, l)rv August 2ft, '1J?2. OLID 18K OLD som wedding rings art? made to melting t lie gold ii i(o a moulij. These are op to have bubble and be somewhat soft. uiiier arernadi- Hy tnlinp it sn ip of ifjiM ami Joining Ur end.. i sell I ho seamless kind, hammered from one solid iiidc of .gold. Those ar in an. I hard ami wilt wVap iihu'Ii longer. '". pt-n'es from ft50 to 815.00': & (Jewellers iS.TrtC STORE WITH THE CLOCK N ew Felt Hats nnd Dresses Full Line Thread SILK HOSIERY $1.50 "Demers" We aim to please Phnna .91. P O Rn VTl BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, Her been taken over from Oeortf' Ktrr by J. Preece (e wilh Kealy and Doodson Fresh Meats rrlvlng Twice Weakly from the Bulkloy Volley Phone 1 78 Dr. Alexander Smith Slock Phone 576 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone . ''triage, VVarebouslng. snd Oiatributlng Team or Motor Service. r-otl, fiand and Oravtl Wa Speclallxe In Piano and Pumlture .Kevlnn. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Wo -specially recommend r Table. Cream ai 15o for Half Pint. Quality and Service Special loo Delivery Service Valentin Dairy Phone 857 GRAIN MARKET I OFVANCOUVER ! IS REVIEWED 'Harbor and Shipping Publishes Full Report of Chairman of That Division THE PERMIT SYSTEM Comments on Success of Cash Market and Volume, of Trad- , Inq Done There Hay L. Lee, chairman of I lie grnin I'Xrliniiac division of t la '.Merchant Exchange at Van couver in hi annual report, says: 'in Minimum;,' .my report a chairman of thi ri.vi.ionrfor .Hie past oar, I hall omit Hip Ala Hslies usually embodied In sucii a report, a I fpel Dial you am all familiar with" these detail a I am myself, and see Dial no good purpose ran dp served hy mentioning HiPiii further than to imminent upon thp faret thai Hip (olal of approximately 35.0(10,000 buhel forwarded I'iroimli tho elevator of the i'ir i- smaller than we had an-n ipaird at thp time of -our an-nual meeting a year airo. At thai iiiiip, you will remember. Hit tup prospect in hp province of Alberta ar.d Sakal.chcwan wrc i-onsidcrcd Hip bet in thri' history. You will alo remem T l hat we uncaouahle wea-iher Wat experienced at harvest limp in Hip western province. iiii consequence that llie 'olunw of grain paing through Vancouver wan much curtailed. Thin wan duo, not only to III" fart that Hip. elevalur at Van-rmiver were not equipped wjlh drying 'arilille (o copp with Hip immense quantity of louuh ami damp k'-im dial wa oT-1 fered lor shipment, hut alo to Hip fart to at I ho farmers ami ilealer in these province, in CAMCtLUITION OF RtSUVK .10TIC III HtAOlT'ciVt-l ltI Um m M-rte rtlMiat in Utl J. LaMr On Irirl. i iDc-l(rd. Ii-paly Minlir nf Uivli, o. n. Lao-! tfinruwDt. irioru. U. U, Inif, UkHO ACT. Nll4 l Inuattaa M U I In rnorc liuiri Ltcxt Rrordint Dn trlrt of rnnre Hbti. tD4 uut tl l Mrii, ii.... 1 Tk. loitrr. thit r.urm it. sunp mhi or miwii. orruititua rnorr, in irtHl ( r Kt at Ihf follow-.M JrnrlU-'l Ufut: '.otuimnrtoi it rt tUnid tl Um nnrliw.il mrtwr cf Blrk 10. Mnwil Tnlle thir mrlr ISO ll; inrnrt (uuinrrir i,ao letl: inrnre wn Irrly l.v Irrl: Itiror rxirtrM-rl 1 .01)0 iftl Ui puni or roinaii niirni, ana ran uiihbi i trrr. mr r W: tVdtM II. SIMPSOX AppUrlOt. mim inn. . it LAND ACT. Malic f laUnllen la Aaplf ta Laaaa In Und H'rrtllot Diurlrt or I'rinrc liuiwri. awl uiiui. un north .bore of an I iiuatnrd Hv im nin-l Cnail of fin l4and, klMMjt one nuk rail frtmi Pluff fotnt. TAkC SOTICE thai V. HouMau. or Lof lrli, I'Milnre or Uriutb Columbia, ucru-ni 1 1.. n i inn.rj Manaarr, lntrmJ n tK'T l,r a b-aM- nf Iih rullolnr dMfrllml 1im1. .nniiiii-nrln ai a r"t lanid m lt iMirr of an unnanml bar on Ibf noirlh-ml riial of III laland. abmil m tail ram ur Muff I'olnt; llinire nnrtb IvrDIT rhaltit; ibrnrp ri twrntv rhaim; Uhw-i. .ii Hi im.nir rhalna. rnoro or lea, lo III rb Vatir Mark: llwnrr rnllnwinf blrh 'tlr mark iiinr to point or rjiinmf iirniient, awl rnnuinlnr mlitj- trrt. more or I'M. (mo July Jotii. ltt. C BOUS'EAU. ipllfant. MIMtNAU ACT Cirtlflc.lt ef Imaratamtnta. ItroMnir .X" . I.ol 4l. Mlnrral rUlm. -mule in I ho Allln .Vlintnt plvUlun ft the i:atar iirlr. imi llu ,Wh Arm or Ti-kun Arm. aluml lhre iiarler or a mile irMin rrnin llw nmiith or Wann Rler. TAkK .XOTti'.K lint I. r.hMf K. Ollmnre.' Mcm advisable, however, lo ner- 1 i" t" , , , ' . nbnill the elevator to have com-. i rti Miner- i.rruriraie ml 7i. inirmi. -ivtv tin v fntm iih ill to hrrror, in M'i'ly j ,., Ihf MiiMur ntrrdrr for a herllflralel .r iin.r-iviiiifni. for th. iiirii of mini a r-iwn ilranl of tht above claim Ami furttirr lakfii nntire Dial artlnn, tintlfi frilnn SS. omt ! rtmunt-nml ip-fur. tint Iiiii of. ciirh CfrlillraH" .of Jin- nrtivfiiifnll". I ...I. fat Jtmt At Ur I .mha. 1 n I IiICIt till. It "I r-. ...'. i9t MeT rnrn, r.ni. MINCRilL ACT Cartltloala of Jmpraiamanla. XVann rrariional .". , Anyox and Ju-nlta Mineral Claim, nual In th Atltn Vltilnr I'lvl'lon or I he Canlar UIMrlrl, ht.nl mi. mllr up -Iream rrom the Imuth nf Wann Illvrr. . .. . . . TUE MITtCfc Hull Tht Kurlnfrr fl(.ld Mine Mi.. Iiw.. l-'ree .Mlntr'a Certificate o 'Ti'. lnlintl. nlxly rtaya from the tin. Ir-.r ,to apply in Ihf Mlnlnr . ronler for a lrllfl-al or liiiprovcinfn!', for tho iiire of olilalnlnir a ;mn nrant or tho iIkivp rlatm. nd rnrlliT lake notlr thai anion, un-drr Sffllim , hnl l' rtnmnnreil Iw-fore Hi. Ini! of men Crrllfii'ale or liiiprove- ""iIaTFO lh '"V r September, A.n. ,B9 ii Me. rn-trn, A-int. MINCRAL ACT Ctrllflcala of Imprenamanla. Prownle No. Mineral Claim, annate In .1.. in... uinintr nivuinii of the Cl'slaf 'piatiirt. on Wann nlver. adjolnlnr il to llie sniitn or iiniwnie wo. .. TAkK 1NOTfi-E that I. - n. Kershaw. Tree Miner1 Certirifale No. ssass. Intend. Ulv itav from Ihe dale hereof. In appW in Hie Sllnlmr lleeoriler ror a Certificate of linnrnveinrnl. for the nurt;-e of oli-talnlnr a Crown Oranl of the above rlalm. And rnrUier lake nnllre that attion, nn-rler aerllon S, mini be rninmencert before the lMie of aurli Crrtlflfkl of Improve- ""lI'vTEri Slits til nay of September, A.n. im' H. VeN. rRAStn, Ateat. Hejr, anxiety lo -get this ,o'.-of- ronoiuon ;graln rtfr llieir hand dplivprpd lo ap.inl v'.urp i' i oui.i hp conoiiionrij. na.Jp tlieir iiiipiuenl iyit, wlieriaM -we had . -.4. ,4 w wwi nan u r rpa..n to Deiine llial-mi.lpin. -o doiiht the moliveKac der normal roitdrl'.n Hip flow! mating "-Hip 'ppnodieal atta'clt would have iicen i'w;iiil i ... . work or Elevator 'J'he lern.oial elevator com limn.' in uuco.iver are mi ijirralu Ird upon Hip manner in which hev rpponded In lit-. dejiiauiN of the oreanion, and Hip very efficifnt manner in which the immense quantity nf. out-or-con.lilloii strain van Jakpn rare' of, prior to - export. II in ipiile apparrni thai the nuaniuy or grain handled at Vancouver during Dip pat, iea Hn, u-oula havp hern greatly reduced wen' il nol for the efJ ficiejit manner in which Um terijiinal elevator were operai ed. Jt in unlikely dial we xliall viliieo. a repelilion of the con ni. i( ..'t union which n'-uueii in o much damaged grain last ea on, hut the port ha henefilled lo Ihe exlenl llial equipment for ro-coudllioniiig, tough and damp grain lias lieen inrreaftcd and a much larger volume can he handled if a like situation ex- ilx. The "Permit" System You will recall Ilia I Ihe ma jorily of the member. of (hi utviaion have always expreoncd llientelve in favor of Hip . calle.1 permil .tyilem in moving grain to Hii porl. Those of ue who in the pa.l have favored Hum yein wero even iihiio fullv convinced of Us uefulriei.M ear,l. in me muniii or Aovemher of lal ear. The railway rom- panie yieMing to pre. com- menl and Ihe opinion of, may I eay, Uie unlnfonned puhlic. de cided lo operate wilhoiil the per mil ay-Mem, with Hk con.e- iIupui'p Unit Hip elevator at Vancouver were filled lo capa city early In our nhippiiw ea- win. Hie yard of f lie railway rumpaniei. werp congented with loaded ear, and Mil ronaeliin liackliig up lo Ue prairie, ne-ceiUieil H:e early up of ille Interior elevator at Calsrart and Mrnoiilon. with tho reull that an embargo was declcred ii Novemher aaint all rtlfipmenU io ancouver. Thi emhargo Ulei for a "UffieieiH length of limp lo enalile thp railroad yard. nnn eievaior tr oe cleared to ome exlenl at leant, and the Krmil ylem wa re-inlilule when Ihe emhargo wa lifted. There i no douhl that larae tuantlllo of grain thai would itherwie have come lo Vancou ver were loal to (he port, by naon of the rongetion referred lo, and the fel that the movement of grain lo Vancouver. 3ice Ihe re-inatitulinn of Hie permil ytem, ha been orderly and efficiently handled, Is a point grpatly in favor of that method. Time Not Ripe Our frUndH of Ihe pre, in rummenling upon Hie irermi: ylem, make much capital of llie reconl created by the one elevalor al Vancouver, in hand- Jlnsr the liJ3.2t c:op, and ap- iMtrently cannot see why. in view of Ihe Increase e of of handling handling facilities at the port, that all Hie elevalor cannot handle iiuanlilie In proportion lo that record, entirely overlooking the fact that, xlm trackage and e.vitrhing facilities or the porl fire by no means adequate ta handle load and empties in and out of Ihe elevators, in such proportion. Though our natural desire is lo have the How of grain into Vancouver unrestrict-eii, jn my own opinion, the time l not ripe for unrestricted movement, eixccpl nl Ihe opening of Ihe shipping season. II doe imrti lively large slocks early in Ihe season, and then regulale lite flow of sraln lo meet llie -eovtw-muniiT liquor act Noilaa af Application foe Coaaaat to Trartafae ttaar Lleanaa. ine,., PllJlPr PXCHIingP ,. V,I'.II-. ... ............ -. .. . . .. . i. nrjttrtT mat on SSIll llav of A.irti.l Mil Ihe unrferniM.1 iptenJ 10 apply 10 ihe i.iqnor coniroi ."'fu ti.r t-tuiiH-ui 111 iraneirr i oeer. 1.1 tiMire numbered no and laauetl in respect of premlMra, belli part rt a biillittn knuwn fort Clement Hotel, porl Clement, II, C upon the land deM-rllied al l.oi ?, BUm 47. m siilHtlvlnlon of Lot ?ir., Out-en Charlotte inland. I'rince ttiiiiert Land Itoarietrv lililrlrj. In the Province of lirlllali Ctduilibla, fn.in Krank lllrki io Herbert Hampton. Theodore. Mueriml and 1, CIcrtHie or iht! Town of porl Clement. In llie County or I'rlne. Kuperl, In Alia I'rov-Inr-e or British Cobinilila. the lranferee. iIiATFIt at I'Mnrr Miijierl, II, C. tbu JIM day ox July, tl. iiKiinpirr hampton. lllKOIinRK Nl'SCOl, J, C1CCOXK. Ipfllcant and Tranferee. LAMP ACT Malic of latawtlon ta Spplv to j.a Land In Prince Rupert t.and Rerordlotr PI trlrl of 1iane 4, coat Land DUlrlcl, ant illuaie un I'idiii Jiland. 'TAKE -.JMITICK that J. 41. PrtlMla, of Ponoki, Atlierta, Occupation Minister, m-lend to ipply for ) cf the followlntr de.rrilwd land 1- - ? n, Pltnted it tha Nonh i-Iiri!1,nr,nr Win end of Pa-sate Island, near Coast Trlanriilatloh sia. III! Ihenco around the island at Mah water mark ind conlalnlntf loon acre, more or les. .... ..j'O'li'H BRITLAJID FRANCIS. Itttt ttttL, Kit. AppUCIQt. li I lie after ibiLHime. Manv he lieve the volume of grain tha. can lie mrivell through Hie iori hv this method will 1p nui..!, grealcr -lliari mreilrirted 'Ahlp on this .y-)leiii of rTgulating .liiprnentu are lion em, hut it would 'Show a fpnit of fair mindedne.a, If our .ieu, as a IradP, and Ihe view of the raj', way affealed,.were nought, and we were attributed the amc i. .... . .... . iionesij,- oi mouvf witen up-poriing our '-conteiilions. Tlifj iliietion of .rcguialion of IM flow o.f grain "wvaiward i pro- ii. ......i . . -'. . i.iiii. iiir nni Anal mailer ai- fecling the trade, and it con-iderution hoiild have the ear-lienl attention' of our iiirorniug council, in orde: .iial lemporar.' cxpdienU may nn hp adopted, a w.i llie ca lai year. The Cash Market , " One of the important event of the year, a far a thi division in eoneern.'.l was the opening of our rah market on Oclimer 2(5. 'Hie volume of trading .through the eaxti market was diol al great a could he desired, jut at llie name time it operation had the effect of PHtahiixhmg anoffu'ial ,irice for grain in tore du Yanuouver, and lo that exlenl Mas of material benefit lo local. concernx. liarly Ira dint.' wa conlmed to gram .11 ntore, and cis your council deeniCL it nnviahli- to broaden Hie ncope. of the market, and provide prlco for "en route inspected" car of all grade, tradintg in thi position wa added lo the markei on Novemher 3, and on January 7 t!i-operalion or 'the market very augmented hy the addition of "prompt hlpmenl." A oo; volume of liipmei.i inereaitc. and a our lortge facilities ai. enlarged, Ihe importance of ibr cash marke. will i-rome more apparent, and we i'-el that al no distant dal- our efforts in es- taldiihmg and maintaining thi.- market will meet win. .e ue- cph Ihey deserve. Co -ope ratten Between Elevators In Derember, the public ter minal granted u an arrange nient which, in a meaure, taki !!ip place of tlie.fhitiper' aro- eialion -at the , lakeheati. At kuniderahle expc;ic lo then. elves, it -wa arranged to load votseel at one elevalor, in fa-e where Hip shipper' cargo wa tore in two tir po.ihly Ihree public terminal. A grain de-spatcherV office wo elrthliu- e, al which office surrender! were made, and a committee. composed of repreenlaliveji of the Vancouver 'terminal Hrain Co. Ltd., and the Harbor Itoaru, allocated the herlh lo the .'(earner to be loaded, al the elevator in Hie mot favorable position lo mak fhipmenl of the required grade. Thi worked out' inoit satisfactorily for the ex-porler. and al the -name lime, worked to Ihe advantage of Die elevators in reducing cotages- lion. and alo benefitted Ihe -.loam. hip line. in eliminating shifts from one fierth to aiioth- er. ve hope that this arraiwre . menl will be contiiHied. ' ami suggest to the incoming council that they do not overlook Ihe importance of this feature, and lake steps early in llie new crop year, with a view lo having the arrangement continued. Standard Contract Y'our rouncil has endeavored, during Ihe past jeafild 'come tr an agreement wUlijhe Galgary rt'raiiv; Expli-an'ir'.', wliwjhj either a litandird form "or ' contract could he adopted, or Ihe rules and bylaws of their exchange and ours could be harmonized, with a view of eliminating the possibility of dispute between members of the (wo exchanges, and 1 am slad to report that mr efforts in this connection have met with success, and I have no doubl the rules and bylaws of these two exchanges will be so nearly identical, , that purchase and -.ales may he made on the basis of the rules of with perfect safely to our members. Direct Wire 1 Service Hy arranigemenl with one ! Hie local brokerage houses, which maintains direct wire service wilh Winnipeg and Chicago, a direct wire will be run Into our Kxehange room (?arly litis fall. We believe the added facility will be .of material benefit to our members, as we will then hnve continuous grain quotation posled on the board in tho Kxehaiige, instead of relying upon the fifteen minule service, now have, and quite aside of the practical benefit, 'Ibe psychological effect, of a morn metropolitan atmosphere will no , doubt add greatly to Ihe success of this division, Weather Reports We are now equipped with a highly efficient weather-report malkinsV V BEST I 'm V LesLW eH sHaLtrLW jFk aBLLS'BBBBB?ka-a. JBSBSBnataR ing service, Hie equal of any exciiatkge on U"s comment, and our thanks are due to tin- Do minion Weaiher liuruau, and to the Canadian Pacific Telegraph, for their co-operalior. in making this service -posibb It is a val uable adjunct to our grain market. I shall leave to the secretary - manager the reporting of several detail, which I know will be of great interest to you, and I wish at this time to extend lo the members of the council with whom I have been associated during '.he past year, and also lo our manager, Mr, Ham ilton, and bis assistant. Mr. Uanieron, my very sincere thank-s for their assistance and co-op eration. The members of your council are a very conscientious body of men, and they have given freely of their lime an-! ability in your behalf. Few Disputes in Vancouver In conclusion, gentlemen, I wish lo draw your attention '.o a fact that is most remarkable to me, ami a fact which makthi me very proud of my connection with (hi exchange, ar.d it thi. Not only during n.y own term of office as chair man, but reviewing the record of the Kxehahgt for the past three years, I can find but oiw instance where a dispute ha arisen In Ihe trrain trade here, which has no-' hee.i settled between the parties concerned on a satisfactory basis, and without referring their differences lo either the council or Ihe arbitra tion committee. I do not -he-Iteve thai this reconl is equalled in any other exehancre on this continent. One hears, occasion ally, of arbitration in other ex changes, but none .are held -at Vancouver, frorr. which it is evi dent lo me tnat the ir.emhers of this Kxchango are 'not only nro-ad-minded and reasonable. men, hut also that their bun-ue.s dealings are tempered wilh iustice and a "live and lei II v? attitude, (hat is most commend able. If our dealings are car ried out in Hie future as- in thr past, and 1 know they will hi we will enjoy a measure of cou- fidenco in all quarters of the Dnmi-.ion thai w;li mako oiir in-stitutlon famous. Differe-tices (d opinion .always have and alway- will exist in Ihe business world. but business, after all, is onlv I ho application of the principle of common seise, and we seem lo be "long" im that principle at Niincouver. Let us then con tinue our service to each other in this same spirit, that it may bring tame and fortune to us, as well as to our city. Season of Promise We are now facing a new season, bright with promise of .1 satisfactory grain crop through out (be west. Let us determine to face any problems Dial may arise, with courage and determination with the knowledge that we have already overcome many handicaps, ami that we have created within a few years, smootli-workh.ar machinery to handle (he complicoled and highly technical business 0: shipping grain lo foreign mar kets. We still have problem lo faro, and problems there always will be, but by oo-opera-tion and loyal working together. through our Exchange, wo need .1 feat iiern or need your ni-ommg ! uneii fear them, If Miev rer. iv,. ihe same loyal sup port as have the eouneil over wiurh I have and (lie honor lo preside." ONLY TOMORROW FOR POLITICAL LIMERICKS Last Chance For Those Wishing to Show Ability at Versification . Tomrrowwill be the last chance for those wishing ( enter the competition for the best political limerick. Out of town contributors may mail theirs on Saturday and early in Ihe week the decision will lie made who are lo get the five and three dollar prizes. Here are a few verses that have been submitted: There once was an M. P. named Tred, Who to Parliament soon will be dead: He can stand at the door Of his Prince Hupert slorc, And Hrady will net in his stead. I The Conservatives listened to Meighen, Hrady pleased Ibem in humorous vein. The question of fish traps lleceived many hard raps, And the Liberals left feeling great: pain. tfred fMnrk is the man to send East With a majority -or 500 at least, s Hrady we know Never did have a show, So let's hope his ravings will cease. Stork Is the man of faniefand re nown, Known for years in his own home "town. Should ho win this election, Wtill all seetprotection, And gladly present him with a crown. Boost Meighen and candidate It rady, Far removed from oil tricks (hat are shady. Down with Stork and with King, Customs graft; liquor ring. Vote for government clean, are you ready? Messrs. Meighen, Stork, Hrady . and King Are in the political ring. On fourteenth September We'll all remember. Hurrah! for the best man we'll sing. MARRIAGE YESTERDAY PORT SIMPSON PEOPLE The marriage look place yesterday afternoon al 2.3ft al the t'ltlled Church parsonage of Carl Henry Wesley anil Ida Cecil, both residents of Port Simpson. They came in from Cassiar (Cannery yeslerday ami today return lo the Skeena until Ihe close of tho fish Img season. Tliey were accom paiiled iby Mr. and Mrs. E. Pollard and Miss Amelia Maxwell. Advertise in the Dally News. 1 A REALLY delicious coffee. Roasted and ground with scrupulous care, as an exceptional coffee deserve! libeY 'Jivr Packed in the vacuum can, which preserves for you the rich flavor and aroma. Your grocer sells and recommends Malkin's Best Coffee. All Nerves! All nerves! What a common expression! In this busy era wilh the problems of home management, club activities, and even political affairs rrowding her day, how often Hie housewife complains of nervousness, headache, backache and general fatigue. These symptoms of iH-feeltng are oflen due to strained eye muscles and nerves which can be relieved hy properly fitted -glasses. A. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist for 27 years. IS years constant practice in Toronto. Phone Red 442 319 3rd Ave., Opp. G.W.V.A. SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load -.$630 Per half load 3.50 Per sack .50 Burn Wood and Keep Cooll HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock or Fut Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next G.W.VJt Third Ave. A II VERY 4SSjjk l 1 GOOD Vtryrg JttroMTfB MILK Pacific Milk has won and held tho friends il has by its tinfall-itiig good quality. It 1 this primarily that brings in, so many ..filers. Women and Yiiets who cook with it get such good results Hint they are glad to write In and leU us how well they like il for cooking. PACIFIC MILK Head .Office, Vancouver Factor ls: Lad nor and Abbotsford, B.C.