HATtHlOAT, OCTOBEil t, 11, 4 PAOK FlVit WATERFRONT WHIFFS for Economical Transportation A week of stormy weather does little damage . '-salmon regulations brokenAlex. Ohlman sees sea serpent Though the eoulnoxlal galea esperleuced durtne the nut ...v the severest du.ter. so Jar thU year little. If any. damage tub , local w.tertront or with to 1 .hip. at sea. True Mme of the halibut boat, .ucn M th. Uuomt and Bpr.y had a rough Urn. of It getting In .bout Wednesday when K m flu Die mtnrm storm mm h At At it kit. w.. but at ' tu.helght they, a well a others. f K- "COURT CABINET" TuaukM that surround llsmffm Cunt latest athirrrmcnt nf Community designers hit been greatly rnhinirJ by the introduction of this splendid cheat Hjr-crredineilrct.ri tuggta tins the gorgeous choti of ear ly iuuluh dirt, "Court Cabinet ate lure foruvcsuemcnJoutvogve. At teninjn (or fine lilvtf t nothing could be more rproprutcyct the cot! it aurpriungly low. 9 BENTS LADIES' Jilsf Engl I Hie of xi'lemlitl ish Made Cravenette . Raincoats id fivi d.iferml f Kir lllH'll. lt !r-I" U. ifintlc-. I'MIll .10 J. BENT Third Ave. Phone C51. LUMBER We nro itiutm f acLun ti roiiRli and ilrpssod luni-lcr. IMue Ki'filu iMMtl rodnr. Ilnlilmt imd salmon llOXCH, Ask For Prlcei Seal Cove L-wberCo. Ltd. PHONE. 662 George rorie ' Chartered Accountant and Auditor Hccnlvor, Liquidator, Truslne, Ac. Phone 387 New Arlilross: 243 Seoond Avenue West l'HINUK IIUI'KHT I made port safely without mlsruux On the loci waterfront there was .pp.rei.tl, n6 trouble directly attributable U the blow a southeast gale, suctf a thoM thla week were dee ' not uaually cauve damage on thta side of the harbor wien westerly wind of half the velocity might cause considerable. Of course, the .boat had to be 1 watched. At the Yacht Club nothing ' mare happened than perhaps the break ing of a few ltne-due to the good of fice of Shlf Thompson who went -steeples at least three night. The tint halibut boat to tie up for t: cIom season I the P. Dwreen. own-e : and skippered by Leo Bandver. Leo U about to leave upon a longer trip to r ? iTiYf ATT TVTTfV t I PLATE in Uautiful mu string Norway m the coume of which he will , embark upon the more pertlou aea of' matrimon;. m. ny fri,di along' UK waterfront will, join' In wuhlng hint I the beet of luck on hi new venture. He will be leaving the city very hortly and ' will not be back until prlng. The Ior- j reen M reported to have been one of the moat successful boat of the localj fleet thU year, having made consistent- ly good catches with which the marke. I wa In the moat of case .truck at favorable time i Prince Rupert Boat Jloime power boat 28. Capt. Alex Baint. left on Monday for Warke Channel having on board C. It Breefc and ft R. Day. the New York en-gineers who .re looking over w.ter power possibilities In thl district. The vessel returned to port yeiterday and Immediately left with the party for Lowe Inlet. j The Ketchikan motorshlp Wlndaor U , new vl m port. She hs already been her with two load of flh from j tb Alaskan port. Tlie Windsor U some- what ainaller than the motorshlp Ilel-llngham. the ervlce of which ahe U now aupplementlng. Power boat Pachena. Capt. Paul Ar. mour came In cu Wedneaday with ber leooud load of dog aalmon from Locke-Mrt vMnlty ou Morrby laUnd. The Phena la et pected back about the ftnt of next week with another lead of dog. Running at night without light la reported to be becoming common In Prince Bupert Harbor. It la a very dangerou practice and one that la very liable to reauH In aeriotfi conae-queue. Complaint I alao made that there la WATtR NOTICt Otril an Um TAKE Stillrt itui II It. kl. adt)r . Wraaawll. Aiaak. and Telerrapti ' rwl. n i . win (tli tm a lievnw u lake sad ur t.iHHi mnavr'a itrtt rinw of Mlor nut ill Hark Oulrb. whKJi tkiw mtlaetf tuu Im- t:k. Tb water will Ur iMtprtMt I IHr irram si a tnuil alwul twn atllm a tfcr sireaiu from Its iMuair. iui Itrttr i.int and will be J nf nf (lit- nit- inillrr irniirr (Jewellers W STORE WITH Tttt CLOCK tmr.n Jiiir join. IHine aptm bmeli ami new num a Thtt laillre tm llir I in) day ( sad in apnliealkm I'Knaaal tlirerli. and l tlie Valer Art. nli will m riMI ID Ihr nrrire nf IIm t si- Ifc rtntrr ai THtrpli r.m-L. Hij.ii.i. i, lie apirslin may be M.-.i Willi ihr aaid Um KMHiriler or wu iik nmnirollrr of Wal'r Mla-tiH. I'ainanient ItuMilniii. Victoria. R C. wi 1 1 in tuiri- flay after Ikr Ttrat att-arnee Ihla niir in the hiral nrw(iiMr. ft rtate "T tb (teat rMirtiiin iif thla q- tii- i heplroilirt ,141a. into. It t. fcYtr, pptietat, LAND ACT. NiUc alanllen to Apolr to Laaao Land. II. . rirrunlin IH:nct of pnnr UmPv 4 nil aitttit is norm ahore of an inn-.. .-1 Bav iin mlh Weal Coaat of i' . iMind. about nrw mile eal from filuff too much Jhoutlng in boaU on the harbor. If auch became common Jt might mean aome day that no heed would be paid when there wa a real dlatrea call. "Handwirae Red" Uowatt. chef of HJ4. Blrnle. 1 caneeded to be an excellent cook but. If he continue the fare of alt haddock that has bten o common of late, the boy will not be able to take their shirt off for the bonea (ticking through their bide. power boat "23." akiprwred by XaUrle Lambly. made a trip outtkle the harbor yeaterday to pick up Hubert Ward and Philip Ray who had come down from Alice Ann aboard the Jog carrying- barge Rlngamon. With the halibut aeaaon now Hearing It etoae and teoUIng practically .ever. 2c drop in gasoltn and 6c In gear wa announced thl week. It la Juat like sugar alter the preserving e ion, the boy aay The price drops when no- bedy want It. Coniestlra at the Cow Bay floats la again becoming noticeable. The trailer are getting back and there have bren a large Cumber of native boat there thl week. i tint , i A .pall of gloom was thrown over the W I waterfront thla wk when It was learn- nal m, "ui' i Miniver, iiurnda to sppi) ed nf the death of James. Ritchie, father hnre C ,i nnnanieil la an the aotith- boat Unome. "Dad." as he was Tamlll wei .'ii fin Miami, ihhh hv miw vnawI1 . on of the rvlflmit hut rlT tXiavu; M on ol " waeat nut Mt in i-trr 1-oit.l laeiir north twenty : rlMlna; Imnv eat twenty fWltsi ; Uienre j nevertlielesa a moat active memberof wita iwenir etiaiaa. auar t .. to men the ,w, iUs-death came as a dtettncl wster wars, menre roimwinr mm aier . . . itusrk watrk ! imlnt "bf rununenrenien., shock generally and there will, no ann rtiniamintt enniv arrea. nmre or ie, R0l).!EAL1. Jinpllej.nt MINERAL ACT C"ifeat f Ifflpeovemant. AVann I'rariimal Vo. i. Antot and Jn til la Mineral :iamia. finale In the Allrn Mlnini Ulvtilon ir the iwiuiar lilainet, ah.. in "iw hitle up atrram (ri'in the houttt or w ann niver. tavi: mitii'E that The I'.ntlneer Oold Vine- Mil.. Inc.. free Miner certificate j .ii s.7iii . iniriHi, amy iiayw irmn im-'date hereiir ,ld apph In l lie Hlnlnt Ito- urder f..r a cerlirirate or tniiinivemeniv rm Hie ntirnow of nhiainlnt s Crown Hrant nf Die above claim Ami rnrllier take notice that action, un rt" sei'tlnn . mint lie commenced before lb l iT wen Orttfirste or in prove-inenin DATED lhla 1st day of Beplnnber. -A.D 1BI It. McN. FRASER, Ajrent UNtRAL ACT warllflcat ef Improvamanl. i tirownir No. 4. l.ol 4 -tit. Mineral Claim. .itn.ltii In I lie AttMl Mihlnr Dlvlalon or the ''aaaisr lilatrtel. on th- Weal Ann of- Ta-i null Arm, atmul three .iiiarlera nf wile np alream from the m-.iith of Wann nirer. ! TKK OTI'K tl"tl I. niarlea K. llllmore, Free Miner Certificate Nn. S7I. Inlrnd. I txtv rlava fnim irie dare wereof. to apply M the Mininr Het-writer fur a Orllflcate Inf Imumveiiieiita. for Hie rMirpmie or nh- lalnlns a I'mwn Irani nf I he alnive eLiliit. I Ami rurlher taken notlre that snlon, nmler section . nmM lie eiMnmenrnl be- hire I lie love nf tiieli Certificate nf lm-Prnvcn'eijliiU ( S(,pt(.mlier) a..D " H UeN. riUSKn. Aa-ent. MINERAL ACT. Ctrtirical of Improvement , ftweetniake No. 4, Swe"take No: t t-Yactlnnal ami BweepsUk !vn. ,1-rwC-tlonnl Mineral Claiina, Uliiate In the Atlm Mining luvlal.m t.r l'K Where located' alile of Taktt Ann. . , near HM'n ;rek. t . , , , Tm: NUTIci: lh.it neelnnlil Symea, llwrrMer ' ll"l lor, nr 4n Weai len-'nvr 81 Vancouver. Ilrlllh nolmnlil. ael-lluir aaenl Tor SwrwtkM Mining Oir-I Kirallon Free Miner's Cerliriraia o. ruin Inlciiil. altly iiava froin tlie date lliereof to apply " Hie Mmliie neeonler . rrtriiriraiix of Inuiroveiiicnla. fur the I.tt't)lt:t IIIKTIIIIAV It was Laurie Lambtra birthday on Wednesday and a halflioliday wa de clarrd at the Prince Rupert Boathouae wbllc'h took the day off to celebrate the occasion by getting under the bright1 light. His many friends will hope that Laurie may be allowed Jo celebrate many more Oxtober sixths In their midst Usfly'lutppy returns. Laurie. doubt, be a Inrge crowd present tonior. row to ;pay theft Mast reapects lochia memory when the funeral taken place. The trolling boat .Shamrock, belonging to Roy Russ of.. Port Slnipaonf fouled her line and sank Thursday morning at. the PrUaell float. The bout was toed by Peter Ryan's to Cow Bay where It was beached and pumped out. Though the boat and engine are little the worse of the Immersion, there was a good deal of loss through, contents of the vessel being ruined by the water. "Bob" Hsnna's Bpey nearly came to grief this week with a treacherous tide when the vessel w as on a Cow Bay grid. It was only Bob' quick action whlchJ prevented serious damage being done to the vessel. There Is no doubt that the "withdrawal of the aerial patrol from the salmon fisheries this season has made violations of the regulations much more common than they were when the flying mach ines were on the Job. One of the moat serious complaints among the fishermen, who are almost to a .man anxious that the more effective patrol should again be Inaugurated, Is regarding 111, gal fishing in the creeks. The matter Js being brought to the attention of tlie fisheries authorities lu Ottawa. Nothing will deplete the snlmon fisheries muf quickly than blocking the passage of the fish "Up the streams and this. It Is -claimed, has been a very common practice this- season. nbouVtlfp ojily succemful one at tlw end ot mat week, Five men bugged two deer. ttnrpnoe or oninimiiir i.niwu .iiranif in ,, ''Vrn'nHFn' TAKE NOTICE that -' Henry O'Neill, formerly ot the Booth tl.Mi' umler section mitjt I-pninrnenrer) School touching staff here .anil' who w ' a'Jch cerllficsles of. . . ... l.f..re lhr engaged nM. lu salmon trolling In w. Warke i...sutl-ailiftfit(. IHTtD lhla HI day ot September, A.D, I8S6. Jack Lindsaya hunting party was Channel this kyw, sold hU boat Htsao UtHltv Exoreaa Chaaaia Wr-rWM IMiLiKit. RM.ter S640 Cnh UK WKHLI J Mu 92 Uaaaa Mas PTIIZF' f& r. rv...i. gats to -Capt Perry bejore he left on a hunting expedition. Capt Perry In turn aold hi former boat Jeonette. to Naaa River native A 28-foot trolling boat Is now under construction at the Bugs Way and next week the keel, will be laid for another 30 'foot seine boat similar to one that la Just being completed at that plant. Louis Amadlo was at 'Port Simpson a. the, esrly pan) of the week overhaul Int. the Delco lighting system to connect lot with the hospital there. An 8-10 h.pr Palmer engine has been Installed to take the place of an old J tip. Fairbanks Mora in the trolling Mai belonging to Joe Krtsmasson of Os-and. Another Osland boat having mo-.or change Is the Sheba, belonging U Johnny Johnson, which has had a 4 h-p legal replaced with a 6 h.p. Vivian. ' The Pacific'- (Cbylel Navigation Co ,ug BJJJkl. Is due in to Albert McCaffer nth two scows, laden wtth coat brick nd lumber, from Vancouver. The .Halifax fishing schooner Halligo- ilan will represent Canada In the opei tshermen's race off Gloucester thii uonth. It has been decided at a a pec is: jaeeting of .the. directors .of the ayndl -ate owning the vessel. tllK SLA KKKTKNT Perhaps the glsnt "sea serpent- re orted frequently in Northern British rulumbls waters 1 merely a wolf-fish of unusually large proportions. That is the .theory of Alexander Olh man, a .fisherman, who recently follow' xl the monster tour miles In his gas boat. i ne creature nas been reported u often this season that .all fishermen And' mariners are keeping a lookout tor It. and no longer Is Its existence loubted, as was the case until a fen months ago. Some enthusiasts In the morning and evening mists have mistaken a aquattlng Slwaah duck or a school ot cruising blacklist! for the serpent, but many reputable persons have declarea P RICE Only large production could build Champion superior quality at such low prices as 80 and 90 cents. 4S4 OlamlMYe Iuallv for Ford . -packed intb Rail Bos 0V CLamSlMi a' T. IkaaFa r iwclnd la tka fikM Boa 9UF Champion Dependable or 'Every Engirt A Canadian-truio! Product Wmdaor, On. S730 Ttariag $frM Sat " 71S rJ almost every line of fmsfnew th Chevrolet Utility Express truck has established a new record of economy .in operation and maintenance. Truck owners are amazed at the low upkeep costs of this Chevrolet one-ton truck and the day-in, day-out service under which it stands up so dependably, The smooth Chevrolet engine provides abundant power even for considerable; overloads on hills and rough roads. A close inspection of the utility express chassis and the records of Chevrolet truck owners will explain they have een It, and have given de tails sufficient to prove that they have! at least seen something out of the ordinary. . Ohlman wolf-flab was, seen oi Triple Island, outside of Prince Rupert. He waa cruising along In his boat, mak Ing about eight knot an hour, when) he saw the strange creature fairly ctov ' to nun. its neaa was twenty feet-above he water, and It was making a speed qual to hi. It head ands neck or otty were similar Jn contour to th ( eolt-fUh. be said. Results achieved by the Consolidated Vbsllng Corporation's .fleet luring ttu eason -now drawing to. a close are nuch more satisfactory than those of be 1925 season. A total of 260 whales has been caught t far this year. This Is big -gain er ship over the catch nf last year -ben the fleet was larger by two ves-els. Rose Harbor Station, with tour vea-els operaUng. has been responslbts it the capture of 200 of the mammals, "his Is a large Increase over laat year's gure. Nsden llarbor, however, has ot done so well. Only sixty .whalea ere caught by the two ships opera t K ig there thU jear. The Increase at !" ose Harbor more than makes up foi ie decrease shown by Naden Harbor. The smaller station has been ham ered this season hot bnly try bad eather but also by late start )n Ifi lerattons. The whalers hope for lm voved conditions during the" remalnlnt eks of the season. , II the weather Is good both station -til be operated later than last year, ose Harbor was closed on October 3. at year, but It probably, wilt bo: ept operating .until October IS this ear. After the halibut fleet of the north acUtc to tied up for the stormy win-er. the stout little ship .Scandla will ontlnue fishing In the work of tht Jtcrnatlonal fisheries commission, rhtch Is seeking to conserve the hall-ut resources ot the United Btates ana lanada. The Bcandla's operations during the aid-winter period when the hallbu'. leet Is Idle, will determine many im, -ortant facts about the. movement of he great food fish not known before, lah caught Ut .the closed season will about the halibut's mysterious habits be 'secured. n.SH LAMIIM1S , In spite of stormy weather, and oc casional broken catches, halibut land ings at the' port of Prince Rupert during the past week (Saturday -ana Friday Inclusive) were above average i e put Into cold storage so that flsh-n rmen may not be subjected to unfair xunpetltlon from fresh halibut caught y the commission's experts. The commission's work Is not nearly' complete yet. It will probably take five years altogether to satisfy the fUUi xperts about the movement ot the halibut Only by Innumerable tests and observations can exact Information to you the performance and economy that have made Chevrolet the world's third largest producer of trucks and commercial cars. Ask your Chevrolet dealer for description and prices of the type of body most suitable for your business. Any regular body style may be built on the Chevrolet utility express chassis. The Smaatheat Chevrolet in .Chevrolet hiatory i telling at 'the .Loweit Price lor which Chevrolet Jaaa evcr been aold an Canada. Ask about GMAC Plan of Deferred Payments. For Demonstration, phone or call Dave Ross KAIEN GARAGE FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD! h'o'r iiirornialioii leading to the whereabouts of LAYTON MILES, wlm disappeared from his home in yictorin, H.G. April. l!2r. Layton m 18 years or age and has fair hair, lil.ne eyes, weighs about 1T.0 lbs. and is about five feet nine inches tall, lie was last lward of in the Prince Huprt district. Communicate with Theo. Miles, 3425 Cook Street, Victoria, B.C. Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West P. O. Box 247 ANGER, The Tailor , Pine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop jii Prince Hupert as low as 223 Sixlh Ctreet I. ANGER, Cutter .000; N. an 3.. 3,000; Cape Spencer. 5 - 000; Kaien. 3.500; Ternen. 8.000: Cane 'Spear. .6.000; Atli, iooO; Scrub, 4.000; Majestic 5,000; D. S. T. 2.500. Jlslfbut landings for the season to date total !as Jollows: American, 18, C32.400 pounds; Canadian, 5.888.500. total, 22.82000 "pounds. .WATER NOTICE. DIro and .Us TAKE MTli:t; Hut S.miervllle Cannerv Cuiaaiiy. Ltd.. wlioe .adrire la tlorc ,,:niir itiun. taoruiiver, u.i... will apply Tor a llrenre tu tak and ne til valhuM ier lninuteir water out or small atrram. ' also kmiwn sa H.iWl stream, which fhw.- . nnrlbesil and drain inlo Jedwar Harbor ' about 40- lent northwest or Miulliesitl eortier of Turn Mininr Clauli. Tl water I will tie diverted mm ths- stream st j : point about lull feet liouthweat of aosth e corner tif Tiru Minmr Claim; and w ill' be Ued TuT InduilHaL imrtMeiea uimn Ih. land deerrlhed si. Il.fi ai-re nuniw-Ki .,r Titi Mlnlnir Claim. ,Tli! milice w ptwieil mi iin1 rruiind mi tlie .aiti iiav ir utiteni. Iier. I0ii. .A eiipj' of I tin not Ire and an tpplM-atUin pursuant tlieretf and to Hie ' "Water Art" u III tm riled In the rrire nr i tin" Wster Iterord' at prince Unpen, t II. I' llblerllulli In tlie annlieatUoi nui h I totalling 896.000 pounds . ot which illuperl. obierlluiM to tlif aiuilicalliin mav American boats landed 538.500 pounds nun me mui water neronier jr! with tne i:..nil roller r Water Itixlita. , I'arliallietlt lLlllillnas. Vielnru H r ivilh In Hurt U.vs. sHer ,tw firnt atmearani-i- t till notice in a lral newmii.r Th.- I djle ut toe Xlrl Publl.atlun of this m ! trr Is Kclntier oe. i SOIKHVILU: Ct,.XEHY CO.. LTD.. Applicant, i v Krerl Denllriimv UallM-rs. Airenl WATER NOTICE. Olvaralon an Ua. TAKE NOTICE tlut Hubert UeorrrAJotm alon. abut 'artrtrew t Invrme cannerv, will appb fur a llreiie to lake and use 10. una gallutw per day nr water out or rreek weal nf wharr at Chin Hat. also known n tnu name), wlilch riows sontli east and drain into Trout Bsv about too teei soutn aiiHig. ttie.bearti rroni the south at i-urner l.ni. "A." kilajoo l.n. Tlie water will be diverted from the alream at a point about S00 reel from its mouth and will be tised fur domestic and rannery puriHiaea iip,m the land ilecrlbed aa Lul "A", lta(Mi l.n. Thi notice was ied on the groiiud on the ISth (lav of Sep li-Nilx-r, Use. A Copy or thla nollre ami sit appliestion pursuant therein and to the "Water Art" will lie Hied In the of fice of the Water llerordrr ai prince bo filed with the aald Water liecorder r with Hie Comptroller or Water Itlrhla, and Canadian, 11T.S00. Prices, gener- j t'ai ll.unent liulMinet. Vn torla, H.c: within utlsfaMAMt satlsfactorv!,,i,r,-v ''"V sfler Hh first appearance nf a 1 1 v .iieua-linr wrer nnlt.1 1 ll.l. i . ranging from 14c to 18c for first , class; date or tlie ftrVt P fish. American and Canadian halibut 1 1 sepleniiier so. i99fi. both reached the high mark of 18c about the middle of the week. American Bunuier. 38,000; Onoh. 8, 000; Fairway, 13.000; Wizard. 36.000, Jack, 3.000; Bonanza', 23.00Q; Oonstltu-t tlon. 33.000; Valorous, 6,500; Alkl.- 1.- 000; Arrow, 32.000: Brothers, 12.000; Scandla, 26,000; Seymour, 43.000; Spray ; 24.000; Preston. 86.000: Uulmak. 7,000: Omaney, 118.000; Tstooah, 16.000; Pore- most. 43.000; Vansee, H-.OOO; Majestic, S6.O00; tielgelsivd, 35.000;' OUclet, 10,- 000. Canadlau-Alken, '7,000: Marguerite, .too; Minnie V.. 6.000: Ouiphlu, 1,000: Nautilus, 6.50Q; nhiglrader., 2.300; Vet. ua, 7,000; N, -and R, 3.000; Tramp, )5,- 000; Helen, 3400; Tuodle, 8.600: oibson. ,000; P. Xtorraao, 6,000; .Pair of Jaoka, IL local newspaper Tlie ubllratlon of this notice I ntlllKHT OEOItOE JOII.NSTUN, ' Appllranl. SiMONDS SAWS BECAUSE guaranteed to cut 10 more timber in ame time, with lesa labor than any other auw. SIMOeSM CAMMM SAW CO. LTD. MONTREAL vurawm, rr, John. nja. TORONTO V :$50 Prince Rupert, B. C SPECIALS , ; Friday and Saturday M ; Japanese Cotton Creoes, 5 yards for .... $1.00 Unbleached Cotton, ;i0" for House Dresses. Sieeia1 quality, i yards for $1.00 Coates' Crochet Cotton, white and ecru, hud 10c Girls' Scarlet Flannel Middies, value to $i.75. Special $2.75 B o y s' Donegal Tweed Bloomers, llvg, $2X0, for ,. . . $1.95 Cham bray House Dresses. . .SjKM'ial, eat:h .... $15 H. S. WALLACE Co., Ltd. Phone 8. 3rd Ave. and Fulton Street TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Qreen 238, Black 735. Night. Phone-) 687,. 539, Grean 238, Black 736. RUPERT MARINE PRODUaTS.tTD. GEO. ii. BUSH BY, Man. Dir. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Nut 8.M.V.A. TMMl Af.