. r wt'iny Mnr uours. In Hramloil Hills clislriel, seven iuehes of snow Ml while. it viteioo.. ll:lf-l, Jir M;ik itlt.ii,-:iti lli.i ... ......,. ...... r...... t.. llll Illilivr. A " result nf Ihe precipitation, tin- fall crops have been It'llfll III!' III illllUIII'H III llll! IIYIT.ILTI' ill llll. Hill nr III,. ...... KUUBLfco in ooru oi iiaurrcGiion iu Precipitate Adjournment of Newfoundland Legislature JOHN'S, Nfld.. May 22. in, r .Milium io, my niviicti 1 1 -it Hiadley. miul.trr vvillt- i ii uiiiii, nun .iiiuiirr oi ii Works llurll to explain it nun we oi In overthrow uiiiii) i'v or clc reign. The irnri' adjourned In enable k anient lo deal willi al-i u.fiial di-cnion in- ii --i ittitr- iiif'tiiiitf rm PARTS T BE DUTY FREE to HUi'-imut'ile parU Mill In: til in?, I'jrm til ii 1 1 rimr rnrn KKV HKHK HAS TO QUIT a. h . ... . t ama nosonucru. vvuriu a Champion Bantamweight, Too Good For Cana dian Tltleholder TOUOXTO, May ii. Charjie nerir. world n liaiitam- iuli ' i IiIiiiIiIi.i ro ti'il u I el' Il ea' iviiockoul in the fifth champion. Iat infill. The i ii m i iiii w i ta ii m ii t n i ii it it Hi men were ovcrwciKht. K A HAV Nli BIG CELEBRATION! I 0 m BC Mi I W i.i A utkUM Art as nML.nin.viii mil lliit h ui unimu yueen or tveni uoina on in Capital City VII TOIHA, May 2?.--The an- i it I l:niiOrii tlni.- t.nlt.lii-ii I Inn he- - ....j ii nere ins iit.-hi wuii t ie . ,i. t. it.i .. nillllH OI .'US lUlllllCeil .Will- ns mi' iiuei-ii ui iiiu, iiiw- "'iiMi i lie ceremony was per- nneil iiy Lleiilenaul-Oovuruor luce IKI kV I AUPknlTlbll uiiuiiLi imti 1.11 i 1 1 1 BOXES 10-ROUND DRAW vlded Honors Last Nlaht at adlunn Smian. n.i UUIII. ' 1 ..h i j n i uvii miti Eddie Hufman or Call- . fornla -Vl.'tt, ,...... - rlllMH llMV IIMUI1U tllK I.. ......... . - - - l"ttj IIIK ll I lllllll "'"iv a s vi I A 111 II 1 1( ll "ii, luiiMiii icu roumis io a " III .MailltiOII Sillliipn fliii-ilml Subscribe to Iho Dal) News, I ami, never since tin humour year or liM5, have spring Indicn lion pointed to Mich a bountiful harvest. ' 4 AH dauycr of -.oil drifting It now pasl iiml Hip miow and rain has efierihely quenched Hie forc.l uml buh fires lliat were fhrratculiu; Manitoba and West ern Ontario. t McRAE LIBEL CASE SET FOR VICTORIA CHOICE OF SLOAN VAXPH VF.lt. May ii, Hun. William Sloan, nt t n-iler of mine and pm-vinetal secretary, ha chosen Victoria a Hie venue Tor hi 50,00il libel uil ntfaiul Ocucral Mr-Itae and the order lia (t'li nitrovi'd by 11 a i it -liff councl. FISH ARRIVALS ""or larm nmnigiii n i wo American ana i-our una Announced by Minister of ' dlan Halibut Boats' Sell Finance I Catches Narbethona rings Salmon i I Mi arrival llii niorniu lolallcd .Mi.hiui iouml, l lAinorican vchkpN landing 15.500 poumU of halibut a I g I four adiau. I l,:ii)0 pound. I'ric Acre from It. to to IS.3C and 7 for American fili and from 1 ic llo ll.;ic and He for tiaitadian. t he day'i arrivals were a fo.- lowi: Amorican Alia n tic. tu.mm .ound, to Hie llootli I'Nherien. (Had)., i.5nn potiml. to 1 1 - Canadian l'lli V Cold Storage Compatiy. Canadian X. A S.. I.Hdo pound, ami Scrub a.OOO iiouiid. to the Alii i lihcrie. li.T. Ci.oiMl pound to the lloyal l'lli Co. : Toodie, 0,5(Hi pound', lo the Canadian l'ih tV Cold Storage IX Salmon Natliot tH'iiff . o.'-'On. redi and Itoo white, to Ho' Atlin Fisheries, at li.ie and :'o. PILSUDSKI OUT FOR POLISH PRESIDENCY Leader of Successful Revolution ary Forces Definitely Agrees to Become Candidate WAHSAW, May 22. Marshal Jiludki. leader of the success ful military revolt, has definitely aigreed to become a candidate for president. 1 lie national Assem bly, tailed to meet here on .May :il, will select a new executive. WEATHER REPORT. Terrace, cloudy and calm; temperature ll. Anvox. clear, calm, temp. 51. fin. Stewart, cloudy, calm, lemp.48. Ilaiellon, cloudy. cnlm; 4cm). Telcurapb Creek, cloudy, calm, lemneraliirc 15. Hums Lake, cloudy, calm; temperature 51. Miss Manila Marsh left oi r..i..f.iiiv nioininiis train to iniiii Hie holiday week-end ai Terrace wilh her parenls, Itural Dean and Mrs. T. J , The nmler North B.C. Regiment Will Leave Tomorrow for Interior Fifty eight member of tin; First Xorlh II.C. Regiment, Under Hie eoiumaml of Colonel .) W. X'icholls, will entrain on a special car attached lo Hie freight I rain leaving here carlv tomorrow morning. From Ter race the regiment will proceed on a route march to I.akel. i ..i i . .... i.iikc wueri manoeuvre will undertaken. The rcsiimcnlal hand will lie in attendance and the rejtimeul will entrain in fm! marching order. While in Terrace the band 'will give a con cert. The regiment will return lo the city on Monday night. Officers, X.U.O.V ami mer. niaLfnv I lie trip will Include the following: uoionei J. . .iciioii., com-inaudlu'; Major S. I. Johnliinc ndjulaiil; Capt. Percy Tinier, Hapl. II. V. Kilt. Capl. II. W. Cameron, Lieut. II. Floyd, Lieut. Xorri l'rinle. Liertl. A. II. tjar-miehael, and Lieut. J. .S. W ilson. Uapl. and JiiHilerinaler lira will lie in rliarve of Irani'-port iirraiii:ement. ll.O.M. Seriseanl Malcolm l.uml, (Uimpauy Sciveanl Major oliiuon, C.S.M. Wrl-ihl UavK-M, ersemH. A. J. Sijuire, W. Ilor robin, C. L. Yuuutiiau, A. Mur- ray ,11. A. Ponder, lien. C.adwal jlader ami ltvei-y. trderly-rooi: Im Unwin. reKlmeiilal band will l Hie command of Acliu.' lainliiialer C.S..M. ROY SMUT I FADFR MjMor. !resl u OavieK afl Will romprif Hie followiui: per- a:if oniiel: Ser-'eaiil "-eanl llo'im lln'sui Itanro. C4irpora1 lerry: private- I - 1 1 1 I if . I . 4 1 ivi-iiy nyi'u, v ",rU,"rH'"',.Ml aiflotO.' Auckland. J. Kelly. W Urownle, l. I'revoitl, .1. Aucklaun. Cecil Ityiin, C. I'. Ityuti. tieory ftnii and VV. Iampbcll. Simialliiii! ection under command of Lieut. Jack llamley: Scrjjiaul A. .1. Squire.. Private- Uml Wllkliisou, F. Hucll, J I Palmer, Macmilh. II. Oaidou aul Peter I Hack, and in. addition Privates J. Ilarri. Xormar Shorlt. Ituller, F. It. Smith, I. II. Jamlt'ou, T. J. William. A J. Waller. Am:!! Macilouald, J. Youn?, W . Lony, T. Tournay, it CorbeH. H. Way and I". T. Way. VICTORIA CARPENTERS THREATENING STRIKE Propose to Lay Down Tools on June 1 Unless Building Ex change Grants S7 Wage VprrolllA. May 22. The tar-pi'iiltTs tit this city last nlclil decided to strike on June. I tin - le there is a jalisfaetory reply from the lluilders' P.vchantrc lielore thai lime to their it'MUcst for a tl daily wajre. Hid. Asked Wheal 1.53 Vt II.C. Silver :.. Consolidated Duiiwell IniMone ... Iiuelltm Howe Hound Indian Mnrmoli., ....... PorterMhlaho . 1 .00 .100.00 . 1.72 . .32 .00 .00 & .07 .08 Vi 2.0(1 1 .80 .30 01U 35.00 .07 to i .08 to ,10 li :35 YANKEES WIN TEN STRAIGHT Qolng Stronq in American League Whla Cincinnati Is Safe at Top In National MAV YOltK, May ii. The Yankees advanced their wiuuiui; Mreak to ten straight on .Friday, h record for ihe, seaon. In four limes al bal, Hat"1 llulh wa-thrice walked, Jil I in-r a .in$il once, liarl 'tJifij-J.v .the Chlca? firsl sackcr, coiitiaiied lii liil Una spret wlien lie three di'iiliJe anil a bonier homer Pi Pit hard hilling fourteen vauieV tlned k'aiur from II....AI. .. I I., ....... ..r..l.. ..i Yeterilay score were follows: Amerjcan -League , Cliicaufti , loluM 8, Cleveland t, Philaib-lplila :t. S.I. Louis t, .New York 7. Oetroil IV.sWa1imlon 13. National League .Xi w York .r, Pillsdui 7. lloslou 'J, ('hici'tfo 0. UrooUyn 5, UinriMiiali A. Phlladlephia . St. I.oiiim iiiirilie i, I lie ! , iv. Both Are Opposed to Baldwin Proposals For Settlement of Coal Strike LONDON, May 22 -The mine owners today Informed the Government that Premier Baldwin's compromise proposals for ending the coal strike would limit the freedom of administration and would not Increase the efficiency of the Industry. With both sides opposed to the proposed scheme there Is little likelihood of a change In the mining situation for a number of days as most of the oablnet ministers have left London for the Whitsuntide holidays. O f TAXI Boston Grill 3BJV W andr!- II ? fte gdH gF uuiuuiiy Large Upstair Dining Hall, ServW with newly laid dancing ' Anywhere at Anytl 'ffi, floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3f p . NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for tile WATT VtDECK, Prop. 'r,t Jfr least. Phone 457. "mi.:,' Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOI, XVI., NO, 120. PIllA'CK ItUI'KUT, IUi SATCTUjAV, MAY 22, W2, Yesterday's Circulation, Etn-ft lo8, III PRIGK FIVK CENTS. in n vv ain ana dnow tails in Generous Quantity and Farmers Rejoice W'INXIPKU. May 22. Prairie funnels arc loday jubilant rr nii'liluiiial moislnre, snow ami rain liavimr fallen over mi vjcmlrd area in Manitoba ami Saskatchewan tJiirinir the pasl SOLDIERS OFF FOR TERRACE MOVEMENT OF GRAIN HEAVY More Wheat Being Moved From Prairies This Year Than Last WLVNIPFS, . May ii. to Move- ni'Mii or rroiii?vjMiMU on wen; J,olJ cars l;utie a coni'iari'd l'IW"NH tlll'iriV""" 'Ult'JJ rti. Ihe Ion of lift 4Valhiial Leasrue,; l1,w: havi wturjwyAe or the la,-1 ,u . . - iiiitiitiid bushels valor on Ihe Canadian National amounls lo of wliieli M,.18S.0llfl 5.1 tit von i iii Saskalchewan and l,J;'8.ooii in Maiiitolia. Allierla ha .only l.:inH.omi bushcU to he moved from elevator.. Inspection during the pat week were sot"l. 3.5rt car bein passed ;waint only COH during Hie same week of lVi-. Tiie u'iuually heavy, movement sinre Ihe oi.eniiiKkof navi- pal ion K due In the1. Increased cmp oT lal seaon, of which it is climated about the same pcr-cenlace r-niaiu lo bt; shipped as ;of the previous crop at Ibis lime I last year. Meteoric Career of Real Estate Salesman Who Became Millionaire But the Bubble Burst Yesterday UAMIIKN5. .V.J May 22. The meleonc ri-e of n. ItoWey LTiickcr-aged from new stand pntprielor at tlanidcn Ferries I' ' .' ' it I . II,. .a: .1.1 ..I. -k : ...... ..I... I hi years ng't iu oeau-u rrauy rirpuraiioii. which .-vcaiisurirtj inure lliaii ?i,tMMJ,0V(i worlli of business lat year., received a jolt ycslcrday when a receiver was appointed following a 'bank rupt1 " pelllion iiy creuilors for his firm of J. It. nicker Inc., Willi liabilities liled at ?i,2:0,0U0 andasels or about $1,-2r)t,)00. Tockci'. (ifler gradiinling at Dartmouth College, pawned his . .... waleli for lranportalioii to MINE OWNERS WITH MINERS Kamden, arrixint' vi(li only 8j 'cents ami after worklijg a a j shipyard rivelter piirvliiifcd a news stand., His career in Ihe 'real estate business was launched as a result of conversations : between the purchasers of newspapers, whom he. heard predicting great advances in Cam-jden property. I Disposinir of his new stand, Tucker secured employmt'iit as a real estate salesman and "became a star al the game. Shortly aflerward he set up in business for himself and. .extending rapidly, opened branches In several cities. Lat October Tucker look out a lire insurance policy for a million dollars. Mr. ami Mrs. T. McClymont and Mr. and Mrs. S. K. CamT-heli left on Ibis imirning's IraS.i for Kilsmnkaluni to spend (hn week-end as the guest or Mr. and Mrs. It. I.. Mcintosh. SUCCUMBS SUDDENLY oubdwiswn dketch Plans Are Harry Lister. Contracts Cold - While on Tour and Dies When Diphtheria Develops SIILIIHIlOOKt:. Que., May 22 Harry Lister uf Ottawa, Dominion field commissioner for the Hoy Soon I Movement in Canada, died ut l.ennoxville last niulit. .While on an organization tour ho coulracli'd a cold iu his tin oat .which developed into diphHieria: VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Approved Digby Island Tract; Small Acreage Summer Homes .A small gang of surveyors lias jifsl slarled work on the tlelniled idans of small subdivisions on Digby Island for the Provincial (ioveriimenl. As soon as ihe plans are completed ami regislcml, Ibis Innd will be put on the market for use. for summer collages, gardens or chicken ranches. The survey is being made in response lo a request from Ihe Huiml of Irndc niul action was taken because of a demand for small acreage in Iho neighborhood of Ihe city. une tract mat is being pre pared for the market Is" situated on I igti isiaiul at lUxwe Cove Just beyond Ihe Quarantine .Sta- lion, it has half a mile friinlngc ami (he preliminary sketch pluns which have been ap-pi dved show about thirty half-acre lot on the waterfront and a doie.a' two-aero " plots a short distant inland. There is good anchorage for boats otposilo Ihe properly ami this fad alone makes il very desirable; Another tract, smaller than Ihe other, Is located at Crlppen Cov'e and .includesjejold bulld- . bugs of Iho boneless herring plant. At that point the bind seems more suited for gardens ofUtird the water supply is good but there is no anchorage for boats, it being only at high tide that a landing can be made there. Already iniiiries have been made for this laud and it is expected that the demand fur some or the lots will be instant if tlio prices set are reasonable. So far there has been no intimation gixen us lo what prices are likely to lie asked or what terms will b Wn to purchasers President Coolidge's Order Provokes Wrath of Thirsty Senators AVASHIXfiTON. M;.v '. Tip iTC;tlion nf an artnv iif ten (iatiadian XaHonalfjiie durint? (hoii-aml dry agcnl lliroiipli Hie enlisting of Malt?, family and the week eudirvr Tluirfday was niiuiicipal officers with remuneration set at one dollar annually seven lime heavier thifn tliaf of jnlo the federal prohibition service was approved Ijy President he coriespomlins wiekt'of last Coolidge oil Friday. year. Loadings for Hiei period The order aroused bitter opposition in the Henate, being ,i:r7.m(i characterized by Senator Kdwards, Democrat, Xcw Jersey, a witli SOI "Hie mo-l revolutionary order isued from Hie While House in SfaUierilicar'' '5i-,,,'n boslml In la;., peace times. ' lie urged a national referendum, declaring Ihul "eiiii: iliirin-' Hie perio. m, j,u,ic wa bejit on ending prohibitou. four Irlos to' Hi) plate ajralilM I busiiels a airaliisi. :. Jloslon pitcher-. Cim-innag wo,j 6,Mm bushels lal year. PAPfC! CUfPMCNTQ (V '' " iI'Mliui, nilVLtL Ullll 1111.11 1 U 111 GRhIN FROM VANCOUVER Number of Small Shipments Made During Week But None In Cargo Lots VAX-COL Vl-.lt. Miiy 21. Vessels taking cargo from Vancouver duiiirg Hie wej'k all earned parrel lots, nbiie 'taking full cargoes. They wjej-e: Canadian Transporter, for Avoumauth 17,1)7? bushels. ' Monar for ) London 7 5,007 bushels. Heen for Antwerp 37,333 bushels. ( hickisaw City for Liverpool 71.000 busliels. Duchess De Aosta for Malta 38,703: for Mediterranean port 7 1.007 busiiels. Kohin Maru for Xagoya 31,-G07 bushels. NORGE EXPERT SAFE AFTER LAND TRIP Amlety Had . Been Felt For Capt. Oscar Wisting Who Was Two Days Overdue at Nome XOMi; May Si. Cap!. Oscar Wishing, landing expert of the Xorge, who left .Nome on Tuesday for Hluff. Gil miles east of here, relumed on Friday. Anxiety had been fell as he was scheduled lo return on Wednesday. LIEUT.-COLCNET BOH DIED IN HOSPITAL VICTORIA YESTERDAY VICTOItlA. May ii. Lieul Col. J. C. L. Holt died in the hospital here aged 51 following several months of illness, lie was a veteran both of t lie lloer War and ala of the World War. He resided in Vernon for many years. RUSSELL SCOHMUST AGAIN FACE JURY ON A CHARGE OF MURDER CHICAOO. May ii. lluell Scott, a Canadian, convicted of murdering a Chicago drug clerk and .-entenced to death but reprieved two hours before execu tion and sent lo an insane prison, has been found sane by a board of alienist. and must face a jury again. PLAGUE AT BAGDAD tricts ltASHA, May i2. ljiornious lamave to crops j reported in northwest Mesopotamia, where many districts are inundated. The plague, has broken out in llagdad, which was recently swept by flood. Twenty-nine persons died of the disease in one Week. Lionel Bennett of Stewart, who has been spending a combined business and pleasure Irip in tin south for the past two weeks, returning north on Ihe Prince Itupert tonight. . C.P.H. steamer Princess' Heat-rice, Cajit. S. K. 0 ray, is due iu port CrojuvYaiicouver any'wav, trts tt'tft afternoon t?lcioc; STRIKERS BEING DENIED RELIEF No Disposition Being Shown on Part of Miners to Return to Work Under New Terms LOXDOX. May 22. Repor's friifii Wales, Nottinghamshire aifd Derbyshire state that thousand of miners have marched to the Poor Law relief offices protesting against the cullinr down of, relict dole lo their families. Al Newport. (he marcher. were met by the policu who read a proclamation from the mayor to the elTeci that Ihey would nol be allowed lo ga to the workhouse, .Demands for distribution of relief in the, shapj of. bread and cheese were a(o re- lusetl. AH ilemonstralions were orderly. f As yet. Hie miners are showing lo apparent disposition anywhere lo return to work al tlni reduced wages. HIS VICTORIA CROSS STOLEN Mean Thief Visits Room Michael O'Rourke In Van .couver BUTTER CAUSE OF of YANOUVF.It, May 22. Michael OTtourke. who won the Victoria Cross al theHattle- of Ihe Somine while serving with Ihe Seventh (Vancouver; Halta- Jion, repoVted to the' police last night the theft of the coveted medal together with the Distinguished Conduct Medal and the 1014 Star from his room iu a local hotel. MAYBERRY AND . FOLEY IN DRAW Vancouver and Hamilton Boxers Fought In the Rain at Southern City Last Night VAN4XrVFJl, May 22. Vie .Foley and Howard Mayberry, .Hamilton bantamweight, fought .to a ten-round draw In Athletic .Park last night. The bout was staged in the open and rain in-lerrered somewhat willi the oxers. F'r,.DzrarD,;riDUMPiNG tax on QUERY BEING MADE OTTAWA, May 22. An in quiry lias been received from the Australian .government a to the application. o; a dumping lax In Canada on Australian butter subsidized for export'. MRS. BOULTBEE DIES VANCOUVER AGED 98 VAXCOlYKIt, May 23 One of Hritish Cotiindiia's pioneers, Mrs. F.lizn Houlthee, died here aged 08. Her son, Charles Hoult- . . I IT t 1 iii-e. airii a iew weeKS .'iliao Oil Craliam Island-.'