Uday, May 22, 1020. Vie foundation ofdiarm V HEALTH l A little ABBEY'S in a class of water each day helps nature keep you well. ABBEY'S makes a drink alive with laughing bubbles. You'll like its cool, dean taste and its gently corrective action. Prince Rupert, B.C. Abbeys -Tht Morning Health Salt" ton t Guess what the weather will be tomorrow Put it up t the rtC Ml BAROMETER 11 H I'lllf Mllliiig- ull'l rui) wjiii- ltd. it l' the ItoroinctlT. Whether riiui or wind I tie lian iiin-lr. whose readings It lie bavii" ui nil weather fore al. vil warn iiu. So gic- i'i.'mmiH the Ij.irMiii' lcr ami ion-nil n. Price t.i r ii XI;' '0 up. Made in Kiiglamt ! Short .Mimuii k ii I lit world. r DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." 8moked Dally by Lanadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lti Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. OYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. mono 34 P.O. Box 196 Steel Jlcds, Springs uml Oslcrnmor Mat-i': I8,,..,u..-h (.'! in every rooin. , . , S3 Hoorils, Hot uiid Cold Water, Maths and Showers Ileum Healed, Kleelrle Light. Corner of Third Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. loggers! Loggers! NVe have the only complete stuck uf Oilrliirifif .larks . a dm mmm m w a - l( purls in the Xhhk " V' .ufthlltf Tagging Cable, A&U- "vies, Saws, und general Camp Equipment II will pay you d, m when uutfitling. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue OPTOMETRIST HAS TO STAY TILL WEDNESDAY Time extended! Owing lo hav ing o much work on hand and o many new patients coming in to get perfectly HUnl glasses for their eyes, J. li. Higgin- bolham, O.D., specialist iu ocular refraction, registered under British Columbia Law of Op- fon'rlry, of 075 ' Hobson Street, Vancouver, B.C., has decided lo remain at (hi) HL Hlmo Hotel, 'frond Avenue, half block west of post Office, Prince Hupert, Until W ednesday, May 2t. Complicated cases a specially. OIaos filled by him will not only pjrejngthen and improve the eye. iywni-lasl for many yfcaq.s wuiiouL cnanso. reon e wn i de fective VyesYghf needing high- class opt leal work, should nol fail to coiihiiII hlni. In order to advert iw his superior work iu filling very fine glasses, he will make the following special rales for this trip only 5.0o glasses 2.50; IO glasses, 5.UQ; I5 glasses 0.; special nite for special ground 'glasses. Hxarn-inatii.n free. Phone (Jreen 510. Advt. PAVEMENT. Takt- nolieo that Seventh Ave from Fulton Street to Dnnsmiiir street will lc dosed from May -'6 'until June SO. Householder wi-liinu to get in supplier ar? Tiiuoted to do so before grad ng siar!. t'ii Oily Engineer. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. Take noli.-e that anyone found riding bicycles on sidewalks or einderpalhs will le prosecuted. U'O City Kiigijieer. HOTEL ARRIVALS. ' Prince Rupert' Th. FiRetn, and C. Jv Clar Vancouver? II, i. .lolm'tOn.i In-verne; V. II. I.owdeii, Toronto Mrs F. Harrison, Sniithers; Mr? Ira Ititr lieorgHowir. Central F. A. HiMsell, eity: I.. Uarfl F. Taylor, 1". Malbew and V ImdHii. C.X.H. NOTICE TO MARINERS'. The l)c.ariment of Marine Mariner that the gas ami whistling buoy marking Vanroi. r (lock. Millbank Sound, H.C Iihs broken ailrifl and will be re placed as soon as possible. . .1. Fraser. father of II. O. Fi aier. school inspfctur. left nr. a round Irip to St. Johns. New Hrunswick, train. on this morning's She Couldn't Sleep Heart Was So Bad Mrt. J. D. MeCliotMk, Chirlotto-town, P.E.L, writctr ''About i year aco I tru greilly troubled with my heart. I could not iWp at Jilght, and wni o aervooi I imagined that I eould ee everything la the room moving, and would have to turn on the ligbu before I could get to aleep. After caring read of your I took several boxes of them, and can now get a full night's sleep without any trouble, and feel fine in every way." ( t IT. & X. Tills hare been on th market far the past 32 years; all dealers sell them; put up onlr by Tho T. Milburn Co, limited, Toronto, Oat BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, lias been taken over from U'orge Kerr by J. Preece late with Scaly and JloodMui Fresh Meats arriving Twice Weekly from the Bulkley Valley Phone 178 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREI Local and Personal 1'hone 15. P.H. Coal Co, tf Arthur's Taxi. Phone J78. tf H.C Undertakers, ('bone 41 Crystal Firelighters. 8 fo: $1.00. Hyde Transfer. Phone 580. ; tf Knights of V)iUu whist drie and dauCe .May-31. Proceeds for Hoys' Hand. . Arthur's orcheslra every u'fgh'. this week jttf the Commodore Caharel JromllUP. 1 .30. 1 20 Mrs. CliiirlcM Kirk arrived frurn Vancouver eerday and is, a goesl of Mr, and Mrs. Creeesi, Federal 'block." The Junior Choir of the First United : Church' will meet at the home of Mrs, Max Heilhroner lo nighl ;tl 8 O'clock for practice. Miss I'ringlc, HV. arrived in Ihe city tlifs "morning on tin. Prince Unpen and left on 4be ?albniitid train for Burns Lake St. Andrevv's fjoeiely will hold a .SfolllsJi Dance on the evening of Thursday, May 27, in I.O.H.F. Hall. Fifth Avenue Kasl. Admis- ilon 5c. Ir. and Mrs. II.. K. Treinayi-.e, and daughters Audrey and l-'rary eei, sailed on Jhe" Princess Mary yesterday afreintftm on a rciiiui trip lo Skagway. llev. ,V. Deativof ()can Falls was a asscngef coming north on tlie Prince Jtiljicrt (his trip after having atlefided the I'nlleO Church conference in Vancouver Hear Canada jrrealest lenor and talented Concert, parly vsiholme I'heatre, Monday, Tuesday and Wfsfnesday at 8.li p.m. An enjoyiibte evening as sured. Mrs. X. M. McLean i leaving Sunday night by way of Vancou'. vnr en route lo her old home in County Longfofd, Ireland. Sin will also visit relatives in F.ng-land and expects to return in September by way'of .ev York A party consisting of H. Howe Mr. and Mrs. Pele McCormlck, Mr, ami Mrs. Bert Long, .Mls Laura VrlrmU, Geo. Pearson. Mrs. Topper, Miss 'Hitchey, ann Louis Amadio will leave on lo night s special" train for Mile SI on a Iwo days camping and fMiiug trip. I. I. McMullin. who has re-enlly completed fifty years of service in the service of tlu i. I'.P. and Caiiadian .National Hallways as supcrinlendiMil ai Belleville. Ont., will arrive or. to-morrow's train and leave fo. Vancouver on Ihe night boat. Mr McMullin is holidaying in pacific coast cities. Mrs. F. Lang, who was her- lately with Ihe Juvenile Hostnu-lans, passed through -the citv yesterday with the Sixny Maids, who are making a Tt our of the coast. They yill play all the way 'up lo Skagvvay'arid possibly at Dawson and will again visit "rinco ltujierl on the rehire journey. 1 bo .Six Joy Maids make an .xcepiioually good combination, putting on one o! the best shows Mrs, l.angr has ever travelled vvllh CP. II. .steamer Princes Mary, l.apt. I Clitr, arrived in port from ttic south at 3:15 yesterday afternoon and sailed ugain at 5 o'clock for Skagway and Alaskan points. The cabin sn:iee wns I well occupied with people going .north in connection wilh Ihe openm? up of the various indus tries duMng the summer months. Passenger sailing from Prino-! lUipcrl Tor Skagway included Ir and Mrs. H. F.. Treinaynei and ilangliters Audrey and France. C.V.n. steamer Prince" Huper'l, Capl. H. Donald, arrived in pori j from '.Vancouver and waypor.ls. it (jo.o ouiock tins nuiniing' 6r : iter I art. Icily "!W'-VHiw'r"'t"i inoluded'Mrs. Albert liureftu I and' baby j tileu McMillan, F. AV, illoon, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Gros, jlMn Heppell, Miss PrihgleiUufiiS ! Lake i , 'Mrs. T. Iloss Mackay, HuV. Victor Sansum, Mr. and Mrs. Hudson; for Stewartt Harry .effect, Mrs. W. Held, Lionel Heu-etl. v'' ' -: .' ' , ,'. Install CHAMPIONS Champion X-acluilvelr for Pbrdt packed In the Red Box 80 cents each. Champion -for cart other than Fordi packed in the Blue Boa 90 cents each. "Set of four $320 St of four $60 Mr. Albert Bureau ami baby, after a firolonged visit in Van couver and Fcrnje. B.C., re(urnel lo the city on the Prtuee Huieri this morning. llev. Victor .Sansum, who attended Ihe conference of the I tl itatrfl 171 1 It nl ni i itAionm m nvel hi the cjly on the Princ- Hupert this morning. Mrs. T. Iloss. Mackay returned to Hie city on the Prince Hupert Ihis morning after having at tended the I' nil imI Church con ference iu- Vancouver. Harry Zeffert, will known cloth ng man of Stewart, who has re- eenlly returned ironi a tri lo l.nsland. was a paseuger on the Prince Hupert Hits inorniiig. M: ZelTerlvas recently married and will Im reluming south ironi Stewart iu a few days lo Jom his wife, who is at -present in Vancouver. i ' ' : , - Mrs. Alex Cohubh and: davjuh- . ' . ... .; 1 . ? : ier, lvonue, leu on 1111s morn-iiu' train for Francois Lake where they will, spend: several months holidaying, visiting a day or so at llazellon enrouto. Their flat iu Ihe Hrookshank Block has been taken for the summer by Mr. and Mrs. Johir Farrell, recently arrived from Victoria. Victoria Day Celebration on Acropolis Hill on Monday will commence ai I o'clock witli Hoyi' l oot and Bicycle races. At & o'clock, the opening game of League Baseball helween (tyro ami Sons of Canada. l)oV Jland ill allendance under-Bandniasler Wilson. Crowning of May QueCit a (id Maypole Dance at 8.30 in Kxhihiliou Hall followed by Hi? Jitney Dance. MACHINE KNIVES! 1 day for the Install Hiver .o! spend the liolblay week end wil'i her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown. Now If you have used your spark plugs more than 10,000 miles, install a full set of dependable Champions now. Dependable Champion Spark Plugs render better service for a longer time. But even Champions should be replaced after 10,000 miles service. Power, speed and acceleration will be restored and their cost saved many times over in less gas and oil used. Champion Spark Plug Company of Canada, Limited Windsor, Ontario Your oun dealer who is one of the 10,000 Canadian dealers selling Champions, uil! be glad to serveyou. Champion Dependable for Every Engine A Canadianmade Product Timely Suggestions WAMPOLE'S CRAPE SALTS 50c A refrohnig and healthful drink. HIND'S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM 50c For Ihe hands and face and for use after shaviiig OVALTINE Nature' Tonic Food 90c and $1.50 Builds Brain, Nerve and Body. Overromes fatigue, ensures sound sleep und supplies a reserve of strength. MERITAS TOOTHBRUSHES-Special ...... 25c Kach brush, in a carton. Twenty per cent off all French Ivory Goods (auotigs CJlenwood Chocolates -foe Hi. 5 Hi. Box $2.00 ORMES LID. Rexal Druggists Phones 82 and 200 Pinauds Lilas.de France $1.00 Pinauds Kuu de Quinine lg. $1.35 Steamship and Train Service S.8. PRINCE GEOROC llul PRINCE RUPERT Skill Iee PRINCE RUPERT Tor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE Hid Illtenm-OUle inli. THURSDAYS IIMl SUNOAYS II 11 p.m. Also S.S. PRINCE CHARLES, WEDNESDAY, KAY 26, am) JUNE S tl 4 p.m. For AN VOX WEDNESDAYS, 10 p.m. ' STEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. 8.S. PRINCE CHARLES rurtnirtltly fur VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHAR. LOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT (tally exrrpt Sun.Uy l H.3U t ill, hx PRINCE GEORGE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEO. all points Elrril Cinarta, I'nited Slalea Agtncf all Ocean SUamahlp Llnaa. l'e Canadian .National Eipres for .Munrjf orders, Fcmrn Cheques, elcv also fur your next shipment. Clt, Ticket Office, S2S Third A., Prince Rupert. Phone 260. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED- Satllnra from frioce Rupert, 'r VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Swanaon tUy, and Alert Kay, Tueada,, PJB. ee VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alert Say. and Iwaneoa Bay. Mlvrda,, 10 A.SI For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlter Cannarlaa, Thurada, p.m. Por PORT StMPSON. ANYOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sunday. S pjn. US nd Areave. i. cwaeleY. Aleut. PrlMe Ruaet. a.0 RniUrc " " ... Rni Solid Copper Boilers . . $4.00 Oopper Hotlomed Tin lioilers $2.50 Thompson Hardware Co.,. Ltd.