Summer DRESSES "Demers" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST , Heloerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. (mice Hours- 9 to 0. X-Ray Servloi Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Thursday Kvcnings Saturdays 9 lo 12 noon LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone . Ctrtaire, Warehoustni, tnd DislribuUng. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Pand and Gravel We Specialize In Plane and Furilture Covlnr. KAViOABLti WATkRS PROTECTION ACT, H.S.C. CHAPTkR 116 Union Oil Company of Caniili. Llmltnl, lirrrliy gives nuin-c tbal It lia unilrr tec-..on -, u( llir id Art (teiKi.lleJ will) U Miu.l;r uf J'Dliln Wuika at otua kOu in ibe urrire uf the District llegulrar or Hi Land iiegistry Dutrirt oi rrlncr Kupri-t in the I'Mvlnce ut Urltlb Colurc Ijim. a deM-riulion ol the kite and ltan WATER NOTICE. Dlvaralon mi Uat. TAKE. NO MC that We I'arltlo Co. Lliulled. wlwij-e addrem Is 323 How Street. Vancouver. Ii.'... will apply for a licence lo take and ue ioo.nou . nation tier d of water out or a stream, name unknown. which flow norlheaxl and drains Into Shannon Day about I.Aon feet southwest erly from northeast corner IM lis. Ieae dated April i, I (lift. The water wi.l be diverted fnmi the stream at a remit about 800 feet rrom moulh and about Sou ri-et west hv ftollth fruln illlheat cor ner Lot 5S. and will lie ued for raimery purposes upon the Cannery site dt-wrllxl as Lot 157 Stiami'in Hay. O.C. Islands. This notice was (Misted on the rrouud on the tMh day of May. 19. A ropy of his notice and an application nursuanl thereto and to the "Water Act." will be filed in the orflre of the Water He-eorder at Prince Ituperl. B.C. Objection- lo ihe a!iii-aiion may be riieu wttn in 'aid Water liecorder or with the Comptroller of Water lllghts Parliament Pulld- inas. victoria. Hi wunin tnirtv oi .Ifler the flrtt apieai-auce or this nollre in a local newspaper i nc naie or me rirst piibllrallun of this nollre is June I. IJ UOSSE palm vj i;u. i.tii.. Avpirant. By 1. r. itrant, Agent . . 95o SI .00 . 95o lltusttations can't do justice to tht new toniwa. ihap lnrrraoll Wilt Witch, They n snow the real cnar. icter of the Je- ip, nor bow the watt h in J trap inapt themsrlTrstilia fljt on th wriat. Will nana" tht bumps of otitaoor use fetter than hiher pikrj, alrlicate wattnra. Telia time In the daik. Lies Flat on Wrist No Strap Beneath he had done ami when Harrow said he was going to stop the dog fkghl he followed. II had not been hard. Capstick said, to of the bruiees that had beer found on the tgirl's body several days after by the doctor, lie emphasized the fact that Ihe girl had seemed lo be more con cerned about getting her clothes back than about the assault which she alleged. It was dif ficult lo believe that she could have been assaulted as she claimed and had struggled lo (ree her.elf without any of her clothes having been lorn. I was a question whether (he bruises had been sustained at the time and in the manner alleged by her. Was the jury go ing to believe that, if the girl had cried out in distress or danger, none of the several boys and girls wjio were around would have come lo her rescue? Used !o hearing her yell, they had bought that il was but an ordinary occurrence as far as she was concerned. Pointing out tjial the crown had failed to break down the slory of any of (he boy witnesses oT the defence. Mr. Gonzales asked the jury lo consider the probability of Hie In WATER NOTICE. Diversion and Us. TAKE VUh.t that Ovsse Parkins; Co. I. milled, whose. addres Is lis How" Street. Vanroun r. B.;.. will aptily for a licence ( Ii, take and use lii.ttuv xallons per day 'il w-lli: mil oi . siiram. 11411m uiisiiomi, llhll-h fll.U Htirl .tl-.lfl Illll. -- Isuannon B) about 1 00 feel westerly nurlhcarl corner Lot tit, lr-e dated aid Water lleeorder or with the Ohiiii troller of Water lilghls I'arUaiuenl Umld-Iiiks. Vlrliiria, ll.C. within thirty days arter pie flrsl iearance of this notice in a local newsosiier. The date of Hie rirst publication or tills notice Is June I. I6.. C.OSSE .TACKING CO. LTIi.. Applicant. Hy 1. F. Strang, Agent. Nolle of LAND ACT. Intsntlon lo Apply i Fortthor to Laa in Oueeu Charlotte Islands Land fie cordmir District . sir. Prince lluiiert, and situated i miAs west or .Mhrord llay, skidenaie Inlet, and frontliir on Lot uureu uianoiie iiistriri. TAkr'MTICU Ihal the B.C. riahllir k I'ackuif Company, Ltd., or Vancouver, ll.C.. oreupatlon salmon Camiers, Inlefldt to apply tor a lease of Ihe following- ae se n lied MM esnore: ijiiiirnein-lnK at a post planted at Ihe southwest corner or Lot til; thence northerly and easterly rollowlnir the line or hlvh water mark. '4t chains, wore or less, tl Hie norlliuest corner of lit 141: thence vesl a chains; thence, southerly and westerly, follow in a line parallel lo Ihe line of tilth water mark. 31 chains, more or less; thence east t chains to point r cisiiinenceiiienl, and rontalnlni 17 acres, more or less. , Hlimsif COI.CMIUA riSIIINO AND PACklXO 'COM PA MY I.Tfl. per II. Sherwood, Ageul. uyiiea vio April, ivno, girl's story and that of the cused. Kven the crown wit-, nesses had admitted that the girl could have gone away any linn' she hail chose. " llcr evidence on Hits point contradicted that ol other witnesses in tho case. Why then had the girl lied . t . . t. a ' !.... ...... uskfil .Mr. uoiuaiesi mvi"'" she had not expected when shcf made her Voniplaint to tho pollcci that the matter would go any' further and. when she found proceedings started against the boys, she had 'made up a worse story lo ttuve her own name, u she had been carried to the table, mid gagged and smothered, why had not the assault bee;i completed? Could intent on the purl of the boys be believed when, two seconds after the oc currence, they had gone off to u 'dog Tight? Later the girl wa Iseen, apparently contented, stili ! seated with Mackenzie on the table. The fact of the mattor was if the clothes had been re- chief in her moulh and sinolher-jves. In considering the story of. 1.. I... tl ll. I ..1.1.. ! ,,,,. 1 I ii... ....... ....1 l.i. v. ihjs uii. .11 ine iiiun, iiic 111 aim ui tin- auurtu wu'r,ll.llllv ...... i il ..r....l!.... ..... !!. i.. . il... l..-..l,n"lJ ......... ii.!.. ..r i. .ii.i.... I . ... lo go out ami- stay in the park until 2 o'clock in the morning without being i approached, and insulted by anyone. When thA girl screamed For (iod's sake bate, help me" it had been i yell which meant something more than aiv-ordinary scream. He did not think it was a very Insignificant fact that Ihe glr. had made a statement lo the effect the boys had slated that i! she did not "come through" in ten minulrs that they would come back. If il had all been :i joke why had the girl telephoned to MctSlinchy. If it was a jok (here would have been no object in telephoning the police. Had Ihe deTence satisfied the jurj that Ihe girl had been a con senting parly? Kven were tht girl a bad character that did no justify the assault. There had been no siiugle incident brotigh forward by Hie defence to ho that the girl was in any way itn moral. The fact that she hail smoked a cigarette and obtaiuci cigarettes from men was no par-licitlar slight on the girl. "Kvcr if she smoked ji packet of cigar etles il did not, follow that shb was (o be attacked" exclaimed counsel. Judge's Charge Mr. Justh W. A. MacDonald in charging the jury, repealed the indictments with intent charging the accused with having assaulted Florence Morrison and the lesser count of having committed an indecent assault This notice a iosied wi ll jrronud on His Lordship defined the code o flit t'.lh rixv itt Mav IQ4r A cotiv sTr 1 " Oils noiln- and an application pursuant! law to the jury .Ulld ChargCli uierrio anil 10 ine "waier .vri. isn, win i . . . m ill. II,, .In full rnu eaCII Willi UlCir Illll TOS be filed in Ihe orrice or the Water ne-'inem coidi r at Hrlnce liux-rl, B.C. ibjections uonsibilitr Jn the matter of at iiim niOi-Mii,ti mv i. r mi u n ma ' ' rivirng al a verdict. i uey nau lo consider whether the accused were acting in concert ami whether the act of two or three would implicate and carry the guilt lo the third person. The law required the Judge to Instruct the jury lo he particularly careful Jn reviewing .the surrounding circumstances of the case. It was for the Jury to decide, whether' thq jsurrotiiKlin circumstances-;, were Iruo. or false. 9 BsaaajXTBaE2JLiljsHjUaLBaaaaaaai of tne oet'urrence. It was true that in thai runiplaiul she had only mentioned the Tact that her clothes were taken from her without having mentioned wlia' they happened lo be. -Then, later thai exening, when Mr. Mr-Leod came home, she complained alone- the same lines mldiiM j "' ,y Mackenzie, the ly,M,lncthhlg H,,01ll IWUll being uf- T wwul11 v,,r Mve 1,ct'" ,R cuur II for 'T jfered lo her. was ll.ejniv whethei ! .uai-e.cnzio s. lie nenieu Having uuiay. .0 one was morn sorrj j n(j (( ,j0iern dolermine' carried the girl from the bene i today regarding what happened ' ' yoUn )r wa to table, of putting a handler-. than the accused boys themsel. trl, op t what hat s telling I lie i other uieas y i was there of testing the eredi- of her story? 'ne wa- u" y0"11"" '"that witness wH; a girl of good) Ii4-mt- rrrti.l Hints ' -r. 'llinv ....1. , I .a 1., f.. t- r.iintinMi , fill 1 1 I ' ! ...v. ..-w .urn ""-ioharueler. Another matter had no mtent.on of doing anw last but not least, human. , 1(( for con!lijeriUlo Wil, , thing -wrong. Lapstick later' Mr. Johnson . .i.,.,.. , nn n... realized the seriousness of wh.ili . ir. jiiM, addressing the 1....1.. i-iifi-.i i... . - v hill irJi trntiuut iu Jury, emphasized the fact tlnil;TrcMia)-,w. u,, preamiie! Ihrf therv-was no conriicl or. question jur). wtu,4, acw,j,t u,0 y0tor'i as to an assault having heenijj,.,, Tuse were malleri comniilted. ' As to whether or I for ,i..itrmlnatton of tin '?.v,c iv aii..c ".rinot there had heen inieni il wasjju,... iil-,M.vt... r there was '11 's a wonder they did not fait off before you ever got there, Uis Lordship suggested. Willies said he had changed his idea of having a good time between April (') and now. He diil not apologize or try' to "squanj himself" with the girl. fence counsel difficult to i ..f a plli' and timber wharf proposed t-jjr..:n, ii ,iir,ip(i i,n ni:illir lme- ue O'scusseu me mam r ..e hunt m the harbor of I'nme Iiujsrt1rl in the Mid rr.iniicc, nn i-r loi ioiii lilixk "O ; the ald wturf ctdiiprHlnr narrow approarb nryiuir In width from 11' lo ?ii . and cilendinr northerly from tne hirnwatrr mark a (iiMiiwe or ap proximately 300', wlit-Die il widens to . 1. section SO' x 60' In area. Ihe sixty reel itieaiiurement belnir approiinialely paral lel to tne mre line. And take notice that after the expira tion it otie iin'tith from the Alale of ttw flrH publication or Ibis notice the In Ion oil :oniany or :atiada. Limited, will unaer M-cnon 7 or tne Mia Act apply vt the Minuter r Public Works at bis office In the City of Ottawa, for ap proval or the raid site and the said ptaa. and for leave o i-onsinirt the said wharf ana approarn to ine came. baled at Vancouver. British Columbia, this I Sit) day of May, it. j. kr..iiim, fii'trlrt scales Manarer. mI,IaiI llll II u-,m x. , . . . . . vllUW JUSl HOW III start in a ca-e of tliis kind where these three uufortunaio hoys appeared before the court charged with . such a serimii ri r la April I. ittt. B.C. fiovt. lease. Tlie water II W i will be diverted from the stream at a riOtXJO XII Till II DC Ipolnl alxsul io reel rrisn mouth or creek I IVIalV ll.llll, 1 111 llll III! alio1"! ' '1 feet west of northeast corner sVUUUUVUL, tnn wll, tH. UM.,i for r.nnery I pnrtHisttn utwii the Cannery site, described as l.ut til. SIiiiiii,ii 113 v. U.C. islands. Ripe Olives , On Sale Delmontc buffet .size Htsg. 25c. now 3 for Libby's 0 oz. size Jteg. iOc, now 2 for Lihby's k oz. size lleg. 05c, now 2 for . (titlloit size ...... . , Pork and Beans On Sale Heinz flats, 15c size 7 tins for ... Heinz tall. 25c size 5 tins fur Lfhhy's large, 20c size- 7 tins for DelmoiUc J'ork and Beans . BOo . 6Sc . . 95c $1.75 Kxlru special. 12 tins for 95c Buy your summer stocks now B.C. Butchers ant-Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and G74 for the jury, to decide. This would guide in differentiating between the first and second counts on the indictment. If one ly guilty. Mr. Johnson asked Ihe !arrow Casey gae evidence ,urv ,., eo,wit,,r ii,- Drobabillly of a similar nature before the of ,,ie gir,.s lory und u,al ftf court adjourned at 10:30 until 10 o'clock this morning. Counsel's Address In addressing the jury Ihi morning, Milton (iouzales, de the accused. Mr. Johnson claimed the char acter of the girl had never been attacked and two of the boys were strangers to her. From the evidence, the jury had heard the girl was normal, had ben in domestic service for four years and had been in the habit of going out and arnusiivr herself. Any woman was entitled jury any reasonable doubt jn the case the arcued were entitled lo tlr benefit of such doubt. That was llieir right in the eyes of the law. of the boy was guilty of sushi Vhe ,,m.,li0ll uj tympathy had tnlenl and (he others nan raiseq.i., . Pr Mtittrt!v aside. no objection then all were equal The jury retired at 12.05 p.m to consider their verdict and court adjourned until t o'clock this afternoon. WILL YOUR FORD 00 66 MILES ON 1 QALLON7 9 r im tmi Waller Oritchlow, 1 05 1 II street, WMieaton, III., has patented a hew Vapor Humidifier ami fias aver Ihal beat anything ever gotten out. It causes autos to give amazing mileuee and automatically frew them from liurd earhon troubles. One Kordl owner reported 00 miles on 1 gallon. II is for all makes. Mr. Critcltlow offers I free to ijukkly advertise. Write him for one. He also wants county ami stale distributor who can make $500 to 2.50 er month. Advt. II. Howe of the Swifl-Uan.nlian iUj. saileii last night on tti Ll'rinee Chnrje for Vancouver via the Ouccn Charlotte l-lamls on a business trip. Il; will be away alwmt ten days. WATER NOTICE. Oli.raloa and Us. T.UE olHt iltsi Hriiisn Columbia I iiMMia a, raiamr ia. lw . whose ad lrt-s la Vaoc.over. H i: , will appi) foi a areswv to lake aiwi use i cubic leei f-et Seconal of water otil of an uiuuiu-il .iteaill WIMrll fkiWs IHM-Ibweiterlt and train into Souls) Bay, skKiltab Inlet. uaoul four mites insrttieasierlv rio 4HMHII t Oeetia hlier. Hie water Will l Jiveried frtafu the .Irrain at a ,ml stx.u' JO rluilM southeail at noilllfl coi iter of l.ol U. Moresby l.lainl. ami win used for dotne-sllc aixl raiiM-rt Mil pissel upon Ihe lands stand a leae and beinir tw- furessioni in front of Lot Ml. Voeeii Cliartulte Ma ml a. This U"tM-e waJ rini m ine aruuiui un ine mm aa of April. 1916. A copy or Una iHitlre and in application poiuianl therrtu and lo ttw Water Acf will lie fUed In Ibe orrice iif It Water lierrrder al I'riur liuperl. ...... ..jfr ii. iiw ill.) De riled Willi the said Water lleeorder nr Willi the comptroller r Water tllartns. ranuospiM iiiihiiu(s. mchju, n.i; . with n iwrty day. arter the first appraranrr jI this leillre In a lK-al newspaper. The fate of Use rirsl iMibliralusi of tin notoe ik I ... i I uniTisu iisniMi & PACklM) CO. I.TIi, Applliaill ll. StwrW. A rent. WATER NOTICE. Dlssrslon and Ui. TAkK MOTK.K iTiiT Hubert Orange Johnston, whose address is lairrne '.annery. will apply for a llreure pi take slid use a portion of water isn of rreaji west a wharf at Chlua list, name un sieiwu, wlikli flows southeast anl drains iilo Trool llay almut IP reel soulh along Jl' beach from tlie southeast cmiier l.ol A." klusi l.H. Tlie water will be dl verted frnin tlie stream al a point abi.ul :o reel rrisn Us mouth, and will be used for d.iiiiesiic purpose upon Ihe ran wry described as Lo( "A. kltasoo .H. Tills notice was Nnied on tlie ground on ihe tun day of May, ivf, J ,?,,' u", this n'lllee and an application pursuant lliereto ami to Ihe "Water Art" will I filed In Ihe orrice or Ihe Water lleeorder i i roMH nuiieii. iiujrrnmn pi in nn. (Ilrallou may Im riled wllh Ihe said Water lleeorder or With the l.oniptroller uf Water logins. Parllann-nt innldinra. Victoria, ll.C wlthlii thirty days aflrr the rirsl appearance i,r this noliro in a liH-al ,nr u.i,- iti me iirsi piioll eallon of Oils notlee Is June ( t(l. ftofiKHT oturiflt Jihisto. . e NOTICE. Amillrsnt JU."J!(jViTT.f:u-V,T '',,W'!!.;or ' , ifteMasiieVir I'mvlsliuil a Cerlirii'ale of I.Ot MP Vein llltllflre-! airis-l tnmtv .1. i s i a . Tlicr rveo several test lo iJ!il?Krl:ity' m itovIimi! atply. One of these tests wit! the slory told by the complaining woman, Had she made Ihe- complaint within i reasonable time after Ibe occurrence? The girl upon arriving home that night and finding her master and mistress absent had resorted at once to the police complaining Iti 111-11 "HlfllMM ( Min 1 117 U csiisiaciori .n.rof the loss nf Uw .rilircale ..r TS4le anvunuit the land liavfnr l.reii produced tn me. u is niy Intetillon to l.sne arier lt etplrsllon of ons fimiith tami Ihs rirsl ruiuilcatloii "."in, a rrorisionai IU-rtltlcatt of Title In the ative land fn the muii.' of His Majesty Tlie Klnr In Ihe fun ll. lnir al Munitions Hoard. The orlr Itiat Ortiricale of Tills, is dnled the Alli liliinary. ll, and Is litimliered todsf -I ' II. r. Uarl mil a-itrr f hum, Tueiday, june 15 THE DAILY NEWS . . i 1 PAGE SIX , - Winsome Maid Pure Silk Hosiery tnrivalled fop wear in a good ranjfc of popular IiaJos al per pair $1.50 to $2.00 WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 STOP THAT COUGH Take a bolllc or Edinburgh Hospital Cough Syrup 60 c RupBPtPharrnacu Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Why Not Get the Highest Quality at the Lowest Price? GIVE US A TRIAL Shoulder Veal, per lb. 18o Veal Chops, per II). .. 25c Veal Slew, 2 lbs 25c Moiling Heef, per lb. .. 10c Pol Iloast Hcef, Hi. 12 VzG Prime Itib Iloast. per lb. 20o Hound Steak, 2 lb 45c Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs. . . 55o Shoulder Sleak, per lb. 15c Lamb Chops, per lb. . . . 35c flainertt llacon, per lb. 45c . Ayrshire Hacon, per lb. 35c Salt Pork, per lb 30c Meat Department Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 AFTER LONG HEARING, JURY IN LOCAL ASSAULT CASE CONSIDERS ITS VERDICT THIS AFTERNOON. (continued from page four) encc to g(f liomc. She asked for' I lie clot bins? thai had been re-, moved and he, lo lease her, saidl he thought he would keep them. Then she walked off "in a hutT" and he tried lo follow her and give her the clothing. Then he heard a ear coming and he iirfc.,l tm liiw in:il liliccnitlf nnrl jeaiijeht a ride. The girl had not been hit, abused or treated In-1 tcn.tionally rough. The statement that ho had. threatened to "bill her on the jaw" yas false, also the remark about what would happen if she didn't "come through." After he had gone home and gone to bed, Sergeant McUlinchv telephoned and told him that he had been accused of tearing aj girl's clothing off. As a rcsiiil of the conversation with the officer, accused went tu the park, got the girl's clothing when tliey had been left, and took them to the station. Showing Affection Accused was cross-examined by Mr. Johnson as to his intentions in putting his arm around the girl,. On one occasion this had been to hold her on n swing and show his affection. Their conduct on the night in question might have appeared unseemly but it was "just for fun." "I suppose it was showing your affection," -suggested UK Lordship. Asked by Mr. Johnson if the girl had ever en couraged him to be familiar, witness said she had never objected! lo his being around. The girl! had not ben manhandled by llu ihrce accused on the niiiht in question. The girl had smoked cigarettes with other boys in the park previously- Lawrence Capstick was then placed on the stand. His evidence was similar to that oi WRIST RADIOLITE 5,50tttt?8 New Model f ??n JUNE BRIDES' SILVERWARE and tut Glass Sale Never beforo havo wo ancmbled tuch a yar beautiful anil distinctive pletet lo sell at such sm. i of low prices. You will do well to give them your cloii f?1 t Of particular Imporlanuo Is the offering of Roddera" it ' Community Plato and William Rodgeri' flatware on Jm wo nro giving a special discount during the month of Scientific Optical Work Ours Is the best and most modern equipped Omi Parlor In the North. Our specialist has had twenty.!, years' experience In fitting and testing eyes. Our t i"B aro always reasonable nnd our work dependable, ' vvl , ,n" vlto consultation. Max Heilbroner 527-G29 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday at 7 and 9 Vaudeville Between Shows- 8.40 p.m. The Bostonian Joy Maids ( Ihrri'luui Mrs. K. l..og New Hong. !)Hiire. The llharlehm Child Woililer, Female Impersonations, et All the latest Popular Hits. Poppyl Bright! Spvktinjl Norma Shearer In A Slave of Fashion How a lutuilry girl aivpnred .1 pn iixtirioii home ami the greatest catch ' hin heiirlim - -am her iiene. The slwrj ' a the wile of a man he had never ni i'eiitnr riini.iii-e hninful Willi siiqirines. - dor. ritruiiiT ral. Norma Shearer, Lew Cody, William Halnei, Sdi Bracy, James Corrigan, Eslelle Clark, Vlvla Oadtn, 1 Carr ami others. INTERNATIONAL NEWS. EOe and tt Midsummer Clearance SALE MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPARTMENT Men's Ballanlyno's Pullover Sweaters. H Boys' Ballantyne's Pullovers, sue- " ; 1 Halo Fishermen's Oilskin Suits. Towers'. It' - s K Hu nt. Sale, per suit Fishermen's Hats for Men's Khokl Pants. Mfg. up lu $2.70 S Men's Navy Bluo Serge Pants. Iteg. U " ' Boys' Khaki Long Pants." itVg". J?i.HP.. Boys' Sergo and Tweed Pants, nil si"' liloomfrs, fh'uring nt discount. No. 1 Croup Boys' Tweed Suits, sises ;,i of shades. Values up to $li.fi0. t.i' No. 2 Group Boys' Suits, sizes up lo h- x ' TO HAVE A BETTER IDEA OF OUR SALfc OUR WINDOWS. $2.7$ $le95 $0X0 $1.85 J1i5 $7e50 )!ir-'..iu. uienraiin) sme niaeount Balanco of Stock of Boys' Suits at 15' ..DI: , I Ml Men's "Turnbull's" WooHen Underwear. ,25 Male . Boys' Tiger Brand Shirts and Drawers, 5 J1tio lleg. l.r0. Hale J Boys' Tiger Brand 8hlrts and Drawers, .-1 95c Jabour Bros., Ltd. Dhne.. nine -irrt 3rd Avenue Avenue ana IIUIIU