ruesday. Juno IB, f2fl. wabSbm Sec It Today Here YOU will fmJ tlx New Wihl I'm of rreckm metal In a den! en and ityle of point to tuittvrry hand. Priced at low m See our com plete aaaortmeit today. Sold hy John Bulger Ltd. Jewellers. 1ULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, lias been aken over from Oeorgo Kerr by J. Preece te w h Sealy anil DooJson resh Meats irrlvlng Twice Weekly from the Bulkley Valley Phone 178 Crystal 'irelighters iJ48 Fires for $1.09 Hi more chopping of kind ling, S.i re. simple and economical Manufactured by lydeTransfer 13S Second Avenue Hone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. MILK f' From Bulkley Valley IESH MILK AND WHIP PING CREAM We specially recommend fti r Table f.ream nf 15c for lalf VW Quality and Service alentin Dairy Phone 657 .Alexander Smith Block Phane 576 DENTIST UGBOATS iy Phones az3, 639, Qreen 238, Black 733. light PhonT 687,. 639, Qreen 238, Black 73S. tUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. 10. a. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. 'ur Coats & Jacquettes n Iqulslte Stock of Fur trimmings at low prices 1. G. FUR Co. t Q.W.V.A. Thfrrf Ave COLD STORAGE WINS SOCCER i Inflicted Frst Defeat of Season on Terminals In Dominion Day Cup Series The I'aAA Storage iiat the (rami Terminals by a score of 1-0 in tin- first name of Iho Dominion Crip football aeries played ,on the A"I'"lix Hilt grounds last nlir hi before a uood crowd rtf occer fan. This was 'the firstf tinm the (jrnnil Terminal boy have HiiffrtTil defeat this season and the Cold storae aggregation fully earned (heir victory. TIn winning tally was scored by l'r- xkine for (lie Cold Storage, team! midway through I he second half of Hie game. 1'af O'Doiineli missed a penally for the Terminals ten minute aftr F.rskinn scored.' I tot It teams missed some, good out the frame. It was a keen -.' m although ragged football was displayed in spots. The outstanding nlavers on (he field were OTonnell and llarrls. at1 hair hack for the Terminal and liidd Storage respectively, while llaig at full bark Tor the Storage played a slerliug game. (Icorge Russell referred the name. A. Clapperton and J. Tournay acted lift" linesmen. The tram took the field a follow; Cold Storage - A. Murray, voal; llaift and Kelsey, full hacks; Curlson, Harris and McDonald, half hacks; Dolierly. Corbett. Lrskihc, Johnson and .Ton incloit, forward. (Jrand Terminal Splro CI ur-virh, goal; Dickens ami V. Men-kie, full back; Wallace, O'Don-oell anil Slickney, half hacks; . i iti. W alter. De Jong. Mitchell nid l'"anuhar. forwards. MORE TENNIS Championship Tournament Proceeding at Acropolis Courts Is Following are the results of the seeoiul round in Uie tennis tournament played on the I'rinre Itupert Teutiis (.luh courts yesterday afternoon and evmin: Men's Singles Croirkshank beat Hohertson 1 1-1.1, 6-2. M. Howard beat l.ambie C-3, fi-l. Mnrenlelle beat Crmve 5-7, ii-S. 0-?. i:rulckhank leat JoHn H-10, -2, J-5. Ladles' Doubles Miss Mitchell and Miss Curlin Miss Cunningham and Miss Tremayne 0-2, fi-l. The following games will be played today: Men's Singles &.00 MrMordie vs. Carmicliael. Ladles' Singles 5.00 Mrs. McMordie vs. Miss Mitchell. J, 00 Miss Tremayne vs. Miss Iticl. The draw for Wednesday resulted as follows: Mixed Doubles 5.00 Mr. McMordie and Col. MrMordie vs. Mis Kiel ami Marenlello. 0.30 Miss Mllehell and H. Hal-four vs. .Miss Tremayne and Howard. Men's Singles 7.30 Howard vs. Marcnlette. Men's Doubles i ;i0 I.nmbio and llalfour vs. Mackenzie and Cruickshank. MISS LANCASTER GIVES A RECITAL Interesting Program of Musical Numbers at Columbian College, Now Westminster Miss Ma,rjorie I.nncasler f.f this city, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lancaster, gave a piano recital at Columbian Col lego on a recent Saturday evening assisted by Miss Oxenbur?, soprano soloist and under the patronage of her teacher Miss HhodA A. Colllmgt'idge nl which the follow.lni? was the program: (Jod Save: the Klnpf. "Knmmenoi-Ostrow," op. 10, No. II. (Hiibenstoln.) Mnrjorb? Lnncnsler. Fiiguo in C Minor, vol. 1, No 2. (Haeh.) and "Les Deux Alinilles" op. 2, No. 1. Mnrjori Lancaster. "Valanelle." (Doll Aequa). AHsa Otenhury. Polonaise In C. mliiQr, op. Uo, Xo. ir.? (Chopin.) and '"Spinning r PeifecRcnvt ourVhisty is Due to 94Years Experience 600DERHAM6rT5 CANADIAN Vr RYE WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD I 'I'll i ft advertisement Is not published or displayed by (he Liquor Control Hoard or by the. Ooverntnent of Hritlsh Columbia. Song." op. 07, Xo. I. (Mcndcls- hon,. Marjorie Laiiealer. Two songs from Landoi Itonabrs "Th Cycle of Life." Ui) 'TUnvn In tfie Fftresl" (nprlng) (b) "Tlie Winds are Calling" , (autumn; urn (oi "Love in the Wind." (Alexander MaeFaydeti,) Ailsa (Kenbury. "Shliata Patheliiue," op. 3, No. 8. (neelhoven.) Ontve. Allegro di motto con brio. Marjorie Lancaster. WORK OF LIBRARY SHOWNAT MEETING Report of Librarian Indicates Over 150 Borrowers Per Day on Average At the meeting of the'. Library Hoard last Tight the Librarian reported thai a total of 3.H06 hooks had been loaned during the month of May. fiction con stituted the largest number . no less than ?,5S5 having been borrowed. Noa-Nrtlon 350, and Ju venile 871 .completed the list. The average daily loans were 152.2. Xew borrowers were 31, cancelled cards 22. Hooks received by gift num bered lf and by purchase 108,1 while! 15 were discarded, leavintfrj a new addition for the month of 0i. The total number or books i now on the helves or In circulation number 5021. Mrs. Kirkpatrick, chairman, of Hie hoard, was unable to be present through indisposition and It. L. Fuller presided in her place. Joseph Sigmund returned to tjueen CChnrlnlle City last night accompanied by Mrs. Sigmtuid and family who will take up their1 residence there. TKex Secret of Successful Baking TH2 DAILY nawB i-'1 . ' f'PA01rPIVS TERRACE HOSPITAL BENEFITS FROM SALE Continuous program Saturday j Afternoon Under Canadian Legion Ladles j TKRIIACK, June 15. One of tlur most -successful sales of home cookimg ever held here fook place on Satordayunder the auspice of tlur Ladies Arjxfliary to fne Canadian' Legion. The worthy object, of raising; j funds tcr help- jhe. hospital, rap-I pealed Ut anofHevrTyone and them was a vejjyVready response 'nut only in do'rtiifjntis of cooking i out in ntiyirw as wen. Tin- committee In charge had the large upslairu auditorium of G.W.V.A. Halt very prettily de-i-orated and ,he home Rooking and candy stall as well as the lea room were very attractive. A musical program was carried on throughout the. afternoon, those lahiiitf part being Mesdame ;Haney, Von Hees, Monro and Allen, Miss Kathleen Burnett, and Jlev. W'm. Alen. Miss Toombs' class of junior C.O.I.T. 'girls also gave a demonstration of the splendid work ulie is carrying on with them. As a result or the activities of -the ladies, the uralifying sum or fifty dollars will be turned over to the hospi- '. asocial ion. TERRACE NOTES Rev. W. T. Harfoot went to "mice Rupert on -Saturday vjere fie nrmpiet the pulpit in ic Anglican clihrch on Sunday. V'hile in the city he was the uest if Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Me fufoh. Miss Nnrah Hayes spent fr? weeK end a. the?; pue' or .mis? Mary Wilson al Heme, Mrs. W. II. Hurneit anrf daughter Kathleen" returneil o. Friday from I'rince HupeTl where Kathleen took her mujf .at examination. H. I). Munro of the Land Set- ilemenl Hoard arirved on Sunday for a short visit nt his home in Terace. . . Jack McCnbbln and (leorg1- Hedge of Paellic were visitors between (rains on Saturday. J. Morse Halt left on' Sunday for I'rince Huperf. on n busines frip. . t x .-j The forest demonstration car was visited on Sunday evening by a large crowd, the seating rapacity of the- ear bin overtaxed. Tlie lecture illustrated by motion pictures proved ver Interesting. At Untied Church on Sunday evening the first anniversary ot rhurch union was celebrated with a special musical service nnd Mrs. 1). T. Sumtal, delegate lo Hie first United convention held recently in Vaneouter, real a very ably and carefully prepared report of the: convention. Joe Spitil returned on Salur day from Prince Rupert. lli- aaaaaaaaaaaaH SaaaaaaaaaaaaaPaaaaaaV MAGIC BAKING POWDER enjoys the largest salt in Canada " simply because housewives have found out that it is always reliable. It eon tains no alum or adulteraitts of any kind. MaJt in Canada E. W. CILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO Winnipef MoMraal ii ...., I The Well-Managed Home THE manager of a household is the purchas-ing' agenrfjfor a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchc sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions lo make your home life easier, more com' fprtable and more convenient. They give you in-jormation about a thousand and one things that are useful and interesting. Every manager of a household every member of'ihe household who shares the responsibility ' for the family' s welfare should mae a habit of reading the ads. Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely : niece. Miss Marianne Schmuck' departments, u'lirv ,m h,tk in th.!l ' there is rapidly recovering and K expected home early in the week. Dr. J. McKee of Stonewall. .Man., is spending a few days in Terrace tooking over the possibilities of this district with a view to practising here. Father McOralh of Prince Rupert conducted services, in the local Catliolic -church on Sunday morning. Willie Christie refjirneil home this last week after spending several months at Dunstar, H.C. i .,, Owing to the absence, of Rev. W. F. Barroot, A. C. Fowler condnclcd the service In thi Anglican church on Sunday morning. T. C. Wilding of Prince, Ru pert suent the week end with his (family here. " Mrs. Thos. Yming and daughter Janet retnrned on Saturday from Prince Rupert where, Jaiiet (ooV her musical examinations. , F. J. Martin of Ilaielton was In lown at the week end. Mrs. Wm. Walt and-daughter of Ameshtiry, spent I he week end at the home of her parents, .Mr. una Mrs. it. I.. Frank. A public meeling of all the ladies of the community is call ed for rriday evening next iii U.W.V.A. Hall Tor the purpose of forming a 'Woman's Auxiliary to lire lerrare Hospital. II. F.. Wabey, Salmon Arm, Provincial poultry. Instructor and 11. RKe, Victoria, Pruvincial dairy commissioner, arrived in lown on Sunday 6n official bus iness In connection with their Mrs. W. W. Noonan and children of Telkwa arrived .i Terrace on Sunday to visit at tlie home of her mother, Mrs. F. W. Hohfer. Mrs. C. R. r.illKrt refurnH last" week after having spent the. past six weeks visiting friend in California. Mrs. Wm. Allen of Knox Church parsonage will 1k at home to receive callers on the first Jriday of each month. " Major McCullum head of tho tieodetie Survey party stationed at Pacific was in Terrace on Saturday, The four year old son of Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Nelson, Jr,- nf Terrace, who died last Monday was buried on Wednesday in the Kitsum Kalum Indian ceiiieterv on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. W in. Allen conducting the burial services. j . J. R. Marshalf head of the (eological si-rvey .party IvnU A. navis and U Harloii, asstslanfh. are .at present in? lown ifil th6 Interests of Ceofosical research. "? , Mrs. fieorse Keith' and Miss Kerr were hostesses .at, a tie, tight fill afternooiv tea, given as a farewell to. liinMiHeslt An- tliews, Ikoblit.iintl Mallot. who leave f0riUie sttiuth at the end oj the school year. The guest s meluded practically all the mem pcrs ot Knox United phurqk Ouild. Mu.sical selections ver rendered durinir the afternoon )y Me'sdames;, Munro, Allen. Hnney, ltunetl and by Mis Kerr. . The Misse.s Andrews. Dohh and M allot, and '.Mrsl- ', H. Hjunett spent Sunday at the; home tof, ,Mf. andMrs. A; K Hson at nemo. MINERAL ACT, CfRTIFieATl OP IKPIIOVtMCNTS Blark inuir .Mliwnl Claim. .4luare In ttw Allin MlolDf t)iiliiu r Caviar Dl-lrk-1. WlHTtr turatrtf: On Cratr Crrvk. a tributary or rnurtk l iatf Crrrk. idjiilninr tl Oarrr nwra .MliM-rll Claim n in !uuitM-rly lu. i.ikr. toilet, inai I, rtirr (iaorio. rrw .Miner's Crrliriratr No lussn. inland. Urr lar Im lh tare hrrmt, t' ai'Plj lo Uh Mlninir Hrrurd-r rur a f.rrtirirale of liiipn.n-iitt-nn, fur tlie ir-w r ibllniin a l.ruwn Uranl or Uie atHivp rlaliii. And rortikrr tak rtorira that action, (inilrr srrtiuii it, miml ko n.n.nrnwl kfire lh ' issua of nrh Crriirirat- or UapMVfnials. iulnl this HI day or Jun. A'.D. tilt. 11. 34C.N. FHASKII. - Aj-iBt. MINCRAL ACT, . CKRTtncATK OT IMrROVCatCNT Bi inyun Mfnrral Claim, siluati. In Itw Alrm Mini n r IHrUK.iv vf nlir 1v irK-U Whrre luraled: .ar Crairr 1 Grrt ami adjiilnlnir ami nnrtlMat id It- Bur canyon Eitenin .Mineral claim (Lot mo). TAkE NOTICE thai I. John Molloy. riw .Miner' Crrliriral .u. 707is. Intend. liy day rrom thn dl Iwrwl, l apply to the Mlninir ltrxnlrr tor a Certiriiat of linprfin.uls r llu pur. e or ubiammir a Cron Oram or tfw above rlalm. Ami ruriArr take iwnirit that action, amlrr wrll.m 37, mutt b roimnenr-d Srorr lb l.u or ourlt (.rlifMaw t Imiiroy-nwnl. bated IWi tt daj nt June, A H. I6ii, II. .VrN. rnAS . . Arnt. MINCRAL ACT. ettrrrrtcATC or inprovcmknts Bir Canyon .No Mineral Claim, mru- ate In the MKa Mrnlnt DlTtnlon or Ca. lar District, Where hiealedi On Vol-eaiile Creek (Vuen Creek), adjolninr mi iKiumeei oi iiijr canyon nio, v ... trnlnn Mineral claim (Lot tt7t). TAkE .NOTICE tlial I. fllen Mollnr, rree Miner' CertUlrale ?io. 707J. In-teiul. lry day from the date lirreor. In apply to the Minim Rerorder tor a Certificate or Improteinent. for the pur-pe r ohialnlnar Crown Orint or the hove rUliu.. Amt rnriher Uke snttrir that ketion, n.ler teellon 57, ltut be rmnnieneed before um lue of ufh Certificate of iraproveiueni. uami mis iti day or JNne, A ll. tlie. H. mcx. rn.isrn. land Act. Natlca of IntanllM t ApaJv tw LM Lantf In Land Heeordtna tustrlrl ot I'rinre Buperl, and Mluate on Morehy Uland, yiieen Charlett Oroap. no unnamed Inlet, three tmlet.toutrt of Ik La Berrw Inlet. TAKE MOTICB thai The. Canadian rUtt-lair tumipany. Limited, of Vanenuver, or-rapalmn Samion r.anner. Intend to apply fr a leaaa of the Mhiwlns deirrlbed land; Conimenrlnir at t put planted at head of Inlet alxMit H mile north of urmanied Creeks thenre et to rkaln; thenre oiitl to fhalnsi tnrnr eal o rhalnt. re or le. to hore liner Ihenee northerly roiiommir hore line to r.o.CL. and rnnlalninr in aeye, nwire or' lean. TIW.CANAMA! rrSMMO OWWeAfVY. - jis IMS'" Dt . AW 7"r ttiiihw AiirH-a Diud u Arii. tilt. r.