scl = 7 + ~ m 6 = en upert Uatly News Prince Kupert 0 Satu y, October 18, 1952 » independent dail) PF and Northerr »nd Central British Columbia, Member of Cs lan ress — Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Published by “he Prince Rupert Dally News Limitea J. F. MAGOR, * esident H. G. PERRY, Vice-President zates Subscrip in carrier—-Per week, 200 r month 81.00; per year, $10.¢ ORR eh mail—Per mouth, The; per year, 88.00 tar thorizeé as second class fr by the Post Office Department, Ottaw | Chance To Be Heard WO city organizations are to be commended in coming forth with theiy recommendations con- erning the future liquor policy of our province, The government, through a three-man liquor inquiry board, has given the entire electorate of B.C. a chance to speak on the way liquor should wr should not be distributed, following the majority vote by the people last summer that liquor should > sold by the glass. Now, it is up to every organization to get their ecommendations in to our Member of the Legis- ature in time, so he in turn can submit them to he inquiry board when it arrives in Prince Rupert. No date has been made public for the board’s rrival here, but its recommendations to the gov- rmment must be made by Dec. 31. It behooves every city organization, or indi- iduals who wish to be heard, to act immediately. We have the opportunity now to take a part in forming our future liquor policy. After the policy vas been laid down, it will be too late to talk and riticize on street corners. | Better Kind of Monday T IS SO LONG since the subject of calenda: form has received much publicity that it almost certain to be revived : as there is a searcity of exciting natio id international news, Actually, ‘ange to theoretically desirable the same time as the currency for their pe better system, while is likely to occur at about witish substitute a deeimal ids, shillings and pence, But scme people will aiways aelight in pointing out how much is iost ovgh having months of un- equal length, wecks that are not simple fractions of either months or years and quarter-years and half-years th it are not exactly halves and quarters. Although manvfac ; of calendars have little cause for immediate alarm, a prattical reform is slowly continuing, It is many years since the commandment, “six days shalt thou labor,” was amended to read “five and a half days,” and in a growing number of occupations the five and a half have been reduced to five. It may even be thought that the work-weel has really become four and a half days, for the two-day break that begins Friday evening makes blue Monday even bluer. When Sunday was the only day of rest and the rest consisted of strenuous religious exercises, Monday was a welcome relief and there was a zest in the resumption of ordinary business. After the modern long week-end, not always devoted to church-going, a few hours of Monday morning must pass before adjustment to a business tempo is complete, and then it’s time for lunch. Perhaps the efforts of the calendar reformers should be directed towards abolishing Mondays altogether, Scripture Passage por Today “Only Luke is with me.”—¥I Tim. 4:11 St. Laurent Not Worried About Political Trend in Provinces OTTAWA (CP) — Prime Minister St. Laurent) itself. Remember King David? says he is not unduly concerned about Liberal party cee ver evoted to the upbullding of Prince Rupern Charlies Chaplin, He | people | Princes of these times | barred great works of art on the ce) S by s Clmore | As I See It | Aaa r akats Charlie’s Last Movie? WHATEVER you do, see Charles Chaplin’s latest and maybe last movie — Limelight. For it is a great movie by any dards. I have a hunch that at-great-great grand children will be looking at this same one, maybe in schools four centuries hence The instructor Will be saying something like this This was one of the last pi tures made by the ploneer genius of the cinema sereen, the great stood in re- lationship te the movies of the twentieth century almost as Shakespeare did in the whole fi of English drama a few 2eS eariier If only to show the versatility Limelight picture. But good old fashioned Chaplin laughs Charlie ends the evening With the audience weep- ing like watering cans ‘ Aplin s enius would be great after some f bi Philpott | sk os i ee i psa —— of Col. S. Skeffington-Smutts (Re in the Sunny Okanagan, the room. AMR ARSENAL—In a signifix A rigge if practice, the Cana- dian armed forees now obt st of their arms from this continent rather than using ums as in the First and Second World Wars. One « important producers is the Camadair factory at Montr vhere United Stetes-designed F-86E Sabre jets are built, 11 RCA® tighter arm ils Canada’s main contribution to the i: tienal coneept of a balanced ever-al] stfength, Canada is sp« ng as much on the air force atorme as on the army and n ethe CP PHOTO) UNDER OUR ROOF By JOHN STURDY Yesterday morning | wa i ’ iam sorry, Colonel” said + eatataa | never | | | j i ithe next ; sitting at the bedside t.) in this hospital he head nurse entered a penny And my, head nurse, “but you will h exper. » ie ¢ : r Why don't you incha@e Little Xperience is that human beings to cyt down on the number of, . ate i ked. and then the ove very few things more than , a 7 eo they love a good cry your alcohol rubs. The superi ! power of the staggering + +* tendent is complaining ab evelation hit me. “Oh, no, Col HARLIE has been laying them/ the amount of alcohol bei , ne aisies for a long while,| used since you entered the ho Yes a a ‘. ongér than any other per- vital If you go to Room 14 in T. My own mind fiashes|? : ' uJ telry you will find to Folkestone, England, in The Colonel shrugged, He Litt Au well established in summer of 1915. With the ‘ecuperating from bucksh asine Our worries are over t Of the Second Canadian pi- | Wounds ee ee result Shaking inwardly with fright vision I was waiting te cross over | €ing mistaken for the Ogopos went to Room 14 in the local to France. Charlie was the uni-/@ 52 Serpent that inhat .atel. A beker was at tle door versai favorite in the movies even Okanagan Lake when | arrived, and he was de- then. I remember the English After all said the head jivering two dozen loaves of youngsters convuised with faugh-| Nurse as she prepared to de- bread to Little. Augie, who was ter, and also their shrill voices; part, “a gallon of rubbing ale: n his shirtsieéves. me ing their home made, i ae is a lot of rubbing “Come in pal,” invited Little — € song on. their way home/even for a man of your size Augie, “and lock the door.’ rough the dark | When the door closed behind Pie sight that met my eyes ‘ ‘© the moon shines bright oni her, I looked at the Colon was all too familar. Jars and Charlie Chaplin, His boots aft suspicion In my eyes. “What are! potties and small cans of var- rackin’, for want of blecknin’, | you doing,” I asked and his ttle baggy trousers they! the stuff? need mendin’, before we send) drinking nish USING BREAD tien ee = Heaven forbid, my boy,” said : : lk Pe 4 — ae ithe Colonel, shocked, “You know a ees of bread?” I my libations consist only of .a: ee THE half-baked, witch-hunting| oceasional dram Well,” explained Little Augie, Mc ys in the US. today} ‘That was a debatable peat rubbing ueghol in its onging think they have a shining target) but I jet !t pass. “Do you mean: ‘8 Taher rough a the in Ch e Chaplin. They intend to: telkame” Lk asked. “that yom throat. So I let it drip through u Charlie to a Sort Of} rub yourself with ealtion. of | of bread to remove the inquisition to see if he ajeohol a day? Your flesh must “A'MPROF, and the result, mixed is a fit person to be admitted je picklea at this point with certain other ingredients, back into the United States “Well. not exaetly. sahib ag | ECAtINg, Sam: Cans of varnish, This leads Graham Greene. to the Colonel Gaus base oy a sade produce rather fine biend suggest, ir New Siettemen 4 what we will @o once I amin and Nation f September 27, ; corti Moho sg 7 : 7 He showed me one of the bet- that Chaplin may have been am harged | from nis avOmIN- ties, Already capped and sealed supplied h the greatest plot ae ca re it bore a label which read: “bit for al movie of his career > Heme I said tle MoeAugit A Biend of Fine 1arliie should make one more GOING HOME 100 Per Cent Whiskies. Blended ypearance ¢ the sereen. In (We have been trying to get #0 Sotved in Scollana for Men this would-be story Charlie lies neglected and forgotten Sud- denly he is summoned from ob- scurity to answer for his past year. How we Okanagan whe Demand the Best home every since we made a 7 : trip to the Yukon earlier in the At 1 a.m. this morning we re- moved the Colonel from the got to the Sunny : vit on our way home | 20Sp tas placed him on a make- before the Un-American Activi- from the Yukon is a matter be-/| Shift stretcher, and with Ha ties Committee, for that dubious tween you and the circulation) ™ish and Little Augie acting as occasion in a boxing ring, on the department of the newspaper tretcherbeare rs we are now ice-skating rink, for mistaking which is always ready to sell, heading for the Coast Range that Senator's bald head for an) pack copies, at a premi 7 of | under forced draught ice pudding, for the hidden sig- course.) One question occuples my nificance of the dance with the! «and how do you plan to get) mind--can the police be far be bread rolls. Solemnly the mem~-| home?” enquired the Colonel, Mind? bers of the committee watch « Charlie’s pictures and take their damaging evidente” + * + CHARLIE’'S love life may or not be above or below the Holly- wood par. I would be the last to gloss fact that the whole effect of the example of the private lives of the Holly- over the | wood big-shots has been démor- | alizing for the great mass of the } for the Hollywood stars ARE the Cindereilag and Fairy But if we ground of the private morals of their producers and composers we, Would surely have to throw out many of our finest plays, novels, symphonies—-net to men- tion a good deal of the Bible reverses in the provincial field. } “I don’t think we should show any cena English Rose concern about what people do in the provitwial C arena,” said Mr. St. Laurent, He made the siatenrvent a! announcing that British Colum- dia’s representation im the cab- inet Was being increased to two} from one. James Sinclair, 44, member for Coast-Canilane and parliamentary ateltant te W-) nance Minister Abbett, was | pointed minister of peti ay iwerease Riitish Columb. repreventatron and the de ‘eat of the biberal government of that province last June, Mr. St. Laurent sai@ there was nwt. succeed Hon. Pobert Mayhew, 584, between Uke new appoint- dian ambassador. Mr M> hew|Pemed in the provincial field, represented Victoria, BC., ia We LSERALS LOSE GROUND Commons. Ralph Campnrer, %, mentary assistart Minister 72, who goes to Japan as Canna: jmente aaa pointed solicitor general, a por! Minister Gatson. Asked if there was any con. nection between the decision to | (Continued on Page 4) Besides British Columbia, the )eria-|Liverals have suffered reverses to Detence/in other provinces. The Liberal Claxtor and r-embet! government of New Brunswick for Vaneouver Centro, was ap-; war defeated after 17 years in /office; the party lost ground in folio now handed by Justice Ontario, Alberta and Saskatche- /wan elections; in Quebec, the party Increased membership but ould Be Improved ONDON (P)— Tt seems that n the traditional “Old Eng- -tof rose” is not all it might be. | ‘This is one field in whien| amateur gardeners could really | |help the professionals,” said bet. | anist Ann P. Wylie at the Inter- \mational Horticultural Confer- There was no connection, he | ence, here. | Miss Wylie told the story of that hap-| Empress Josephine who, when | husband Napoleon went to the | Wars, sent French rose seeds tc many parts of the world to try to achieve by cross-breeding, a davender-blue rose. Empress Josephine was disap- roses are growing in several parts of the world from descend- ants of those seeds. Miss Wylie is advocating some such pioneer- ing spirit among today’s ama- teur gardeners, ‘Your wife posMively refuses to remit any more ! and you know tha a penny amongst us archly he pointed, but today lavender-bive | ney oracrs we havert That is,” you and WHY NOT GO 10 HAWAI THIS WINTER? Two weeks of Sunshine continued FARE TO HAWAII FROM VANCOUVER $24 (°° FLY ... It’s Faster, Economical and Safer For Information and Details Call Crawford Moore TRAVEL AGENCIES FOR PROMPT, SATIS- FACTORY PLUMBING AND OIL HEATING SERVICE Phone 108 Night Calls; Green 825 PRINCE RUPERT ORLD 6 BOX 1278 PHONE BLA PLUMBING, HEATING ENE lis politics FQY... INTERIOR TOWN LOSES yp Reflects and /N $35,000 MYSTERY Fipe i . BRIDESVILLE BC. @& Fire Reminisces —w« destroyed Tuesday, causing a : + the ho my , : Property jose eer sie Y loss estimated ‘ and rooms without ‘ ins rom SMoOke-fithed ¢ mS without injury, The origin of thy fi O ay Bridesville is 35 miles southeast of Ne i Or All 14 guests were evacuated f There are a lot of people who forget a kind feed they did it © Wg —_— WINDOWS & Sasu Reduce cost of heating and eliminate 4, by installing STORM WINDOW ALL TYPES OF WINDOWS AND sage MADE ty Greer & Bridden Ly Phone 90% 20h Ist Ave, West In Hollywood, a new movie ol the sinking of the Titanic i ing made. Tt will be cal “Nearer My God to Thee” It too much to expect that Holly wood, with all the fortunes spe: ym advisers, could ever find an ne to tell it what is bad tact In Salt Lake City, the day, Mrs. Richard Nixon 4 down to speak before a woman assembly. Her hostess pushed And now, I'd like you to me wife of the the United tension sometime PS, pre ident of Election that way 7th Anniversary— FLASH SALE 78 R.P.M. Records rhe only tming getting cheaper AN BARLY CITIZEN How many in Prince Rupert member, or even heard of Pa Carey? Few, we think! He kept house near Cow Bay, worked the waterfront, had a ttl den and kept poultry. I ally, he was fond of pleasant ries, One day, he presented the late Bishop Bunv: a « ' The bird was gratefully received and praised. Where was it [ he inquired “Stole it, sir And that made it ali the mm welcome, for the bishop was also blessed with a sens humor Automatic Toasters Lamp Shedes and Lighting Fixtures— 90% RUPERT RADIO & ELECTR Phone 644 Box min ORDER OF THE ROYAL PURPE PRESENT THEIR Fall Bazac The Elks Home, 2nd Two Ways Ww get in wron other countries are to ier motey, and not * i ww ing money.—-Stratford Beacon-H ald SIXTY OTHERS Now that the world seri ‘62 ls over and done with ment concerning he arti fielai excitement is being heard as well as read. To begin with there has beer, no workd s& ais Ave. and and radio im reserve for sixty nations never hear from the Reper ét and care itas, Alter ali 4 just an American ball gam / 6 T DAY with higi-powes spor Ww - p.m. , . ” Tea served and Teacun Reading Try Daily News Want Ads Foudly presenting 2 new pressed Wood produ RM Unuty Boar Otfeving performance standards wet before achieved at such low tom Use this versatile wood product furniture backs. 4 , ter Lops, interwr a ove It Here's good news. More for your building dollar! With the new P.V, Utility Board you cat building costs yet gain all these properties associated with higher-priced howrds: 1. A fol '4” of solid pressed wood, 2. Wigh wear and impact resistance, 3. Smooth painting surface, 4. Lifetime durability. partitions, beet tomes, coun templates, ! and displays, r wall pane ¥ splendid interto price ina factor. With P.Y. Utility Board you dollars at no sacrifice in perf Save dollars on floor u tiers aris card \ \ ANN Wis The texture of PV. Utility Board is specially engineered for floor underlayment. Can be rapidly applied over old flooring or new sub-floors. NOT A SOFT BOARD—BUT A +a , bee It makes @ flawlessly amool ish hich to lay the fins oe for tiles, linoleum or wall-to-we N ALL WOOD M* CANFOR SALES CO. LTD. NEW WESTMINSTER WS) Gility Bi AT YOUR LUMBER AND BUILDING suP Distrib uted by: = E SAUDER LUMBER © a’ we An PLY YP /ANCOUVER