Of TAXI Boston Grill UdiJt Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Servlc XI. with newly laid dancing Anywhtrs at Anytlrr floor for bire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. ' PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIDECK, Pr 'Hi- least. Phone 467. it Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper " ? VOL XVI , NO. 81 I'ltlVCtt Itf "PI-'MT HA..-. WEIlXF.Sli W A1MIII. 7 tu-X Velcrday ctrruUtta. Hit sirt ttt PRffTR PIVK CENTS. MONTREAL MAROONS HOCKEY CHAMPIONS FIRE WAS Banff Springs Hotel Burning This Morning; Northwest Wing Gone (. M.dAliY. April J. - Tin II oil Springs Hold iHi iileil ! - li -trovnl by (in tin morning ami tlx rft of tit trurur-; . ..rfij doomed a I ll.'io, less than mi hour after I lie fire ,r(i-d. Tin- Canadian Pacific ItnilwMv end luwn fin- fighting forte u. c uii ilili' In eopo uilli the Itkip ami help vn mullet! liy (i no troni here. I'lii' hotel w tn have opened on May I.Y TANK EXPLODES UNDERGROUND: Struck by Lightning and la Now Boiling Ovsr a Field In Call- fornla M I I .s illllSI'O, April . underground nloraac tulle. Mflllll Of tMrr I"'- Oto L'uioti "il Cm- '! t k tl' llgllllllHK lilt- u foHrd to, a HrrriMc 1 - i i-ii-h tntkr nanirnni v 0 eainlW an- re- l'i TM.ir U construct of ' " 11.. I l .'! ' If III - in in.- ml.i K contain-1 u nullum and y i(iur1r bar- - .f ..1 I ;..ii. in- iMittfS mad" lo pre-' ') 1 1 in k iifmlinJ - '.' 1 In- fn-1.1 an. I wcniliMp , '41. ank. MINERS KILLED (It GAS BLOWOUT ly. Suffocated Five Minutes After Working had been Eiamln-ed I by Government Inspector VWAIMii, April 7. - ufler Hip Jin wlirn- nil iimi i-'ruhk Suiniry iv rkiiiB hi lh iiiiily mini" a' i - - nl.v M onlay . jjiail Iwi'n I'uiiii-tl by HoXfrniMciil iiip'f-'il. IIk' men wirf killil wIhmi - iT.ii ali'il by 11 jfii blowoul. I'll 1 iiiiri'n were liolli iletul b-n ' ifir Ihiii' tttri" rermervil Irotr ' lli-llI II lll'lnili'il i.ll twi-li imiilllen nfli'l' III"' l'll"lIOIt. AIRMAN LOST NEVADA DESERT Franklin Rose Carrying Air Mall Being Sought Today After Being Overdue IIOISK, lilaho. April 7 - Franklin ItuHo, pilot or the rir.Hi norlh-bouiiil airplane on the KIKn Nevada lnrn Valiinglon cnulracl nir limit roulP, was lost lust I night (.oiiiewlierc in the wllilcr-ne of NqMida. Hum lefl F.lku late In the afternoon niiil wiid line hero "l fl o'clock nuil so far an can ho learned I ho iilnne had not been sighted nfli'l leaving lilko. An all night oca re h illcovon.'d no Icaoe of (ho inlrejild airman and I be-Ing'untliuii'd Imlay. BURBERRY DIES. HOOK, jlnihpshiio. April' 7. Thnmaf Kuriiony. Invonlnr of wiilerproi'if olhiiig' bearing Id name, died here today. DESTROYING THE BANFF HOT norlliwcsl wuig of Hie huge.! the Canadian I'ai ilic Hailwuv! I GLASGOW SUFFERS FROM INFLUENZA MANY PEOPLE DYINQ iil.SiiiiW. April 7. Die iiy i hi I lie grip ol an itiflui-iiiii epidemic, official rfi...rl liowmg thai there were i22 death from Ihul ewie laid week ami tin' number is in-rt-rauia YANCOIA'ER PIONEER DIED HEART ATTACK Henry Darllnn Wat at One Time Manaeee of the British Yukon Navigation Campany YAM.il VKH. April 7 .- SulTer-inu e l'r alUi k while ilirlal-ilia a I'ller lu In tlauelitrr who ai'iil a .MHWlarv in I he nfflc lierr yetenlay, lleniv Harlini.. war of Vaiiemivrr htmiiffr, M"I nlmiiel inin-.lile harlina ' ""r hxiho'iiI iiiaiitttifr of tin llnli1 Yukon Xavisalkin tympany. A proiiiiiu'iil imirine urrliiteel. lie bail rliarze of the buiblins '' In- lisinier (Vmiox. f.npilano ami lkiiiiillom wIhmi 11k- niipcriii-inleiil eilneer of I lie L'liion Sleniiiliip f.oinpnny. WEATHER REPORT dly lloeniiiHMii Ti'li-aruili) Termeo: rleur. wni-ly. leiiip Anvu: clear, calm; leiuji. 31'. Ilaellon: clrtr, mini, letup. I" sinillier.: clour, calm, louip. to. Smllier: clear, calm, temp, .tt Hum-' Lake: clear, calm. temp. :io. i'eb-ii'iipb Crock: elear. calm, ii-mp. Wlillelmri'i' clear, calm, leuu . i,,il Selkirk: clear, num. Icliip. liuw.ioii: clear, calm. lemp. v Axciaue for Yukon: lemp. 15. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid. Asked 1 .1)5 2.10 .10 t.ur. .nn ,;ik , .ol . .ni? .lift . .13 .15 m .17 .on .or 2.23 2.30 .Oil 14 .11 .12 .11 .(IS .(H Wheal I.C.. Silver lialy Ala'ka .. Dunwell OhiiMoiio llaiellmi Indian I.. A I M annul premier poller Idaho Sllvereresl .... Surf Intel Morley Phler arrived from Vancouver on the I'rlnce (ieorif Hi In afternoon. He Is oft His way in Anvov tn the course of nno of bis periodical business trip. I' M(ll -S PLWIIOISK III llFJ Miovi! jiJm sliow (lie n- wliu h m i iiiry ih'ioy-'J ihv Si..Ki'p';ir,an Mcnmnai Tlicalrc on Hie ftnok- iT llir vouf Kiijrl.-iiiil. Mul of Hi' ulri' troasnri1 il ronlauii'il wire fortm-alely falxagcil. FAMOUS IS ON SANDY BOTTOM 3apU Berqulst, Owner of Ves-sil, and Underwriters' Re I presentative Arrive to t I Inspect Wreck l ie rousi freighter Famous. wlilttlr elrnt k Louise Hock near Italhitfrol Cannerj- in I lie Skeena dUor off Sunday, later inkiuv, is fpitins eay on fAe sandy bottom pi U small buy behind Village Is land eeriii woni nroiwui o lit flty. today from Ihe scene of tli slrnudiiig. Ihe after leek on awash At high tide. Ileforp any atlempl is made to pump the vessel uul and float irr. ner nirgo or ion ions oi tinplale de.tineil for llalmoml Qnnnery wJII be laken ofr. The ejLlciil uf I lie daiunpe has nol yel lneu aseerluincd. Capl. Ilenpiisl of Victoria, own er of the famous, ami (.apt. Clarkson. of Ihe sniu Frauclsco lfeanl of I nderwrllers. arrived from Ihe south on I lie l'rinec (ii'orse this afternoon and will go ouf lo Ihe wreck with Hubert Ward. Ihe lo.al representative. on Hie susboat Zananli. I.quip- nixtil for l It ligbleriiiK ami oiimidnu mil "f (lie vessel has al ready I n taken to the scene of the accident. TRAIN WRECK NOVASCOTIA Ocean Limited Leave Track and Several People Injured but Nono K'llcd HALIFAX. April 7. -- The in coming Ocean Limited train from Monlrcal was wrecked between Thompson and csl Uiesiei ('liniberland couuty all Ihe sleep ing cars havinii left Ihe rails, ac- I'onlllig ,io iniormauoii niveii u Hie (l.,N.ll. Duo. passeiwer, Panl I.iindy iif Sydney, NjS., surforod u lirjikoii Jogt.ijnd. lvyO tciiUrj. a womiiti hint a man siiiTered frotii cuts amt tiriiises niul anolher had his hack Injured. The cause of Ibe accident was a bVokon rail. : BIRTH. A' son was boln on April 5 itf I In' l'rJnoo lluperl fielienil llos pilal liw.Mr. and Mrs, W.'O. Vnl pey," I It' Ambrose Avenue. Three Seaplanes iro1 of . Summer says maj. Motherwell : VAMUH Kit. Aju il 7. Snggc!.tioii (hat as a icstill of decreased appropriations Ihe fisheries itcpai liiu-iil air patrol uf waters in the noiih from Prince Iliipecl might ho abandoned wore vigoroHsly scoulcd ly Major J. A. Motherwell, chiof in- sioclor of fisheries. Ho sajd: other thing- lo keep Ihe palrol. lir work and I've roinpletcd Li iiiler J. II. I iiilhope of the tiin-oovcr slatnni of Ihe Royal Canadian ' lorce lo hive Ihree seaplanes operaiiug from the IVinee lluperl -lulion thi summer." AN ATTEMPT TO MURDER MUSSOLINI i : Woman Fired Revolver at Italian Premier Point Blank ; and Missed ROME, April 7. An attempt to murder Benito Mussolini, 1 head of Fasclstl and Premier of Italy, was made here today and failod. The crime was committed by a woman who fired a revolver point blank at the Premier but missed her aim, a slight wound being the only result of the effort. BASEBALL SEASON OPENED AT PORTLAND Haln Interfered With Games at all Points Except Portland l'OHTLANn. April 7. The baseball season opened rather iu- auspioiously today, only one gaino being played, Ihe others 1)0 1 postponed on account of uiin. The opening panic here ngainsl Seattle resulted in a decisive win for the home team by a score of ten runs to five. FIRE IN WINNIPEG. WI.NNIIM'.O. April 7. Fir sluiilng in llie v Aiwyle apartments at Noire llanio Aventi" last nighl caused damage 'iinonnlinif to 70.000. OUTLAWS KILLED MAN1U.A, Aprit 7,A force of constabulary killed Ion more out laws and wounded n number of oihqrs in a figlit, In I.anao tro v luce. SPRINGS HOTEL THIS Coming for "eries """s "If nocessury we will sacrifice In lad we plan to intensify mir arrangements with NpiadilHi APRIL CASES COUNTY COURT Docket for Month Includes Ap-j peal of Japanese at Queen Charlotte City from Liquor Conviction ilouuly Court was in regular monthly session yolenhiy morn ing before Jinl-iO Young, cases being set us follows: Theo I'dlarl vs. .lames Krikev-. ky. aptMal from small debts court, dispute over coods sort and delivered, amount involved, $80. F. F. Jones for pl.iirilitr. st-f ror April 28. Sudan SiiKa vs. John Milton. I25 over iias enuine sab., W. H Fisher for plaiulitT. set fur April 21. Willianuyiayner vs. Joseph ltrovvn, V5 damases as j-esul! of car accident, W. F.. Fisher for idalnlilT. April 20. Ilex vs. T. Kemei, appcujjjroni conviction ami line or ?Jiii imposed by Slipondiary Mu;itslrati J, 1.. Itarge of Queen Chiir.lolti P.ilv for keeping liipior (or .kale Pal more Fullou for iippcllau! pnl 10. TOWING SHIP TOWARD COAST Making Flva Miles an Hour In Direction of Cape Flattery COUDOVA. April 7. The steamer West Niger lo.lay re purled I lint she w as tmviiur the disabled sleamor hcalland .Monl'ana towards Capo Flattery making five knots an bour undev ruxorablo conditions. Montreal Maroons Win World Championship I Professional Hockey : Victoria beaten after hard fought game under j Western rules at Montreal last night ! MOXTllKAU April 7. The Montreal Maroon won lh Stanley Cup "iI pioio.-iuual hockey i-humpiuiiship of Ihe world. Iilcroaling Hie Cougars Iwo fcoal lo nulliing lal night. They j took Hie !erie from Ihe i oal ?exlettc Uiree game- lo one. The i lorai nalioiial league chuiup luil won Ihe firt lvy games, 1 Victoria Ihe lliinl. laM- niglu'c game which went lo Ihe Kn(ern leani was pluycil mitler Weslcrii rules. Superior defeiiie system, coupleil I wilh uucca-iiig u(tack,gave Hie niaromis Ihe lliinl victory .uul ;i lie title ! Victoria's brave lion, cbam- pious of the we.ti-rn league, went I down Xisililire but imable lo iiiaki any liea.lway against liiej almost impregnable Moiilreal: machine. t Montreal got full measure foi-j ilu ir w in. Tbey uul play e.l the t OoiiKars and Die brilliant play of idumhlin;; slock to a larger score. Battltd Bravely , - Yicloria battled, too. fighting earnestly to prevent defeat ' np I onslaughts were led by I.ousmi:i and Kredcriek.-ou but lueiR be was not enough. I hey were roundly clieereij after the strug gle, the spectators standing in their scats and loudly acclaiming the game and courageous spectacular hockey vvhicii the wesl- erners had shown. Stewart, the player who tallied the goals for Montreal, had tos' his pet stick lo souvenir hunters alter the Maroons beat Ottawa for Ihe National Hockey League title. Following Saturday's win by Victoria, the Maroon's t.v- broadcast an S.O.S. for the pel scoring weapon and. it was de- llvere just before the frame and off it came the eoals which decided Ibe ci'owuins victory- ELECTROCUTED WHILE ATTEMPTING TO TAKE CAT OFF LIGHT POLE FOHT WILLIAM, Apt Alex. Tena, farmer, on the Arthur Hoad, is lying in Hie bos pilal suffering from severe burns on the feet and arms when lie came in contact with a 1 i&rl power transmission line carrying 2,01)0 volts .when he tried or Saturday evening lo rescue a cut which was marooned on a iob. near the live wires, lie received Ihe eleetri.- jolt while trying lo reach Ihe cat with his hand. The -hock threw hint 30 feet lo thn u run nd, when be also sustained a deep cut in his head. According to latest reports Ihe al is still on I lie pole. PORT WARDEN OF MONTREAL IS HERE Capt. II. C. Hrovvn. poll warden of Montreal, is a visitor in Ihe city today. Arriving recently in Vancouver from Montreal by way oT the I'ahama Canal, be came north on the, l'rince Ceorge this afternoon and will proceed Fast on tonight's train. He is on all vacation trip to the Pacific coast. CapL llmvyu is one of'tlie best known, of Ibe Atlanllo 'Ocean ship masters, For a. quarter of a century, before boconiintr port warden of Montreal, lie vvus with Ihe AlichOr Iiunaldson Une; v-' MORNING ATr1l 1 IT I a 1ft IK Iffl AIM I A nlli llVlUllilll LlllU ripr nrnrIPlTf T I II H 1 1 M II II IH IVl f AA14A UJVUUlU t Was Prominent as Managing Di- ractoe at Powell River and in Timber Interests VAXCotVO; April 7. - Norman Itusselt Lang, managing di- ier(nr uf tlie I'mVell lliver I'll In Paper Company, one of the most prominent businessmen ol Hril- ish t'oluntbia. died suddenly last night. Mr. !.ang was bom at Hamcl, Vermont, in I8ti'. and came here in 191 1. He was closely identified with the timber industries of this province ever since bis ai-rival. He was director of the Brooks Scaulan IVUrlen Company and director of the Timber Industries Council. PEAcSir ELECTION CASE Member Will Continue to Sit During Session and Then Press for Case . OTTAWiA, April 7. D. M. Kennedy, Progressive member lor Peace lliver. announced in the House of Commons yesterday (bat heAvould sit throughout the present session and then intend oil to pros Tor action on the pc-tilion filed in the Alberta supremo court asking for his disfranchisement ou the ground of irregularities in the election. WILKINSBACK CIRCLE CITY Now Only 150 Miles From Fair- banks on Return Flight From Point Barrow NKW YOllK, April 7. The North American Newspaper Alli ance announces that Captain Wilkins reluming front the Point Harrow base for the proposed Arclie exploration flights has landed safely at Circle Cily, 130 miles northeast ,tf Fairbanks. He flew from Fairbanks (o Point Harrow last week vvjtli supplies for the party. PRESIDENT JAPANESE PRIVY, COUNCIL DIES TOKIO, April 7: Harou No-bushlge Iloiumi, bresident of the Privy Council, dled'jjliW morning "of pneumonia. :''mdif-