. United States . $89525537 Australia 1597582 Argentina Ornish south Africa New Zealand United Kingdom Cuba Jamaica Uruguay Sen Domingo . . . . . "J! , Portuguese Africa" . Bermuda Nicaragua Barbados Brazil Other countries .... ORE SHIPMENT 989.852 68M&3 685,168 448.183 33118 43.892 7.973 635 5.811 2.710 1.841 1.518 1.416 1585 648 873.732.312 FROM LA ROSE VAi.rAin.i; cakoo wext soi tii ox Till: C.tKHENA KtST EtEMM) A shipment of a car ot 42 tons of high grade sscked silver ore went south on the CaVrdena yesterday bound for Trait smelter. It .was part of a lot of 50 tons delivered at tbe wharf -at Alice Arm. It Is the final shipment of the season, as. beginning November 1, operations at tbe mine were suspended lor the winter. In connection with the closing down of the mine at the present time. MUes Donald, the manager,, states that there were several factors governing the de cision to doee at this time. He atates that there are at present 150 tons of ore blocked out ready to atop. But with lb present price of sUver ana with the uncertanlti of the market together with the present heavy ever-Lead expenses in mining- it was though, best to suspend operations for the tesson. The future policy ot me com pany will call for new operating condi tions and plans as well aa a possible leadjuatment. The management has In view new development operations ana the instating ot machinery and a mil) so that the property may be more economically and profitably worked. It is proposed to drive a new working tunnel. This tunnel wUl be 340 feet in length and wUl tap the present ore body at a further depth til 150 feet which wUl give more than three hundred feet of stoplng ore. While the plana tor the mill have not been worked out In detau. It is proposed to Install one that will take care of the tonnage, and thus do away with the present heavy transportation costs, anu also the additional excess cost of sorting and sacking. With mill the present low grade ore, that 1 not found profitable to ship, can be handled. It Is planned to start open tions aa early In 1927 as the season wlU permit. MACHINERY FOR T0RICM1NE MI1P.MCNT LANDED AT .ALICE ARM Tills WEEK INCU DES MILL ALICE ARM, Nov. S. A further shipment of machinery for the Torle Mine waa delivered this week, coming on the steamer Chllkoot. This machinery wUl be transported through to the end of the steel before the road Is blocked by snow for the season. From there It csn be placed upon the property and installed and the mill be made ready toward operation In the spring ot 1927. The present lot of machinery that will be delivered and transported to the property this year wUl consist ot a ball Lot Hit. Mineral Claim, mlU( cUsaltler and two concentrating tables. S. Campbell, the superintendent In charge, states that no further machinery will likely be ahlpped this year, as the season Is so tar advanced that the closing of the Dolly Varden Railway by snow would prevent Ita transportation to the mine. VANDERHOOF Mrs. Calhoun and her two daughters, Jean and Mona, have returned to their home here after having visited with relatives In the East. Rev. ,R. T. McFarlane leaves this week to attend the British Columbia con ference of the United Church of Members of the Young People's Society were gueata last Frldsy night at a llollowe'rn fancy dress party at I the home bt Mr, audi Mrs. Arinlshaw. Ten Day Removal ALICE ARM The big retaining wall which was built to protect the town of Alice Ann frcm the flood waters of the Utsault Klver was completed this week. The wall Is alx hundred feet In length with a width of eight feet at the top. It is txpected that the wall wlU be extended another three hundred .feet next year. Rev. Father Godfrey spent a few day in Alice Arm last week and held mas at the home or Mr. and Mrs. N. Sutilo-vich on Thursdsy. Father Godfrey :s now dividing his time, between Stewart and Anyox. Angus McDonald, ot Anyox. accom panied by E. II. Mortimer and D. B. MtDougall of Prince Rupert, made an Inspection of the Esperanza Mine here last week. A bridge la being buUt across Uve Kitsault River near the Muskateer flats by the provincial government in order to facilitate the transportation of supplies to the Red Point property on which a tunnel Is being driven this winter. The herd of cariboo that has roamed the country between the Naa Valley Mid Alice Arm and beyond ia aisap-pearlng In the opinion o! John Strom-beck. Fr.nk Strlngham and R. Moore who recently spent several days hunting them. No trace could be found ot them In their favorite, haunta and It 1$ thoueht that they have either lett tha dlttrlct or fallen a prey to the hunters- guns or the bands ot wolves. R. J. C. Moore, after spending a week In Alice Arm and vicinity in search ot caribou, has left tor Prince Rupert whence he will proceed to Porther Is-Isudf tor . some deer shooting. A somewhst serious accident occurrM at the logging camp of F. U Housley Friday afternoon whenJohn Thomas ct the Sunset Hotel waa atmck with a haul back line, seriously Injuring hit head and ahoulder. He waa taken fc Anyox . Hospital. Mummy, I cant go to school today." Why not" "I dont feel well." Where dont you feel well" "In school. "Humor. SA.LiEsi Starts Today BAR GAINS in Fur Coats, Chokers and Fur Trimmings at prices never before; offered to Prince Rupert purchasers B.C. FUR CO. Third Avenue Enamel Covered Roasters, each Aluminum Covered Roasters, each . . . Sheet Iron Covered Roasters, each .. Good Glasses if you need them. Next G.W.V.A. Roasters for Thanksgiving Sheet Iron Pans, each . , 23c to 43c . . . $2.23 to $3.50 . . . $2.00 to $3.50 . k . $1.25 to $2.50 Mail Orders carefully filled. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 253 Third Avenue. Phone 101 Good Advice if you don't. GUSTAV SIVERTZ OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted, Consultation Free. Make Appointments with Prince Rupert Hotel. TRY A NIP TONIGHT" BEST PROCURABLE M00UCI 0 If IC0TLAX0 S.I4tlU 1-S Kl-riSttCS MS SM.f WHUve tufm MUM The Original Label .look for it at the Vendor's and insist on QUANT'S "BEST 1'ROCURAhLE' This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia,