~ EWallace s Fall Materials: NOW ON DISPLAY CCF Launch Petition For National Health Scheme | OTTAWA (@—The CCF ign a petition urging i last night by M. J.[loca) health regions responsible will launch ons f the lar t I al government to in. well. CCF leader, in a broad-/| to the health departments of the ignature-collecting campais e a national health in ver CBC's trans-Canada/j various provincial governments ever undertaken in Cana¢ ogram at the forth- k He spoke from Winni-| It will call for an extension The party pla tO a&SK ‘ on Of parliament CBC series “The Na-!of training facilities for profes many Canadiar a ca : he petition Were an- Business.’ sional personnel] and an acceler Ingle, national secretary | ated program of hospital con said in an interview | struction, It will also suggest the » have the petition! financing of the scheme through orm today. It will be}a social security contribution | as soon as it is print-| graduated according to ability ‘ to pay, and supplemented from uU organizations of the the general revenue.” ANNOUNCEMENT CC} handle the petition in ; ireas, The campaign Ear, Nose and TI! . Prince Rupert from province to pro- SCREEN * n Oct. 37 to Nov. 11 . the general intention An Eye Specialist « f e Same dates ‘ door-to-door canvass ; if syfficient work is availa ; ele * FLASHES Appo t I il t intments shou Wly doctor iid no estimate has a = Prince Kupert Friday, O Tr the case of eye t uld be made of the number of By BOB THOMAS — : j are likely to sign the HOLLYWOOD (AP)—Ar Su is expected 6m appr ape a perfect wife? Chances art ind Organizations of ; Prince Rupert Medical Assoc. jeve in national health |Come ote OO un Casha mate than your husband A who 10 Not sup re IP | psychologist, Dr Mason ‘ says that the man is mor —_ nex sion of parliament; .*, : . lant at fault in imperfect marriages 1) Mr. Ingle said the able it petition immediately For Dr. Rose is advising on ‘ film “Dream Wife and { early in the dream wives are more comn be sure to qet en nai husbands NO OBLIGATION The trouble with many mar he » obligatior m ; ; pour '| rlages, Dr, Rose said, is that ti ) ac no ma YT . ». men maintain an 18th century signalures are it ; +} rul belief in the status of wom npi with the rules : : Most men don't want thei ( ns, the petition . - wives to work he said rhey ra Ga in rac legal ; fee} that their children car it will "*pray” the gov De properly reared by a work the need pean : _. mother, But a high-energy t 4 ai heaitn insurance ; Joumor iH frayen Loads of woman shoukin't be i roadcast, Mr. Coldwell to being a housewife ' The perfect mates, he com ' STORE seat ee cee St/ ne Ma tikewns "ered toe mented, are thase who view mar { ands 1818 ‘ ave Ciage as “a fellowship of w' (BERS PARA RGRRE RHEE REE REESE RES _ ice 1919. For 33 years ‘ushand a soll . usdand ant Wilt t ve Deen “procrastination ; — : ae, equal rights and / ther,” he said z » ar { h Nw & ? ‘ ~~ "= SSSR ERRSRERRERE EKER ERE eee eee ee a ae ee eee tition, he said, will call : ir e offer to provide ali citi i Ros nt ‘gs rrespective of income. full Goterrae whether ta } ta medical dental and| * fect wife: or . , 1. Are you troubled because oe _ ae * added your husband differs from you © ha sabitinn wh) « j beliefs and standard 4 : petiuion Wu = .o ards? ‘ a 2. Do you feel there are seriou a service must be provided on a) 7 4 aay aan : ; aia disadvantages to being married i ii DASIS, its administration 4 : . matter sis = carried out through S. Do you have 0 berm ao ie ceasing with someone other than yout husband? « 4. Do you discuss int! t Sonal matters with y« relatives or frie 5. Do you I does not consult you regarding important decisions? 6. Do you feei against or bored with ho 10] duties? ~ 7. Are you critical of y Dand’s small faults? 8. Are you easily upse whet things go wrong? 9. Is your household budget usually in the red? 10. Do you know othe wive who are oetter treated than you? 11. If a family quarre! o« do you use past disagreements a a Weapon against your husband 12. Do you feel that you band is leas attractive ar a ceasful then the husban f your - friends? 13. Would vou Hike t than you are? 14. Do you find | be a good mixer 15. Do you feel your marftal responsibilities keep you tied down too much? \ Af. yedcean answer “ne” (o 10 Of the questior you're a g006 wife PREPARE FOR HIGHER EARNINGS Liu ee) LA) eet For the man who likes to work with his hands, who is interested in Deo as 100,000 succeeaful Canadians have done, Mail thie coupon today An LCS. Home Study Course can put you om the road to « hetter job, with better pay! wat Macnene Song bctomahy ie electricity, radio, telegraphy, generators there is outstanding opportunity in the Roval Canadian Corps of Signals, This Corps handles such important and interesting jobs as helping to Wet heed gee Rov ses 26 Faculties Engineering Boanees, General bducatior form a radio link between isolated areas of the Yukon, the Northwest ferritories and the rest of Canada. “Signals” is the nerve network Mn. |. & Halliwell 1419 Best Oth Ave Prince Rupert, 6 { of the Canadian Army in the field, vital to the successful ee ee ee ee ; i team operation of our modern forces, j= ©... «35 (5 BMRA 7 CO ( | WETERMATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS ieee . : i AMADIAN LIMITED i In the Royal Canadian Signals you will be taught an inte resting Dept. 603- p ee Ges 1 Plesse send complete information on the trade such as radio, line or tele graph mechanic; wireless j Sowing saber j . ; I (Write aboue the subject or subjects in or telegraph ope rator: and other signal operating and i ” gkdeh te ne lonmadiod ae maintenance tradeg | Name | Avonens a ¥ | Corr Paovisce To be eligible you must be 17 to 45 years of age This advertisement is not published of | Eurcoren wr and physically fit. displayed by the Liquor Control Board cp Sm me me mee me wre ee a a me ae ea bw the Government of British “ELECTRICAL SUGGESTIONS” General Electric Kettle $14.50 General Electric Steam Iron $24.95 Hanscraft Eqq Cookers $ 5.95 Woatile trons 2 : $14.25 Toasters from $ 9.15 ‘“Toastmaster” Toaster—Automatic... $32.95 fm | Northern B.C Power Co. Ltd. r Besner Block — Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C, Stewart, B.C PTE TET LE ELLE T TE OI Apply right away for details to: No. 11 Personnel Depot, 4201 West 3rd Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. Actually Filmed Under the f Starring Betty Hutton, Cornel Wilde, CAPITOL \ FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE wat we CHEZ PAREE ADORABLES « remcon » WELIAM PtmarRE / ; er HEMEL SEATON» ererree ome tomers we SVMS, wm Omen AI Po 0 CECIL B. DeMILLE’s Color by Technicolor Dorothy Lamour, Gloria Crahane | FORAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS — 7.9 Chariton Heston, REGULAR PRICES MATINEE SATURDAY And AZZLING oo/ DUNES! KA Noery Fetes 17 a Technicalor ome BETTY mR ’ Hluriow: ‘MALI wow ROBERT KEITH + ADELE JERGENS Ce EXTRA — “DOBBIN STEPS OUT R P POPALONG POPEYE” TOTE \ Famous Payers Civic Centre FREE MEMBERSHIP DANCE 9:00 P.M. —- 12:00 P.M. DRAWING OF RADIO AND GROCERIES Saturday, October 18 Your Membership Card Is Your Admission COMING OCTOBER 23RD And 24TH WRESTLING ' | | | | Orrwing Bolger Trades fotety | | | | | | Y Put Seagram's “83” oa ater, the water test. W plain or sparkling, reve true, natural flavour a Seagram's “83° i Whisky ty Gog Seageaw’s out the Ligue | Control Board or by the sblished oF q ployed This advertisement is not publishee © sals a whisky’s id eS BUY A BOX OF APPLE OO Om a GIO af SUPPORT THE CHILDREN’S PLAYGROU i ld Footwea h Col OM OBS 1 ese eee ty 1g Top “THE GREATEST SHOW ON ER