i sr. 3 a prominent lumber mag-, i arstr-a Canada, has been an ted :eun I -governor of Manitoba is. ti c rroor Aitaena. Bi-rwi went to Winnipeg " l Orreria Altkena. Burrows went to Winnipeg Hi t: 1 ;tr, waa the etty'a first vnr. Two years later he eater-. .: j -sber and sawmill business. i s te: ib Otlaaa In 1857 arte) : t ANCOUVEK, Oct 9, A party of uver butinew men. thirty or forty Z lll sal for Japan and Chtim Man h 17 as a Canadian trade com ::: to tour the Orient according tJ lc .Jon reached kv a rommlttee Of Vancouver Board of Trade ThJ :'.:;r will vl.lt lha rhlrt nlm of r i n sworn etatetnenu flatly contradicting the word of the acciued evan- Tie poet Oliver AlUtorm, bubbling over with an urge to be heard, aald WtPherson employed him to writ a atory entitle! -Kldnappere" but catlej f wiea the investigator announced they had found evidence to prove her W GOVERNOR OF MANITOBA oimiki: milium a prominent It Mill KM 4N I OKMI.KLY I HUM oirtuA uti position rTAWA Oct 9, Theodore Burrows. a nrssbrr of the federal Partia- pittance at Cannel with OrmUlon while , hrr body wa being sought beneath the I wve of Banta Monica beach. AlUtrom further charged that when U McPherson professed to the Orand Jury that ahe knew nothing about two men drowning while searching for her hudy. the evangelist had expressed regret to htm over the drown'ng of one man. Ed, Harrison, the diver The Attorney stated that a man- daughter charge against Mrs. McPhrrsou , and ber mother might be laid si I re-' suit of the two drownings PROMINENT MEDICAL MENYIS1T1NG CITY Mrmbrt ( I'arullt of I nltrnlty of Manitoba 'rrird"l'rwm mlrr on ITItir Kaprrt T 1)1 ; lh " n educational lour of s rt: Jsw, of John Burrows. the of.lh P"nce. a party of prominent S. a the preocnt alt old Canadian iNCOUVER MEN TO MAKE TRIP; l"t HIUM IHtlli: COMMISSION 10 IMT ORIENT NEXT -.1 a well aa Hone Kona an.l'i,, Rt rnul. Minnesota. She had reach h:hai. Invitations to make Ud the advanced age of 83 years. l hare bren cabled by the Assoeia-1 jjrs. Leroui visited her mother this r uf JsnaneM cimhni nf Commrrcn ' .nil found her In very poor . - - - - - - , imerclal organlratlons of the Orlcn: 1 10 mourn her Ions four dsughters. Mrs. IANGED SELF WITH NECKTIE IIIMIM l-IIIII-llll TOIl III.AT t V h'VN to whom hi; i.oht money AMI W.K AltltESTEH U06ETOWN, Sask.. Oct. 9.- Using a -ktie for a nooae Pred Elal. a pool fn prloprletor, hanged himself early ''y at the Ronetown Jail aftfj betn? I:.ted In connection with a sever Ming administered to John JJalrd who a serious condition as a result of I t-UU encounter. u aald to have lost more than f to Ualrd (n a crap game ao the later, it la alleged, went to the "n ncsr here where Balrd os en- frm as a harvester and beat htm Into consciousness with a club. WO VESSELS' LOADED GRAIN I VANCOUVER, Oct, 9, Two vesseU luded grain here thl week for export. F"y were the Buenos Aire, which took 333 bmhel and the Cannon which Ned only 6i7 bush, (medical men consisting of ur u. B. Mac- Pt: .:ir- Mr Hurnw. ... mem- Ky. proiBMOT 01 gyneocoiogy in uw (a tV..- . from 1904 to 1908 and ' University of Manitoba. Winntpeg:- Dr. J Brandson. professor of surgery; Dr. I? ( 1604 was land cotnrnl-j Not Ihern nicooisou. awsnai preinm .m-itJosry. and Dr. Lyalt Hodgtns, chairman of tot educational and publicity committee of the B. C Medical Association. Vancouver, accompanied by C. J. Fletcher, secretary of the DC Medical As sociation, arrived from Vancouver on the stesmer Prince Rupert todsy. The party will coiuull with the Prince Rupert Medical Association and will leave on Monday -for Prince Oeorge. MOTHER LOCAL LADY DIES AT ST. PAUL Nal llrrememeiil f Mr. Uul lxru of Ihli ( My Mrs. Uuls Lrroui, Seal Cove, hss re-rrlved the sad news of the death of her surd mother. Mrs. Ellen Trudfau. C Burque. Seattle. Wah4 Mra. John Stsplcton. aoquet. Minn.; Mrs. T. 8. . ns v.ti. mA Xtr-m t T srrii v nf . iRYlll Dw HUM mit Mas., ..VH.( thl city PIONEER HOTELMAN DIED AT SALMON ARM ..ttinM invf net o. Jnppnh Rich ards. known both on the coast and In the interior as a pioneer hotel man of British goiumoia, - lengthy illness. Mr. Richards was oorn a ntw mlnster and was a aon of the late Sheriff R. P. Richards oi vicwria. w lso waa the first fireman of the hU-torlc Hyack fire brigade of the Royal City B.C. POTATOES ARE ORDERED BY MEXICO BUT NOT SUPPLIED 9, British Columbia . VICTORIA, ... . .... Oct. mental reputation. An hgyg wuil vv. for delivery to Mexico order of 100 cars had to be reruwd largely th nrovlnce had not specl- arowrf. v. . . allred In the vanevi - - MtJOIt IIINON DIES MONTREAL. Oct. 9. -- Ma or Henry Dixon, 53 years of age. formerly of Ver-,n 102nd Buttsllon OJU-.. died here. ALL GOT SAME i FISH PRICES MV AMI UK AN M'HOONtltS P.tlll II AMI g CENTH ON" lACIIANUE Tlll MOKMMI This morning on the. fish exchange six Americsn schooners were paid 14c and 6c ' fur their catches and one smai; boat got 13.30c and Sc. Canadian boat were 1 given IS 10c and 10c. and 1490c and 10c. j Csle were: .Ml;kl('.t Slit. 15.000. to Royal PUb Co. At;. 26JTM. to Atttn rherU. Planter. 6 J .000. to Ccld Storage. Kanatak. 28J0OO, to BMtli Fisheries. Trinity. 35.000. to Booth PUlur.e. Liberty. 25 00. to Bxth PUherles. Oony. 3.000. to Atlln Fisheries. TAN till N Cspe Swain. 5 XXX). to Cold SUirage. Johanna, 1.400, and E. Upett. 1J30, to Atlin r.sberlea. I Agnes B. SjOOO, and Yule. 1.600, to, Royal FUh Co. THREAT WAS MERE BLUFF 111 IT I THE iTATE.MENT OF l.( KETAKY OF t .NION KE ttlTHtlltttVAL OF HAII.TV .MEN' MiMtoN, Oil. -The' llifrsl l the leader, of Hie miners to bring atwat wllhdraaal f Hi' sifely workers U rUarslcrled a -mere' bluff" by efrrlsrv Milrfclrof, tli union ronlrolllng the iitrtly of the safely men. He dmkirrd the union would nl allhilrjw I he wiMlrrt upon alioe rlturti the flilliig of the pits depended. Other union, rowenird he added, alo would rrtu- PRINCE GEORGE IS GOING AHEAD TIMIIIK OPERATION! IN CITY ANll IllHTKKTS A HI. .MAKlMi (IOOII TIMEH IN TOWN !AY! AI.EX 1IIIMI. Prince Oeorge Is going ahead fast ar.d the future for the "Spokane of British Columbls" Is venr bright state Alex McB. Young, barrister of that totn who ha been In the city thl week. J. D. McArthur' 550.000 foot mill in oldv South Fort Oeorge I under con struction and. when completed, will provide the Interior town with a large permanent payroll. The prospects for the establishment there or tne long-mooted pul pand paper mill are also taklne on a more definite aspect and the operation of the other mills In tho district at the present time Is aUu helping to make good time lu the city of Prince Oeorge. Mr. Young will return to the Interior on Monday. COLONEL RALSTON ENTERS CABINET OF W. L. MACKENZIE KING OTTAWA, Oct. 9. Colonel J. L. Ral ston this afternoon was aworn In a minister of national defeuce at Government House In the presence of Oovernor General WUllngdon, Premier Mackentle King, and Minister of Justice Lapolnte. Later In the day he attended hi flrt cabinet meeting, PREMIER RHODES HAS PROTEST TO MAKE semU Telegram In Premier King Pew-lotliii Aguhi't OrUy In Publication of Ouiirun Report HALIFAX, October 9. On hi return to hi office after an Illness of several weeks, Tremler Rhode of Nova Scotia addressed a telegram to Premier KlnR protesting against further delay in tho publication of the report of the Dun can commission on maritime rights. .Advertise lu The Dally New TAXI Boston Grill and Anbulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing inywharc at Anytime. floor for hire. lund Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SOOA FOUNTAIN, and sin . PRINCE RUPERT The latest and bent for the WATT VIDEOK, Prop. least. Phon 487. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL XVI No. 237, PRINCE RUPERT B C. SATTJRpAY OCTOBER 8, 1926. Circulation 1875 Sales 5-M ?r:cz rivr cria T. LOUIS WON BASEBALL GAME 10 TO 2 kervatTves will choose leader at dominion party convention my Poet Enlivens Proceedings in Case of Aimee McPherson LOS ANOELES, October 9. A fiery and voluble pott from Texat Ulu- IjU-d the drabneaa of the proceeding In the Almee McPherson criminal con- Ltr lal lata yerday when he called the defence attorney a liar, haggled li : :asf saaiea ciow w armi nunsrn jor contempt of court, and wound 8T LOUIS WENT WILD on the day the Cardinal cinched the National Leayue basebail championship, thereby qualifying to take part in the WorU Seiles. The picture show a ccn.'HU strewn street (a the Missouri city. St Louis Victor Ball Game Today Winning by Score of 10 to 2 i NEW YORK, October 9. The St. Louis Cardinals de.'eated the Yahkee ten to two today In the sixth game of the World Series neces<atlbg a seventh game here tomorrow. The Cardinals drove Shawley from the mound and also Shocker, who' succeeded him In the seventh, Tbomas finishing the game for New York. While drover Alexander was effective throughout, the Cardinals launched a terrific batting bee In the seventh Inning scoring five runs on five hits. LestJr Bell equalled the World Scries record for runs driven In In a alngle game four. He scored two men In the first Innings, with a single and another two 1(1 the seventh with a home run - St. Louis clinched the game In lln.rtrfIA first frame by scoring three run. They W T n M vTPlK k V added another In the fifth, five In the seventh and another In the ninth. New York scored one run each in the fourth and seventh Innings. Alexander struck out six men and Is sued two past. Babo Ruth failed to SOUTHERN CITY hit the ball out of the infield, being re- PLATE fil.Ass WINDOW) BLOWN IN turned at first three times and walking! AT VICTOltIA YESTERDAY KF-uice. The score was: ' .l1T lmi. Runs Hits Error , R?t Y!rk A I VICTORIA. Oct. 9. The first storm cf St. Louis in 10 13 2 the winter struck Victoria yesterday. The 'wind havlns a velocltv of 45 mllea. an ATE BAD SALMON i.r TJr'fV"1?? WITH FATAL RESULTS bsfi M'" TACOMA, Oct. 9. Woodrow Furseth, ten years old, la dead and his mother, Mr. Ivor Furseth and a brother Kenneth eight years of age. are not expected to live as the result of eating home cured salmon. 1IK1M..M IN HIES TORONTO. Oct. 9. Gerhard T. Heintzman, 81 years of age, head ft the piano firm, died this 'morning after a long Illness. Ullill HEART FAII.I RE VANCOUVER. Oct. 9. -Apparently sue-cumbing to heart failure C. W. McArthur died suddenly at a dairy lunch here Just after he had finished breakfast. Mrs. Reginald Beaumont of Vancouver, formerl yof this city, Is a passenger on the Prince Rupert today making the round trip to Stewart. DUTY ON MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS IS WANTED FOR CANADA OTTAWA, Oct. 0 Among the applications for alteration lu the Canadian custom tariff to be, heard by the Tariff Board here on October 1 i) Ui application of magazine publishers for duty on all foreign magazines, periodicals and neaspapera coming Into Canada, o Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zeffert are pas withers on the Prince Rupert today returning to Stewart after a trip to Vancouver and other, cities "Mn the south. Mr. and Mra. Frank Clspp are now In California where they will spend the winter. i Conservatives Will Hold Party Convention in June to Choose Leader and Adopt New Policy TORONTO, October 9-The Conservatives will probably choose, a new party leader and formulate a policy at a Dominion wide convention to be held, here m June next. The party executives of eight province have replied ts a I Circular sent cut by the Dominion president asking If It 1 the wl;h of the rank and file that tbey hold a convention to adopt a new policy. In e?ery car 9 . the reply has been favorable but the British Columbia executive baa not yet replied. Sir Thomas White has been prominently mentioned as a possible lealrr although It la thought probable a younger man will be chosen. It being cons d-ered that the leader chesen new will be at the head of the party for many ysirs. MOKE fillAIN COMING TO LOCAL EI.EVATOK I OK JAPANEf-E CAIMIO Grain la beglnnrng to roll this way. Today It Is reported that another fifteen cars hare passed Red Pass Junction on therr way to Prince Rupert and It Is expected early next week there will be a stream of grain moving this way to fill the order for the first shipload to go from this port. IBAND TO PARADE TO UUIljlUllllLull UU1LU111UU I AND LATER TO DINNER f Will be Photographed by Arthur Bailey i and Receive Proficiency .Medals at i Huston Hall j The Boys' Band Is to parade this afternoon and give a concert doet. town. The lads will have their photo graphs taken tn their new uniform at the Court House at four, and at five fhey are being entertained at dinner at the Boston Hall where proficiency medal will be presented by Colonel KlcholU. The photo today la being taken by Arthur Bailey who photographed th! band when they visited the' Skeeua River canneries and presented them with, an enlarged framed print. The boys will looks much smarter In their new uniforms. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAUIE Division L Aston VlUa 3, Derby County 1. Bolton Wanderers 4, Manchester TJ. 0. Burnley 3, Anenal 0. Cardiff City 3, Sheffield United 0. Evrrton 0, Huddersfleld 0. Leeds United 4, Blackburn Rovers 1. Leicester City 2, Sunderland 1. Newcastle United 1. Liverpool 0. The Wednesday 2, Yest Bromwlch 1. Tottenham Hotspurs 6, Birmingham 1. West Ham United 1. Bury 2. Division' II. Clapton Orient 3. Mlddlesboro 3. Darlington 4, Notts Forest 3. Fulham 1, Blackpool 0. Hull City 4, Bradford City 0. Manchester City 1. Barnslcy 1. Notts County 3, Port Vale 1. Oldham Athletic 3, Reading 1. Portsmouth 1. Swansea Tqwn 0. Preston North End 3. Grimsby Town 2 South Shields 3. Chelsea 1. Wolverhampton W. 2, Southampton 3. .SCOTTISH LEAUI E Dillslon I. Clyde 3, Hearts 3. Cowdenbeath 1. Partick Thistle 3. Dundeen 3, St. Mlrren 1. Hamilton 1. Dundee United 1. Hibernians 1. Motherwell 1. Kilmarnock 0, Aberdeen 0. Morton 0. St, Johnston 2. Queen's Park-Alrdrleonlan nqt played Falkuk 3. Dunfermline 0. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked. Wheat 1.4 U B.C. Silver 1.75 1.80 i Dunwell ...'.. 1.00 1.04 Gladstone . . . .' .30 22't Independence .OfllJ .07 Indian .,.t,V -05 M U & U , .08 Marmot . .08 1; .11 Premier 2.08 3.10; Porter Idaho 07 .08 Surf nlet .03 REPORTFAVORS MRS. McPHERSON '. TWO l'EK.ON ALLEUtO TO BE tON-.NEL'TCI) WITH KIONAPPlSu MKE.N" ' IN DO I (i LAS LOS ANGELES. Oct. 9. The secret report of Alonzo Murchlson of the Douglas, police force made last June after Mrs. McPherson turned up there after her ' disappearance on May 18. wai" finally ' revealed to the public at yeatevdsy's sea- slon of the famous conspiracy caw. t The defence stressed the statement that the document which was definitely brought up for Inspection of the' char-, acters "RcseV-and steye," whose names "tally wrnrttee"1vMi "ny -the ; vangelisi as two of the three persons charged with" ' 'kidnatiDtn? her. The report was produced while Mur- cblson waa concluding hi testimony today. It aald that "Steve, who Is part Indian, weighed about 175 pounds and Rose" had a large nose and weighed 180 pound. The report said both had been seen In Douglas about the time of the reappearance of Mrs. McPherson. PARLIAMENT TO MEET DECEMBER PREMIER .MACKENZIE KING MAKES, ANNOl.NCE.MUNT BEFORE LEAVING FOR E.VGLVND OTTAWA, Oct. . -We are .counting on Parliament convening Tuesday, De ;ember 7," stated Premier Mackenzie King at the conclusion of a lengthy meeting of the cabinet council. The Premier left by special train early this meriting for Quebec at which place he will board the Megantlc sail ing for London where he Mill attend the Imperial Conference. CONFERENCE NOT TO BE DELAYED IMPERIAL PAKIEY WILL BE CON- DITTED WITH AH MICH CELERITY AS POSSIBLE LONDON, Oct. 9. Every effort will We made to expedite the work of the Imperii! conference , the Canadian Press', It Informed. In view of the fact that a session of the Canadian parliament I to be held before Christmas, the Imperial government haa Intimated thai It fully appreciates the necessity of conducting the conference "with such celerity aa will be compatible with thoroughness of discussion." TUGBOATWAS " CUT IN TWO TEN MEN DROWNED WHEN COLLISION OCCl'KKED NEAR DOCK AT HAVRE HAVRE, France. Oct. Ten men of the crew of the French tug Ursua were drowned when the boat nk after llxi collision with the French" .liner Pala, at midnight while docking here. The tug pas-d across the bow of the liner which w under way The, bott waa cut In two linking immediately and rnly five of tha crew wtre sared.