PAGE FOUr, Pure Pork Sausage, per lb. ... 30c lieef and l'ork Sausage, per lh. 25c Tomato- Saus.-bge, per lb. 25o Fresh Home-made Head Cheese, per lh 25c Itecf Dripping, per lb... 10c Potatoes, per sack .. $3.50 Sealy 8 Doooson Sixth Street Phone 455. We Deliver. MILK PRICE Reduced Commencing May 1 CASH PRICES 7 Quart Tickets 51.00 12 l'inl Tickets . . . . $1.00 Table Cream, M pint . . 16c Whipping Cream, pint ... X 25c Daily Train, Service commences May 1. Phone your order to C57. Valentin Dairy Crystal Firelighters 48 Fires for $1.00 No more chopping of kind-linig. Sa'fPj simple and economical. Manufactured by HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 6. X-Ray Servlct Phone 688. Open Tuesday and Thursday F.venings Saturdays 9 to 12 noon LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phon M. '.(.rtaga. Warehonstng, .nd Distributing, Team or Motor Service., Coal, Sand and Gravel Wr Speciality In Piano and Funllurs) STvlnsi. UNITED CHURCH CLERGY LEAVE Large Number From District go South for Annual are leaving for the annual sta honing conference which will be held in Vancouver opening next f.i t Clwrlolte City proeeeile direct south from there at the first of this week. F!arl llarrie of this city, after allendinc the conference, will proceed to Kaslern Canada wlire lie will spend some six month before returning to J'rinca,.! pert. Among the lay delegate from this district will be P. O. I. Davie of Anyox; William F Harelay of Ocean Falls; Mrs Willan of New Hazellon, and John Newtek of Hazellon ANNUAL MEETING PIONEERS' ASS'N. Mayor Newton Elected President date for Membership Qualification Is With a good representative Catherine in attendance Major S. M. Newton , in IS! chair, the annual meeting of tl, Prince Rupert Pioneers' Associa lion was held last night in tin city hall In order to permit of an even larger membership, the mcetinsr decided that alP persons who took up residence in this cilv prior to March 10, 1912, may be come members. Previously, was necessary for a person have been here before March 10 1910, in order 10 JoUi President, Mayor Newton. Linent. : Ti.A.t.l..a f wr i l. . I Daggett, v .Kxecitive--F. W.,Hart, chair-niim, Mayor Newton, F. J. Ful-li'rrU. 01 Howe, A. V. Kdgc, W. Rolliwill, Sr., J. (i. Veirevk, A. O. Franks, Perry Gameron, J. Ivr.r-sun, John Dyhhavn, V. J. Raymond, S. H. Mardonald, V. II. YifJciv, Horhivstf'r, 1. W. AitJtptU Han .labour, William KlilV-ii ' tf ' A1I..H k'ii'.I V .f United Church clergymen and,.,, ay delegates from this Uielncif' WhlIIv w-ill V railed logelher at au early dale tj make arrangvmenls for the annual picnic which ii is proposed ' to'JmM in Augissl. The,atmiml . : i.k ' ' . - thel. . pstenlay afternoon mv , , ... . ... iin Prince (ieorge Mrs. Victor 8," -" ,,h sum and son John, of kispioxfv .. Itev. W. II. Pierce of Port Ks.i'n.-orporat.on. mi!ton: Ilev. (erald Swilzer of! Topley, and llev. Ceorge Turpinil oi Smithers sailed for the south. The main body of delegates will sail for the south on the Prince Charles on Monday. The parly will include ltev. J. II. Young of llazeltun; ltev. Victory Sansum of Kispiox, who-Ts' al ready in the city; ltev. C I. Clarke of Anyox; Ile.v. Evan Maker of Prince Hupert; W. J, K. Itarrie. A. J. Lancaster anil Mrs. T. Itoss Mackay of. Prince Hu-perT; llev. (i. . Hacker of Prince Hupert: ltev. William Ieia..flr Ocean Falls; Mrs. O. T. Snndahl of Terrace, and lay delegates from Anyox, Ocean Falls and llazelton. II has been arranged to hold district prc$fOnCt-l iiiirs on the steanW lyihajwjiyi soutli. Rev. Robert C. Scptt of O.nff n ML KNOWN COUPLE WED Announcement Is Made of Mar riage of Miss Grade Ack-royd and Art Easson on January 25 Many local friends of. the con tracting ciuple will lie inleresleu to J earn of (he m'arriage which liink phice iiuielly in Vancouver on January 25 of -Miss Oracle Ackroyil nnl Arthur A. Kasson. Announcement of the wedding is uijiw being made. ' tUotti Mr. aiUJitrfd JJasiioft. ra ided in t'rince itupert for sev eral years and shared a great of popularity amid tin yourw? petijile of the city, partic ularly in jnnsiear and amati-r- dramatic circles. left .the city last year with, her parents, Mr. ami Mrs.1' V. S Kjisjlino Henj'h. Vancouver. TERRACE NOTES MrsT'Py M, Montktjfn anil two! . , R. A. Harlow was In town o: Thursday. Iii knee while working in tin it' 1. 1 I't.Abil'.v l.'l.ill nni-AS. Wanted For Sale For Reht DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. Zc ptJord in!advance.QNo!Advertiiement taken for lew than 50c She Couldn't Sleep Hwt Was So Bad; Mil. J. Dt Mctlintoek, Cbsrlott-town, P.EJ.r;ritM-"About year ago 1 wu grratly troubled with aj heart. I could not tWp it night, and was to nervous' I imaV'DJ that I eoidd see everything in the room mvln, ' and would have to tarn on the lights before I could get to sleep. After having read of your I took sevtref boxes of them, and can oow get a full night's sleep with way." i n. k N. Pills have been en the market .for thr past 33 years; all dealers sell them'; put op only by The T. UUbura CoIiaited-TorObto, Oat ! : ; duly for several days owtng tn ihni,at trouldp;' -t-- x ; C. II. (limert nttlfneil o. VtJntts,,l!frctiTi,,;3iiniteri1.i '.. k .ArUmr .Cirq. ofjCojive was 1ft town 'on Tliursday. rinee Huperl about a year ag . , POLICE COMMISSION IN FIGHTING FOR ITS LIFE City J. Uulosky reltirneif onTlnifS- Mrs. Fsson ,jay from a IHp.lo. Kulam liaki- .1. 1 1 nice Jolrastcm (fame in to ckroytl, to lake up residence in I (own from I.akelse HoUpring ai0)iver. Mr. Kasson lelUu Thursiluy. t after having been accountant in j. ji Rii-ht-s of. Vancouver, was the local branch of the Royal L business visitor during the Hank of Canada for several week. years during which time he look prominent part in athletics. Congratulations and best wishes will lie generally extended to tlie couple who have taken up (Jieir rasidenrfl on Laburnum St. OBTAINS LEGAL ADVICE (continued trnm .jage onei 1 I 1 1 I f I' I fay down until tho matter had been thoroughly looked into. Interview Patmore f.nnf- u-nivr fin.i tt. ml.,. -Mier some fiiTiiier ttiscu.sion. r...i...... i . ,.).. nai. ii. Commissioner Montgomery mov. .... niiir ... i?..iv. I I ., , .1 ... rii uiiu auviee on me mauer ne obtained from Mr. Patmore to as n-,-.,r w.i ..l.i 14 II.. .. II.. fi-i. ...i..i;,.., i..i .i inwii..!.,! in n, llnn!l" vw"n m ti- l iir . a. .w.iuuiniv njrui il u.u . ii.ui". ' " ii.r 1,111. tin. ,-.. officers as follows! T4I city oouriced that Mc.- Patmore' had taken the matter under advise ment anil would deliver his opinion early, next week. Mrs C." II.' Flew in "and Miss Night inerale and, Miss M.acKnynf the native school leaching statT if Port Simpson, are week-end visitors in town 'Jiavlng arrived from Simpson on Hie Catala thi linornlng. r ' ART V,VXTF.D. - Furnished apart-' tin-iil or housekeeping rotniM for- worried citiplc. Apply U 301". Daily News Office. FOR SALE rjOR SAIK. 3 foot oahln 'cruiser. ltJ; h.n. heavy oil n- 22 foot rimaboiilrigootl engine. . price . 1250.00 t Ford c'nalne !00.0ti 31 h.p. xf cylinder heavy oi engine, guarnnleed n t. - ,.. I ..a.. 1 n i. - I . . FOR SAI.K or Rent. Tourlt . Hotel at TeiTee, Twelv. rooms fgrnihed, furnace heal. electric light, electric pumi-hath, restaurant, kitchen, bar room, three room furnished collage, two lots. Rent f5.00 per nionlh or will sell on rea sonable terms. Apply Mrs. J A. McDoiigall, Tourist ' Hotel. Terrace, - FOR SALK. FlvecromeitSli oak dining suite. Phone lilacs ton. lost BOARD AND ROOM. . : 7,-r 7;.? .i r "i-M. was binding and if the HOARD. - The Inlan,,er, 83 "'""" ' -"v - PollM ahd Prlslinerft'WcfVelif-r Scc6n'' Aveawo, Phpne .137. 1 lUtt-i-irsiUlilll. t. . 'aiuilll- 1 . . . . , , IIW.-.IIII, Illll. 111 Hill " ' i ... I ed Oil in in Hie the no nolir-n hert i-mnm iommiHsion nn livl livl .. .. stone. tut". I .is Miss suss Andrews, .iiiui.ns, (..nn. primary ii j leacner H-.II-III7I i ,. ",P .. ., ,!. ., ,, ., ,. I i suites. omirn. irtini.-r I'aliner llousi) Speedy Relief AteuraiVa lleadache Rheumatism Neuritis Lumbago - Sciatica Crt Me car $1 boi of Ttrrplrton't Rhrumatle CIu!c4. Sold n4 lnnttnlcd by 3000 Ca-mAimn rimmata. Send 10c for booklr-t mnd aaua pic to Tempketoiu, 121 KiB( W Toronto J. ally repealed flol nulhorily vest- ,J0An, , """""" L lni Hie mollon . iiounn.- 11 Ll r...,.rv Trnn.nrre It M lha , I- li.i. hn ofl . -1 . ' ' ' was seeomled by (Commissioner vv a i rnzzeu ami was oeciareu unani- prsncc RUPERT TIDES 4 mously carried by the mayor. 'U 44 I he mayor and lhetwo police! Sunday, May 9 i uiumissioner men proceeoeu loinign 11:13 a.m. 19.7 ft me oince or Mr. t'aimore. After 23:50 nm . . "l . ? I I . . : . 4 I l i t. I. . it iini-i nuprview, ii was an-ij.ow f):3fi am 1 "l 17:17 p.m. i.g Advertise In the Dally News. PAIN from Bladder Irritation oon ssmq b SANTAL MIDY Eewspe a I I, n .. i. ! . Lo hs word '-sjiiovi. Articles Lost and Found, Ac TO RENT. FOR RUNT. Six room modern collage in iriHMl.. noRVenh'iit lociihly: pailinlly furnUhtM f 30.00. Plume 110. 1 laf FOR HliNT.- MiHlwn four room- ed flat, with Monarch range. In Clapp Mock. Weleuhftvr Itros. gir.e. .Pciee-..-.--.. $100.00.1 'URNISIIHD IIoukeepli Roonu to rent by Hie day, week or I month. Phone llrt! C07. If i. r......... """' FOR RKNT.-FurnlsheJ C,...,t:rs, , r)r,C, kpcf)njr nuilft Ml.MaUfm y- Aiarlminl t'linim l. ffiliSSHu. AUTOMOBILES rontli- I9?:i ohNm.ihile louring 730.00j tinn inn ,. u-atfM rt .iiuzL' 11 iKiiiuii Mi- loiirnu.' vnn.uu KAIEN GARAGE. Dealers in t'.here anil ail General M'ttom PriNliiels. VV-recklng Servirn Day and Night Ph.. mp 53. Phone 67 Taxi (Call George, Paul or Oust) - WK . DAILY KEW3 . i " BRINGING UP FATHER ' ' . By George McManus Good 1 :fyt'lOT 9 !L Tvatcn m iwffnZJL U nPr I r $rr 1 And see how H will harmonise, tlio workings of the household. Wfijhiave some tieautioa in (liv newest shapes. 'I'lil one shown here is a OniPii: at goo.oo, hut wo have others in loss expensive,' makes . which arc front! timekr-epers at ;J5.00, 825,00, 1 5.00. Also vp have' a good Kirl's watch for $10.00. John Bulger Ltd. Jewellers Sausages! O 1926 wr InT'I, flnt Slavics. le Ct Bnuiai rku raaarMal ' M ..J. , ... .." Miairrs saL, or u,u h, and r. L. llu ill ' - TjUk i,r i ' -rum. iiucuir , t. I.. SI. ,l. i, Slrf'lx-hxiii IMIA 4 ' in II Iwiikun . I M'tfl iSli Ht uufctt Vt Uh- llun-u ,,. . jMftl i4 lw i, tMMtUMitt. iMiKl . si Hi iisy ui iuik MUv b p..bll- an. ittf of Mt). . uMa it-Mi. i ii. Ilsr4ii It.' . ill ' I I f.f Ibr rUU I II. i rum iturtiii k. t ltl4lM ili4trn4t i.riini. m lh l..n- . ., I'arl J 4k s.r. -tjir lltii . .1 h.p, Falrlianks engine. ' : -t i wkmim I'ricc r f ao.w"l r oil Ilr.N T. l our room suite,! Vastus m u 0 h.p. Kallenherg engine. At- hot water heated. AiinlrStnllh ynt"' r water Kent gnltton. Price 4 Male!. i-.-j4 1 w .. uti.ui)i . ai yjsiuirt l 5 h.p. HiUTalo. Price f 200.0,1 - 'V 'M item. Appij,. .- L. 5 h.n. Frlsbee. Price. .. 8g25.0fll Max Jl" Hfilhmner. "r"n"lcr if 1 tmmt out any trouble; jknd fel tae ja vt"rr i r,tO h.p. SlOijfbaler Auto. PriC ktiiubu. lb lalMU . . minus nmii4i. . Msltwwl t ,rl Uarut ItthtMTt.. I house- eZmZ t ..lltie I:. C sirt-tw. 4 . ,. - , IU Slrf.SiHM'aN, itt-.t. ' m 4 ims. eiMi i . IHmUHU. WtoKN . .A Hm aftaft, .1.1 1 m.OO GUARANTEED USED CARS AT. T. w -.u. BARGAIN PRICES ' ...... ft. aa aaIKHI r,..!.., ... 4 t Ml n.1 i r-yi l.ll K uo int. i-rirt- (i,iiim. . .....a v w.a.c 1 so. cHaeTia nv - u.p. r.wiiriiuf iimi. .ii. i c i '- - Th, JWi,M i ..a s'llfcTWrmnnttMniuhoanl ?03.ntM?J rora UMinr ?ittian uMi.ti" pwij isww i, a. I- 1 t7nl I iitbl IL..-ivaitv STnn nu . ri. II. JtlirUUI? UIHINHllll, I w. a.,-.... m ..... 7 "" IM ' ?t n.llFrir.1 l.iirhl lia-lvxrv 1 IH.Vflll 1 15.00 P"" PtlMlrd WUb Ifc. 4.1 2f(Ul?.pli.irbank single eylin e give thirty days free service i. n U'.u. ..i , , ... . . I . . ... . : l-rtarv Ituavat tuavat ai i lier : eyrie WIIIIOIII enillP- I ' uuvr -nr- him nigral .icr 'mejit. . PrJeu 135.00 each. vie on new cars Logging tools, cables, propel lers, lubricators, etc., at tow. est tirlf-e.' Apply (Northern F.xeharsge. 211 Second .venue. Phone 23. Till: FORD M'tT'iR COMPANY' OF i:NDA. iwn publiration; of Hie in iir i i.aiig'-s. imniedi-ately issn.-d iin- following-NEW PRICES Runabout foTS.SO Clymoni. .tf taiasjils $191.00 a. ana i , nan, new, eie y FOn SALIWlechard. lleintxmaii F. DeJway of Sacramento ai- a no. nt,i , piano, or, easy monthly pay ley. Uulironua, trottier or jo. """-""i iytyn . 't "-"i riients. Walker's' MnV; Ilelway. who was round dead on vv.m n imncii- II, o Ki.liim Lake road last fali. " Worship that the FOR HALF. arrived in town, on Thursday U- 'f0',,p , or "") were nol very look after his brother's- Interest ""''"" cimuiuons as iii- tnTKaltJii( Lake miiilnig field 21 foot pleasure boat, engine practically new. Snap. Phone 208 or 583. if inry now .ipiiini. ill" l""cei - ..-. ommission, lie fell, should nol Mm "rc roomeu nous plastered; good location. $55. McCalfery A Gibbons. Ltd. i: FOR RALR. Firsl class golden PI....I. till An children relurnetl on Wednes sogge,no in,nimlsionor r"" A, , , J(, . a . . ai ybi vn n mi a ii aa i nn pin iiwiiieiia - lay from lioce Hupert where .uonignme ry inai ; ttai v - pf government laxes the children have been under ajitice mioiuh i.e sougn.u Jiie ' ' 20imr medieal treatment. . raci inai two or:ine nouee rnin. ' -t'i;ic- sjly. and Seven Passenger Slude .'takers al vour ditposa) any time ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from l'.miiress Hotel. 'oods. GOOD EATS CAFE, Third Avenue Opposite llenon's Studio. 0001) MF.ALS. GOOD OAKI'.R Coffee or Tea Served. REAL IIOMH fiOOKKD MK.M.S. Mrs. Unger. Proprietress. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture glore. We lluy. Sell and F.x hnnge Ne and Seenndhnnd GEO. PAPAD0PUL0S W Third vo niinriA Af WOOD. Dry Mixed Wood o.ofi - r load. Dry Fir Wood o.50 n I n a l. Cut In nn;r length. Kindling, $7.00 n lond. Fir Furnace Wood $7.00, a nad. A. ISAACSON Phone Black 401. Seal Covo. "..4,, ... 'V l iv- trrl. l'n.MM ..( M. i urip4t" . ii. mm p- ). i ' i V.'.l in Ik I ,.....,. t M 4S. ym it nwf Urtli ii IM lair ft.n.r. i . Uuu 4 .w ib. i.i i lltM Pttbli- l ' n nlMO 4 l a k HI fcHxVr aM la.-a ! th Miw.i. rl t ottf la Ha. . lan.rtf M ItV M,.t lri In iWlr . t rf. rii si r-nn.r . till ut MSI. Itlt '" -"v sid m ii-t-fn a i a- -isviosait wATtsi raoTtcT ACT," II.SC. CHAeTIB l MIS. till I H.I. an st it ii - . IOHIMV iilr- "T M-rllwa 1 lb vt ' ' tH'ii iidtUw Mniler l l 'ill' l . Fivn..;roOtneiliousofioupe - - I78H.OO J u uii nen.i was entitled io know about that. on Iwo lot, furnlsliedf all in Tutlor Sedan H 1 5.(1(1 ij ' .T.' i ilr. .limes replied tlial the matter SdTII o.l anal irwii tt .ai kit rid.nrtt i,. i- i .ii rosi was entirely in me nanus 750.00 on on terms. terms. Apply Apply T. l . Mc- .MC-II.Iulit Light Del Delivery verv $015-5)1 Ifali.5 JK'iii V f t".ruri..ii. lwrl-'li- I i.ui -ui if tlie city council. Mayor New ion ugreeil w ith the of r ?arden and berry bushes, ft-IFonlor Setlan BlUI t-a4ll.ll, r W IISS. Oiir.n I ha- l-rntllM ( an' bnll lit plsn ' "in . l el ln is. ariv m rta.r ki.ii. , ail-l! l.lrstHm iff ' I 'I Xnlinnl l!nv l'f.v.., I V ""..l.T'. Nlttrrtl I, in. Hi -'" ' " l,44 iMe MHI Plan, available. iS. E. PARKER, LTD. '210 Second Avunfie. TAXI t l-f I ha- SSNt Art tl'l ' 1-ut.lH- Work si t' t.r iiiisos iar si-w ' ' Ixi plan ana r..i ir.' nU mhsrr nt t.e.u. IHIeil St I'rttK. II , ds) trf Al1!- V 0OHS' Ml n. WIUKitf. MIMICAL ACT. Mollts ( AppJKsllon lf C'"1 Mliwrsl IIUI Or-Miii ersl mil .Nn. I. uui. , rral Hill . si i:Uini, slllMle in Oh- " tun .if .Xn. I IH.irli i end of Irtm M.riihia. Utvflil Imliler. W Miner's i.erllfirl4i v I. Mwkt. 'rr Mill'' il7i:. TASK tOTir R Ili4l ' 're Milters i-h.' s sell I fir Hie nn. " 'if MM )! fr..m i splly In ihe Mliuni tl' flesle ftf Impnifriii'iii- ..i.niiiinr a rnmn '' v. r4lnia. And furtlier isle n. tier Serllim ft "f On lie et.llinielireil hef.-r.. reMlflrste or impnit'-ii lUlfll IIII4 17111 ns notic to esiwTs- In llw Msller of Hie f: lia-reaneil. .MiTICK Is hrreliy ' ..ii4 havlnf rlsluis ssn: I'luuil. wIh. illeil st Imperi, In lite"' miiliU, mi tlie am ils sml to hi real anil letters tiri.nale vere I prrnie Cjinri itf HrM" tl. Is. It jnlm l til" tMIl tl f PA f4H4-llSi Aft i-ai IS- If mi til itreiwlil. . ,tfrf, uiklil-sisiHMl full imrllriii- &i their rlslms ami slsltinr ' f i ettiinis, ami Hie nstiiie ' ikr ' stnnuies (if ny " ' , lertfleil liv tiaiuinrv i f fcr Knf lake tmllie Ihsl '" V.rf' "I .'.I.. III4I.. ... IM. I'l uitir nine uui mrv mi Die person enUHi" ressnl nnlv le the rlsln. ' B 1 . ... Jill 1 .....4 vei-iimr suau ineit nstr . ,, ItalM.I Hit. A.v llf Mil J.T.Uin i i-rmee imperi. n.w Estate of Jonit Olund. CsceiH t