spassil 1g With Sandy nayor ay he pleas n here LO a he en he ind on Mayor of tne wharel Whalen ’ Dr. John Ross Setting a gracious table is a;t complex business for the mod-'! ern young woman. There are such a great variety of styles now available in furniture, din- lerware, crystal hat it is no easy task ‘to select ‘hina, silverware and hat harmonize both with each whic! d not servic vility of and silverware ¢ crystal Ca tional table other and with the home deco- ly ation place ure an CCE nean that all sorie contribute lanne?r the some pract liminated Thi nada homemakers ettings, togethe ornated Victorian ontempo This | borders decorations| tions, such as platinum edging, to the article were a big problem for | Func- while love- caused chaos when ‘New Table-Top Fashions Solve Problem! where simple in} effect of the solid celored din nerware Glassware for 1953 is being designed along casual lines with the emphasis being placed on medium-high stems. The result lis.a stemmedware style that 15 or| delicate enough to compliment In recent years there has been Chippendale tabies heirloom china yet simple 4 noticeable trend toward stark Table-top fashions ‘for 1953,;enough in design to go well unctional lines in both furni-| howeve been designed to| with modern pottery SOLVE ni roblem. The stark - a functiona! lines of 1952 have DRIED FRU ITs been to blend in with; The next time you buy dried red ers the fu gs of any period|fruits remember they are an from t to modern) economy buy because they are }eoncentrated, It requires § to 8 ® S.ON. whist and dance Fri- In chin ft gre and beiges| pounds of fresh fruit to make 1 lay, Oct. 17. Whist 8 o'clock are ¢ ) gain in popular-| pound of dried _ apricots; 4 Jancing 10 2. Music by M. Co- ity deep greens and | pounds of fresh fruit to make 1 ussi Good prizes. Refreshments.) maroons of 1951 and 1952. Fash-| pound of raisins; 242 pounds of Admission $1.00. Everybody wel-/jon interest will be centred on| fresh fruit to make 1 pound of come (244) dried prunes; 6 to 7 pounds each . of peaches arid pears to make 1 @ General meeting of Inter _— OLIVES sould of dri E ; ed fruit. tational Hod Carriers’ Building Ripe aste good by a ae 8 & Laborers’ Union Local 1427) eMis« y taste good in will be held at the Carpenters’ | °4/4 asseroles, but have you CAN DEPEN Haii at 3:00 p.m. Saturday, Oct.| Yu ev asled Laem in soups? D ON ! 18 (1t)/No? Cut meaty wedges of ripe| When kideeystailie liv n the pi 4 nd wastes, OLD Pe vinegar Maj.-Gen. A.B. Perry, 92. of Ottawa, only @ Navy League of Canada ’ 1 the pits and add oe, tired foie, arviving I of the first cla f 18 cadets at Royal Military | Prince Rupert Branch, general pota up, corn chow- | eg eee ege, Ki oO place wreath at the RCMP mem yrial | meeting will be held in HM.C.S iuiabaise, and see what ge = stimu- 9 aUn ¢ ne RC} orig - > ate kidseys toh during o i hb few ents ie denduans Chatham Friday, Oct. 17, 8 p.m. an ingredient they cormal duty. You PS ‘ , . | (2 eel better —s ) 1 H&E © North West Mounted Police serving as | ras making your favorita a's THF beter 7 ’ > ‘ + ” Je mn OG 192 li racks Rev. Major 8. W. *@ Moose whist drive Saturday, ®0Up better than ever be- dons tees Seas . tel, who conducted the service )} Oct. 18, Moose Temple. Tourna- fore depend on Dodd's ment opens Oct. 18. Everybody scemtntainsbiety ral sini oe d Sh F B id | weicome (245) en) OW er OF e e- Elect |@ Princ: Rupert Curling Club Werecond ys ', J. Taylor, P. Deane, J,| semi-annual meeting Monday, ‘ sale was held last Wer ate M Ber g, M. Kuzick, H.| Oct. 20. 8 p.m., Ladies’ Lounge, esday evening at the home on Skx Civic Centre (246) { Ja Fi; for Lilli an ~ 5 ester who lag to Ole k Jr. takes } om i ng oa ; +3 WINDOWS & SASH a ! i p rb I Reduce cost of heating and eliminate draughts G ' : . ‘ by installing STORM WINDOWS—now. wi wells ALL TYPES OF WINDOWS AND SASH MADE TO ORDER Bill, Olga * j a) ia ctraine | Young Greer & Bridden Ltd. fesdames’ Rot Currle, Rupes Phone 909 215 Ist Ave. West P.O. Box 721 Holkestad, D B. Sy nee LAMPS GOOD SELECTION From $19.50 Complete A. MacKe tt? Third Avenue ALL STYLES nzie Furniture Ltd. Buy.—For Over a Quarter Century TORCHIERE & TRILIGHT To Brighten Those Winter Evenings Phone 775 ao Rare It's richer, robust, full-bodied . . , blended to.satisfy the taste of British Columbians, Try it. . like Captain Morgan Black Label Rum. Fully Aged in Small Oak Casks ont Captain in Morgan RUM Blended to Perfection from Carefully Selected . you'll Old Rums SNe SSS . Ss SARE