VESTING Kxlra heavy quality circu-Jar Yusli.hig, in whl(e flesh, Iieach, pink-pearl, gray and .other color. 94 yard hiatus u vest. Per vest length $1.10 WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 ANOTHER FRESH SHIPMENT OF Row Candy Jlochon's Chocolates, i lb. .. $1.00 llochon's Chocolates, 2 lb. ' $2.00 llochon's Special Chocolates llochon's Special Chocolates $4.00 llochon's Almond Crisp, per lb si.oo lloclion's Hulk Creams, per lb. ... . ... 75c llochon's Chocolate Urazils, per lb. S1.25 Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Vegetable Deals No. 1 12 lbs. Spuds fi lbs. Terrace Turnips (5 lbs. Carrots ,' 6 lbs. Onions HefMiIar Price 1.35. Sale Price $1.00 No. 2 3 Ibs. Hliubarb 1 Lettuce; 1 Cucumber " 3 flrcen Onions 1 Cauliflower 3 His. Spinach, ltejrular Price $1.35. Sale Price $1.00 Extra Special Friday and Saturday Potatoes, per sack . . $3.25 Mussallera Grocery Co. Ltd. Spun Silk Per Yard $1.25 Cotton Crepes Per Yard 25c Mrs. W. I. Wilson Third Avenue P.O. Uox - - UBU Phone Oreen 385 Special : Sale on Coats and Dresses "Doners" ' Wo aim to please Phono 27. P.O. Box 327 Church Notices I Chrlst'an Science Society Service every Sunday morning !al it o clock in the. Hays' Hloek, 5? 15 Seeond Avejuio. Subject oul !!unday, "Soul ui)d Hody." Testj-J iiiionv rneotitiir on Wednesday evening at 8 )t. clock. Baptist Church Morning eryic at It o'clock. Subject: "Sinjilht- at Midnight." Sunday School at 12.30. Kvening worship at 7 JO. Subject ''A Short Confession of Faith " Amid the cruiiildijig meaning oi words,' there Is always Ihc soui of a thoushh Ymi arc invited for worshin.,aml lhou?hl. , Lutheran Church SI. Paul's Knjilish Lutheran Chureh, Melropolo Hall, Third: Avenue. Hev. Thomas l, Hindej paslor. Morning worship at Jlj a.m. crmtm theme, lht Church's Jlirthday." Sunday School al 12- noon. Kveninu worship at p.m. Sermon thenio, "What shall we do?" "Lot us not forsake our ase milling: together as the custom, of some is." A timely exliortion from (lod's Word for-tlie (U'esenl tlayj and .general inn. Yoi are welcome to those service. j Presbyterian Church Morning: service at II o'clock. Subject: "Patching the llible.'i Sunday school and Mihle rlass a' 12.30. Come and bring' your children. Kvening service af 7.30. Subject: "Sunet ami Kvening Star." Preacher, Hev. Chas. J Cameron, M., Ph.D. All cordially invited. AntJiem by the choir: "A,t Pauls the Hart." Snio 'My Faith in Thee," by Miss C Jones. Salvation Army Services at the Army will interest, inspire and Idcss ynu Saturday at 8.15. Praise. Sun day al It, Mrs. Ilea will speak j Sunday School at 2.30. New comer are invited. Kvening nl 7.30.1 Subject: "Scared, lei! saved." Tuesday ami Friday. Seouls and (itiard. Wednes day and Thursday, public mee.-i intis. Home League cery Wed nesday at .'.JO. 1.CI me Arm. serve you. You are welcome. Come and - meet youi friends. First Un'jted Church The Church of Service. Mom- jng worship at 1 1 a.m. ieakei W. J. Karl 'llarrie. Special an them by morning choir. 'Sundav School al 2.30. Kvening worship tt 7.30. Speaker, T. .1. Shenlon. topic: "The Invisible !od reveal ed in Christ." Soloist, It. W. Howard. You are cordially in-, v'iled. TOMATOES THIS IS OUR NATIONAL TOMATO WEEK We are featuring it by pushing Tomatoes this. week. On special, large tins only t Fin Tomatoes . . 2 'fins Tomatoes . 3 Tins Tomatoes . fi Tins Tomatoes . 12 Tins Tomatoes . . 21 Tins Tomatoes" (1 Wo have several , . . . 20c .... 35c .. .. 50c . . . . 95c .. .. $1.75 case $3.25 brands, all fancy stock . See our windows. Strawberries and Fresh" Whipping Cream B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 576 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tf . Cartage, Warehousing, nd Oistributlng. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Oravl We Specialize In Piano and FuMlture Kowlnp Hotice "Poker hands" now packed in each package and I tin of OGDEN'S CUT PLUG Smoking Tobacco. I Save these "poker hands" and for the return of I I any 52 (bearing any numbers) we will mail a pack I of high grade playing cards. I I Or for a complete set, numbers 1 to 52 inclusive, I There is no advertisement printed on the I Waterfront Whiffs (continued from pago five who represents I he Customs lnis-j iness on Hie provincial dock, ha become tired of raisiug slraw-herries. A crale of strawberries arrived in port this week eon-signed to the H.C. Hoteliers A rocers, Ltd., but Thro. Collarl, F.P., ' (fruit inspector), saM 'certainly not" to the deliver) tr same, iliey being that kii'.l Cunard Line Anchor Donaldson Line Canadian Service MONTREAL To Liverpool Aiiranu Jiiiih . July J. 30 To London i jlliiiir al I'lvimiulli mil Oi.-rlmurK Aii.vmia . . June .', July 3, Auk. ft Allium June ti. July 10, Aiiir. 13 Anlvnla. Juim; ID. July ti. Aim. AM-ama. . inn- . JtiljrBO. AUK'. 11 To Belfast and Glasgow Alliinia .. Jiiih II, July , An, ft llilla. Juih' 3, July 9IJ. Aur. n A-k fur T'Mirl.-l 3rd :ta l.lli-ralurr and ce 1.11 "I Sl-llal Tnura. Miiiuw urilri. ilraTI aii'f Trav-HIit-' r.lH-qiif al luxi ralf. Full information from Stnul or Culnimiy'f Hfrici-K, S llj-lniif St, V.. Viuruuver. B.C. I Special Tours England Ho! With the Daughtert and Malda of England" leaving Montreal on the Cunarder "Auso-nla" July 3 for London, under the auspices of Messrs. Calladine and Baldry Limited. England s bons are not exempt. Other Tourt from Montreal CALEDONIAN SOCIETY TOUR June 11 Atheuia' for Claogow VETEHANS TOUR June 19 Anlonia for Cherlraurg EDUCATIONAL TOUR June 26 Aurania for I'lynioulh, Clif rlurp, London STUDENTS TOUR , July 3 Aurania fur LIvrrpool MASONIC TOUR July 9 AllicrJa furClatgiAf The Cunard Steamship Com pany, Limited, 622 Hastings Street, West, Vancouver. CUNARD ANCHOR-DONALDSON of a strawberry. .May chanced; along at the signing of the dealiij warrant on lh strawberries, and' swore lie would find a good li"iur' for tho condemned wrelrlie in his garden patch. The first tliiiu we'll know will !' that Hie plant j will he climbing llmmgli Algy's bedroom window and dr;r-'ging him out of lied. Hy Hie way, deal reader", don't fail to g'l Algy address and incidenlajly nitff pail of the luciiuis Trull when Utf season conies along. He Can You Beat It? fishi-il from hu hriilH iniiinic-'lit, ' at I'lie clock wa striking the hour; t he halt he useil .was ratticr-phtli For the tin hail lurneil It ur. . At last he caught a little fish. iul rahhcil it from the bur, lie I a ii IP on Ihr dock nearby Ami cast a ecoiul lime. litis lime he felt an awful hilt), Oh! Lawily" Shouted he; It was a Micker on Ih I'lid, ti a f the third one made It three. And so the fish'cr went his wayi His catich lied jtt his pack. If you can heal this rotten pross, Your crazy ami Ihal's That. Writers mav come, and writers may go, hut Whiffs go on fori ' ever. ....... l-ill . lit,. flJi. II usiid Mini n IIIUIIk. t U l n 7 in' fidii w tan- j (hat he tipen.4 his mouth and says iiothiiip. Tho Menagcrlo Doc Clapperloit lia a siu out' al the iiroviunlalf dock reading: "Clowns and circus lji(r.e riders wanted, Only those , willing ttfl accept inlerosfiijdo waes need apply." Yes. oiir Ktmial frieiifl dor is Koinx into the circu luis..' ines, or rather, wasviinlil, tho prize pui ".NtriV"' went n'nd gnt. lost for the umpteenth time, A tame seagull, a dear old cat, the, pup. and a Iced HiuT (to he jinpor(eil) 'vvUI fofiu 111" ni'uclijiis of Ihe nienaaei'ie. And io cap. tloc's liickuMrA j'iiss pre-senleiV'he hiiililfnr Jciit- mIiow with tiiffhl lovely little strangers on Thrusday morning. If you have milhiiiit on your inimt, particularly just drop in anil seo Hoc and ive lijui ii hand to find Nero hecause Hie show can't o on without Unf; piiji's presence. Incidentally yotli, liilht lvo a hand withe the InU'eh. They aro all loud of .-alined milk never having u a cow. If H r a stray pup around just rail "Nitii ' in a ofl lentir voice If III"' pup takes fl fancy (o the si-al of your pants or the hem of your dress, that s .Nero al- rihl. A Springtime Idte Weary Willie asked for Itread Wherever he did slop; A liiiuesife pas-i-d the mi- am aid: First won't ynu iwve a hop?" 'Imaginary" Rheumatism Caused by lllfilling Shoes MANY, many times phyii-cians have diagnosed what appears to be rheuma-tLsm, as really beinjr pains arising from the effects of Fallen Arches. When the foot arches begin to' break down, the pain is often ascribed t3 a sprain or . rheumatism. Pain occurs along the inside of the foot, in the heel, also the calf of the leg, and is often located in the knee or hip joints. This condition brings on gen tral muscular weakness the ligaments are strained, inter ferine with proper nourishment of the foot. Thetircula. v tlon becomes poor attendant symptoms appear numbness, cold, and at times, undue perspiration. To prevent and cure ' this condition the foot must fce (riven support, combined with, the utmost freedom of movement. Arch Defender Shoes give support to the scaphoid bono where needed, while allowing full flexibility and freedom to the muscular structure of tho foot If you value your health Join the thousands who have anishcd foot trouble. Get a . pair today. mnCHrVEFENDER rt3ilJ SHOE' Mad. in Canada hf h Tie Defender ShoeCompany,GaU,Ont. bold nr Jbour Bros. HEILBRONER'S :: DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS Are recognised for quality, style and price all 0Ye. ,. North and throughout Canada you cannot beat our val, ..' n. i.. tU hur.nmn tinnwn thnl ... l . a,u"t ou onuoyij r . uui nii growing frovinco-wtuo uj iv unu uuunas, See Scientific Optical Work il our Ours Is the best and mo6t modern equipped Ootlt i Parlor lit the North. Our specialist has had .wnuJL,M years' experience In fitting and toning eye$. Our prl, are always reasonable and our work dependable. Wehw vlto consultation. Max He;lbroner 627-529 Third Avenue The Diamond Houte of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Colleen m In ooie Irene A i'iidivnting. tiiiIiII.iIiiik ( The si-refM' lirt llf wintie in iiitltirul It ((' who captured lnnn!wn hearl- (or lw wile, all her pnil. all her Minle-. In-u-i-rushiiig iy ami out of joh. setting fa-limn- : drc-ed like a ipieeu for Hip ltiggul t-uiii-d eareer. Sixty glorious, tiiikil Ho1IhsI i.i Hie sini-liiiii- .uui Hie povti. Odlrvii's gre liienl. (lot of a h.inl) into a iniiiiiii- o r into tur hearl. MaKuifit eul eiilertaiiiiiiini i vvftir gown uml for tlitwe who w fir Hh-im eal. i Colleen Moore, Lloyd Hughes, George K. Aftf. Charles Murray, Lawrence Wheat, Eva Novak, Kst Pi Lydla Yeamans Titus and many other. AESOP'S FILM FABLES PATHE REVIEW. 60c snd W Don't Wash- Telephone the Canadian Laundry You just phone us In call for your h"" 1 vvushiiig if ofl your iiiiml for Hie rel of iiiManro, iiijiig our 80FT FINISH SERVICE thing relumed miinuriil ileh waied, tlried. FLAT WORK IRONEDI! And tin ol i- -(hat ou will wonder whv von mil ralh-d OTHER SERVICES THRIF-T, the wearing upparel mhiI h" " the FLAT WORK IRONED and WET WASH. M CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Everything for the Builder LUMBER Wo havo the mol coini.lelo lw'k l,nl1 limeiiMOiis, hliiilii), fir finili, flooring JU veuet,'r, etc., in Northern U.G-We can supply everything in a building from th foU"' dation to the last piece of finish. "r Hcfore liuying iitspvul tmr elot k. It will iuy "" prices aru right. Albert & McCaff ery, Ltd. Phones 118 and 117 l