Keepyourblo odcod! SHREDDED WHEAT is cooling and nourishing, fine for breakfast or lunch l JAQE.1WC, HlJrt A'lHn ... Scientifically PacKed 'SALAD A" TEA TB8- Ail free from dust as tea can be. The DaIly News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA t Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year To ill other countries, in advance, per year $1.00 96.00 $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - B8 Cdltor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should he in The Daily N'ews Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. , L ... ... I DAILY EDITIOH Friday, Au?. 20, 1926. Rains in Alberta Added Twenty Millions. The -Alberta Minister of Agriculture slated the other dav that Ihe fain, hi. Alberta bad added twenty million dollars to the wealth. of the people of Alberta in helping the grain to fill out at the lat. This was a great thing for the province and will alo aid Prince Rupert by providing more grain for the local elevator lo handle. Mr. lloadley thinks the wheat crop .alone will je teu million bushels heavier as a result of the rain. Frock Coat Freaks At Garden Party. Fashion decrees that the frock coat and silk hat is the proper thin? for a man to wear at a garden party. That shows how foolish men are. They will wear anything or do anything just to be In fashion. Cm to a big dance in Prince Rupert and look at the men sweltering around in heavy evening dress, while the women, more sensible by far, frolic through the evening in the lightest and. flimsiest 'materials and sometimeSjWith .much of the person wholly" uncovered.) The other day the Luidon Times showed a picture of hun dreds of what are considered to be Ihe bminiest men in the world at a garden party in Buckingham Palace grounds, each Willi a black frock coat and silk hat, On a sunny day it is one of the most ridiculous sights imaginable and yet they do it seriously and dutifully and never seem to see the humor of the situation. But that is Ihe way of he .Englishman. He is about as serious and foolish, as a Yankee. Another Foolish Thing For a Brainy Man to Say. v Premier Meigheh ha a lot of brain, really, although to listen to him one would hardly think so and to read his speeches is even worse. Here is one of the funny things he said recently at Kaniloops. At first it was denied, but Ja.tep confirmed by the ..speaker:' . . 'Hisn'Mr. King's) motive is to stir up feelings against the onusn ana i,om ityng, and we arc determined to let the people know where lie will lead (hernias proven during the last five' yenrs imu me nanus oi me united Slates. If he is returned o pywer, i tieeiare to you mat Canada wilLIose status asa proud jtiehiber among, the Couvnron calth of Nations and become an adjunct oi tnc republic to the south." Easily Deceived In Politics. : There Is nothing on which .a person cart so easily be de,- .ceiveu us .pouues or a real estate tiooni. During a real estate ,000 m most people become insane They lose Iheir proper sense of values, and the same thing occurs in a political cniinnivii. Hpmshi mes place to prejudice and emotion and the result is H14n.tA'-iliij"in,,!6i 'te' for. n-taau or parly which in their saner niouVnTV ihVV would -rtfYiP 1h 'ifii . ' ' " I Two Vital Spots , frV Discovered; ., , , 'I het-persoii who made a suggestion thai Premier, Meigheo might try jo 'merge the Canadian .National inlo the C. P. R. seems Io have touched a vital soot for in PVfPV npfrh nmiln in llio lrtsj lwt). vepks Mr. Meigbcn has taken, a 'lot of time in denying ' i".-niMij5 iniiiuic iciiiihivs uiiiiui me peopie responsible for saying;.anytlung so displeasing to .him. An.0lli:r .Suggestion that roused the ire of, soniebodv wa UkU iii)V? Prince Rupert person voting Tory was a fit subject for judical examination of the brain. Judging by the furore, it mtisfhave lncn correct. The Tory organ seems to imply that it Is indecent to attack people on so vital a spot. At anv rate a wnoie roiumu is devoted to denying the fact. As Macbeth or some omer wine person said; "Methinks he doth protest too jinivu, ine urtieje proves me assertion atjeasl in one case. VERNOR SMITH ON RAILWAYS Declares C. P. R. Has Lines to Deteriorate and Fu ture Lies With C. N. R. RUPERT IS INTERESTED Peace River Should Provide Traf-f io For This Part of National Railway System. fn a special despatch to the GluKary Albcrtan, Vemor Sinitli. formerly of Prince Itupert, bro- 1 1. .T V.. .ill. 11, ..II.. M from lUyer'area isfj CAMPBELL WAS ' made tributary toot.' , If the C. P. H. 1s brought into! QUEST OF ROTARY me territory ny me pmunwi then the iV N. II. would bi de prived of (hal bulnef and the sV Mating that , , the. x ownership . i of r'1"" instruction "l wi.... and ifi. operation ft.....n.m of the K. I. A H. C. and Antral Ca- vnM" " Jf - " ' . Z. LT. m . . nada railways by the province was aNo f) wt, are- nfster of railways, vigorously The Alberlan. nan. that the line ials again resume their propa- , ., 1 in f.-- ..f l. ."......f niL.ll nuuni ....... ... w. 1 hit "iiu ..... .l.mi. 1 1. ....I...! . lieve, moreover,-that the railway possibilities of this province would be terminated if the railways which it has financed were incorporated with one or other of Ihe transcontinental systems. The Journal asserts that if the province undertakes to operate these THE NAN IN THE MOON layi: 1'he editor says a CLUB AT LUNCHEON 'essential traffic diverted to llif jpjjdent Orme Spoke of Regret Aiiowea c, p. nt r siniilh pointed nut I1 " ; ',, ' Dominion m.vcrnnient IS rrUI It'll U!l Conllngencles "11" U time. therefore," he urged,, "that Hie people of Alberta took an active interest in this nialter'iiit reulel what is j involved In connect ion with Iheir lliabillliest for railway construc-llidn. The province i propor- ' l n..inl.. i:i.i.. ..Il...n iiiiuaici imuii' mill tnuva mi- ihces for its share of principal and interest on the bonds (niar-anleed and advances made by the for the Felt at Losing Their Visitor as Citizen of Prince RuperL , At the meeliiir of the llotary Club yestwday. one of the honored ituests was S. K. ciiiiplell, who had b'f inxiicd there so thai the members iplslil bid liiro adi'ii.i He is bsiviug Saturday itnd during; the past few years has oTteli been the guest of members on sevenil occasions, president Orme spoke of the regret all fi'lt at hi going . and wished him well in III work. Asked for a few words, .Mr. Camplell said it was nearly five ears since he first came to here. lJ a for all bonds One thing hal , , public interest and that the rental ', OMMlllMi ,hu ,irmi,. fn. offered by the C. P. It. would not ; " " , " v" hud struck Ii tin Jurillff during that time was the won derful hospitality of the people of and J. T. P. branch roiislruetioiijthe city. .Never in any place had. in Alberta. If. therefore, the pro- he found such general kindness. si de- ue- .. . . ... ......... o.. ... .. v.... ...i i ,4 . ... ,,, ,iiife cre m persist in u ouiu-j ruru 'jni uvuhu u . ,, ... itnded the ic policy policy of or the ine .ujer Alberta a ...r.A . wrtl, lllU,.,, ....i fu..iia fiiiiKS government. "! tonnUfJy ( o tJ(e inl(.r.,u , WJ- ''V, o1" j!.? i of the tninadiah .National railways be was leaving ami this h wmibl. .Mr. m in i ' ,leteb say: He would always be inler-...e had been allovved ' to; f , , ,.rlneB uperl and do the C. P. It. and . ,. 1 .i , deteriorate e by by J: Jninii frnViinn-ii.Tr 1 0O,u'!'e ouil eventually influence interests of the eily. V .. V. :: . 7. ' . ,a policy onMie nart of the Dnm-l Ik J. Mflliii. in ncv maiiiiitoi nun inn i ic tmiiji m.ikn iriini . llnjO. P. Jt. could make from .,. , . -,w u! . lllB " "Si VXSS' in Ik. nwiM. Mm M - zi'-E' ttjrr..!trs"is r.r."r prince rupert roads ' ' m m 1 t- Ui 11110111111 IIMUIrU SIS HIT Ml ! was' full of fallacies, .Mr. smith ... ... ... . . The Calgary Herald and J-il-,;,lneJ'V"1 '.""T1?"- f"'! n monton Journal in reeent editor- 1 ' "T, ' ARE BEST IN WORLD IN A TOWN OF THIS SIZE II. McLean, rity ein:ilieer yes- Pacific Hallway iieinjf iK?rmitted " " "" " nla.v at Hie junury i;ihl. spukc Io continue in possession t the m T . ttn,, ,,ne 'h of .. the eicelleuee . .. of the P. .m e unl 1.1 A ....(. UilllillVJ f ll.a I). A B. C. and Central tlanada . . J uiiprt man.. 11- said ne iiM not prm uliU,r Mr n""1 know U.w Uie cntinenf of railways ilwavs. Thev nrofe- to b-in""'1 a on ,f.inilti.lA.I . the siie or Prime lltipTt where the tii.4.1- were as i"d. Owinii to the large ipiantity of good ipia lily rock mill on the k round was cheaper to make roads here1 than in many plucen. I Speaking of ttie surfaeiiiK that number of had reeently lnen yippll!, Mr.; lines it would not be giving any.fl,r"MrV!,'xe m (own feared ttiey Mclean satil lliey hail saveil from further prolection to its invest-j would have o have their heads ei:iit to ten thousand dollars went and it would not be any' examined tins week, but no seri- through having such good wea- freer to carrv on negotiations to ou results have followed. Only ther just at the critical time. The dispose of the property." Fallacies Are Obvious Mr. .Smith says that the fallacies of these arguments are obvious ami that they are advanced in the interests of the C. P. 11. During really wun.lerlujjjor a Tory the processes of deterioration ami disintegration which occurred on therfe lines through the neiglect of the . P. P.. suslain as the result of anolherl - . loug period of neglect. The ren-SI lal offered 1y the C. P. It, merely represents a portion of the pro-,wlbch would acerue' to them for their control of the traffic from and Io the leased lines and from Ihe expenditure of monies a few of them are really eriuy iiirfaelng whs put on thin so that; enough to warrant deportation. Ml could penetrate and not peal! 1110 six years in which tue u. r. n.- ' ' leased the railways, the province!1' 1 (,n,J" a'Tory the real owner of the railways .had suffered jjreat loss through I'd fcil iifelfiiuite hunkadory. ror 1 11 Ktiw quite, wen I was gcilug to hell: And that Is. the end of the slory.i Oeneral deterioration of the' rits but the word does not seem' track and structures due to in-i ' rhyme well. sufficient tie renewals and lack' of proper maintenance of jinpor-J tant sleel structures," said Mr. mith, "has proceeded to a point! where immediate corrective remedies are necessary if the lines are to be conserved ami placed in a safe uieratiiiig condition." Rental Is Inadequate Mr. Smith stated that the rental onereu uy me u. I. Jl. was 111-I adequate. "The amnunl which the C. P. It. has offered the province for another lease is negli-gible when set off against the losses which the properties would iff. Happil) a lot of the local Tories The engineer spoke of many have a sense of humor, which Is advantages of Prince Unpen and tne was the plentiful supply f Ihe very tuiesl water 111 I lie world. f EN DOLLARS FOR BOYS' BAND FUND th'" 8um Tov,"r'1 UPk"P of Or- I'd make in a verse l,n,.t ganlzatlon Promised By new Arrival. If I were only a rit I. """"" y "anu I d stand on llie el.rrier and .illJPa" '""V1 ' t,,c Monlral An.l loll ll.em in ; Importers who have eontribuled Of boll, iffli n.l Torv. I10" "" toward that organua- When the Tory ' turned out to be It. , V,.,. r!M'fk .'f h) J U. Miller and A. Itichmond. ' ,n addlUon to the ten dollar Did von l...r nf ii.. nni Wbieh sat with its tale on a mat.'U",a,,i""' ,lMr; Mli"r- wuo j W in. ,i. ii -...i.i ni ;tecent arrival and who has tra- ()r woni.i .in n,-iriPt 1ie''d extensively, says he is so liven wear a Progressive hat. IF"1 V".' ,? !'T ,ha' ,,P W,U JConlribute fifty dollars a year to- Most people know when they' !,rJ Ule "Pkeep.or the hand. This are wmng excei.t a bridge parlnerl-t!, P""0"". 'OittrilmHuu. Mr. or a.politiciai. i IX il k a "a" Unl ,,,a,,y ' tjl. jpoys bands but he itoe not inow . Isplliit oWiu? Hmif Hif.Uiol-.mP ?r "!P,w,,', "' 'nuch anolh.c. f.r Verpei.l? : ))r ') j tMr w rv- we rf.-eii mo(e reptiles during llidl. elecot.ra..Piaifni; 1., tAtO ACT, advanced for capital requirements!' "'J1' anJ here's belling nearly! K?iVT"'pV2Ili-',?"rln"-" uuiim', or which Ihe province would be ,ia,f "f Ihem will vo'tV the wronirtcMM tiiD,'iX3,T.nit pttf" "able." "! election day. ZZTSZlJJ WsT ,5' Afl!S i-roimca ana ty. n. if. .1 The relationship of the lines tdi the Canadian National Hallways Is an aspect which should be con-sidereil in the question of the control of the K. I. & Jl. C. Hall way, Mr. Smilh replied in answer! to a question. lie ooinleil mil' that the western provinces had large sums of money invested In the form of bond guarantees in various branch lines forming part of the C. X. It. Naturally, thee, fore, said Mr. Smith, the people Of Alberta were interested in the vtelrare Of the O.Cv'.'H., and should carefully consHJer the effect of handing over the K. I), A B. C. to the Canadian Pacific. - "Branch line development Inlo the territory north of the 0. N. H. main line and Uj a reasonable distance south of its main line, is, essential to the future success of the National railway," said Mr. Smith. "The Peace JUver country is naturally tributary to the 1. T. P. portion of the C. Nr Jt. system, and there is no prospect for ihe ullimale profitable operation of the line from Prince fieorgc to Prince Hupert unless the traffic Jake say s he's going to helpl.b" in JTl , ?. 'Vi ftffi! roll up substantial iiiaJorit1212?"2"J. ct,'' 10 tx" t the Tone are talking about, llct m'wiJi juim ttiomr, 'jr.nT, ays he Mnnks he'll vole Orit un-, oti w to, less some other party can show him more money the other way. FOREST PROTECTION WORK IS EXPLAINED l?!?'i,r.1 i ,'!tar Jl"trl 'S Uluil. ii Nine hundred people got theiraum iZtT " "n"t names on the voters' list lasHwVihn ?n'J:fci.i!l!f,,.y.,n.i".!" NOTICC Vppli. riOL IX THE .MXTTIH of In l1llr(ton for VM Uue ut i 1-n.rM.mal irlirirtlr if Title rr Ij,i rirlil (s, Nbxk thiri.'fi?; Sillfir nnf i.r 11m. , of lh, Crtifirie uf T(l r..rrlnr Km- N,ve llZ 1 ' lunni Imi finnlurril to ii i, v ," m Tur datadv n no v.v;?,V?J.'r "..."'" t ?. . lUnrt In lh imiim. or iiki -s iiAL. t . J!:i!' tC .. ...inji-rs, u-iiririiniin ho jjijjjj '"i '. mnn it niilnbrrrd Canadian Forestry Association,! ' it. r. vvr.irnn addressed Mie Holary Club yesler-iUl, i,,,,,, 0fflr, "''tir ofTiiiM. day on the work of that ongaui.n-' ''r'n'' nin, n, 'c. Hon. Jle .aid Ibey were trying to! ,,h Idol out the forest fire menace! L5?..5r' and tohl of the means bHng taken .,,r;M'' i" tnriru i.ttut nmrdin io accotnpiHh that end. My various means Ihey were trying lo make people realize the, danger of carelessness. In this province last ear there was u loss of over three million dollars from forest fire, lie asked the sup-i port of Mie club In carrying on his pal not ie work. Subscribe to the Daily News. liMSilh of Amnio ftivrr. ",,,"" w TAKE police Out Fnnrli nirt...M tmnuv or illm. B.C . oMtio' miur. inu-nd lo epir r.Vr imii. f SmiJ?-"" Ihe fto53 t.,oi .f TuArnitlmut ,,,?; oulJirl tnan Urn mouth or Auinto to it iid rnnninir thnre to rhmni mJltV llH-nre so rliiliM ,.,.,11,; m,nrV 1 o Xllui MM: tnd ihW to 'rhin mm , to IRVMHS HICIIAriD DIIMLOP, bite, Atltn, Utj to, tin. tptllciQt. COIYS SPECIAL SELECTED A foUled at the ' t m VatM11""1, Very Old Very Smooth nd if Very Harorful Very Popular IAN RYE WHISKY This advertineiucnt is not publifhed or d , r?d br &l i.iquor ivuiiroi noaro or uy ine uovermoeat of UriUsh Columbia Steamship and Train Residence Phone, Black 617 3ervice ijuiiut frun pmincc aurcar rr vamcouvim, vktosi, un Mrn MONDAY u4 TMUSIOST 4 00 r wu, SATURDAY. S.00 fa. r-.r AHTOZ iH.1 STSWAar MOMDAY, raiOAV, IM Mk. rer ALASSA WIOKSOAT. 4 00 p.m, IbT MASSCTT INttT MOKOAT, 4.00 p.m. Tor SKIDIOATC IN LIT tad SOUTH QUI Eft CHARlOTTf M rnnifMir, PAIIINOia TIAINS HAVE PSINCC MUrtKT Cl . I I tin. for pninci otonoc, tDMONTOH, WINNISIO, 1ms CtlUd. l OIUsl 8UIM, Ar ii ouh stMMfftis tin. Cm Ctiudun .tUMitl tiprw foe Monry vrtrtt, n Sws tio for Jf imtii tliitsnrfiL Cllr TkM Oflltt, M Tlr4 Ait, Prhitt iMt. ftw Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have Ihe most complete dimensions, shiplap. fir finish. f veneers, etc., in Northern II.C We can supply everything In a building from thf datlon to the last piece of finish. . IJefore buying inspect our stock. 11 w , a t: prices are righU Albert & McCaffery, Ltd Phones 110 and 117 Loggers! Logged Wc have the only com pie td stock of Gilchrist Jacks and ports in the North. We handle I)gr"(? Peavies, Haws, ami general Camp Kquipmcnt It will pay you lo see us whon outfitting Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue ANGER, The Tailor Pine Imported Serge mid Scotch Tweed Hulls mndo lo order in our shop in Prince lluperl as low ns 223 Sixth Street . 0. Box 2? $50.00 I. ANGER, Cutterpfnce WICHMANN OIL ENGINES ir tritinir fan. ir Mt tll, lr )0 wlt v,mi - . v a"-Wlrtiiiitim i.m- n.. vil.rtlh will Idl ill ilJ.v. ''" ENQINEERINQ CORPORATION, LIMIT ORANVILLE ISLAND Mirlnt-Dtptrtminll mr. O. Tt"' vNCOuI.