options are Favorable The.jirescnl week should ?ee wheal seeding in the. prairie provinces, practically COmpleM. wiui omo increase in. lhn acre age, a, compared 'With last year. says the Hank, nf Montreal crop report, Thf .seed bed gejieraUy is in good condition tint manv districts report soil drifting, ow ing to llie lark nf surface moisture. In Ontario, season I three wee k.'V later than lat year and hut little cultivating ha been done. In Quebec and IJn maritime provinces the season is also lale a.nd cultivation has not commenced. In Hritish Col umbia on Ue other band, the season is from two In four weeks earlier Ihan usual ami sprint work is well advanced. , Alberta. In Alherln soil conditions are generally satisfactory wHh ample mojsturo for germination. Vlieat acreage will , probably show a ten per cent increase. ligh winds prevalent recently inay cause some re-seeding. In the western urea wlie.-, needing is Co to 00 tier cent completed Mn the northern por Mon and 10 In 60 per cent in tho southern portion. Sugar bee: crease is 10 . to 50 per cent conipjetedi and conditions are favorable. In the southwestern a.rea moisture- is needed, Saskatchewan wan is dry in places, but there is nli immediate lack of moisture. Conditions are generally favorable. There is about five per cent increase in the, vvhea'. aereage. In the northern area wheat seeding is general and about 50 per cent completed. There i nniple moisture and the sefd beds are in good condition Ip the southern area 75 per cent oi the wheal js. sowiu t Allhougl there have been high wims aid some soil has been drifting, little damage is reported. Manitoba In Manitoba wheat seeding .s n',.,nlin..ll. I.. ,1 TOKYO, May 12 A Japanese girl, handicapped by the loss of I lwilh anus lint possessed of greall courage, astonished ToXyo nrl Circles by carrying off the Ipinors (if the Peeresses' .School exhibition. Holding , specially con&lrucloll brushes between her leelli, Mis! Yoneko Yamaguchl, the armleM artist, hid Jor several years painted olif, Ihr decoration ash worn by nil Japanese n-pmcn. Some of her work at 'he cx-J habit aoldVfor as much -an 50(LI jf y(U4 tV"in68uciiL feat i(H hitvj lieen a geisna gin, Alter snr had learned tho Kiunisen apd tliel graceful uance which pleases the. Japanese lircu business man, ope riiight her , father suddenly became insane, killed her fivi brother pml sisters and cut off her arm. Her- geisha career was finish ed so ahe began lo make herl teeth-do-the work of the missing fingers . It, was, not Jor8.beforo, she could use a pencil andit was hut another step to use nf the tint sili. MUST REMOVE OLD BUILDINGS proceed to do so, charging the cost against the owners and dis- fit, by public-auction or wij.s l.vt 20, block U, owner Hoss lliney, Uara. r Perf&tioniit ourWhisIy is Due to Q4Years Experience tfrv tt:,: i ssssk. r i v d cr-r i laavai luui.iiaaaai i u i i i fur The surface soil in Saskalch posing of the material as it seesI olher- section i, :anta I tar- Lot 10, lilock 23, section 5, Martha II. Hlalock qwner, Th. ("oJlart agent. Lot 9, block 12, sectloij 5, Aq-loiio Omar, Anyox. Lijt 10, block 10, section 5, T. O'Hrien estate. Lots 1C and 17, block 9, Section 6, J. U. Anderson, fiaitges Harbor. Lot 9, Llock 10, section , T. A. McMartin, mithcrs. Lot , block 20, section C, F. F. Violelte, ltridvepnrt, fkinn., Mc- " ' . . ' . 1 "A . . Caffery and fiibbpns agent. 7'" .'" " f. r l -'- 3. section ft. , , a,,u f." "iwt a K. s. M. Gardner, Verona. I'a. r iiunn ni pon.ou .-u., urm- -Woek Ln !fl ,8, Action 7 111 I lill lktfin (itimrnl ami tiinl... ' ... 7 , . i r.t i. plan Lonsei, Junean, Alaska. would lie urli'iiini- aithiiii!rri 1 I in I . . . ... . .. . .. . . I i:oi Ji, IHOCK U, secuou 1 sui.sou is satisfactory. linorge 1'atcoff, Portland. British Columbia Lot 2. block 12, section 7, A. Following a mild winter inlF.. Harrison, Monitor, Alia. ltntish Columbia, the season isl Lot 10, block 13, section 7,-Mrs. from two. to four weeks earJierjA. J. Crocker. Port Clements than usual; Seeding of grain is- Lot 2, block 10, section 7, C well advanced and hay in ex-lH. Francis. i. p. Tinker acent crllent condition. Grasshoppers! Lot 7. block 17. section 7, Hie causing anxiety in the inler-1 Magnus Morrison, city. ipr. A good acreage of potatoes is nemg pianieu. .u trea irons crucnill C tV rUADTCC give proinife of a heavy yield. ptntUUlJi Uf LllftKUtO , r . (iv larse increase in the acreage REAL ARTIST Was to Heve Been Geisha Girl I But Loss of Limbs Caused Change of Occupation, GARBAGE COLLECTION planted In tomatoes. Hops. nrpL A ,aw provblina for the. raak-makiiie excelient shiiwlnV. Pas- of changes for 1le Collection tjiragc is fair to excellent. The of garbage and night soil was sprang nas .ticcn uniaualiy dry. (jdoderhamArts PrRYE WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD I This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Litpior Control Hoard or by the Government of Hritisli Columbia. u I PAGE FOUr. DAILY NEW3 Wednpi;n CROP REPORT BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus SHOWS GRAIN GOES IN WELL .1 . Soil fritting Took Place, on Prajrles but o Whole Con- i 4 EDUCATIONAL AND I I' M l I I I if accepted hy the ctiy council last niht after some ilisctusion, Mayor Newton, Aid. Larsen and AM. I'erry opposing it. Aid. sey pointed out that this revenue had already .been anticipated in the year's estimates. Iju' council .Unking preiouly, civrn it .4 s Li nui .of .innrnv.if to llhe proposal. j Tr- 'b1 schedufe of rates in the City Designates Those That: Are, liylaw! provnle ,for .minimum! Danger anc( Issues Ultima- 4". j'.hargtv- of 75c per month for; turn in fliuiiiM 1 UOI - l lies blocks, 50c for apartments. ' k ! . LlriT li-'i flirill a Ad lAnintitnla t The funeral of the late Miss Thicza -For, whose death occurred List Saturday look plaee at 10.30 this mprning from the parlor of liayner Hros. Undertakers to F'airview metery. Archdea con (. A. II ix officiated and there was a solo by Mrs. Martin with Slade Steven, accompanying. Mrs. Martin also-aeled as organ ist for the hymns. The pallbearers were George Triiz'ell, James Parks. Carl llames. Max Heilbroner, 1). wiAtmio-timi 1. iotrHHorr .: -,1 Among tligse who sent flowers were Mrs. Isaac- Lear and family. Mr. and Mrs. Max Heilbroner, sisters an1 brother of deceased, Maxiun. Henry and Uora Heil broner, Grade 8 Borden Street School. Mr. and Mrs. James Parks, itidley Home, Mr. and Mrs. lames Mastin. I VII and Kvclyn, -'most Perry, Mr. and Mrs. It. I,. lfliiln!i find trtijla'inf iti Nrs. i. . Mix. FRED STORK SENDS CONGRATULATIONS ON PASSING OF BYLAW A letter has been received from Fred Stork. M.P., congratulating Hie city council and the rate jiayers on the successful carry ing 01 nic eievator taxation ex emption bylaw. "This now com pteie ine whole maltcr, says Mr. Stork's letter," and I do not think that even the most opti mislic 'resident of Princ, Iluperl can realize the benefit that it Is going to be for the eily nV-well ns the northern part of, llrilish l.otnmtla. I'be teller was received and filed at last night's - council meeting HISTORICAL TOUR The Canadian National Hail- ways will operate a forty-three lay Personally Conducted Fluca lional Tour la Europe, Ibis Sum mer. sailing via Ihe , S.S "Atbenia" from Montreal." .Inly J. 1I1 reel to Glasgow; Proceed ing from there, the parly will visit different points of interes in Scotland. England Holland Helgium, Switzerland and France also an opportunity to visit the Hattlf fields, ileturiiing lo Kur land, will sail from Liverpool on S.S. "Auranla" August 13. fo Montreal. Considering the; num her of points rislled, Ihe iiccdin modal Ion provided, and enter taininnnl offered, tins' is one of ine lowest priced lours ever operated lo Europe. Full particulars, reservations etc., from any Agent, 0,X. tail-wn.vs, or It. F. MeXuughlnn, District Passenger Agenl, prince Itupert Subscribe to the Daily News. O 1926 ST IT-V FcATUM S(VI(. Ic V anted For Sale For Rent o,N by Aid. Ursenjit ' eah.ns.c for dwe.lings. I ' : cided by tho city council last! . jthe miners ,.f South Vale! night thai the ovyners of the fol- XHIRZA FOX IS jaainst which men are now; lowing iiuiniin.s ne ortiereu 10 , i temovo them by June 15, the city engineer having reported them to be dangerous to the Funeral Took Place This Morn puiuic saieiy. u ine owners not not take step to have the! buildings removed, the city will I INTERRED TODAY Ing With Venerable Archdeacon Q. A. Rlx out on strike i- summarizeil as I follows: j 1. deduction of the 11.2 percentage addition to piece work-: red tired in I9I1 lo 5 per cent. 2. A dJsttfcJ minimum of & per cent on basis rate instead of llie 12.2 per rent now paid. under the l!2t aireenwnl. I 3. Abtdiliofl of,. Ihe "Imnus1 turn," liy which some day-wnge men recivt ix (lays' pay for five shifts. The effect of these proposals, Ihe miners estimate, will be a re-ilueltoii of Ss. in the pound for iay-wn&e men and . in the pound for place-worker. The Smith Wales owners havo proposed a minimum which it i claimed by them will lill leave a majority fi the collieries BETTER SERVICE TO ISLANDS EXPECTED According lo an announcement made in Yam-outer, the steamer Prince Charlc will this year give a service lo Hie north end of the (Jueen Charlotte Islands from rin?e Ituperl In addition to ply- iiwjr direct between Vnncouver and Prince Itupert. The Prince John would maintain the, service lo the south end of the Islands between Vancouver and Prince Itupert. This arrangement, which would give the Island a weekly learner service, i not yel being confirmed at Ihe local Canadian National (amshlp offices. COST OF FUNERAL IN CHINA JS VERY HIGH Must Pay Respect, to Dead Even If the Llln3 8tarye Is Religion of Orient PEKLN. M;iy I J. --Proper res- eet mut be paid lip; Chinese, Head even if the living relative fists t starve. - funeral 111 China, where an cesior worship prevail, is an affair of gravest importance and become a ralamily, especially 10 the poor, t.erlaln feasts must be prnvHled anl relicitcmn rile 4 observed. proper cu.kel tiiii.it be obtained, rfttanlle -of finart cinl ability lu piiiobase it, and a The. molltfr of, a Chiitesn employed by an American organiza tion recently died and he -was cnmpelled to borrow $10 to pro vide the Irndltlounl riles. Hi proposed 10 pay il back, Iwo or three dollars a month out of hi wvges, hul ihe company donated Ihe mini as a consideration fni hi Jong and faithful ervice. SPORT CHAT There seems lo have been a renewed intcrent taken in game mailers in the Interior following lie recent tour of .Major .Furber. chief game warden or the province. As a direct result of Major r urber fl visit, 'a'Rod and Oun Club r-rru-M- ' 1 I"" i " I "II I! U err ollx'.i'm ciso i boocht IMS nfl fl WW its Te THE COATM CLEAR - 5 sCOOT" r- v. TiR.ep.OOT flQVM i tNEAK OOT ,11 II II, urn &mmm DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WAGE REDUCTION AS PROPOSED TO MINERS OF WALES AXl'Kll. housework, step nut. phone Ilea ;'0. (f FOR SALE 123.00 tiry Safe 165.0(1 a5.00 oak ndltop d"k IIK.UO 775.00 (Mk a ft. standing deok $35.00 8S(U)0 mahogany desk and Ihree chairs 75.00 $10.00 CUek' pndector 5.uc WIStK.NIIAVHH UHllS. ers, givenMvhen the hours were FO It SAKK. I'ive ronmeil hou on Iwo lots, furnished; all In garden and berry bushes. -"50.00 on terms. Apply T. Mo-Olymonl. tf FGH S.LE. 29 foot Irnller, Jul ooiupbvled; all gnat. Full particulars, address Ilox 303. Hairy News otfico. t is FOIl SALE. Secondhand furni ture and restaurant fixture! from (loyal lintel. Apply 1 1 1 Third Avenue. FOIl SALE-Oerlianl Heinlimau Piano, on easy monthly pav ments. Walker' Muie Store. FOR MLK Three roomed Iuium. plasiereil; good location. 55). McCafTery A liihtions, .l. ; ' FOR SALK.-SH Chrysler iviacl-. usel a few months. Applv Howe A Mc.Nully. 1 1 Full SALE.- -Hahy buggy. almul n-w. Phone Re Kit. ( TO RENT FOIl II EXT. Modern four room ed fjal. willi Monarch range, in Clapp block. Wfulenhaver Hro. IHtNISHED Housekeeping ItoomM In renl by the day, week or month. Phone Red Ml. It T FOR RENT. FurnDhe'd hoime- keeping suite, Mussallrm Apartments. Phono 18. tf I OR RENT. Four room unite. hot water heated. Apply SmlH A Mallet. ;I-N Ilooiii.. Houfp to Renl. .Villy ail ErihlirvV. Wes'b FOR JlEXT.Mo.ern liou: fivr room and b'alh. .Munro lros. MODERN FLAT for RenL-pply Mnx Heilbroner. ''' i( BOARD AND ROOM. HOARD. Tin? Inlander. 83!t Second Avenue, phono 137. HOARD, Rooms and Furnifthcil Sullen. Palmer House. tl FOUND FOUND. Three key on ring Apply Daily News office. UfiS (irarnriirnil nl linpna I nt, rr.a.ii iiun.ticrr n nearers anu wUh MbJop . ,nw art ir,,,,pn face pigeon.'' 'i"i"i ianil .. rmvn n wniin ai 'lelkwa there was also organic a Cun Club which will work in conjunction with lla'zrllon, Sinilbers and lurn Lake organ. ization. The local foobal eann mav lie said lo officially onen with tlm initial uyUrh of the Junior t.eague heiwcen ie High Schoo and lloolfi School. At lonti 1 will be the flrl gane under aiuiices of the Prinre Rupert foowiaii Anociatton. 'I'be lads itirnugh practices and matclow already played, have shown Hint. niey can put tip a good brand of soccer and It is In be Imped II14I thi,puliie will start early lo give lb hoy llm sujiport of which Ihey ar dHservlrig1?. This can only be done by attending tbei- ;ame. Articles Lott and Found, Ac AUCTION SALE CCTTliS THCt Yoiin girl for '.Mi.TIu.N SAI.K will be held a' 171 Third Avenue Knl on Thursday May I. a .30 p.m. Consisting of Piano, dining ron 11 1 ntle, arm rlair, iiuitte rabiuet, elts'iiie lamp, sofa, lino, tteds, htirenux. chiffon-lere, lihrarv table. Ii(b. deliver) 1'ord ear 'in use tt monlli- ! Pb'lpfit. Hvtlt A 1 '.11., I. i.. Vii iLi.nM-r. tUTO mOBtLCS GUARANTEED USED CARS AT BARGAIN PRICES IOi3 0ldmohile louring 1750.00 Jeneriil Mtr PriMliiel. Wrerking S. rv tiav n Nigh; Ptni ,.- r, . IHE FliRD TO PUVY WH Tut n rim s OF CAN.VDt. .iMin publication of the tariff hangen, immediately IssimnI th ridlowing NEW PRICES Runabout Ifili.Si' louring . liLH.Oii ttoup $1H.0u I'lidor Sedan M5.Ih) Fonlor Sflaii IHJU.OO Light Delivery 0T5.&l Cliasuls tBI.Mi Truck ClisU (tt?.i All price Include self-start er, government lax and freight. Nalionnt Kdy Payment Plan available. S. E. PARKEft, LTD. 2IU Second Avenue. TAXI Phono C7 Taxi 'lfiall tleorge. Paul or Oust) Six and Seven Passenger Slnde bakers at your disposal any lime ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from Empress Hotel. GOOD EAT8 CAFE, Third Avenue Opposite llenorr Studio. MOOD MEALS. riOOD OAK EH Coffee or Tea Served. REAL HOME COOKED MKAL M rs. linger. Proprietress. FURNITURE. tiy tl. MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-oma MHXly fuf bli)t . . . TIMtrkUjrt lun)4)l . T Ari, Alk Arm, lttrt t WV.hv,U) ' T AaMi, r Sim u. . ' Tt AUtki eii BOX COUICTtOM Ul . 4 Ilk St lb Ate lallnfl I Ilk , A TkT- a II A ttwfbrn-t 4. II Ae, A CMirtd tt t A A IU 1 fMl 4te. A tnd .41 am Ate. a nun si 1M Ate. A lh S "1 4;, I L. Mf tt. 11 T Qf CIIIU Uimt rw, l1-tCl. f torn tk Imw- MolkStiFi, Wnluri.lt t 1 . . M wrwwm f,mK,ri. WrdiK-feJiM rruuit , Mlantiii t..l'... M 1 tk, Wf CiMk iU 4U lb Ave A 'ntl-ai f- , lUi Ale. A Mrtrfcto : I jCm. Dit r 1 I ' Cm Ontl U'hi I Mi iti Ut Oii.MPANYtoT r Whrr OTP. Slillt I a ll22 Oblnirtlile Tiurin fiJart.OO "."', iitMik ll Fiml 'I'mlor Sflaii ISO 0.1 l!" 0 . - 1 tMirxio 1023 Fo.l Tiukir SMan l5.nft rM 1033 Ponl Tutor Sfdan HO0.0O, "' '. Fowl Light Delivery 20fun. . y Flinl Light Delvery ... IIJ6.00 Mtf t ,., U g(ve thirty days free service' rri o ckvuu hum nh. oh above car and liberal e vice on new earn. KAIEN GARAGE. theater 111 :iievrdet and ail STEAMSHIP Wm Ie Vmuiion. StilU m ! 1 TuvmU) .Aid J TbvrMUt r MIfHJ "ll " . Vtr ( Mar l rib: ur fi '' Vlbrdir 1 ' iri.ur u siurly rrln siittnltt I'"1 Mty tl ri Mkl II Cnii'i - lr Port Simpn tit rndar riis Frm rrt Slmps SM " iunir i 14111 Fr AImU Mar II- - t'l-iiii' vr i ftp-' i: fr AUtkk Hf l . Vntk 1 1 v.. Alltt VnllM-K4) AS ' ' Cram art. Alixi IDA AIM A" Thiiril.v M. I'i I SAIiirrtjjii. , pru. ' -from Slwrl- ( StuwUr I'rlW' rf QwMit OkloU vi 11 rnni ' My t A rrin'e rrm un vnirnuf .' New a n l n..r.ii.ll.fi.,,l l..i.nl . Mir 91 rrln ..... .-, Miiiii, iiii-i - . . ,,,(, lure Store. We iy. Soil and Ex f li P TRAINS C linn ire Niw ami Spfnii.lhniul V.I1,IW (innds. GEQ. PAPApOPULOS f Third Ave lhnne K WOOD. Dry Mixed Wood ft.00 a load. Dry Fir Wood fO.no n load. Cut lo any length. Klndllnn, $7.00 n load. Fir Furnace Wood $7.00 a load. A. ISAACSON P''"no lllack 101. Seal Covo. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES t Wednesday, May 12 n,ii I :I5 a.m. 22.n ft. 1 1 :oo p.m. 20.2 " Lw 7: ID a.m. .7 " 10:53 p.m. 6.0 " tor (.tl Iaiij ei'rpt simuy it ' , lull)' errpl Tne1! 2S TIMBER SALE X79 I'Ulrlrl I'umier, not 1 Iho Jill ty t pmo ' -hMi if MrelM'e X" f ml 111 I Kiel . (Ml. I . . W Uuiril nieaiur, if l.ii 'r -And IMImiii MkiA .. T..I It, ...F. U,ll II iiiiiviI nf timlier ,M ' I'liMtirr iiarlli-uUr '"T i.jt Mtr. VlrturlK. or ll" fl'n iTium innifrl. I" TIMBER SALEX03 SMlfd TMllllTX l1l 1 f .J.. m.iH,.i i'.u. mil imi' !! Iln l.l .1.1 ,.( Ult It' ' . V riMxi i.r Mrrnrr. ' iL inl.i r.,l-. J.;.. i li.nli I ' V KJAt f.l l...ani Inl ..j. 1 ti 1 v J nr" ii . IllliVBl lf llinltf.1 rLlJt I'lirlhpr prllriilr "'J'frifi 1 irr, virlorlA, or mt " Irinct Auptrt, B.C.