10 S CO T C H H OS PI T A L IT " Three Scotch ships, and no' too bad' manned bv Scotsmen, and our own band of kilted pipers to welcome you on board. Will nocome.rVj v Re$a!ar SailAi&i Cabin Class ' J $140. Saturnia $130. Third ';' . . Class $85. and $82.50. Round JL Trip $155 and $150. f.' ANCHOR-DONALDSON u - n . ..J i tJJk ROJ3EJtr REFORDCO, LU.. TORONTO PtmuEtfat 3471)-Wr(Hr ' ar mxy STEAMSHIP AGENT The Cunard Steamship Co. Limited. 622 Hastings St. W., Vancouver,,or any 8TEAMSHIP AGENT. The Daily News PHINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. , H. P. PUI.LEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 City Delivery, by mail or carrier,' per month ..'....... 1.oi By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United 8tates, in advance, per year ..,.,,,...,, Irt.oc To all other countries, in advance, per year ........... $7.M . ' "i Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY ID1TIOW BOTtictday, June 8, 1020. Trap Licenses To Be Discussed. Tonight there is to he a meeting in the oily hall when hoe opposed the issujng of trap license's will have mi opportunity to voice- their views. This i the time for those for or against to set themselves on record, li is useless to howl after the action has been tjjken. There are urgiimeiifs' for aiid against these particular trap. The sympathy of any business person must go out to the company which put a lot of money hito tlie traps on the assumption that they would secure the licenses only to be turned down when 'they had completed their end of the undertaking. Opposes Taking Of - Cases To Britain.- A King's Counsel of the Manitoba Bar gave an address re Areal whole wheat cracker TRISCUIT made the same as Shredded Wheat Biscuit Pressed into a wafer. Crisp, Delicious free to go atiead and provide such facilities of Its own as are required." The pool, however. a eveiybo.lv kuows, i perfectly free to go ahead at once and pro vide its own facilities in Van couver. Moreover, it cannot wail until October before it makes its arrangements for handling the new crop through this port. It follows that it would not delay bef inning .building operation a single day were' It. not ery siire (hat the rovern-m'cnl would provide it with facil ities- by Mirrenderirtsr Number t)pe Klevalor through the Har-)nf Hoard. ' Protest Futile V There can be no reasonable ilouht, if the despatch is author- ilhllve, that -when Colonel Kirk-patriek returns to Vancouver he will uae a very clear idea of the decision the Harbor Hoard is to fender four mouths hence when protest wilt be futile in the face of the accomplishes fael. THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: were LVeri good iriiod to In avoid iivfilil , goina tfrtlnv tt to hell now i hey are good for nothing, the lawn mower ';i3lK.N are always simple-midd- ' PAGE TWC TH2 DAILY NKW8 Tuesday, j,,,,. 8 K E J&t .V? cently in which he iirged the desirability of Canada settling her own legal cases instead or inking them to the Privy Council in England. It is the view held by a great many Canadians. The appeal to the Privy Council has in the past bmetimes been used j'y -corporations and rich oeoole as a means of soueez- ing. out pooteriitigants who could not afford the cost of carrying; their eases that far. -Vow by arrangement onlv vers- im portant case. are sent to the privy council o that the abuse of the privilege lias been done away with. ' ' It livery probable that the supreme court of Canada will soon.be mde the. final court of adjudicature. First Tourists Here Yesterday. ' 1 ' The first large group of tourists arrived here yesterday and, they spent ome time in the city before' continuing on to Alaska. They will also call oir'thejr southbound trip, A number, of local merchants' make 'an effort to' cater to these people and the number who do o is increasing. Every dollar they leave ' here isa dollar found money. , U In many cities the toiiristrtbusluess has assumed huge proportions and Princj Rupert 'should endeavor to' get a share. Small Policy Is Advocated. The tfriter of a letter published in the Vancouver Province and reprinted in this paper today1 takes a very narrow attitude on provincial questions. He blames the newspaper for not taking. the part of his own city against all others, especially on the grain elevator tielioii, claiming that as the paper derived n'uety per. cent of its revenue from Vancouver it should urge the cans of that city and not do the boosting for the whole province. Then are a few people;. iu,.prihv Rupert who think that a newspaper published here should, be - j 1 1 t a local as the writer of that letter would have the Province. They forget that the city, independent on the surrounding towns and villages Tor its siicvVjK They als forget tliat if a newspaper is-to be anything more than a little locUl sheet.il must cater io the districts aiouiid.' .Princp H(iert people should be, as interested in the success df Stewart, Anyox, Atiffc'.Vfni, HniHhe,' TelkwH ; and Hunts LaKe'Tas Ihe'V are in their nwii cifv. The Vancouver. Province- set, out to be a newspaper for me wiwie rruviuce o uriusn liommitia anu Jieyouil. II is one of the national newspapers mid as silclr. cannot afford to lie narrow or parochial in its attitude, on public questions. It is the policySlhal will eventually, make for the permanent upbuilding of Vancouver brought about through the development of tin whole province. , ' Little Critics . Do Not See Far. '. J There are ahvavs a lot nfMiltle rrilte in ft 11 V IriVL'll XV hit ll an very litlle beyond the end of their noses. They lack vision. They liave no imagination and would like to see everyone else equally restricted. Happily there are not many of them although now and then they are able to influence the rest of the community to some extent. WHEAT POOL IS PLEASED Morning Star Thinks Vanoouver Is to be Handed Over to Them I The MnrniiiK Star of Vancouver in an editorial article under the. caption 'Has.tlie Pool Wont ha this, to say: Accord ins: In ail Ottawa de spateh lite conferences in pro-- (jivss ovcr he proposal that the, Wheal Pool, lease Mimner one Klevator here 1iae endetl. in a "settlement areeahle to t)olli side." If the terms of flic .selHenionJ are those contained in the telegram, there need he no doiint that they are satisfactory to the Wheat Pool. "The elevator," it is staled, "will continue to be operated thi? summer by the Harbor Commissioners, hut it is agreed that by the end of October .the Commission will notify the whether or, not the- levalor will then tie leased to-It. If it is to be retained under the Harbor Commission, the. pooL will then he free to go ahVad and provide such facilities' of Its own as are required." Camouflage 'This is simply so much eam oijflage.. ' Hencith Hie rniootli pnraspoiopy wiucli implies mat the disposition' of the elevator is still an nien question may bo discerneil the intention to hand it over to the Wheat Pool next fall. The Commissioners will continue to operate durinz the summer when the elevator' is doins little or no business .but before the end of October the pool is either to step in or "he OBJECTION TO i pringerupert! Corresfjondont of Vancouver Province Objeas: to siana of That Paper Favoring This Port t A "inan wJm sixn himself; James H. ;8leveiiiii oP llaii? Street. Vancouver, writes to iu Vancouver j'r.o'v i ti-. objectin !lv l. SavS ...I ittrin I -. t-l f'Al t puhli shed; I tl e n W() ntlyv Jul lluncfifUivffUiW fo' tliei M-heafP' pool was defended. The leltec savs: The1 Letter Xol lonjVgro rhe Provinco editoriaily reflifkeil .Mayor Taylor for proleinW against the leasing of the Prince lluperl i-levatot by the Alberta Wheat Poo) at a nominal rental f $100 per mi lium this in the opinion of the Mayor, and for Itiat nuller every loyal citizen ..'who is " Interested In the progtffis of our city, being rank discrimination against Vancouver.. In the opinion of those who understand (he -rain shippinu question, thb' will mean thu practically the wiiole of the Nor thern Alberta crop will be' ship ped from Prlnc- Itupert. That is liad enough, i'msr that Viih- couver would have pot a fatf share jfully fta per fenL t this grain If the Itupert elevatoi had been on the -ame fmting as reganls fixed charges, elew as th' goveniinenl "wned e!ealor!. here, but IheTanniHincenielit in a recent paperthat the parlleulai wheat pool which wishes to leasn So. 2 elevajor tn-n- will, if turn- rd down, probahly toil Id at New Westminster rather than it Vancouver is anything hu; pleasant reading for VaneMiet citizens. For tins means that the bulk of (he Southern AlberUi pool grain will lt.a shitpM front the first-named iorl. What, 1hh, will be left Ur Vaneouvor heaven only know! Boost for Province As, in the pal, Th lrovlue- . ,, , - , r.l'i""13 loudly u-irf depr.r i-iaieo ia.ed . oi or lale iaie year yeap. . when hen thev they lend lend u a rive five i dollar o ar bill i.iltl: Lwlll ., r.lllrn , M()mpll(ln( .. . ' ... Ilk !' 'V Ibe figure ai which they pre ' nioU!ly l when I ir a.i. i i i ' s !f,.!L ""SyK Lr "fi! h of Public spirit on th e would be nobodv to turn I'..,.. l',,,'-t ie "r 'i.-iMjrmiy oisiovmiv fu nr our our lire-? nress ir i ..i i i . t:fir should be easy to writ , ,,,,- , - 1 ' B fiUnmier uiw rv. So m.inv u-np.ldl. ....... . rhyme vith cold and wet. A KKTCIHKAN narlv is cntn. . . illX.here soon iinil Ihn nipmhupn have all taken the pledge that; Miey will not taste a single drop oi ii.u. J.uiuor. They don't liki u in single drops. SKVKHAI. nonnl... hivn 1 tooKing Ior'-laiidniMlte'. Arcli: Possibly a toP'or'neoiu'e ho Avlm .eein to be" at "sea all Ibef uiiif, iiiigui hiso go on a land sean-h. Mrs. A. How 'can Mrs. Hrom ley ,afford to keen three ser Vaits? Mr. H. ()h, slie plays bridge! with them every Monday after-: noon and wins back all their waiges. I has always pulled for New Westminster. Vririee ltuMrt and even Vieloria all keen competi tors n ntuejj as Vanrouver. from which II di-mes 1)0 pi Cenl of its revenue. There will doubtless in the near future go up in the form of an editorial a shout of joy that New Westminster is to havi- another elevator. In this eoniK-etion It may no: Inappropriately be aked: Is Vancouver to do the boosting for the whole province? Not by any chance do either the press or the people of Victoria, l'riiici- Itupert or TS'ew Westmin ster recinrorale and An ant boo tins for Vancouver. Ontlm contrary, they knock, us for - - a! - liewsnaiier all time, in mn VbTonlgM ton nd lrn(tkii Ik rn of 4lUo t4 llmlnaCion. Imyrewa aptatita, to alek hatch, rllv SIU Uu !, twiitl nli0ii. Tomorrow Alright Qet a 28c. Box v.. Mother, the Health Doctor, says: Give your skin a chance Use lifebuoy rcgululy exclusively for casual cleansing and for the bath. Its rapidly vanishing dean ly odour is your assurance of its antiseptic value. LIFEBUOY HEALTH 50AP Purifies and Protects Lever Brothers Limited Toronto Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert li'v.flnl "limtiiv" Vi it!i In. -. ri. ....... j i li....- .. .... .....n. i . , .-.I. ..... . . ; fV .. . 11 a,c u" )n wc uacuaiiiei nome irom oversea ser- i i, i J;. J ,!if day8 people hull!-. ur eaJin;s .... ,, the m0jl, .. intiuentia'Kice. . I returne.l to the cily on lb I llr.Hr. are nluavn n lot olln n i . ... . Prince this mornlnv -, fin. ,VI-1,)IV (Seorge ,1,1 IllUllllllft . .... - , ... --v son and out of reason, boost tiKtWrom Victoria accompanied by mr our comK'Uior. Mirciyiw. 4. (luiney of Hazellon. r-. , ' --Miirrn roillij IIP IlOIIIinP more Ul-I tl ,nTi;r;nlMWfl,l'-l ',a,rio,i nsensjcal lha'if A gloom has been cast over lliinsrs. I liev niiL'hi liciriu uii'iln.: . . . "iiiiin. I .Mill tan nltl.lftnn ruil.l..,.( mi. Itaxnaver! in Vancnniir emit linv.ii v'nnn n.. innr.t. nmimiyi ..r 41 "Ihcen : hobin Dial will." t hp .i.Ullifntr'.. ri,uwi. Cove,' frUi fbU,?y n"!ahly l vent or better tinirS lit which V lleved In t.anta Uau. aud ,lie .leyeloprnent of Ynocifuver a ? M. peter' Church v?eat C S ffiJZ Vi ? n' B,r7a"'' a trahWMAfrMim con- held a sale of work ye.ter ' Ml" il" 7 lri""-;'. estate values, i 150 W realized. The ir in hair restorer, , roloreil u-nlir ...i.i.i. .... ...... i . . ' . . .. i . ... - - . -iiiiuii us WP an Tviiow nave er-tut med.cine or . they think - .., ... i . -iiv in our iraiin? cmzens, in rday, n.v.v. vnapur 110, ' Tlia Rrili.h l'llimllll ll.hln. h t..k. ,iluif i iiiiiiiaiiv Mliilted. Iiin-b kirn no ,h' ' u 'in'r rrll.in 1 or the Mill lilertlu nf nun ll.,u.l At 'i' inirua 01 our iioanl Of I r.nle.l.vei, (i-iioiii uu iih- vmiMrr r rutin I....I .1 . It. I .. 111...!. .1 1 . . .. m ...! ... ... .... . . . " in "i eijr umnri ri i'toi Hllrri. tl rrinrf pulling up siak,s and getting ou! lii.ri. ir&,?A.r n.t. uerrrijiiiun Z? T or On- IW mt trA.nlii.i;.... it. . - ....line. iiliiiK. Outwiti owrwiii prui'iM-d friiiriiM.I ti ii. !, l. Imii i.uiii 1 1 .... it.. .mi. in. i. u ii,,. " a;ii'ouer w " mi tint 1 "MIMWtl 1 1 I ..a-itu. ....el.... ..r of I. I4IUI ...I .I....... . . ..m.m..w ,-..... IHWlloa ... imMww HIIIMti- iiihih- ttm,u ailIWI IWI IWII TniMii.-o . . incfi- im h ib ruy uie same a. ",i" ! m Aiumro my i iir.iw, o iroiui nvprvw itc-. .... 'wrii' iiih-i. irumiiii .in I ..I ill V'1 " ' 'nr,mul 0f -n Oh.i UiarMi, iM.ir.,-, .m knln eveh in llvder and Pr ne ho. i - , i prii in ivrn i pen. $furSkin isTlormal itisWiik best -paying booths were those con- .liiiirteii iiy .Mrs. i,. rrccman and blr. li. Kelsey. MVIAASLE WATERS PROTECTION HOT And lli nolliT Hut trier lb irJr .lion t.T itfi. iim.i.iIi fri.. .1.. r rlrtl iihllriillsi tt llim nniii-r Hi llrtll.h ...mi.iii. r.Kiiiiia i-at-Kinv iaHtiarir l.luillml villi unilcr wrtlnu : .,t i mi.I A"-i. iH-iy t" ii' Miiiimor i.r ruiiiii' Wui'k. at bin orricn in itm riiy tt oi t, tnr .pml ut Vm Mid li tnn plan, ami rr If-iin" m rrn.triirt Hh ui wlmrf nr pier Hid tinlliltiiK tlwrrim. iuid l l'rlni- lliitM-rt. B.C. inli'ltit i)y rr My. 1926 diii mil mii'Miiiv risiuio k rM.HMl i, UTI. HV Hi S'.llrliom: WlllUtlH. Mtiimill 1 riiirinli, LAND ACT. ... ri"'J,r , ,-', tmtitt. .iid Bwordii IHlrlrl of prliw Kuprrl n Ituaim nwnr miPiiiH'i.i rr p,r,ni,?", OrtMiii-nl-liiir it hmi plnid lM it,, oulh mwrr or Taku Arm ilmt 0nl" Miiillmr rriH ilw hhxiiii i,r AMiii.i 1 r,,M'Un'r rhaUiit vnVt ... ..... . ...mm piiiiii, nif-irr jfj rimlliAi M; ami timM-e to rliain u.'rih V,, point nf riiiiiiiK-niriiif nl. runtalDlm lu t, mnr r let. nH.r.lS HKIIAflll IHiXUip, I A""'""'-l DM. Allin, us, 10, IttS. QUI JJL ish emis A CLEAR, vclvcty-smooth skin -from head to toe that is the normal skin. Any roughness or eruption is ' unnatural and unnecessary. Most skin blemishes are caused by infection from the thousand -and one things we touch during daily life things that others have touched by lack of towel friction tiftcr the bath, or the use of harsh, adulterated and so-called beaut)' soaps. From babyhood to old age the purity and antiseptic cjualmcs of Lifebuoy Soap will kccp the skin normal and alive, and free from blemish. Lifebuoy's mild, creamy lather goes into the pores and keeps them open alivc-?-and protects against infection.' For a healthy, velvety-smooth skin, use Lifebuoy, the world's most widely used soap. An Exceptional Offer We have n few EA8TMAN KODAKS ' wririi and nlo some iiiixleU that have her v. -replced ly a new nerte. The are all ol 1 count of 26 off catalogue price. A SHIPMENT OF MELBA TOILETERIES HAS JUST ARRIVED Melba (rood fire now made in Can 1 has been reduced. ' ., Face Powder ...... BOc and Talcoum Powderf f Dusting Powders .t. . . . - Creams M CompacU ... $1.50 and 60 Rouge . i0c Ormes Ltd. The I'ioneer lirugKlsl?. Srd Ave. and 6th Street (cANAOIAriT l ue n v - Phonej 82 and JW Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ritchlttn, WrtDftll, Junatu, and Stagwtf- . . . S. " Junt 7, IS, IS, n, Ii " ' Ta Vantour, Victoria, and SIU . , . , i. 14, ' td r Juno 4, 12, It. 3, 90 iul ' PRINCESS BEATRICE. Camsball Rliar, and Vanaomar aft Satvraaf of Ruitoau, naen Bai, tat I Balls Balla, Otaan ','.r.,fnaiioa '""'"" Sae tar all Staaaiaftlo Llnaa. '"' W. 9. ORCMARP Banarai .... . Oamar at 4th StraH and S Aanua, rrlnaa Ruaaft, SATIN-GLO SATIN-G10 Tor WOODWORK WALLS FURNITURE llnlf fiint .... . . 50o 0"'trt . - Ji'jj Hints 85o Half K'lloi UhIIOii $8.00 t In eiglit popular tltils. AImi Vhil " "" . Thompson Hardware Co., V; 255 Third Ave.