ti PAGE FOUr. VICTORIA DAY CELEBRATION Given Good Weather, Event Scheduled for Monday Is Assured of'SuccMiT U -U it j' , - Willi IheOojnt. comnillPftnf the J-air Hoard nnd KIk liayint; expended goneronilyofillieir nit- engies, everything is now "lit readiness (Tor Iho celebration and May Queen festival which will mark Vielnria Day on Mnn day. I he hlessing of the weal her man is now being in tnked and, if he smile's favor ably, (lie ay'A proceedings are atsiii'ed of outstanding success. The program of sports will at tract many while the ceremonies in eonneelion with Hie crowning of the May Queen and the Jitney dance to follow in the Exhibition Jlall in the evening it is expected Avill draw a humpor crowd. The celebration prncram will be as follows: 12.30 .Hoys Hand march from Sixth .Fired tQ Acropolis ' Jllll;' iM-r-j5 -ni'iif Fool rtare, hoys i 2 and under. .' 1.15 ft -mile Foot Race, boys u -lo and under. 1.30 Public School Itelay Race, lOq yards, 8 boys to team, 10 years and under. . 1.50 1-mile Uicycle Race, ' iioys 12 and under, j ; 2.00 Four Mile TJicycle Ilace, 1 ... lioys Ifi and under. 2.30 One Mile Foot Ilace, boys 20 and under. 3.00 Hasohall flame, fiyros vs. Sons of Canada. . LOCAL. NEWS NOTES , Victoria Day Celebration. Si-o Mi F.lizaheth Mcl.eod dance Irih Jig in Kxhibition Hall al 8.30. , Olen McMillan dry dock super- inlendent, returned to the city von tin, rrince-lttipert Ibis morn-. ."JFJCiPLttJiUdnc? trip to A. Watson, MiRirtecrins super- inlpmleiit, at the dry dock, will itsail foJbe soulU on th,jamer fl'ince 'lifiperl 'lofno'rrdw rif;!:!'.' IMr, Walson will siipenisc the j installation of the engines In tin jiey Okanajran lake boat whicfi was built here. I PRINCE GEORGE i There were a number of hair-raising experiences in the city iduring the big blow this week, lull Arthur Dixon, district en-f'ginecr, contends none eipialloi! those of himself and the mem-,bers of his family. They were at lunch when the storm lifted the rnn( off their dwelling. Mr. Dixon ,.wnlched the roof raise and 4' saw it settle down again. It did inol take very long, but he , jhought of a good many things 'while the staid old roof was doling, its Charleston. a I The uindilinir nf Miss .Innnl .'jlliinler Walker and Hush Mc cllain, both of I'rince fJeorgeilooi iplace ion. Monday evening at the boriiefqfMi and - Mr-s Alt fllulchlsbti, in Central;- The srl fvice was reail by Rev. S. T. Oaf- Sbraith; Motorists who were over the highway as far as Quesnel ihj tweek report little progress being -made in the surfacing of that portion south of the' Fori Ueorge district boundary. If a lilllo . speed is not shown (be highway will be through the Frase? can-ayon before the Quesnel section U surfaced, S.I' AVelch met with nn nce.i $ien.l TiSt.giini; xjv UiAclly iby automobile over last week enrt, I lie rain had made tin .froad sliptery and be was travel-lling without chains. In allemnt. ,ing .oegpijate a turn in the Ir'oad, oh il grade, the ar sklddpd down -into the diicli and turned on its side. Mr. Welch and hit ''companion got out through the upper side of the car without " injury. Some damage, was done to the 'fender and lop of the car. but none of the plass ws broken. . HAZELTON as! Mrs. Rcbultzfc enlerluined ' the young people1 ;on 'Tuesday even 'ug In honor of her son Henry who Js' leaving sboBjly for Van couver where be will take up the conference. BRINGING UP FATHER ft- take this ' t I iT tOOl TEACHER LIKE A ' IL' U NICC LITTLE 5IRLA ) VES " MAKE RESERVATION'S NOW j j FROM MONTREAL To Liverpool May is, June its Mont row June 4. July i Uonlcilin June II. July u Aliiiiii-Uire To Chrturg-Sutitmpton- Antwerp Jniie i, June au ; Mlmiloa June It, July ti . Mellla To Betftit-Glaagow June 17. July 16 Mrlaraina FROM QUEBEC To Btlfatt-Qlatgow June S, July l Monmalrn To Chrbourg-outhampton-Hamburg June g. July ; . K'mpri' ir frame June Si. July i . Kinpri'M or mlland To Llftrpool Jnu t, July 1 Moiitmyat Applr to Aetnta ererywtitre er J. . FOKSTER. Ctn. Ait, CF.K. stauon. vanceuTtr, Ttiipnona Seymour 2J0, tan. fac. k Tiai&s Ajtnu. work of a stationary engineer. He recently completed a corres pondence course in that sub ject. .... Mrs, II. 11 Thornton entertained at hrfdgp' last Friday ntgbt iii honor of her gtiesj, Mrs. Windt of Smilbers. The Ruest of honoj won I he prize. . MrsTHViliah TeitirijclVcirrteS'4 day nijrlil from Vancouver ailer atleniling Um United Church The first wild rose! this sea son were plucked oh Wednesday. Fred Blone had tlie ends o? two ringers taken off Thtirsdu) morning while working around the new Fordson tractor at Senk- piel's. Miss Moore, matron nf Hum .ake hospital, was bmuetll ilown to the llazelton Hospital Thurs day morning. She was accom panied by Miss Hay-nes, nurse 1 -rancnis l.ake hospital. SM1THERS II. L. flale is able tn.be lit charge of his office once more following n mishap in which one of his feel were severely scalded when h4 upel a dish of boiling water. W. I. Moxl-was in Smitber iver last week end to recuperate i'rom. the effects of an attack of influenza which lias kept him off l he road for several weeks. Mrs, Olof Hanson arrived from Prince Rupert on Tucpday-even-ing In speiid a few days al l.ake. Kalhlyn iit gellljig the flower gardens tinder way pending the opening of (lie summer camping season. Altar boys under the winr f How Father. A. wVallieres, O.M.I., motored to Hvelyn last vock i'lnl where they participati'd in an fnleresling game nf fool- hall. ' I. illicit followeil the stren uous game before the party re-turned to their homes. . The provincial police havo tarlcit nt nn a more strict en. forcemenl'nf game nt-nlal ions a Ihey alTect fish. ''Those' gam hogs who habitually ignore tin-regulations of a bag limit may j future find more occasion for humiliation than for braggado-cld. 1 ,st. !:.-.. , if '!:." D. I. Munro bus ben n vpry sick man for lh past week. He look a I rip through the lake district n week ago and returned with a had cold contracted in delivering new seniors to the Wislaria district. A neglect oTi this laid liini low, but he is now oomiii; along in, good shape. TERRACE NOTES . Frank Phiscnlor arrived back In town on Wednesday aflPi sppmling the wlnler in Xealllo. Mrs. .1. Hnice Johnston rind son Lloyd arrived from .Victoria on Wednesday..': nnd left o;: Nervous Strain of Modern Life was never lived at LIFE such high tension. There is a mania for speed, hurry and e x c 1 1 e ra e nt. Nerve force is consumed at a tremendous rate and there is little time for recuperation. But there is a limit to human strength. Sooner or later there comes the nervous breakdown. There is usually plenty of warning of the approach of nervous exhaustion or collapse. You find you do not rest or Bleep well. You are nervous and irritable. Little things annoy and worry you. You may have indigestion and headaches. To get away from this condition you must have rest.1 You must help the nerves to' get back health and vigor. The most effective restorative of the nerves is Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Many have been restored after months or years of the most seripus forms of nervous trouble. But prevention is the wiser course. It is so easy to head off trouble by using this great restorative when the warning symptoms come. You will feel younger and look younger ana yourfriends will notice this and compliment you. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 60 cts. a box, all dealers or The Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Ltd., Toronto, 2, Canada. ( dr Sir , THE DAILY riEWl r.r C 1926 Int-l, Fitlwc Sfuvict lc V anted For Sale For, Rent .VINT! YOU.N'O Man wants work, any kind; 35c an hour. Phono Hlack 201). ".i 4 LOST, I.DST. IMippy; lbd collar. Answers to Carl. Strayed from Provincial liui eminent Wharf. Phone ao. FOUND FOUXD.Three keys on rinyr. Apply Dally .News office. AGENTS WANTED. AfiKXTS r00 monthly eay sell- ing Magir as. II box eiiiaU 3.1 gallons gasoline. Proven merits. 'Your name on cans. .10i per"cenl profit. Wrile tuick, P. A. Lefelme and Co., Alexandria. int. 100 Null IIoIps in a l'alcoeel treated lire, yet leaks no air. Inexpensive. Harmless, (iunr-aiiteed. "'Agent's write ttirH for unusual money making propositbrt) 1. A, I.Pfebrvi'. A Cnmpuny, Alexandria, Onl. " PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon taaad by SANTAL MIDY Bawar f Imllallona Look for tha word "Mior" Sold by all rtriirriott fUlltiad ky Thursday morning for Lakclse l.ake wehcre Mr. Johnston has already spent several weeks doing repair work and gctting lh. Hot spring Hotel in readiness- fo.-the tourist season. Kinile Jopii of Homo was in town on Thursday. P. Sknret and (1. Folk arrived frwm Hdmonton on Wednesday nnd left on Thursday on a pco- pecling trip to ilieKalum Lake mining fields. II. I.. Frank left on Thursday for Prince Rupert. Mr. ami Mr J.tUoti .or .Van- -IJ', toft on Friday morning for Homo goin by way of the river road and travelling hv fulUcravkl tractor. Mrs. Vigor ami Mr-. llissonetle ami children wpiu down on Friday's I rain. rt3 , A. Tordilfe of Cedarvale ha accepted n position in the forestry servica and is filling the vacancy cuiseil' by the resignation nf C. Topmbs,' Fd. Johnston is a visitor in Terrace having arrived from Hrand Parirte otr Wediiosdayjfi D. A. Meltnnirsill .mil t. Smllli were in town on Thursday frtm l sk. .Mr. ami Mrs. R. 7v. Allen nnd two dausblcrs of Hauall wero l,.isiness visilors between tralrs on Thursday. H, MENZIES SUSPENDED. Tlie executive of the Football Association met. last niglit to consider I lie referee's rPrt of the incident at. the flraui-Ter-minal - Cold Storage malch on May 17. Acting on Hie official report of Hie"' re fo roe, (he executive suspended II. Monzies nf the Orand Teriiifnal Club for on month. :v n .... ...i.. r ' -1 I : " I ' i CivETHEAPPLETO My TEACHER AND I TOLO HER YOU IVC IT "TO Mil -b.tv xtMU tHE Kissed mei FOR SALE FOR RAI.K.- 28 fool fish boat, "'.it h.p. Vulcan engine, oua year oll 950.00 20 fool cabin cruisur, new 12 h.p. engine priced at $(SO.0il 28 fool cabin cruUer, 15 h.i. oil engine v.... 41,200.00 Sihall s()eeder willi Ford engine, priced al $2."(0.0i) 20 h.p. ItulTalo engine liVoo.OO 40 h.p, Btudebaker engine, 200.00 (5 li.p. OuaranlcR, price 27500 C h.p. Kellenberg engiiui 120000 2 cylinder 10 h.p. auto engine . 100.00 I Ryllnder Koilge engine wiKi starter - 1 00.00 I cylinder Chevrolet enalf with starler 25.i0 1000 feel inch back haul cable, price Cc per fool. We McGregor Saws, falling and bucking nvs, nilchrlst Jacks, elc. Northern Kxcliange. 213 Second Avenue. Phono 23. FOR SAI.lLor Rent. TourI Hotel al Terrace, H.G. Twelve rooms rurnlsbed. furnace lient, electric, light, electric pump hath, restaurant, kitchen, hut -room, three morn furnished collage, two lots. Rent t.0( per month or will sell on reasonable lerjiis. Apply Mrs. J A. Mcliougall, Tunrlsi llotH. Terrace, H.G. FOR 8AI.K. Xew SO h.p. Itolln. der semi-Heiser with full e(uitnieiit, (2.380.00. 35 h.p. heavy duty Union, in good condition, !I00.00. Haslhope eiwines, to lit h.p. Prince Rupert noalhouse. 123 FOR SAI.K. Five roomed mod- ern bungalow nnd two lots; close in. (2C00.0O on Icrins. Apply T. Mcr.lymont. tf KJR SAM?. coiiilhand furniture and restaurant fixtures from Royal Hotel. Apply t ( 1 Third Avenue. FOR SALE. Oerhard Helnlzmaii Piano, on easy monthly pav-ments. , Walker's Mmlc-sSlore. ORAMOI'IHLNK and oilier fur- tiiture for siitei Phono Ilbtor; 731. 10 TO RENT FOR RH.NT. Modern four room ed flat, with Monarch range, in Clapp block. Weslenhaver lro. 'URNISIIFD llousekeepinc Rooms to rent by the day, week or month. Phone Red 007. if FOR RF..NT. Furnished housekeeping suite, Mussnllem . Apartmenls phono 18. tf FOR RKNT.t Four room suite, hoi water healed. Apply Smlti A Mnllet. . FOR RF..NT. House suitable for boarding house. Phone Hlack 731. ' ' 120 MOD.F.RN FLAT for Rent. Apply Max Hellbroner. tf BOARD AND ROOM. HOARD, The Inlander. 83.' Second Avenue. Phono 137. ROARD, Rooms ami Furnitlicri Suites. Palmer House. f TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call Oeorge, Paul or Oust) Six and Seven Passenger Slmlo bakers at your disposal any Ilrno ROSS IROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from Empress Hotel, PATENT ATTORNEYS By George McManiu 1 I I r - lilVw Kr- f j w us, A erc" r ncirr. . watkb rt-, . .. aaaav C VR TO r - 'M ItJkUNM ajBag. fcTTcl E5TJKiVi l -T-r-J Laaaaai Gt Bnuia riku rwiM 5 j DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertuement taken for lest than 50c Article! Loit and Found, Sc Fi:TIIF.RSTXHAF(!lI A CO.. the old established firm. Patent and trademarks In all countries. Free hitoklel. Vancouver office (0(8 iiogers Hillld-Ing. Phone SJeymoiir 379L Manager, F.rnest K. t'wirveel registered allnrney. Oilier of fires, Ottawa. Washington ant princinul elites. AUTOMOOILES GUARANTEED USED CARS AT BARGAIN PRICES 1023 01dsmobile Inuring 700.0Q 1022 Oblsmohile l'.Minn 1021 Ford Tixlor Sediiii 150.00 1923 Font Tudor Sedan 125.00 I0S3 Font Tiulor Swlan ( 100.00 Ford Light Helivery 200.lg Ford Light Delvery 1125.00 We ghe thirty day free service on above car ami liberal er vice pn new cars. KAIEN GARAGE. Dealers In Chevrolet and ad Oeneral Motors Products. Wrecking Service Jay and Ninht Phone Price- nf li.iih X, ;,rii liuar- ani I t'se.i l-iilkli i:IIS are mW at a new low l-vfl. The National Time Payment Plan enable anyone with a reasonable iiicioiie t afforl Hie comfort and oimemmre a ear affori(. Ask S. C. PARKER, LTD. Dealers 219 Second Avenue. FURNITURE. New a n d Secondhand Furnl- lure Slore. We Huy. Sell and Kx change New and Secondhand (loods. GEO. PAPADOPULOS 839 Third Ave P,0ne nlf GOOD EATS CAFE, Third Avenue Opposite Henson's Studio. OOOD MHAI.S. (i(K)D aKi:s Ho f fee or Tea Served. nKAI. Ilfi.MK nOOKFD Mli.M.S .Mrs, Unger, Proprietress. Phone 053. WOOD. Dry Mixed Wood 0.0 a load. Dry Fir Wood 0.r0 a 1 o n d. Hut to any length. Kindling, 7.00 a load. Fir Furnace Wood 7.00 a load. A. ISAACSON ''""no Hlack Hit. Seal Hove. TIMBER SALE X 7710. f.iS.!,7l.J'n,,',: '" ra-.a. by lha I l.lrlr , lM'lrr. Ii.il lairr lliann.,ii ihi llw I Jlh day ..r Juno, ifH. forihi. i.iir. ' . 'f .. IJcnw XJJin. ferriimii t. 'lajwo ini,, (jx. io rul A.MI,mill ini .L1"'' "'r'""' MTiirc. rMiar. ami n 'n a. ltni It i ta.A 'lll I.. .11. ... . r r ii...v.i of ii,,,ir: rU";!:i',,.",r,.."l, t""flf' LAND ACT, Notlca of Inlantlon to Apply to Laaai Land .In J.nnil iiernrdinr oimrirt nf , itiiiw niifrrl. and allumc mi Wwbr lUnd. yi'wn ( liarliitio Onmp, on iiniminrd m-Jrl. Ihrci. inilM amitli ,,f i i., urria i. TAkr. NoflCK that ThA Canadian Flub-Uiinpanv. I.lliillrd, of Vaii.mivrr, ir. riipatmn Saliiirm ranurrii. intrmla in applr ini.. Hiiiimina ifrrilir. r.r'iAl.,".l"n.''lnf !J 'MM" P1"1 l rwit 'iLlS! ' ""r," ' unnainJd . ,r.h,iUi rD'n,i It"'!"'; M.l to ri,in, .iii . .. . ' ' ""rr nni-i inrnr norm-rrly fnllowlnr rhorr llim .11 c A,i i WiUlnlnj 10 arrra, imira or ). TIIF. CANMlltN fto r.flMMANY, .""urn, Aiipnrani. . v'! William Alfrxd liuwer. Ditd oth .k April, ttit, im nullrr at. wtis notici mi: uTT.r) liuiu a I .. . . . lir Van-. . , a lirrlK i., m. , , rrtiiut .f (, , . . . whith u,. n .r.i,v. smith tat. .. i,4 , llltlfi l.rflW-l i. MMlllMtl i.f n..,f. urfrii) atHI i lint in II . il I'rlmr tlx i tltXiralbMi int i Wtl.r Iir,.,t4r . I Wain lurus-VlrKirM, II i j. ihr rirl H ni aral hrHt Mlral :i iu Hl'.lii-ii at i. Wiliiiii IrrnUU, Hi 'i 01 Hi to hn wllara MMii miMi.i our i .4 1! ll. tf. I J n rl. a.i, arr im ' irrni nii prria ' UiKWiilmnl 1'ii' ; j i Ihrir rlauva ait '"' rjHiil, and ihr mi amriia nf ain IrnfM lr Uli" Ind laa null.. 'ii -r Jiiiw. In itir In flKlrlbsl i- aiiMMir tb '- rvtard -Mix ) v - i hwiiIm aKatt Own halrd Ihla in -I Cniw Biiprn B Fli f John t " ' ' s, " ' . ' iSlir.llr aim . j, ..'.".. '" "X hu ..f I jj t 1 r "t a , thltt IWtll. M M . tlw 111 ila ' -w 'ft " -r i NAVIOSBLt WITIll ... Th lanitri i pail Umiir.i O I in t tl twtar i, . ii . Knnl llh llu v al otiaua. ami Iflrl lr(Ur! IrOtr lluiwri ii r prrt. pnniot-a I anu Hr krfk,.-,i ur.j.. m ti .. Ml M (al. vu. ttttrm ul nnii.il Aim tala tt..i: .i llrl ntMnralbiai ' rara riMnt n k , UI oiKV-r irri.,r Mr U l M. .'! kla ,(ri' in Ok ( I 4 llw (a la l fn rr. IlalMl al rnn.a I dar vt Mar. " MINI SL CT. LAND CT, llmwrl. and rll"l Irl, Morrobj lHnd. ''il ' 1 V a M if, us 1 1 t. i I Ml ii v inn: , . V 1111 NOTICI TO CIWTtt la lb Vtllrr ..f Ivraawsl. XOfKli it Iv'.i natiat lam - I'tmm). lu dir.: . IHUm. in ih i ft a Pit raotlta of AaaOaalia far e laiaroiamMU. Iliunl Ilill iii i "ff rral mil N i. 1 rraf Hill Claim, allualr m v ln ut I Ii l -' t-li ut In M ' i laUI bublrra. W Miiu-r'a trlirtiau 1 I. Miir, I ri" JltTC. iir. vmi.e "i fr Mlnrra ' aaetil fiir lla of alilr daja f' aiilr in tif Mitiiiir 1 liraia of m(nirnir ' tiialnlnx .r rial 111". srui funtier ' .lr Hrrlbin a ! II Ih nsnnwnnst brlnf il rilfKal of lm r liaiiNl Oils I7IH i - -a - ,sa , m i - l' If, Nollca f Islantlwi U sf'1'",1!!"-Ill lanj Hfiinlioi I"-" m i.rniii.. TkE SOTIfE lh' In l..xiianr. I.iniuri riipaimn xaliiHin 1 "' for a lrar nt H IimI:- Ciiniinrnrlnf al a : iiaiimj i.rrr. " ,' ' iinf 1 tlH IU'a Mill I II f ' riiam, mori1 or ! nortiM-rly Mllnnin " i,"" ami ronialnma 4 ai JJJ e. r... u..iia " Dalrd Itlh April,. )'" (hr '"A"" r in ; " ,ai OOVMNMINT UQUO"1 a..ii.tliii PIIA!'" t Nollca of 'frt,Vl InlriHt intend in in apply apply '7i t i li.iaru fnr a lirrn ; ' 7,'i, iiiim- Piiuain mi gurttfl li.C. ami iiixm Hh- f. Illmk it. Ml) V. l I.aii.1 ira.irilin 0 flir lnra of lirif toll C'llnifJ' a Mt1 l-r ly Hi fi" JIlni?m-- for iiiiiinifiitin n ,'kf?t . . ' lialH il rrlnrf H il"- day of ti. tT. . m LAND JCT. i0 Nolle of Inl.nliofi I,'"''." In Crlnr HuiktI irlrl or Com llaiif ' .nrili lurliarl Iliii4. .,trti t TAK MITIC.K IH' II? Prlnro llnirl UPT I l'" . I ' Irnda In apply rr I'1' , w rtcriurd linn . rtm ri.iin.in.lnf Ml I MII .Inline mnn rml or .ortb nt'! j"'1 'n irrmiul lha Ulaml ai ".t ml n.nl.inmr to vrffoj Dnd April IT,