ITI Tim UJ ' J. W.I n I UN O HI O W 41rs.txpcrience says- Here's a blessing in disguise 7HERE is nothing unusual in the appearance of Sun light Soap but wluit a wealth of goodness it contains. On washday it wades into the work with vigour, turns the clothes out gloriously clean and -v sweet'smelling and best of all, . its purity is backed by a $5,000 guarantee. This means protection to fabrics. Your household linen deserves Sunlight. Sunlight tyke largest selling LaundrySoap in the World MADE BY IcVFR RrDTHFR. 1 JMITFn Soap Sold Toronto hvprvwhprp Old Fashioned Peppermint Patties 40 cents per lb. 5 lbs. box S1.S0 HAIR . . . . . CUPPEnS, cti 1 -im-. kiI. ..r pair Ormes Limited Tlie llrxall S- 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. London Dry Bin $3.25 the bottle $1.00 . . Iirnggtsls Phones 82 and 200 Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES s LUMBER Timber. Iin. ' i. Slnplnp, Fir Finish. Flooring V Joint, .md Hevel Siding, Cedar ami Fir Uti.n Lumber, Fir .m. i Coilonwoinl Veneer, Mouldings. Shingle. Koltiml Minifies, t-atlt. Oak. Hardwoods, Sash untl Dour. NVood pipe. CEMENTS, Etc. Portland Cement. Keene' Cement, As beMo Cement. Ilardwall Plaster. Piaster of Paris, Pinter Hoard, Lime. Ilvdr-.ted Limo, Fireclay. BRICKS, Etc. Cotnnioii llri. k I" ,,l ick. Pressed Mrick. AgnmUunU Tile, Vilrilicd pipe. Flue Lining. MISCELLANEOUS niK llmblm Paper. Pur Paper, UmWutohI Roofings, Jul...-. M-inv die's Asbestos liouf-nK. Aspliall. Asphalt .ml- Papers, Sand and Gravel. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Try our Nul Conl for v.inr K Hango. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117. The standard of Purity for over 160 years Hills V Una This advertisement Is nut piilJhl or llilyd b the Luiuor Control llnord op by tin Government at ' - nVitl.h Col'iinlm. Phone 15. P.H. Coal Co. Arthur's Taxi. Phone 1578. tf H.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Sheddon's Taxi and Messenger Hervice. Phono 134. if Hm will Imve Ihe time of your iUH at the (iyro llocdown tonight Mring your (urn to Goldbloom. nila. pays highest prices In Can Don't fail fomo to the Gyro lfiw'd-i tonight in (he Auditorium. You will tills it if you do. ; Milliard Association Manque.1. !l..,.llfgU, fejUlnlay, April 10. nl I" IIJ1. ..JihtseiiUlion of cud. etc. Tickets fl. 00 al (ii-otto and P hY Milliard Parlor. Tftjf eli(Ml hoard lal nissht voti-ff an extra day' nay In the Janitor of Moid.'ii Sired School fur work done in repairing the "i airway in thai m-IiooI. V payroll t.lallin M.I U 1. 10 ami ammntN aKr-rfaliii(f HC- r - .... ...... - is.r ni; iiinnui oi .MarCII wen ianl for payment al 'laxl nVslil tIuioI hoard uifetinc. An invitation from I In- Ilrilioli Columhia Teacher' I'eiliTiitlnii fr niirihr t t Im.iiil to al-I'-ml I he iarhcr' -onci)l(oti ln- iiik held, in Vancouver lliix week f Vweived and filed at last iiiiihlV hoard mt'Ptiii. Mi- Kdilh M l.amlrr, al pre- cs'iil on iit liiinlen Street te-iieh i! nit "luff, had a letter he fore the - hoard taft nizhl akitip Tor a transfer to IJimiIIi School 'HtT if -.he deeiden to return lo Prune llupert after thi term The vehool Ivoanl decided lai l Uilit to disewnllnue the enrry nig f ehildren front Seal One to the Ihioth Memorial Srhoul foi I he .uiiuner months. Tin Prince lluperl Trapsfer A Taxi Co. ha leen giving the serviee under eon tract. l ji. tto4eu, manager of Lli Inlet cannery, and bi dauglft the present term. IW ter, Miss l.ila HoseaU, are pavinu I heir first viil of llie fHon ti the wit?. 'lher arrive.1 from down the coast on the Calala In-1 nlghi and are guctr al (he I'rhicelttert Jlolel. Ir. .JL.. P, Cade, after bavini; peiit a few week a a iwtlieul if he Prltiep Ituperl ileneral llo.pital suffering from a seven1 attack of influenia, was able to iiit n to lit-, home I hi week and within a few days excels lo he aide lo re.unio practice. I ii.m nleaiiur Citnla, IVipt. .ioliiiione, arrived at ll.5 la muM from the oulli anil jailed at I I'' (hi morniuu To make her rati al Anyox and the Alias and skeena rifr before sailing from here on her relurn oulli at ten or lock (nmorrow mnyiing. M. II. Ilarl!ie-s, prineilil n f Itoivih Memorial School, reported appreciatively lo the school hoard la-1 nighl on imiirove- ment I lint had been made lo the ehool ground ile reported the organntalinn of haselMll and football leagues umler wny al ready with J. S. WiUon iucliargr. Mi. S. A. Mills, principal of llorden Street School, asked the school board last night for a ruling a lo the jurisdiction of a class al Month School taught by Mis Martin whieli for the past lew months has come under Mor ten street management. Tim board decided, pending n tgenernl ifHil.liistnienl of the whole school boundary - nuelion, lo place the particular class in question un der I). II. Marines, principal of llotilli School, until the end of lll-l.lCTION IN i'MCKS. We are pleased to offer our famous Cdson coal, screened lump sack ed, in Ion lots for. 813.50. See u before vou buy your ncM supply of, timothy nod alfalfa hay. grain, feed, seed, fertiliser. Pleischmutr dry yeast for slock and poultry, Prall's baby chick food and poultry supplies on wltjch we can save you money ntul give ' you the best accont-; modal ton a t our own dock, 1 THE DAILY ffEWS PAGE THREB I A barrel of fun al the Gym! llocdown tonight al the Auditorium. Local and Personal Mr. A. Lionel llollby tailed on the Prince Geoiwe (his morn ing for Vancouver. Mr. Waller iShgwill saifed lids morning he Prinej fjeorgo- for.' Vancouver. Calliulic Ladies' Sprltis Sale, Saturday, April 17 in vacant "lore next Mr. llildileh's. Mr. and Mr. George j. J,uh-hy ailed tliU moruiiiK on the Prince George for Victoria. For a Mhorl time we are offering our celebrated WcUh Antli raeile screened Cobbles al ?I8 per ton, sacked, delivered. Phil-poll, Fvltt & Co., Ltd. 85 CP. It. steamer Princess Man, Japl. C. C. Sainley, arrived froia Vancouver al llii afternoon and will sail at 'J.:m eontiuuin her voyage lo Alaska ports. .Major C ' II. North, suierin lendenl of the li.C. Silver mine. was a passenger aboard llie Prince George ' (hi morning soullihound from Stewart lo Vancouver. II. C. Smitli, manager of the Granby Co. operations al Cop per Mountain and Ailenhy, after having paid a visjt to Anyox, was passenger alrd llie Prince Geurge this morning returning outb. II. C. Stratford of Stewart was paweiiger" f ft r Vancouver aboard llie Printe (Jeonge this moriilng. Mr. Stratford is th,- inventor of a new automobile differential gear which is being patented In all part of the world. It. Knox, assistant sujerin lendenl engiueer lor the Can a dlan Government .Merchant Mar ine, woo lias been here for llie past few week supervising work that ha been proceeding at the dry dock on company vessels returned to Vancouver on the Prince lieorgo this morning. C.(i.M.M. freighter Canadian Oberver, which ha been in the dry dock here for the past cou pie of weeks undergoing annual overhaul and having fuel oil carrying tanks installed, is now almost finished and is scheduled to sail next Thursday for Ocean Falls lo resume her service. V. P. fj'iliiil, wlip has been superintendent engineer at the local dry dock for the past cou pi of years, ended his duties then; this week and expects lo move in the near future to Vancouver Mr. yutnii is succeeded at tho dry dock by A. Watson, who re eently arrived from Montreal. The regular monthly, meeting night of the school board is to be changed from the second Thursday in the mouth to the second Wednesday or Friday Certain member of the board scaled at last night's meetiiu that some other night Ilia: Thursday would ! .more con venient for I hem. The regular nioiillity nieelin of the sciiool board was held last evening. Those present were II. M. Ilocbester. chairman of lh board, Trustees W. O. Fullon !. A. llryant and Thomas Mc- Meekin, Secretary J. L. Christie, Miss A. Mills, pHWipnl of llorden Street School, and Miss Until Stewart, principal of Seal Cove School. ., II. i. Mllvain, former chiei engineer of the steamer Prince John, after having spent some lime here at tho dry dock on behalf of the Canadian Government Merchant Marine, ivluriifd lo Vancouver on llio Prince George this morning, jlle was accompanied by Mrs Mllvain, formerly Mrs. Isabel Mlaek of Vancouver, whom he married here a few weeks ago, 11. It. itocheslcr, chairman, made inquiries at last night's sehriol hoard meeting a to Ih.v money saving sclicnie now in vogue in the schools,, particularly as regarded the nmount of the teachers' timo it took up. Miss S. A. M,ills, principal of llorden! Street School, in replying, expressed approval of the .scheme and said th.1l it involved little if any extra work for thq teachers. rfneo hupcrt Feed Co., Pliono.A great ileal of money, was being Btf. Trolief's Dock. Phono SriH.'pul by, parlieularly in the Icnvor 84. grades, she stated. I L nniinil.. P FREE! WIST Zm-tk C, Ttrwri. Uftt Mi . Mrs. Francis Milb-rd sailetl tlii morning on (he Prince Georg" for Vancouver. Capl. 11. Churchill, manager of I.ipse.ll & Cunningham's loca' branch, sailed this morning oi llie Prince George for Vancouver on a business irip. Women of Moosehearl Legion; Kindlv. attend Memorial ervn:e Sunday, April 1 1, at 3 o'clock i" Metl-opole Mall- Churcii Parade to Anglican . Church al 7 p.m., vvoaljier permitting. Ladies an requested to wear white. 84 J. S. Wilson of Vancouver, who has been here for the past few day on business in connection will) the installation of deisei engines In the. Okanagan Lake passenger boat that is Ucinu built at Jhe dry dock, returned south on llie Prince George thW morning. Mr. Maggie Maynanl. charted with aggravated assault on the person, of her little six year old ,. .... a .. t..-. niece, appearru oeiore .mice Voting in the County Court Ibis morning and her request thai she be remanded until Tuesday so thai she may be enabled to gel in touch Willi her husband was met. Luke Fowler, James Woken and Johnnie Moore, Terrace Indian, pleaded guilty before Judze Young yestenlay afleri'ioon .... I .. ....t:.,r. .. . . : oircoiirjies'oi men oi provnms and goods from a trapper's cabin iu Iie Terrace district aiidwere let out on a year's suspended -enlenee. Itestitution of goods was ordered. The Fraternal Whist League mel in the city police court la! night lo wind up ils business for) llie season, Mayor .Newton, I ho president, being in the chair. The cup and other trophies won during the season just eloed will be presented on St. George's Hay at An affair being held tin tier Hie auspices of llie Sons ami Itaiftghtcrs or Kngtand. ANNOUNCEMENTS (iyro lloedown Friday, April W, iu Auditorium.' Itoyal Purple bridgr, whisl drive and dance, P.Iks' Home, pril 11. Lutheran Women's Aid Sprina ah, April 13, at Olfi Sixth Ave. West. Tennis Club Mall, F.Iks' Hume, April IG. Catholic Ladle- April 17. Spring Sab Presbyterian Church Ladies' Aid Spring Sale, April 21. , Fair Hayseed Dance, Wednes- lay. April 21. Itidlcv Home Maxnar May 6. . i Km.I Washes o I aid Eczema's Gone I L Try D.D.D. soap, too M Al all good sbuagitai r ORMES LIMITED On the Reason lor Spring Skin Worries ? HHE blood, like Nature's sap in the trees in Sprinjr, 1 is flowing stronger in the veins. The accumu- v lated impurities of Winter are forced through the pores of the skin in the form of pimples, rashes, blotches and irritating patches. Now, you need not worry if you ue Zjm-Buk. This fimous herbal balm soothrs and purines the tisiuet in a wonderful way. It toon clear away all thee SprinX'teaton ikin worrief. Throuih ntnlect. the mot trivial tkin affection may develop into a eriou cat of eczema, poitoned tore, or psoriaiU. But why riik thit ? Why experiment with ordinary fatty ointmenti? Begin uiing this wonderful herbal Zam-Buk to-day and mike your akin clear and healthy inquick time. When M Spring cleaninn " remember that Zam Buk prevent! tore hind and quickly heals cuts, scratches, burus, scalds, abrations and other injuries. Zam Buk is also a fine remedy for ahavinj aorenets, hoila, abcie. poioned wounds and sores, scurf, ringworm, bad legs, ulcers and pile. 1 1 Ur Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD X Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. . ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo handle al. kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38P Soft Finish Service 7c per lb. and lc per piece Our minimum charge, is $1.25. livery housekeeper has friends. Some are heller (ban others. Our Soft Finish Service is wailing to be your friend ami save yoiir lime and euergy. It washes, dries and irons your weekly wash, leaving for you only u little touching up with (he bund iron, on the wearing apparel. The cost of Sofl Finish is reasonable indeed. Phone No. 8 today ami add this household friend to your list. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners DEMAND Phone 8 "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., LhL Prince Rupert, B.C. TUGBOATS Day Ph043 Rupert Marine 639 Sf;c2k3?35 Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Or. 238 Black 735