ORCHER liiciliiu. I he untie is owned uy A. h. Wright, land surveyor II'' m e IDipcrl. mid Mr. Patterson, who lias lixed for Hie past III ears l Surl Point. I he ore mine values of free milling I ud upper and u small trial shipment was made Inst jcor. week a shipment of 80 Ions of high grade ore vu made III: iiruiioy Mueller, (lie first sliipmcnl of the season. The SOX. An; Seenleen il nico are today battling irc ri-i' in the southern lliit sli ikdumliia, IhiI ,a. i, ,n . rnler Hum il ltd .. unnlf unOliNllltO Ilk Hint INNECT CITY WITH ELEVATOR 4 From Westvlew Doing Re located to Make It More Convenient ii d survey of the road Westvlew with ll.o ' oeinr made by the a view lo making il a a more ronvenien rosmng the railway, v a the city construrle. A as far as the railway 'r and sitire that nothin n done until this week hoped Hie mailer xfill under way so that by : (nU is shipped, W on eoinidi'led OST LIVES IN the AUTO SMASH 'iN l'ltEM.. Aug. 7. Two per-' ' ' 'heir lives when an aulo h 'hey were travellin got " 'iinfrol when crossing over " ' "iinjies Canal bridge. It hit " 111 ' ai . crashed through Hie ' i and fell inlo the canal. 1 ndies wore-, .recovered and iiiMlexrd tiio victims were -'lx ii Klvnn tr mill his wife. ''s or Montreal. NOTICE TO LIBERALS OF 8KEENA RIDING The Liberal cointnitlee uoiii. :)03 Third AVi) uescl ' "lie Elect rlo Hakery, will open Monday afternoon ild evenliiig and every af- "'"noun and veiling there- "rer unlit elect inn ilav. . M.-C. Silver ... Consolidated DuitwVll Independence Indian .... .... L. A L. ...a... Marmot .. Premier.,.....- Sliver Crest . Surf tntei ..... Terminus .... ISLAND ;ore was pot out by hand, hut it In understood the owner) conlcm- plate pulling in machinery, to cii-nblc bigger dexeRipjneiil work to be iii rr led out Uiid full. The Delinonl-Surf Inlet (Sold Mining Company spent some ?10,- jOOO on this properly a fewycars FISH ARRIVALS Pounds of Halibut This Morning U T . ' . WV'V. ..., I . 3f forestrjtlfjclali Twuj. Tw) j,,rlMn Hu rina lie Spring i-liTiwle '-o.;tlUu ,v o:d a iotul of hi. ion Spokane hmliwjy yd A (bird is in din-Mie personal belong-oe carried for safety y recently burned oxer ; mT Ymir. which has !ed for several days t rj safe unless us up OjJO pounds ol halibut on tin-! ih Exchange this moruing. i lhi total Hie Americans landed' 37.(111(1 niiiiiul ntiil Hie i-inaili. aus caught fish axcraged arouitil Mo, I Co and Dr. and Canadian caught fish around I to and I'd for first and second class fish respectixcly. hollowing were the arrival: American Seattle, tS.OOO, to Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Yellowstone, 12,000, to Month Fisheries. Canadian , Erie IUy, 12,000, lo IJoolfi Fisheries. Mayflower, 3,u00, to Itoyat Fish Co. Teruen, O.ooo; Inez II., 1.500: and Dingo. 7.500, to Atlin Fish- (ries. Prosiiciily A., 28,000. to Can adian l isli t'"ld Storage Co. TENNIS CHAMPION BEATEN YESTERDAY SEAIIItUill T. N.J., Aug. 7-In the Duals or the Seabrigb1. invitation tournament yesterday arieruoon Helen Vills, national champion, lost to Elizabeth Hxnn. the second rankim; l ulled Slates lar 0-1. 0-1 while Vincent llichards vainUishod Manuel Aionzo of Spain. 0 10-H. TWO NOMINATIONS IN SOUTHERN B. C. YANClVuVEIt. Autf. 7. Tvx'o uomlualion look tilaco yesiur- tiiv in southern H.C. They were Viineiiuxer Soul I- I'aUl .MCH. Kerr, barrister. Liberal. Eraser Yalley K. Manuel d Cliilliwark. Liberal. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid. . IM .230.00 . 1.78 . .07 V, . .05 li .00 . 2.t7 ''. .03 Mi Asked 2.6b 1.82 .08 .00 .I0V& .11 H "Ml .05 .15 B. C. VICTORS DR. R. G. LARGE CRICKET WEEK WILL MOVE TO 8ecure Dlngman Trophy and Western Canada Championship In Edmonton Tournament. FIVE STRAIGHT WINS The Putlcrson and Wright nunc, sHoutcd at Surf Inlet, near' " j iiiio Harbor, on Porcher Island, is t he latest milling prop-. ' Batting or spams and mvera was il a t. ; . a. , i vi nunc in iiic uniiai snipping cms in noriiicrn nriusu r.atu.. Feature Mf of V.tflNlaw'l Yesterday'a Final Game. KDMOXTOX. Aug. when they defeated Saskatchewan yesterday by a score of 107 for three wickets to lt. The filature of the Hritish Columbia innings was the fine third wicket stand of Sparks and Itivers which brought the score from 50 to 107. Mixers had 7K not out and Spark 3J not mil. Two American and Six Canadian Manitoba i.-reaU-d Alberta 1 32 Boats Sold Total of 121,000 I''"" -'"-n wirkeiw to t ip. BEAR ATTACKS maim Hegis- TWO PEOPLE men In Hospital and May Not a i mm a. - a pAH..Ka&. rtl lilin iinmi.N Aineiinmii nosun ui bnvuunw With Bruin MEHIUT, Ana. 7. Two men named 1'roudfDol and Inlcher who wATC attnckwl by a blacK bear iipaprenlly crazed by a forest fire in the .wo I a xvood near Chaperon Lake last Thurs day, tie in the hospital here to- duy so seriously injured that it Is not e pec led tliey will re cover. Uiey were pacweu 10 Merrill on a stretcher twelve miles over rough mountain trtdl Proudfoot, who was seized by the thrgli was Iwdly mauled before Dlltliec rushed lo the' rescue aud struck the animal on the head with a shovel. ThU action drew the beast to an on slaught, bit Ditcher who, wth grabbed; by the slioulder and hurled to the grouml willi slim nlng force. There U little tloubl that the lxv7 men would hae been killed (Milriit lit had not a man's shirt, linmglng' nearby on a tree, been blown by the wind against the bear, which lunied upon the jjar- menl and tore il to shreds Meanwhile (lie injured pair crawled behind a s'uinp and the annual dashed o'f CHARGE OF MURDER AGAINST A WOMAN, SOUTH VANCOUVER VAXCOl'YEIl. Aug. 7 - Folloxv ing the wounding of V. Jl lloblnson of South Vancouver, who is being (rented in the lio tdtal for injuries to the throat infliilcd with a razor, informn tioit Charging attempled nnirdor was laid against the man's wife, who also is in the hospital seri ously ill. CONDITION OF BOIYIN IS CRITICAL TODAY PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 7. -Hon Ceorge 11. Hoiviu .former Cana dlaii minister of customs, fvx'ho Is sick here with appendicitis nt St Josi.ih!s Hospital, was operalett on Jasl tilighl and his condition is uritieaU PORT SIMPSON Taking Place of Dr. Sigtr Who Is Go'li? South to Coqult-lam Private Hospital 1 - TAXI Boston Grill Otnd if mm Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. Motel, 3rd NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, stand Royal nd 8th 81 . PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIDECK, Prof '""'".i',,, least. Phone 467. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 'til tin r.3,,2,; iol XVI,, No. 181. "'lil'll,, Si I'lUNCK IMl'KHT, II. a, SATLHDAY, AUGUST 7, 1020. Yeterdy' ClrculiHon, IJtT 9tr Stlet. 4)1 PRICE FIVK CKNT MAKES tering their fifth consecutive vie- crai n ''on Simpson i0ue isiami in in II. week lniirnamenl'a",1! " ,I'rct U Vu-i hi eon-, line; hoal. 1 institution here in which all the western Ca.-n"" M naiilan provincial teams were entered. Hritish Columbia's cricket team won the Diiun.un iropliy ami western Canada championship about the end of Auxusl. lt. land Mrs. Itrge Jiavr inyde iiiau i friends here who twill ' regre. I heir rf-Jparture. 'Itiby til tie especially nissed Wiftliurcb and musicals circles. f Il i umlerstood thai Or. Sager li leaving oon fdr uitlam where he lias hontttii (ml a private hospital from' Dr. From meagre details to har.d it i assumed that- the engine of Die boa) broke down and the title and wind carried (he bonl on to the shores of I'rince of Wales Island. The boat wii.. drifting for four " days. Cap'. Christopher was able to beaci his tioat and by tearing out tli'i inside improvised a skiff t i which be reached a smal! sf tlemeiit on Hie i'latid. NINETEEN YEAR OLD AMERICAN GIRL SWAM ENGLISH CHANNEL BEATING PREVIOUS RECORDS KIXfiSDOWX. EX(i.. Aug. 7. WJial I- probably the" grealesl swimming feat in. the world was aivomplished yesterday by nincteen-year-o!d (iertrude Ederle, the New York girl, who swam the grim waters of the English channel in If hours, ill minutes, thus becoming the first of her sex to do so. Leaving Cape Oriz Xez in France at 7.08 yesterday morning she arrived here at O.iU lat evening ambemharked immediately on the acrompiuyiiig lug and returned to France, where she has had her training headquarters for some lime past. Besides being the first woman to swim the channel, n distance of over 21 miles, the Y'ankee girt made a new-record for the feat, doing it in better time than any of the five men who managed to get across. The best previous lime was made by Sebastian Tirabosrhi. an Italian, who swam from Calais to Dover in lt3 in 10 hours, 2.S minutes. Aimee McPherson Identifies Cabin in Which She Was Held and Wishes to Visit It Again DOUCLS. Arizuna, Aug. 7. Aimee Semple McPherson, the Los Angeles evangelist, who has been much in the limelight of late, following her alleged abduction lu Mexico nd the efforts to discredit her story and the investigations of a grand jury, identified the shack in which she declares she was held captive for several days previous lo her escape from her abductors and her reappearance here on June S?:l. Afler examining the affidavits and maps ami photographs Miss McPherson said she positively identified the shack, dc rlaring she would like to visit it! - - - - - - if protection was .guaranteed fori u safe journey in and out of Mex ico. The cabin is an adobe affair. It was dis:"oxered by J. It. Hickman, an old tune Indian scout and others. G. T. P. DEBENTURES RISE IN LONDON IN VIEW OF SETTLEMENT , LONDON. Aug. 7. The Daily (iraphic understands Hut a re-ccnl rise in price of Oraiul Trunk Pacific debenture is due to receipt of a cable from Canada stating Hint representatives are being sent lo Hrltain to arranige an amicable settlement,. , The change of attitude, Hie papers stale, is-due lo Hie interven tion of lteghiald McKcuna, chairman of the Loudou.'Uy and. Xlid-lnml Hank, who inviteil important Canadian Interests oexprcss an phiion on the situation. COOL WEATHER CHECKS CHOLERA Half Population of One Chinese Village D'd Within Three Days SHAXUHA1, Aug. 7. The fall of Tour degrees in the temper-' alurt today below that of yesterday's record mark clieeked the number of heat prostrations and alleviated, slightly the chol era epidemic. TJie .heaviest' mor? talily. iitnoiiy lib? Climeie wa in the territory across Ihe l'oo- tung Hiver where in one villajjo hair (he population died in three days. The Chinese hospital fa cilities are utterly inadequate although' the thousands of pa-Menls received are being cared for. Subscribe tii the Daily News. SHIPMENT UK K DUBS ME1GHEN GOVERNMENT POLITICAL BUCCANEERS ighty Tons of High Grade Ore is Shipped Porcher Island Mine 700 MEN ARE FIGHTING FIRE kger In Southern Interior of: ago mid Ihen abandoned it British Columbia la Some- what Abating. i DRIFTED OFF TO Mackenzie King Says Mtmbers ALASKAN COAST Captain Alex. Saint Gone to' Fetch CapL Christopher and j Trolling Boat of Government Are Political Buccaneers on Ship of State HOSTHEHN, Aug. 7. A sweeping altaek was launched at I the administration of Premier Meigheii by Ex-1'remier Mackenzie n. ,.r i.,.!ai i i it ii -y Kinsr here last night Of the ministry he said: U. Saint, formerly the Leila B..! , "Every one is a political buccaneer. They seized the ship ileft porl last night for Kelctn-i r d a tug on the ftt. l-wrence, and after throwing all kan en ruub to Prince of WalW ne niember. of Parliament and senators overboard h.y closing It- It- Island Island lo lo render render aid aid to to CapL! Cant.' ' ,ls oouni. J0'jrji- l"e uiey start larl " on ineir joy nue inrougn me country at me HAZELTOX, Aug. 7 - Dr U. Urge has aecepjed the iiu-d- Christopher, who drifled across people s expense. IchI superintendenty "t Hie je.i- the strait from the Queen citar -! The people of Canada 30 foot trol-i pintles get their just dessert.." are going to see that these political CUSTOMS INQUIRY I f Vfl nWF WP W ADJOURNED AGAIN! v " Heard Statement of Soucet and Continues In Ten Days tiLEHEC, Aus. 7. Following a brief ti's'iun in wtucu a statement .vas read on behalt of A. J. Doucel, former M.P., by Hon. Beiiey, bis counsel, and ii: which the log book of the customs cruiser Margaret was pi o lured, the tRujuiry wtilcji began ..ere on Thursday, under ll.s residency of Sir Francoi Leniieux, adjourned today. Len .eux continues tins investigation olU'Uom.fudWjy lax in 'anoui ten u.iys. Itelley s -talcnient said that l lie i-omifi i -toti which heard a few xvilTieses on particulcr fa'ts. "had not yet reached the essential facts pertaining to thi affairs INDIANS CUT DOWN LEAD OF YANKEES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE XE YVYOnK, Aug. 7 The baseball series between the Cleveland Indians and the New York Yankees, regarded as important because it gave the former an opportunity lo cut down the imipres- sive lead gained by the Yanks, ended yesterday with New York's conquest of two games to one. The winners were outhit-iu the final .conquest, but had (died up an early lead with four run in Hie opening inning. In the National Pittsburg gained a full game, beating Boston The victory was costly, however, a the young siiortshop. Glen WrigJit suffered an injured log and it is expected he will be out for several d iys. National League Pittsburgh a, Boston i. SI. Louis 7, Brooklyn 3. Chicago 2, Philadelphia" !. Cincinnati 3, New York 6. American League Boston I, Chicago 7. New York 8, Cleveland 7. Wasiiirrgton 12. Detroit 8. Philadelphia 0, SI. Louis 3. STEAMER ABANDONED NEAR SAN FRANCISCO I SAX FHAXCISCO. Aug. 7 The marine department of th chamber of commerce announced this afternoon Unit the steamer Norlina, ttshoie off Horseshoe Point had been abandoned and the crew, was returning to San Fratic isco. ELECTRIC STORM IN CENTRAL ONTARIO TOItONTO. Ausr. 7. - The western central district, of Ontario was visited last night will. an electrical storm accompanied by a heavy rainfall which dam aged Standing graltt tint' lieno- filed the root crops. , lUKK STATE; MUCH DAMAGE Trees Tossed Across Fields and Against Houses By Wind SYHACl'SK, Aug. 7. Lightning of unusual intensity, accompanied by a record-breaking rainfall, formed a miniature cyclone wliich struck central New York. last atpht leaving in its wake roads ( ree f inib.f. ta ri gTSfetectrtr wire, charred trees and the burned ruins of at least one building. Sweeping down from the north Ihe storm's greatest' force cen- (ered near Liverpool, a suburb of Syracuse, where hundrils'. of salt vats, trees and telephone poles were tossed across fields and against the houses by the wind. Two lig!itninx bolts struck the city, one destroying a barn and splintering a large tree. The raginig torrents of water made the city streets impassable. NOMINATION IS TONIGHT Nrth Vancouver to Choose Liberal Who Will Oppose Gen. McRae. i VANCOl YEIt. Aug. 7 Political speculation today turned' to the possible developments at the Liberal convention in Xprlh Vancou ver tonight when a "candidate will be chosen to oppose General Me- !tae. the Conservative nominee. II is reiwrted that (l. 'ft. McGeer will be tendered the nomination, despite the fact that he previously announced his intention of retiring front public life, at least temporarily. It was learned today that It. H. Hale, a former mayor had consented M confer with the Provincial Liberal leailers in respect lo bis possible acceptance of the nomination in West Kootenay. Mrs. Eallck and child will shiI on Hie Prince George this even ing en route to Los Angeles to join Mr. Ealick, wlro is now per manently located in that clly. 44 " LADIES' MEETINQ - .,: An organization meeting of nil ladiesiwho favor the. Candidature 'or. 0 Brady will be held at the Coner- x;alive Committee Uooms, opposite Ihe Federal Build Jng, on the evening uf Au- us o. All those who are .willing to aslsl Ip the election of. the candidate are eordially Irivlled: W v - A I