25 TAXI Boston Grill Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Holol, 3rd Ave. I'u, and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. VUl XVI , NO, 83. MARINE CONFLAGRATION AT Marine Disasters Near New Orleans Result in Number KN t)Hl.KNH, April 0. -Mine lliun I wo score seamen 1m icvi d to li.ive their Uv- in ;i mtii-s of river disastrrs lif ,r-.ki-Mii in I Iif virility of New Orleans. The greatest iif thoughl In haw bren Liken when t he Dutch steamer S ullulnl villi I lie Standard Oil Company's tanker TtMin-'. II Wheeler lat uighl 10 mile below here. The pru-- I iiwigc i eerteil In approach Soilll.OIH). . . .. . a.a a i.. a a r, Tlio niivamis laier wcui in :i g Ii ilk. No IhhIic wen; DAILY TRAIN ; SERVICE SOON - of a (mtii'i. of rpluwii aboard Schedule Similar to Last Yearjih" ' when in drydick ye- Uill h. R..um.d bv CNR. Itrnlay. Twenty -nine member of on May 10 w Md 0. l-l B .in. -nicr ill le re-'Ii. t'.uniuliAll Nilllnll-, n i.. e(i Prince Hn-i I .liimiiUHB. The It mMi- i,iI.mI no timet na4l iiMim Vuhi i If Kl a i m tin MiWiuhiii ami l: ' ' nt II M in the tlt - v. a the .! Iat a , ' I Ih' ii" 1 1 .mi (Mil ay :i 'I nu ti am in OH WOMAN DIED RESULT ATTACK 1 WNMIlVl lt. April " Alii i'V an lllllilrli! MIHIl "in, tlo from Im in 'he or Ullli lllOll li'- e mi ' V Ilaxcl Inch, a Mall lireeil '. uUilitenl Injun' - winch 'eil 111 Iter ileath in II"' l"'"-n; 1'iilay. I .j.Iv iiii riiliioi 'i 'ii' . " ulie Miit able ""' I " before ulie .ln .1 w - I1'"1 Ua a 1 1 41 1 in ' BABY BURNED ' HOUSE FIRE W IMI'i:il. Annl 0. Tratl't! "heir home in South Winnipeg whi n ru e rolloweil an explosion eoal oil ued by Mugloir SI. ineeui in llsfhlliiK the kitchen I aiie. his rive year ohi noy aim tune nintillH' old baby were burned lo death today. The wife and is oilier ehllilren and linen 1 Kiifls escaped without injury. MINERS' FEDERATION AGAINST COMPROMISE WOULDSTAND FIRM I.O.MMIN, April IL The exeeit-lle or the miners' federation derided lo rrjert Hie proposals of the mine owner, and will recommend o Hid ileleKales to ' Hni conferenco lnertlng hero today that a rirtit (sfJiml bo (i)keu iijtnlnst dislrlnl sellleinents ami 1 wage reiliU'llons proposed. Miss Doriilliy Newsoino and Mls lorolliy llnmsay, inenibcrfl of Hie Kradtialo nurHlim staft or IIik lini-l Imiixou Oeneral Ilps- pilal, wi'ro imssentfern sallijifT fiir Vaiirouvrr aboatil Hie sieam-er l'rince UeOrvo IhU .inornlns- r '""v J.. W, ' -"' - . DISASTERS NEAR NEW ORLEANS of Lives Lost me oonoiii inter uniting a ii recovered. Thirty -five member 'of the crew ur- iil to In- mis-j Hie The earj." nf I lie vcel i ln'ln'f.i Ui lime ciploded after tin' rolltsion. Ini' members of the rrew of i in- SlJinNrd Oil Tanker O. T. i arum are rnJfiiK a a result illir riv of :mio were iitjureil. SOUGHT SHELTER FROM WOMAN WHO WOULD MARRY HIM . I.hNoN. nt., AjrU !. . ! - Maui! rate liray-i(m ri'iiiiinili'l I" jail fur a Mri-ik h ymnijf l.oiulonrr who li.ol viiliinlanly iiiilil Hie hell er of l-Iimiliuarter to wne bliu Iroiii a yuunp woman. The l.iiioloiier enteral the InIioii Ml lniiliiltrtl'leelr-nw llial the girl wax mi ii'it.Mit iimii marry injf linn Unit he QttuM nol iali- her. He wan con- im fil thai hi mily wife-U umilil lie in liavltut liarx liHwi'.-n him ami Iii lal.v ! . hen Inlil Hint ihe enahl nol lie arrenteil for lo-in- him. he 4ealr.l to he locked Ui lllinoelr. lie nrsnptl I Ii ii t he wn rial broke ami eoulil nol alTonl lil weililiny. Inil Hie fael iliil linl eonl Hie nnlor of bin frlenil. FORMER RUPERT LADY MARRIED AT TERRACE Miss Elsie Beatrice Sutherland Becomes Bride of Anthony Well of Usk II IIUACr.. April 0.- A quiet i.in.L. W114 Holemuieil al the here on Wednesday af ternoon when Iturtil Deuu Marsh ..ih-il in marrlate Miss Msio 1., nl rii'r. ilaiwliter of Hie late John Sutherland ami Mrs. Sulh- eilaml Vaneoiixer aim loriucr-i.- .ii lM'ince lluncrt. to Anthony 'j - . Well or Isk. 'I"' ceremony. wiiiii'.-sed by Mm. Marsh and Mr. k-..ii.,i The bride Is well known in pnuee llupert whjye she spenk ,er rhililhooil days. Mr. and Mrs.' Well left on Wednesday ninM hT Usk where I hey will resiiio. ONLY SALMON SOLD. i iniv Kidmen was sold nt the i.m-1. 'I'ri'hMiice this nioriilng, 1. ,. hiivimt been no liallbul ar a.... u oirer ns. I he salmon Mdes were: Taplow. 0,500 reds ami 1)00 whiles, lo the Canadian .'j.h A Cold Sloraut! I'o. al !5.o i Ilinno. 1.000 reds and flOO whiles, lo llm Atlin J islior ies, at I lA'c '" :it'' Advertise in the Daily .News. Northern and I'lUNCH UNION Oil WOULD HAVE PLEBISCITE Trades A Labor Council Thlnka Public Should be Sounded Out on Question of Police Change Tin' Traili' A l.aixir Council al it iiieeiiiu la-i i-veiiin eiwagel in a I'-iiiflliy ilt--uiuii on the Iroioal lo have the nliciic; of Hie eil lranfiTieil from muni-oipal u iroineial aiilhorily. VIiil oifiiioii! were exr.eoeil both for ami avaiii! (lie move, the gioiei'ul ffi-liiM M-eineil to lie that, iieforc any tlefimlo uli-p-were laken lowanl u fliaiwte, it tnibl Im- well to put a pleliUcile on the inrl inn In the public, ai (be ume lime n the forthcoming money ami efevnlor eieniptioii bylaw mm- Milmiitleil. The. council pani'i a resolu-tiou tiuliiriiiK Dial of the Cal-pary Trailer A tabor '.ouneil re-iiiesllii the feileml .' erumcul lo iiiiieml the Criminal i.tiile ti permit or peaeerui iiirkriinx m the ex cut of a ntrike. Other bunnex ( (lie enuni il wn largely of a routine uasre Pr b ut f I). Mai ,in,aM vii In the rlnii ami Hu n- a a .'ool lltteiiilaiu''' nf delegates TORNADO HIT . CALIFORNIA Spreads Destruction In Us Wake but Keeps Away From Big Conflagration BEO, California, April 9. A miniature tornado hit the southwest portion of this town early today spreading destruction In Its narrow swath but headed away from the great conflagration raging at the Oil Tank Farm. DIES IN VANCOUVER RELATIVESARE HERE Miss Jessie Elizabeth Reld Was Sister ot Mrs. Owen White and or William Reld Special to Daily Newsi VANCOl VKIt. April 0. Jc,ie Kliabelh lleid. daiiKliler or Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Held or Vancouver, died in I be Heneral Hos pital here Thursday. She leaves beside- her parents, three brother here and two huH- brolliei s. including W illiam Held id l'rlnre llupert and one sister, Mrs. Owen While also or l'miee duperl. JOS. ROGERS DEAD WASHINGTON STATE Word has been received In llio eilv oT Die death at Holhel, Washington. on Wednesday evening lasi id Joseph llogers, well known local fur dealer, Avho wenl south recently in Hie hope that the eliaiipe would be of ben eflt to his railing Jieallli. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid, Asked Wheal I.55". II.C. Silver. I.!:i 2.011 niaiifjone .35 Hovve' Souud 31. ."0 Indian:' 10 .11 L, ivl,. II Va .15 I'orler Idaho oii'a .loW Silvercresl II H .UI Suir Inlet .08 .08 i PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper III I'KIIT, ll.ts FjtlliAY, Al'Jtll. COMPANY'S TANKS 1'ltlNt.iK Al.lli III ( itl U (Jl KK.X .h Iterlhu M (itrl. w ho in iMnteii the Prem ier . L Mackenzie tig Trophy llo-- Moxley. uf The la. winner of tliC K'-iiuh' in ilt rlix the reeent winter sports ear-ii . i hi the Saskatchewan raly. wsmmimm BaaiKMKlISrlS iaaaaaaaaHlBBEK tjBaHallLaaaH lie i-iini.v di naii'il by don I V. I.. Mai keni r Kin?, premier of Canada, for Hie lojf Derby championship l Northern Sas-kalelievvaii. I; was won by Itos Moxley, of Tlnj Pas. Manitoba, at Hie recent Prince Albert winter carnival. Moxjey won the HiO-mlle race, 10 uoles eiii-h day. in 10 hours, ii minutes and 10 seconds. .'i-iiii- Johnson was second, :( oio- tninui'' idshl seconds behind Moxley. WEATHER REPORT llaellon, part 'cloudy,, calm, temp. II. Smilhers, pail cloudy, calm tempi 10. Hiirus Lake, part cloudy, calm. lomp. 3, IVlt'gniph Creek, part cloudy, calm, lump. :l. Terrace, rlnmlyj calm, temp. l) hileliorse, cloudy, poulli wind, temp. H3. 4 , Hi it Salmon cloudy, soulb wind, temp. 12. Stewart Hiverj cloudy, calm, enin. 11. Two inches wet snow yeslcntay. Vl Ojjilvie, cloinly, calm, temp. IB Dawson, cloudy, lemp. 20. Averaae Yukon lemp. 25. Company Formed in Germany to Colonize Saskatchewan Lands Bought from WASIIINliTON. April U. - - Department lias been advised that been formed in Herlm for Ihe in Canada. The company is reported lo (UK) lines of Saskatchewan prairie from Ihe Gatiudiaii' Pacini' Hiiilwnv. which vill be divided licrmnn tufmigr'uuts. 1), 11)20, Yeilertli)" Circulation, 1419 FUTURE HOME FOR ELKS IS DISCUSSED ilavm Ihtii siven notice that '" Moose l.odr'e. which recently I ioi.an! Hie biiildiu?. will be tak-it possession or their premise. ' m May I, Hie'Klks' l.odse al il jiee iii last niht went inlo the jin'ioii ot a ruiurc home nmj. I ojvi, s bad tlirye " lutiposilleuis dared- bermfl m:wi!fc.f.Vril' I 'd o ilace yli;r oialler in Hie uamis of a -special eoiiuuillee Afi rt will ivport al htlhc' niec uis ro Im livid next week. Olln-r matlers which the Klks deal with lasp nitchl were plans j tue May 21 carnival in cblbi-(lorai ion willi the l-'air Hoard and i he proposed excursion to Ke!- liiKan on July I. PROMINENT MEN AS SMELTER DIRECTORS Sir Vincent Meredith and Sir Herbert Holt to Help Control Consolidated Smelters MONTKKAL, April 9 Sir Vln-ent Mervdith and Sir Herbert loll have accepted direclorsliips ii Ihe tUoisnlidated Mining-ami imeilinv Company of Caliailii. it -.vas annoonred al the pcriernl tneeliiw held here yesledaV af-er the law calling Tor ah in-rease in the number id direc-'ors Troiii D to it had been voted tor. BATTERED BY BAD WEATHER : Bark Alvena Arrives at Miami After Being Given up For Lost ., MIAMI, April 9. The four-masted bark Alvena, which sailed from Aberdeen, Washing, on December 11, and which had been given up for lost, arrived here today. Sho was delayed through being battered by heavy weather In the Pacific. Canadian Pacific The I'niled States Commerce a Canadian luml company lias purchase, sale and leasing Of laud have secured an option tin 2 into farms nnd sold chieflyl to . ..'v: Slrrrt Salw. 193 IS STILL 07 Fire at Tank Farm of the Union Oil Company Spreading; Damages Estimated $15,000000 S SAN IA IS OHISI'O, Cal April 0. Six great reservoir anil nt Irani even smaller surface tank- were Ial evening hurtling in the centre of a flaming field of oil that extends for two miles in one direction and from lilt feet to threes quarters id a mile in the oilier. .More than (i,00U,0(H) barrels -of oil iucablc uf being salvaged, is feeding the flames with ultimate probable loss of oil and equipment amounting to r,00O.0Otf. Two lives were lost Thursday. A. II. Se;ber and his sdu William being killed in the explosion attending the boiling over of one of the oix reyemor. Ho a e Taken . lMKA. California, April t. Further ili-slrucliini smeail lale last nicibt by the oil fire at thej tank farm of the I'll inn Oil Com-' Ipany when one of the 730,000 j I barrel reservoirs which has lieeni buriiinsr since mornm? boiled over and ijrnitcd a third- reservoir, enulfinp the bouse and walnut prove in flamin? oil.' Karly thi morning the burning oil from the blazing reser-oirs ei.'iilfed ten cottages ami .'-! a ranch house. 4 WIND AND RAIN IN CALIFORNIA CAUSES . DEATH OF 5 PEOPLE LOS A NO KLKS, April t. The to ot death from a bis rain and wind storm in this district increased to five last uisht with the drowning or three men oh the breakwater. V 4- PRINCIPAL CLARK IS HEAD OF TEACHERS Principal Brady of This City Represents Northern District on Executive V.VNCOl YKH. April 9. Oeorge Clark, principal or the Kiag Oeorae High SehiHd, was yester- lay elected president or Ihe H.R. rcarhers' Federation or Hritisli Columbia. J. C Hrady id Prince llupert is on the executive as representative of the Northern H.C. district. BOYS ARE BIRCHED IN EDMONTON COURT KDMOXTON, April 'J. For the theft or 250 worth or radfi malerial, three youths were haled bebn-e the Juvenile courl. They pleaded i; nitty. Hisliop Oray and Father Carl ton presided and the lads were. with the consent or Ihe parents. sentenced to rereive Ihe birch. which was adiniuislered rorth- wilh by Juvenile orrieer tiul- teridge. They were also put on a term id probation and orderen to report regularly'. The stolen aoods were returned to the own- BIRTH. son was bom today' lo Mr and Mrs. V. M. Penny oT Seventh ve. West, at Hie (tenerat Ho. lital. Mr. Penny is employed ai Premier mine. ' l.orue .McAllislrr. Canadial Custoins ofticcr at Whilehorse, is a passenger jiboard the Prin cess Mary this aflernoou return ing north after spending a holi day in Vancouver. Miss Gladys Miller or Vauco; ver has arrived' jn the north to enler training for"a nurso at the ll.ykltoiytfenj Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 467. PRICK FIVK RKNTft. SPREADING INDIAN-PREMIER DEAL IS DENIED Only Rumor and Nothing to it Says Local Director Regarding Report of Sale It's only a rumor and there's uolhiiig to it," slated J. Arthur Smith, director of the Indian Mines Ltd. when asked this morn ing regardiny a report that the Indian mine alrdewart had been sold to the Premier (Sold MiniiK-'Co.l.d. Mr. Smith staled lliat Premier engineers had made a thorough examination ofKlie property but that uolhirfg ftF-lli&w3joT u had Jet been brought before the Indian din-ctors. J. Fred Ritchie, the president of the company, is al present oi-a I rip to Seattle a. id the secretary. 1.. W. Patniore, is on his way Hume after a trip r.asi. MAYORSEIiCT ALASKAN TOWNS JlNKAl. April 1. - Alaskan mayoralty election results received since yesterday are as follows: Petersburg I'd. l.oSkes skaprway AV. J. Mfilvihill. Yaltlez J. Diniondl Wrangell--J. (. tU'ant. Sewanl- L. V. Hay. Fairbanks Dr. D. DeLav-eri:ne. Nome Thorulf Lesnian. RICHMOND FURS INCORPORATED YltTOlllA, April y. Incorpor-alioiis announced here include The llichmond lurs Ltd. of Prince llupert 50.0(M). privalo company, and 'he t'rlnee io'or?e Theatres Ltd. or Prince George 350,000. private. ROAD CONTRACT FOR SOUTHERN INTERIOR LET FOR A BIG SUM VICTORIA" April v.- the contract Tor Hie construction of a highway Trom Golden lo Lake Louise, the lalycsl road project contemplated this year, has awarded lo Dawson ami Wade ot VanruuVer ror 7H,H50. SLOW PROGRESS WHEN TOWING BIG STEAMER -i CORDOVA, April 0. Prosress-ius five and a half knot on hour, Ihe West Ntecr, lowing tlo disabled Wheatland Montana reported today Ihat she was enf-periencing heavy seas and hd made 200 miles in two days en- Irgtite Jo;' CapeU'JaUer v i k .1 i