!?. PAGE TWCV Hii DAitY HtfWS ijalUjday,, Jfn i'.'. trr j- ... 4. ! SMOOTH SAILING OIL-BURNERS y v. Those who have known the Coal 8trike Not Likely To Last 1erv Innn satisfaction of travelling Cun- ard understand why so many people book return passages. JUiS Cabm Class to. England 17 jii-ij ana up. lourisi Third Cabin. 7 Mi'lings?" $170 for the round trip., Particular from ANCHOR-DONALDSON LINE toGlasgoaf Tht ROBERT REFORD COi UiTORONTO Ptiono Elfin 3171) or my STEAMSHIP AGEAT" The Cunard Steamship Co. Limited, 622 Hastings St. W., Vancouver, or any STEAMSHIP AGENT. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES! City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 11.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire'and 'the United States, in advance, per year $6.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year v$7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOK Saturday, May 22, 1026. A German Proposals ' Prove Interesting. The Herman proposals lo restrict war and make it a sort of gentleman's spurt like the tournaments of old do not seem as if they would he workable,. When war is declared ' treaties and regulations and restrictions are forgotten and each nation is out lo will. Frighlfulness will lie the motto of future wars just as they have heeij of tltose which have gone before. If Var is going to be regulated like Ihe prize ring then it censes lo be war and becomes a sport. Killing must i.,. done according to rules and those breaking the rules will be severely reprimanded by the league of nations or the world court. Germany Was First To Break Such Rules. --During the (ireat War Germaiiy was the first nation- lo break the rules or warfare and if she were again involved there is nothing to indirate thai her actions would change. It -would be an advantage to her lo have olher 'nations', restricted because under .the Treaty, of Versailles she is, restricted. '"' . We do not wish lo throw cold water oil anv ntlpmnt lit nr... yen! the.,horrur!r uf'war, but we do'-uofsec--Iiovr If VMil'iW dime jusi jei. jniernauouai rules uo not hind (he parties if.lhey are 'first class powers. It is only when ihe first class powers are 'ft hie lo put pressure on smaller powers that (hey can be enforced. , It is 'our opinion that the way to end war isito make.it as frightful as possible and to lake all v the glory and spor.l out of it. Only in that way will nations hesital about entering into it. Peace River Election Frauds. The election frauds in Peace River indicates that the people in those districts have riot much idea of the sanctity of the ballot. Men have been convicted of tampering wilh the ballots and have been punished with jail sentences. TheJact that, they are Liberals makes the offence, all the worse because Liberals 'have always prided themselves on the fact that they are willing to abide by the will of the people as expressed by ballot. Tampering wilh Ihe ballot boxes is much . more serious than the defeat of a Liberal government. The first principle of oooiilar cove mm put. U I GRADUATION OF FIVE NURSES Impressive Exercises Took Place Last Night In First Presbyterian Church i i i v The cniiluatinn cxtrciss of the lf2J 'clas nT Ihe I'rince'Hu-iiOrt- GcMiontl Ikmiital Training Srliool Jook place at an impres- Mif service urui hi me auimor- funit of, Ihe Preslivlerian Church last nfRlit. when Misses Janet It. Lot, llimn.'ili l'ssin. ViiimpI 1'. McAuleJsliorptliy M. Thomson,: ami liejen Mr It a became the mud possessors of dinlomtiH ami pins signifying that they had successfully qualified in (heir ex aminations for final' acceptance In the nursing- profession. The rhureh, which was heautifully lecoraled with broom, forget- me-nots, ma me phlox and ferns. was -'crowded with relatives and friends of the mines and mem bers of the local medical profes sion. S.'-K. Camnbcll. chairman of the: Hospital Hoard, occiniied Ilir! eliairjyiHing accompanied on the platform by llev. Dr. Charles J; il.anVron, Yen. Archdeacon Mix, A. Mann. J. H. Tlioninson. cliairinaii of Die house commit tee, and Miss Jean Harrion. H.X.. I violate. It is satisfactory lo know lhat the mistaken Liberals ofUened at 11 o'clock I ence ltuer are being punished 'for their. misdeeds. Jt.js to be direction of Mr. D.McD. Hunter nopu inat u.uiere are any olher malefactors they, will be and Mrs. D. W.. MorrUsey. mougui 10 justice anu mat Una will be fair warning to' oil and' The singing of Hod Savp the finMii j .in i.uui panics to respect me ngnis oi llie T'cople as expieeri, at the polls. ,. I-. . Carelessness Of Toronto F.eople. V Toriinto people re verVctfreless.' A lot of them mail letters to Qreat Hritaiu and last yearftbere were, 12JVM8 of these Jeiit with insufficient postage, which co'it the receivers iio Ies.s a sum than $7,1X0. TJiis is a considerafile sum and indicates thai a lot of Canadians do things without thinking. An ordinary letter to Knglaud or .Scotland costs four cenls whereas to Canadian point the cost is only three cents. ady superintendent of the lios ' pifal. Instructive and humorous ad dresses interspersed with songs by Miss Adene Advant. accom panied hv Mrs. l'raser. mado tli exercises an event to be long re membered not only by those taking an active part but by those privileged lo be spectators. me cliier speaker or the cven- iug was V.. A. Mann, who traced (lie history of the medical and nursintr profession from Ihe year 4000 H.G. to the era of Florence -Nightingale. The address, which was punctuated with much humor, was very instructive and thoroughly appreciated by every one present. At the' conclusion of the ad dress the diplomas a,nd pins were presenjed to the successful candidates by J. H. Thomson, assisted by Miss Jean Harrison, lady superintendent. 1 lie veji. Archdeacon Itix also save a very inspiring talk, ad drpsse'd particularly to Ihe nur sing profession. The exercises were opened and closed with blessings by Rev. )r Cameron. Norris I'riugle. Oeo. Harllin, W. Cruickhank and Sidney Webb acted as ushers. Dance I.O.D.E. Hall At the conclusion of the exer cise, the assem'hly repaired to the 1.0. !.L. Hall where a re-ep-tion was held for the successful candidates who were the recini- cnts of many congratulations on their success. After the retfeijifon dancinc was thoroughly enjoyed lo music lurnisiieo: vy Arthur orchestra jieiicious rexreshments were EMPIRE DAY under Ihe King ar 12.311 a.m. Drought a Very memorable and delightful evening (o a fitting close. IS OBSERVED Annual Demonstration Held Yes terday by Daughters of Xow that the peneral strike, is nil over n..,l n, ,r,i t Tll regular Kmpire Day cclc Uritaln generally are back at work, the conl strike i- i,. bra,io" u,r PI'Ic liool end. It will probably end in compromise, as do such disputes fiMV , under the auspices of generally. The British government is ready lo spend 111. to HinV ,,e,,,auKj,f" "r " Umpire; million pounds in further subsidies luil'nol of a nermanenll1! lJlae" 'eslcr,lny afU-ruoou in liaturt?. As a nolicv the sol.sidv m.t i i. . Westholnie 'Jheatre. The huge InifTi. tiim in ... taxes h , iroin ixioiii, iHirneii. u. uiUl wie couniry is going to pay such sums either to keep up wages or to give the al owner, a profit 011 operation or the mines. A Vital Part of Your Daily Diet SHREDDED WHEAT The properly balanced food u.tm Annunciation schools, accompanied by teachers, assembled and marched to the theatre led by the Hoys' Jtand. Selections played by the 'band during Intervals were much enloved liv , liiblren. and spectators, Mrs. It. Hlance, Municipal lllegent, acted as chairman, and i tliose presiding were Mrs. A. T. l'arkin, 1'asl Jlegent; Mrn S, Dar-itou, Hegent'Oueeii Mary Chan ter; MVsF. ..r'Hart?-:i?taftijird Hearer; Mrs J."'Mans'on; Itegent Hill "U(i" Ohaiiler Miss A. Iialby, Slaurlard Hearer; Mrs. 1), Orchard McLeod. negenl Adair 3arss; Mr. T Hpuller, Standard Jk'arer. Also present was II. 1). Jlocliesifir, .chairman of llie School Hoard. Dr. Cameron gave an educational and instructive address on The Umpire. Musical numbers were as fol lows: 'V Masqueraders Aplenty ! Here and there you'll find the dealer who stocks a case or two of Orange-CRUSH sells It promptly then tells you he is just sold out '"Here's something just as good." He is willing to sell an inferior substitute for the sake o'ess than Vi cent more proBper bottle. What would he do for ten cents? Respect and patronize the dealer who hands you Orange-CRUSH when you ask for it. He pays more than he would have to pay for products of inferior quality. Yet he knows that Orange-CRUSH is more profitable to handle because it . brings him a larger volume of sales. Song Mrs. Jarvirt ilcl.eod, ae-compitnied by ,.Mrs. l'raser. Irish Jig Miss Klizahelh Mc-J.eod, accomiiuiiied by Mr. Minion. Highland Fling Jean Sclt, acrompanied by Mrs. Iliuton. Fishpp,s iloriijupe Fdnji Ire-hind, accompanied by. Mrs. Illn-ton. - s . Welsh Dance Mary Kvau. accompanied by Mrs.lhilou. Mrs. Hlance. Hi . bet' closing) remarks, thanked all IJiosn who) eonlrlbuled to the ,ir.'ram. alsoj Mj,H AIH. (:a,w, which proved mot interesting to llie cliildren, and the Weslholme Diclieslra for it services. Miss Norah lUve'lt. wa genera convener and Tfarrlcd" out ar rangements in a most successful manner, with the assistance of Mrs. H. Hlance. There were almost M00 child ren preseul EDUCATIONAL AND, HISTORICAL TOUR The C'inuilinrt nllmifcl Unit waysiMHI ;operale tiOifiH.v-lliree day d'ersonally Oindiicled Kducii tional lour 10 Kurope this Sum uer. sailing via the R.st 'Alhenia'' from Montreal. Jul 0. direct to lilasirow. Proceed ing from there, the nnrtv will visit, different points of interest in Scotland, England Holland, Helgium, Switzerland and France. also an onnorlunilv lo vuu dm Eczema Was S lad Could Hardly Sleep lira. 0. Jodm, Xitseoty, Uta writci :- "I had twmu oa my left baud, i&d mj first flower wu to swollen, sore and itchy I could hardly lep at night. I got a prescription from my doctor, bat it did a no good, so I flnall began to take rimiaW After I had taken three bottles I was eeropletel relieved of my ectema, and would adfiee aojr one suiTerin fro si any diiue of the blood to use BJ3J3., as it worth its price many timet ott. This valuable preparation hat been on the market for the past 47 years; Put up only br The T. Milburu Co, laaiitsd, Tergjfto, Oat Uatllefield. ftelurning to Kn-linnl. will sail from Liverpool on S.S. "Aurania" August 13, Tor Moolreal. Considerinf Ihe number or poinls visiteil, the arcoin-modation provided, and enter-taiumeiil offered, Ihi is one of the loes priced Tourx ever operated to Europe. hull particulars, reservation , elen from any Agent, C.X. Hallways, .or 11? F. Me.Vaughlon, Di-Irirf. I'assenzer Aaent. Prince Man reiurneii to llie city ye-rday after ah aliene of se ral weeks in. A'aiiNuiver receiv ng Irealment at the hands o pecialistf. "a LAND i; ACT. -totlct of InttnOen is Apply U Lssii roriinora III Onern UisfMK- UlsiuU IjihI Hi- iinlliir HIMrli't f rrfmr llii-rl. ami . 7 1 ""', ,,f .vnironl llsy iiiir-i. .mi iniuiinv III! Mil iss ''rii -.i'.M"iir fl-HIL. TALK AllTH i: III. I Hi. II i luu.. .si-kiiiir i:..iminy. . i i.r;- -Vgiinsmfr, i" iiv) ir m iriM.fn iiUn-nllir ii (.iMiiiiieiirtiiir si s (Hitl plsnud si tl 'MilhwvM iiiriwr .() U.I.- Hi; t,,c, i,r. iiril suit isl-rly fnllomliiir l lei Imw ui lln ii'irlliv.i-. fimii-r 'irf i.ii in iHn-e Vi- 5 i-liiins; thrnrx v.ullierh .... .r-i-ni i-iiiuiiif a niM. iisrsiioi ii n- unr in mm nurr Hurt. 3 I'lmlii. iHirp iir wu, tumre ml 1 i-lmlii. in -.ui, i-iiiiiwiiri-nii)ii, sml imlalnlllt 17 si-rc. iMiirr nr J-. miirisii i:ui.i;miii hsiiivi ami , .... . t'ljr II. "MktuihhI, Ari-m i.'ii duiii ,irrij. lnyr.. "NAVIOABLC WATCM rROTCCTION ACT," H.i.C. CHAPTER 18. lillKHK - 111! I lltri llUltln . i.. ui.i l.. . .i i,7., i. x.i.i'.rrrrrr. ." mj In ilif iirrii-- of iho IHMrlrl li'sii'i' it tui i. mill imvLii-v ni.i.i.. ... ' ' l!Urrl. SI ITInre lluiert, II.. .. , ,,.rrn lion nf Ihf .lie mul ;.r . ..... in,l li il. r,.. ....I.:. line nriiiHiiiifl In In- i.mii m. ...... I. .u"." . '.'"'- uisihu; in ii;; -1,"' " If i Ti 'A.. l-"':iml"v."n . tntmutr L-sw Ihf 'mi lira i.r flts.lll.1. n. i.... i".IH"'. j,.Hj:,ai'',n,,.r;; AMi TAkK NOTICE thai sor tli ' fx ilriliiiii nf urn. ( 1 1 .......ik .J.'. .r' i.f llie flr.l miiiilr. i n .r ' .. ."T ..?..' Muicni i.imiip.i urn" ;;; T ..r iii. ..i.i a.i .....i. ... .r f.r Ollsws r..r si.pr.ivsl r i iii. J;',,, V, ai"l lln snd rnr lesvr- lo n.n.lrurl "-Jruri ii ihf MM wharf iikI irrmlr. flAlltll Iiflti... II. ...... n ... .tsy .r April, A.ii; iiVr.7" " ii.ir.?f..ii.i.Fnn MMiTrn, Wllllsins. Msnwn V Onniislf LAND ACT. Notlcs of InUntlon to Apply to Lssss Li!H mi ui-ictiiihi isnnsi Br"ff,r.nr';,i ".AEiri. t ti- ariMiml th iti.nVi ! i. .1. "'"nffi. snd nmtalninir io rrn. m "rJ or i. AI.FnFIl SWAMSon.' Dated April 17, teio. AWJ'-ni, Refreshing Sweetness of the Luscious Orange MILLIONS of luscious oranges plunged in the tide of California's golden glowtheir luring juices destined for the Krinkly Bottle! No wonder you like delicious Orange-CRUSH. No wonder Orange-CRUSH is the largest selling, fruit-flavored drink in the world. And how children love it! Look for the Orange-CRUSH Krinkly Bottle. In it you can get this genuine true-fruit drink. Always identify it by the name Orange-CRUSH blown right into the Krinkly Bottle. And Mothers why not have your nearest dealer send a case today? Serve the CRUSHES af home. First, th- juice of luscious oranges next, the delightful flavor of their peel next, sparkling carbonated water. Add the zestful tang'of the fruit acid found in oranges, lemons and limes a pure food color, such as you use in ...... 1 I candies J : - - ...... A A wonderfully lunnla.nllu delicious .1.1 ! 1 n... J . L your cakes drink . with U a . Orange lemon'CBXJSfL lines and auu tiiuic jjui pure c cane vaiic sugar. buai nviiuviiwi; ji world-wide . ... -4 a. ..... reputation for f purity Ml... and 1 wholcsomcness. CRUSH IimeCBKJSH. isssssssssr 1M From Pay Envelope to Dividend Cheque MONEY laid by In youth i. worth douUe the avlng ol middle age. Many a rich man toiiy Ixjught the right to hl dividend with the aaWnp he made once out ol hit pay envelope. Anyone wilh determination can do the tame. Tb man ho mvm is K mn lih txi. The Royal Bank . or canaaa Prince Rupert Branch . F. E Rolwtson, Managrf Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, HOPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. 8econd Avenue and McBride 8t. IcanaoianJ vaaiMMTj Canadian Pacific Railway BMC. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupe rr .T. ll.llll'1 f ICTCIJtAN. WUKCF1L JUMUU. MAKWiY f vawcouver, viaoRu t surra a. rtiiiCBS uatike for sulsls, Iwanson ts. last Ha tu. ouu rails. Msmu. oampboll Rltor, anf VanooiiMf otsry taluray 11 a.m. tncr for all tUamahlp Linos. Pull informal1 W. O. ORCHARD Msnsral Aiont. . . Oornor of 4lh tussl an Ird Assnua, Prlneo Rwparl. -