PAfTR FOTir nr?. tui.y nbwa BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManiis One Glass WHEH I'M Old CHILD ANO VttiC ODCPlVlHG LAO LIKE f OO 'COLLAR rUM-A lfcCl 'RU - DON'T ttvftlR iN'CtAH CCMC , 1 WILL rMY MAM-S m a ... . Hrt Wt. U:Jl a7 sJl Eveprt timing: 1 fsv V , XV ' - I Thousand V find thnro arc over h noon and strengths of ,4 Ionics. ,' ,i Ujjs the. optician's business In find llio proper one ' for your ryes without tiring 1)4ynn by trying them ml). ..''' , have tlio. latest rneas-;v uVirtg instruments and the quietest syslems. John Burner Lid Jewellers and Opticians Cotton Crepes In twenty-five of the leading shades. For wash dresses and underwear for ladies and children. Thirty inches wide, per yard 25c WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 Shoulder floasls, per lh. 15c Veal Cutlets, per lh. 25c Fillets of Veal, per lh. 25c Veal Stew, per lh. ., 12"2C No 1 Steer Beef "Pot Iloasl, per lh. .. 2'2c Hit) Roast, per lh 20o Uih Hoiljng llecf, per lh. 10c Pork . Log of pork, per lb. . . 35o Loin Pork, "per lh. .... 35c Shoulder Iloasl, per lh. 25c Side Pork, per lh, .... 19c Fish Large Eastern Salt Herring, each .. ...... 10c Salt Mackerel, per lb. . . 25c Seam 5 Doodson Sixth Street Phone 455. We deliver Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 6. X-Ray Service Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Thursday Kvcnlngs Saturdays 9 to 12, nocn MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table' Cream at 15c for Half pint. ' Quality and Service Valehtin Dairy Phone 657 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tt. 'Urtane, Warehousing, and Distributing, team br Motor Servl'je. loal. Sand and Gravel We Bpeclallie In Piano and ; Furtitur iBovlnfl. CfMt Briuia rittili itfmiij. ' j j ly ) W A TRIVIAL TALE OF TINY WRECK Editor Takes -a Holiday and Rather Fusses up His Friends While he Is Away (Hy H. F. Pullen) 'i'he ordinary 'way or heKinninV news slciry such as the one I un about to tell would he soinc- Hiirtu like Kliis: "After driftin all nighl lAif- leletl by a pale in Cialliani Sound following Hie breakdown of the online of the boat in which be was erossinuf from Por ilier Island to Prince Hupert, ll.nain u,ul at fivw o'clock in the V. Killcn almost miraculmislvi-'nornirig ,was awakened by the found hiniseir able lo step frohi the launch inn to dry grnorrd SI Congievo Point, Stephen Island, wilhout so much as wetting his feet and there be remained, stib- .eisling on a few biscuits for nearly four days inlU rescued yesterday by Claude kelchiAn and ieonge llryanl aho'ard Ihe gallanl little power boat Wigwam." However, this is not an ordinary Views slory and told only be cause so many jmpiiries- . have been maib', which the editor has not had lime to answer and also because j! is the habit or the eilni-tn tnkea nersonal iiHer- JMjiii j-.wJj;cs. amutipV. iUiUuc same with him. Different Method The Old time editor was an unknown person who Mini himself etfriituHy behind a fog cloud nnd spoke only wilh the plural pronoun "Wj." The editor Of the baily News is dirferent. He prefers lo treat his readers as ii big family and Ibere is a personal relation between him and I hem which is shown in the numerous telephone calls and letters criticizing, suggesting ami helping to make the paper interesting. llecaUse of this relationship and because or the impossibility or ntherwise answering all the impiiriifs, a short account is given or the somewhat trivial happening which absented Ihe editor from his chair for a few days. The triviality is ac-Crenluated when it is compared with the almost daily real danglers In which our fisher folk are exposed and lo Ihe hardship they endure in Die carrying on of. their ordinary occupation. To tjivm Ihe account will prove al niosi. ion niuntpnriani 10 niniu lion, as it really i&'lil-;hem'U l lie slory, such as it is The Slory The evening of Cood Friday 1 kel out from Jap Intel for home ailev terrylng a paMengor to that point to spend the holidays. I left the head or Ihe inlet al: eoviyi o clock in Ihe "iiwen, a nineteen fool open boat powered with a four horse power Fast- hope engine and headed across the sound toward the Kinahan Islands in the teeth of a stiff blow. Soon the spray began coming over and to keen it off tin? eingine 1 put up the canvas hood and was making ond pro gress getting to a point almost opposite Holland Hock when (be engine slopped, something hav- irtir iSOne wrong apparently with Ihe gas feed. I started the engine again but in a few. minutes the engine slopped attain and this was repealed several times. In one of Ihe periods when the ?n gltve had t opped and Ihe boat was wallowing in the trough of ilb" sea, the dinghy was thrown by a breaker agaihsl Ihft rudder anil mil il mil nf lmuinna un 1 1 -i f fleering then had to be done by means of iui oar. Mai de Mer II was aboul that lime wlieh thl' combined gas fumes benealh the canvas cover and the rolling of Ihe boal when hot under control, brought on a had attack nf mat do mer and practically end- id serious efforts to get the boal I poms, lne weather seemed to tei worse, it was dark ami cold and I lie engine would not even aix? a kick, so 1 jusl rolletl myself in a couple of blankets I hart with me, lay in (he botlom or tht sicm the boal and, exhaiisled from the sickness, very soon went, in sleep, it seemed a tunic thing In "do, but j cpul.l not si up wilhoul being sick, Severs" I JTnns during I he night I awoke jind realized ihal probably should hil something soon or be washed out info Hecate i:traU, ueilher' or which would iiVilinarily have lieen allraclivc. 1 knew, loo, tliut hilling a rock probably meant drowning but I turned oer and won I to sleep bumping of Ihe boat on a rock, and as I arose a breaker lined the crart almost high and dry on lne rweky shore of Stephens Is land. Soon Ashore Throwing the blanket anil nip ashore, J noon followed ami within twenty minutes was snugly ensconced before a blazing tire in a sheltered nook of Ihe forest with the wind whistling through the tree tons and the morninc breaking outside. It was so cold thai Ihe spray froze lo Ihe rocks but I was comfortably toasting hiy teres ftt Ihe fin nnd covering frny timhs with Ihe vugs. I had wilh me the remains of small bag of currant biscuits Mich as the grocers sell and an orange nnd as I calculated no tine was likely to look for me until Tuesday, I pul. myself on nn allowance or Iwo biscuits a meal and there were four biscuits left when the Vigwaftl attrtcareil Tuesday mornfii. Of course I pill ifu! h flag and explored Ihe iicftrby coast and nicked un shells and amused myself in var ious ways and calculating on the possihililios. In a tew hours I Should have been gathering my firsl reed or elams but they would have been poor food prepared wilhout salt or other sea soning ingredients. That is all.' The surprise was In fini) what a ,tir my absence had caused and bow much some of my friends had missed me. II was almost as pleasing as it was In .Mark Twain when he. read his own obituary not icon after which he i reported to have said thai ihe news of hi" death was very inuch exaggerated, or something lo that effect. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert Sam f.ynsheim, Maple Hay: f! O'Connell, Oona itlver; K. It. (lilbert ami Master Dudley Utile". IVrrace; A. V. Ilowletl. Smilh ir; Mr. and Mrs. Slogirtiffj lor- ri'on; Mrs. Alger and family, lisk; A. Itussell, Vancouver; Phil lip Lesser, Vancouver. Central S. Hoberlson. S. Shefskey. .F A. Warren and.F. tluggan'. (I.N.H Don't Neglect The Children's Coughs and "Colds Mrs. Win. VT. Card, Bancroft, Out, writes: "Lut winttr my three children had Tery bad cold, and thy ftouM cough all night loog, which wai ery annoyinj; to the ret of the family. I could fet nothing to help thera until one night, a friend who waa ataying- with me, adnscd me to givo them Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup I immediately got torn, and after I had uud four bottlei of it my children became quit well again, thaula to Dr. Wood'i." Thii. preparation hat been on the market for the patt 37 years; you don't experiment When you bu it ui up oaiy oy ihe 1. laUbora Ue., VANCOUVER TO TIA JUANA MOTOR TRIP Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Clothier and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Falconer Had Enjoyable Jaunt In South (hiring their rerenl Irin south Mr. and .Mrs. ieorge Chilhicf ot 'his oily, together Willi .Mr. and Mrs. IV V. Fnl.mier or Alio Arm, riiolored from Vancouver I Tia .luaiia in a I'.hevinlei closed car. Hie irin was a most inter eliiig and enjoyable one, Mr. l.olhier slating that Ihe nnh drawback was thai nol enough ime was snoul lo lake in all lh dghls properly. One way the Irip look mix) Hays and Ihe olher twelve dayjV-1'he only local pen-pie '.Mp. fJlotliier -aw were Mr. and .Mrs. 'Sarii' Johnson of ihlt ity whot were at Oakland on l Iheir way back to Portland on a nioior drip, .? .Mr. and Mr, lilothior relurne,! ik Ihe oily .last week and Mr Falconer in roturninm north lo Alico .riu thin week. .Mr. Fal coner is remaining in Xow West minster where (he children arc in school. SPORT CHAT Tin Kilmoulon tuiiniercial rad. lailics", baskelbail chnin-i Ions vf the world, have just em barked on a' journey w hich dur ing Ihe nexl two weeks will lake hem over. thousand of mile. Ii. Ihe course or. their (ravels Ihev will visit New York.'Philadelnhla t'.hicagn, Clevclaml, Toronto. Winnipeg and any nlher idace that boasts a baskelbail team Ihal is prepared to ulve lliem cdinpetilion. The OrQds have h.1.1 mite eireclive competilioit this winter and, (hough they are hop- ing to gel some ml this Irin o conquest, they are no I a In! ateai.1 or lieiiig llerealcd. Willi Coach Page and Mrs. Joli.i Michaels as cliairon. ihe rul- lowing members iX the rihnk loll IMnmiilon ror Ihe dip ITasl al the eml of last week: CanlaJi: Connie Smith, Dortilhy and llalsy Johnson. Flsii. Hennie. Kate Mc- crae, Haltie HoiTklns. Marsraie" McHuruey Marguerite llailey and XI 1 1 . 1 ..... I l..f ....I. ...a . I .iii-ii .in i.iirjii.irh. i ue three menlloiiiil i,n. siiii ii.. denTs at (j; jli ;in.lip)av- I'll" . IV-Oli ...... l'ly. . ' . 1 ..,,,,.-1,,., l.'.f,ll f . .I.JI.i iimiimh me past reason. WlnTe lhy tiave .vet to win their Mitir a mem bers ot the (i rads. 1 Is confident (bat Ihey will he worthy successors to those wh have gone berorc.' tlrilics at Ihe major Icagu.; training camps fpreCaMl one radical change in Ihe uanin tin year, As a result ur llerensive measures to curb (he long hops or i lie "jack rabid" ball. From ineir onservaltons of campara-tivo pitching performance, they nave found no liiillcatioii ll:ii Ihe resin bag has increased Ihe effectiveness or Xiilional leagi.e pitchers over hiirler Jn tlir American league, Which voles! against tlieTO'iiirti nt lh Torn Urn ...... snlisl-iunn -.! . ., " 'ri..... , any un .1 . assert, howovVr, (hat Ihe eoi lemic or lon'ir' hilliins iiiiuues- lioualdy lias been checked hyJ u adening Ihe ball, F.mphatiis on methods or attack hillliiL' behind ihe runner, use or Ihe sarnnco and base ntl-alintr--in piedieled oh Ihe haMn or orfen- sive measures already used in training camy mi'lliods. "We have been using scientific methods more Ihart in the hist rive or nix yca;s ' " shjt, jo, Mrf-Oraw, veternnfpllol of Ihe Xc.v York (Hants. 'The new baseball is acllng deader than Die league nasehaii ' or Ihe Jnst seven year ., '.V ,Ihi. ei nieun8 thai we wljf intrp. I V anted For Sale DAILY For Rent' e 2c per word In IVYI WA.NTFU. -- Fnergetic man look aner tnisii.ess !ni.' ow- or i out of lown. Mnl hav sonic secnrilv t;. ). Mn ,n'!iiinriT. iviojje nt,i TO RENT On HF.NT. Molim four room. ed flat wilh Monarch ance Clapp Illoek. Wostenhavcr llros. If KOn RUNT. Piano, nlayn pianos, phonographs anil ew-Ing machines. WaMtor' Music Store. UtMSIIIMi Housokoepltw Room to rent by (he day. week or month. Phone Roil C07. tf FOIl ItH.Yr. Furnished houso- kerping suiir, Miissallom AparlmoMls. Phono IS. if FOIl HUNT. Four room suite. hot water healed. Apply Sinil. A Mallet. MODFItN FLAT for Itenl. Applv Max Iteilbrnnor. If' HOI SK. Furnished suilos for ronl. tf BOARD AND ROOM. llOAHIJ .M MHtM, A:, Thirl Avenue. Phono H.mI nOAItl) The Inlander. S3 Second Avenue Ph n tn? FOUND FOr.Mi. Canary. iot Third Ave. Phone 93. .nice a ioi or me oii -tuff more d.u-e hilling and iiuiiling and .iiltins througb the aiis. Th hall we have hen Usui ,,m s not hoo ihrofiyh Ihe infield any more. The obi jack mMbil i Jtono. Xow we w;ill . MHim roal liaseitall. PHONED "MINISTER" IF BOOZE WANTED Bootlegaers In Denver Had tute Password But Officer Found Out About It WHXYF.It, Colo.. April 7. MtirB lhan 100 "minister" are reoo.a- mg in thy vault at tlio oily Jail here. It all came about when Scr eant (ieorge A. Hellers obtained the "password" or a Ixiotlenaer Sergeant Heller called a mini her nnd uskod for a "minister for a rnnenU." In a short time a iiian arrhed with a ijuart ol whiskey. The '.sengeani took him ii charge and led him lo his home where he uncos ereil several cache. It was learned thai ir a buyer waiilial wine he asked ror "ii lireacher ror a wedding." Ir ho wauled beer be naked Tor norne-one to orririale at a baptismal,' and if lie asked for a "red fa cod sky pilot, 'lie got moonshine. Working up Trade .Now, I lion." snid Ihe police officer, coming lo whro a nosh ii'ig, yelling, invective, hurling crowd wn sloriulng it box offii 'now (hen, what's all this about?," u s an right, officer. We're, only rehearsing," snid prro!W.1h. llehearMiig? Ilehhll $ g what?" . "Ihdores Valencia. t)in'.panHh d.'ificer. shown her fttxl wi jiimi- Mh'n i. inursaay. Anr I s Jay. and her press agent luUiHIgi, 0-5 a .,,'. in 'ii ii n in niiiv inn Treniii Mo iiwimig to gel I ickelH. Thl 'j, the Jrei rchcamuir NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2 advance C N Advertiiemenl taken FOR SALE I-oil SAI.F. -' l.ol II. I;'. :i,j u!h sioro buildiitK, ware-1 ionise noil manager n-i- ileme Iheivon, lOfTOlher o" separately. .l nils :il ftiH .'I- with rive uiiiirlmeiil Iioikc on ouch, presently orcupied ,viesrs vv iiisnv mm itonwon, all belonging to the estate of H , r.iinninuham Son, I. id., and ilnitle nl llaiolton. in:, or - rers lo ho made to John I. ! I'hrisiie. I.opiidator. Pi me ( ltHHrl. It.t;. H. JIAIIOAIXSl Iwo rviily nifhlern homes, ftaf airld ven rooms, in riral cla itondiliou rno cash oihl halMtioe ?5 monthly. Several Iota, harbor view, low price. tSO.flO cash and th.Mi monthly. Uw Hay fran-age for al or renl. S Thnnia MrClymont.;iiii.i.a nAiiiins. nogis- tered and poitMrrrrf arlnll tin-sale. aImi standard pedigreed young l(M-k. Xorlh l.nn4lal-Ilahhitry, ihieert and l.on- ilille. Xnrlll Vnnciiuver, )j.C. IIKAVF.N and lloll. Sw-leiibnt"-l i sroat work nn Ihe Hfo aTleri ilenlli mnl a nal ttfiirlJ hoirtinit.l llur too .,h ?V'V fF.M n o 1 1 ,., ., .-. .a rlhl Avenue, Toronto. OASIlOAT for Sale. t fool. Iltif- flo engine. Suitable fur pleasure or Irollinfr. Mn.i)G. Apply Mux :t(l;. Daily .News or-ftre. Itm RAM'. Thrw. Jois on Tay lor Street for ISli nnh. Wot-on haver ltro. BOOKKEEPINQ. WAXTKll. Ilook lo pol; jrov- nrnmetu return made; pnhlic nildita. Hales reasonable. Write llox sua, daily Xewn or-fico or pione I (luck Mil. AUCTIONEER. FOIl Five days Only I will losr money. So will yon if yoi ilon"! lakv advanlngoJ For five days you buy al your own ftguro, riirniturc and household elfecl. nf all description. fl. V.. Urlno, Allellnneer. I'ltOlie 771. PIGEONS HAHIXO Homer., bred from nine of the best I. loo, I in Ihe world Strain. Oill, darker. lion Ami; also Cnrnoatix Piumy Pouters, Tumblers nnd Squab Hreeder. Stock bird ami trained hird. From to $15.00 ier pair. Jack Hank 115.1 Hasting Slreet, Kat Vancouver, M.Q. C00D EATS CAFE, Third Avenue Opposite llenson'a Studio. noon mi:.i.s. aonh oakfs F.offee or Tea Served. IIFAI. 1IOMR COOKl'l) MKAI.S. Mrs, linger. Proprielres. TRAPPERSI I NKKd lO.nnn MINK ntnxa n, I price pftld. See me before you e your flir. If II fur I'll nuy lliem. W. OOLDBLOOM, Second Ave. The Honest Fur lan, PRINCE RUPERT TIDES lot "' ri Low o m f i2-J? " '"" 1R.R .r, 4.5 Atliflrt Loit ami Found for lets than SCe AUTOMOBILES See the New Improved CHEVROLCTS T'oiting, irn e I 1 1 . . Ilirnert IliHidslor, urteo, u v. ttlllOf hyr.oup. .rne Foil perl lOnaeh. prlcr I It. I- port xinii. pn.e ( ufi perl . . ... I antlau Roihm. pn Prince Huh rt ommorotnl I'hasst. , . Prince llui.-il J, k ton ithan.fa. t. Pnnee lluiierl Call in imil yei pa r it- O.M.A.C. Easy Payment P few itantains in . i Cr. KaiFN nininr ,rl)ator in all tien. Prmiucls ijidill.. lift, Oakland, lMdi. liar and i:in- r.ili! WIIKCKIN. hi Hi T Nl.illT IPHICIiS V AT NF.W l . I NKW IIMI IMYM1M deliver. -it prp.v , Prill- 'I Slf stiir!i-l' in.) Iae ii rtiinatMoii . ' lourintr .. (!oiix Tudor Sedan H Fordor Sedan i '.out men ial r.h a Trtick lnsi . . Guaranteed Used Cars al SiMvialljr low in. HHMONHTIIATIOXH nil Idll loaon ( any m , S. E. PARKEn, LTD, 510 Seohil , ...... - FURNITUE AND RANGES FA WfJI-n 1". Prert,rr ,,,( rtanges iilw.iv- iii ii more hod-. .inlitm.u-posls, rniin a i. . finlli do-ired. dun: - Uiles; lis . ii u room eii lounui's A .-.Hid if- 1 of pallern Iioinitiii"! I loom from ;r.f.r vai l I oleum rugs. IliJlJ pniii-rr te. Wi, Rrr ehairs a" lied linen. Table )w" (owela. A. Mnokeiii. I lure. Phono 775. TAXI Phone 67 Tal (Rail Ueorge. Paul or ie and seven jtr.ssi.nK'ei bakers at v -nr disposal m v for 50o Service ROSS flROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across froni Fmpcsa Iv', PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE Back to tho old stand. .115 'Muni Avenue. All Ihe latent in SHF.F.T Mrsit: Columbia Nmw Di.n..ii RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPHS. ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furnltura Movlno Haggage and Kxpre Slr.nd:f.HIfi Now Slanil, Phono .fl5. fie. Phhno oroen n"o JURNITURE. NVw and Soeon.Jhiihd Fur llire Slurn W- il.... ci. ... I , iiuj. ncil ami r r'"'nac New and Seenmlhnn.l unoil. GEO. PAPannnin n M9.-1W..w;.. . .. I'hono'olC