iW SERVICE TO VANCOUVER ting on Another Train From three and a half yearn on the Jasper South race ami aid lhal I hey found - Schermler in I,ns Angeles where fk'ANCOl VI H. June 15. JVun- he is reporteil to have boasted of fncing Sunday. June 27. Ihe Hie robbery and told how the dlan Niilional Hallway will iblish a new daily train cr- be'ween Vancouver and Jas-Arfbck-'u. the schedule lieinK irrairged ir ImdiaVKlhO'lraiiiM , aloiw the Eraser ll(ef and )ii and Cariboo trail Jn ilay- ou both east and wesl Journeys Tho establishment of Ibis new srvlre is due to two factors. The irst Is o relieve Hie pressure on Cun' mental Limited on which sseugeir accommodation Is at enuxin during (he height of Hue In 1025 Exceeded Year 'revlous Year by $1,260,000 ITTAWA, June 15. The fish- pes production of lliilish Co - ilila in 1025 had a total valuo $22,120,253, about n million Id a ituarler more than 1021. Iiis reprcsenleil Ihe valuo of fish marketed. The value in S5 exceeded (hat of any pre- ius year except If) IH and Salmon was of the chief iporlaiioo in value, amounting fifM,0(.r.,H5. The total i.ack tsuimon was 1,72.0,022 cases, Only Canadian halibut wa- offered al (he l i-li HxcliahiKr this morning d2,(0Q ppunU being, andeil by sevii boats at bid anatiitr from lie (o tl.te Mr trl rlass fish and He in all cases for second. The laiidttiiis were as follows! Ingred II., y,500; Imperieuse, 12,00(1; and Kaien, 13.000. to. Ihe Canadian Fish A C.nbl Storage Co. Aiken. O.uoo, and Mingo, 5,000, o Ihe Allin Fisheries. White Lily, l.noo, and 4'olun- 'eer, O.riOO. to llie Uoolh I ishcr- es Canadian Co. FIVE YEARS IS ' DOLAN SENTENCE Penalty Imposed For Killing of James Noll Donald al Stewart Five years in the penitentiary was the sentence imposed this alternoon at (he Assizes nn Hub) Dolan for manslaughter in con neeiion wIMi Hie killing of James Veil Donald al Stewart on Janu ary I. VESSEL IN DISTRESS IN NORTH PACIFIC lllli;Mi:in-ON, June 15.- The coastguard cutter llaida has been ordered (u proceed from Cordova lo investigate reports iccelved by the Navy Yard radio here thai a vessel, bclicu'd to lo eilher the Havre Maru or Brio Maru, has been sending out ills Uess signals. Interference from private stations prevenlej the Identity of the vessel being ru ceiveil at SI. l'aul Island naval slat ion or Cordova. HAD TO PUMP WATER FROM BASEMENTS IN CHICAGO AFTER STORM CHICAGO, June 15. During and following the storm Sunday Ihe Chicagp firemen received 800 calls lo pump water out of base menls, Ihe south side being par ticularly hard hit, some of Uh slreels being flooded lo a dcptli of two to thre&fecs ) . ' house, l ire Is believed lo have started in an Incubator in the kitchen where tho two younger toys were sleeping. VANCOUVER LIBEL CASE IS ADJOURNED $100,000 Action of Charles Un verzagt Against John Morgan; Will Come up In September VANCOUVKIl, Juite 15. On request of Charles Ifnverzagt llie plaintiff, the S10ft,mi0 libel soil against Joliil Horgnn; inlner was today adjourned unlit Iho Sepleinlior sitting of the Su promo Court. ASQIHTH IS ILL fJINOON, June 15.The F.arl oT Oxford, leader of Ihe Liberal parlJVls Hi with Infuenn His cniulillou "-Is said lo be not seri n 1 0: TAXI 3C Boston Grill W m and1: mm Slates mdJ Ambulance Large Upstair Dining-.Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. 4 wh floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave.. NEW 800A FOUNTAIN, and 6th 81 PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. l-IINl Y," leasts Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL XVI,, NO, 130, 1'lilNGB Hll'KHT. H.C., T,T H8DAY, JI NK 15, IU20. Yet?riUy"l clrtulatton. 1653 Slrret Sall 0S PRIOR FIVE OP.NTS. 1923 ALASKA ROBBERY BELIEVED SOLVED t ' INDEPENDENT MEMBER INQUIRES WHAT SENATE DID WITH PENSION BILL fan and Woman Under Arrest on a Charge of Theft from Mailsled FAMIIANKS, June 15. Advices nay Hint William C. Scherniier! il Nellie HoalliB were arrested nl Flat, Alaska, for the robbery' 33,13 from a dog Irani mail sled near Flat, which it 340 inilesl Hi'lmi'il of hero, in November, ll23. They have, been bound irer until the Grand Jury Is convened there. Officials say thai' eherrnler confessed and implicated the woman. 1 Tho money stolen Included $27,500 sent from Seattle to' lomas Sk' i nil h who lives near Flat and 2,2 50 consigned from! Peker IJro . .New York fur buyers to hd. djolme. The Ilcaltie woman was a passenger in the! I mail sled which set out from u point on the Alaska railroad voulh of Nina for , the Idilarod mining section in which (he (own of Flal is situated. The team Monocd al a roadhotisc inaiii- jlairted by Scherniier. ladlan National Railway Put-, Postal inspector- worked louris' season. The second meel nn ever liicreasiiift dc- wl on he part of tourist who lire to view (he Fraser canyon I anboo trail, both of which considered t he as spertacu-ns Mm llockies themselves. iLVATION ARMY :entre bombed rty Men Hurlod From Beds and (nooked Down In Explosion at Seattle WATTLE. June 15.- A dozen rn were hurled irom uieir du and several were knocked pwu by flylivg furniture when a Pnib exploded in the Salvation rmy social centre where forty prsons were asleep or at work t night A man had been seen to peer In (he engine room on Ilia rsl floor or tho three storey illdlnig several niinules before detonation. He was carry a bundle under his arm. The nib was apparently thrown rough (he front entrance of building up a stairway lead- to the second floor. ISHERIESOF THIS PROVINCE woman aided him. halibut Arrivals Seven Canadian Boats Sold Catches Totalling 62.C00 Lbs. at Exchange This Morning 1II.ACK AMI WIIITB KAfiLK, which fu'luwed Ihe S.S. Siilanicmi rur fifly mHes. voyaging Ti I'ot io Itiro to IJoton. Far from land it finally circled the ship several tinies lie- fore (ailing to Ihe deck exhausted. 11 was too lired to make a flight and was eaily Ciipl.nT'-ed. lis wing spread is five feci. Captain O. W. Hughes on arriving al Hoslon aiiuoiinccd (hat he would present it to the city zoo. ffiffLlWen is Wralhy Over Ui-inu m i uriuL,v nunin n . n Csae of Alleged Nanalmo Sank Robber Will be Taken to Supremo Court of Canada VANCOLYKlt. June 15 An ap peal to Ihe Supremo Court, of Canada against William Haaley ? conviction and imprisonment entente with twenty lashes for illeged participation in the Na- nainio bank robbry is being taken, llaglcy's counsel has an- iouuct. FATALBLAZE NEARSANGUDO Three Sons of Farmer Perish When Flames Destroy Lonely Ranch House SANGIHK), Alia., June 15. When, fire destroyed the farm house of E. W. S. Hone, 15 miles north of here, hi two sous. fames and Samuel, the former liirteeu years old. were burned o death. The oldest boy, Al fred, sustained burns which re- ultrd hi death after he hail .valked two miles to Ihe nearest neighbor's house for assistance Hone, l)is wife and seven-year- ild daughter escaped from tho suggestion or rrearrangenu nt on Part of Tories in Higher House OTTAWA, June 15. A. YV. Neill, Independent member forU omox Amerni, made a motion in Ihe Houm- of Commons e!0nlay afternoon (hat the House take the necessary Meps to search tlio journals of Ihe Senate to ascertain if the upper house had taken id ion respecting old age pensions. According lo newspaper re ports. Mr.. Neill said, the measure was totally rejected by the enate in which case no report had been made to the House. He said that, according to the report, all Conservative senators with he cxreplion of one voted against the liill winch indicated "pre- irrangement." IteplyiiMr, Hon. Arthur Meighcn, ader of the opposition, said thai Neill's speech reeked with nsull and offence from Hie first .vord lo Ihe last, and lhal the; notion had come in violent con-! licl with House rules. l'lie motion carried. i FIRE PROTECTION BRIGADE OF C.N.R. IS GOING EAST WINNIPEG, June 15. -llrlgado No. 2 which, in open competition, has earned the rmlil to be call- d tho championship unit in tho ire protect iiui forces of Hie woslern region of tho Canadian National Hallways left Winnipeg nst niglil for Monlreal where it will meet llie winners of tho Cenlrul-Allantic ami Grand Crunk western regions in the tesl which will decide Ihe smart 's! Jirigade on he whole system and the disposition of Ue grand nhallewre trophy for the year 102(1. Hrigade No. 2 hails from he Transcona; shops. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid. I1.C. Silver 2.I0 Dunwell Independence Indian L. & I Marmot Premier '. I'orirr Idaho . Silver Crest .. Surf Inlet ...... IV nil in us 1 .8r .08 ,. .05 J4 ll?i .07 2.I8 -.U05: Asked 2.25 2.00 08i .06, .12 Vt .09 "!io .15 .07 .20 H. T .Pu!lcn left llVis; nuirulng pn lha train fpr Si'nithers and olhex points and wiiuprobrtbly i'O .... Hfvilrut i t- LOCAL BOYS ARE GUILTY Convicted of Indecent Assault at Assizes Today The jury In the case of Rex vs. Murdoch Mackenzie, Dar-row Casey and Lawrence Cap-stick returned to the court room at tho Supreme Court Assizes at 2.10 this afternoon with a verdict of guilty on the second count, that of Indecent assault. Sentence was reserved by Mr.. Justice W. A, MacDonald mill 3.30 this SALMON ARE RUNNING NOW IN YUKON RIVER Natives Celebrated Event With Big Potlatch at Tanana Yesterday, Crowds Coming From Miles Around TANANA, June 15. -Tin firs! king; salmon of the season was caught in Ihe Yukon ItiVer iiern yesterday and natives from many miles around gathered ,lo cele brate Ihe event with a big pbS taicn. in alioul ten days, Ihe run ofi other salmon will, start. RIOTS AT SIMLA After Long Hearing, Jury in Local Assault Case Considers ; Its Verdict This Afterncon Addreen of counsel and the charge of t he presiding judge occupied the time of the Supreme Court Assizes from 10 o'clo-k this morning until 12.05 noun when the jury' retired to consider its verdict in (lie case of Hex vs. Murdoch Mackenzie, Darrow Casey and Lawrence Cap. stick. Court was then adjourned until 2 o'clock this afternoon. The feature of the defence evidence, 'which was presented yesterday afternoon and evening, was the admission of the Ihree accused boys that a garment of the girl, Florence Morrison, had been removed. This had been done, however, on- the spur of the moment and there s- nail Keen no luieiiiion (o Harm (lie -girl. The happenings in the park on the night in question had all been one thing! havncr led In another until lie , admitted occurrence when one of (he boys -at least realized that 'they had gone too far. 'Caking of evidence in die case jocelipied jbe entire time of Hit! couri yeslerday in three ses sions morning, afternoon and evening until 10:30 last night. The nublic section of the coun room was filled throughout and in toe evening the spectators were overflowing into the corridors. ' I'lyrer-ee ,iMorris,pn .was. slill on (he stand, for croHs-t-xumi!!- 4?'frlhHwlrrrt)irt''reuniedye SIMLA, Juno 15. Eight Mos- loins worn killed ami fourteen wounded aul nine Sikhs wen injured in rlols last nlglit al pawnipiiidi. me grain marko was destroyed and . exie'nsivi looting occurred. Tho luflitia it now in control. "Tints' i A Subscribe lo ihe DailyiJs'ewsj"' ilenlay afternoon. She said sh-3 Usually went home from ttti park at 90 but had remained on (he evening in question be cause Pearl Thompson had asked I her to. Mr. Gonzales drew at pinion to Hie fact that witness, at the preliminary trial, had said she had remained because David lludema had asked her to, he promising her that nobodv would hurl her if she did. The girl finally said thai both the Chompson girl and lludema hd asked her lo slay. When Mackenzie pulled her down, witness dated (hat lludema, George Sheuton, Tom, Howe, Marion and Pearl Thompson, George Casev and possibly Ned Hums were all within a few feel of her as well as Capslick and Casey. Sin? admitted tier revious statement in ihe police court that Jhey haJ been used lo "having a lit'.l loving without any bad inten lions" in Ihe park. They just "fooled around and leased eac! oilier." Hefore leaving Ihe stand, in answer lo a questioTt by Mr Johnson, (he girl swore that at no lime had she alltnved any ol the accused to become familiar with her. Doctor's Examination Dr. II. E. Tremayne told of being called lo Ihe residence of larvis McLeod, a few days after the alleged occurrence, lo ex amine the girl's injuries. Ho found some bruises on her body nut limbs as well as some scratches. The girl also com plained of soreness of the -fleck. The bruises Were fairly severe and probably a few days old. They evidenced' violence, prob ably inflicted a few days Jarvis II. McLeod was placed on the stand to give evidence as to a statement Ihe girl had made to him after she had reached home from Ihe Dark. This- evidence vas: objQetfrd q BIG LEAGUE RACE CLOSE Cincinnati Has Narrow Margin 1 In National Yankees Further Ahead In American NEW VOIIK, June 15. The race for the National League pennant tightening up with Cincinnati holding the. lead but only four and a half games ahead ot the sixth pake, OUnls, and in between them Pittsburg, - St. Louis, Chicago, and .Brooklyn. 'Ihe New York Yankee still maintain a !eadvirTtrjWliaiHl a half games over Cleveland in the American League1, the latter having a margin of only three games over Delroil in sixth place. Dabe IluHi hit his twenty-second homer of Hit season, yeslerday at St. Louis and is' now-only one behind his 1021 record. Four home runs helped the Chicago Cubs to dcfeaUPhiladel-phla. ' ;4 - National League Chicago. U; Philadelphia, 7. Pittsburgh. 2; Doston, 3'. SI. Louis, 5: Hrooklyn, 8. Cincinnati. 3; New York. I. American League Boston, 7; Delroit..8 Philadelphia. 5; Cleveland, 6. New York, 3; St. Louis,'?. WILKINS GIVES UP HIS EFFORT Two Planes of Detroit Arctic Expedition Being Crated at Fairbanks for Shipment South EWAIID, June 15. Capt. George H. W.ilkins, who arrived here on Saturday" from Fairbanks en. route to the Uniled States, left again on his return lo Fairbanks where he announced that he would crale the two airplanes which were used in an unsuccessful attempt to find and chart land north of Alaska. He will return here In two weeks and board a sleanicr for Seallfe. irish"yachtsmen DIED ON MONDAY Late Earl or Dunraven Was Once Challenger For Famous America Cup LONIKJuV, June i 51110; Earl Ikf Tiinrui-aii aha .1...H.. that Ihe girl-.ludualr-eady' lf..d vaci.tin- thir .uJ ',. m" her complaint with the police His Lordship, however, allowed the evidence to be admillrd. Mt, McLeod lold of a. conversation he had had with the girl in lhi course of which she had said dial 'Three young men. had In suited her and ho' would see hey were, put, . jr -Jailiv;; -They ould.-nql do vhat they. likeii (coultnued ipp page four) day. He, hail been forced lo re sign his seat in Ihe. senate of Hie Irish Free Slate early in Iho year oil account of HUhealth, BRAZIL RE9IQNS (UXNEVAJune iSThe'reslg-lialioii, of Hrazil fromHie League ' or .Nations tia been officially announced t ;r