PAGE SIX THE DAILY NKW8 i l DIMITY i i Splendid quality Knglish Checked 1 tHi-Hiy for children's wearj ladies' garments for .intimate wear, nightdresses, etc. Colors include helio, peach,, rose, flesh, maize, gray,' blub, pea - green. Thirty - six inches wide. Per yard : 35c WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 STOP THAT COUGH Take a hollle of Edinburgh Hospital Cough Syrup 60c Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We -deliver. CANNED FRUIT At Greatly- Reduced Prices in order to dispose of our stock before the new paCk. 3 tins I-ibby's l'ineapple. 3 for .. .... $1.15. 3 tins lobby's Pineapple, 2's. 3 for . . . 95c Singapore l'ineapple, 7 tins 51.00 Peaches, 2V6's. 3 tins $1.15 Peaches, 2's, i tins .. $1.10 Peaches, 1 5 tins $1.00. Apricot's, 2's, 3 I ins $1.25 Apricots, 2's. I tins .. $1.15 Plums, 2's. 5 tins .. $1.00 Cherries, 2's, 3 tins for . $1.00 Apple Sauce, tins $1.00 Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Millinery 25 PER CENT OFF TRIMMED HATS VENUS PURE SILK HOSIERY $1.25 "Deraers" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgorson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 0. X-Ray Service Phone 6S6. Open Tuesday and Thursday Kvcnings Saturdays 0 to 12 noon LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone M. Cartage, Warehousing, and 'llBtribuUng. Team or Motor Service. oal, Band and Gravel We Speolallze In Piano and Furniture Coving. DY6HAVN HOME I VISIT TO EAST Says Fred Stork Was Down With Flu; Weather Cold and . Wet J John Dybliayn returned tp tho city . Vm, .yesterday afternoon' train following a trip Kasl in tint courp of which he intended the annual meeting of the. Hiologicnl Hoard and took' un various mat ters pertaining to the fisheries after which he visited New York and Uoston on" business, return ing liomc by way of Toronto alllj Chicago. The principal business carried on at the meeting of the Biologi cal Hoard has already been pub lished In the Daily . Xcws. Mr. Dyhhavn adds that it was de cided to continue investigations! into the salmon fisheries at the Cultus Lake hatchery near Chil-liwack and. in addition, it was arranged thttt. observations would be taken at Eagle River on ShUswap Lake lo ascertain what numbers of fish if any return there following plantings that were made a few years ago Arrangements were also mailt l(V continue investigations n? tc the possibility of stocking Hit lakes in Jasper Park with sport ing fish and It is expected thai five men will be engaged in Hit work there this year. Prelimin ary work was started last sum- mer. Mr. Dyhhavn found that there LAND ACT. Notice of Inlantlon to Apply to Lett Lano In Prlnre ftufiert Land tleconlinr ni'. triri or Coast nanre i. and situate o.i .orlh Harhael Island. TAKE .0TICE that Alfred Swan son. of Prlnre Rupert, rsreupatton Mirini-r. In lends to spply for a Ira.e of the follow my uerriiisd land: Commenrlny at a post planted at the South end of .North llarhaii Island; menu round the Inland at turn water mart and containing SO acres, more or less. ALHitb sW.vvsnv Appllranl tuied April n. tm. LiveonFruitl while in season CANTALOUPE, CHERRIES, BANANAS, WATERMELON Fresh Strawberries 3 boxes for 50c Oranges Small size, 4 dozen for S1.0C Large size, 2 dozeli-for , King Oscar Sardines Special 7 tins for matches Large boxes, regular . . . This week, 3 boxes for . . Llbby's Catsup m 3oc size, for Llbby's Pork and Beans Larsre size, 7 tins for . . Llbby's Asparagus .Tips Large size, 3 tins for . Small size. 5 tins fpr . . . Lard- Silver Leaf. pure. Huy . 95c SI .00 . 45c SI. 00 SI .00 S1.00 . 95c S1.00 now, will advance two cents per lb. this week. ,. 3 lb. pail 75c 5 lb. pail ... .y. ... 51.25 10 lb. pail S2.4C Strawberry Jam Kmpress or Malkin's Hesl. pure . .... 85c McLaren's Pure Baking Powder 5 11, tin. for S1.35 Best Creamery Butter In hulk, 2 lb. for , 85c B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 BULKLEY Market 311 Third, Avenue, Has heen taken ove'r from Ocorgc Kerr by .1. Preece Jnlc with Scaly And Doodson Fresh Meats arriving Twice JUWeekly from the Bulkley Valley Phone 178 t She Could Hardly Do Her Housework Nerves Were So Bad Mr. L M. Tirki. Conaeron, Ont., write! "I had leurt nd nerve trouble, and berime o ahort of breath I could hardly do my daily housework, and was to nervoui I could not think of stajins alone, aa every little sound I heard fait like a ahock to me. Hi n'mHHnei retommended, o I tried a box, and after taking the eeeond one I am now feeling like a different woman." ThU preparation ha been on the market for the paat 32 years and ,hat. aehiered a wonderful .reputation for the relief of all heart and nerve troubles. Pot up only by The T. MUbura Co, Limited, Toronto, Oat sinned his desk at the Commons before Mr. House of Dyhhavn left -the capital. Enormous Mackerel Run Mr. Dyhhavn visited New York just afler there had been an! enormous run of mackerel. III? one day a million pound.- was landed in New York. The frosli fish market was thrown uut i'.a .rear as a result ami western i fresh halibut was down as low as 5c a pound "wholesale while mackerel ileelf was felling at 2c. The market condition was be coming readjusted, however, as the mackerel run receded. Mr. Dybhavn happened to in New York on the Ihe world. The event was hailed with decorations in the city and was given great prominence i: he newspapers of the iitctru-iiolis. The Crown Prince, of Sweden is a student of sclene being particularly interested in archaeology. Rain In East There was a good ileal of rain in Hie hast wlille lie lliere, Mr. Dybhavn reports i lie Atlantic coast the weather was chilly and a week ago today hi Winnipeg (here was a bitlerly old wind. The rain was wel come on (be prairies and put an ml to soil drifting caused by previous severe winds. 1 he prairies crop outlook is now very promising, particularly in Sas katchewan uud Albettat Dn the way west, Mr. Dybhavn "topped off a day at Smithcr and went out lo his suuirnei home at Lake Kalhlyn where Mrs. Dybhavn and family will be moving at tin? cnu oi tins inoniii. "Has your husband a prosper-ng business?" a young bride was asked. "Indeed he lias," was the con fident reply. "He must be taking in lots of money, for he-told me last night they had lo appoint a receiver !o assisl him." The Royal Kind Princess Victoria, sister of King (ieorge. is suffering from influential pneumonia. Water-own, N.Y., paper. WATER NOTICE. DItrilon and M. TAkK MilliiK that (1ihM! I'irklnr (a,. I unllfd. ti ailslrcj-n I. aii llow ftlrrrl. VniHiiun-r, B.i .. will ipply fur llrrncc lu lake iihI um oo.iw rallona rrr d-n if Wifr nut nf urt-aiu. nanin unkiKivtii, wlurli flow.. itnrilH-ant ami drain intu -Laiiimn Hay alxrtil .f,0o fert i.ullifl- riy i nun iiuninai rurtu-r ixit tic. i-nf la ted April 4. !. The wilrr will 1 iIuitIkI from I lie ulrrain al a txHiit .tx.iit tuu fid frmii moiitli ami alHiul dim ri'ft rl lit su hi t ti from Miiiltwad cor wr l.'t "S. and will tut used for ramwry l'ii-'M. p 1 1 h ,1 1 Itw Ca)liiiry lli di-wrilM-d it I. .i t:,i slwnnnn Hay. O.C. IIikI. This iHitlrr ma iM,it-it un 11m irroijiiil on un- inn nay "I Slay, ivto. A rsspy ui I Ills' nillr and an awlliatlcm mirauanl llM-ietn and tw Um "Walr An," will In! rllrrt n -tls offlris uf th water llr .-fil-ili.r mt llliif llnrM,-! II I I ltilf Ititi lii Jlw applh alinii may lif 'fllnl with tru am niin iiprnrner or nun uif i.iunp i-olli'i' of Water lilrlits. Parllanifiit Build iii.. V irturia, U.C.. within iti!rt- daya Hficr tilt; first a.pi-arii'i of tin not ire n a iM-al m wsnaner. Tin- date of tli rir-i pitbliratloii of ttila notice la Jnnc i. t5i 'r. OOSSE TACK1?(0 " CO, LTfi., Appllrant ' illy . y. stranr. Aypnt WATER NOTICE. Divtralsn and Uat. TlkK AO TICK thai i;e I'arklnr (Uk I iinifs d. u-Ikm addreM It Sit ll Slrret, Vaiifouyrr, B.C.. will apply for a llrciiri" to lantf ana uiw iu.wuu ramma i-r nay TERMINALS WON OVER GYRO CLUB Another Good Gamo of League- Baseball Results In Score of 6 to 3. Ill one of the best leagu- baseball aatites played so fa.1 Saw Ill's season, Ihe Urand Termin als, last night defeated Hip dyro-t by a "core of t. to 3. The play was feal tired on both sides b good hitting and fielding with few errors. There were several snappy double plays. Timely1 hitting was tj-esponsibht for: Hi . j victory of the Terminals. The batteries consisted of Wallace and Halfour for Ihe (Iraud Terminals and .Skinner and McKeow'n for the tiyros. P.! Laporle was umpire of balls mid strike and Chester Clapp. liases. bad leen"uite an epidemic of, Ihe leastie standing lo dale inHueiiza in Ottawa, Fred Stork, is as follows1! M.P. Jiad been down willf thc W. L. malady for a week bul hud re-!rand lerminals .Native .sous I I (Syro- Chib'4j. 1 : SPORT CHAT Ih.T. I., and to the "Water Art, 1014." with Hie political in- iiii-o in me. ortif-e ii me waier iie-'order at I'rlnre liuiwrl. Il.c. oii)ertin to tlie apiiliratluii may be. riliil with tlifl "aid Water Itecorder of wllh Hie Oitni-tmllcr or Waler lila-iiti. Parliament llullil-ln. Vletoria. ll.C. wltliltt ttilrly day after tlie first aiiearani'e of thl tiotlie in a local uewpaier. Tlie date of the tint itiililif-alliifi of till a m. lire la June I, lvift. ' ,i "'is-t, r.ainu i n. liu., Ai'jiiiraiu. - . By . 8lr, Am- . s I Pi- i looo j 500 250 The next game will he on Thursday nlghl between Ihe N-i live Sons and i.rand Terminal". The final game in Ihe Sluait Mucin series bi-twi-i'ii I lie .Moo-c and the Cold Slurage will tak'i place tonight at Acropolis II til j grounds. The liraml Terminals having already won the trophy, there will bo lo decide in Mat- be 'match wlielficr the .MoOse will morning of. hold second tdare exclushely oi (lie arrival of the Crown Prince; share the pAliiou with the Cold of Sweden who is on a trip bf Storage, who have yet to win a game. The Moose will field tli following team: (iawthorn, Murray and Hunter: Skinner Currie and .Mitchell; (iurvicli, linker, Hodgkiusoii, llussell am) Woodman; leservcs. White. MacC anil Hamilton. j Hesides having obtained the lieutenant governor of the, yro- was vince, Hon. It. fllii... I.;.. t...... It. Hruce. to tipi'ti Hie committee in charpe of the annual stamped! at Prlnco (Ieorge, opening on nonunion Day, are making elaborate propagations lo make Un even! the ber yet and draw lo Prince (Ieorge visitor not only from the immediate district bu from farther afield. Anolher important item on the program already arranged for will be th meeting of T." O. Martin and Harold MrWilliains, two of th:; province' best mile runners. McWilliams, who will carry Prince (ieoiwe colors, is a for mer University of B.C. man ami is now in tlie Hums Lain ilii- Iricl. PINK ELEPHANT HAS ARRIVED LONDON ZOO I'here was great excitement al Ihe Zoo on Sunday, for the al bino elephant arrived after a journey beset by misfortune and delay. Moreover', this while elephant is pink, with while eyes; not while with pink eyes, as one would expect I II J. in fact perfectly amazing animal, standing nearly ?fl. high anil th e color of Yi new-born pink pigling. Its eye are wfille, with a small, dark pupil which (Hows red at niulil, and the tuft of hairs on the end of it (ail is while. At any rale there can be no sus picions as tn Un; genuineness of this albina. for the usual tales of whitewashing white elephants would be ali-urd in the face of the startling pink nudity of the new arrival NELLIE McCLUNG IS ONE OF CANDIDATES ALBERTA ELECTIONS CAL(iAIlY. June 8, Mrs. .Nellie McClung. former Kdinonlon woman member in (he Legislature will lie Liberal candidate if water nut of a alreaui, nanii- unknown, ,. i,., , ,., t n. f'r the in 111? inih fiow nortiiwi-n ami drams into city of (algary -tiamiiHi Bay atMiut lull reel wenlerly fiirtliconilllu elections. She Will " " ""-Oioiiirf K llions, nue win northeail rorner IM 45, leaw dated April 4. Ii(l, DC. llovl. lease. The waler have Willi hi'r HS rillinillg males will Ik- diverted frmn tlie utream at a n , n.,., i,.i., ii,,i..,.i m.llll aluilll 11 rriii imiiilh ,.f rreek Ofl ItlC l.llll'i al sl.'ltC ItOllCrl . V!! !i!2 'Ti T?i,r..?',;",;",r.',"'r; Marshall, meuiirer Jn Ihe last iiiirtHisi-- ujMin itie i:amr- iiite, ieerited leaislalure, and ayor deorge as tr.7. SliarifHin Hay. O.C. lahnda. ivi.i.i .....i ' ,.n ' I. ...... J..t,....ii.i Tin- noiiie wa iiieii on tile around on ehsler, and all have splendid tiu r,in day of May. I mo. A iony tit nliaiwi,- nf ni.tlnn !i iiisriei I i nir In miiiri ana an appio -aiiou iturFuaui loiesiers nere. There al, the 8ame Miss H. t'.. r'eniarks: There aro a good many people, who have Ihe wolf at tlifci door, only they Jiave coaxeij 'iTjiri ' "round to Iho lack". government oj Canada guarantees itsAge HERTZOG ON 9 YEARS OLD GROUP UNITY Cays It Failed at Locarno and Independence Under Com-mon King Only Method -PKT(WN. June K. (icneral lllertxott made an iniportunl pro- inouncemeiit rgariling Dominion status at Stfllentmsch I he Premier maintained that (he Dominions had never yet rc-reive.1 ihe full international in-, depfriidmice to which they were entitled under Ilia grant ofj etf-govejTmnl, put Hint they had nlway-y lieeu subordinaleil to Ihe Hritish overntnent until Ihei skgnattire of the .Versailles' Treaty, when their inlernalionalt iiHlpendM;ee had been weog-, uiscd. Kven after thai, however,: (tie Dominion had hesiiuted lo' pul I heir new status to practical j lest, owing lo their fear that the! disruption of Ihe I '.in pi re would follow, and they had accordingly compromised by creating the doctrine of "group unity," under which the Hritish I Imp in was to take deeisioni on mattrr of foreian pidicy a a nnaiiliiioti j group, and not as a member of separatf? entitles. Doctrine Failed ' (leneral Herttog declared that llii doctrine had utterly failed in praclica, and pointed to Locarno, where, he alleged, th Dominions had not been properly represented and Urn Hrilisli liovernmeul had gone its own way without consulting them. He expressed hi. grulifleatlun at (real Hntain's altitude at Lo- , car no, wtucii nail me.iiit uer re jection nf thu group unity" idea as being not feasible in practice, and had enabled Ihe Dominions to sgel back to a sound basis by returning to the Versailles Trurtty and claiming the international .Independence thereby accorded them. Cordial' Co-operallon' In conclusion, (ienerul llerl-zttg affirmed that Ihe only link helween the Dominions and i i real Hriluin was the personal bond of a common King, hut he added dial, In their own interest, international independence would mean closer and more cor-' dial eo-openilion. , In -order lo obtain Ihe full iiilcrnalloual ef-'fect, howV'ver, sDinetliliiir Iniore whs reipiireif Minn a mero de-lelaraHon of eonsttulional rlghls ardong themselves. That de claration wcmld have lo he formally cointtiuniealeiJ by them lo the outside world. Advertise In the Daily Xnws. MINERAL ACT, I Notlca of Application for CartlflcaU at lmpromnta. , Mineral lllll i.n.iip, iviisiMlua; it VIn-leral 1 1 1 1 1 An,.), MliKfral lllll ,Vi. f. Mm- eral lllll ,ih. suuiinll . Mineral i:iairn. iltialsrtjn tlto SkfiiiajMiiilnr lnl- Ion of Mo 1 HMtrlct,o(i,tliViiliih.eaairii end of Iron Moiinmii, imtiAat Valley uawrni iionier. vv. I, iloowln, ytiv ,siiiii-r irriiurai- 10. ruiii:, t.tiarlea j"l7rir''' Orliricatej tio. TAWK ?(OTIV: ll-t I. Charlea . Miire, free Mlner'a Orllflrati- v.. iimi' avenl for the owners, tnteint i n.- of amy day from tlie H-Pn. m antdy to the in- wihiiti iierornr for a Certl flrale of lriiriroveineiita for the imriMme at rlaima. H..a. . a . . . t.rown oraot nf the almre And flintier lake, noili-e thai anion un' per smion or inn Mineral Ait inuil lie eoiiiioenreil liefore tlie laaiianre of uirn --1 ui is f vi niiirov7iii'nif. Uaied tula 17 in day ot prll, 91(l, Tuesday. june g IClta litis advertisement is not pub slird or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the. jovei-iimenl of Hritish Columbia. JUNE BRIDES' SILVERWARE and tut blass Sale Novor before have we atiembled tuch a beautiful and dlstlncllvo pieces to sell at such i 1 " low prices. You will do woll to give them your clot n9' Of particular Importance is the offering 0f Rodo. . d'-Communrty Plato and William Rodgers flatwareV 18,1 we are giving a special discount during the month of jh'ch Scientific Optical Work Ours Is the best and most modern equip-,,. n Parlor In the North. Our specialist has had uZ " yoars' experience In fitting and testing eyei. Ou'j" aro always reasonable and our work dependable ' W vlte consultation. Max Heilbroner G27-529 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIQHT ONLY at 7 and 0 HOOT GIBSON "THE SPOOK RANCH" An exhilarating Western dune in ' Thrills u-plenly, Ihe wildest of wild n i K uf -pooks, de-perale villains, irelty gii -ami llool doing hi tlarndesl. IHiot. I,, pices roiihl not keep f hi- son of Hie pi.,. ( he lovrtl. An enjoy.ilde eiilcrtaiiiiiienl Klnxig rust: Hoot Qlbion, Robert McKIm, Frank Rice, Toll tV crow, Helen Ferguson and others "THE PACEMAKERS' 8ERIES No. 12: GEORGE 0H1U AND ALBERT VAUGHN IN "MISS ME AGAIN.' INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c SOFT FINISH s All flat pieces wa.ii'il. imnr.l iui m WeariiiR iparel prai lit ally re.tdv tv iptires a little rcluorliiiig with hand n m Try This Service Minimum Charge, $1.20. 7o per lb. plus 1c WP" Your bundle returned vv Ihm ! PIONEER LAUNDRY, Limild Phone 118 Everything for the Builder LUMBER -Wo huve the most eompietf (liniciisioiis. sliitilan. fir finish. LANO ACT, Notlca of Intanllon to Apply to Ltaaa tan Iti l-and lierordin tiialrlct of I'rlnre liuserl, and situate on M..ieliy lalaml. lueen Uliarlolte ilniun. on unnamed In Met, three ml let aoulb of Pe U I'ectKj In let. TAWK M1TI1 K Dial Thu Canadian rial) Liilir Company, 'l.lllnled, $f Vaneotiter. or iiiiuii 9iuHMi iiiiH-rn, uiieiHia ao a(iii for lease of the followlni d-arrlli) land.;;- Coiniiiehrlna: at a hi piai.teit al bead of lull I aleiut 4 mile horlh of unnamed .reeli; thetiro went 10 rhalns; tttenre 'on in vo cha:n; thettre ral t tliaina. iiiortir lea, to aliore line: tlM-nie north iirly folloVkltit allure line to I'.o.C, an1 i-otlUlnlnr 10 ai-rea, Inore or leaa, the (.ASAnKs nsunn :aiiAWY., Appiieani. t'ff William Alfted llown . fialeil oth April, lt . , "OOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT." ' Nolle of Application for Bttr Llcona. oll-e la hrreliy arlveo that, on the llt day of June ne. the midernirned Inlends hi aiity 10 the. Control liimnl ror a llii-ii.e In reierl of preiiile lielnt part of the hullilinr known aa Orean Kalla llolel, alluale 'oil front Street, Town (if Orean lalla. immiii Ihe laud denrnlieil aa IM Sit. ill, Itanie , Coaul lilalrlrl. Map o. IL.M. 11, (.and. Iterlilralloii liUlrtrt. In the PriiHiirn i,r Hrltlah ColiniiMa, for lhe aale or Iwer by I he rlasa, or by the open, leiitle for roiiaiitnplloii on the lre-lolaea, ' . plotted thi 71I1 day nf Jiine, ' e.vr.ini? Mii.1.8 uviTKn. l'r C. L, barker, lleaaurar. v veneers, etc., in Northern H.l- Wo can supply everything In a building from the I datlon lo the last piece of finish. Ilcfore Iniyuig inspect our stork. N i prices arc right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 118 and 117 Chiffon Hosiery $1.75 to $3.00 We ha' " Hues or II"- 1 HOST, ami ' you ''lii'1 15 1 .75 Uj). The Diana i ' The Normandle The Kayser The .i-: -pjiere. ii'i Fashion, lb 1 Fnllow. Cor. 3rd 7th lin' ttl. I'rii-I Teakrvnr RmS.. liivN 1,1 rnwi" a