tafiinlay. May ?5, lfi"0. ; ; illlV AfiWO lulger's Eye ilass Service Patronising Die Oplnme- means placing Hie rim'ter of defective vUlon in lie care of Olio who hat made a selPiilifin study nf lie p.vp. Asido from n course at i ollegc. Iio undergoes n nrrliing examinllon by Hovcninu'til atithorilln-. be-larft ho gel lit Hcpiicp. W o gharanfpp will nur pombitiPil pxperlptiee lo g(vi " von sniisfncthtn. . Wo ar always hpre In nia,e any pnrrer-tinn. John Bulger Ltd. Opticians and Jewellers Summer Excursions EASTERN CANADA UNITED STATES Ticket ii on sale Dally from May 22nd a I no (o JASPER-EDMONTON- CALQARY Samp ro iip lioMi dirpr- i' s oi oiip wav via Viin- r- Tickpi on sale l :y ir.lh Return limit October 31, 1926 l ull Information lily Ticket Office, Prince Rupert. Phone 260. I ausagesi lure Pork Sausage, ppr lb. 30o pef and Pom Sausage, per 25c lotn.v Sautagp. jxr lb. 25o rph Home made llpad M'lhcrsc. pri" lb 25c ppf Dripping, per lb... 10c patops, ppr saek . . $3.60 ealy & Doodson Sixth Street lone 455. We Deliver. s . n ur oats oc Jacquettes In requisite. Stock of Fur trimmings at low prices !. C. FUR Co. lext O.W.V.A. Third Ave UGBOATS iy Phones 423, 539, Green 238, Black 735. light Phones 687.. 539, Green 238, Black 735. UPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. to. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. r. E. S. Tait DENTIST hdgerson Block, Prince' Rupert, B.O. Office Hours 9 lo ft. X-Ray Servlot Phone 686. jcn Tuesday and Thursday ' Evenings alurdays 0 t0 t2 noon WATERFRONT WHIFFS Salmon trolling at Dundas improves; the latest business wrinkle; Syd Webb to rescue again .Salmon Irolling during the V(fk h.iv i in iiNu-itil in Din neighborhood of Dundas Wands. During Ihe middle ut Hip week ' " "lu" IIU,T" NarliPlhong making a trip , . , ti'illt i I I Mllft ... I . r t s ...... . . V. ,w.,w ,iuimi hi reus iiiiu s.immi pound or whiles which wcrv disposed f ,y privnlc sale. Won I mood spread along Hie wnlprfniiit ami lhoc not alrcmh goV lo Hip f rolling grounds put lilllH. pxlm pep inlo IhVir wiirlc wilh vipw lo joining in lilt' llllt'Vt'M. ' lrull'lig ground seem lo be rallipr poor so far. ar ponlliiff lii Inh'Mt rcporls. i j TliPrp i lill n pood iIpaI nf acllvily around Cow llay, a lartp aiiioiml or work lipinjr done on ri'liuildlng ohl lioaU and build-In iipw. 'Dip siiya yards ar Inixy on a iipw furty foul spIid boat for Fujiinolo and pxpprls to havp II potupfpled In aboui llirpc wppks. i:iirU llev.kll 1 rpbiiildliiir hi; tndlimar boat Hva. ami will ban Imr finitlipd in IwVl or Ibrrfi ppk. TIip upppr pari of b'f hull and mol of Hip tfihln work will bp hpw. II. J. I.avn-n is piiiliiiK in "uinr Ion; hours on Hip Anro 'al Hip Yai-hl Club. This boat . wa forniprly Hip Alva ilcn and rniiPd hy Hob DavlP. Mr. rin'p U making omc plianK in tlip rolor xpIipiiip. Hp is an px-,lipiiiiipnl marinpf for inlorior w:iiort and i planning lo mak iu deluded Mirvpy of all Hid 'lipaiin's ami filiinc rpxiirts i I In- iH'iphhorliiMMl iiicluilins now and IIipii lo Kllada l.aki Hiid piisibly up Hip Iltill li Ion. bppii snuapfiPd that In ore iiporpp i ruzPii and pot a cliari or all Hip rork and othpr diot ructions in Hip Skrrna IHver bi-forp oppnins Ihp navivatioii xfasnn IIutp. ThP spprclary lo Hip admirnlty al tii Yarht Club says Hip fppt i in bPtipr shape Ilia n pvrr bp fnrp ami is all ready for Hip dash to Hip viiriou point of inlprnst lotimni or tomorrow inorninj. Man)-f'Hhp hm -111-itay out W" day. Tbpy arp all painlPd .mil bavp iiltp a drpsiy np IM-arnnrp. ihiip oflhr iMtys will tot out afli-r trout but (hrf tliinks Hip proMpls for bin atpii arp not pry vrral. ' Searchlight for Business I'rini'p llupprl ppnplp ar al ways cpllius out oolnplhin? nw. TIip lalpst iipw wrinkle on Ho walirfront is said lo ! a Krcai liii'inpst spli'r. It oriinalpd iu Hip f i-rl ili brain of ilund-ninp Jim Morrison, skipppr of Hh Hanaro. II ppios that now and iIiph bn-'iui-ss lia proved a tilt! iluli with Hip llu'bhy fleet and it l i4 f ii'uJ I lo spp iipw work 'nioi. llandxonip Jim pvoIvpiI I lie idea of lllMall!llr' t SPal'ell- HAVE YOU PAIN AFTEREATING ? "FRUIT-A-riVES" CORRECTS STOMACH TROUBLE QUICKLY Ari' vimi ri nYiil sBBBBBBb " B1l IeBvBBIb 'es "Attn a Ion" and wr illness, fsunrd by bad Digestion, and sflrr having tried all kinds of remrdirs, 1 Jrcldrd to Uke -Frult-a-llTes", and aftrr thrre wrrks' treatment, 1 felt grest rrlief. To-day,- I am In perfect health and am proud to say that the result Is attributable to "Frult-a-tlves." which I recom. mend very sincerely. Mme Hrls Hon, 27 ICiTCt St., Montreal. If you have poor Digestion or Pain sfler Katlng. try "rrul -a-lives." the wonderful fruit medicine. Trult.a-tlvesH Is nature's own remedy Intensified utces of ipjlrs, -the oranges, tigs snd prunes combliled wltU tonics. It wll give welcome and quick reller. you ?5c. ar.U 50c. box-at all dealer-. lielit on I ho Hanaro wbirli when ronnPrlPil up and propprly Iiiup.I iu is ablp lo visualip a lowing Job anywlwip within a million mile. Tbpy say Commodoip Hiisliby'i inleiiillnjf to pension Hip kpppr olf a soon as he hat made his fortune out of the hpw UJpa. Hurins Hip wppk visitors lo Hip Varhl Club bay,, had to wpar (crppn or smoky glassps lo pro-lert their eye while the Poin-plHa wa on Hip ways. T!m ?laip of Hip rrd has caused wppplns sicknp.ts anions; habitues of Hip floats and Chef wa laid ui for spipral nights as a rpsull. The pas boal Idah owned by MiiIHipm Hill of Kilkalla is bein.r rpbuill on the MiLemi ways. TIip IlpJpti owned by Ohri llumollor and iispJ by him in a more or le vain sparrh for halibut on Ihe banks has been on lh Mrlan ways for cleaning and jiainlinsr Ihis week. Capt. Ilumollpr say bp thinks the halibut will like (he look of Hu craft letter when bp next viits Ho liljtlt spots. Jpff I.ambly is still worryine Hip Oh Itaby mi the bparh nl l.ewi Ilaiut. He i rebuildius Hip botlnui of Hie craft that was lorn to pleee- by the rooks a month or two ago whpn he ran amurk in the -trail-. Two ensiiip- arp lpinj in MaiiM iiil wppk in the sein-i boat built al the uira yar.U foi the Lowe Inlet cannery. Halibut arrival during Hip pat ueek totalled ?;IT.I50 poiiinl- an improvmenl of oer o"'. toinilred Hioii-aml pound from Hie wek pnvediiiK but still un tier Hip weekly n erase. AniPrl- ran Iio.iIh landed IHl.000 pound-and (ninadian. 236.l.o iiooml- Prices during the week were no' very hi?h hut still not too low aver.-itnjr from l?c to I5c fn firsts nml from rtc to He for se-- ond. The lamtinc at tin nov: for Hip eaou to dale have been a follows; American. l.'OH.lnii pound; Canadian, 2,?'.il,0."ii pounds; total, M,.Ht,l 50 pouml- Koats diHpoin? of calchef here durinpr the past week Sal unhny to Friday !nc!uip wpw as follow.: Ameriran Vpnus, 27,000; Sil.-ka. 22,000; .Marmot, 12,000; Wave, H.000; Onab. 0.000; 11- liancp, IM.00O; l.ltuya, 20,000; Vanspp, 1,000; Trinity, 58,000; llrtk, IOUO0; hefpticp, ,0t)rt: Fot-einA2,00(l; illppiiblie, 10. 000: llliona,' Itf.noO; Yukon, 27.- 000; Valorous, 0,1)00; Chelsea. Hi.ono. Canadian Scrub, 11,000; Alii, 11,000; lteveille, 13,000; Dolphin, 12,000; Ine ., 5,500: Johanna, 7,000; Verna, 7,000. Cape Sppar, 0,000; K. Llpsptl. 1.1.000; Yule, 0,0(10; lo.o Spit I2,0i)0; -Muirneair, 12,000; Fisher 7.000; . Dorrppn, 1.1,000; Traiiin 12,000; SpJmu, 10,000; Impereusp 0,500; Prosperity A H 1 .1,000; Krur Hoy, iD.OOtt; Itulli, 2.100; Nuba, 2.000; II. & 11. 5,500; Aiken, 1 1,, 000; W.T.. 13,000; (libon 7,000; Mali 18,000; Yelma II., 2,550. Sid Webb to Rescue Now dear readers you muv pleasp excuse Jiiy laklnf? liber-lies wjth the whilT columns tin." week hut my old college chum, Alex llunler, wlio so alily keep Iip walprfront literary flat fly-Inff iu the brepup, has gono and pot himself inlo the fashion by calchliitf the 'Hu" anil cdn spiiui'iiHy Hip edilor-ln-chipf is jumping sideways lo keep the lyjuv-spltPM from .freezing lo dealh. Yps, Sir, I inel the honorable Harry on the wnler- fronl on Thursday afleinonn und he was us busy as a yniuu maiden at a cominct-nul parly trying to pick up a piece of jelly off 'Hip floor" wilh a tnnth-pick I honestly believe that Alc.v PAGk'ETKS I I I I - .r .r - ANNUUNL1NU I I tfTL- Li I t int nouse I I Safety Convenience Profit I ' i i Today Introduces to the people of this community a new enterprise conceived in service and dedicated to the programme of THRIFT. Backed by a group of the soundest, most substantial and successful business men in British Columbia, this Institution today throws open its doors to the citizens of Prince Rupert, with an absolute guarantee' of SAFETY PROFIT CONVENIENCE. This is a Savings Society of which, there are over 11,000 in the United States, and many hundred in Scotland for the encouragement of THRIFT In the community In two ways: First By providing facilities and encouragement for regular and systematic saving of small amounts, which monies, through capable management and strict supervision, will commence immediately to earn the highest return consistent with safety. Second By loaning money, repayable in modest installments, either to those desiring to purchase or build homes, or to those who desire to discharge an existing straight mortgage loan, thereby assisting In making this community one of "home owners" rather than mere "dwelling renters." "An Institution can be no stronger than the men behind It." We respectfully call your attention to our Board as listed below, all members of which have been actively identified with the growth and development of this Province. There exists in the United States today, 11,854 Savings A Loan Associations, and it is to these organizations that chief credit must be given for the great epidemic of THRIFT and home-building and owning, which is playing such a vital part in the development of that country. We deserve and must have the co-operation of the citizenship of Prince Rupert, not for our benefit alone, but primarily for THEIRS! WE GUARANTEE 5'r INTEREST COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY ON YOUR TERM SAVINGS the highest rate, consistent with absolute safety, that can possibly beffered. REMEMBER no one is truly independent who Is in debt, or whoso outgo is, not less than his Income, leaving him a margin of safety --a balance to put into a savings account. . i '- DIRECTORS: W. C. Shelly: President. Shelly's Lid. Vice-Pres. Canadian Hakeries Lid. Al'dcman, City of Vancouver, 1820. Firsl Pfetclenl, Vancouver Publicity Hiirean. President, notary Club 1021-1022. Chairman, Vancouver i'itrks HdanlVincc 1020. Resident of Hrilli Columbia for 10 years. W. C. Dltmars: President, Armslrong-.Morrison Co. LM. President, Vancouver firanite Co. Ltd. nor of Ihe Vancouver fieneral Hospital. A resident of Vancouver for Jt.l years, v Formerly fiover- Newton J. Kerr: Asst. executive 'A grin I for Hie Pacific Coast of Hie C.P.H. Formerly Assi. City Engineer of Toronto, ami Cily Engineer of Ottawa. A resident of Brilish Columbia for it ye.rs. Fred Crone: President, Crone Storage C. Llil. President Pacific Northwest Publicity Bureau. Chairman, Vancouver Publicity Bureau. Alderman, 1020-102:1, Cily of Vancouver. A resident of Vancouver for 18 years. Geo. A. Walkem: Man. Director nf Ihe Vancouver Machinery" Depot Ltd.. President, Culf of fieorgia Towing Co. Ltd. President, Engineering Institute o'f Canada, President, Professional Engineers of British Columbia. Beeve of Point firey, Vancouver, for lwi years. Director of Vancouver Ccnerai Hospital and" Vancouver Exhibition. .Major, lloyal Engineers. Natiye'sou of British Columbia. I , W. S. Burley: President, The B.C. Fir & Cedar Lumber Co.T Lid. A resident of Vancouver for 20 years. M. H. Leggat: Method. Lale Secre-lary-Treasurer of Wood, Vallanee and Leggat Ltd. Chairman of the Melfef Committee of the llotary Chili. A resident of Vancouver for 21 years. Geo. S. Harrison: President. Geo. H. Harrison & Co. Lid. Manager, .Merchants Bank until 1017. Mairager, Union Bank from UMX iiulil retirement iu 1023. Ar evident of 'Vancouver for 20 years. Save Start Now! f' vV,' Save-Start N6w! MAKE YOUR MONEY WORK FOR YOU TWENTY-FOUR? HOURS A DAY! 'Phone or write us for further details: 'si:. W.D. VANCE & COMPANY, Agents Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, Guaranty Savings & Loan Society "The House of ThrlfL" would have been manning the' typewriter yet but for Ihe fau Hint a loving wife-insisted upon lakingi M iPil'ycru'Mtf'.wbich went as high as a kilo in' a gab) of wind and broke the glass, she bundled him oIT to bed. Well its up to Hie professional scribe to help one another out ami hence all this rotten jeading. Hope AleX is back by the lime Ibis (lope is In print. A New Boat Coming alongside a pile of lumber, situated .N.E. x S. on the waterfront, on Thursday f. lernoon Hie writer saw a fainittaf figure iutetly slip behind Bie poanls. Taking cover Hip news Hertth kept observation .on the lumber. Sure enough Ilie familiar bean popped out, and seeing itbe cousl clear the wearer of .the bean quietly picked oIT a couplo of slab of cotnlensed wood pulp and beaded east. And who- do you think tt wu Why our old friend Charlie- Starr, Hip hero of Hie Waldron roof jrardpria.Tlio episode ine.a'nl a clue for hews. What was the big idea" beldnd Home Office Vancouver, B.C. the lumber carrying? That wu? Hie momentous question o solve.; However, gelling into contact I witl Hie. fleet secret sprvife ii' was ascertained, that Cliarlie had serious intentions of buildiua himself a new coastal cruiw'fj' ami jtidging from Hie number of journeys Cliarlie made to tbo lumber pile, the boal will be a whale. Not exactly a breakrast whale as "Hesoun-es" calls It lull a whale of a boat. It U understood that Hie hew boal will have a new Idea installed ft a propelling force. In fact It won't be propelled at all but will be swiftly drawn, toward the intended goal. The Idea Is lo put me engine In Ihe bow of t in iMiat with the propeller protrud ing In Hie front. When the en gine starts up, a it Is presumed tt will sometime during the sea son, the boat will be drawn through the water. Wonder why It lias, been left to Charlie to think up this brain wave? Strawberries Ahoy I Algy Hunter, the. .gentleman (continued on page six)