II MA MM mMM m m e Hi A ll!K l 1L1L1T niuui; iu E MAN KIM.Fn AND ANOTHER INJURED AS SCAFFOLD GIVES WAY Mi .1 l VI.'II I iv 'I was killed 20. -Hubert and Yelta m y were working painting Wiitowti building collapsed, j" fulllim sixty feet. NOTICE TO LIBERALS OF SKEENA RIDING Te Liberal commitlee "mis. 303 Third Ave., next 1 'lie Kleeirio llakery, will '" open every aflernpon a"d evening until election Hay other wheat producing countries I with a view to lining them up with RFINf! ASKFO! ' " en!""'' ! H'oe In a o-iililllU nVlXUU ifkiUm xnow that wheal mani- jliulatlon ha in the pa I been un- Mil VI II i : '8. All an- ueriaKen ny ne Dig tieaiers no- wa mail. ve-.ter.lay tot Mi purpose or making gam ior if 'a u on the haimiiimi "r i"-nrr. in ic at elevators tojm prevent. I' m "inform thoo ,al i 'h- lu-eul Tulles. The' wv- iiiiulo by owners t, ' who clainiMl that ji i 'lie jiresent tariff i n ttorn of Vancouver am sufficient revenue su"esfully. They i a me tariff retarded jpincui of the port'e ii) tt fanhiies. a ii heard the in pel n (j of the .aimr and announced, u -Mon. that a decision iflcreil on AiiKiist S5. a r i !' f reipipsted i al-,-i wtMi that ohlaining ' M if ir takes ORflA MAN IS CHAMPION r Flowers Successfully e fends Mlddlewelaht Title Against Qreb VOIIK, Autt. HP" f riroi'gia siiceessfully i tit- world's mid.lle-ianipinship last ulphl . won the derision over ii el) or l'ittsbury in a ii mateh. f victory was hy a ile-a gin on points hut h it to withstand a slash-by (ireli in Ihe last two I was rouli and tum-u fioiu start lo finish. STRAIGHT CONTEST BURRARD ELECTION; LADY WITHDRAWS v.xcm;vr.n. au. feem a u mere is i ... from 15o and loo lo la. aim 10.5c. The day's arrivals were as follows: llinn, 5,500, and In prod ll 3.500, to the Huyal l'ish Co. Morris II.. 7.000, to the ltonlh Fisheries Canadian Co. .Mayflower. 5,000, to the Caiu dian l'ish and :ohl .torapr Co. JONES OF PORTLAND WON CHAMPIONSHIP po. till.C GOLF TOURNAMENT Yir.TOJUA, Aur. l'O. A. C. Jones of Portland won the (irand . ...i .x.td. f u.miiiH lirvflll ' PL'HUtinij urj uivn . board of Canada for a, lbemelics and at the expense olU . , Hi....' iI.m it -Mr 'I'd I tl 111 planned; ! tl flfll I . .'0. - - P lo be a straiirht contest lielween Ueneral J. A. Clark, ('.oiiiwrvativp. and W. llanbiiry. Liberal, in Ilurraul constituency. Mrs. Anna Jamie- sou ha withdrawn as an Inde. pendent and it is not likely that this lale any oHier will offer. In a statement issued last nlxht Mrs. Jamie .on said it wa her intentinr to build up an or-Hiiialiin 'vtilh a view to en teiitiu some future electoral runt est. FISHARRIYALS" Four Canadian Boats Sold 21,000 Pounds of Halibut at Exchange Today Inly Canadian halibut was at the l isli KxrlmngC'lhi niorninyt, four boats roiling .i, ooo jMiunds at prices mnginsj Ti. ,luv ul,,.., a scaffold on est siulf associanon louniai .c.u t.. . .. i L.T....!....-'!1 W Mils niornnir. iumkiuuik . c-. nu-nv of Sutth two uii and one lo VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Silver (ilail-lmic .... lliuelliin Howe Sound Independence, 'Miirmol Premier .... Surf Inlet U. C.l'.H Did. t.'JI .Ml .00 Hi Asked 2.00 .31 .01 . 37.00 10.00 . MW .07 Vj . MM .it . 2.10 2.22 .o.m .101.00 GRAIN CUTTINQ BULKLEY VALLEY 'tis UNDER WAY , SMITIims. A112 211 The 1 ' .r.i,.,,i .m,imer weather of the nasi couide of weeks ha deen a UTtal boon to the fSfnier of the llulkley alley anil tbe pmspecl for ( a bumper grain crii are now praetieally -iir..t. rjraiii rutting, is well ui.der way and shocks of sram is a common sight when motor- ing over (.be ivads in the valley, ' Tills year sees the great- est arreape sown to wheal v and oats in the In-lory jf the valley aud the yield per acre promises lo be well up to the average or better than that in t ii. Is fif Hi. nriv jn.'J. 4 VOLCANO IN . ; side of llering Sea, wa in eruption liwivily 'elnesilay. arennl-in to reports received here from the Japanese steamer Yokohama The Yokohama Maru Was elev en miles 'off the island. The coast ttuard culler Haida has goiie to HuKOslof. which is 1. 1011 mile outhwest of hero. inoriiltig of June 17. Shu left her father's house alone for a walk on llicttlghl of lliu murder after an airgiimeut with him. About nine oTc)oek three persons saw a man near the scene of Ihe murder whom they declared resem sample from the face of the lun-nel shows the pold value runs about the same as on the surface, that is around f K, but the the older d.s- : silver value is now u lo 50 or. Immense Body I Some idea or the immense bo-iv of ore can be pained from the work already areompI(shed. I lie showing on the surface was traced for nearly 300 feel and has a , . 'il-eided slant. Ihe lunnel was A I AK A A rTIVki started ai the lower sjde and al niiilUii1 null! U the pre t face at GU.fee-t, it is Bagoslof Seen by Japanese Stea-j mer Yokohama Maru; Coast Guard to Investigate. COHHOVA, Aug. SO.- nagoslof, a voicjinic island on the sou m estimated me iiepui irom rue stir- l'raiee oi Y aies piaiiiing a tree on Messi?. Sutton's grounds during a recent visit to Heading. Preparing to Ship Ore from Recently Discovered Mine at Topley to Smelter at Trail JSAIITIIKHS. Aux. 20, The mining XieJd at Topley is ili holding Ihe inleresf of the mining fraternity of the district and. according lo reons brought to town by Ihe discoverer, Frank laylor, the new find is jiu-reasuig in propped a the development goes on. The tiiunrhjieiug driven as a cross-cut iu ihe ore body is now in a distailce. of sixty feet, and the formation is now more solid, with Ihe silver values increasing. Mr. Taylor came lo town to make arrangements for the purchase of a compressor lo faeilflate the driving throu?ht Hie nam rocs an.i repor.eu jnai nrpfrir mm njrnni an aay made last Friday of at 1 1 II H IVl A K K I1 I Mr. luyiormaae a sampie snip-u.,rpi, . ,.,, urt.f ,,, ,.ntnu meni ro uie smeuer av irau am. ,,wartl 0 a spectacular ris the report on this stales the ore ,st.V(,,.a, (,,ur UmM ar(, ak. will Iw given a premium oi ?J.3J. jniI j.01)t r,ajn, t st,.oi dosed I his is contrary to me pencrai .. jii, s.,... at a nnini aA run of ore from this district, which is usually penalized on account of nine contents. The Topley ore. however, con- Maru. via SI. Paul Island. The tain" "'"' a great asset in riux- cruptiou began at 1 p.m. Tuesday. A grant for roail. buildms conlinu nir until 21 hours later. ueen voieu y uie provincial goxerument and as soon as the road is put into shape, Mr. Taylor intend shipping n a large scale. - ... Snheribe lo ihe Oallv News. Gaines Convicted of Murder of His Daughter Sylvia and. Death is the Penalty to Pay SKAYTLK, Aug. 20. Wallace Cloys (Saint s was. convicted lust night of the murder of hi. 22-year-old daughter Sylvia here on June 1 1. The jtiry.wu mil four hours and on returning fixed the penally al dealh. (laines collapsed' when tho verdict was announced and the defence counsel announced Unit nil appeal would be' made. The body of Sylvia (Jaines, a graduate of Smilli College, Northampton, Muss., was found denuded and haltered iu a grove nt the edge of a street on the shore of Lake Washington on the bled (laities in stature and build The stale made much of llio theory thai (iaines slew'-Ihe girl afler she Ihrealeuedi exposure of. a ciamicsiiiitj aiiecuou existing between them. j I half. RALLIED LATE After Selling Movement Change Took Place Carrying Some Issues High .F.V YORK, Aug. 20. After poin? through a heavy selliu movement which centred mainly in L'.S. Steel, the stock market rallied briskly during the final hour under the impetus of short fni. i ro feet. , n... ...,.. . v -v ----- i ii. ...... lini.... rkAYTinm miinnn UUUltl IflAKut Sir Francis Lemleux Found Mar. naret Not Used for "Joy R.'des" as Alleged m TAN A, Aug. 20. The ra- porl of Sir Francois l.emieux on his investigation into Ihe lou eel charges concerning Ihe "Margaret"' ease was issued this afternoon. It stales that Ihe In vest (gallon did not show any kind of allega'ion that the vei el was used for "joy cruises or thai uniuiiule bad lieen a participant in cruises. The Judat slates that the incident i closed BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL National League New York I, Chicago 2. I'illsbutTg IV I, Philadelphia 3-0. llrooklyn ?. St. louis ft. American League Detroit I. Philadelphia 9. Chicago 0. Huston I. Advertise in the Dally News. lion of Hie delegates in the Not tinghamshire field, it is predicted that virtually all concerned eagerly accept the compromise and will commence work forthwith. some observers profess to hope Uiat the acceptance of the llol--ever scale means the beginning of the end of the .strike. THE PUBLICLY t EXPRESSED OPINION OF A CONSERVATIVE f "In my vicw.llie-wJude-or this western -inoveiiient should be directed to the port of Vancouver; and ail public monies expended .up- on Ihe Pacific coast should v be expended there. i'hcr y never was a more grossly flagrant instance of cxpen- diture of public monies for purely political purposes than the buildinp of Uie ele- valor a Prince Rupert by f the Liberal government." T INSURING GRAIN IN LOCAL ELEVATOR J. K. Smith of Calgary Is Visitor In Prince Rupert In That Connection J. II. Smilli of Calgary, man ager of Ihe United Orain iirow ers' Securities Co. and of the Car and Oeneral Insurance Cr, of F.ngland, is a vi3ilor in th.1 cilv on business in connection with the insurance of gialn that will pass through the Princ Rupert elevator. Mr. Smith, who is accompanied hy Mrs. Smith, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Oeonge this morning and will proceed by tomorrow morning's train on his return to RUN OF PINKS LASTED ONLY A FEW DAYS AT MASSETT THIS SEASON The big run of pink salmon at Masse,! t Inlet i practically all over .according to reports arriv ing here. It lasted less than two week in all but while it wa po- ing there wa plenty of fish for all. It whs distributed to the can neries on Ihe Islands and also for those here and at the Skeena and Naas Rivers. JAPANESE WINNERS DAYIS CUP TENNIS GAMES YESTERDAY MONTflKAL. Aug. 20.- -In the first two game of Hie Davis Cup contest in the American zone finals played yesterday afternoon, Takaehi Sarada of Japan defeated Hoaelio Paris of( Cuba ,7-5, 6-0, 0-3. and Sekiwo Tawarii vanquished Vieent Sanet V-7, C-l, 0-2. j TAXI ! Boston Grill 5 and Ambulance .1 f Large Upstair Dining Hall, Servic with newly laid dancing floor for hire. invwher at Anytlm nd Royal Hotel, 3rf "'M,'tfln . ,NEW 80DA FOUNTAIN, Tbe latest and best for the and 6th BU , '-ihf i.ii PRINCE RUPERT least. Phone 467. VIDCCK, Ptok. u'-' MATT nt,.4 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper L XVI., No. ll5. 1'IUNCK Hl'I'KIIT, B, C, FlllAY AUGUST 20. '1020. Yestrrdiy Circulation, 16J Slrct Salfi !& PRIOR FIVE CENT. CHEME TO ORGANIZE WORLD WHEAT POOL RST BIG BREAKAWAY FROM BRITISH COAL STRIKE IS ANNOUNCED TODAY ord Wheat fool flan to be Considered at a Conference Kansas City WINNIPEG, Aug. -'0. The Inlesl thing in co-o'tcralive mar f (hiit there i- proper distribution of the product. Plans definite organization will he submitted to the second inter i conference of wheat pool ul Kansas City on March 10, The venue tor the conference was selected yesterday by imal oniinitjec apMiiitcd at the World Pool meeting Pa u u-t winter. Tin' program of Ihe meeting will he largely ilrawn up iroin .iiencwe or Canadian pool of final- who hae actively " interested themselves In Mm mailer ami who will take the lead in ! matter uf organization. Alreadyi delegates uf Hie Canadian pool 'have been sent tu Argentina andj First Big Break Made in Coal Miners' Strike; Compromise Accepted j LONDON, Aug. 20. The biggest breakaway of eoal miners from Ihe poiiry of the miners' federation since the strike was called came last night when delegates representing 13,000 men 'and boys employed in the Hplsover Company's mines in Not-l.tipghamshire accepted a proposal of Ihe owners to resume at J the old wage Tor a seven and a half hour day, I Oilier owners iu this field and in Derbyshire announced their I readiness to open the pits on the same terms. Although' it is jnol known yet whether the min- crs generally will endorse theac- rA AV 1 nJ AnriTP uuiMum urnrw HIS CAMPAIGN Audience Packed Ballroom of Hotel Vancouver Last Evening to Hear Hln VANCOUVER, Aug. 20. Dtt-sald Douaghy, Liberal candidate opposing Hon. H. H. Stevens ru Vancouver Cenlj-e, opened. , h!4 campaign last night and received an attentive hearing Jrom an audiece that Backed the .ball-rcom-.uj the Hoiel Vancouver. Al the outset, Mr. Donapiiy expressed the ivish that the campaign should be free from bitter personalities. He dealt wilu the customs scandal briefly, staling that he was l&avine thb full discussion of that matter until a more opportune time. He wa a member of the cus toms committee, he, said, and h did not intend :o take second place to any man in (ho sincerity with which ho ffould act u have the recommendation of lhal committee carried out . and "lo run down the incials u) business firms gr faclorie. which mi?ht be defrauding the country." He declared, lhal hs wa ready to give battle lo his opponent if challenged "I await developments," he cohemded sig nificantly. Mr. Honatrhy also dealt witn the issues raised by Premier Meighen here and defended the Australian trade Irealy which he claimed was telng made a "politic.! football." GUN BATTLE IN MEXICO STREET Rivalry Between Political Factions Leads to Shooting With Fatal Results GOVERNOR IS KILLED Streets Crowded as Politicians Fire at Each Other Across Thoroughfare MEXICO CITY, Aur,: : 20. Two 'deputies were mortally wound ed. Colonel Andre Garcia killed, ami Tomas Oarrido, former governor of the state of; Tabasco, a shot in the face tiiYa street battle in the business- section of the city. Tho fighting 'was Ih outcome of hitter rivalry between factions in Congress, The partisans of llie'bpposing .side niej. in. rronl,f the itur-bjde, Hoiel 4 op ladpro Vve and .'without preliminaries began shooting. 1 1 It is estimated that from seven to tw enty "deputies participated fn.lhe battle, the factions standing opposite' Ihe sidewalks and shooting acro the lreet which wa crowded with . automobile and pedestrians.' A woman passing in an auto was wounded. The people in th streets were panic sfrteken; -' Women rushed M.ieamf.jf to shelter.