Mujpeit rainy, Oreo | Walking Champ Sits Out 96th Birthday / The Wings blanked the pace-@ ~ Save all Sales Sli Ips posse ~CHAMPS—-Peterborough Timbermen are senior etlers 7-0 to leap within one Okanagan Senior—Kelowr til! Nov. Ist Canada. They defeated Vancouve: point of first place and main- Kamloops 5 : cg sees os gee > n Toronto to win the Mann Cup for the ane their one-point edge over ‘ Holding the cup is team captain Dootch Montreal Canadiens who de ) Brien, presi by Winners e Prizes a 1 never could stanc Muli ineywe Bible, for rn . y TEANECK, NJ. (AP)—Former | mark the occasion today, but his managing editor of a physical nn oe * champion James H | son and family physician talke d magazine OCcking Ihe 96 years old but stilli him out of it There's no place to walk #pry and chipper, won't take the | Hocking, winner of several fe owadays. Main high- long hike with which he usually ;Walkathons between 1910 and ondas’y roads even ishers in his birthdays | 1920, sounded off about what nes—41 ffie! Ss Hocking had every intention | highway traffic has done to his : : |: of walking 20 miles through | pastime of walking se Walked B54 miles ‘ > ; “ ’ 4 r £ . @ Palisades Interstate Park to! Said Hoeking, now assistant oh yeak and "ite Se 2 J0N0G miles in his life- Children’s One-Piece Snowsuits . Sizes 2 to 6. From ‘Wings Blank Hawks For Seasons First Defeat Canadiens Oust Rangers While Bruins Edge Leafs By The Canadian Press TORONTO.—Detroit Red Wings burst out la night in their flashing winning style of last seasen to hand first-place Chieago Black Hawks their firet defeat in five games in the National Hockey League. LUTHERN STATE ety-six per cent of the tion of Finland are Luth- Girls’ Three-Piece Coat Sets REMEMBER ! One FREE Day at BULGER’S during October. Boys’ Three-Piece Coat Sets (Coat, Leggings aml Hat) from WINTER TOGS $8.95 $13.95 leated New York Rangers 3-1 at Montreal BRUINS EDGE LEAFS In the u PT 4a : tu a ? : AS i SEE IT Toronto eee bate, te Continued from Page 2 their first win in two games The defeat was the Leafs’ sec- nd in three engagements #0 effort having They slid down into dent of the Canadian Lact ‘ CP PHOTO ty. Natural habits and in ar nei De st hoodsprec 4 deen a tie it seems to me to have fifth . ; place two bebind the Game Dinner mos GF the majesty : Bruir ind one point ahead of poetry ; . ‘ amet ry of King Jame: the Rangers who have yet to ee But I do think it is necessary win or tie in three games 1 Club. | over and over again to check an Other hockey scores winners re-check what Jesus Himself arc WHL._-Seattic 3, Edmonton 3 were 1 the ; win- | aid put dow: facet of some age old truth Every time I read any of it That is why it seems to me a er was | @ny Bible, Cath rPr - Ww edition { the Bible is a eat I find somethi: oh ry wh read ni fre piratio Y A KR pr r ' ure Jack ct 8) tanwood Macey’s Lil K do for a Mar nded the Bacon de- derby t of the De fe« but he would be Have ve Just Received Pment of t FAMILY CAR nm the PRICE FIELD t balance DP le 9 “S desired 4 months. urteous de Monstration CALL ' friendly service” DParker Ltd. Phone 93 Visit your friendly Frigidaire dealer and ask for a demonstration of any of the six gleam- ing Frigidaire R frigerators they have on display. You'll thrill to the cantiful styling and all their rev lary features. And you'll find that they offer far more fer your money than you'll find anywhere! Remember, too, that Frigidaire is made only by General Motors. This, plus, the fact that over fijteen million” Frigidaire’ refrigerating units —- have been built and sold, jis your assurance of dependable performance, lasting quality and the utmost in operating economy. Visit your nearest Frigidaire dealer! and see for yourself! Here's the 6.4 ce. ft MASTER MODEL with a PULL-WIDTH SUPER-FREEZER! Freezes and ‘veps 41 tbs of froxem foods Rust-resistant bar-type shel Sha ing chal drawer See ss orcelain H t Feod § n tor tL handy adjus Door shelves Suggested Sellir $399.75 tab! if Just look at this 9.7 ev. ft. DE LUXE MODEL with COLD-WALL COOLING and ROLL-TO-YOU SHELVES! Cooling coils concealed im cabinet walls and around Freezer Chest and Hydrators provide SAFE temperatures from top to bottom. The built-in Food Safety Indicator proves it! NEW ROLL-TO-YOU SHELVES glide out full- length — silently and easily on Nylon rollers. No more “hide-and-seek” with back-shelf foods! Suggested Selling Price $469.75 mt This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Ogntrel Board or by the Gov vernemnt of British Columbia t Pacific Tractor & Equipment Limited B.C, DISTRIBUTORS FOR NORDBERG GASOLINE MARINE ENGINES ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT OF McLEAN SHIPYARDS PRINCE RUPERT AS DEALERS FOR THE NORTHERN B.C, CYCLA-~-MATIC FRIGIDAIRES FOOD FREEZER AMD REFRIGERATOR COMBINED! AREA (At right) 10.6 cu. ff, model freezes ond keeps 47 ibs. of frozen foods At left} © cw. ft, model freezes ond keeps 44 ths. of frozen foods. Suggested Selling Price <$529.75 $579.75-> New, exclusive ROLL-TO-YOU SHELVES New, exclusive CYCLA-MATIC LEVELCOLD — in the refrigerator! Gets rid of Zero-Zone Levelcold in the Food Freezer. frost before it even collects! No Super-Safe Levelcold in the Refrigera- tlocks, timers, counters or heaters! tor cnd in the Hydrators regardless of And only Frigidaire has it! ovtside temperature f New, exclusive CYCLA-MATIC DEFROSTING All.the shelves roll out fuli-length —put ofl the food right at your fingertips! Nd more reaching for bock-shelf items! BIG Food Space at a Small-Budget Price! Available in two convenient sizes, both made for once-a-week shop- ping and both featuring the famous Cold-Control, rust-resistant shelves and large Super-Freezer Chests. MODEL SR-60 MODEL SR-88 8.8 cu. ft. of food storage spece. Super-Freezer holds 29 Ibs. of frozen foods. Suggested Selling Price $369.75 All have DOUBLE-EASY QUICKUBE TRAYS Tray atd cubes come loose at a finger-touch ! SPACE-SAVING Specially designed to provide more foed storage space frozen foods. while using less floor space! Suggested Selling Price \ $299.75 j 6 cu. ft. of food storage space. Super-Freezer holds 16 lbs. a Bi Tai). & EQUIPMENT LTD 505 RAILWAY ST., VANCOUVER, B.C Phone HAstings 3620 362) Prince Rupert, B.C. Terrace, B.C. GORDON & ANDERSON JOHNSTONE & MICHIEL All are powered by the METER-MISER The simpiesi coid-making mechanism ever built — really saves current! Your present refrigerator or ice box eccepted as all or pert of the down pouyment and you can arrange easy payment terms for the balance! NRF. 1003R3 wow For Full Details Visit Your Nearest Authorized Frigidaire Dealer Listed Below! Smithers, B.C. EBY’S HARDWARE