I' AGE TSVC ' '.V' " ' '" V ' ' ' ' ; . ' ' ' '- ' Paper or Cardboard Useless! "SALADA" is sealed in air-tight aluminum. I The Daily News PRINCK RUPERT - BRITISH .COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince nyperi uauy iNews, Limited. Third Avenue. II. P, PULLED, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - All advertising should be in The lintlv Wember of Audit Bureau of Clrculatloni. DAILY EDITIOIJ Great Britain's Industrial Efficiency. A ereat deal has boon said TIIK HAGUE, April 7. Princess Juliana lias put up her hair. The only child of (ueen WillieL niinn- and lier consort, Prince Henry, will he 17 this month, and thus enters the list of 'European royal debutante, Bobbing and shingling find mi favor at the Hutch enurj, where this;ityle of coiffure is still regarded as rather too ilarimg for a princess. Juliana lia dark blond, rather slrnlkhl hair, and looks remarkably like her mother when she was her daughter' ape. The You have to chew 98 86 on day preceding publication. All . advertising received subject i t vu approval. Wednesday, April ?, i i26. about the industrial supremacy of I'jiited'siates over all nalions . ' : 11 1 .-1 11 . . "i.iun Muiju. iM-ri- is vnni uie Winnipeg nee 1'ress say in defence, ur fire a I Britain 011 the subject: "The striving for greater efficiency in production has been a niurkeil feature of Hriiish industrial life sinre the u-r 'rim employers were forced to study il by the intense competition in nun national coniuien e. .nu me workers have been interested, nlso. because they know that with a more efficient system of production thev stand in. receive a hellee return Tin. ..,.ai miner- have demanded a reorganization of the, coal mining in- uiimvj unu me auopuon 01 improved meniotls or production because of the benefit which t hey themselves hoped to obtain. The great scheme which the British government has been considering for developing electric powerful industrial purposes is just another instance, of the movement for higher efficiency. Price Of Production t As Well As Quality. , "In the past, Britain has depended oil the qiialilv and workmanship In its manufactured goods to make them saleable all over the. world. Willi iucreasiilg competition, however, the question of prices becomes an essential factor. And this leads t;i un examination of -methods of production anil industrial management. Of late lhere has been a desire in Britain to learn from the United' Slates ii( (his regard. There is a belief among the workers that the. higher wages and higher standac' of living in the United States i due to greater industrial effir cjency. Great interest is being hown just now in a book writ-' Icy by two young Englishmen, giving-the results or their investigation of industrial methods in the United Slates. Among the reasons they give for Ihe prosperity which Ihey found in the United States were: the. prevalence of the rule of promotion by. merit; keenness in devising time-saving and trouble-saving appliances; exchange or ideas by American manufacturers; elimination of waste" and conservation of energy and space; well planned wel rare- work; employment or the best men available anyw ncre tor research work. Britain Has Many Advantages. "Clreol Britain has many advantages, including geographical location, coal supply and shipping facilities, to help her to hold her place in the forefront of industrial nations of the world, and Uie determination lo improve her industrial tnelliods and increase and cheapen production will undoubtedly assist her in lneuting the intense competition' of the present day." NEW ROYAL ' DEBUTANTE Princess Juliana, Daughter of Queen Wllhelmlna, Is Seven-, teen This Month princess will be a most eligible nialch, for Hie private wealtti ot the house of Orange is considerable . She has been carefully brought lip in the old Dutch tradition of quiet efficiency In all household uris, Mie nas not been abroad much. 'and Is happiest among girrfrjends of her .own una. i'ltJivough,.hoiji; .her father and grandmother were Herman, feeling in Holland is much again', another Herman consort. A Scandinavian prince would he much preferred. , Next year, oh her ' eighteenth birthday, she will assume Urn full title of Princess of Orange-iXassnu, and a memorial will he unveiled by her at The Hague in honor of .lultaria von Solherg, the saintly mother of William the SJlent, after whom she was named, and who has always been held 'up before her as an example of piety and a model or all feminine virtue. UDEMlEfl WHEAT That means sound, healthy teeth ELEVATOR EXEMPTION jicsme Hie elevator bylaw. Hie ratepayers will vote at an early dale on the cpieslion of borrowing 28,00(V for the tarvia sur facing and repairing of paved streets. This bylaw was also put through its first readings at last night's council meeting. It is proposed lo float five 5 oer cent debentures to cover the work. CITY COUNCIL ASKED FOR ASSISTANCE WITH WELCOME TO SHRINERS The city eouncil was reuuested bisl night , by a delegation consist iim of A. L Huzett-Joiies, T. Mctlymont amf II. V. 0. Lei. die to erect an areh of welcome nl or near the corner of Third Ave. and Kiflh Street near Uie Ciiy Hall on the occasion of the Shrine convention to be held in the city aext month. The,., delegation pointed out that the local xhriurr were planning a scheme of decoration for the occasion and would them selves erect an arch on Third Ave. II was nronosed lo have these arches of such a nature that they might subseipicntly be used for other similar purposes. It wan stated that the hoblinz of the. ghrine ceremonial here would bring some 300 or 4W.I visitors to ine city from as far distant points as Portland, Oregon, nod Juneau, Alaska. It was also expected there would be some SO or u candidates from this district. There would also be the Oizeli Temple Shrine Band from Vic toria which would five nuhlie re citals. In referring the matter to the board of works. Mtivor Newton expressed the belief that the city would, endeavor to meet the CANADIAN GOLD IS SAID TO BE GOING TO STATES AGAIN NKW YOUK, April 7. The movement of gold from Canada lo the United State during tho past two weeks has, according to reports in financial circles hero, reached the $30,000,000 mark. This Is the largest movement of the yellow metal involving New York since the import from dreal llrltain last fall. The gold remittances arc said lo have been Induced by tho discount at which the Dominion' dollar has been selling recently. This discount, however, lias been diminishing during the last few duys jimi at present U losi than one-third of one Tier cent. According to the Information goin the rounds, ftlH.OOO.nno worlh of bullion was shipped down frnnt Canada during tho first week in March. The, Dominion government was said lo havo been consignor for 15,000,000 of the lot, while commercial interests were reported to havo shipped tho balance. For (lie ?I2,. 000,000 gold cargo reported delivered during (he second week of March, the commercial interests are given as the. aole consignee. THE DAILY NHv3 vV 1050 THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: OXCF noon a time a airl coull Bylaw Given First Readings by 'l,r,,isl1 ''a l'1" Tor his 'MftkKe hul nowadays am; is be'- Ro.innti nA uiii k- SK...iu ... ..... wv u Presented to Ratepayers A"tiyMv providing for exemp-tionfrotti, "municipal taxation of the local ej'pYulor pMnt and the landjW which it lies un its being 'teased by the government to the Canadian Wheal Producers I;td,'was given its initial read- mgvtil last night's council meet-inig- nndvwill he submitted to it vole of.tho ratepayers as soon as 11.. . ; . , , , . ) i uo ueccssary. jorniniuies nave I11UM1 in til ! a. I t-i 1 1 Xhe Cyla'w provides, that the, eievaioi shall-he exempt mini I taxation a long as the Canadian,' W heal Producers Ltd. holds and operates Biftplunt either by lease or ownership, there being, however, a ten year limit. Kxcmp-lion of the elevator, it is explicitly provided, shall he contin gent upon its operation. Aid. Larsen asked if the council had .received formal notice that an agreement for the lease of the elevator had been made between Ihe igovemnicnl and tho wheat pool. He was answered that there was Mr. Stork's wire which had been previously read and published. The cilv had been in formed th'at the wheat pool had taken a lease on the elevator Tor (wo years with the notion of purchase or extension of lease. tcr able to furnish the cigarettes and matches. NtiW'S your elianee boys t lake the cue from Stanley New man. W'V. rend that i:ait. Wilkin1! Jill f 111 I lit t ill I nfil-ii- T f lnif I lut .luuf Vilr'hT' dliielled lo ki'i Ihe sleigh docs if miiii!is do nol arrive soon. Tins will he 11 ciie of'cohl doi; " uo iloniit WOULD it. ihe eurreet to call till! Prince (if Wales a "fall suyf" MAItY had a lit t lo ear, also a little beau: When she stepped on Hie gas. oh my; She sure made thai beau go. FlXANtUAIf ' reports state thai Walt Mreet brokers are nervou Probably the bear is after them. . TO keeo prn.ee in your girl's family always, take Hie dog h nice piece of fresh meal wIi mi calling in Ihe evening. TIIK modern Another's biineni. I did not raise- my boy to be hootlejfger. VK hear Hint Ihe Dead Sa may ciiimi La life. Someone ha iloutdles emptied a kick into 0 AN aetata has trained a son to fojlow her prfe-Min. He'K probably do better at I hat thai following his father. LLT editors roam A editors will, , The Man in Ihe Moon Keeps on the jnh still. He turns out copy As a daily grind. On the job- day ami uihl. As .some of you find- , SOW tlmt the editer lias four.d h'iiief again, It gel fOme llilng eNe to talk about and aniline ooreves with." His er nine can't always he slopping. A MYTH is a female moth, ae roruiriR 10 one school pupil n n'pi-eseuled in her answers lo nti oxiiiiunalion. question. Yes. Mar Jorie, females da soineliines ent Iheir way into one s pocket. TIILIIK'S one thing the scieni Us bave never suceeleil in drt ing and thai is IneasuHmj tht evaet lenvlh of n minute used h a woman who says she will ha ready in that lime. ir me wealner ,inriis warm, fish stories ought to begin pretty soon. . man .can 1 make up much of a yarn wllh these cold breeies blowing. - .w. - AllADIO message from all Ihe shiek lieiidqiiarlers in lown savs the hoys were all practicing Ihe ('harleslon in their diirzinsr nf li'ff w J phiug; t hie KfhfiMls per fornv at' the tbenlre'last niaht: :. . . ..j Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert April 7, 191B. Mrs. Don Peek will spend Ihe summer on the coast while Mr. Peck is in the Peace Htver coun try. ' Mitchell Albert left for Alic Arm lasl evening. On his re- A Severe Illness Caused , Constipation Mm. yVm. Hill, Wnfn-lU, 8ak., writcn: "Thrfe jeani t'o I had a trf iicvvra lllnem, and ever floe I have aufferej with conntipation. A few iirsnthi ago a friend advUed lue to ue Milburn' 1 aire which I did, altluiugh nftt expecting any rexiilta, lint I am pleaned to. nay Ihut klnee un rig them I hav had perfect ue of my bowels without any trouble or pain, and hare never had bleeding ilen nince. Now, I never fall to recommend 'Laxa Llver rills' to all my frienda." 1 Put un only by The T, Mlllurm Cu., Limited, Toronto, Out. ft ifm' nfhprmnlhar VUUVWWVW MMMMt iff JIjlfl Iff III M MjjM Sllll(bbC believes in Cifehuoij too Mother it the Jlealth Doctor lorn he hope lo be irhle lo an-' lounce thai fbiui fifty to seven-' 'y-five men will lie wanted for; 'he construction there. I .lark Oniek,. of the fluuibla! Mining CniiiiianVnf Allin. nassed! through on h(s';vv-iy iinrlli on Ihe' Sonhi.l todiiv ' .tnek 'illil mil !-! turn Hlpne'fhis'Jrlp lull was. nc i'Otiitiniiteil In'. li". OnUli M ) s A u it a llono . ahil .1 . M a rl In better known 'tis 'im'Hev'.' were fpiietly married this forenoon. I lie ceremony helnjr performed bv Ihe llev. .1. I', fliininirk FILM CENSORSHIP URGED IN GENEVA OKNTVA, April 7. -A movo- tnelil to tuolecl cliiblreit Ihroiiivhoul the world from unde sirable moving pictures has been initialed by the League of Nations Advisory Commission nn Chllil Welfare, which adopted a resolution for Ihe. creation of Cenlral Censorship Hoards In each counlry, composed of educationists and parents. Tho resolution stipulates that these boards should prohibit the presentation of films demorallz-iiijr to the mentality and morality of children, and encourage films which develop the education of a child. It further recommend nti international entente hetwcen lhe National Hoards, wllh a view In International Interdiction of undesirable 'pictures. National legislation ( fayYirrid to Insure proper ventilation or inovlnfr-plclure houses, "wild ample exlls, and llm prevention of the exhibition of .Inflammable films. Subscribe to the Dally News, Teacher, lierseJf, only an hour ago revelled in the cleansing, protective, invigorating joy of a lifebuoy bath. She has learned to identify the Lifebuoy pupil almost at sight. The shining faces,' antiseptically dean little lands and glowing skin tell their own story. - i. She knows Lifebuoy is an invisible shield againit skin infections and the germs (hat cause them germs that lurk in dust and din everywhere. The children's other mother is one of those whose faith in Lifebuoy has made k the most widely used - -t 1 1 n scan in mr u'nrin. :v LIFEBUOY .HEALTH 50 AP 9uriftes and Protects We never know whrn a icmporary infection miy become chronic To keep ihe skin anti tcpckalh clean ith Lifebuoy Soap is to 'guard against the thousanJ and one germ risks of every day life. Lifebuoy's bland, antiseptic tjuah'ries ire your one sure protection. I-h-MO DEMAND Lcttf rVfxhers limited Tot onto "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish J& Cold Storage Co., Ltd. llCANADMNj vaiiw Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert airt 1 murili imiuii fw IETCHIIAN. WHANttU, JUNEAU. SIACWAT fw UNCOUTEIt. VIOOIilA U SUITU s.s. WNCtu tamicE di l, 29. April 9.19,30 23, AM I, ), 2 roe ulaal. iwtnton Mti, ( lit mUt, Octtn Fall. N.iy ... '" C.mpb.ll Rim, and Vthcuir a.Ur." if i m ' ' Atncy foe ll ltmhl LIrm. ul, ,,..,, "'"""" . . . O. ORCHARO O.n.f.1 Ao.ot." '"-0mtV ft at 4th llnu ana sra Attnu. Print. Ruptrt, .0. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ' SiilliiM rni frini luvart .f VANOOUVCR, VICTORIA, tw.M.A , ,nd Al.rl ., Tu.-.. ...