'' Friday, Auguit 20, ;paqb SIX THB DAILY NBWfl iojj AUDITORIUM Dances EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINQ lieKinning al 0 o'clock Floor in tlio Finest Shape MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies 25c Gentlemen 50c The Hull 1 now equipped to tako care oT Dances, .Concerts and Meetings of any kind. I The building Is 50x100 feel, maplo floor, newly plastered. Clear title to properly. IT'S FOIl SALE Phone Black 449 L. J. MARREN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM Pure )rugs PROMPT SERVICE RIGHT PRICES Vou will always find the highest quality at this store together with prompt, efficient and courteous service PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Carefully and Accurately We fill prescriptions just as your physician wants them filled. LET US SEIIVE YOU Rupert Plncy Prescription Specialists Phono 94. We deliver. l'icre I'aris joggers' Boots. nig norn iiranit uioining. Original Diamond Sweaters. Ocnuinc Fur Seal Coats, guaranteed. Hice's Dyes. Tents, HIankcts, Hags. Pat Piipson Second Avenue Genuine Indian Made Curios PRESERVING SEASON Preserving Peaches, crate Hothouse Tomatoes, for Per basket Field Tomatoes, 2 Per basket (incumbers, 3 for . . Celery ........ 15c Oraveustein Apples, for Plums, per basket . Watermelon, tier lb. per . . $1.65 2 lbs. . ... 35c ... 90c lbs.' 25c ... 65o . . . . 25c and 20o 3 lbs. ... 25o ... 50o . . . . 7c Grapes, per lb , 30c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 417-423 6th Avenue East GEORGE RORIE Chartered Accountant and Auditor Receiver, Liquidator, Trustee, &c, . Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West rniiNCE RUPERT NEW SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA IS BEING FORMED Monthly Sunday Concerts Planned to be Given In Moose Hall ' Throughout Winter. A symphony orchestra is ticf uir organized jn the city under the' auspices of the Moose Lodso with! V. II. Dorry as active orttanizpr and occasional hand leader. A. Deale also has been helping, and Jack Collier has promised to take; the work up as soon as he comes; in from (he fishing grounds. i It is expected that about thirty; pieces will be secured, although j thaUinany have not yet turned up; at the practices. ' Active work commenced three. weeks ago and practices are being, Jicld regularly in the Moose Hall and much interest is being shown by the members. The chief object of the new or-' Ionization is to give regular Sun day concerts once a mouth during he winter in Moose Hall. The first of these it is expected to Kve toward the end of September The organizers also have in mind the development of musical taste as opposed to the development of jazz. " MRS. HILDITCH IS HOSTESS AT AFFAIRS TO BENEFIT CHURCH The home of Mrs J. I.. Ilii dileh, Federal Work, was "I.-- seene of two enjoyable sorial fairs yesterday. In the aflei - noon there was a miseellaneoii-shower tea and in the evenin? a lanre. Hoth events wore to benefit the forthcoming bazaar of the Catholic Women" League. Many Tiea'utiful articles, whlcii will be offered for sale at the bazaar, were, presented in tl" afternoon. Among those assist ing Mrs. llilditeh were Mrs. I. W. Morrissey, Mrs. A. I). Oil- lies. Mrs. H. Curl in, kade. Mrs. J. Lome Mrs. I.evecque, Mrs. Miss Virginia Kiel Mis. Kin-Marl.aree. M'Hricrily aid Others Follow WEEK "END m r at w The Home of Trunks and Suitcases. Pioneer's Friend Hudson's Hay HIankcts. SrtllALS PRESERVING PEACHES Arriving Friday Per Crate $1.45 This is the lowest price we ex peel to have them this seasors In fact we expect the next shipment toie higher. ORDER NOW ! Jumble Pack Apples, 3 lbs. Per box S1.35 No. 1 Mcintosh Red Apples, 2 lbs. for . a... 25c Per box $3.50 Fancy Okanagan Wealthy Apples, 2 lbs. for 25c Per Ijox $2.90 Musk Melons, each.. 20c and 25c Unwrapped pears, per basket 35c Net weight 5 lbs. each. 50-lb. box $2.75 Fancy Okanagan Bartlett Pears, for preserving or eating, wrapped stock, per case $2.95 This is Hie lowest price we ex pect to have this season. Outdoor Grown Tomatoes, per basket 40c Ouaranteed 5 lbs. net weight . Egg Plant, per lb ...... 25c ' Sweet Spuds, per lb 15c; Crab Apples, 3 lbs for 25c Damson Plums, pfcr crate. . $3.15 j ltuy your Damson Plums whilst you can get them. ;Wlxon Plums, per basket . . 75c Net weight 0 to 0'j lbs. Red Malaga Grapes, basket 50c Net weight 2 lbs. GROCERY SPECIAL Malt or White Wine Vinegar, per gallon 95o We will allow 25c rebate for each jar returne'd irt good condition. Shel'ed Walnuts, broken, lb. 35o LariWri IVullcSi lbs. for .... 39c Malkins Hcst Strawberry Jam. t lb. pail 79c Wool Soap, 13 bars for .. $1.00 The biggest value In bath or ! toilet soap on the market. H. C Fresh Pullet Eggs, doz. 40o 3 dozen for $1.15 Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211, 212 ... ft r A 1'lidrniniK '-reu' on from Paris lor evening wear. Tlie cloak is of wliil.' satui, elaborately Iriinni'd Willi white ermine fur. Ethel Astle. A crowd of young people attended tho dance in the eventiu and a substantial sum was coa-tributed by them for the bazaar. Music was by the Westliolnv Orchestra, assisted by Miss (trace Cuitin, Miss Lorn a Mac- Mis il.aren and Miss Virginia Ilfcl. Mrs. llilditeh was assisted by Mrs. I). W. Morrissey, Mrs. It. Mnore, Mrs. E. W. Marenleltr, Mrs. J. C. Uavigan,. Mrs. A. MacDonald and Mrs. P. Ityrnc. Subscribe to the Daily News. WATER NOTICE Dlfirtlon and Ut TAKE ViTICfc thai sinner llle Cinncri ' iinipany Limited. te address I Got Uinur Whirr, Vanruuver, H. C. will rp-ulj for a Hrrnre l lake ind um S nitons per minute nr staler ut of un-nauied -tirain, wtil-h rkrw northerly and drain iitin renrumn Day, Maud Inlet, abiiut I rhain est ut ."I. W. corner i-ot I IT I, Cueen charMle Island Ulslrlrl. The water will be diverted rnrfn the treain at nulnl 6 chains In a aoulD elerly direction tttm x. w. corner or im ii7i. y. c. mt.. and III lie ud fur lni1nlrlal and Iioni-ellr punxife npn Die land derriled aa HIiH-k A. Lot 1571. Queen Charlotte Hut. This notice was potted (in tb around on the I4lh day of July. lit'.. A coLr of Ihi notice and an application ptirnnnl thereto and to the "Water Act" lll 1 filed ;n the irrtne nt thj, Walee llArnrjI.r 25o -t I'rinee itupert,' B. c otijertlona to the appiiraiKm mar be riiea nn inn naia Water llecvrder or ilh the Comptroller A Water lltrhta. Parliament Builillnrv Victoria. D. C, williln thirty day after the 'Ir.i aiipi-aranre of thia notice In a local newopaper. The dale of the riret publlca Hon ut to a notice I lulr to. lon. SOMKRVII.I.E CAAEriY CU.MI'A.IV. LTO., Applicant. B F. P. MTIirn'.. Atent. LAND ACT. Nstlc of Intantlon to Applf to Laaa tana In Prince Itiipert iJina Itecordinr ln tncl of i'iat nanre l, and ntuate o.i North ftarhael l.land. TAKE NOTICE that Alfred Swanon, i-nnee nupen, occupation Manner, in tends to apply for a lcae of the follow mi described landi: Coniinencint at a poit planted at the oiith end of North Ilachael Mland; thence around the island at btrh water mark, ami cintainint 40 acres, more or less. ALFIIEP SWANSO.t. Applicant rtaied nHI 7 (OSA CASH & CARRY GROCERY SIXTH STREET SATURDAY ONLY Mulkin'g Hest Coffee, I lb. tins each 50c Limit 2 to each customer. Oirn Flake. Hujrar Krip, ea. 10o (iranulated Sugar, S U. for 35o HuukiMt Oraiigef, 2 do., for. .45c POOR RECORD OF MINISTER Apostle of Purity Has For Colleague Man Who Was Slated for Potato Scandal Speaking of the minister of labor in the Meighen cabinet, The Halifax Chronicle says: Among the other "great victories" for "Maritime Mights" of Oeorge H. Johe.i. of King s County, Xevv Hruitwiek, as the representative of that provinr' in the cabinet, U credited as ranking only sc,ond to - Mr. Mack's elevation to the cabinet. What particular qualifications Mr. Jones has for administering the Department of Labor have not been disclosed. Hut Mr. Jones is well known in Xcw Hrunswick through his conneo- Mon with what is popularly styled the "Patriotic Potato" scandal arising: out of a gift of potatoes made by the rovcrn-menl of that province during the war. This malodorous transaction! was investigated by a commission, and in a resolution parsed by the Xew Hrunswick Legislature after I he commissioner had 'reported the evidence and find- ngs, it was affirmed that "the sanl evidence and findings reflect gravely upon certain ;nem-ber of this Legislature, namely, Jaines A. Murray and (ieorge l. Jones, o; tne County of Mngio J H. M. llaxter, ..f the County or Si. John; and II. F. Smith, of ttie County of Oirlelon." Political Funds The resolution passed by the Xew Hrunswick Legislature a, that time quote fnun i lie findings of the' commission with reference to llir members named alovc and, inter alia, a follows, rctgarillriag (ieorge H. Jones: "Second: Willi regard lo tin part played by George H. Jones, a member for Hn County of Kings, in this transaction, and his admission on oath that be received ?6l,50o from W. H Tennant, w)iilj Iip was "a mem ber of (he Legislature, and thai he carried 3:).'J0i) if this amount to the City of Frederie 'on and delivered the same to Mr. Dttggeit, tin- then Secretarv for Agriculture, and that he di riliuled the balance ut the said 8 1,500 as 1,t, was directed for political purposes. "That certain statement made by the said (ieorge H. Jones under oath" on the Stevens not the II. II. Stevens of Van couver; inquiry were in direct -ontradiction to those made b) him on this inquiry and the sworn evidence given by him in the Stevens" inquiry, that he had no knowledge of what became oi the H).000. in cash which Ten- nant took out of tho nanK as part of the proeee'ds of a cheque for 9100,000 was false and tin iruc. Was Discovered Ami a iurtlur alatcmeni ji the comiiiissimier (hat DOtli (ieorge H. rfom-s and the ex-At l u nicy (ieucral, Haxter, assisted I'ennant in accomplishing tin prevent in.. ill" auditor of Hie court from making a discover) .tf the replacement of the $01,- 100 from Tennattl's funds) and if Tennant's evidence Is to bi believed, both knew the purpos lie had in view when ho oh tained from them such assist ance." The Xew Iirutiwick House on motion of lion. W. VL Foster. Premier, seconded by Hon. J. P. Hyrne. Attorney-fJeneral, thereupon passed tin- following condemnatory resolution: "Therefore resolved, that in view of the evidence and findings of the said commissioner, it is the opinion Of this Ileus.-that the coudiii'l of the said members, being higly reprehen sible and calculated to lower the character of the public llf of the province, as well as bo ing d rogatory to the dignity Of the .Legislature, merits and re reives the House." censiire of lhi. Now In Cabinet 'Ihe (Ieorge It, Jones Honed therein i the men tion. i.ifill l.uulklllK illilllt'n, ucr IU...WU a, . id Jones whose appoint- Sterling Catsup, 3 bottles for 50o This eats,, p,g S per bull, af.d our supply . ,f .. iiiiiiiru. ,.iiit .a. . i ii Hrick Creatnery Hiiltcr, pc,r lb. 40o Hulk llulk Creamery Htilter. lb. 37',oi(4 raMlir a l)ucocJrllng F ie,l, Lggs, i do, for ... 1.00llltln.I(-ilw al.cfmav tliat Hesl Hartlett Pears, L'irge size. per box $2.85 Per dozen , . . . 35c Give Us a Call and Save Money umph for Maritime- ;eoplc.' IV and lh Patriotic Potatoes ' Graft should be associated so -conspicuously with ",ljie long baltle for Mnri lime Might." Verily title is t wonderful "victory." Subicrlbe to the' Daily News. FISHING FOR SOCKEYE ENDS Coen Season For Pinks Alto Closes Tonight at Massett Inlet. Fishing with 5 Inch mesh nets ends tonight, marking the closing of the sockeye season on the Skeena and .Naas Hlvers. This means the end of Intensive fish- now being accruimed on behalliitwr an,i nackinir on the two rivers. of Mr. Meighen, the appointnientopcriliioiis in all the plants are . r ...... ti t..j , r . . ...... now ueing curtailed uiougn some Will continue (lie packing of fall finh. Pink fishing on Massett Intel also closes tonight. The run was a short one ami, alllioijgli there were a lot of fish, it is staled to have not been up to expectations. Fishing will continue for a while at the south end of the islands. Adam Mackie. inspector oT fisheries., is veiling the Queen Charlotte Maud district, having gone across this morning. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. I)iby Island - Cloudy, Ugh; southeast wind; barometer i'U. 80; ii-mpcralurc 57: sea smooth, H p.m. poke steamer Admiral Hvans, Seattle lor Ketchikan, lli miles from Kctehikatr H p.m spoke lujr Lome towing Druit.-rock ateam lawyer Island norlhbuund; U.I3 p.m. spoke motorship Xorco, Kflohiknn fur Seattle, 505 miles from Seal lie. Dead Tree Point Haroineter 30.01; temperature 50. Noon linhy I'uiid- Ctotid7, calm. barometer i'l'.rJJ; temperalui' G'i; te,i smooth; IG p.m. i:i li-ituiei Prince Itupert north bound; IJ.IO p.ru. ut steamer Catali norllrlHiuud. Item! Tree Pouil- Haromeler 30.IH. t niperalure 57. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT. IN THE ESTATE U AMME llUJUi ..Ml. AlillHiTlted Asolriwr. .XITII.E Is berrbs tlten lliat AlilHc Kli b iikiihI. of Prince Hopert, B. . did n tn- Jin uai im .us.. uuie an aunen nel i(iuneni of all ber pf""it iM tne ieneiii or rwr rrpditiir. and lust II. r. NarLewi. nrrinal lierritrr. na an liwlnted lu In l ruspxllan of ih e.lale ine orniir ubiu tne rrcuiiors ai ineir first iwrllni shall elect a trustee lo ad iHHMeter the estate of tlte dcttur. AUTRE Is furliier alien luat the first Itteellnir of ciedllues in the sbove estate III tie Iw-ld at lue ufnre of I be Offlrla llrcWfrr at the tBirl lluuee. I'riDrr II u pert. o. '.. m I be tub da) of Auium. isis. a i ii oriufa id iiw irriyin To etilille Jiiu l nile thereat Hur l your claim musl be lielfed llb lue belure tne iwritni Is neui. males lo lie ued al lue meetlnr mui be mnirea wun in prmr inrreio. And further lake in.llce thai If n bate any claim asainsl Ine debtor fur tilth' you are entitled to riok. pioof of surli claim musl lie filed with me itlun thirty day from the dale f Ibis mure foe from and after the ctptratha of the lime rued by- sobwlh $ of section 11 if the said Art I snail (immune in pen rreds of ihe debtor's estate amont lh parlies rnlltmi therein nattn rerard Mill to tne claims or mrn i rui e uien imtiie iutkii ai rrinre riiiperi, b. c, ibo 17th day of Atirii.t. iv i. ut itrtiY rtu.rn. i:iullan WATER KOTICE Dlssralen and Us TAkE MM ICE Hut SiKliertllle rannert U.uipanj Lllnltcd. si bone address Is Oor Aenue wharf. Vancnutrr. U. ... mill apply for a license to take and Use lo, gallons ier minuie 01 siirr oui i un-iiapifi Mresm, which flows norlherlv and drain Into lei. las' hi Hay. Mael Intel, about m chain west from V E. corner U.I IS7I. O. C. Mstrlct. The staler will be dlserb-d Inm Hie stream at a point about 4 rliain fmrn iihkiiii or stream and will be uwd fur Intlustnal and domestic purpose Upon thr land described as Block A. l.o UTI, jurra charlotte Imtrlrt. Tis notice was ixwtrd m Ihe t round on tlie I Its day of July, lf. A ropy or this nolle ami an sppli -atlon pursuant thereto ami to Ihe "Water Xcl" will be filed In the of Tire of Ihe Waler Hecorder al I'Mme Ituperl. B. r, objecllnna 10 I tie application may be filed Willi tlie said Waler Hecorder or with the Comptroller of Water Hiatus, Parliament Hulldmrs, Victoria, B. I' . within thirty days after the first apiearaixa of this nole In a local newspaper The dale of ihe first Publication of ibia nolle It July 10. l. , '80MF.AVM.LK CA.NXtnf :OMPAY, I.TI) , Appllrajil. By T, P. M A T II E H SL A krn L "LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Lasts Lana In Prince Itupert Land Heeordini in. trlct of Coaai Hanae I, and situate oa rouin narnari iiiaoii. take .mitice that Alfred Swanwn, or rrinrr nuvrr . imtuiui ihi manner in. lends to apply for a teas of Ihe rollow. in described lands: cnmmenctnt at a tmsl nlanled ai ih. north end nf Sniilri ftarhael Island: thence srounii ine isiaua ai man water mark and contaimnr so acres, more or lest, ALrrtKn avvArtsoi. , Applirant n rt LAND ACT, Notlts orinlsnllon to Apots to Laas Land In Sllklne division, cassiar. I.n,i n cordlnr lilslrlrt of I'.asslar. and iinuu .i Oramt ftaplds. on the Stlklne Hirer and lo MM" wr.i in T-nr.rjro l.O ro. 17H TAkE OTH E that I. Walter Scott Sunn on. of Tr terra i,h r.rrek. n r . orrin,.ii,. ItanclM-r. intends to apulr for a lra oi lie fnlliiwlnr described lands Commenrlnir at a pom planted on the VirthwcM i-'irner -.f l.oi 7n. iheppe South 10 chiln: tlience West in chains theni-e orlh in chain : thence East in chains and eontalnme F-rv seres, more or less' WALTER SCOTT StMPSoV, ApallcanL TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 238, Black 735. Night. Phone? 687,. 639, Green 238, Blaok 735, RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. VawatVS l7Tn IMa C!aa.-.I iuui at-yca iiuiu nu ocireiS from our methods of Examination for Defects Application of scientific principles with the old of in. struments perfected for their use by men who have mad . lifelong study or tho needs of Optometry Is what product! such perfect results for your eyes when you visit our on! Ileal parlor. If In doubt concerning your glasses consult with ou ' optician. We make' no charges for advice and do not uroe yn l .n.anl II lint wun rnrillllllw Inwlfn um, l , 0U y nvvv,,. " s I11BKS your wants known to us. Max Heilbroner 527-529 Third Avenue Tho Dlaniond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "THE GREATER GLORY'7 Stupendous, sensational, powerful lrmn w f: setting. A -.recti adaptation uf Kdilb i famous novel 'YieiincM' Medley," Hark' i i of millions drowned out the ln:ni ol flood gale o( liiinmn enititon are flung m living Hell of an enilmllled peoplo feeling I ti of defeat rloing in, fighting like wolves fm human liinl uf prey balten in the lean vt-.ii-four rider -wepl Hie heavens of llie world ut iinflict lliroiiglt it till Ihe golden gbu-y in love unbowed to deft-ut. A pliolopluv Ut year (o make with IIkhi-hihN in (he eat. S Conway Tearle, Anna Q. Million, Ian Keith, Ceorji Billings, Jean Hersholt, May Allison, Lucy Beaumont, Marcelle Corday and many. others. PATHE REVIEW 50c and 2Se SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRY -:- -: ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK liirluding Ihrt'c ditniit -cnict's Tor I 'a mil v V 80FT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH il most reaxiiialde prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSINQ AND REPAIRINQ Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phono 118 and we will do lite rc DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." 8nioked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Qo., IM Prince Rupert, B.C. Fishermen's Supplies FI8H LINE8, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCEHIE8. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. 8econd Avenue and McBrlde 8L