L, Augult 7, im. ,4, WEST JW AVE., SHAUCHNESSY HEIGHTS. VANCOUVER. B.C. Jin Jlngltcan, TlaUendal and 'Day ScWcr fjitU Prov del a thorough adxalion with careful moral and phyiical iimruction. F it 6'J 10 iunr rlof Matriculation. Art, Muiic, PhyicJ Education vv th indoor and outdoor iporti. All tlx Mmreiwl hold degrees (rom thcjwji En h nd Canadian Univeriiiie.. For pro pectin apply to The Mother Superior EPAIRS Made on ttU m ke of Typewriters and all makes of Gramophones url. ino-1 used, carried in tock- V i - jour machine (Mil) need cle.niiug, ime ndjiist- or maybe h in v cylinder. Hit I whatever H iicctis, it tl i Imiiiim! to need' 1 1, the longer yuu wail. 'A li in time I'lc. . Our charge urn liiuderalo and our workmanship f ir-t class. All work guaranteed. "FLIT" FOR FLIES UKSTUOVS FI.IKH. MOSUL ITOKS. MOTHS. ANTS, IlKtJ UlfiS ami HOACIIKS. ' 8 tu. bol Me . . . . 50c ID n. tin . . - 75c 'A oz. Iitf . .4 i 51.25 gafUm tin- $4.00 Ooir.f 111 ox. till ami Sprayer ........ $1.25 . . . , ..I . I cn. 7C. c r I V PM'HIt. FLY lillllA INSKOT POWIiKIl S , 15o Ormes Ltd. The ItK.WLL 8TOHK The IMONKF.Il MU'MIISTS 3rd Ave. and 6th Street Phones 82 and 200 Steamship and Train i- -i. Service si :ni rni prince rupert fi.r Vancouver, victoria, Seattle, ef MONDAY ami THURSDAY 4 00 am, SATURDAY, S.00 p.m. r ANYOX ni STtWART MONDAY, fRIDAY, 4.00 p.m. I ALASKA WEDNESDAY, 4 00 p.m. I MASSCTT INIET AJONDAY, 4.00 p.m. IKIDEOATE INLET nt SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fsruifhllr, PAIttNQCR TRAINS If AVE PRINCE RUPERT dally except Sunday el (in rur PRINCE OIORGE, EDMONTON, WINNIPiO, til point! tajleru failed state. Alton ll Otaan Stiamahlp Llnea. m anadlan Manorial Kipr.-.. fuf VMiej orrtrrt. lomn Cbrqutt. eli- .i iir ll thlpmrnl Cll Ticket Oftlte, S2S Third Ae., Print Rupert. Phone 60. cwuoianI VPACIFICi Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services ,4,l" ... r r a Saiimcrc trom rnnce iUDeri XNp "-t T Xatchltan, Wranjall, Jun.au and SUSMAmB"" 19 s0-To Vnieutr, Victoria and Saallla Ayual 4, 7, 11, 14, 81, 28. PRINCESS BtATHiCr. Camab.ll Rl.r, and Vanaamar a.t't lufif J.JJm ai..i n.. for luladala. Sail Btlla Dtlla, Ocaan ralta, Namu, Alart Bay. for all Staam.Mp Llnat. , . '' Information from W. O. ORCHARD Oaaaral Aa.nl. Oarna of 4tn ilraal and rd A.nua. Prlnea Roparl. O. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED, A2 Sixth Street P.. illmi fn.in irttue Hutri, '' VANOOUVSR, VICTORIA. Swanaon B.I. and AIM Bit, Tuaadav, S S P VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Atari Bav. and Swanaon Bav. Saturdaf, 10 PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlvar Cannarlta, ThurdaF p.m. for PORT S,PSON. ANYOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sundajf. '"- tn A, Mii a j Baenatav. Aal "' Hesldence Phone, Black 617 A. a P. O. Box 247 ANGER, Th Tailor Fuiu Imported Serge and Sculcli ( P A f( Tweed Suii iiuulo ) order in our "u ulioji in prince Ilttpert us low usttvJ I, ANGER, Cutter Prince Rupert, B. C. Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. tf B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. llt'ar Commissioner Hlch lo- Sai5..?.,p&8r"'!li. Crystal Firelighters, 48 fo 1,00. Hyde Transfer. rPhone 580. K- " ' tf MHs pill of Stewart i saili.u for llicv auulti on the l'iince (eorxc llif a evcninir.' - - v.' ' J. Z '. FUlieries protection cruiser (inenchy arrived In nort this af teinoou at 12.30 o'clock. (ierinajn Wick was fined ?2& and cul in the city police court Uii inOriiin ou a charge l lmoxicauon. being intoxialed in a pub lie place, II. OilllM wa fined (S3 -in J ejfti in (lie city court thi in o nil OS-. polbs Mr. and Mrs. po. Lillle of Terrace are sailliiir on the 'riiifp lieorK Ihb cvciiIiik tot Vancouver on a holiday Irip. Mr. and Mrs. George Nicker toil will nail on a holiday trip ia Vancouver and Moulhern cilfo. on the Princes Alice this even CP. It. ta titer Prince. Alici' apl. T. Cliff, in due in port front Skasway, .Mufka, at 4 p.tn and will nail for the hoiiIIi a 0 p.m. ii m m Mi.ia Kelyn M. Syiiiin'ton who liad been employed at the lloyfun Cafe, nail on the Prin cr Alice e I s ailenioon for Vnnronver. v. Mis ,vne MeQiiillan, of tne po.it office staff, will sail ou lite Prince (teorjrw llii' uveiiuw on a hol4la- ItJp U) Vancouv-cr ' v and Kiiutlierii cllfeti. ' ' St. Aiidri Society Plcnta tomorrow'. Sunday, to IUpby I land, lioat leae Cow- Hay from to a.m. Tea. coffeej u?ar an milk iroided. Adull 50c. CP.lt. Meainer Prioress Heat ru-e. ('.apt. S. K. Cray, docket a U o'clork this rnorniner fmin Vaneouver and wayport and re turned to Vancouver at nnorf. C. C. I.abrie, C N.lt. purohat- ing aft'iil, Vaneuuver, who came in yestenlay on departments liusines, a ill tall on his rvtui otith on the Prince Ceor? th eveninir. Olie KnuiUou, a Norwegian was fintd ?25 and costs in th eily police court Ibis morning by Magistrate Mcl.cod on a chart,? of being intoxicated in a publi nace John Johnson appeared before Magistrate Mel.eod in. Ihe city pouee court mi morning on charge of b'iiiB intoxicated in public, place and was fined ti and costs. X'nlon uteamer Catala, Capt A. Johnstone, arrived in poet from the Naas river and Porl Simpson at 1.05 p.m. and saif ed for Vancouver and vvayporl a' 1.30 p.m. Hubert Hatrhelet, who' liOaffl n tun it I 1 aticit tw ll.. .-l-.. satiiittai v (la kitV Jail for oim time, will bt hi oily es ible Clark lo Ki.onlaIe on the Prlnc? i - t ncorge touay. In the provincial police court this morning Chow (Swonj:, charged with vagrancy and sen '-iir,- in mree monuis im inisoiimenl at Okolla farm. prison The Hoard of Trade failed 10 secure a quorum for its meet ing lat night, less than halffe. dozen members turning, out. Holh me president and vice- president ate out of town and mere is little business to aJ EdHoldin Sows" I Fast Eov-Cuttin3 fSiMONDS SAWS V v.warnld twcauM made V Irnm our own alel d SIMONOaCANAOASAWOO. LTD, --v VANCOUVVR. tT.MUHM.U., tenowTO 00. I. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TRREB If Troubled With Diarrhoea YOU HOUL USE wifrnrffr?iTisT IT WILL Oivi YOU PROMPT RELIEF . This raJiinble preparation has been on the market for the part eighty yeara, nd hold a repuUtion, swond to pone, for the relief of ail bowel coinpUirti Manufactured only by The T. Mil-burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. I Trv Foothills Stove Coal $13.00 ncr ton. No soot. -Phil pott, Kvilt X Co. Ltd. tf Mrs. Joe Kent mailed on the Catula thin nioriilns n a buni- ness trip to Vancouver. SCHOOLMASTERS FROM ENGLAND TOURING MO.NTItli.VL. Auk. 6. That Ca nada it looked noon by school teacher and thouc who have the responsibility of looking after teen axe ehildren an a country where much of an educational na ture mav be learned, in evidenced bv the fact that anions the Me antic's passentrers who are duo at Quebec ou Saturday are, II. Moorhoue and . A. While, Kngliih nchoolnfaster who are making a lour of lie Dominion from coatt to coast over Canadian National line. They propose upendin.g the month of August vatlieriiig firt hand information a lo the opportunities and con- lilion throuKhout Canada. WEATHER REPORT Terrace: Clear, calm, temp. Anyox: Clear, calm. temp. 61. Stewart: Clear, calm, temp. Oi Hazeltou: ' Clear, calm, lenrj. Smilhera: Clear, calm, temp. A3. .:: "! 50. Hums Lake: ' , Clear, calm, lemn. 50. ' ' ' Telegraph Creek: Clear, calm. temp. oo. Wliitehorse: Clear, calm, temp Dawson: Clear, calm, temp THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: There is an election soon lo deride who is to be honorary president of tho Prince Hupcrl Hoard of Trade. The other day I heard a man say that hell did not imprest him. I supposrryou -an become iucJ lo anything. Let me see who is a good guesser. I will give . live vote? In Itrnilv for auv man who call tell hid what it is that is painted in front, shingled behind, and has rooms to let In the atlfc Now don't all yell at once or there may a riot. j Some people find jl difficul' lo keep their boat ka flout am! other cannot sail (Ijemalri-monial sea without- wrecking something. i"".'- lvo can live just; a; cheaply as one if Ihe two happen to ! flea and a dog. y Vy ' ' , Tho tourist walked, As tourists win'v Across- the , dock . And up the hill. And slopped and (looked Across the ea,v , Then said we want To see Hrady' V They lell me he's : The rarest brand Of politician -Q--. In all the land.- . He wanders off v Footloose and free-And shouts aloud i " For liberty , Would purge hisa'ountry From all drossl " And save it froni;, The Liberal hos,. We've climbed ththlll - 'To take a view;';' Of sentiments Ivr So bright nndinew'. We never heard, A man lo nxva-About a country Ho would save. H'.s new, I lell you New as Eve. A wreath on hi brow I vih to leave. Church Notices St. Andrew's Cathedral (Church of England, Sunday Services Morning M.00 a.m. Evening 7.50 p.m. Preacher: 'McV.Trcl.ydcaiVii- 0!: AT Wx Presbyterian Church There -will be no services to morrow in the l'reswyierian Church or Sunday School. Chrlst'an Science Society Service every Sunday morning in Uic Hays" Hlock, 2i5 Second Avenue. Subject on Sunday: 'Spirit." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o cIock. The united Church Our vacation uervlces are In creasing in interest. Come and Join us! Sunday morning at It o'clock. Topic: Result. Sun day evening at 7.30. Topic: "The Eternal Triangle." Special musical service Sunday evening. Soloist. A. Clapperlon. Ilev. Ceo. 0. Hacker will speak at both ser vices. Baptist .Church Sunday School at 10 o'clock Morning service at II. Subject 'The (ilory of the Crey." Even ing worship at 7.30. subject The L nreeofiniscd Ansel.' very cordial invitation to all. Lutheran Church Kt. Paul's English Lutheran Church, Metrojiole Hall, Third Avenue. Ilev. Thus. I). UinJe, nastor. Morning service on Sunday at 11 oclock. Sermon theme, "Harvest Time." Every' one cordially invited. GEORGE HAZLETT, ACTIVE ALASKAN, DIES AT CORDOVA COHIXIVA, Aug. 0. (ieorge II llazletl. 85 year of age. for 28 year a leading figure in Alaska died Thursday after a week ill ness. He was the first mayor of Cordova. Hazlett came lo Alaska in 18U8 and afler locating a gold site, or ganited a mining company and had charge of the first construe lion work on the Copper Hiver of the Northwestern Itailroad. DIED THIS MORNING The dealh occurred at the lieneral II xnilal early Ihi morniiiig of Miss Helen Seeber aiged SO, of Shannon Hay. (Jueen Charlotte Islands. Deceased, who arrived in the city on Au gust 5, was born at Kault, H.C., and i sucvived by her mother. Mr. Annie v !eiber, isalmon Arm, H.C. Funeral arrangement are in the hands of the H.C. t'ndertaker. THIEPVAL COMING. Lieut. Ponder, in command of the local unit of the Royal Naval Reserve, has received word from the south that H.M.CS. ThicpVal commanded by Lieut. Uodfrey, HjC.N.. is due to arrive here on August It and will remain until Autr.:st 18. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Deaif Tree Poln't Harometer 30.11; temperature 61. Hull Harbor Foggy, lignl west wind: barometer 30.08; leniperalurc 50; sea moderate; 8 p.m. spoke motorship Apex bound Seattle for Ketchikan 37 1 miles from Seattle; 8 p.m. spoko steamer Lalouche bound Helling-ham for Ketchikan 135 mile from Ketchikan; 8 a.m. spoko Itnr Cape Scott in Tolmie Cliai'-net bound for Ocean Falls; H a.m. spoke ting Projector No. 2 t Hull Harbor stormbound. Digby Island Cloudy, calm, barometer 30,'.M5; temperaluro 5G; sea smooth; t p.m. epoke steamer Alameda loading ul Quadra. Noon Dead Tree Poinl Haroincler 30.lt!; tempi ralure 7f. Digby Island Cle(r, calm; haronieler 30.31 temperature 07; s.ea mooth; a.m. in Prin cess Heatriee southbound; 10.20 a.m. sp'oke steamer Princess Alice abeam Hug Rock southbound; 10.20. p.m. in steamer Catala southbound; 10. .'3 p.m. in fisheries protection steamer tiivenehy. AdverHse In Ihe Daily News. PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon aaaad by SANTAL MIDY Btvara of Imltallont Look far the word "MIDY" Sold hy all rtrurints Rallavad by Facts gl cf the Brewing Industry in British Columbia THE Brewing Industry of, British; Columbia employs hundreds of men with an annual payroll of about three-quarters of a million dollars, using per annum nearly ten million pounds of malt, made from barley grown in Canada, and over one hundred and fifty thousand pounds of hops produced in British Columbia. "IT requires orer one hundrrd thousand dollars for J. fuel, mlnrd In British Columbia, to produce Ihe Rrer eonsunird In Ihi provlnre. Many hundreds of thousands of dollars are paid by the Brewers annually for matrrials surh as bottles, rooperage, erownstopners, labels and boltle wrappers all of whlrh are manufartured In Canada. THE taxes paid by the llrewrrles to the fiorrm-ment amount lo oter eight hundrrd and aetrnty IbouMnd dollars per annum, exclusive of Income (axes. citizens of this province must rocojnlie tho THE lmportanre of such an Industry and help to build it up; pa rolls and Industries are building rilies and are the foundation of prosperity. Amalgamated Breweries of B. C are manufacturing THE good Beers, fully matured and aged, a product recommended by physicians on account of lis nourishing and health-giving qualities; Ihese herrs contain only a very low perrenlane of alcohol and therefore are the proper stimulant needed When exhausted or overworked, as recognized by medical authorities. Vancouver Brewery Limited, Biiiitrr Brewing THE Co. of Canada Limited, Westminster Brewery Limited, Silver Spring Brewery l.imllrd and the Victoria Phoenix Brewing Co. Limited, members of the Amalgamated Breweries of B. C are imdrr supervision of the Liquor Control Board, and their Beers are analyzed from lime lo lime by expert firms of the continent upon Instigation of the Liquor Control Board, which gives ample assurance lo the public that I hey receive only pure and wholesome Brers when bonghl either In the Government Vendor Store or In licensed beer parlors. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." 8moked Dally by Canadian psh & Cold Storage Co., Prince Rupert, B.C. Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have the most complete stock of timbers, dimensions, shiplap, fir finish, flooring, V joint, veneers, etc, in Northern B.C. We can supply everything In a building from the foundation to the last piece of finish. Before buying inspect our slock. It will pay you. Our pnees are right. ajjgBSSSBBBBBBBBSBSBBSBBBBBBJBBBBBBBSJSBBBBB Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Neilson, Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Keeley and son, Mr Wood, F. 11. Smith, II. Laser, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. lWnigk, Mr. A. Stone, J. M. MacMillan, W .1. McFadyn. P. F. Martin, K.i fSheridan, t. Sherwood, Vancouver; Mrs. tieen H ruder, Calgary; A. J. CuIIougby, D. M. Robert. Queen Charlotte Islands; (ico. LittU, Terrace; F. J. liarkev, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. C. Edwards, Ml. Hude; Mrs. W. F. Hinns, Mrs. 11. McCouver, Hal-moral; Stau Hirkcnhead, Abec-deenAVasir:; Mf. ahd Mrs, O. .V, Hrower.kliberdtii, ,A'asir II. Ji Heauforff"J. Hurnelt, port Arthur; Mr. and Mrs. K. Fogelberg. Hrggar, Sask.; J. W- Hallcy, Hingley, Kngland. Central Hotel T. M. Turner, Terrace; Chas. Wilson, Smilhers; W. J, Red-ford, 1.N.R.; A. V. Hcrkinghani, C.N.R, I Lead Others Follow The IIuohj of Trunks and Suitcases. Pioneer's 'friend Hudson's Hay Htaiikets. , Piere Paris Loggers' Hoots. Ilig llorp Hrand Clothing. , JjrlgiijalDtaniond; SwpalerS;' OeiiuiiieM FurV Stial Coats, f-jrua ran teed. 1 Wee's Trills, Hlankets, Hags. Pat Ptiillipson Second Avenue tienuine- Indian Made Curios